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Do you have slaves in your setting?
Are they just quest npcs (ie such as characters to save, or characters that serve some bad guy)
Or are they more like videogame mindless followers that help you grow your big numbers bigger for autistic domain play?
Seems to me like slavery is super common in games even if they're usually not called slaves but still treated like slaves.
Then again calling them slaves feels like wanting to be edgy and transgressive, even if most societies did have them.

pic is from Tricarnia book, Beasts & Barbarians setting (Savage worlds).
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Indenture is common in the service sector. Slavery proper is uneconomical on earth but happens occasionally in the colonies. Some people try to argue that genetically engineered workers are slaves but anyone that tries to get an actual liberation movement going is usually derailed by the fact that the workers they've 'liberated' are very insistent that they want to be returned to their work site and allowed to work.
>Seems to me like slavery is super common in games even if they're usually not called slaves but still treated like slaves.
that's called capitalism. wagey.
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>Do you have slaves in your setting?
I'm running a 3.5e game in the Moonesa region of the FR, specifically Melvaunt (see picrel, section 12), the Thar and Glister, so of fucking course there are slaves. The PC didn't specifically interact with that reality but i spelled and described it clearly: slaves are mostly heavily indebted individuals or criminals (much like in Rome), war prisoners, Thar goblinoids and beastmen.
>no mention of strong men with high endurance
yeah a coomer wrote that. a good high quality slave could be worth as much as a sports car today but this individual seems to only be considering combat and sex ability of the slave
It is a very pulp Conan inspired setting.
Coomer bait is appropriate, autism and realism are better suited for other game systems and settings.

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What's the best idea for an animal sidekick?
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No. I mean yes.
She's so cute.
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karposuchus a type of extinct crocodillian that appears to have filled ecological niche like a boar. Ramming the shit out of things after sprinting at them

At least he extend citizenship to every free person in the Roman Empire, despite his instability.
Looks like a tall kobold that's too drunk to stand upright.

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Underground Conflict Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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>Great Schemer
>Must be taken with Wall Veneration
I see what you did there.
Warmaster. Remember also to +1 Body Health for Warmaster. Warmaster should have Rally be default. Can become a Grill Master through Hunting Party, which i like. Thought about it giving him Titanium Flask instead, but the way i see it, food and drink is more important to a party than drugs. I think this version of Grand Strategist will be plenty strong still.
Finally bothered to find a descent icon for Iconodule. Heavy Metals was broken and messy. Designated lesser leader. Works with Icons now.
Happy accident.
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I expect tomorrow to be quiet at work so I'll try to rush the changes to the Atlan book. Putting the last touches to the Eldritch Encounter book right now so I can get to something else.
I haven't forgotten the batrep either I should be posting it tomorrow as well.
Here we go.
I'll clear up the language on the Anomalous Entity once Anomalies are done.
I'll try to keep this rythm up with the NPCs, posting a book every 2~3 days at most, this was a long time waiting. Eventually I'll merge it all in one book.
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As >>94845256 said, I think it's framing the Colonials too much as "the Good Guys". Which, I don't think is what we should be doing, rather the factions should be groups with different ideas on the way the world should be. Sure, compared to something like Hyperborea or Old Mu or L'Ombre the colonials are far and away "the Good Guys", but I think we ought to emphasise more that they also do shady shit solely for their own self-interest. This is the 19th century after all, the age of empire and ambition, and everyone stepped on some toes somewhere down the line.

Have your PC ever sent someone to the next dimension in your setting ??
How did it go in your setting ??

Please be detailed and specific about your game in your setting
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i mean kill
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We were on Rifts Earth once and through an amazing magical-erotic coincidence got rifted to a dimension called Wormwood, which was composed of an entire planet that was sapient and everything on it, including buildings, were made of organic matter like flesh and blood. There were all kinds of disgusting fleshoid beast, worms, demons and zombies in this place and we had to find & unearth a gigantic fleshoid kaiju to fight an army of demons to get to a portal back to our world. Fun shit, took a while though!
OP is making a dragon ball reference. The Ocean English dub had characters that were killed "sent to the next dimension" instead, as form of censorship.
Put me in the heckin' video Mr. Youtuberino!
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Is there anything in your campaign that could stop them?

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There's no difference between half dragons and very tallkobolds
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More obtuse than a double-redditor. Disgusting.
Anon, with all due respect... what the fuck is a "double-redditor?"
Who is this koboldposter shitting up the board with these threads?
4E Dragonborn were pretty good.
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lurk more

How would you make an Avatar tabletop?
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Got 'em!
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I'd probably run it as a horror game from the perspective of human mercenaries sent in to recover whacky shit from Pandora. There's got to be tons of stuff that isn't just unobtanium too. You could even add in a cosmic horror angle because the planet is alive. Maybe have a group of humans who believe that Earth is also alive, and that humanity is its will spreading outwards to conquer the stars, so they have an ideological/religious reason to be fucking with the Na'Vi and those trying to make peace with them that goes beyond mere human greed into the realm of fanaticism.

You'd want a system that does good combat and has a good skills system. Cool vehicles are a must, so something with a good system for making sick vehicles and walkers. You might want sanity and disease mechanics, (you are in an alien environment on a sentient planet that probably hates you) and you definitely want something high lethality. This could work both with the ability of humans to slot into Na'Vi clone bodies (no reason they couldn't just do this with regular clones btw) and also the fragility of people compared to the harsh environment.

Obviously I recommend FATAL but with less prudishness.
By writing a ruleset and having it printed. Then producing plastic miniatures to use with said rules.
Hack100 is good for this sort of thing.
We are

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

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Hi, I saw somebody had it a few months ago... I would kindly request if anyone has the Geologist's Primer?
sent to NV
in NV
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looking for
2d6 creatures of the corn,
requesting Blood Borg

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by GWendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)

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Does it have to be a usb? I have an external sad.
I would worry about power requirements for the SSD (you'd have to use a USB adapter). It'sort of a non issue; looks like the Sat3 has wifi, you can pipe files straight to the machine.
Alright now you’ve got me sold on getting a printer. I do have a USB adapter for my ssd.
Does anyone have the files for Maochamini mk7?
Just an educated guess but it is Likely some fuckery due to the viscosity of the resin.
You have part almost the size of your build plate, which is a half open ball.
So when you print many supports inside it, and the part is lifted above the resin, there will be some air trapped inside, which is only amplified because of the surface of those supports and the air can't escape quick enough due to the model acting like a wall on the closed sides and the supports look faily dense, so that doesn't help the situation either.
So while the air is still moving out, the printer begins the next layer and you get some strange flat surfaces.
Seems like it happened at the start when the area of the wall was very large and again at the end when the wall was at a steeper angle.

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Any anons here tried out the newish Ward TCG? It's old school yu-gi-oh aesthetics with a dice based combat system. It looks like the goal of the creators is to have a simple card game that stays at the simple level and can't powercreep. Is it trash or good?
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>dice based combat system
honestly that sounds pretty cool, as long as they're not proprietary dice.
But TGC are always a bad thing.
Why would anyone try to make a TCG these days?
They basically never survive.
The name "Ward" will instantly repel anyone here
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because that's what wards do

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New year, same Gul edition

Previous Thread: >>94699258

A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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Anon if all the Founders wanted to do was ripple up their jizz jacuzzi the Dominion would not exist. Smugness doesn't explain pathological megalomania.

As for 'working toward being more human'... what are you talking about? Why do you think the philosophical, base concept of trust would be inherently 'human'? A cared-for pet can trust. It is basically species agnostic, derived from the fundamental philosophical and intellectual concept of understanding and interacting with living entities besides yourself.
There's also the distinct mention of her colleagues (of circumstance) learning from her - are they becoming 'romulan' if they patch up holes in their security she notices? You could easily derive conflict from a vulnerability she is frustrated that Starfleet considers acceptable - or even necessary. There are all kinds of angles you could explore - hell, maybe her version of trusting or becoming fond of the rest of the crew is doubling down on her subterfuge and deciding she needs to be in charge (in the shadows, of course) to get the people she cares about to stop leaking information about their weaknesses like a sieve - exploring a culture where they don't want to hear the secrets of those they care about, because they fear the possibility that they themselves might exploit their close friends and family. One where they look forward to saying goodbye on good trems, because exiting each other's lives forever proves that they trust each other enough to not keep close watch/interfere anymore.

Saying that learning the basics of cooperation is 'becoming human' is a bit like saying aliens are too human if they know how to count. It's one of the basest functions of sapience.

>Anything at all that even touches the Kazon
A waste.
>Anything at all that even touches the Kazon
Not taking the chance to settle down with a meek kazon babe who will worship you as her maje and you can practice topiary on her hair
we have literally never seen a kazon female. they could literally be gigantic blooded breeding sows or headless gorillas or even ferengi
There were at least three in voyager
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So sexlicious

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Marginalia Edition

Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Do you ever include civilians or non combatants in your games?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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if chain of command cold war is anything like normal chain of command the entire player unit is a platoon, in other words what one of my 3mm bases represents.
Smaller scales like 2mm seem appetizing for Imagi-nations style games since I wouldn't have to model my own damn uniforms at that scale.
I think I could do a decent job painting too, my only real concern is the base size. All the pictures I've seen of them have rather large bases (especially for firearms-era armies) which look a little off. Is there a way to offeset that? Like, a chamfered base or something?
Noice. Big fan of 13th century
A butcher working on a table, a baker with a paddle working an oven, a woman churning butter, someone with a bucket, someone with a wheelbarrow (moving whatever), someone with a billhook pruning a tree, a charcoal making team, a weaver, someone drinking, someone scything, someone tying up a bundle of wheat. Someone leading an ox or a horse. And finally a couple holding hands :)
People usually go for large bases because you want some scenic actions going for on-lookers to understand what they're looking at. If you go too tiny it starts to look like a boardgame piece honestly.

If what you meant is the base being as thick as the minis themselves is ruining the effect, then you're absolutely right. That's why mine are still on their supports: I'm waiting for a shipment of 0.8mm thick blank PVC cards.

I've found four different options for those:
-25mm (round)
-54x28mm (key tag size)
-86x54mm (credit card size)

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Elf Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War, Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Shrek: War in the Swamp, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone, Oathmark, OnePageRules, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.

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I got to play my first couple IRL games of OPR firefight this weekend. The person I played against also played for the first time, and described it as "what I originally thought Kill Team would be."

Eh. Back in 9e 40k I loved playing Crusade digitally over TTS, until GW released 10e and decided that all the crusade rules were null and void. That's why I moved to OPR.
It's a display.
I actually post my games and feel no need to repost the same 3-5 images for years.
>3-4 years of the same image
You're retarded or coping. I built and painted these armies over the months of 2024 and posted my progress along the way, I just built this 9×5 table in December, so I'm not sure how you've been seeing it posted for years. Get checked for dementia or schizophrenia, I'm not sure
>How much effort do you put into making an army /yourguys/?

Quite alot. I'm kinda mediocre at painting, but make up for it in sculpting/building instead, where my strength is. Double edged sword however. I put too much pressure on myself most of the time, which DO mean i constantly get better at what i do, but also that i "quit" the hobby sometimes. It's fun and perhaps helps me to commit to w/e project i'm working on. I'd like to do something simpler, but i'm afraid there won't be enough investment in the work to feel any commitment towards it.
>Finally, what do I actually need to/should buy or is there a resource for rules like wahapedia? Is there anywhere I can get cheap models if I don’t find any STL files to my liking?
The classic solution for the Legion is to buy some WWII or Cold War plastics and kitbash them with Roman historicals. Warlord has chunkier, GW-style Legionnaires, Victrix has more slender models and is substantially cheaper. Rubicon Models' US Army Vietnam sprues are probably the easiest way to get ahold of M-14s and other post-WWII weapons, otherwise you'll have to hit up Korean War ranges.
As far as Vault Dwellers and Muties go, there are quite a few tucked away in Reaper's catalog, as well as Crooked Dice. There was a guy in Russia doing cast and 3DP stuff but he's taken a lot of it down. Checkpoint Miniatures in the UK has a whole bunch of power armor heads. Cheeky proxies are all over the 3DP sites, you just need to poke around a bit.

>Actual game
It's got a lot of fiddly bits to it. Stuff like measuring sticks, a bunch of custom dice, multiple decks of cards plus card-based character creation. Last time I played it took more time to set up than it did to play. On the flip side it has good solo rules and a lot of general support for campaign play. Minis are more like a tall 35mm than the usual 28-32mm, which shouldn't be an issue if you're bashing or printing most of your stuff. Core rulebook was free last I checked, other components are a pain in the ass to store and/or source if you don't buy a boxed starter set.
I *personally* prefer This is Not a Test, it's got support for other universes and does Fallout very well. It also has extremely solid rules nad the creator playtests the shit out of it. Unfortunately the 1st edition rulebooks are a massive clusterfuck to sort out and I haven't seen the second edition yet. Solo support is weak, it really thrives with 3-5 players. Also has excellent scenario support and free demo rules up on the website.

Worlds Collide Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 DMG

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

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/5eg/, please tell me it's obvious what kind of creature this is
That's something I was having issues with too. I don't know if attacks of opportunity are a new thing, but it seems like their existence means no one SHOULD move during combat.
What's the ideal cleric to wizard ratio in a party that consists of only those two classes?
1 twilight cleric, 1 wizard with a peace cleric dip, and the rest just wizards of various armor dips

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Just been to my local club's bring and buy

Paid £1 total for this lot, including the 3rd edition ruins. This guy had a bits box and it was £1 a go to fill a sandwich tub.

Need Assault Marines and Devastators for my firstborn Company so everything else is a bonus.

Except Felix, he was £2 on his own. Lovely old sculpt.

I'm sure the prices on new stuff was reasonable but a lot of it doesn't appeal to me for some reason.
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Neat thanks anons.
Good finds, anon. There's a thrill to finding the most random stuff, makes one feel like a kid with his assorted treasures.
Who's the metal elf dude with a sword?
Ahhh it was Felix. Very neat!
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Felix from Gotrek and Felix, very characterful sculpt
Blessed thread

Might try and find some of my hauls on the archive

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TT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>The thread is set in V20 in the Modern Nights. The exact canon of mechanics, metaplot elements and the like is unique to each character's chronicle, and statements by others which contradict your continuity should be ignored or regarded as falsehoods or misunderstandings. After all, the night is full of falsehoods and half-remembered rumors
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights, or approx. to realtime
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

AUTOMATED GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #0042-Tremere bullying edition
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Tremere are nerds, and a nerd's self-esteem comes from one thing: being "smarter" than you. It doesn't matter than your average tremere doesn't actually know anything, he can use enough latin and technical terms to make it seem like he's actually the smartest and most clever boy.

As for Malkavians: you have a million voices whispering in your mind, and at some point your own personality gets a little bit lost in the shuffle and you become a mouthpiece for the voices.
Dunning-kruger effect in full display. The tremere have a sophomoric understanding of things. They truly believe they can understand anything, given time and effort. The malkavians know everything because they are a hive mind. Their own mind cannot contain such immense knowledge, so they act in manners completely at odds to their true prophecies.
I'm sure there's a brujah around here that'll tell you
>a wise man knows that he knows nothing
You have to fake it till you make it, and malks aren't trying to go anywhere (besides maybe TO THE MOVIES)
found the Tremere
It's what's in the blast

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