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>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, OnePageRules, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games...
...and many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>Novice Troves, meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for up-to-date troves.

Do you like armies/factions obviously based on real-world cultures?
Generally yes, if it's an interesting twist even more.

Occasionally yes, but it often just seems lazy and Flanderized. Kislev being an obvious example. Many middle eastern factions also suffer from this. I want more plated mail and mirror armours, less lamellar.
Only as long as something interesting is done with it.
Conquest Nips look cool. Had my eye on the game for about a year now, but not sure I want to pay AoS prices for minis just because it's not GW.
>Do you like armies/factions obviously based on real-world cultures?

Not overtly, for example I look at Trench Crusade and just think, well, good luck to them but WW1 is plenty "grimdark" as it is. I appreciate influence but I don't need the infantilising move of repackaged historicals as fantasy.
I'm starting to try and puzzle together the Yoroni. The biggest hang up I'm hitting while looking at the list is really the best use of modular regiments. Its a cool concept, but ultimately, due to the restriction on having to make up most of the unit of one type, and how generally, most of the troops fill the same niche, it doesn't really feel like there's a reason to mix'n'match the different troops.
Whats the best way to actually get people interested in KoW? All my friends are so far up GWs butt they wont even look at it since its not GW. I've connected with a small group but theyre over an hour away. I was hoping to actually travel for this game as i'm really enjoying when i can actually play.
Most GW people have devolved beyond being able to paint an "army" of more than 40 models, so probably Ambush.

That being said rather than getting them into a new thing, with its attendant bits snd pieces, be a bit more demonstrative about how rules and minis agnostic most wargames really are. Show them they can use their stuff for anything in theme
>Whats the best way to actually get people interested in KoW? All my friends are so far up GWs butt

Well you just said it, you play with their existing models.
thanks to the anon who recommended this series. still waiting for the main books and paraphernalia to arrive from across the pond, but was able to find the free rulebooks from warhames illustrated to practice with
God I fucking loathe the manchildren that are into TC
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Tapping in from last thread -
>Before I dive-in too deep, is Ghost Archipelago just Frostgrave in the jungle or is it an add-on on top of core Frostgrave for more experienced players?
It's an engine hack like Stargrave, only trying to be a Sinbad movie instead of scifi. Rules-wise it combines some of the improvements that would go into Stargrave and FG2e (notably the odd number of treasures and central treasure concepts, along with the soldier-specialist split). GA has a different warband structure to FG,with a sidekick wizard using limited magic and a leader more like a superpowered Captain from FG1e. Stargrave would expand on this idea as well. They stopped publishing expansions before FG2e came out so it's missing a couple of rules patches from down the road.
>actual play
GA missions are quite a bit more hazardous than FG or SG. Your movement is severely constrained for most of them, armor is low, and several of the wandering monsters are nasty as hell. It requires you to burn gold and sail home for a bit if you want to sell or buy gear and hire new specialists, which is stressful even if it's not actually a real burden. The supplements add a lot to the game, and since development effectively froze about 5 years ago there are only three of them with none of the edition problems of Frostgrave's. I can go more into the supplements if you want; the biggest thing they do is add a bunch of NPC faction play. It makes the islands seem much more alive and like your warband is having a permanent impact on the world compared to Frostgrave.
I also recently did up a new version of the Ulterior Motives decks that were only published in Spellcaster magazine. They add a lot to the game, but printing them out was a huge pain in the ass. This is a combined pdf with all the cards and backs, ready to print.
I don't care as long as it's not my culture. If it's mine, I usually either cringe or rage.
you ported and designed that supplement? impressive
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It's my absolute favorite game. How do you like it?
PS here is all the files, and the deluxe version as well if you're interested
>Do you like armies/factions obviously based on real-world cultures?
Yes, as long as they do something with it. Ideally pulling heavily from folklore while putting enough of their own spin on things to avoid just being a "historical" game.
Rokugan/Clan War was amazing because it wasn't just a pack of idealized weebs, it was all vicious infighting shitheads who all had facets of an interesting part or period of Japanese culture. It also had a unique interpretation of Warhammer Fantasy-style Chaos as seen by said weebs rather than just retreading all the standard Japanese monsters, YMMV on that.

Not so much a port and redesign as it was resizing slightly, then printing it all to a file with the proper alignment and all the card backs.
Good source for cyberpunk gangs or near future to use for Judge Dredd? I preferably would like a clown gang if possible.
>Good source for cyberpunk gangs or near future to use for Judge Dredd? I preferably would like a clown gang if possible.
If you're willing to work with the material (soft, grainy siocast) and the prices (~$40-50 for a seven-pack, ~$15-20 for a three-pack), there's a great clown gang for Cyberpunk RED. Best discount I can find right now is Minimarket.

I liked their sculpts enough to get half a dozen packs, but the material is a huge pain in the dick to work with. It fuzzes up when you try to scrape it (see the model with the pistol on the right) and it's extremely easy to over-cut. It does take a heat-bend reasonably well and it's super-easy to chop up for conversions, though. Paints really well too.
I'm sorr of on the fence about it. I don't mind it when it's done well or has a nice twist, but often it can feel lazy and pandering.
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a ching chong bing bong

Fucking hell those are disgusting, especially for that price.

Some people taking the piss now isn't there.
The bozos look like what I’m looking for, thanks.
I just realized I never painted a dragon.
What thr fuck this needs to be fixed.
Any recommendations? I dont want something too big to transport and without many tactical rocks on the base.
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The first play test of Trench Wolves went quite well. For those who didn't see in the last thread, I'm attempting to adapt the activation and action structure of Trench Crusade into Gamma Wolves (replacing the phase system) to quicken gameplay and make the battle feel more dynamic.

Time constraints didn't allow us to finish the game outright, but we were almost done at the 2 hour mark, where core rulebook Gamma Wolves has been taking around 4 hours. Everything adapted over quite well, but the Manage Reactor Heat move still needs some tweaking. Right now, even though it's a Risky Action, it's too easy to just throw on at the end of your activation. It doesn't break the game but it feels a little cheap. I'm thinking maybe this is where Snap Fire gets reintroduced, where if you Manage Reactor Heat within Lock and Line of Sight of an enemy, they get a free pot shot.
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Putting my new minis on square bases is to tempting but I simply have no reason to do so. All the games I play are using round bases and even if I want to play any rank-and-flank game I can simply get a proper rounds-to-squares movement tray. It really is all about the aesthetic nowadays, isn't it?
Uniform rank-and-file poses? On square bases in a discreet movement tray.
Dynamic skirmish poses? On round bases in a movement tray.

I don't think there are many better sights in wargaming than an army of no-frills at-the-ready posed miniatures on square bases neatly arranged for a rank-and-flank battle.
It's 10mm scale, but I quite like the format dragon from Argatoria. It's nice and uncluttered.
How far would a box of Conquistadors go for GA?
>format dragon
Fucking fat thumbs. Forest dragon.
How you like Argatoria anyway? A buddy of mine trying to kickstart it locally so kinda fishing for opinions.
I've not bad a chance to really sit down and try it, but after several readthroughs of the rules and watching a few games it looks really solid. When I first saw it I was worried it'd copy the worst elements of WHFB since units have similar stats (Wepaon Skill, Strength and Toughness being the main ones), but jt plays very suffering and dynamically from what I can tell.

I like the activation mechanic where you roll 2d6 and whatever the high result is is how many units you activate at that time. I also love how units with high strength hitting something with low toughness get bonus dice on the wound roll, and vice-versa as weaker units lose dice on their wound roll when attacking stuff with high toughness. Means you gotta pick your fights.

I want to get into it and grab some armies, but I know it's an uphill battle here to get people to look beyond Warhammer anything, and I say that as someone who quite likes Warmaster. I've also debated using Argatoria models in that because the models are great for their size.

If your local guy is willing to do a demo I say go for it.
GuP idiot here.

I just spent 150$ on ordering professionally assembled and painted minis for this shit. I did this after spending two days in a row playing, 1 time with my friend and like 3-4 times solo, playing both teams.

I honestly don't know if there is a single person on Earth who need this game at all besides me.
Ghosts und Panzers?
Someone had posted a clown gang back in the summer I think. Looked cool. They weren’t the bozos either, something 3d printed maybe? Had a sexy clown.
I'm making a Girls und Panzer wargame. And technically it's GuT — Girls und Tabletop.
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Maybe a bit of a weird question, but my friend has asked me to play some OPR age of fantasy games this weekend. We don't really have a point limit or anything. But we do WYSIWYG to avoid confusion, since we play casually. So I decided to bring my Stormcast eternals from Skaventide to our game (haven't painted the skaven half yet)

Is pic rel how you'd build skaventide Stormcasts? I am not sure, and my friend just shrugged, since he doesn't know either. I know there are a few extra models, like the memorians and gryph hound, but we allow "cheerleaders".

From top to bottom:
>Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker
This might help, though really as long as you're both clear on whats what you should be fine no matter what.
Played against an army made of lego creations and an army consisting of a ringwraith and an inflatible duck.
Yeah sure that works
nice tummy
>making a wargame about your incel fetish
Keep it to yourself mate
it was initially bizarre. things that id have assumed were fiddly just worked (play deck, tracking arrows, status tokens)
and then there's the beautifully elegant bits (my favorite being the pikemen hedgehog reaction). callan seems to have tuned the turn structure for a near seamless play loop.
something im not convinced of is leaving victory conditions as is. might add the objective system from epic armageddon, but only after i learn this game properly as i may be wrong and might interfere with the pleasantly quick pace.
i actually bought everything in the mf except boathooks, but im glad for the preview. heard fantasia was quite mediocre and now that ive had a chance to read it, wish i instead grabbed that sea battles supplement. if there isn't a proper fan supplement for fantasy warfare, ill gladly make myself one
>How far would a box of Conquistadors go for GA?
Pretty far, but at the same time not as far as you'd hope. It'll kit out a whole group of players with Specialists, but it's not great for building your basic warband.

So the crew structure in Ghost Archipelago is a bit different than vanilla Frostgrave. The Heritor is his own thing (and easily done with the Conquistador box). He also has a pet wizard that isn't. As the Heritor levels up, they can take more and more Specialists, starting with four. Any empty slots can be filled out with generic, unarmored bozos with your choice of basic weapons. The Specialists are the only ones who get armor, and weapons/armor in the box only covers about a half of the available Specialist types. On the other hand it's a great source for weapons and equipment to kit out another box.

There are four sprues in the box. Per sprue of six models (counting the accessory sprue that goes with each main one), you get four men in light armor and two in heavy, a bunch of heads including hats, bare, and hemets, five 2-handers and muskets, 3 crossbows, six pikes, eight shields in three designs, a musician and standard, four drawn swords and six sheathed ones. There aren't particularly good rules for muskets in the game, you'll have to convert models for a couple of the Specialist soldiers, and the box has no bows.

>Other options
With all that being said, grabbing a sprue or two of the Aztec box fills in a whole bunch of your other Specialist slots. Another option is to pick up a Sailors box from Firelock, or a Crewman box from North Star. Likewise, a sprue or two from the WGA Afghan box would work pretty well as crew, especially with head swaps.
Antediluvian, Heresy, and of course Reaper all have some good models for Heritors, Alchemists (or plague doctors..), and stuff like Hunters that are on-theme for a Conquistador force as well.
oh, and the other fun thing about Ghost Archipelago crews is that you can freely swap out weapons on regular crewmen, and if one of your Specialists is dead or injured you can drop another grunt in without any hassle. So you'll usually need 6-10 grunts if you want to accommodate different mission types instead of the usual four or five models from a Frostgrave band.
Only weirdos like you have a fetish about "incels".
It's very pleasant to have another Billhooks appreciator in here. I actually held off on trying billhooks for over a year because I was opposed to using cards in a wargame, but the play deck actually has grown to be my favorite activation system of any game I've played. Hedgehog pike blocks is a nice feature, I love all the little features that are included that make the units feel more realistic to how one could imagine they'd be used in a real battlefield. For example I love how cavalry are used for hit and run charges like they were in real life. Instead of moving a block of cav into a block of infantry and leaving them there for several turns static, the cav slam into you and if they don't route you in that turn they have to break off, disengage and reset for another charge. It's nice because it treats cavalry like actual calvary, promotes making wide fast flanking and rear attacks against units already engaged, instead of treating cavalry as just faster infantry like other games do.
The one rule I really don't like is the routing rule, where when a unit routes their is a big chance of every unit around it routing as well. I get why it's in there, because this is a historical late medieval game and that is usually how battles played out in the late middle ages. However I think it's too swingy for tabletop so we omit that rule in our games.
Fantasia isn't a 'bad' supplement, it's got a good foundation but I think it needs a lot more fleshing out, there are things that could have been added to make it feel more complete.
I finally got my first test game of The Silver Bayonet together. ||My French opponent wiped the farmstead with my Austrians with significant help from the resident hobgoblin. Voltigeurs are hellishly OP on a table with sparse terrain.||
>Pikes doing a square and cavalry doing hit and run.
Why not play Pike & Shot then? You can do that plus open and close order among your ranks, evade, counter-charge...
I like hexagonal bases.

Does billhooks have an option for heavy cavalry with ranged weapons?
I'm last standing person who's watching this shit for cool tank battles (and, for some part, cute moments), instead of OHHH MY PNEIS MY PNEIS IS SO FUKKIN HARD

Also, I have a gf irl.

Back to the /tg/ topic, this ia not /a/ after all, I just think, those battles can make a perfect wargame material.
I watch it with my 8yo boy so pretty sure none of us watch it for depraved reasons.
That being said I'd love an anon-made wargame about it so I can get my 1/300th WWII tanks out for more than a parade.
Nice to hear, actually. Technically, the rules are allready there, it's just some existing parts are not tested yet and I want to add more content before calling it a beta-version (currectly there are rules for soviet, german and italian tanks with corresponding anime teams).


Only problem that it's for a different scale… but since I alrwady designed models and ballistics to be a different scale, there can be an assumption that playing smaller models will work.

Write to the thread if you'll actually try it out, I'd really appreciate.
They don't list th new models. And I am honestly not familiar enough with Warhammer to know what to substitude what. But I apprerciate it!

>Played against an army made of lego creations and an army consisting of a ringwraith and an inflatible duck.
From what I know, OPR is the "smash bros" of wargames, so this checks out!

Pike and Shotte is a shit game, one of Rick Priestly's poorest, and as an era I'm not interested in early modern warfare, I want to play late middle ages.

Has heavy cavalry with ranged weapons ever even existed in history? I can't think of anything example. Maybe the closest example we have is the Samurai using bow from horseback, but with this they played the role of light cav despite their armor. Even in early modern you have cuirassiers who had pistols, but they used these at such close range they were basic melee weapons. Dragoons with carbines generally dismounted. Mongols and all the other eastern steppe archers were not heavy cavalry. Mounted archers and crossbowmen in the middle ages dismounted....
>1:72 tanks
>1:1000 ground
I know the two are inevitably not the same, but that's a factor of nearly 14.
It's not unreadable, but it's clear English isn't your first language. You'd be better off writing in bullet points than paragraphs.
The lack of maneuvering rules, and movement not affecting shooting, does not really reflect the show. I don't think alternating activation or percentage dice really do either.
GuP is a tank based sport anime, not a girl based war story.

Yes, I would argue that cavalry with lances and barded horses actually are heavy cavalry. But in general you bring up good examples of cavalrymen dismounting to shoot or only using firearms while charging.
WGA is participating in another Kickstarter, this time they're making hard plastic gladiators.

Hail Caesar then.
First, I'm the anon you were talking to.

>Different scale.
Do you want to tell me a bit more about it? Is it an accident and subject to change soon?
I've only given a quick look to the rules for now but I can already tell you one thing: you have to decide what kind of game you want to make and stick to it.

-You have few models per side, at the super cheap and popular 1:72 scale on a tight and handy 1 meter x 1.5 meter kitchen table space; plus a really easy to read distance approximation of 1mm equals 1 meter and easy to understand percentile system.
>All of this points to a casual skirmish game.

-You have a Hit Table that goes up to 1km shooting range for a 5% success rate.
>This is 2mm scale and is only ever used by operationnal wargamer gluing a whole tank platoon per base.

I'll suggest three things straight away:
-Maybe consider switching to 15mm. Thanks to Flames of War you'll find them anywhere you'll find 1:72 kits plus still very affordable. 15mm is roughly 1:100 so you'll do yourself a favor if you want to toy with distances. Plus your tanks are ever slitghtly smaller so you're giving youself a bit more space to manoeuver on the kitchen table.
-DO get ride of your Hit Table. Your arena is small, you put a LOT of terrain on it: when is distance supposed to matter? all tanks have decent range plus line of sight should constantly break on terrain features anyway. Make one based on speed or something else instead?
- DO get ride of your "any extra models compared to your opponents means they activate in chain" and "you keep Initiative if you have more models".
With a rule like this I bring 6 tanks against your 3 and I can take free potshots at you for half the turn and keep Initiative virtually for the whole game. This rule naturally encourage spam lists on pure gamey terms. You could base Initiative on Radio communication for example.

You might find inspirations reading What A Tanker and Gasland. Let me know anyway, I'm glad you're doing this!
I'll have to strongly agree with your scale and Hit Table arguments but I'll shrug off the two last ones.
We could argue all day long about GuP being more about girls OR panzers but at the end of the day we'll still both think the same way about the show and both be correct. Meanwhile the videogame Valkyria Chronicles does just what he's aiming for and it's a cool gimmick. Plus how many tabletop games does that already? We don't really need another Fistfull of TOW.
Alternating activation is really classic in skirmish games and getting away with it means adding Reactions and whatnot so it's just more rules in the way in. Same vibe with the percentile system, it's easy to grasp even for a retard and we're talking GuP enthusiasts here.
Hail Caesar is shit. Mention that game in /hwg/ and see what happens
Argatoria minis are awesome, thats for sure.
Still, I would like something a bit more suited for 32mm.
Cool and all, but where are the plastics?
>We could argue all day long about GuP being more about girls OR panzers
I'm not sure what you mean by this or the Valkyria Chronicles comment. My issue with these rules is I don't think they do a good job of conveying the show's gimmick at all. I'd expect something a lot more like a heavily modded Gaslands with more emphasis on shooting and C&C.
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I'm doing something incredibly dumb with OPR's Custom Army creation stuff. I know it's OPR, but before you finish writing that reply, what I'm doing is far too autistic and niche to be worth porting to anything else.

I'm porting some armies from an autistic Legend of Zelda-themed Total War mod (picrel) into wargame form.
I'm from /hwg/ just like you but I know better than playing card driven "wargames". Go play Combat Commander: Europe or something.
I only ever played with the Gohma faction.
Because I am that kind of autistic.

You should make a wargame for Planetside though
>You should make a wargame for Planetside though
Honestly? That's a good idea. Assuming I don't suffer burnout too soon, that'll be in my list of autism passion projects.
>anime about little girls
Thank god, you don’t have an actual kid.
What gimmick exactly? It's armored warfare but with pedo shit mixed in to excite (You)
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Just finished faction 3, the Goros. Definitely not the Gorons.
I could have sworn they had already made a sci-fi version, but I'm not seeing it on their STL store. Maybe it was a preview or poll option that didn't win?
Why are all their right arms in such a strange unnatural pose
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Do not ask what minis your games need, ask what games you minis need
Flintloque and Slaughterloo.
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It's me again, The factions in green have been ported, and I'm open to suggestions for which to port next.
Kokiri is the only one that is an actual faction.
Also this is OOT, let's not beat around the bush.
There will be no Zoras spitting rocks from a trunk like ALTTP, there will be no Rito like Wind Waker.
Gohma aren't an army, and neither are the Fairies or the Sheikah. The Moblins and Stalfos and Darknut don't have a central power, and the "River Zora" and "Ordona Province" are barely a settlement
River Zora ARE the ALTTP rock-spitters, it's not exclusively OOT, but I understand I'm not gonna get any sympathy regarding zelda lore from the video game boards, let alone /tg/ of all places.

Either way, gonna chalk your vote up for Kokiri.
OPR is fine. Fuck the purity spiral.
>Has heavy cavalry with ranged weapons ever even existed in history?
As this anon >>94804110 is pointing out, mamluks, ghilmen, and even Sassanian cataphracts would definitely count as heavy cavalry with ranged weaponry. They used lances and were arguably even better armored as European heavy cavalry, with additional layers of protection and horse armor in many cases.
Additionally, I'd say Mongol Keshig were probably as heavy as the Samurai in your example, if not even more because of horse protection and armor.
*better armored than
Had written "as armored as" at first and missed to change that when I corrected it.
The chicken winging arms are sure something.
They had a range of 28mm stuff for their skirmish game before. I think I saw a thing on Instagram that they're planning to bring that stock back at the end of the month.

But 10mm is a good scale for mass battle stuff.

Timurids fought against the hospitallers in Smyrna in 1402. That's late medieval right?
What do those game actually offer that historical napoleonics don't? Do they have a magic system?
Highly specific OPR question but in Skirmish, is there an official army unit that has a melee attack with Blast Keword? I've knly found one, Eternal in Eternal Wardens.
Thanks a lot for your feedback, things you, guys, say sounds reasonable and usefull.

The scale issue is made on purpose and meant to cover a problem that most handy model size would require too huge table to play. Maybe I overdid it a bit.

> activations

I really can't see this game without activations at all, at this point, but you're right that rule of suppressing with a big number of models is crap. I already know how to get rid of it, without breaking anything else.

> hit table

I'm surprised this one became a problem, but I can clearly see your point. Right now I don't have an idea how to replace it, but will think about it later today.

Speaking of too much realism… what do you think about armour penetration mechanics? Isn't it too complex too?
Reminds me of the dude posting his 15mm gup models on the miniatures page and a full half of the responses are boomers going "uhhhh... isn't japanime that PORNO thing?"
I mean... you kinda have to expect that. It's anime about little girls doing cute things with tanks as a background. They'd have the same reactions if you posted strawberry shortcake themed minatures.
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Anyone tried that thing? How does it compare with the usual suspects (FTL, Starmada...)?
It's about a tank based sport played by high school girls.
For me the issue isn't realism but precision. D100 rolls give the impression of precisely calculated probabilities, whether they are or not. I don't think that fits the tone of GuP.
I feel like fantasy games are inherently far more mini agnostic than sci-fi games. Like, I can look at any fantasy miniatures range and see how I could use them for whatever game. But on the other hand, I've been looking at some small scale sci-fi minis and while I like them I feel like they need to belong to a particular setting and story to have a place.
It's an anime about cute girls doing cute things with tanks. It's okay anon. I'm not attacking you or what you like to watch, you don't have to pretend your watching GUP for the tanks.
From boomers? Yes, they're retarded.
It's a spokon, and is written like every other spokon.
You're the one that's looking at cartoon high school girls and immediately thinking of pornography.
>ummm so you is saying little girls are pornographic?
Where did I state this or imply this? I think you are the one projecting here.
All I said was it's okay for anon to watch a show about little girls in tanks.
GUP wouldn't appeal to anon if it was just Und panzer. The girl part is the essential zest of the show. It's okay to like cute girls doing cute things and it not being sexual.
I read romcom high-school manga my man, I ain't tossing stones but it's silly to pretend the girls in GUP are not the draw of the show.
Semi-normie Norf English lad opinion:

Yeah a lot of weebs are nonces without even realising it lol.

You're so far down the rabbit hole you can't see it from an outside perspective. Hence why they start turning up to MtG games with card sleeves of hentai and other dodgy shit
How do I into Quar?
>you kinda have to expect that
Directly responding to someone talking about people thinking it was porn. Maybe that wasn't you, but it sure looks like it from the reply.
>The girl part is the essential zest of the show
Sure, but the meat of it is tank battles as sport. It would be a very similar (if less marketable) show if the cast were boys. It'd be radically different if combat were as lethal as real battles.
It's a bit strange that someone would assume those who like watching cute girls doing cute things are sexualising them, as opposed to satisfying paternal instincts while being foreveralone.
It was me but you are ignoring the context of the conversation to jump to calling me a pedophile. Ill reiterate my point in a more clear way for you. If you post little girl anime to a bunch of boomers they will think you are weird. To be ignorant of this fact is retarded and to call anyone a pedophile for pointing this out is just.... odd and frankly says more about your insecurities than anything else.
>sure but the meat is
Yeah nah. The draw is little girls doing stuff. The tanks are just there to differentiate itself from other cute girl anime. Trying to argue this is just silly. I'll also restate I am not attacking you for liking little girl anime.
>Yeah nah
What a well argued rebuttal.
ooga booga where da little girls at
Are you seriously saying people watch GUP for the tanks and not the little girls doing cute things in the tanks? Are you going to die on this hill anon?
>The mongoloid Billhooks player that keeps shitting up the thread is in fact a boomer.
Good catch, thanks anon.
There are shit loads of anime about little girls. Few of them are as successful as GuP. Most of the show's run time is about the tank battles. Most of the girls are characterised as tank teams far more than as individuals. The BD extras are packed with tank autism. I think all the manga spinoffs except Nichijou continue to be about tank battles. Several art books are full of pictures of tanks.
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Which game would work for sword and sorcery games in co-op, for 3-4 players, but with a Frostgrave-like gameplay (you play with a dude and his retinue, you loot treasures, avoid or fight monsters and guards, use the loot to hire more retinue)?
Same question for sci-fi.
I have a bunch of miniatures but with my group we typically prefer playing in co-op
>Inb4 have you tried playing D&D?
Not what I have in mind
Rangers of Shadow Deep is more scenario based but pretty close.
Sellswords and Spellslingers is probably closer but lacks much in the way of campaign and mission generation stuff.
Goalsystem Delves might from what little I've seen but I think it expects someone to GM.
Five Leagues from the Borderlands does the campaign and battle generation really well but the skirmish game is designed for solo so I'd expect it to be overly simple and give 4 people too little to do.
Combining some of the above may work, but would be more work.

Sci-fi there's Five Parsecs from Home, which works much the same as Five Leagues.
Xenotactics is off-brand space marine special forces missions, but only comes with a handful of missions.
None of that negates my point anon. The show can have multiple appeals but its main appeal is the girls, it's why it is called Girls und panzer. If the show was called traps und panzer the draw would be the traps. Trying to argue so hard against this is silly to the extreme.
Do you think people watch Pic related for the fishing?
You've yet to make a point.
Maybe you should actually watch the fucking show and observe that it's written as a sport story. It's not K-On! where they spend most of their time eating cake and only occasionally even practise music, never mind actually perform.
>it's not about the girls! I swear!
Why are you so against this? It's fucking odd. The show is about cute girls in tanks. It's the main premise of the show. It's the main appeal of the show. It's the name of the show "girls and tanks". No one, including you, would have watched it if it wasn't girls und panzer.
This is going to be my last post about this because this whole fucking thing is stupid and extremely off topic now. You can be in complete denial about what you wish but know that you are a sillybilly.
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Upcoming stuff from Osprey announced

>Stargrave: Death Vector
>8 new scenarios
>cyberpunk hacking mechanic
>new space encounters table
>new advanced technology table
>new bestiary

>Frostgrave: Advanced Spellcraft
>new options for wizards
>critical successes and failures
>spell-specific flourishes
>ten-scenario competitive campaign

>The Silver Bayonet: Britain: Bones of Albion
>competitive campaign
>new monsters, heavy leaning towards undead

>Hairfoot Jousting
A new jousting game featuring (maybe premade) halflings and such.

>>Hairfoot Jousting
It's weird that they decided the having works needs a third (fourth?) jousting miniature game.
I'm from France and because we're all fags here, reading mangas or watching anime is the most normal thing to do. Millenials grew up with Saint Seya, Dragon Ball Z, Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, Hokuto No Ken, Captain Tsubasa airing on Public TV right before school because some corporate suits did go to Japan to buy a shitload of kid shows for way cheaper than US cartoons and had no fucking idea a cartoon could be for something else than a kiddy audience. They never bothered to look at any of them at least once before buying nor starting to air it, lel.
There was massive complaints from families because Hokuto No Ken in particular was so full of violence but the money was already spent so they just damage control by having the voice actors tone the dialogue done a bit and go silly there.

Not really /awg/ except it explains why French or Spaniard skirmish games got such a weeb vibe.
>Billhooks guy is a mad nonce

This is original topic starter and just for you to know:

- I did't meant to derail this thread and this is not me who does
- I do know this is /tg/, not /a/, and came to discuss tabletop games, mine in particular
- «pedos, pedos!» dude looked like retarded troll attempt in the beginning of the conversation
Just fucking drop it.
Talk about your little girl and tank game.
Is there Fairy Meat supplement for my little pony?
It's crazy to me absolutely no one looked into Xenotactics and think to himself "well I could staple a campaign system on top and turn this into Xcom: the Tabletop Wargame".
God I love Osprey.
Hey guys, remember when I told anon I won't discuss this very issue with him because both of us could make an argument about the show being more about girls or more about panzers but at the end of the day it's called Girls UND Panzers so both of us are right anyway? Well, you guys did just that.

I'm a happily married father that watch it with his son for the cool tank battles. My best friend is forever alone and watch it for the girls. To each his own anons, let it go.
>It's already been dropped but anon just tries to resurrect it
Talk about your game or fuck off please. I dropped it. He dropped it. Drop it yourself.
GammaWolves interested, on huge work.porject but appreciate your homebrewing and reports.
In the interest of getting back to the subject of /awg/ here are some homebrew rules for anyone interested in giving some continuity to their Space Weirdos games by mildly ripping off Necromunda.

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Finished A good basic spread for mordheim and other small skirimsh wargames.
4 dedicated ranged units, 2 bows 2 crossbows.
4 sheild and 1 handed weapons, 2 basic spearmen, a swordsman, and a warhammerman (who also has cleric/warrior priest vibes if I want to go that route).
2 2 handed weapon units, one longswordman, one battleaxeman.
1 duel weilding guy with sword + dagger.
1 Wizard or bannerman guy with the dragonhead staff/banner.

Pretty happy as far as basic selection of minis that cover a wide variety of combat types with a good proportion of each.
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Hyrule-anon again. I went ahead and ported Lizalfos while I waited to see if anyone else had any input. Time to port Kokiri.
From what I've see it's like SAGA with spaceships, which has my attention.

Buy the starter box, bring others to the light.

I wonder how long Hairfoot Jousting has been in the works. What are the odds that we get two jousting games bases around Halflings in such short time?

Still want to try Half-tilt.
>Not what I have in mind
Sounds pretty close to what you have in mind. Use one of the TSR editions, and let each player hire and control a bunch of hirelings and henchmen (which is an assumed fact of play, generally).

SF I'm not so sure about.
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Really nice use of Speedpaints anon! Do you just apply one thick coat or try to spread it carefully? Minis are quite good too, who's the maker?
There's a skelly enthusiasts thread popping up from time to time, hope to see you there too fellow Necromancer.
It's a combo of speed paints and acrylics. I use the speed paints mostly as washes/thinners. The only things that are just speed paints are the leather bits and the wood shafts.
Mind to tell me how you do that (purple-y ) blue?
I don't suppose anyone has the advanced version of OPR Regiments?
>From what I've see it's like SAGA with spaceships, which has my attention
I was worried it would be another revamp of Battlefleet Gothic, but now you have my attention, too.
I would love to play a space fleet wargame that's a smidge more scifi than scifantasy
And by that I just mean
>for the love of gosh
>don't include ramming action
>and allow me to believe that the defence value of the unit comes from active countermeasure and point defence
I do. Unfortunately this isn't the share thread.

I'll have to see what the thread thinks before spoonfeeding you.
It was a mix of speed paint purple swarm and gamecolor ultramarine blue. I didn't note the exact mix, I just eyeballed it but it was something like 3 drops ultramarine to 2 drops purple and 1 drop of water.
Okay, new idea. Do you have Tabletop Simulator?

I'll send you it, but I'd like you to consider playtesting and/or giving feedback on my autistic Hyrule Total War project, which happens to be compatible with Regiments.
Not him. I was just labeling you as you are.
Whatever. Let me finish porting the Kokiri, then I'll toss a mega link over or something.
What do you guys think of Osprey's Pulp! Rules? I'm looking for a suitable rule set for small scale pulp skirmishes and am open to suggestions.
>Double scale was on purpose.
Yeah that's my point. Sadly you have to pick a lane: you want a skirmish game or you want a grand manoeuver game. Because doing both is doing neither honestly.

Ask yourself how many time in GuP does it get close and personal with point blank shots and ramming vs how many times does someone manage a 600-1000 meters shot and brag about it.
Which of these two different situations is way more evocative of the show? Could you totally focus on it and still maintain the flavor? Come back to me when you've decided.

Alternating is fine by me but your previous rule was game breaking. Glad you got something else on the way already!

>Hit Table.
Well it depends: if you decide it's going to be a game about manoeuvring in giant arena 1km long you can keep it absolutely as it is.
If you decide to go with 1:72 skirmish then you can, sadly, get ride of the all thing. Obvious answer would be to base your Hit Table on your Target Speed/Cover vs your own Speed.

>Armor Penetration
Get ride of this one and it's not a tank game anymore. ;p
I wouldn't say the Hit Table was too realist, I'd say if you go for 1:72 models then it's not the best tool. If you rewrite the game for 2-6mm models then it's fine and dandy.

I do think most of the Optionnal Rules should switch to Core Rules though, so you can go full sperg' there: buttoning up, radio and flag signals, smoke screen, secondary weapons, etc. There's no limit to how much complexity and realism you can add to a tank game. Just make sure it's all otpions.

Are you Italian by any chance?

Here you go, you nigger you
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You'll find a 7 pages long free tank game attached to my post: it's not here for you to copy at all; but for you to see how far away you can go from GW's vision on wargaming.
It's a tank game that never bother about armor level, distances, charts or stats: because the point of the game is to simulate the difficulty for a crew to operate a tank properly. Your rules should be specially tailored for the tone and flavor you're trying to achieve, not to fit what's already the norm. You have to break away from GW's mindset!

Get a quick look at:
-TANKS: The World War II Skirmish Game/World of Tanks Miniature Games/Clash of Steel for inspirations on firing rules.
-Crossfire/Fireball Forward for a unique take on LoS and Activations.
-Gasland for inspirations on movement and manoeuvres.

I know it sounds like homework but you're too lightly armed right now. Enlarge your horizon. Don't give up though and keep updating the game as you go!
Alright, btw your pdf is out of date

>m3g4 4IQC0AhT#T4Dr9IAONVNYtcgfh7GYJZzsf4lo0PEyjDULHNrChO8
I kneel
Am I retarded? See picrel please.
Try that prefix,
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>I'm looking for a suitable rule set for small scale pulp skirmishes
Try Pulp Alley. It encapsulate the genre very well. You can get in Indiana Jones-like situations like
>Cool hero climbs a cliff to access the macguffin
>He's followed by a bunch of enemy mooks
>They ALL FALL TO THEIR DEATH before they reach him
It's hilarious.
Plus, non-fighter characters can be perfectly viable.
If it makes it easier, was working on a spacecombat game where main aspect were communications, EW, and crew managment.
Its unlikely that it will ever reach a playable state tho
Looking at the teaser OPR just put out for their Grimdark Future box with plastic minis. I feel OPR has come way too far and become way too serious a thing for them(him?) to still call the games Grimdark Future / Age of Fantasy.
It's feels like such a joke name and I guess it's intended to be. Like the game is literally called not-40k. But with world books and plastic kits I don't think it cuts it anymore. The days of 1page40k is definately behind us. I just don't think "not 40k lol" is a good name to have on a box that might be supposed to go on store shelves?
It might not look big and official, but its definetly better for sales
I don't really know much about OPR, but it strikes me as delusions of grandeur. People pick up your simplified rules as a free/cheap alternative to the official rules for the most popular tabletop wargame out there by far. You then interpret this as you being some genius rules writer and start to take your project way more seriously, writing lore, releasing your own fucking models.

Like, no one would actually give a shit about your product if it weren't a convenient alternative to the biggest show on the road.
>releasing your own fucking models.
a very bold to call them "their own" opr models are almost exclusively warhammer proxies
Agreed, but that grandeur fits very badly with such an obviously rip-off name.
What if someone launches something called "Single Sheet Instructions", which is just like OPR except a bit more flavor and everything for free.
For anyone interested, the finalized rules for Warzone Eternal have been posted:
>Pulp alley
Alrighty, I'll check it out. Thanks anon.
yes, the inclusion of motivations or at least concerns is really neat. like the cavalry ones you mention or certain units (eg infantry skirmishers) not melee attacking others because it would basically be suicide, but commanders being able to compel levies. or engaged units being surprised by supporting flank attacks.
i did say my initial impression of fantasia was mediocre, not sure if bad is specifically the more common popular criticism. im mostly taken aback by how generic it seems compared to billhooks and matchlocks, so building off those looks more attractive to me. i can't blame him since interviews seem to demonstrate his thorough interest in historical battles and the exited support of his local playgroup for billhooks, it would only be natural if there wasn't similar enthusiasm fueling the fantasia supplement
>Single Sheet Instructions
Based. Would make OPR peeps seethe.
Except they should be smaller, single paragraph instructions
6pt font and 3 columns
We must return to red-book Chivalry & Sorcery.
Probably a bad idea for me to look, but I guess I have some reading material for work tonight.

Very bold move to step from the 3d printing ghetto to the world of hard plastic. I wish them luck.
OPR is a good name, GF, AoF etc. are all serviceable subtitles for the specific games.
Can't say I care at all about their themes, stories or even most of their models but I enjoy the system.
Thanks, I'm still baby stepping it but I'm happy you use Speedpaint as yet another tool in your tradebox as an experienced painter.
Send some pictures to North Star Figures once your done 'cause your guys are already better looking than their official promo material.
>co-op, for 3-4 players, but with a Frostgrave-like gameplay
Ghost archigeplage and Stargrave, steal ideas for enemies from rangers of shadow deep and perilous dark
I really want to like the revenants, but i feel their poses are just too samey.
If anything they should go the Space Kings way and make it even more caricatural and ridiculous. They're already dunking on GW rules they might as well do it with their universe. Plus GW is stuck on a corporate loop of toning down the tune so OPR should enjoy its underdog position to go hard and balls to the walls.

Only OPR knows how much of anyone care or not about their universe because only them knows if they have solid sales on their lore books or not. We can just speculate and every take is an opinion rather than fact.

No one would do that though so you worrying about it is just you being an overcautious INTJ. I know, I live with one.

I wish them luck too. I think there's a market for them if they manage to be way cheaper than GW. If they think they can surf on their brand and sell price inflated stuff then it might be toast amd they won't have any sympathy from me.
At this point I think there's two market in the 40k crowd:
-Primaries that will always find OPR bland because they can't sink whole nights listbuilding or recreate perfectly their favorite and OP unit.
-Secondaries that want to give the tabletop experience a try and might be intimated or plain bored by GW price policy and snoozefest rulesets.

OPR has been marketing to primary for a long time and managed to make a dent so it's about time they go all-in with the secondaries by offering a starter box.
I don't play any OPR game but I'm glad for the kids growing up with Warhammer: TW or Space Marines 2 that they exist.

I think one reason for the enduring popularity of Warhammer is the endless theorycrafting the wargear lists and keyboard bingo affords, combined with the ever-shifting metagame. A more plug-and-play mini agnostic game like OPR or xenos rampant doesn't provide material for such endless rumination.
I'd disagree, maybe now with the new crowd

But back in 3rd/4th things were fairly stagnant for years. In a good way.

Yes, but people would still argue about listbuilding etc very passionately. It's very different mentality compared to many alternative wargames that don't want to deal with all that clutter.
My literal boomer teacher back in high school asked the class if they knew about anime and he wanted to talk about Space Battleship Yamato, while it was my classmates who said anime was all porno. A strange day I'll never forget
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Revenants part 2!
>material for such endless rumination.
Poor balance is honestly a reason for 40K and D&D and MTG success. There's no such thing as bad publicity. Every attempt to minmax a broken system is free advertising.
That's my point yeah. 40k has a long history of cluttering itself with options on options. It certainly is a good recipe, because it got them this far. It's what I tried to describe when I stated "primary players will always find OPR bland".

But nowaday because Warhammer wants to be yet another brand as a lifestyle, there is a massive influx of people that know 40k/WHFB on the surface level and want to eventually gives the tabletop game a try; but aren't ready to trade a Netflix evening on the couch for listbuilding on the bed.

I think, nowaday, the second crowd is way bigger than the first but GW will always have a hard time reaching to them despite offers like Kill Team.
A well designed and very well priced Grimdark Future/Age of Fantasy starter box could allow OPR to tap into this huge market and coast on this new revenue for a long time. I'm not saying they're gonna pull-it off but it's not hubris for them to try, it's a logical and rationally taken risk.

OPR will never be a real threat to GW though as they're just the knock-off version and any new player of them will immediately entrap itself in the GW's ecosystem of Citadel paints and tools anyway.
>A well designed and very well priced Grimdark Future/Age of Fantasy starter box could allow OPR to tap into this huge market and coast on this new revenue for a long time.

I think you are overestimating the OPR rules and this seemingly huge secondary market.
Look at Mantic. Their rules are good. Like really good. (and certainly better than OPR), And the games are mostly mini agnostic too, so you are not restricted to the minis mantic sells, just as you are not required to use the OPR STLs/printed minis to play the games.

For any player that wants to broaden their horizon beyond the GW universe, or for any secondary who wants to dip their toes into tabletop gaming, i would always recommend Deadzone or Firefight. Simply because the rules are excellent.
And they already have good value starter sets.

And yet, those games are tiny. Next to nobody plays them. Similar to OPR. And i dont see how a starterbox would change anything for OPR in that regard.

People, and i claim especially secondaries who only know 40k from video games or books, like to delve themselves into the lore aspect. And here, both Mantic and OPR, just lose against GW with their advantage of having decades of worldbuilding and dozens of video games and novels.
>Every attempt to minmax a broken system is free advertising.
Not only that, but "we are fixing X now" is a way to infinitely sell shit when you always break something else in the process
>And the games are mostly mini agnostic too
Calling OPR "Miniature agnostic" is a bit of a stretch, rules are very specifically designed for GW miniatures, even if they give more options and customization to it
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I have heard mainly good thing about their rules and the nightstalker butchers I built last year were of decent quality.
>rules are very specifically designed for GW miniatures

For sure, but you can also use other minis. And if youre a true secondary, you wont have any GW minis anyway, so this big advantage of OPR as in you can use your space marines does not apply.

Lots of their older minis are kinda meh, but they improved a lot over the years (i believe the nightstalker faction was designed? and made by Archon studios).
>but you can also use other minis
you can do that with any rules tho.
Thats what i dont get about most "Miniature agnostic" games, unless it uses abstract units like Saga, or has a unit constructor like Hobgoblin, its not any more agnostic than GW games
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I feel like the colors are too bright for undead but I like that skin.

That is from the revamped abyssal dwarfs range.
>You might be wrong on the secondary market value, look at Mantic's tracked records despite offering a better game.

I failed to make myself clear. I'm not saying this market is made of people looking to get into wargaming. They're looking to get into Warhammer.
They're already consuming Warhammer media and call themselves fans of the universe.

Mantic delivers great games, allow you to bring any minis, but will never describe one of their games as a cheap Warhammer knock off. OPR does exactly that.
The power of branding is so true that you and others recommanding anyone to play Deadzone or Firefight did little difference, but Mantic signing a contract with Halo means these two starter sets are sold out for now.

OPR might make jackshit money on their boxes and I'll sleep just the same. But it makes sens to try and capitalize on redditors that says "Blood for the Blood God!" at work despite never throwing a dice in their life. Those guys won't try Mantic or Warlord but they might eventually try the next Marvel Crisis Protocol slop or cheap and fast NotWarhammer. It really depends on what OPR is able to pull off here.
>Oldhammer as Perfect Cell and Gremlins
Stop posting kino! My peepee!!
To chime in on this OPR conversation, the reason I'm using it is primarily because they give you the tools to add your own factions. Granted, doing so requires a patreon sub, but I had one of those anyway for the free stls.

Also, it's 40k without being owned by GW, so that's always a plus.
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Just got a handful of random AT-43 Karmans and Doom miniatures second hand. Only paid a few quid so couldn't resist.
If it makes you feel any better, I have a 10mm team I'm going to start on soon because of your rules. Keep it up, autistbro
Full Norf here and lolno, the weebs I know will make "uwoooohhh" and lolicon jokes, but would rather castrate themselves than touch an irl child. There's a difference between 2d cartoons and irl, and they know it.
Sheikan and maybe some Deku Srubs, or the Kokiri have the dekus?
>or cheap and fast NotWarhammer.

I guess it could work to some degree, but you can only get that far if you are "just" the cheap NotWarhammer game that leeches of their popularity.
Yeah that's my point. It's their next big move and the logical step up if you're going to pursue on leeching on the brand while broadening the playerbase.
If they succeed on it for years to come the next goal would be releasing their own paint range I guess.

Anyway: they chose SpaceLizardmen for their very first hard plastic box and as much as it make sense to deliver something GW never bothered to and would have a hard time suing... I don't think they're setting themselves for success here. As far as we know this is a huge investment for OPR so not securing it with NotSpaceMarine is a biiiiiiig gamble.

I guess it's going to flop but I said that of Halo Flashpoint too so I'm a retard and no one should listen to my financial advices.
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I just ported Kokiri and Lizalfos in the time since that post, but Sheikah and Deku are definite maybes
Does anyone know if there has ever been official/unofficial solo support for Oathmark? I know it's common for Joseph's other games, but a quick google search didn't bring anything up for me.

I realise I can generate my own mechanics, but just wondering what's out there before I start.
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>weebs I know will make "uwoooohhh" and lolicon jokes

Exactly, bloody nonces.

Imagine doing that in the "lads chat" with your 5-a-side or Darts mates on WhatsApp.
Most of you guys are delusional.
40k is bleeding players.
What is going to be an easier sell? $50 box eith rules on 1 or 2 pages, or $100 box with convoluted rules and yet more things to buy.

I don't play OPR because that roll to hit, roll to wound, roll save, roll morale round of dice rolls always felt retarded in WH40k so I have no wish to relive it. But these will sell. Only mistake is not doing a Marine proxy out of the box.

GW is sbout churning and burning new players. Not keeping them. This will undercut that.

If you ever said that in front of me I'd just hit you in the mouth. No questions. Then we would see how Full Norf you were lol.
>Parroting my takes
>While calling me delusional

Dude I've stated they could move loads of these boxes if they priced them well plus I just said not going for NotSpaceMarine was a big gamble but at least safer regarding the legal side if it. Are you reading?

Can't be bothered with Hit/Wound/Save myself. What are you playing nowaday?
>Only mistake is not doing a Marine proxy out of the box.

It wont work. Stormcasts did not work for GW in copying the Marine popularity, and WGA has the Eisenkern Valkyrs, and they are mostly ignored, even tho they are great looking and also the kit itself is well made.
And if its too close to Marines, GW laywers will be ready.

So going for something that is quite far away from anything GW has is not only safer from a legal point of view, but also ensures at least some degree of originality.
>I said that of Halo Flashpoint too

The initial sales seem to be good, but its far to early to say if this game will flop or not. Selling starter set is one thing, establishing a game for years to come is quite something else.

I believe the game is good (rulewise), but personally i dont care for the Halo universe. But the games success is tied to that IP, and Mantic can only change so much about it.
Remember their the walking dead game? I liked it. But is anyone still playing (or even talking) about it?
I'm sure it made them some good money while the show was going strong, but now its just gone from anyones radar because the IP has no staying power on its own.
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>Eisenkern Valkyrs, and they are mostly ignored

They were probably more popular first time around when they weren't just one of a sea of releases.
>they chose SpaceLizardmen for their very first hard plastic box

Dont forget the NotNecrons.
but it will be monopose plastic, so its not said that it will be hard plastic.
I am quite certain they will use same the semi-soft plastic stuff that some of the better board game minis use, and that was used by Ravaged Star too.
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Yeah, they kinda released them without much marketing and thats it. But for anyone who would just some reasonably priced plastic multipart "Marines", they are excellent. I dont see why OPR "Marines" would be more popular than pic related, as they would be essentially the same stuff, maybe even a bit lesser quality as WGA has quite some experience by now.
OPR has a unit/army builder though, that's where all the community armies come from.
I'd also argue a system designed with the intent of being mini agnostic encourages a different mindset and inherently shuts out "that's not a good proxy" arguments unless it really doesn't fit the setting theme.
That's great honey
That mindset is the issue tho. A large number of people/players just loves to have something straight out of the box.
Why should the obstacles to wargaming be
>fiddly models
>unstable rules

When the value is on
>nicely painted army (for your level)
>decent table
>fun games solo or with friends
anon was questioning what makes mini agnostic systems different not if they're better or worse.
IMO its easy to design a mini agnostic system and still have out of the box factions/models and OPR is probably the best example of that, arguably too much because for some reason people seem to forget you can make your own stuff instead of just ripping off warhammer when you play it.
>Billhook troll confirmed gay.
It gets worse and worse! Who needs a telly with a show like this one?
i think OPR falls solidly in just the right spot of being able to be used as a 40k proxy exactly, but also having their own spin on all of the factions and also having some more original ones too
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Sorry for taking so much time to answer.

I'm starting to understand what everyone here is trying to tell me, thanks to you in particular. To summarize:

If it's GuP game, than represent the hecking GuP. If it means cutting realism or moving away from GW ways I got used to — I should do it then.

Stick to the one conception.

Game design there was a mess before this advice actually. I had one book on how to design games (Bond), huge experience in tabletop RPGs, two years into Wh40k and couple of OPR games behind me. Then I mixed up real-life data on tanks and their ordnance because of an idea that it's the easiest way to maintain game balance. How's that all should've represent spirit of the show is a good question.

Btw, I already stared rewriting the rules. But there are still things to all the things I wrote still need to be tested before I can gently ask 4ch to revisit my rulebook.

Thanks a lot and see you later.

> Are you Italian

I know why you're asking. No, I added italians as a request from one of the persons who help me test game irl.

Which actually helped me a lot now, 'cause when changing guns and armour from real-life data to abstract values I knew how to balance lowest tier (I'm not joking right now).
It's gonna get muddy. Not even close to being done.
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GuP projects are cool. I remember one anon's from years. I think it used GF9 Tanks as a base.

How big are the valkir, do they go on 32mm bases?
Google it. They fit on 32mm and wga has posted several pics of them next to other famous sci-fi miniatures
I always loved Copplestone's Future Wars stuff. Em4 and cheapo ebay sales for them. 900sec wait, damned cache.
>Not Italian.
I was asking because I traveled a lot and Italians are usually quite daring and adventurous. There's few of them in the wargaming scene but everytime I met one online he was doing something original. Plus you are using the metric system which is really cool but a first time ever for me in like 50-ish rulebook. Aaaaaaand, yeah, you're right, you had a minor power in your army list and there's not so many reason to do it usually apart for a bit of well minded nationalism.
I'm French myself and except for weird Fantasy skirmish games we create fuckall.

>Need testing.
If it conforts you your game was playable from the start. It's the first time ever I see someone using the metric system and you made a really clever use of it by going for the 1:1000 scale (1mm=1m).
I'll definitely keep it alive somewhere in a folder if I was you. You could probably scratch the GuP part (since you're going to do a better GuP game next to this one anyway) but focus on the unique thing you have here: a tank game with a 5% chance to score a 1km shot.
Build some crunchlite but necessary features like "not moving in the first move phase allows you to add X% to the Hit Table" and "target out of cover allows you to add Y% to the Hit Table".
Also note that because your game have a second Movement phase instead of an Assault Phase that comes with limitations (you can only move if an enemy is super close already) it would be really easy and obvious for a player to get out of cover, shoot and get back in cover. It's not a problem per se because it's how it would be done in real life anyway. But it might make for long and uneventful evening at the gametable so make sure that every mission gives an incentive to get your tanks rolling.
>Now I see it.
Yes, your game was playable and cool, but was it really GuP? You could have scored an easy win by replacing your Stratagem cards by a Crew deck where drawing Mako Reizei is virtually the same as drawing Counter Fire. But now instead of one player saying "okay I'm going to use counter-fire" he'll say"okay and here's Mako!".
The next best thing is to force your players to dress as Japanese school girls and then yes, you could have a casual tank games with no GuP flavors at all and it will be GuP anyway. :p
But we, the players, are not gonna do that. So you'll have to work on some renaming here and there to make the flavor happens.

There's cool stuff in your Stratagem that should be in the core rules, like Smoke. Because one of the best way to do this (but labor intensive) would be to create a separate deck for each Team and each individual Girl would have a special effect based on their personality in the show. So that's a shitload of cards and we don't want something as essential as Smoke to be restricted to only one Team.

>Huge experience in RPGs
Well bring it on then! Obviously if you simply meant you played years of D&D 5e no one really cares here. But if you tiptoed with alternatif systems like One Roll Engine or Forged in the Dark then it's your one core attribute and it would be pisseasy to keep your tank game kinda as is but bring the Girls in by throwing RPG elements on top.
I was reading the Hail Caesar rules last night in bed and it suddenly dawned on me that these rules are massively slept on for /awg/ purposes. It is precisely the toolbox approach that historical wargamers dislike about the game that makes it perfect for mini agnostic fantasy. Like, the book just straight up provides you with a points calculator and tells you to make whatever units you want and how to cost them. The only thing it needs is a magic system, and easily implemented monster rules like flying, but for low-fantasy it can be used straight away with no modification.
Are you talking about the first or the second edition? After reading the Black Powder rulebook I lost any faith in Warlord Games and their rulesets.
What is the best ruleset for playing pocket-sized 28mm rank-and-file? I want a game with small units, full armies having no more than 25 minis if possible. Obviously most systems can be played with "small points" like Oathmark or Kings of War but they are definitely not designed with balancing smaller games in mind.
I know about Warhammer Fantasy Warbands but I find WFB to be mediocre at best and I would rather play an okayish alternative wargame instead.
second edition

>After reading the Black Powder rulebook I lost any faith in Warlord Games and their rulesets

What was wrong with it?
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I haven't read the fantasy rules for it yet, but Clash of Spears fits the scale.
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>What was wrong with it?
Everything. The very editing of the rules made them unreadable. I will never understand this cringe le ebin nerdy need to force unfunny comments into the rules. Keep them for the comments section or put them as side notes instead of mixing them with the actual rules. I would be happy to read the thoughts the author shared with us in the introduction section instead. Want to read about the movement rules? Well, bad luck mate, you have to find them among 15 unfunny 'jokes' about making 'clip-clop' noises when moving your cavalry units. Now watch some no-game responding with 'kino' and 'soul'.
>cringe le ebin nerdy

You won't like Hail Caesar either I guess. And you are right, it's kind of nice to read but sucks balls as a rules reference, which it should primarily be.

KoW explicitly has a rules set for small games (KoW Ambush). But honestly I find it kind of strange to play RnF style with warbands so small that RnF is not working as units are small enough to be really mobile.
If you want to have few models but abstract RnF maybe try a more abstract game like DBA or HOTT where Minis are only used as markers for the units. Same would work with KoW btw. One Hour Wargames also falls into this category. Most stuff really which does not do single model removal.
Do you know this annoying loud archetype of a moustache twirling hobbyist that has to put their two cents in no matter what, usually in a form of a smart and witty comment while making hon-hon noises but in reality no one finds them witty or smart? Like that morbidly obese 40k fan that screams WAAAGH every time he rolls dice because he thinks it's peak comedy but the truth is everyone wants him to leave already. If that guy was a book, his name would be Black Powder.
>Like that morbidly obese 40k fan that screams WAAAGH every time he rolls dice because he thinks it's peak comedy
Oh God, the flashbacks!
I'm sorry the class clown stole your highschool sweetheart. Doesn't mean everyone else hates fun.
When you guys say RnF do you mean all the models are literally in rows, or that they are activated as a unit? Does it also have something to do with tracking wounds as a unit?
I know you wrote 28mm but I find this 10mm setup so cool. They're using opr regiments in the pic. Also this really isn't pocketsized.
It, usually, refers to units formed into blocks and acting together. Some games do it with individual model removal, and the good ones do wound tracking for units as a whole or per stand of multiple dudes.
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Picked up this T-14 for £3 in Boyes.

It says 1:72 but these kits are reboxed Chinese shit and all over the place, I have another one based on the Avatar films attack helicopter which says 1:72 on the box and the instructions say 1:100 lel. It's closer to 28mm scale and the panel linings and composite armour plates are all more exaggerated than real life or proper model kits.

So overall might be handy for sci-fi wargaming.

They had a couple of different tanks but this one caught my eye most as usable outside moderns.
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Actually it's even worse lel, box said 1:65 and it's 1:115 so not too useful
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Finally I got this Boneshaker with a mind to either Orks or Goliath from Necromunda.
t-14 is pretty huge, even at half the size it should be of some use. Lovely tank, too bad the implementation was stoped by realities of warfare.
Besides you should convert it into hell anyway. Heli could be a drone.
WGA has just posted the final renders of their upcoming damned vehicle, which is (if you dont count the tiny Quar tankette, their very first proper plastic vehicle.


Its design is okay i guess, and its size is decent, it will be very interesting for how much they will sell it after the campaign ends.
And ofc, how well the fit of this transport truck/apc will be.
but what do they look like next to 28mm, 20mm and 15mm minis?
Any link?
what's kept any competitor from ever dethroning BattleTech, you think? just first movers advantage?
Problem is, there's already Warlords of Erewhon with its own universal points builder and better writing sitting *right there*. In the same store. With no tweaking or new rules required.
If people want something simpler, they've got HotT and half-a-dozen other troopy-blocky-pushy games to call on. Not to mention Warmaster CE.

here's a terrible secret about Kings of War: it's designed to make whole units act like single miniatures. You can make a "unit" out of two or three files of miniatures and use the old inches-to-centimeters hack to get your micro battles on. Or multibase some cheap 10mm stuff.

A competitor did dethrone it. 40k, in about 1998-1999. If you mean in the mechasphere? It's got a combination of stuff going for it - decades of fiction and alt-history for the secondaries, extremely extensive and modular rules for both combat and campaigns, and a very simulation-esque gameplay that no-one has ever quite matched. It's got a very unique feel and it tends to hook the right kind of player by which I mean hardcore autists, no shade very deeply. Nothing else comes close. Heavy Gear is mired in Tank Nerd Autism, naval games are Naval Games if you know what I mean, and basically everything else is dumbed down or has nothing to do with robots. The BT community has also pretty relentlessly shamed, flogged, and driven forth the tourneyfags every time they try to take over our hobby, because those faggots are the death of a system and bring cancer wherever they go
I haven't read Black Powder. But I've read and played a few other Warlord games, and immediately believe anything bad said about them after the fiasco that was Cruel Seas. The game game got damned near everything backwards - ships turned from the stern instead of the bow, going slower does not make a ship more stable, going slower also doesn't make you turn better, you can't go sideways what the fuck warlord, wakes are actually a big deal which it says in the opening but then the rules contradict, ramming is actually super common and standard doctrine in litoral combat you morons, you don't obscure a target with shell splash and you don't help other gunners either, the timing of torpedoes is bonkers and leads to really stupid stuff, but my favorite bit is how there's a rule for flak fire against aircraft (which can't strafe, another idiotic part of the rules) but flak fire rules are entirely missing despite other rules and entire sections referring to them.
If someone says a Warlord game is shit, you should believe them until a third personn presents concrete proof otherwise.
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I'm slightly disappointed that the outriders don't have some weird monster heads, but I guess the filter on the gas mask could be painted as some lamprey mouth, or cut off entirely and replaced with green stuff tentacles, gas mask lenses painted as bug eyes etc. Hate to be a petty nitpicker. I think they'll still make for excellent conversion material. Detachable sci-fi stuff also means that they could be adapted to fantasy pretty easily.
This box did you a favor. You've started a 15mm collection. Keep going, dump the 32mm shit, play a proper wargaming scale.
That makes sense, I would never call WMH a rank and flank game although it definitely has units formed into blobs and acting together. Is it really just the tightness of the formations that makes it a separate genre?

Death Vector hacking mechanic could be interesting.

Bones of Albion though... Oh mah lawd. This has huge potential. I've got a bunch of undead Napoleonics that have been burning a hole on my HDD for a while now.
Rank-and-flank games emphasize maneuvering and managing blocks - and squadrons of blocks - of troops to get an advantage on the field. A lot of more historically-oriented ones also have rules for reforming units into new formations for specific situations, like the Roman Testudo or Renaissance pike squares. It's kind of the limitations on how you use units that defines a R&F, not just how the blobs of troops are shaped. They also almost universally give you an advantage for hitting enemies in the sides or rear (hence the "flank" bit) and have some kind of command and control rules to let you coordinate groups of units or prevent you from just doing everything with your whole army simultaneously.
Clash of Spears isn't a R&F game, for example, because units spend most of their time in "skirmish order" (out of formation) and only form up in combat. Kensei very much is despite using only a couple dozen models for most games. The Kensei rules focus extensively on maneuvering the blocks of troops and their effect on the ongoing combat, along with lines interpenetrating and disrupting formations down the road. As another example of a rank-and-flank, take Oathmark. You have to use officers to coordinate small sections of your line instead of engaging piecemeal. To pull off a successful flank you either need to win and keep initiative, or use terrain and other units to pin the enemy in place. Most of the game breaks down to controlling enemy maneuver, forcing advantageous retreats, and setting up your next turn so you don't wind up tripping over your own dick. That critical emphasis on coordination and maneuver is still there.
15-16th century had Europeans in full heavy armor on heavily armored horses running around with two pistols instead of a lance
This nigga protests too much.
You fucking pedo
> French boomer assumes (correctly) its just kid shit and doesn't watch it
Absolutely based and correct. I imagine when it turned out to be serialized or too violent or whatever he gave the classic Gallic shrug, said 'then don't watch,' then lit a smoke before having his third lunch break.
> much better than WHFB
Jesus this is embarrassing (for GW the billion $$$ company)
Interesting, thank you. Looking up Kensei now.
Modern 40k and AoS don't have that.
TOW pretends to have it but it's so WAAC that the 'proper' build is posted within a week of a book being released, and despite having 'so many items people aren't retarded and the optimal build for whatever you want from a character is damn near immediately discovered and disseminated online
> 40k bleeding players
From the launch of SM2 their sales increased 20%.
20 fucking percent. In a few months.
40k has more players than ever
>Gallic shrug
I didn't even know there was a name for it. Do you guys gave a name to the fart sounds we make wih our mouth when we don't know or don't care too?
Fair warning, the company dropped it along with letting the forums and online army builder die. So several of the factions are unplayable now. That said the rules have some really cool ideas and a second edition would be dope as fuck.
Kino and soul.
I wish they would have kept the technical option for the mauler.
I've been ready to move beyond OPR for a while. Started reading Fantastic Battles after a recent recommendation here and it sounds like good fun.

Ordered a couple 10mm starter armies and looking forward to getting painting. Will probably give Warmaster and Hobgoblin a try as well.
Yeah the units for the Yoroni seem lacking in comparison to other factions but I am interested to see what they can become when the faction actually releases.
Ok NOW I feel like I was born in the wrong century.
Its not even really that. Most units look that way, because the rules are a bit unintuitive at a glance; they look expensive for what they do, but then you have to remember that you also have to add the boost from the command model, all the modular units get a free Rally the first time they Break, a (in my opinion) better Chant system, and the flexibility to be activated whenever you want.

Its more that their gimmick feels just like that, a gimmick. Origami Warriors give up way too much when mixed into squads, so they might as well have just been a regular regiment. Same kinda with the Tengu, but not as much so they don't feel like being punished if you mix-and-match them. But then you hit the snag that makes it feel like a gimmick; you have 4 different types of melee units that aren't super specialized. And they are all really expensive, with the tag you must be more than half the unit one type, so you can't make the most of mixing them up.

I really only see a few good uses for the modular regiments like if you need an anvil, take Kami and stick in an Oni for a little Cleave 2, or a Kappa deathstar to make the most out of their ability to switch bonuses.
Anyone here play runewars? Got the basic set for 20 bucks on clearance a few years ago. It's dead but I was gonna play it with my dad since I painted all the minis. Is it fun? Is there anything I should know before playing it? Besides the rules of course.
It's too late for anything useful we could tell you. You already bought it, painted it, and found somebody to play with. Now go make your dad proud and whup his ass, don't be like that Oathmark pussy.
15mm is garbage tho
Nobody ever bothered because it was fairly overpriced back then. It's deader than dead for a reason.
15mm is Gods prefered scale.
Is that how you cope with your micropenis?
15mm feels like a compromise. Too small for infantry pieces to have much detail yet too large for actually big battles. If you were forced to play only one scale it'll do, sure, but different scales for different genres.
Absolutely dead game with no knowledge accumulated over years since pretty much no one played it. Give it a go and write a review for us.
Then use the minis for whatever game you like.

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