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>My friends and I play D&D every week! Let me give you some tips
>So I tend to set up a separate channel for one on one breakout sessions, because...
Do any of you losers actually play Dungeons and Dragons in your real basement at a real card people with people you met at work, at school, at a party, or somewhere else in real life? Or are you all trannies from the 'cord?
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Not anymore. My RL friends used to play World of Darkness, first at our school's IT room after hours in 2009 (I had picked up a job there after I graduated to help pay for college, so we'd come around and use the massive work tables for RPGs and Wargames), then eventually at each others' apartments/houses once we got them. Our interests diverged at some point and we stopped getting together, going from a weekly thing to a monthly, then every other month, and then just a couple of times per year. Finally, we accepted we no longer had anything in common and just stopped meeting up at all.

Everyone else had moved off to various cities, but I stayed in our hometown which only had about 1000 people in it. I have an apartment in the city I work in an hour or so drive away, and while there are shops that have people that play, I work two jobs from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM and then another from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM four days a week, going back home on the weekends. The only time I have to play now is the occasional pickup one shot on Discord or previously IRC.
Why do you work two jobs with a college degree? That sounds like it blows anon, I'm sorry for you. I hereby grant you a formal pardon for your 'cord 'rannydom
Lol, I use Discord but I play with my friends. Running my first game ever and its going pretty well. We want to actually get together and play it but considering some of us are married, have kids, a few work second shift and weekends, its hard to organize. It'll happen though.
In my 30s, when my parents passed away and willed the old family land to me and my two sisters, they wanted to sell it immediately since they had long moved away and didn't have any attachment to it anymore. I offered to buy them out with what I had, eventually offering everything in my savings for it, but they demanded we put it on the open market so it would fetch a price what it was worth. The price shot up through the roof and I sold off almost all of my stuff to be able to buy it back, all of my Warhammer stuff, old video games, every firearm I owned, and my '68 Mustang I spent several years working on to restore. I still couldn't afford the price and wound up taking out a huge loan to pay for the rest.

I work IT for a bank on my day job and now for a plant at night, having done so for the last three years. Neither of the jobs are hard but I only have about four hours of sleep each day during the week. I've almost got everything paid off and back out of debt, but I still intend to keep working both the jobs until I build my savings back up, probably for another three or four years.

I don't really regret anything though, this is the place I grew up, the place my mother grew up, and the place her father grew up, so even though I'm still pissed at my sisters for not working with me on the price, at least I didn't lose it.
>this is the place I grew up, the place my mother grew up, and the place her father grew up
based af - hope you marry well and raise children on the land of your ancestors.

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>Wizards forget their spells if they don't study yesterday, ummmm....just because OK!!

>Ignore his 20 Int score and the fact that he studied for years...he just forgets them ok!! He has no object permanence.
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There's literally 30+ RPG's with this EXACT system.
Can you give me names? I'm looking for such magic systems.
lol anon was full of shit
IDK how modern D&D is doing it but in OG Vancian casting, "preparing" a spell was actively holding the concept in your head in a holding pattern in preparation for releasing it on command. It was like twisting your brain into a yoga pose and holding it there, in tension, all day. Learning how to do this at all took years and years of practice, and doing it for multiple spells at a time was incredibly difficult. That's why it takes so much practice to learn magic and why even very powerful wizards can only keep a few spells locked and loaded at a time. They never "forget" their spells.

There was a huge difference between being able to read magic versus actually twisting your brain in such a way as to cast a spell on a given day. It's like the difference between knowing the things that go into tightrope walking and actually walking a tightrope. The knowing part's easy, the doing's hard.
Gameplay generally takes precedence over logic or actual roleplaying in table top RPGs. They're games first and anything story or RP based in a distant third and fourth.

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Flesh Change edition

Previous thread: >>93409299

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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They usually advise to put skeleton horde over wraithbone, don't they?
If you want to use white as an undercoat perhaps seraphine sepia would work as well?
It's too bad Guilliman's mama raised a bitch.
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>t. never hidden their tanto behind their long billowy sleeves to confuse their enemy.

As someone who’s actually work a kimono with full sleeves during practice before, I will say: it’s a giant fucking pain in the ass.
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>LIgma gets models for laser destroyer sponsons but 30k doesn't
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Guilly was pretty successful, unlike the other primarchs lacking a peaceful nuclear family raising them.

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What are your dream settings that you just haven't found a perfect system for yet? and if you are running your dream setting whats the closest system your playing that matches what you want? for me its

Prowlers and Paragons is what im using right now but i honestly thought the new Marvel system would have been great. Really love how powers are based on SKill Tree like system so it's easy to customize powers without having to use a calculator and build them with points like other systems. The combat is tactical which i love but all the other parts of a good RPG are missing. No Skills or RP elements outside of just "Let the GM handle it". Same goes for some missing stuff like vehicle and gadget rules
>Gonzo Space-Fantasy:
Love the Starfinder setting since it's pretty much what i want out of a Space-Fantasy game, but the main problem is i honestly do not think a DnD Framework of level 1-20 works for anything past fantasy. I think it should be more gear based (and not how starfinder handles it via a loot-treadmill) and characters should "level-out" not "level-up" but aside from that it's my go-to. Excited for 2e since i really did love the action economy for Pathfinder 2e and feel like it would fit better for a ranged based game
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I want to run a Monster Hunter universe game but there is nothing like that. No, the board game doesn't count.
So after not-so-much-thinking I decided on hacking the shit out of the Trudvang Chronicles to suit my needs. That's because Trudvang resolves shit by making the player add all the relevant skillpoints into a resource pool. You take points from that pool to turn them into a roll-under d20 difficulty check.
It's the closest thing I figured out to the stamina bar of the game and the only thing that'll make mastering the weapons fun.
I'm making skill trees. Each for every weapon + crafting, movement, little pal mastery and survival and I WILL balance them "good enough". And once I add that sweet reactive initiative from Nechronica, I WILL have my monhun game.
check out the list >>93402323
, there's plenty of entries for Monster Hunter
But yeah, I agree. What I expect from a MH game:
- Monsters can one-shot PCs. Combat isn't about HP attrition, but clever play between action economy (dodging takes an action), initiative and positioning.
- You can craft stuff out of body parts looted from dead monsters
I'm not aware of any game that does that and getting there isn't just a matter of simple conversion. You would need to design the combat system from the grounds up
If you liked the dice pool with potential horrible consequences aspect of SR, I hear the cyberpunk book for Genesys was solid and you can just sprinkle the fantasy stuff on that.
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I really want a system that's good for multiple levels of transformations that are either for utility or power boosting so I can run an anime Tokusatsu style game with Kamen Rider, Magical Girls, mechs, DBZ style Super Saiyan stuff and all that jazz.

But there's also another level to it. I have seen systems which could handle some of this stuff but maybe but in TTRPG's transformations are usually part of the build from the start or something you level into as you go.

I need a system than can handle brand new transformations or powerups on the fly as if the character suddenly gains this power during a powerful moment like Goku spontaneously going Super Saiyan when he rages out after Krillin dies or a character getting their hands on a mcguffin in the midst of a dire final battle that gives them an insane power boost or new transformation that aids in the final fight or just pure willpower and the power of friendship pushing the player over the edge.

Something that can handle escalating hype fast and on the go like that and makes the players feel like THE protagonists.

There's a pair I've never been able to run

>A superhero game
this is more because I don't really know the pros and cons of each, and because I have a fairly specific idea I want to go for - fairly gritty, with power templates that turn off and on as they're gifted by artifacts

>Legends of the Galactic Heroes Style space opera
I want each player to command a fleet of their own, and the party is a bigger combined fleet. Not even the faintest clue where to start.

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In other news, it seems Corvus Belli will launch a TV series even before GW. Thoughts, /tg/?
Here's the trailer:
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So it will become like 40K then?
You think CB has the money to hire a studio?
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If anything this thread proves HRT has absolutely devastated the geek community
This and also /co/
Name of the store?

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Freebooting Edition

>previous thread

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn

Thread Question:
Waaargh or Waaagh?
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Is there a fork of 3E WFB? With a shallow reading I feel like it's got some cool crunch that might justify playing it over 6th but it's also got a lot of bullshit too
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Alright thanks to the anon who dumped like 500 pictures to me. Trying to organize them. I threw together this RT marine post. I'm wiped, so if I fucked up something just call me stupid and I'll go edit it
Do you have a link for old ogryn / space ogre models?
No, I've never had a big collection of material on them. Something to look at I suppose, since there have been quite a number of versions.

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Previous thread: >>93412964

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: What's your most gonzo character?
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Oh, damn. Better off with the Amulet then.
It's essentially a math stress test, which seems like it'd be useful enough as a reference. His stuff would just need to be labeled.
>Caster player says they'll be absent for the next few sessions
>Get the OK to pilot their character in combat while they're away
>Within one session get comments about how much more effective I am with the character than the actual player is
He made some suboptimal feat and spell selections but he also has a bunch of really good shit he never uses in favor of casting magic missile over and over. We're high enough level that he could be pulling a lot more weight than he is if he swapped a couple of his spells that he never uses anyways for some better ones and actually used them.
Tell them that they too would be more efficient if you controlled their characters.
In fact, tell them to fuck off and play alone like 2e is meant to be played.
The same post that was deleted on /r/pathfinder2e is still up on /r/Pathfinder_RPG: https://old.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/1e9av0u/the_player_core_2_elixir_of_gender_transformation/

Edna is a giga autist, but the level of sheer vitriol on the 2e subreddit for a post merely saying something is possible in the mechanics was truly wild.

I am no longer asking.

Look at my Fire Emblem TTRPG.


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Why did /tg/ decline so hard since 2016
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Sorry, I uploaded the wrong file.
someone sounds butthurt that i'm calling them out. do you moonlight as a tranny or something?

you're taking precious clicks away from a hard working creator, how dare you!

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So here's the deal: We talk about a bunch of games on here, but what are some games that we can play together on this boards? I suggest a fun quick game of Boggle. Quick rules:
-Be honest, it's not fun when you lie.
-Set a timer for 2 minutes and list the words you find.
-Words must be 3 letters or more.
-Each letter after the first must be a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal neighbor of the one before it
-No individual letter cube may be used more than once in a word
-No capitalized or hyphenated words are allowed
-Points issued by length of word:
>3-4 = 1
>5 = 2
>6 = 3
>7 = 5
>8+ = 11
Ready, set go!
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New board.
Crackheads and debutants

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Would you rather not get any felinids ever, or felinids as ugly as the current Sons of Bitches?
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I don't think you can make felinids ugly enough that I still wouldn't try to fuck them. I'd fuck a Palico from Monster Hunter and those things are just straight up cats with sapience.
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Catgirls are just really heavily tied into internet culture. They're cats, girls, and anime adjacent. It's all there.
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You just know
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>verification not required

Work in Progress, Mid-Week Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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In that case I would just use one of those 3 legged pizza saver things.
That could work, yeah. Cheaper as well. The transparent disc was an idea because I'm swapping the newer Immortal and vehicle Gauss weapons molded grey rods for the older, transparent green rods that were hip and new when I started playing Necrons back in I think it was third edition when the first codex dropped. Transparent green plastic solidarity and all that.
>It's just for the hover-y effect. An energy platform attached to a perfectly good, solid black base
What part of fucking never is so hard to understand
>the dusty candles Muslim is inquisition anon
Does your mom know you're painting women with their faces uncovered
>What part of fucking never is so hard to understand
From what I have seen, transparent acrylic bases are an issue when being pushed around. This base will have a mini on it, with a stem connecting to a solid black base on the ground. I'll spray and maybe paint it a bit too, if that prevents the acrylic from getting dull/going bad.

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I'm tired of tentacles being used for Cthulhu monsters. What other weird animals or body parts work for it?
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long limbs, multiple limbs, fins, gills, long teeth, scales, esca, multiple eyes, no eyes, big mouths, visible bones, thin skin, large heads, reordered bodies, digitigrade legs, sesory organs on torso or limbs, tails, wings, picasso style faces or bodies, bibilically accurate angels, geometric body shapes
Cant you just make an enviroment an extension of a lovecraftian monster? They are supposed to defy logic itself, doesn't make sense for it to be a sole entity all the time.
Lovecraft's works have non octopian creatures, like Yith, Mi-go, Elder Things
horse pussy

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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It's also good for painting/modeling ideas.

Hey this is a pretty good promo vid actually
>8 models
there are only 6 that I know of was there something from a Kickstarter or something?
I guess CB is moving away from Tom?
wasnt doing this when i was asking for tankhunter schemes or other TAK stuff when it first dropped, cool that its learning

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>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

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>Some fucking fae gets its mits on an iphone
>The entirety of the internet is at its fingertips, all the accumulated knowledge of mankind within its grasp
>It shitposts on schrecknet
Checks out.
I think you are speaking of obtenebration ie shadow play as some call it are you a lasombra?

I never advocated for materialism. I simply belief that his ideas are the progenitor of postmodern nothing is real thought. That and the featherless bipeds thing is stupid.
Aristotle is materialism's great prelude.
So nihilism to him you should include.
Though the ancients are lacking, the dwarfs are always stacking.
And I find Plato helps us better understand our food.
Plato's problem is that he's not as smart as he thinks he is. He's the ancient midwit, to use a very modern term. He occasionally creates a good allegory, which I will happily use. On the other hand, The Republic is just bad political theory.

Also is the rhyming thing a supernatural compulsion, or just your gimmick?
For you i dont know depends on your clan. For me the third eye reveals many things, both great and terrible.

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Let us know what needs to be updated with the pastebin.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:
Embryo Machine Translation

Previous Thread: >>93347373

Thread Question: Does the system you play handle unconventional mechs (Walkers, multi-legged, legless/hover) differently from humanoids? If so, how? If not, how would you implement it?

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Koz_hKRHsVM
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Seed is awesome, ignore IBO as that sucked ass so hard it earned the nickname Felcher Gundam.
Go back to /m/ felcher fag. You're not welcome here.
HGB noob questions. did the CEF MHTs ever sell as metal models? the prices on the website for the 'new' ones are extremely expensive for 3d printed resin.
Not metals, but it looks like they sold them as resin previously. Not sure why they got taken off the dp9 site. That said, the previous non-3d printed resin is also $43

After all these years, that troll still can't help but use a term with which he's intimately familiar with.

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