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Previous thread: >>93166217

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which are your favorite TL9+ weapons?
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I still don't understand that reputation. I know and I've played DnD, I DM'd a campaign from lvl 1 to lvl 15, I played a character from lvl 1 to level 12.
DnD IS more complex, each character requieres more dedicated knowledge, more spells, variants, feats and templates than the ones you need to know to make a working GURPS Character.
GURPS offers more possibilities, but it does not demand for complexity. In DnD/pathfinder if you go for the straightforward vanilla rules, you're being suboptimal and will need a lot of help, luck or die.
Nta but same, the bad reputation imo comes mainly from 2 sources: Vehicles and shit newblood GMs throwing the whole basic set at players saying "make a character" and/or (in my experience) shit adhd GMs picking gurps and presenting it with ass houserules without spelling it.
First game you ever play of any TTRPG game should be with your character numbers, backstory and some fancy pictures.
If you like it, you ask for the basic/lite rules.
If you like it, you may ask for the core rules.
If you still like it, you go into the advanced/homebrew rules.
And that's in the shit-ballistical "using dynamite as fuel" fast track.
I totally understand it: it's not laid out like a normal rpg. Everything else is a complete, ready-to-go package, almost always with a setting attached. GURPS is laid out like a reference book, which it basically is. It's not an "rpg", it's just a "g". You far, far overestimate the abilities and interest kf average tabletop player, most don't value it much beyond fucking around with friends and randomly throwing dice
But *I* also enjoy fucking around with friends and randomly throwing dice.
Would love to do so with a system that doesn't punish me harshly for not taking the 2nd ratial template at lvl 5 to get the MultiCleave feat that enables me to be a Cleavemaster at Lvl9 in order to stay marginally ahead of a red queen racing regarding DPS vs what basically are goblins with higher AC and more HP.
That's a value I reckon to some of the PbtAs: they concede so easily to martial victory that ther are unfulfilling, so players and DMs have to focus in _other_ sources of satisfaction to make the story work. Things like plot, or story, or consistence. Because strategic combat is a big null space for dopamine, so you end up playing their game... wich was their whole plan.
::looks at :aggravated damage: in Monsterheart:: PFFFF

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el duende Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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i am sorry to hear that, but this is like nearly the exact advice i got like 12 years ago in a local as a teen and everyone acted like it was common knowledge
It's starting
>but this is like nearly the exact advice i got like 12 years ago in a local as a teen and everyone acted like it was common knowledge
What is? The mafia thing? Nobody has ever mentioned that to me or in my presence before, if that's what you mean.
yeah, it's like really obvious as he says in the video the camarilla laws are literaly just the mafia laws
DAV20 game just ended, was fun, Rate our coterie's final plans.

>Setite Fat Priest - Using setite sorcery and trickery, fucked his Toreador rival to death in a secret setist cult shrine through a bisexual threesome trap. Turns him into the temple's onahole.
>Tzimisce French Inventor - Creates pig/bear/man abominations named John Pork and Jim Swine, with mittens, one of which might be a female. Planning to stock up an army to wage war on the Nosferatu warrens to kill a Nosferatu idiot that failed his trap design contest.
>Toreador Vengeful Painter - Painted his sire by the seaside while his hired men robbed her mansion, he killed and diablerized her after her protection was in ruins, kills the bandits to prevent the diablerie secret from being out.
Ventrue Ambitious Nobleman - Tracked down his traitor sire to London, his sire tried to get a mutual blood bond going as insurance but our Ventrue got him with a surprise staking, and convinced the sire's gangrel bodyguard to stand down and call an elder of the cult of Mithras. The elder let him take the sire's place, joins the Cult of Mithras, and act as a double agent against the chronicle's prince of Canterbury. Was given the right to decapitate his sire and eventually claim Canterbury as his domain once Mithras returns.

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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I like Forgotten Realms, but the implicit game feels more at home in AD&D than 3.5's mechanics.

I want to like Eberron as THE 3.5 setting, but it vaguely rubs me the wrong way without being able to point to anything specific. Maybe I just need to embrace the 2000s steampunk cringekino.
I dunno I can accept Eberron existing if I take into account all the crazy previous settings, but I wouldn't take it for THE setting either.
It's weird, Greyhawk should be the case but them using the local gods in the PHB doesn't do it for me, either, for some reason. Or maybe it's all the weird tech they include in the PHB equipment. Or all the 2000s-style artwork. I just wanted default generic medieval fantasy for the basics.
>Eberron as THE 3.5 setting
Which is funny because absolutely none of the canon abilities work properly in 3.5 mechanics.
IMO FR makes more sense if you're not using 3.5 books outside of Core + FR books, which is how I always ran it. "Complete ___" was as GM-Discretion as Dragon Magazine or stuff for other settings. But I will grant you, it's still a higher power level than suggested by the novels, in terms of spellcasting staying power, ease of resurrection magic, and a few other things. 3e definitely juiced up the character power level.
Can you elaborate?

I wonder what a setting built around some of the implicit elements of SRD Core (XPH, my beloved) would look like, while still being thematically evocative.

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>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

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I even fixed Hood and Gravemind like >>93242064 suggested (with a minor tweak)
Also here’s some more covenant stuff
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Why is there a human in the covenant colors, you ask? Simply because of this. I want the covenant to be able to start the Great Journey as a wincon
Also is there any critique with what I have so far?
Hood probably needs “you may” for proper phrasing, but otherwise looks good.

Although now I’m concerned about proliferate. How present is that in this set?
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This is what I have so far, and it’s just a reprint
To answer your question even more, I plan on it being mainly a flood thing

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Inaugural Edition

Welcome to /bwg/! This is a general dedicated to all board wargames: hex and counter, CDGs, block wargames, and even more eclectic designs are all welcome here. Talk about anything here, from games you're interested in, organizing games over Vassal or Tabletop Simulator with other anons, or just general discussion.

>Thread Question
How did you first learn about board wargaming? What drew you to it?
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I'd email GMT, that probably should have arrived already.
>€250 + VAT for Risk or A&A
Kek me to the moon and let me Hawk Toah among the tards
If someone were interested in a massive, epic production I'd sooner recommend Europa Universalis.
Already have Europa Universalis.
Love it.
I may or may not have backed the reprint.

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There's a print button on Fallout 1 & Fallout 2's character sheet screen. What's the utility in that?
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well, the reason is because OG Fallout was meant to be using GURPS and yada yada yada, go watch Timothy Cain's video on that.
point is originally you were meant to be able to print the character sheet from the GURPS fallout so you could use it for your Table top GURPS games.
But no real people play GURPS, so thank god that was made a moot point

Can you imagine a world where GURPS was mainstream?
it certainly be one with a lot more railroads and dinosaur documentaries that's for sure.
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>AI opponent faxes you in Dungeon Keeper 1!!!!
they fucking what?
What's the purpose in that?
>Unclear when a question is a speech check
>Unclear how the % system works
>The Dodgge/DR/DT system is incomprehensible without a computer doing the calculations for you
>Fallout 1 is a 10-hour game to 100%. Are you going to print your character sheet every hour?
>>Unclear how the % system works
>>The Dodgge/DR/DT system is incomprehensible without a computer doing the calculations for you

It's really not, but it IS impractical for tabletop.
>Skill % = Your Chance to Succeed, like CoC's D100
>If you have 85 Melee, you succeed on your attack if you roll lower than 86 on D100.
>If you roll 86-100, you miss.
>However, a hit can become a dodge.
>Your hit roll is then reduced by the target's AC as well as special conditions (darkness)
>If your melee skill is 85% subtract the target's 10 AC, and now you are melee 75%.
>So a 76-85 on the D100 is a dodge against the AC 10 target.
>Now roll damage
>Damage is checked against the target's armor's damage threshold (DT). If the damage rolled is less than the armor's DT, the attack hits for 0 damage.
>Now damage is checked against the armor's resistances.

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>But only on a critical hit
There are people who don't take Slayer or Sniper?

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Tard Wrangle Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

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>damage resistances hardly matter
Wut are your DMs really like this?
My DM always used resistances.
>DMing for a party so babymode that they can't handle having to deal off-type damage for an encounter
>Barbarian only get mad few times per week
Shit rule.
>if thats true why does wyll seethe when I do? granted my dwarf barbarian was literally half his height but like seriously
>Why would he be mad that someone he thought was a friend is hooking up with his Owner and tormentor?
if wyll had minded his own business in the first place he wouldn't be under contract, so like maybe he should've taken that lesson too

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>I've lost my phylactery
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What the hell is a "banned school?"
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Aumvor's fragmented phylactery, yeah.
make a new one, bonelet.
Hell, go all out. Make seven.

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Double-dealin', double-crossin' no-good, sell-out Elf edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>93170128

>Thread Question: Betrayal! Treachery! Stabbed in the back! Tell us of the times you've been betrayed by NPCs and how you've overcome their sudden but inevitable betrayal.
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>tfw just found out hex maps were already a thing in the 1890s
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I've posted this once before. Not mine.
I like to use it sometimes. It's like turning the oracle into a resource you have to manage. It gives you more agency.
I do prefer randomness, but sometimes it's nice to switch it up a little.
You could even make a list of generic random events and use them with the end/but results. The location/characters/circumstances would still make them random enough even if you just decided which one is happening. And it would still be resource management if you made half of them positive and the other half negative events.

such a strange book. I could never tell if it was played 100% serious or an elaborate joke.
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Actually sounds dope, I never got into hexcrawl but it would definitely be a dope way to visualize your progress through the political ladders. Some of those slots would definitely be traps, or allies. Now my mind is going off like fireworks, dope suggestion.

I want to run through the whole world of darkness universe, however long it'll take. I think Wraith the Oblivion has so much potential for oracle use.
I read it through once in 2019. The vibe that I got from it was that the "Games" proposed inside were meant to be sort of creative writing exercises, but without the writing part. One of games that helped me a lot was, the one where you imagine your own castle of your own perfect design, then tear the castle apart, then imagine what it was that could have caused such damage to said castle, now imagine what lengths you'd have to go through to put the castle back together again... Very interesting stuff.

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the twist is players can only play evil characters
the bbeg fills the niche of the obligatory good king
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Definitely not the worst ressource to draw inspiration from! HoMM was a tremendous benchmark for fantasy as a genre whose long-term influence can't be overestimated. Had a surprisingly good magic system aswell. It's a shame what happened to the IP.
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I don't think that the Dark Lord would be a 'good king.' He's like Sauron: you fear him but that fear pushes you to serve him as he can kill you in an instance. Plus Orcs hate everything good and beautiful because they themselves are hideous and ugly.

The Aztecs were bad, had every single mesoamerican state uniting against them and I would not have sex with them.


Most slaves would be stuffed into the massive factories. Constantly producing weapons of war while the armies of darkness march, taking more slaves. Capital punishments are harsh and over the top, ranging from impalement to getting outright castrated in front of the other slaves. And just to double down on the 'corrupting' nature of Notdor, the slavers obliterate the original identity of the slaves, harshly punishing those that speak their native tongues in front of their masters, forcing them to use the degenerated tongue of the orcs.

The Dark Lord knows that language can give concepts meaning so he goes out of his way to linguistically obliterate languages not unlike Oceania. But unlike Oceania with the state promoting sexual puritanism, the Dark Lord uses sex as a weapon. He lets the Orcs run wild in occupied territory, with slaves regularly brutalized by their Orc masters. Why? It breaks the slave's spirit, especially when half-orcs are born as half-orcs live lives as a perpetual underclass in Notdor society thus making another miserable proportion of society the Dark Lord can use.

Yeah. Being an Orc wench or a buck sucks ass... WEEEALLLLLL Unless you get that kine o' peculiar buck.

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I think what he was trying to say is that the evil overlord of this setting fills the niche of the lawful good human king cliché from an ordinary fantasy setting. Obviously he'd still be evil.
The Orcs have several preferred slaving targets:
>Academies: both magic and mundy institutes of learning have high-born students. A literate slave is needed for logistics and book keeping after all.
>Castles: highborn slaves are always highly valued. Mostly as trophies, or for the princess to warm their beds.
>Idyllic villages: peasants from idealistic lives are among the funnest to break. Plus you can get a lot of work out of them before they die.
>Cities: wide arrange of slaves with variable skill levels. You might get a guild carpenter or a ratcatcher or a good tavern wench. Plus a lot of loot.
>Monasteries: those robe-wearing rats have gold, manuscripts, and all kinds of good stuff hidden away. Otherwise, they're a pain in the ass to deal with usually.
>Convents: 50/50 chance it'll be good. You might get a young blonde initiate OR you'll have to cut your way through masses of screaming women who mutilated their faces so they wouldn't get raped.

'Meh' targets:
>Serf villages: the Easterling 'serfs' are already miserable with broken spirits. In fact, Orcs buy these wretches from boyars all the time. But they work, and keep their head down as a good slave should.
>Multigenerational slaves: slaves are slaves.

They also avoid enslaving:
>Intelligentsia: teachers, physicians, and other 'high' burghers are too well-educated to be trusted so they're killed en masse. While they'll gladly enslave the royal family, the burgher who lectured at Master John's University of Goldshire will get killed instantly which hasn't gone unnoticed.
>Gnostics, dervishes, sword saints, and other 'religious weirdos': they're just trouble. Especially hashashin.

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I'm not upset when series die any more. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.

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What would the stats be on a Redneck Elf subrace?
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>Faggot produces lust from Elves
OP sux dicks

I've been wanting to run a sci-fi space opera campaign for a while now, and the opportunity to do so is coming near enough for me to actually start planning it. I've got the outline of the premise and a lot of ideas for encounters and misadventures the players can come upon during their travels, but something I'm beginning to question is exactly how to lay it all out. Originally I planned to draft up a hex map to represent the "star sector" the game would take place in in order to make travel distances easy to calculate and the information fairly readable, but I'm beginning to wonder if that's actually the best way to go about it. Aside from travel time (which isn't instant, though it is much faster than light) I don't have a reason in mind why I'd NEED to emphasize distance, and while the hex map is good for marking the location of stars in a sector, it doesn't seem great for noting the details and important locations at a smaller scale. Anyone have any ideas for how I might want to go about it, or ever done a game like this before?

Also general space adventure thread, I guess.
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Here are some of the Space Opera pdfs. Maybe this will help.

Space Operas happen on different scales at the same time. You have usually like a macro scale of conflicts (factions at war or political tensions) which somehow interact with localised problems and personal storylines. This is the big strength of the setting: You can tell a story about the fall of an empire or civilisation in the background while your PC's focus on their very own problems.

With that said, ask yourself in what adventures/plotlines you want throw your party and what narrative you want to have going on in the background. You're out for conflict in the open? Let them witness a Star Battle from Inside a ship while they try to escape to the emergency pods inside to drop on the next planet for the next adventure. You want more plotting? Throw them out on a boulevard that spans several planets through some stargate-fuckery to buy a gift for a dinnerparty at some influencial persons home and involve them in a murder mystery.

Create a Setting that fits the Mood of the Story you want to tell. Look at f.e. Cowboy Beebob: The story has a certain blues going on and this is reflected by a almost bored setting in which there is no major driving conflict that affects people directly. People go on with their stuff and noone is mobilised to care for a greater course. This is in contrast to f.e. Star Wars which uses backworlds like Tattoine to show the pressure and presence of the Empire.

Once you have the mood and rough story just gather what you need. Factions and tension with aliens? Map their areas, give them some planets and routes to link them along some "frontlines". You want to discover ancient alien ruins? neat, place them in some outer places and so on. You want to have metropolitan feel? Create a chain of well interconnected worlds and think about how people travel there to sprawl. You need to add a planet on the fly? Just do it and say that it is a backworld most people don't care unless they have a business with it.
Please read Stars Without Number's GM section
For a Star Trek-style "exploring a frontier" game, should the players be part of a Starfleet? Or should they be "free traders" or something like that?
Well if you're familiar with Share Thread here are some links. /Ji-Ral /FGU Both have Space Opera folders. Drive Thru also hs the filles at a decent price.

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by Gwendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)

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Oh nice job man!
How idiot proof are the elegoo printers in general?
I have no place to put my resin printer with ventilation and I fear the fumes and problem they may cause down the line.

Will an air purifier remedy this problem?
No. Those don't handle VOCs. Try using a grow tent and venting fumes out a window with an inline fan.
If I submerge Elegoo 8k Resin into simple green will it be safe to store in my closet until the paint wears off?
Or am I going to make mustard gas and kill myself whit a chemical reaction?

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I just bought Paranoia Core Starter Set, how much did I fuck up?
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paranoia commies have always been a parody of the McCarthy communist witch hunts. makes it a lot more fun to treat them according to their description in XP:
for ULTRAVIOLET eyes only
The Commies don’t really know much about historical Communism, which was a dead doctrine long before Year 1 of The Computer. However, The Computer’s intense persecution of Communism has led to its revival. (Certain citizens conclude if The Computer hates Communism that much, it can’t be all bad.) Communists have tried to reconstruct Communism from the few sources they’ve found, but many celIs have little idea what it’s all about.
with that in mind, i agree that removing the title bad guys for nondescript terrorists (basically every secret society was already a terrorist by the way) is a decision lacking in SOVL
That's also part of the joke. Nobody knows what communists actually are, but Alpha Complex is Stalinist in all but name while also witch hunting them. There's layers to it.
The witch hunt leading to a revival of communism is a fantastic criticism of the red scare, which goes to show you the people who made the change are FUCKING STUPID while playing right into the hands of early 2000s propaganda. There's me critiquing it from leftwards.
Oh, so you're STUPID stupid. Don't worry, I'm sure a youtuber will make a video essay that explains baby-tier literary analysis of a comedy TTRPG game to you any day now. Keep waiting for spoonfed content.
Your friends sound absolutely fucking miserable if you really believe they'd take offense to what is basically agitprop containing an obvious satire of McCarthyism.

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Welcome to TODD! This thread is for OPEN discussion of TSR-era Dungeons & Dragons (OD&D, Basic D&D, and AD&D including 2e) and related games, such as retroclones and OSR-adjacent games (OSE, BFRPG, S&W, LotFP, DCC, C&C, etc.). Free discussion of house rules and modifications is encouraged. For the sake of clarity, B/X is the assumed default system for any conversation unless otherwise indicated (but please do feel free to indicate otherwise).

>Do you make any changes to the way multiclassing works?
>How do you handle switching out weapons?
>What's one of your favorite monsters that doesn't get used or talked about much?
>Is there a particular class you've just never been interested in? Why?
207 replies and 20 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anybody have Khosura: King of the Wastelands yet? Or any kind of previews. I'm getting close to pulling the trigger. I usually like the author's stuff and I like the sales pitch on it.
$35 shipping and a $90 total is pretty nasty for something that won't have a pdf release for months.
Yep. They're great, why?
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Rate my house rules for B/X pick-up games at open table.
>All weapons 1D6 RAW
>Dual wield is +1 to hit
>2H weapons get +1 to damage
>Fighters get +1 to hit and damage rolls
>Max HP for HD and using DMG's health pool dice
>Read magic is automatically given, MU's get 2 spells at level 1
>When rolling stats, use optional method shown in DMG (4D6 drop lowest, arrange as wanted)
>1H weapon users get +1 to saving throws if other hand is empty
>Thief gets base 1/6 detect traps until 3rd level. To disable trap, must roll under % skill (even under level 3)
>When Thief fails sneak check, enemy rolls to see if they heard, if not, sneak successful (thieves are the only class allowed to sneak)

The only thing I'm on the fence about is to let thief disarm and detect room traps.
Dwarf gets good base chance of detecting room traps, but should thief be able to grow to be better at it than them?
I hate how shit thief was thought out.
Hasn't shipped yet. Fight On! issues 1, 9, and 10 have the original draft of the thing.
Anon, it's the tenth time you post this.

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