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I fucking LOVE playing as a wizard, regardless of the system or whether the wizards in the game in question are powerful or not.
Even better if it's a game where it's all about wizards.
I don't really give a shit about d&d or pathfinder conventions regarding differences between wizards/sorcerers/warlocks and so on. Of course I'll refer to them with the proper terms while playing the respective game, but really I call them all wizards (although maybe "mage" could be less of a problem? "magic user" sounds stupid).
I do think wizards should be squishy, so even if it'd make sense or even if the system allows it, I don't like having them wear medium or heavy armour. Weapons are fine though, especially swords.
Latest games I've played a wizard in were d&d 5e, Frostgrave and Res Arcana.
I've played non wizard characters in short one shorts for other RPGs, but it's just not the same level of enjoyment.

Do you have a class you can't help but just strongly prefer over all others?
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I'm much the same, I love wizards. We differ though in that I like intelligence based classes in general. Wizards are great because they've spent years learning spells and their power is a funaction of their intelligence. Sorcerers and Warlocks are not intelligence based so I don't have the same love for them. I also like artificers, crafters, tinkers, and scientists because they're all INtelligence based.
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Wizards are my spirit animal.
Wizards, you say?
>We differ though in that I like intelligence based classes in general.
D&D mental stats are a mess, so I can't really force myself to care about them.
The very etymology of "wizard" is linked to "wisdom", but D&D wisdom is more about different forms of perception.
Plus the average normie just views both stats as "Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in a fruit salad", where intelligence is rote memorization while wisdom is actually being smart (although D&D doesn't really use wisdom in this sense).

I wasn't fully sold about the concept of charisma mages, but imho for evil mages, charisma is just awesome, and makes for a much more memorable and intimidating enemy than "nerd who got bullied in school and became a magical incel".
For good guys, sorcerers can be fine when they don't feel like superheroes, and they still have to work for their power. The concept of sorcerer is just too vulnerable to end up as a Mary Sue.

Artificers would def count as a type of mage (they do in Res Arcana, and "Enchanters" in Frostgrave are just Artificers).
I do like non magical intelligent crafter types, but to be honest I just can't enjoy playing as them as much as playing a magical character.
And highly intelligent warlords or "mastermind rogues" are also characters I wouldn't want to play as, even if I really like seeing them in games (as NPCs or as fellow players).
>D&D mental stats are a mess, so I can't really force myself to care about them.
True, but I also take this out of D&D and into other games. I just like being the smart one, whether it's using magic or machinery.
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>I just like being the smart one, whether it's using magic or machinery.
it is indeed cool
I'm just tired of people playing high int as just socially inept autists.
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Fuck yeah, Wizards are the coolest.

I seldom enjoy more when wizardry is a dangerous, costly or rare enterprise, and most of the world is almost entirely mundane, yet magic still exists, shrouded in untamed and unknown mysteries.

I also like wizards as weird, almost cursed people who have diegetic reasons to choose the dangerous, terrifying lifestyle of magic instead of fitting within normal society.

I used to think the beard meant wisdom and life experience, but nowadays I pay more attention into how they used to wear robes (comfortable clothing) with stars, moons and weird symbols, and really distinctive hats (like bards and chefs also have distinctive hats). It really add to the quaint persona.

Anyone can be a magic-user, but only a few men are able to embrace wizardry wholeheartedly.
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>Do you have a class you can't help but just strongly prefer over all others?
Clerics/Battle Priests/Warpriests, that archetype.
Sometimes it gets blurred with a Paladin depending on the system or the build and the role-play, but a character that's primarily about his religion and the powers/spells he gets from his prayers, as well as his own abilities as a combatants, which are not as good as an actual combat expert, but sufficient to at least defend himself.
I'm currently playing a Cleric in a 3.5e game and he's one of those cases where it blurs the lines with a Paladin, as he looks Knightly and fights mostly with a weapon, but he is first and foremost a priest of his deity, and a lot more chill and flexible than a Paladin would in most situations.
Even in videogames I tend to gravitate to that kind of character.
My last rpg wizard was a priest, but it only played into the flavor rather than the mechanics.
The holy knight archetype is really cool, I enjoy having them in a party.
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>My last rpg wizard was a priest, but it only played into the flavor rather than the mechanics.
That's pretty awesome.
A priest of the god of magic that's mechanically a wizard works super well in several systems.
In the case of 3.5e, an archivist or cloistered cleric works pretty well for a priest type character.

hat even is a thaumaturge as a rpg concept, where wizards and priests are usually their own things?
Somebody who deals in esoteric magic or magical things?
>Do you have a class you can't help but just strongly prefer over all others?
Monks. No matter how often I try, I always end up just making everything a Monk at it's core. I just fucking love unarmed so much bros. I love having an excess of movement and being such a threat to the backline that my backline can act unimpeded.
>A priest of the god of magic that's mechanically a wizard works super well in several systems.
my character was a priest to a god of knowledge, and mostly picked up magic after his god sent him adventuring. He was super devout, viewing serving his god as a way to contribute positively to the world rather than the more common wizard's ambition trope.

>even is a thaumaturge as a rpg concept
That's a Thaumaturge wizard from Frostgrave.
>Thaumaturges draw their magic powers from positive energy. Most, though not all, believe that this energy comes from some form of deity. These wizards are healers and protectors, who often spend as much time on good works as they do on the study of magic. Thaumaturges rarely carry any weapon other than a staff and some find even that a bit aggressive. This is not to say that Thaumaturges are pacifists, however, just that most prefer to avoid obvious displays of force. In appearance, they usually wear plain, simple robes and tend to favour hoods over hats, and wood and leather over gold and silk.

Spells are a mix of healing, protection and banishing demons/undead. None of the wizards in this game wear armor or carry shields, and while they ~can~ carry weapons, it's not a good idea to hit things with them.
Could you share more about your monk characters?
Play Ars Magica.
Until then, you have never played a real wizard.
Just a superhero in a robe.
Shitting on what others enjoy is a dumb way to recommend things.
>real wizard
nuDnD really fucked up paladins by making them non religious.
I thematically love the savage/wildman/barbarian archetype - brutal and aggressive in combat, light to medium armor combined with decent mobility, displays a low cunning, proficient with skillsets like survival and tracking and animal husbandry, culturally a fish out of water.

That said I did play a short 5e campaign where everyone was an identical simulacrum of an ancient and super eccentric NPC wizard who tasked us with acquiring weird reagents, stealing random shit he wanted, and just getting into retarded suicidal adventures - one mission involved him sending us to prank a lich. When one (or more) of us died he would just make a new clone for next session. It was a lot of fun both from an RP perspective and mechanically.
I hate the recent influx of young shit wizards in the last couple of decades. I blame shit like Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen, personally.
not a wizard guy myself, but i'm all about the Ranger. love me bow, love me woods, love me animal companion (even though they almost always immediately drop off once you get a few levels), simple as. one thing i don't like about them in more common games is that their out of combat use is practically zero thanks to you wizards unless the gm is bending over backwards to make me feel more useful, but the class is one i find i'll always come back to or default to if given the chance
>unless the gm is bending over backwards
Skill issue (gm and players).

>All games are d&d
I like berserkers. I can take or leave the wilderness/"uncivilized"/"ranger lite" aspects that get tacked onto the D&D Barbarian. Generally leave, really. I'd rather my character be from a pre-modern society that's like peak Viking Age civilized.

I guess basically I just like playing a pop culture Viking filtered through Manowar and Amon Amarth. Sometimes turn into a bear like Bodvar Bjarki, sometimes just hit people really hard.
>love me animal companion

Tell me you're a white woman without telling me you're a white woman.
Same here. Playing a wizard means you get to cut the Gordian knot on whatever shittery the DM is throwing at you.
>Door with a stupid puzzle you need to solve to open it.
"I cast Knock or Disintigrate"
>A huge horde of gribblies attack!
>You see an area of mystery ahead!
"Scrying spells."
>You need to do this series of quests to win the favour of the powerful local lord!"
"Charm Person"
"Haha! You are captured and locked in a dungeon!"
"Knock, Dimension Door, teleport or Charm the guard"
>I have prepared a series of unavoidable encounters in which your wizard must engage in lethal hand to hand combat!"
"I summon up a horde of griblies, undead, elementals and demons to fight in my stead, also possibly charming and recruiting the creatures you send at me as well, while watching safely from a distance."
>Do you have a class you can't help but just strongly prefer over all others?
Summoner, it's just always the coolest and most interesting type of magic. Sadly it's been decades since I read the Bartimaeus books as a kid and there's STILL no good summoning-focused RPG able to capture that series' approach to magic.
Healing abilities are a close second since they're incredibly interesting to try and imagine how they would alter the world. Most fantasy abilities have at least some real world analogue or effect we can extrapolate from, even meteor swarms don't blow up as much area as a tactical nuke, but literal healing is the domain of fucking religious miracles and even with the most advanced medical technology on the planet we're still limited to slicing people open and stitching them back up with maybe a blood transfusion or skin graft if you wanna get cutting edge
Anyone like the classical wizard style over the current style for wizard/mages

Tries to be like gandalf yet acts more like a unhinged escape asylum inmate, casting powerful spells on rats in a cramped Inn basement
that sound like both classical and current.
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Over the last few years, I've played a bunch of manipulative sorcerers. Not the D&D class, but the character archetype. One was a modern vampire blood magician, another was a Medieval necromancer (mostly ghosts) and mesmerist, while my current PC has gone from covert pulp sorcerer to open 40k psyker. All of them like to lie to and influence people, impersonate authority figures, and play up their mumbo-jumbo with some mystical showmanship. There's just something appealing about being a keenly intelligent and manipulative dickbag.
What if the preferred class isn't in a system like D&D's arbitrary pop culture references?
I'd rather not dump a wall of text prefacing my class system made to fit in an implicit world, if everyone is latched onto the D&D/Pathfinder class conventions that ignore how they could possibly exist in the same world.
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Classic wizards are a dying breed.

If you look at Japan, their idea of "the most powerful wizard" archetype mostly consists of litle girls (lolis) and bishounen pretty boy shit.

For some reason people think old men with beards are overdone, despite not seeing the irony of what they're overdoing themselves by trying to avoid it. Prodigy youths are now even more overdone.
That's japan's archetype for everything except rapist (Little boy)
>For some reason people think old men with beards are overdone, despite not seeing the irony of what they're overdoing themselves by trying to avoid it. Prodigy youths are now even more overdone.
nah, it's more about making what's easy and profitable.
Young characters don't need proper backstories, while for an old character "didn't do anything of note until now" feels silly.
Appealing to moe/lewds/fujoshi fanservice is easier than trying to make a character cool through the narrative itself.
"Growing up" narratives are easy to write an develop, it's easy to empathize with a helpless little kid. Even if they're a prodigy, they're bound to have weaknesses that aren't directly their fault, while older guys had enough time to figure out their lives and their shit is typically their own fault.
>despite not seeing the irony of what they're overdoing themselves by trying to avoid it
That's precisely why I just do the things I like, and ignore how "done" or "overdone" something is.
I find old men in bathrobes to be lame, I'd rather have sexy warrior ladies with supplemental magical arts.
>I dun’ care, I do wha’ I wan’
And you appear all the more coomer / immature for it
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nothing quite like being an unhinged pyromancer
It’s a shame too, since magic is associated with age and experience, and thus knowledge and wisdom. It’s why all the occultists and esotericists of the past were trying to emulate the old beards, to the point of taking up pseudonyms, such as pseudo-Solomon, or pseudo-Hermes, or pseudo-Zoroaster, pseudo-Ostanes, pseudo-Pythagoras, etc. The amount of Greek carvings that depicted old bearded men certainly helped, same with bearded Iranians. No one associated children with magic. Except maybe that feeling of child like wonder.

Humans just got childish. Vain. Immature. We don’t take narrative integrity seriously anymore. We just don’t. Look at the state of Tolkien, currently. It’s over.
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>It’s why all the occultists and esotericists of the past were trying to emulate the old beards, to the point of taking up pseudonyms, such as pseudo-Solomon, or pseudo-Hermes, or pseudo-Zoroaster, pseudo-Ostanes, pseudo-Pythagoras, etc. The amount of Greek carvings that depicted old bearded men certainly helped, same with bearded Iranians.

Elden Ring does this well. All the sorcerer types are trying to emulate the past great mages by wearing their stone heads. All of them are old people.
Yeah well thats fucking boring fuck you
>Humans just got childish. Vain. Immature.
you're just a boomer doing the stereotypical boomer thing
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>No one associated children with magic
children were associated with magic when it was innate magic or when it was "given" by someone else, like a demon or so on. These children typically weren't full humans.
Even Harry Potter's kid wizards had some innate magic in their blood, but had to study to use it properly, just like stereotypical wizards often had young apprentices.
Lolis being phd geniuses is just weeb brainrot, plus they're always utterly retarded other than when it comes to memorizing magic that's more like cheat codes.
Are you one of those “all wizards should de-age themselves to look like little girls or big booba women” type autists who thinks remaining old is somehow “vain”
>children were associated with magic when it was innate magic or when it was "given" by someone else, like a demon or so on.
No. The gods, usually the sun god, in Greek myth would give prophetic powers to old people.
>We don’t take narrative integrity seriously anymore.
Be the change you want to see in the world; go to /lit/ and go on about "narrative integrity".
This board is for games.
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No, I think old wizards are really cool and strongly prefer them over the coomer takes.
But "the world was so much better before!" is the most the most stereotypical whining that boomers always do.
>No. The gods, usually the sun god, in Greek myth would give prophetic powers to old people.
like Cassandra?
greek myth has ton of female wizards, whether humans, demihumans or nymphs. Often worshipers of goddesses like Hecate or Circe.
meant to say young looking female wizards.
though some gods and demigods did look like children and were pretty magical too
Yup, either teen boy (usually bishie; sometimes shota when they don't care about looking pedo) or loli (sometimes teen girl when they do a token effort to avoid looking pedo); for rapist it's either ugly bastard, orc (the fantasy ugly bastard), or in the rare female case, sexy dominatrix.
So basically in your little mental universe faerie/daemon/dragon-blooded changeling don't exist? Well then let me tell you about a young boy born of a maiden fair and a fae/demon named Myrrdin, AKA Merlin...
Merlin cultivated his wizardly image. It is not often he turned himself into a boy, it was usually for disguised purposes, such as being a messenger.
>when it was "given" by someone else, like a demon or so on
Demons usually offer their services to the dabbling types, who aren’t usually kids.

Tbh, people that don't exclusively play casters are pathetic
fae were just demons, and they often messed with children, either replacing them or kidnapping them (yet there were "ways" to make them return them).
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>fae were just demons
Yes, and vice-versa. Aliens.
Kids are supposed to grow up. Merlin is an old man, even if he “ages backwards”, which is more so his ability to see into the future.
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Just Wish the law away lmao what kind of wizard are you
That class
Sad to see this thread and notice all the damage that D&D has inflicted on the world.
Yes you show what kind of posts nogames who nearly died from cock overdose makes.
Uhh did you write this while choking on cock or something?
Nope. I did not make this >>93424607 post
You write like shit, dude.
Wizards are great when you play with a player who isn't trying to gimp the system and is just having fun.
No u and your gay posts.
I want a cute bishie wizard husbando
I have no reason to go to any Finnish hospital.
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I love playing tanks that are capable of dealing and taking absolutely disgusting amounts of damage, regardless of system. From the warrior-demigod to the knight, from the fighter to the heavy weapons specialist, I like playing as big lumbering dudes that can pick up the entire rest of the party with one arm. Usually with weapons as large as another person.
>capable of dealing and taking absolutely disgusting amounts of damage
that's the most efficient type of character to play anywhere
everything else is fluff
Any roleplay potential as a mage or is it all combat? All I know is that a caster leads a crew into a dungeon.
I fucking despise what shit like Fate/Stay Night did to mythological wizards like Merlin or Solomon. Or Magical Index and what it did to Aleister Crowley.

Why is Japan obsessed with long white haired effeminate men?
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I really like the Aesthetics of the high fantasy wizard in a fantasy Caravan or magic wagon bigger on the inside than outside that carries a shit ton of different wands and staves and can cast all kinds of spells, but in a fantasy world where the warrior archetype are the true "power" role, if that makes sense. I'm not sure how to rectify this. In a more class-based game, you can just stick them to a support role but it takes away from the Verisimilitude of the world if Wizards have all these powers but are regularly defeated by Conan and co. Not really meant to be a balanced discussion I just think about it a lot.

In that regard, I think my favorite fantasy archetype would be a sort of fopish wizard with lots of cool small charms and other spells that aren't super strong but can be really useful in a pinch.
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Yeah, wizard is the coolest archetype by far and the only one with litterally no ceiling of power.
The key to endless adventures and entertainment is finding your way to immortality + opening a gate to the wider multiverse to do planeswalking for eternity.
Of all builds, wizard is the only one who can do that on his own with full control and understanding over the whole process. All other classes need to rely on an external factor, be it a magic artefact that they don't really know the inner working of, or a patron that they're in debt with.
Why, as a centuries old wizard who's proficient at basically every discipline, would you keep the look of an old fuck with a miles-long dirty beard instead of giving yourself the look of a handsome young man?
I feel it's very player dependent, as even during the battles themselves there's a lot of potential for lite roleplaying in my opinion, plus the spells are pretty flavorful.
Campaigns and choices in between battles can also allow for quite a bit of roleplay too, such as what to do to your base or even when to fire or hire which types of soldiers. I know it might sound dry but in practice, when playing it was pretty fun to see the different approaches that each wizard preferred.
As well as just choosing which scenarios to play.
Yet, even if in my opinion there are many areas with potential, it's also something that could just be played with zero roleplaying if for some reason people wanted that.
But if you magic the law away your lawyer can't be overworked
>charisma is just awesome, and makes for a much more memorable and intimidating enemy than "nerd who got bullied in school and became a magical incel".
I think the best concept for an int-based wizard villain is "powerful wizard who has great plans and you just happen to be in the way". He's not casting massive world-warping spells because he wants to bring down the kingdom of whatever, it's all just part of his experiments
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those aren't the only options
>I think the best concept for an int-based wizard villain is "powerful wizard who has great plans and you just happen to be in the way".
yeah, I guess it's just that nowadays everyone who does that ends up giving said type of character some pathetic trait to "balance" their power, such as insecurities or trauma.
giving yourself the "kill on sight" look is pretty nonsensical
(should have said "destroy" rather than kill, but eh)
>such as what to do to your base or even when to fire or hire which types of soldiers
That's a good enough excuse to look into it. Thanks, anon.
Wizards - indeed, all mages - by definition do not wear armor. Systems which allow various spellcasters to wear armor or not be squishy are just objectively wrong.

What we should be spending a lot more time on is correcting the general dysfunction of fantasy art which apparently thinks it's acceptable to depict tunics, cloaks, trenchcoats, jackets and kilts... while having the absolute gall to call them "robes". No. No they are not robes.

A robe fucking HITS THE GROUND and covers the ENTIRE BODY. If the wearer is wealthy, there is a train of fabric behind. Sleeves are optionally be capacious, unless if the garment is layered in which case the sleeves MUST be voluminous.

If there is leg or chest visible, it is not a robe by definition. If shoes are visible beneath the hem, the designer is dangerously skirting the rules.
Why? Being worshipped in fear is fucking awesome.
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>adventurers see you
>kill you
>respawn near your phylactery
>by definition do not wear armor
I think the "armor obstructs magic" explanation is silly, but obviously for a physically weak wizard no armor (or very light armour) makes sense, perhaps under their garments.
Plus, for enemy wizards and for elves, armors can be cool and have lore tie-ins, such special materials or technologies. Or even for some NPCs, such as some noble or royal who's both rich and a mage.

Still, for player characters I prefer my mages with no armor.
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(since we're in a wizards thread)
that's why I added a post right afterwards.
But anyway, liches aren't supposed to respawn instantly.
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what are these guys from?
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Dunno, I just recognized that first one and went looking in my portraits directory and found some more.
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Real wizards aren't vain. They even cultivate the humble old man look.
Mad geniuses don't give a fuck for what you people think.
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Artist's name is on some of them, so maybe could find it that way if reverse image search isn't helping.
Because they more important and interesting things to think about than fashion.
>thinking that the wise sage look isn't something to cultivate
They probably magically grey their beards.
>Mad geniuses don't give a fuck for what you people think.
you still don't want to deal with bullshit such as a kingdom sending their whole army against you
The king would sooner go to you for advice. Enemies to your kingdom would sooner spare your life for your genius, like they tried with Archimedes.
>The king would sooner go to you for advice.
not if you look like the very face of evil, note the reply sequence:
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> very face of evil
Skeletons are rascals, silly.
I meant that specific creepy skelly posted, with the glowing eyes and armor.
Skeletons without glowing eyes don't look as scary. And often look just funny.
>Walla or Wallah is an Arabic expression meaning "(I promise) by Allah or (I promise) by God" used to make a promise or express great credibility on an expression.
It's the meme version of voila, autist.
>calling others autists for not recognizing terms that only terminally online people would recognize
Cultivate the wise sage look? Why? In order to appease wiser and more respectable to the people around you? Just send a continuous pulse of subtle mind control magic in your vicinity that increases the amount of respect, deference and wisdom perception people have of you / for you. The rare magic users that are strong enough to resist that influence wouldn't be fooled by the old man look to begin with.

They don't need to think about it. For a proficient wizard, changing look is a matter of snapping your fingers. It's just more aesthetically pleasing for one self to walk in front of a mirror and see a handsome and fit young man in your reflection than a decrepit old dude. There is litterally zero reason for a sufficiently powerful wizard not to optimize his own physical beauty. It's litterally trivial.
t. vain retard
>first half of the thread is on point
>second half of the thread is derailed by a schizoposter
Yep it's /tg/
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You're right, it makes more sense for a wizard to be a dirty ugly fatty with long hair full of mice shit, living in a squalid dungeon and wearing rags that smell like piss. Any form of action aiming at improving his look and hygiene is a proof that he's a vain retard, no matter how easy such a thing would be for him past a certain level.
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I really like Frostgrave's wizards.
For the female ones, I'm glad they didn't make them intentionally ugly but didn't make them coombait either. My favourite is some sigilist nun.
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1e cover
I could have sworn the old man was using a shield spell and the floaty lady was doing a fire spell
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I'd really like to play a more "mystic theurge" type of scholarly, religious mage who's less about blasting and more about divine devotion through knowledge.
Feels like a hard type of character to do, I guess for d&d it could just be a cleric that uses INT instead of WIS.
…That’s what the stereotypical wizard was. See Hermeticism. Precursors to the mad scientist. If you can transmute metal why not the human soul? Chemistry was laced with spirituality and mysticism for a long, long time. Couldn’t avoid it.
>…That’s what the stereotypical wizard was.
I know, it's part of why the tall hats are associated with wizards too, but it's pretty much not a thing at all anymore.
meant to reply to >>93443634 , obviously.
Wouldn't it be convenient for you to jerk off directly inside your own asshole?
Honestly, wouldn't it be better if D&D classes were all subclasses of wizards (but each of them much more fleshed out as a result)? Instead of having a party of:
"Useless" the class + "Useless" the class + actually useful wizard doing it all and having fun + "Useless" the class ?
>Wizard thread
>only one mention of Ars Magica
It's sad how this board has fallen
there's already an Ars Magica thread, it'd be a waste to mention it here.
Why not just remove the one outlier?
>Ars Magica
Not many wizard players want their characters trapped in medieval Earth with the local mages guild holding their leash while being menaced by praying monks.
Why would you remove the only fun class from the game? Isn't the goal to have fun?
>Why is Japan obsessed with long white haired effeminate men?
that'd make all classes worse. It'd especially make wizards worse, since they'd stop being the powerful weirdos and just become the most vanilla average joes
They're just cheap coomer bait for women, just like how they turn other characters into coomer bait for men.
What's fun?
fun is when you win the game, duh
The Elric brothers are blond.
Based retard bait

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