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Wildcard Edition:

Previously on /slop/: >>92598189 #

▶ Thread Task: Post whatever prompts you want. Old favorites or new hotness. Anything goes. Let's get crazy.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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Butter golem? Golden smear golem?
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>Butter golem
>Golden smear golem
you people are obsessed
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do the impossible, see the invisible

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modeling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep your prints about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice

- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed newfags
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like
- Read the last 3 threads before posting

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it looks like but I'm not, yes I should stop talking about that thing, this is not my personal blog.
for the record i think you have good skill, but it was a terrible sculpt originally and nothing will ever save it, not even a re-model. for example what model armor is that even supposed to be? it is not even close to scout armor. i hope the original sculptor hung themselves from shame after it was published in white dwarf
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almost done cleaning up my not krieg print, so I can finally get to the painting part
how long did it take? do you have a pic of before the clean?
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took me a bit more than an hour, mostly to clean some dimples and edge errors with an xacto knife

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92602183
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Total alta victory
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At least we know the spirit lives on in paladin & sovereign
>If you had the choice, which character were you going to wife?
I have a soft spot for tsunderes like Semnotes. I said no to her because she's very clearly set up for an Instructor character. Hagia's cute, but it's a bit too selfless for this character who, while not evil, is a bit shady. Shangdi is the kind of girl you want to take care of, but she's for Older Adults. I strongly like Mathieu's appearance, but her personality is unremarkable. I also, as a general note, like brats, but only brats that can be tamed, whereas the ones in this CYOA are presented as being untameable. On the balance, I don't think there are a lot of strong personalities who aren't either 1) Evil/selfish to the extreme, 2) Only interested in a mundane life. 3) An out and out hero. For someone who is a little more grey, like my character who doesn't like injustice but at the same time is here mainly for his own curiosity and can work with the shady characters, but also doesn't live just for the paycheck/mundane life and has big plans and ambitions, there's not a lot of girls who'd be there to accept and help him achieve that dream. The closest would be Ostane, who is too glued to Drac (and for older adults) for my taste. Beyond all that, if you point at a particular girl I can probably tell you why I didn't marry her.
>Also, describe to me what you wanted your magic because i'm unfamiliar with the anime you gave
I think I described the first one decently, but let me see if I have the world count to go into more detail (I'll make a second post if not.) The ToAru Espers are, essentially, one high-tier magician wanting to make anti-magic by creating a sort of collective unconscious reality field between Espers that'll overlay and turn reality into one of his design where magic isn't possible. It also has weird wavelengths where it touched on and calls down higher order, mysterious 'angel' organisms, who are similar to high level Enigmas like EyObs.

I'm not interested in the anti-magic aspect of it. Either way, this is accomplished by magi-science experiments on people's brains, which induce in them unique psychic (alt magic) powers. Espers have their own personal reality field that defies physics and works how they 'think it should', and projects that reality field outside of themselves. Everyone's power is unique but can be very similar to others, and through training and more experiments can increase and expand that power. However, the power is relatively 'narrow' in that you can't do a wide range of things, but have to stick with your power's theme, though it can be creatively interpreted through moon logic to do silly things. Example, say your power is Electromaster, you have control over electricity. That means you can shoot lightning. But what else is electric? Magnets are electomagnetism, so you can manipulate magnetism now, you can use that to control metal and fly. People's bodies and brains run on electricity, so you can short those out, or alter someone's thoughts and memories. Stuff like that. However, you can ONLY do things with electricity or that you moon logic to have to do with electricity, you'd never be able to, for example, create or manipulate fire. This is why I say it's like a reverse Universal, relatively narrow but has a much higher ceiling of power, instead of being versatile and weak. The highest level of an Esper is Level 6, where they become equivalent to the setting's 'magic gods', who can reality warp and overlay reality with a layer of reality that works according to their rules, and beyond that become similar to the 'angel' entities I described a bit earlier, taking on modified human forms as they progress from level 5 to the final level 6 point (a walking human star field, a flower oni, one guy is turning into an angel outright, that kind of thing.) Power would obviously need to be wound back to a little more reasonable for Magi Case of course.
>Here's a line break to call your attention to me switching to Umineko
As for Umineko it's going to be a much shorter explanation because it's both much more powerful and more freeform, aka simple. It works on 'witches' making declarations of varying levels of truth (truth from a certain point of view, truth as you know it, the absolute 100% undeniable truth etc) that are color coded, and so alter reality. They can use this to reality warp more or less freely in what are called 'catboxes', their personal hypothetical worlds, but it's ultimately a metaphor for being viewpoints and authors of a story, so convincing someone (the reader) that you're telling the truth is a very important goal of the characters, and if you're just a viewpoint them someone higher order (eg the author) can overwrite your truths with their truths.

Both magics have to do with the essential idea of 'truth', ToAru involves connecting to higher order truths (the 'angels') and cultivating your own personal 'truth', which you then attempt to project over reality. Umineko is about manipulating the varying levels of truth and how different people can interpret a story. Ultimately my issue is connecting either one back to my character's goal, in that he wants to know the truth behind magic and the orders of the world, and thus how he can expand or modify magic and the world itself to fight the decline of Magic and reach Truth.

And that's it. Feel free to call me incapable of summarizing (I am) and for anyone else to criticize my build >>92609030

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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #538

Illusion Mirror force Edition

Previous Thread: >>92464413

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/

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Yeah they really just seem like a way to give Chimera some negates.
hit either oss or flameberger and the deck suffers a lot
Is it common to cheat on Sneak Peak events by bringing in cards from another event at another lgs one day before for example?
>jumps from $4 to $20 in less than a week
The deck isn't even that good.
Original Sinful Spoils is their gateway into most of their plays since it effectively means you can run 9 copies of Bonfire. Diabellstar's synergy with the deck dies almost instantly if you hit OSS, and it also means that getting fullcombo off of a Poplar search is significantly less consistent since you'd either need to hard-draw into Ash or Bonfire to get it revving. You could also kinda get the job done with Birch, but it's not as lucrative of an option as Ash.

The Synchro plays also take a heavy hit in that case, since Formula Synchron + Flamberge is Dis Pater, who summons back Jet Synchron + another Snake-Eye used for Formula so that you can do Jet + Diabell to go into Omega (which were previously Baronne + Savage respectively)

They're very obvious hits that Konami didn't do because they're cowards. OSS is a common so nobody would miss it. The people that invested hundreds of dollars for a Snake-Eye deck can go fuck themselves too, if all it took to ruin that investment was hitting a single gateway card.

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Post art!
Art of characters!
Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>92553896
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Nature Spirits edition

Previous >>92541467

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

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>Massive speakers instead of nuke cannons for notWarGrowlmon
>guitars for notMegidramon's wings
Welp, getting like 15 boxes of Ex7
I hope Ghostmon gives us a good Boltmon or MetalPhantomon.
not this faggot again...
Pretty sure all the mons in liberator will evolve into new shit. Also noticed the rookies have the effect of reduced evo cost for a certain type. Fanbeemon will probably be insect support.
These seem really underwhelming especially Cendrillmon.

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Shockwave edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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Sorry "Location to hit and damage".
I initially intended to, but the rulebook saying to make things personal and then offering the most generic impersonal premises turned me off. And knowing my players, they don't really have/develop interest in anything that isn't an immediate threat. so I ran my first session this week, in medias res, immediately in combat, shoot first, ask questions later. A bit of a trial by fire for them, but amusing for me, and more punk.
You could try the Interlock system as presented in The Witcher Which ditches BTM modifiers and wound thresholds for HP.
I had an idea to bring back armour penetration for different round lengths but does 2020/RED ever actually say what the lengths are?
RED pidgeonholes weapons so hard, I'm surprised they differentiated three types of pistols (normal heavy v.heavy) but 2h guns just go "assault rifle", "shotgun" and leave it at that.
Mentioned pistols are listed with calibers but thats about it.
>These are grouped by firepower: Light (equivalent to 6mm), Medium (9mm), Heavy (11mm), and Very Heavy (12mm) types. Generally, rifles fire a standardized round (based on the 7.62x39mm), allowing almost any local Tech to produce ammunition as needed.


Tell me... have any of you played it?
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Hm. I'd want to make a rabbit, but that's already treading on some mapped territory. A jackalope, maybe?

Most beepable sheep unrelated.
You'd probably want to pick what role you want first - Speed, Flight, or Power.
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Is it just DnD with sonic characters or is there something unique about it?
It's got grid-based combat, but it also has FFG Star Wars-style multidimensional dice results (including "Tricks" and "Slips") for extra flair on actions and information.

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Previous thread: >>92488058

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

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probably major demons like Vashtorr and Lords of Change like Kairos Fateweaver.
High level Crypteks are going to be up there as well.
Are there any 40k RPG where you can pick Tau?
Rogue Trader.
>prized from an established Dynasty, a new line taking control of an ancient Rogue Trader House as the culmination of years of plotting and scheming.
I always assumed this was still an inheritance thing - a branch family with a formerly tenuous claim taking over after wiping out the main line of descendants, or former outsiders gaining a claim through marriage and making the most of it while still regarding themselves as a separate group.
It's an option, but not the only option, and the other means of warrant acquisition better fit that reading. Especially Intrigue.

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How does Kings of War compare to Warhammer in any and all ways?
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8th and 6th are the main editions people seem to play. Personally I play 8th because the guys I know do, and the expanding frontage and lapping around from 6th looks like it would be a nightmare with newer, larger minis that barely rank up as it is
A bit more generic, but very playable. Doesn't have all the crazy specific special rules that are kind of the charm of WHFB, but is fairly balanced from what I've heard. The same can't be said of WHFB, as some armies just can't beat some other armies, to the point that there's barely any point playing the game.
I play KOW and agree with this take, weirdly big brained lol

Good game to onboard people
>some armies just can't beat some other armies, to the point that there's barely any point playing the game.
This is true. Its a really fun game if you're just playing casually with a chill opponent and gets extra silly with Storm of magic, but if your opponent is a WAAC-enjoyer and you play Tombkings or Bretonnia you may as well not bother showing up
So while Kings of War goes faster due to one person going at a time it also makes it more boring, fair enough

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>an entire generation of gamers believe in a made up past where rules-light systems and tons of DM fiat was how people played D&D, and they call it "old-school gaming".

How do we fix the damage caused by this document?
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So what? Why should I care how other people play make believe?
So are you complaining about the approaches advocated in this book or just the alleged ahistoricity?
I started playing RPGs in 1988 and while there were very complicated games and supplements available I never met anyone who actually played them properly. A lot of these products were sold, read once, deemed "too hard" and went to a shelf or a charity shop.
On a similar note: I never met anyone who played Fighting Fantasy books honestly, and Warhammer was popular principally because it was less annoying to play than the historical wargames it supplanted (also because space guys are cooler than Cromwell vs Charles).
If anything my principal memory of gaming back then would be "inelegant." There was no understanding of how or why things should be streamlined, and lots of cruft with table lookups and special exceptions and stupid dice all over the place. I vividly remember how shocked I was reading the WEG Star Wars rulebook because things just fucking worked and didn't need a ton of bullshit to remember. A homemade GM screen could explain most of the game. Glorious.
No you didn't.
Go pick up a copy of Dragon Warriors and tell me it's a better play experience than WEG Star Wars. Hell, go look back over the board games available at the time. You really think Talisman would fly today, or Dragonlance with the weird stacking disks?

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Low effort Edition

>Previous: >>92570112


>New Errata


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I was playing it at the time when ai art was a big thing. So a lot of jokes about multiple fingers and inconstant body parts were made while he swore up and down that he is human
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Yes they are pretty cool! I wish they were stronger though. Its hilarious to me that you can publish a species like Shadar-Kai in the exact same book as the Shifter and say "Yeah, the Shifter seems fine compared to that."
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>playing CoS
>I have a 3D printer and paint so I make the minis for our adventures
>paint any important NPCs but enemies are left bare resin
>DM sends me a list of what we expect to face about a week in advance
>started out okay, a handful of enemies here and there, "an NPC that looks like X", that kind of thing
>recently it's shit like "40 of this enemy type" or "12 of this, 14 of this and 6 of this", and 3+ important NPCs
>really quiz him on whether we're dealing with this many enemies in a single encounter or whether I only need to print 5 or so that we can reuse
>"no you'll be fighting them all at once"
>get to session
>don't encounter any of the NPCs I painted
>only use like 6 enemies, turns out the only reason we'd be fighting more is if the party is retarded and aggros the entire area
I should never have set this precedent, this fucking sucks
Honestly should have saved the 3D printing and painting for only your own characters and npcs if you DM so you don’t wind up as the DM’s personal print/paint monkey.
charge him for your service.

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/tg/'s own Suggers, Peachy, and the Honest Wargamer linked up

Need it or keep it?
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Why did you do it, Brent? She was a beautiful innocent creature, what did she ever do to you?
Yeah, I like the guys content but he gives out serious serial killer vibes, likely a combination of being nordic and ESL.

GW marketing boss. Enjoys bulling Duncan and gooning to Suggs.
>it's one of them, isn't it

Just shut the fuck up you fat fucking nerd
>Be a good painter
>Be hot girl
>Have some street cred because you spent your college years posting models on /tg/ while larping as a dude
>Launch your own youtube channel, simp army waiting in the wings to give you money
>Upload once every several weeks at best
>barely ever paint
>most videos are loreshit, talking head content that anyone could make
>Actual hobby content is minimal
What possesses a youtuberoid to behave this way?

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Assuming there's no magic, how do matriachies even - you know - get off the ground?
Like, is there a way for them to survive as a state instead of simply being conquered by their neighbors? I might be wrong, but I don't recall anywhere with armies of women warriors.
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>You know there's matriarchies that exist right now, right
And all of them are either crashing a formerly successful patriarchy with no survuvors (Sweden) or never exited the stone age
Oh so you only here to shitpost about your unrealistic ideologies. Truth and history aren't factors for you. My turn to make something up from whole cloth, I guess.

How can you say something so dumb when the Yonic Empire still holds the entire Moon? That's more land than any Earth nation has ever held and the Helium mining makes more money than God.
Wich ones.
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Übel sex
Übel sex
Übel sex
>so you only here to shitpost about your unrealistic ideologies

Sticker Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>92585745

▶ Thread Task: prompt stickers based on your Setting (backstory/lore is allowed)

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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Yes, baking is a creative task (if you were raised on McBurgers, I pity you.)
>punch water yeast and flour for a few mins
>"Woah, such creative!"
>glares skeptically in Paul Hollywood
Next thread:
>>92610665 #
>>92610665 #
>>92610665 #
I pity anyone who has to eat food you make.

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