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Elf Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War, Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Shrek: War in the Swamp, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone, Oathmark, OnePageRules, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games...
...and many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>Novice Troves, meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for up-to-date troves.

How much effort do you put into making an army /yourguys/?
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Alot. I even go so far as to make maps of the kingdom they hail from.
good thing those 10 guys brought a flag or whatever
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Woman brained moment.
Any mecha rulesets that provide specifically for zero-g / space combat, without it being literally just ground combat on a different mat?
I try to put in a fair bit of effort. Sometimes that just means custom paint scheme, sometimes I'll even write up lore for them and the likes.
>How much effort do you put into making an army /yourguys/?

Almost the opposite
Almost aim for as generic as possible for non /hwg/ stuff so I can try different games with them. Everything is minis agnostic to me.

The main thing I aim for is consistent basing and a colour theme for each project
Break out Full Thrust with a real mecha-pervert eye on the inertia mechanics. It wouldn't be the first naval game to be adapted to mecha.

>How much effort do you put into making an army /yourguys/?
The more generic the setting, the less effort I put in. For something like Brutality I have more fun literally grabbing random handfuls of minis out of the cabinet. Sometimes it's fun to have a go with, E.G., Motoko Kusanagi, a random foot knight, a werewolf, Nick Fury, and Ace Freehly.
For mid-sized stuff I GM so much that /myguys/ frequently winds up being just the NPCs, and I jump games a lot which means a lot of semi-generic models. Occasionally something will actually hook me, though, especially after a few weeks in a campaign. Then I get more into backstory.
All that being said, my favorite part of minis gaming is conversion. I'll run entire armies with dozens of conversions or even custom-cast models just because it's fun to fuck around.
sometimes I even paint them
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I haven't made any fluff for my dudes, I've an idea of the general vibe and aesthetics for my warbands. I try to go for cohesive paint schemes at the very least and conversions and kitbashes where appropriate.

In the last thread one of the lads mentioned how he had customized the activation rules of dragon rampant so that all units get one activation, but a second activation needs an activation roll, where a failure leads to turnover. If you are reading this thread, can you tell us how this modification changed the games you played?
>How much effort do you put into making an army /yourguys/?
I use a lot of my minis across different agnostic games. I spend a while making my models try to fit the game and often they don't fit perfectly or I have to stretch things a bit. But I'm just playing a few games with my wife while our daughter is at daycare so I don't have much time to paint up new armies.
Not sure where we're Assemble posting, since the dedicated thread (unsurprisingly) died, but they added some new renders to the TCG site.
So MiniWarGaming uploaded a battlereport for Warcaster. The game was absolutely dead even when Privateer Press was still alive. I wonder if it means Steamforged Games is starting a whisper marketing campaign before reviving it. I wish that was true, Warcaster is an amazing game and what PP done with it was a fucking crime.
If SFG does it this year it'd be around Fall or Winter, realistically 2026 is the likely year Warcaster gets anything if nothing goes awry with IKRPG, whatever the coming MonPoc announcement is, and Warmachine. SFG obviously does have plans for it and Riot Quest, but who knows what those plans are.

That said, if you want to support the game; join it's little tournaments in places like LVO (which typically have 8 active players.) It's got a small and dedicated community that schedules at every event they can get, and it'd love some more fresh faces.
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Has anyone played Here's the Ruckus? Any opinions on it?
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How are my fellow Spartans doing?
Like like a board game.
Pic unrelated
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>heading away from home for a while
>unable to do any hobbying
>tempted to take the Oathmark books + a journal and pencils with me so I can create an autistically detailed kingdom and an introductory solo campaign.
Shit I was just about to ask whatever happened to this game
i was excited for it until i learned it was based on MP instead of being a proper wargame, then after the announcement i never heard of it again
>autistically detailed kingdom
Wouldn't Oathmarks shitty list building "Kingdom" gimmick limit your ability to flesh out a good /yourdudes/ kingdom?
>based on MP
There's literally playable elites in the starter box and other Banished units confirmed.
It's the best skirmish wargame release of 2024 IMO. Wave 2 preorders just got extended an extra week. The first tournament Mantic held in the UK was a big success with cool prizes.
>Don't mind me guys, I'll take few pictures of the board state.
>Just, right... here... Right in top of the cleavage.

Well played anon but she saw right through your bullshit and buttoned up.
Wouldn't we understand what you were talking about if you explained your point of view instead of hanging shit on it when it's mentioned? I enjoy Oathmark. I enjoy the campaign system.
The rules are just a starting point for me
there's plenty of people here who only scoff, avoiding any meaningful exchange of perspectives. often seems like a dont feed the trolls scenario
It's fine if you don't like something. "It's shit" tells me absolutely nothing, though, except that some autist thinks I can read minds
Nevermind the billhooks and oathmark both have resident super fan spergs that hate the other game. It's best to just ignore retarded posts.
I like Oathmark just fine. If it has any quirks, it's in each army being quite similar, and some of the movement mechanics being fast but unrealistic.

Otherwise it's a great system. Don't know anything about Billhooks other than the Canadian guy who keeps posting the same minis over. The one who used an English Civil War banner for his 16th century light cavalry because it has the word "cuckold" on it. Generally people here are pretty venal, thick and deranged.
Receiving my budget starter box tomorrow! My sister and I used to play the shit out of Halo 1 and 2, bringing in an extra TV and XBox for my birthdays so we could do 4vs4 LAN parties in my parents' lounge room. Such were the good times... I pity the zoomer and their full online experience to be honest.

Anyway, we got excited by the announcement, dropped the game like hot potato when we saw it wouldn't be Halo: Ground Command 2.0.
But after few videos and reports we're really keen to give it a try. For 25€ each it can't be cheaper than that and it looks like kinda unique and a load of fun.
Think I've played my last game with my sole gaming buddy. Doesn't matter what you place in front of him, he plays it like it's competitive 40K.

Could I get a rundown of tried and trusted solo-able rulesets? If all else fails, is diorama making fun?
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That sounds truly dreadful, I'm sorry you had to endure it thus far. Sincerely, I can't stand those types
Sure it is

This is helpful
What, do you fucken LIVE here?
Well tell us what you tried, what you liked and what you're looking for.
If not the usual suspect: Rangers of Shadowdeep, Five Leagues From the Borderlands, Five Parsecs From Home, Sellswords & Spellslingers, Weasel-Tech, Hametsu, Chrome Hammer Ascension...
Is the porta potty the leader?
Rhanksnrk the anon who mentioned Last Days. I'd seen dispositions applied to races and factions, but not individual characters. Also assumed it'd be too restrictive, but the percentages seem to give quite a bit of freedom. Definitely going to try porting these over
Post your green Play-Doh turd snake, Oathmarkanon
Is this a euphemism? I'm not the only person tired of your bullshit, obvs
Aside from some historical rules, I tried to get us to play Stargrave and it just didn't work with his mindset. He was looking to list build powerful characters, while I was trying to get some narrative going.
Well you can easily replace Stargrave by Five Parsecs From Home then. It's a serviceable solo wargame with a steong campaign system attached to it. There's three expansions if you want to tweak it to your liking.

Any favored timeperiod or ruleset for Historical? I doubt we'll find a solo substitute here but I'm a fellow Tom myself so it's always nice to share experiences.
In terms of historicals, I'm mostly into ancients, but I've dabbled a bit in most periods. For that, I actually think it would be pretty easy to knock out some quick rules for playing solo with attack vs defence scenarios.
Wake me up when they add some Odst and some Marines
>wake me up when they add models that will get one-shotted every time they get attacked
Drones busy gathering up all the bludgeons so no-one can break anything
They really are unbearably helpful little mama's boys, aren't they.
>what PP done with it was a fucking crime.
Yeah, like leaving out all the non-human races, if SFG fixes that I'm back in
Bringing their own porta-shitter, now that is some forward thinking
It's perryfaggot, of course he lives here. Lord knows it's not like he plays games. You see his tabled is pressed into a corner? At best he takes a little time to set up a fake game with the whore he hires to pretend is his wife.
It's presumably supposed to be the army's Oathmark
/wfg/ seether detected lmfao
Nah, he's correct. That guy spams images of hus "games" in multiple threads sometimes. The Pic in this thread I've personally seen posted at least 5 times in this general.
So? It's a decent looking game set up and I don't see you posting your games, so I welcome it
>So? It's a decent looking game set up
Go away, perryfaggot.
Yeah but 3 or 4 years of posting the same pic
Its an illness
Centred on the one game he played once
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Anyone here play Fallout wasteland warfare? I heard it’s a really good solo game. I’ve been playing fallout 3 and new Vegas recently and I remembered there’s a ton of RPG and mini support for the setting so I looked into it a little bit.

I’m interested in caesar’s legion and to a lesser extent children of atom and institute. Some of the miscellaneous survivors and vault dwellers are also cool but I’m not sure how the factions entirely work and I haven’t seen all the playable units myself.

I’ve been hobbying for about 3 years and I own a 3d printer. Most of my models are 40k or Age of sigmar but I don’t want to proxy as I like fallout characters. Are there many STL’s out there or is it harder to find than printable files of GW stuff?

Finally, what do I actually need to/should buy or is there a resource for rules like wahapedia? Is there anywhere I can get cheap models if I don’t find any STL files to my liking? Like a good value starter set or bundle?
>Centred on the one game he played once
By himself, no less.
I got to play my first couple IRL games of OPR firefight this weekend. The person I played against also played for the first time, and described it as "what I originally thought Kill Team would be."

Eh. Back in 9e 40k I loved playing Crusade digitally over TTS, until GW released 10e and decided that all the crusade rules were null and void. That's why I moved to OPR.
It's a display.
I actually post my games and feel no need to repost the same 3-5 images for years.
>3-4 years of the same image
You're retarded or coping. I built and painted these armies over the months of 2024 and posted my progress along the way, I just built this 9×5 table in December, so I'm not sure how you've been seeing it posted for years. Get checked for dementia or schizophrenia, I'm not sure
>How much effort do you put into making an army /yourguys/?

Quite alot. I'm kinda mediocre at painting, but make up for it in sculpting/building instead, where my strength is. Double edged sword however. I put too much pressure on myself most of the time, which DO mean i constantly get better at what i do, but also that i "quit" the hobby sometimes. It's fun and perhaps helps me to commit to w/e project i'm working on. I'd like to do something simpler, but i'm afraid there won't be enough investment in the work to feel any commitment towards it.
>Finally, what do I actually need to/should buy or is there a resource for rules like wahapedia? Is there anywhere I can get cheap models if I don’t find any STL files to my liking?
The classic solution for the Legion is to buy some WWII or Cold War plastics and kitbash them with Roman historicals. Warlord has chunkier, GW-style Legionnaires, Victrix has more slender models and is substantially cheaper. Rubicon Models' US Army Vietnam sprues are probably the easiest way to get ahold of M-14s and other post-WWII weapons, otherwise you'll have to hit up Korean War ranges.
As far as Vault Dwellers and Muties go, there are quite a few tucked away in Reaper's catalog, as well as Crooked Dice. There was a guy in Russia doing cast and 3DP stuff but he's taken a lot of it down. Checkpoint Miniatures in the UK has a whole bunch of power armor heads. Cheeky proxies are all over the 3DP sites, you just need to poke around a bit.

>Actual game
It's got a lot of fiddly bits to it. Stuff like measuring sticks, a bunch of custom dice, multiple decks of cards plus card-based character creation. Last time I played it took more time to set up than it did to play. On the flip side it has good solo rules and a lot of general support for campaign play. Minis are more like a tall 35mm than the usual 28-32mm, which shouldn't be an issue if you're bashing or printing most of your stuff. Core rulebook was free last I checked, other components are a pain in the ass to store and/or source if you don't buy a boxed starter set.
I *personally* prefer This is Not a Test, it's got support for other universes and does Fallout very well. It also has extremely solid rules nad the creator playtests the shit out of it. Unfortunately the 1st edition rulebooks are a massive clusterfuck to sort out and I haven't seen the second edition yet. Solo support is weak, it really thrives with 3-5 players. Also has excellent scenario support and free demo rules up on the website.
I'm retarded but you post the same image a lot.
Should be available as scans in the usual sources.

>Are there many STL’s out there or is it harder to find than printable files of GW stuff?
Yes, stuff is out there. Everything is harder to find than GW stuff for obvious reasons.
Vermilion miniatures has a variety of not-fallout stuff, print minis does not-necromunda mostly, but the wasteland guys will work just as well for fallout raiders etc.
For physical proxies, there is brother Vinni. He has robots, power armour and some other stuff.

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