Cursed Earth Edition >Previous thread:>>94663143 >What is /awg/?A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.>Examples of games that qualify.A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,Oathmark, OnePageRules, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics......and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games......and many other publishers.>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.>Novice Troves, meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for up-to-date troves.!zSYW0I4a!vXh8-UPi_tWXpJES_-p4zg>TQWhat is your favorite kind of terrain setup?(arctic, desert, martian, etc...)
My group has been on a Hobgoblin kick recently. I've been enjoying it well enough. The army builder app is slick, which is always a huge selling point. The deliberate bent against shooting isn't my favorite, but it plays well, and the random scenarios are well-designed. I'm looking to get into other games, too. As a rank n' flank newbie, what other rank n' flank systems do you like? I'm partial to games with rules for wizards and monsters over historicals. I'm looking for something with a little more crunch than Hobgoblin—the units feel a little flat after a few games. How's Midgard?>TQ: I love dense jungle terrain where I can hide infantry models in the trees.
>>94734309Supposedly, because the first test models they got back were made in the wrong scale by mistake and they liked it.Fundamentally, because it locks players into a proprietary scale and prevents them from sourcing other manufacturers. At least the monsters can be taken and reused elsewhere as even bigger monsters.
>>94734110>How big a play field needs to be to consider it a wargame?You can play a wargame on the back of a 3x5 card. When I was at sea in the Navy we did quite a bit of Necromunda in 12mm with the old 1"=1cm hack, because space was at a *stupid* premium and we found some boxes of 1:144 punk rockers at a railroad supply store in Hong Kong. As long as you're running some kind of abstract simulation of some kind of combat, it's a wargame. Hex-and-chit games, however, have a lot of conventions and assumptions that are different from minis wargames. It's a lot harder to make anything smaller than 24"x24" work in a gridless minis game just because of the limits of human hands and measuring tapes. >yet another Gundam crossoverLord, I hope it's better than the straight port of SD Gundam Generation they did for 1:400 Collection Battles. Although if the Tallgeese and an RX-series are fighting it's probably going to be the same level of era/verse rubberbanding as the Star Trek flightpath game, which kills a lot of my interest.
Superquicky batrep with the only minis I have here that came in the mail.2nd ed warzone, hallway fightingBauhaus1 squad of 4 venusian rangers with 1 sergeant, armed variously wysiwyg Dark Legion1 razide with nazgaroth 1 child of ilian with swordTurn 1 was the rangers advancing then trying to position themselves in a defensive line
The next couple turns was the razide using its malevolent intellect to order the child to act as bait and charge the rangers, causing too many of them to waste shots and Wait counters getting rid of it. The razide's plan worked, cus it then turned the corner and unleashed its nazgaroth at short range, offing three of the rangers
The surviving sergeant and shotgun ranger managed to not panic as a squad and retreated, but the razide won initiative on the last round and promptly advanced and shot them down too. Lessons learned is next time Bauhaus should take heavier guns than submachine guns and shotguns when fighting the dark legion. Very sad debut for these old school rangers.
>>94735286Did the ASMT help them deal with all the loses?Rangers of Shadowdeep, reading through it and it sounds good fun. Is it better with friends? Or is it fine solo?
Are there any plans or hints of introducing infernal forces to Oathmark in the future? I got a nice lot of Forces of the Abyss minis for cheap but there is no Kings of War scene in my area. I would rather start an Oathmark playgroup than KoW if I have to be the one to do it.
>>94735872They're dead, just the razide gets to chill his anger to e-skanks
>>94734866>Supposedly, because the first test models they got back were made in the wrong scale by mistake and they liked it.Chorf hats 2.0 I love it>At least the monsters can be taken and reused elsewhere as even bigger monsters.True. They have some great jotnar models, and those cavalry models I posted last thread would look great in a slaanesh themed army
>owned Oathmark since it released>was left luke warm with the actual game mechanics>didn't look at it for several years>realise it's actually a role-playing game, not a rank and flank game>now super invested in creating a world and generating my kingdomFor the time being at least, this is going to be a solo project. I actually think the author missed a trick by not doing an expansion for generating your kingdom through battles. I'm going to start out by generating the kingdom zones, BUT I'm only going to begin with a city under my control. That way, I can make my own campaign where my dudes bring the surrounding area under their hegemony, defeating neighbouring settlements in battle and either scattering them to the wind and colonising the land, or forcing them to erect Oathmarks of their fealty to me.The undead expansion kinda took one step in this direction by giving you two undead capital city options - I think this would be a great way of, say, creating a Necromancer character who starts with just a handful of skellies from his lone settlement whose ambition is to take over the realm of a revenant king.
>>94735872>Rangers of Shadowdeep, reading through it and it sounds good fun. Is it better with friends? Or is it fine solo?It's meant to be solo, but you can play co-op. It does make some of the scenarios kind of trivial. There are also rules for beefing up the opposition in regular scenarios and at least one explicitly co-op scenario pack. >>94735918Nothing explicitly demonic, although you can run them as one of the existing races fairly easily. I'd probably use a mix of Elves as the demon nobles and Undead as the summoned chaff creatures. The Undead instability rules and enforced morale should work pretty well for representing unwilling summoned lackeys, while the Elf list's got an option for packs of hellhounds and generally has extremely high morale. As long as you're okay with your Undead archers sucking absolute shit for no real reason. If you're feeling more like Cambion Brutes, then Orks work too and they have some nasty-ass spells.FWIW I have a fairly large Undead army that I occasionally supplement with Beastmen (using Ork rules) and the remnants of my old Skaven warband (as goblins). My buddy runs his Lizardmen as Elves with some Human samurai backing them up. Once you see the "race" profiles as being general archetypes it helps get you in the hacking mood. Their spell lists do almost as much heavy lifting on the tone of the army as the pure stats on paper, so look at them carefully.
>>94735970>I actually think the author missed a trick by not doing an expansion for generating your kingdom through battlesYou can add territories after successful battles already. So you could totally start off with the single box of troops and a city as ring 1 of your kingdom and expand outwards. All you'd need is a simple system of generating opponents - something like the following>hexmap>roll a d100 for each hex, plus a d10: a 10 on the D5 generates a "keep" town with a potential Lord or Champion that is targeting a random neighboring territory to take over (roll a D6 starting from North). The D100 determines the general territory type from a slightly skewed list, with inner wheel territories more common>Draw fancy map based on the hexes, with appropriate mountains, rivers, plains, etc.>after each battle you fight directly, the other Keeps fight indirectly - critical failure and they lose stability, success and they add points to their political influence on a territory or conquer one that's got sufficient influence in place. >If the territory is useless to you, spend a campaign turn sending Engineers in to (eg) turn Woods into a Timber Mill, or Hills into an Iron Mine>you do the same but actually fight battles. When you enter a new hex there's a chance a Champion is there: reaction table to deterimine whether he's hostile, willing to test your mettle, or impressed and willing to join (ideally you could use scouts to spend resources or plant Oathmarks to reinforce this reaction roll - potential Rangers scenario?)>You could even do something like the old Star Trek and Animayhem rules, assigning a set of keywords to the upper-tier tiles and needing all the keywords to give you bonuses when trying to convert them.>Need timber and mines under your control for CatapultsConquering a Keep adds the leader as an optional ally,gives you their maps, and lets you roll to keep control of the existing territories. NPC Keeps avoid each other as much as possible
What's the deal with Mythic Americas? I'm wary of getting into a game system by Warlord since they demonstrated they have no qualms about just dumping their ranges if they don't perform, and this is a system I've never seen anyone talk about. Nevertheless, I think the minis are fucking awesome, it's totally different to the medieval European fantasy minis that I've been painting for years, and while I've not played the regular WoE rules myself, I do ocassionally watch batreps by TabletopCP and it looks like a fun system.
>>94737567regardless if it drops, just get the minis an only get pdf rules. if they drop it, you still got jungle beastmen you can use in a lot of other wargames and rpg's. those are pretty sick.they look like they all take massive werewolf cock.
>assmebled the whole DZC UCM starter in a few days>undercoat them >lose all motivation to paint them>start to assemble terrain insteadMake it stop...
>>94737878Losing interest in DZC is a natural reaction. Even the publisher can barely be arsed anymore.
>>94735872I think most solo games are better as co-op, so that's my opinion on Rangers too. We have had a few times where the game was obviously over several turns before the official end, but it feels like it could still swing back the other way. Gameplay wise, there's nothing stopping a lone player from running two or more different ranger warbands for the mechanical effects of co-op. All rangers move in the same phase anyway, so there's no mechanical need for each one to actually be played by a different player.
>>94738111And actually, that's something I've heard of someone doing, four players have essentially zero companion models, so if you run four rangers solo, it basically ends up as a classic adventuring party of four, with each member having full XP and advancement. I'd still rather just do one ranger and his handful of companions though.
>>94734354Any instructions online for terrain crate stuff? It has none…
>>94738080It's DZC terrain tho
>>94735872>>94738111everything is better with friends. Like bad movies. \But its pretty fun solo too. Its like playing D&d but you get to control your whole party so you make more tacticle decisions and its not as finicky. its a lot more focused on movement and coordination too. trying to get multiple of your party vs one of the enemy so you get bonuses, trying to get to locations before new events pop up or finding good vantage points for your ranged units, screening ranged units with melee units, you really feel it when you got characters who have extra movement. how the phases play out, ranger phase, creature phase, party phase works well. Its pretty fun. been doing it solo, but plan to bring it to the local library during game night some time. I go their weekly for RPG's, so it will be nice to try and get some of the people there into light's my little party. pretty happy with it. My ranger is the inquisitor who is mostly focused on support buffs, got a paladin for heavy front line damage, a bloodhound for fast movement and tracking, a conjuror for glass canon spells, a thief I spent an extra 5 recruitment points to give him a bow, and a man at arms for some more frontline support.Ill report back in a week or to to give my experience on how it plays co-op.
>>94738245fuck, forgot I took this pic with a stupid iphone.
>>94738245oh, and the event phase which happens at the end of every round which helps to keep the pressure on in a more solo environment and it does a good job simulating a gm and a sense of "unknowns", that you have limited knowledge of whats going to happen so you try to use your time each round efficiently.Here are my unit sheets.
What's the best option for fantasy samurai rules?I picked up some of Warlord's mythical Japanese stuff a few years ago, and in the spirit of building and using my pile of opportunity rather than selling it off, I thought I'd look for a set of rules and get playing with them. The options I can see at a glance are Warlords of Erehwon, for which Warlord sells them, and Daisho by the Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare, whose rules I've never played.
>>94738245G'day, mate
>>94738437Wasnt there that one hex based game from the 80s that had really neat art and cutout miniatures? also had a euro medieval and fantasy version
>>94738437Bushido is probably the best option if you are okay with buying into it's model range as well.Daisho is nice, but it really benefits with you using the create your own army lists rules to match your models rather than using the prebuilt ones.Clash of Katana is getting a Yokai expansion.Ronin has a .pdf with a few fantasy creatures.
>>94738111>I think most solo games are better as co-opI don't. I find a lot of them run really smoothly solo whereas co-op makes me slow down and explain every move. Plus you can homebrew on the fly just by thinking about it.To say nothing of being able to play whenever without scheduling anything.Not that there's anything wrong with co-op, but solo makes a lot of things far easier.
3 minis, bundled with a starter set for the card game (presumably $12 MSRP on its own?), for $35 total. Probably some built in discount but that implies models are somewhere in the $5-10 apiece range? That's less than half of what I was bracing for.
>>94739424whats the scale of the minis?use to do some gunpla before it just became to much work for the output. Might be nice to paint a few small scale gundam guys.if they are 28mm or 32 that seems really steap for 5-10 a piece.
>>94739424>>94739592from promo shots the models look a bit larger than 32 mm, but not actual gunpla size
>>94739424neat, I was hoping it'd be on the cheaper side, Bandai's kits usually have really good prices.Also they better be letting me build a full army of Z'Goks.
>>94739810>little more then 32 for 5-10$ a pieceehh, seems steep. but ill keep eye on. My general median is 2 dollars for one 28mm 3 dollar for 32.
Almost done with these guys
>>94738437Kensei is an absolutely *excellent* ruleset. The company took down their unit-builder website, unfortunately, which brought down the army lists for the wako and all of the non-Japanese armies with it. They've pivoted largely to Clash of Spears/Katanas as their main focus now. Models are good if flimsy, rules still very solid. The setting of Kensei itself was heavily inspired by the old Clan War game for L5R. Clan War is a very 90's ruleset with some cool army ideas and very, very good miniatures for the era. >>94739592>whats the scale of the minis?The look to be about the same size as the "1:350" minis for the Gundam G-Sight series, which is about the same as a large Heavy or small Assault mech in the new Battletech sale
>>94739819>Also they better be letting me build a full army of Z'Goks.It seems likely to be very small scale. You'll get a squadron, not an army. I'm hoping they designed it to exactly fit the canon OYW squadrons of 3 GMs and 2 Balls, but that's probably a wish too far given the need to balance however many dozens of units while also abstracting their power levels to be more narrowly bounded.
>>94740551Nice. How is the ruleset? I have thought about running a Halo game from time to time.
>>94739592It has no figure scale. Most of the models will be 50mm tall, except all the ones that will be bigger. >>94740932It's going to be 1-6 models a side, heavily weighted for 3 models each. It won't be balanced in any way you are thinking of. It's going to be some weird fucking 'for a domestic japanese audience' game that feels like it was designed for a mobile phone.
>Played deadzone with a friend>We've played maybe 5 games ever over the course of 2 years because he more or less lives like 5 hours away>Throw together an enforcer army that stacks armor and shields because I like the look and it seems like they're the quality faction>Friend makes a rebel force>Proceed to table him because he can't really hurt my guysGoing forward with random /awg/ games, I really feel like the best way to make "demo" armies is to lightly touch on what they do, but aside from that just cram lists full of options. I mean I guess going full armor was skew list, which reminds me of warmachine back in the day, which in turn means you win big or lose big, which isn't exactly how I want casual games to go.Idk, anyone have any casual wisdom they managed to glean from running games?
>>94741122What are we thinking, gacha rolls on an app (downloads region locked to Japan of course, no official translations), or fixed lists based on build divers style gunpla teams that aren't satisfying at all?
>>94740992Flashpoint kicks ass. Instantly my favorite skirmish game out ahead of Killteam, Infinity, etc.There's no measuring which feels like a treat. Games are fast, and you're constantly doing stuff. Very simple on the surface with tons of tactical depth and variation in games.
>>94741270Actually, I'll go further than that. It's IMO the best wargaming release of 2024
>>94741270>>94741343fugg! Is the ruleset out there for people to look at? I'm more of a solo/coop gamer ATM and want to bash systema together.
>>94741230Heroclix / Heroscape / Funko
>>94734535>How's Midgard Who's gonna tell him?
>>94734535>How's Midgard?I've heard good things, seems to be popular but I don't have any personal experience with it. Rulebook is in New Vola if you're interested in reading up on it yourself.Be warned, one or two Anons here really hate it because the creator is gay and will attempt to derail any discussion about it.
I’m thinking about making another Space Weirdos team. I’ve got cadians, space marines, genestealer, and eldar who are midhammer minis. I’m thinking about some super out there sci fi minis for my next team. Give me your weirdest minis for ideas. Nothing that needs a 3d printer please, I don’t have one.
>>94742952>Give me your weirdest minis for ideas.Inquisitorial Ordo Podiatry Taskforce
>>94735970>not a rank and flank gameSure Jan
>>94742159Midgard is promising because it has some thoughtful new mechanics. If you want something that is hero lead and about 75-100 models it looks good. Anyone who complains about James being gay has also become gay, that's how it works. If he wasn't gay, how would the UK get bad weather?
>>94741879Not officially, but these guys made a "rules and reference" PDF that's pretty close to the official rulebook
Is there something like OPR fantasy regiments except not dumbed down to shit? I want a way to play my AoS minis in a rank and flank game, so looked into One Page Rules, but I hate the trend of 'alternative to GW' being synonymous with braindead simple, as opposed to just a like-for-like alternative to a GW system, but one that doesn't throw everything out every 3 years.
>>94743096>a like-for-like alternative to a GW system, but one that doesn't throw everything out every 3 years.You can always play a previous edition if you want.
>>94734354>TQA good city board is always nice to see.
>>94742952How's Space Weirdos? I have a boxload of nicely painted Epic minis but I can't be bothered to army build for the life of me.I guess I'm looking for a game that's fast and easy to teach plus a starter force listed for each factions. Models on models or squad on squad is fine, I'm not that fussy, it's just that list building is more of a huge time sink at my days and age than a cool and exciting creative process. Plus it usually ends like >>94741156 sadly.
>>94743096Triumph has a fantasy addon and is one I’ve liked. There are a lot of rank and flank games put there so one will be what you want. The issue is usually finding players. I just play with my wife and she enjoys it but isn’t a hardcore wargamer so OPR is perfect.
>>94743694>How's Space Weirdos?Very good. It has a lot of different mechanics that work well together. States rather than wounds eg staggered down etc. different size dice so you have a better chance of winning but still random. Command points for resource management. It keeps both players engaged all game. You do need plenty of terrain though, it wouldn’t work without it. As the author says though you can just spray paint recycling.
>>94743767Any other system you could compare it to? I really like what I saw reading through Xenotactics but I would have to build my own units from the ground so it's on the backburner.
I was wondering if anyone may have a pdf of rangers of shadow deep : a gathering of heroes. I know it collects 5 other expansions, of which the trove only has two. I figured this may be an easier way of getting them all.
>>94735116Honestly looking at the board I 100% wouldn't be surprised if it was literally just Warhammer Underworld.
>>94743028>>94742159Alright, cool. I'll check it out. Thanks. >>94743694Space Weirdos is a good time. We've played about a half dozen of Space and Sword Weirdos and always enjoyed it. It's our go-to when we are short on space/time/minis.
>>94742159Just went through the regular thread and didn't see it. Was the tr0ve necro'd someplace new?
Here's the Ruckus is such an incredibly entertaining little game, but the retarded ass author absolutely crippled it's popularity by 1. giving it a stupid name, 2. making it extremely difficult to access by releasing it through Wargames Illustrated, so you have to fucking hunt down the rules in various different magazine releases, which can only be accessed by buying a physical copy of each magazine or having a digital subscription. Want the core rules? Have to find them in #421 magazine. Want mounted rules? I think it's #441! Campaign rules? They're somewhere, go figure it out! That'll be £6 a month subscription btw
>>94743053Big appreciation
Why are online reseller so fucking shit holy fuck>find guy selling old Warzone at decent price>ask him about a box of imperial wolfsbanes>he tells me that the shipping is 10€ which is more than what what he wrote>ok fine anyway>he tells me that he won't ship just one box but minimum 2 of them>ugh fine guess I'll buy a box of capitol light trooper too>he tells me that he only accepts paypal payment and I can't use the site method that protect from scamsYeah how about fuck off and die how about that
>>94744672What's good about it? I've been curious since it came out.In terms of the naming and convoluted rules access, I think it's largely a historical boomer thing. That section of wargaming are always releasing rules with god awful names, use horrible naming terminology, waste so much space rambling on about inane things (looking at you, Priestly), and operate within this tiny bubble of (mostly British) boomers who all subscribe to the same magazines and all attend the same conventions. Also, they all wear these branded polo shirts that only plumbers and electricians normally wear, tucked into their jeans. Having said that, they also for the most part make really fun games.
>>94739819>Also they better be letting me build a full army of Z'Goks.Are you me?
>>94745378Rick Priestlys ability to use two paragraphs to say something that could have been explained in two sentences is world class. I tried reading Hail Caesar and it was pure torture. Warlords of Erewhon core rules could be a 15 page pamphlet but he found a way to stretch it to like 150 pages.
>>94745378Sounds like you envy their gatekeeping skills.
>>94742159>hate it because the creator is gayTo be fair, that is an extremely valid criticism and a strong indicator of quality of the product. You simply cannot trust the design choices of a man who gets routinely sodomized by choice
>>94745372Paypal protects from scam too.
>>94745639Ironically, historical wargaming boomers truly have been the last holdout in the traditional gaming world where globohomo tranny shit and corporate pandering hasn't infested their space. I don't see it ever changing, remember when those leftoid YouTubers make a video about how it's morally wrong to play historical wargames because one side has to paint and play "the bad guys"
>>94745686>remember those leftoid YouTubersNo, and nor should you.
>>94745372That's what you get for playing wolfbanes
>>94745619I was just reading through the WoE rules last night, actually, and I laughed out loud when the special rules section was 18 (E I G H T E E N) pages long, with Whirling Dervishes, aka Night Goblin Fanatics, taking up 1 and a half pages, only to be followed immediately after by 4 pages of the exact same special rules laid out in a far more succint and useful manner, rendering the previous 18 pages entirely useless.
>>94743977its a solo adventure?
>>94745639I unironically love them. They're living their best lives. When I'm 40+ and have a hard, distended beer gut I too shall don the tradesman's polo shirt and attend their conventions.
>>94745664To be equally fair, you may not identify as gay, but you definitely suck cock and take it in the ass while crying>>94745686No one really gave a shit. It changed nothing. I've never met anyone that refused to play a side of a game because they were the bad guys. I believe those people exist, but that it's also a moot point because no one will play anything with them. I have however turned down games because the dude was all ubermensch pride and I refuse to play with stupid people that don't actually study history.
>>94745919Damn you are ass blasted lmao
>>94745919>>94745919>I have however turned down games because the dude was all ubermensch pride and I refuse to play with stupid people that don't actually study historAnd then everyone clapped.
>>94743096Oathmark and Hail ceaser are two options.
>>94745754You should. The big dumb youtube opinion mocked by all sides is frequently just saying what many people actually believe too plainly and frankly and the pushback is because you're not supposed to say it out loud.
>>94744427It's not in the thread, it's in the newVola and has been for a while. If you mean the New Vola mega then yeah that was taken down a while back but it's been replaced by a new one, the link is still found in the old way.
>>94746528Just stop posting about you tube, politics or any other bait material you have up your sleeve please.
>>94745372He was trying to rip you off. Classic bullshit tactics.
>>94745378>That section of wargaming are always releasing rules with god awful names, use horrible naming terminology, waste so much space rambling on about inane things (looking at you, Priestly), and operate within this tiny bubble of (mostly British) boomers who all subscribe to the same magazines and all attend the same conventions. Also, they all wear these branded polo shirts that only plumbers and electricians normally wear, tucked into their jeans.Haha this is like half of my Twitter feedI'm more of a BOYL and bargain bin hunting type of guy
I've got a huge box of warzone ressurection stuff. Whats the best way to offload it in one go? I can't even find pricing on the stuff anymore. I blame bamba for this trove, if he even lurks here anymore.
>>94747064Just sell it on fleabay. You won't get much for it but hopefully someone will take it. I've sold a lot on there just to get it out of my house.
>>94747064Send it to me? I sent some stuff for free to an anon on /hwg/ about 5 years ago, and again another anon from /hwg/ sent me some Anglo Afghan war minis once that he didn't need, all the way from North Dakota. /hwg/ was such a pleasant little gem on this website some years ago, it's the biggest shame to see how it's all but dead these days. We used to have such a good community, Secret Santa, etc. but all the good anons have gone away now.
>>94745550Can confirm, all three of us are the same person.
>>94746709Are you sure there's nothing I can interest you in? I have some very convincing flat earth GIFs!
>>94749053This whole site has gone to shit. Especially /tg/ but I don't want to get banned again so that's all I'll say.
Does anyone know of a sculptor who makes (preferably metal) orcs/goblins in a similar style to these dwarfs.
>>94750950Check Gripping Beast under the Ragnarok subline- the same sculptor has done like four Kickstarters worth of dwarves and goblins in the same style.
>>94750950Fucking lovely Tolkienian dwarves, anon. There's a thread on LAF of a dude who's building his orcs in a very Tolkienian way as well, and I believe something like that might fit those dwarves perfectly.>900 seconds to postWhat the actual fuck
>>94734354God, I hate when games dont have a quick reference sheet. Its never fun having to scroll through a whole pdf to remind yourself about basic shit at the begining.Here is a slapdashed quick reference sheet I copypastad together of details from relivent sections of Rangers of ShadowDeep. Not clean, just so its all on one page.QRS are like the SECOND most important thing in a wargame imo just before the rules actually working well.
>>94751704>What the actual fuckthe tranny commie janniesfuck themfiguratively, of course (because of AIDS)
>>94751704They're trying (And I assume failing) to contain bot posts and ban evaders by making the 900 second countdown if you don't have post cookies already.
>>94751704>900I know, its fucking retarded.THe only point of 4chan is to type something easy and anonymously without having to sign into shit. Might as well have a burner leddit account at this point.
>>94751704>>94753232>>94753329>>947537031) The 900 second timer is for phone posters. This is a good change, because phone posters, like (YOUS), are inferior to computer posters. Good riddance.2) Bypassable by registration, which is the actual driver, because they want to sell data about you after tracking you. tl;dr 900s good but also bad but also you bad
>>94752917very true, a good QRS makes the game run much smoother, and if the game lacks an official one the community usually provides one
>>94754516Phone posters who already have cookies don't get the 900 second timer. When you try to post with no cookies, you get the timer. When your post goes through, you get a cookie that removes the timer for as long as it's on your system. Ban evaders have to delete all cookies and bots coming from "new" virtual machines just don't have cookies at all.
>>94754568there was one on boardgamegeek, but it requires you to have an account to download a fucking fan made pdf.
>>94753703I broke down and made a leddit account. But discussion on reddit is cancer. I want old school forums back.
>>94754516>>94754585only the lowest subhumans ever think cookie persistence is a good idea
>>94754894Sounds like somebody keeps getting stopped by the panda.
Anyone heard of the game called Warlord from Gamer's Guild or know where I can find a scan?
>>94754971not evenI just hate having to make an exception for retarded "reasons"it's bad practice, is all: the proper practice being automatic containerization of everything (hence why Humans worthy of this name use a firefox based browser), with everything cleaned as soon as the last tab in the container is closedand ban evasion needing to remove cookies on top of renewing your IP isn't even anything new, lolthe 900s timeout if you don't like persistent cookies is just completely retarded, through and through, and there's no excuse to it
>>94755070>Humans worthy of this name use a firefox based browserGo away Mozilla, nobody wants your shit browser.
>>94755137>t. doesn't even have containerizationpathetic, lmao
>>94744672>Here's the RuckusIt's getting published in book form, no?
Outside of pre-painted vs. painted models, what are the major differences between Monsterpocalypse 1e and 2e?Is a certain version considered better than the other?>t. someone who bought a shitton of models from both editions because he likes kaiju, but never got to play much
>>94756082It's been a while, but IIRC the biggest thing is that almost all the factions got streamlined down into two superfactions and a few things from 1e never really got rules. They also made it so you had to use only the shitty mook units for a turn if you wanted to fully recharge your dice pools. Which was actually a lot more fun and tactical than it sounds at first blush, and made it play more like a kaiju movie.It was still a very silly game about giant monsters pro-wrestling each other into buildings.
>>94747064> blame bamba for this trove, if he even lurks here anymore.That's fair. I am usually to blame for people getting into games that die. Sorry about that.>>94738437Bushido gets my vote. Although it can get a tad keyword heavy sometimes.>>94745372Because they're cunts who think out of print means the same thing as expensive. Fuck that noise.
>>94754786You can find them, they are all just really obscure and low population. I visit some.
>>94754786I made one then forgot the password and never could be fucked to find it or make a new one.Think the only thing I ever posted was a single christmas themed photo of my gunpla models.
>>94756163Wait, so they made the unit turns mandatory? BEcause I remember a big thing in the old game was being efficient with your monster dice pool so you could have back to back monster turns before recharging them with a unit turn.
>>94757417Lead Adventure Forum is the most active AWG forum out there, but it has shit notification controls and a lot of the posts are waste-of-keystroke "good job mate" shit. DakkaDakka is decently active, though only a couple thousand active posters max - and it's 98% GW, but that last sliver is worth watching. SomethingAwful is still kicking, good painting thread, but only the GW game specific threads are really active. Everything else is a couple posts a week or a once-a-month trickle. TMP is so poorly designed it gives me cancer every time I try to use it, and most of the interesting posts just lead back to blogs which I already have in my RSS feed and again their notification settings are garbage. r/wargaming is decent enough, blah blah blah le whatever, half of you guys have decade old accounts over there and trying to deny it is pathetic tribalism. Everywhere else I've found is either deader overall than the slow threads on the above, or like literally 12 people. Anyone got some good miniature forums I'm missing? How about mailing lists, I can do those. Even a good broad wargaming discord, so long as it isn't overrun with braindead memes and shitposting children. FB need not apply.
>>94759687I'd also take bsky feeds, masto tags, or I guess whatever instagram or tumblr uses, I've never used either. Is there wargaming on tik-tok? telegram? Whatever the kids these days are using
>>94759706>archived read-only musician forumsthe fuck mate?
>>94734354what are some other fantasy small scale skirimish games like MOrdheim, frostgrave, and rangers of shadow deep?Stuff that I can use a mottly crew of my various rpg minis to play.Never is a perfect fit if your criteria is to strict but mordheim is a bit old, frostgrave is a bit too attached to your main character being a wizard, and rangers of shadow deep is a bit small scale. Maybe is there a skirmish game that used 2d6?
>>94759712 a german forum tho
>>94759836Song of Blades and HeroesSellswords and SpellslingersOpen CombatSword WeirdosMaybe Relic Blade but it might be more specific dudes or teams rather than stat your ownMaybe Mantic's Vanguard but it's more Mordheim in that it has defined teams to pick from
>>94759995thanks for the recs, will look into.
>>94759836Five leagues from the borderlands
Any fantasy games that are not rank and flank and play similar to Age of Sigmar/Age of Fantasy and will let me field a massive, varied skeleton army? Or do I just need to bite the bullet and make an Age of Fantasy custom army of skeletons, skeleton archers, skeleton giants, etc?
>>94761442You want a bad game with a jumbled table full of models? You need to want better things. Get help.
>>94761503Thanks, /v/.
>>94761442Erehwon maybe?Its pretty flexible in what you can do.
Can anyone record a game with a unique and expressive take on necromantic magic?
>>94761442Saga has an Age of Fantasy expansion that would let you do that. Tricky thing is most Saga players don't typically like stepping outside of the historical side of the game, so it might be tricky to find players if you don't make them yourself. Otherwise it has a lot of options for making your typical fantasy armies and Saga is fun as fuck to play in general.
I'm paralyzed by indecision on how I want to base these Ultramoderns. I plan on making all kinds of terrain for them to play on and it'll trigger me when I play on some urban industrial table but all my minis are based on the sands of the Middle East or something. I should've went with clear acrylic bases
>>94761733Deth Wizards and Necropolis28 for the most recents or innovative. You can give a try to Verrotwood too it's less on point.
>that will be 200 dollars pleaseConquest is embarrassing
>>94761595>>94761783Thank you, Anons. I'll start investigating Erehwon and Saga! I can probably rope my best friend into either or both of those games at least.
>>94759708>tik-tok? telegram? I mostly use Instagram for soft core porn, but I follow a couple modelers there too. >>94761806>I should've went with clear acrylic basesSome people hate them, but like then..
>>94762031IDK how you can look at that and not think: >Man I come make a bitching custom version out of a Dinosaur toy.
>>94762402>I mostly use Instagram for soft core pornit's hard not to, I've only ever clicked on /tg/ and /toy/ pics and still half of my recommended pictures are lingerie. The instagram algorithm is relentless.
>>94761442>AoS>OPRIs this bait?
>>94762031Yeah those big dinos always get me thinking twice. I like their other stuff tho
>>94762676>wizards, no sense of right and wrong
>>94761442Dragon Rampant. Doesn't care if you're rankeed up really, you can make it as overcrowded as you want, unit damage is scalable if you can do basic arithmetic.
>>94762903I've heard good things about Dragon Rampant, thank you Anon.
>>94762966>good things about dragon rampass From whom lmao
>>94762966Its not a great game, can be fun to fuck about it a bit. Likely gets better adding in Lion Rampant 2nd ed changes so the activation isn't too swingy. It'll at least let both players enjoy their beer and pretzels. >>94763039I figured it went with them wanting it to be like AoS. At least they're crawling out of the GW ghetto.
Apparently the next Conquest faction is Rot3K rules by Japanese dragons.>>94762689I like that the backstory for the Mahuts is the last elephant died saving the king as they were crossing after Hazlia's fall, so now they make magical elephant statues to honor it.
>>94763245>Apparently the next Conquest faction is Rot3K rules by Japanese dragonsWait, I thought the only faction they had left in the pipeline were the bug-symbiote wood elves?
>>94763534>bug-symbiote wood elves?Talk to meI need everything you know
How do a lot of these wargames survive? Like looking around at some, stuff like Oathmark, Conquest and Kings of War, they seem to still be producing new rules and lines of models. I've never seen marketing for them, videos never come up about them on youtube for me and when I look up wargame groups online in my city (Sydney) it's always just warhammer stuff. I'm wondering, is it because each one might have a big audience in a specific country or is it entirely funded by small hobby store groups and groups of friends that just play with each other? I'd love to get into any one of them, but I just see no way in.
>>94763534They have a LOT more factions planned. We still have the Weavers, Sellswords, Hel, and Quiet at least. There's also some debate if they'll do the Famine army eventually.>>94763723The priest caste of the Spires, when they left, founded the Weaver Courts and mixed their magic with Ea's natural magic. So now they have body morphing magic that let's them merge with nature traits, like animals, plants, or the seasons.
>>94763810I think Australia is a shitty country for smaller types of wargames. I managed to find a group of sorts. My friend likes gaslands and a few other friends are happy to play whatever. I have to supply the minis. When my friend tried to get interest going at his LGS it was crickets. The people here are sheep and 3rd world poos. Neither group are good for alternative wargames.
>>94763810I live in Sydney and will probably start an awg and hwg club at some pointIt's difficult rn because I am still working on projects, hard for me to get around and honestly I am a bit iffy / untrusting around gaming with people I don't know. Even a simple rule like "no politics" gets bent to "oh but I know you lean this way so I will chew your ear off anyway," people I met from flgs straight up stole shit from me lol.
To anyone else who has played Gamma Wolves, I'm the one who's been posting the short battle summaries. I like the game quite a bit but it's averaging 4 hours per session, which is just too long. This is mainly due to the manoeuvre phase, which just takes so long and has so many things triggering other things in it.With the caveat that I haven't played any actual Trench Crusade, but have watched some Battle Reports and felt inspired, I modified some of the core rules from TC to port over to GW. They primarily replace the phases and the concept of snap fire with TC's system wherein models are activated alternating between players, and every activation gives the model access to its entire range of abilities until it ends its activation or fails a risky action roll. Everything else from GW stays in, including the basic 3D6 dice pool where you get a success for each dice rolled at or above the value of your appropriate skill.
>>94764155Ignore the highlights, just pointing out wording changes to some friends. If you ever get the chance to play it this way or have any immediate feedback just from looking it over, I'm all ears.
>>94763810Look at any games Facebook group, the Oathmark group for example, and you'll see it's full of boomers playing with their mates in their man caves, dads playing with their 12yo and 10yo kids, some passionate middle aged businessmen playing solo, etc. in other words, these games are enjoyed by normal people just enjoying their lives. The types of bottom of the barrel losers that need to go to the gaming store to play with autistic strangers are exactly the type of people who Warhammer is made for. Also, to use Oathmark as an example again, the books, rules campaigns supplements, etc. literally everything is done by a single passionate guy, so the costs are incredibly low. He basically only has to pay for the books to be printed and everything else is profit
>>94764067>>94764131>>94764209Yeah these all make sense. I'm in the same situation. I've bought all the miniatures and I'm trying to make all the terrain just to get my friends that like board games to play. None of them are interested in painting or anything creative so it's just a shitload of work for me. I'm hoping they at least become interested enough to buy their own minis and I'll just paint them for them, but I strongly doubt it'll happen.
>>94763810dunno about alt wargames but I found a few historicals clubs within seconds looking online>>94764067>I think Australia is a shitty country for smaller types of isn't, I've found many good clubs in regional centres, maybe there's more competition for community space in the cities but there's also more community spacesclubs seem to be huge even in the warhammer scene, so it's honestly baffling how your mate could be enough of a spud to think the average store denizen would be a good candidate to pitch to
>>94763810It all varies. I live just outside Salt Lake City and we have a booming wargaming scene. Yeah, most of it is Warhammer, but we also have a huge historical scene, a good sized Battletech group, I've got a handful of guys playing Heavy Gear, and we had a pretty good sized OPR community last I looked. We had one store that did regular Kings of War game nights and tournaments, but they sadly went under and I'm not sure if the group just moved to a different store or what.I have a buddy in the Los Angeles area and minis gaming in his stores is Warhammer or the occasional game of Legion if he's incredibly lucky.And sometimes it's just small communities playing in basements. We have some folks around here that play Relic Blade and other small indie stuff together, but they usually play at their houses because it's not worth fighting for a table at a shop sometimes.Sometimes you just need to dig a little. Facebook is a shithole, but it's actually pretty good for finding local gaming groups in my experience.
>>94764602>Facebook is a shithole, but it's actually pretty good for finding local gaming groups in my experience.Huh yeah I didn't think of that. There's a a few in there with some interesting systems being played. Doesn't look like fantasy is big in Sydney for some reason though. It's all sci-fi, shooty or historical.
>>94764284>>94764209>>94763810The other thing is, a lot of the groups that *do* meet in an LGS might only do it once every couple weeks for a few hours. You could have a dozen semi-regular players for a given game and unless you wind up having evenings every third Tuesday of the month free you'll never know they exist. As the other Anon also pointed out, a lot of games don't need a particularly large playerbase to survive - Battletech was one of the larger non-BW wargames even at its nadir, and Catalyst were staying afloat making ~5-10,000 sales for their *most* popular items. For a lot of smaller wargames you might only be looking at a few thousand sales or so for anything but your main book. But (say) 5k overall sales a year at a even a few dollars of profit per book is still a pretty solid side gigWhich is another salient point. The really successful creators often have another revenue stream. Ash Barker is a contractor. Joe McCullough's wife is a white-collar businesswoman. North Star, Reaper, and Iron Wind all make a lot of their money doing contracted casting services for industrial clients and other gaming companiesThirdly, people assume you need a shitload of profit to keep companies afloat. But indie wargames by and large aren't trying to be AAA blockbusters. They're Roger Corman B-flicks. You can usually stay in the black as long as you know your budgets, hire reliable people, and stick to schedules. Sometimes you get a runaway hit like Frostgrave, most of the time you chug along with a big book every couple years and 2-3 supplements a year. Osprey's business model is EXACTLY Corman's or Lloyd Kaufman's* - they give people with a decent idea the money, contacts, editors, and tools they need to turn a profit instead of completely bombing, while hitching it to a brand name. They give good royalties and decent advice, they get a consistent stream of cheap rent-payers on shelves*The guy who runs Troma
>>94762402Anything 28mm and above should be on acrylic if you're a wargamer. People started to make the most out of their base because they were stuck with it anyway. Not anymore.If you paint for display it's totally different though. Same for smaller minis, the smaller the scale the more your models benefits from a scenic base as it helps to understand what your looking at here.Pic not mine.
>>94765868>you should use acrylic picture frames for your collection of oilworks, brahHell no. The mere thought is revolting.
>>94765876>your collection of oilworksSomebody's got a high opinion of their output.
>>94765944>I treat my minis like trash they are and so should you!Sorry for caring for my hoard
I wrote to Daniel Mersey to ask if the listing of the 2nd edition of Dragon Rampant on Amazon and Target is legit or some sort of error. I hope he'll answer me soon.
>>94763811Personally excited for Hel and the mercs. But i know people have been waiting for weaver courts a long time
>>94765876I'm the anon you were replying to. My original post clearly stated>If you paint for display it's totally different though.So either you're yet another american struggling with reading comprehension and then don't bother replying to me, or you very wanted to brag about your painted models and in this case post pictures already. Thanks.
>>94766733>randomly bringing American into an unrelated argument Rent free
>>94766733I did read that, but your suggestion is so revolting it should be shot down with force every time it's brought up. Please throw your trash into woodchipper since you care about them so little.
>>94766792pics or GTFO>>94766768hows them hamburgers mate>>94765868>Anything 28mm and aboveis not a wargame figure, it's just a small bust. 15mm is the largest sane size for wargaming. 28mm was a mistake, a marketing ploy for painters, and has done irreparable harm to the hobby. Look at what trash it drug in >>94766792
>>94766920>p-pics!!No. Fuck you. And even your garbage minis would look better on real bases, but you're not man enough to admit it.
>>94766920Incredibly weak and corny baiting, but low IQ tards like >>94766934 still reply... sad
>>94744672Tbh Lords and Servants does the whole "medieval skirmish" better imo. Its also got better command rules, though you need objectives or something to force units to split up.>that one test play that was just a straight fight>the Swiss formed a pike column and raped the HRE knightsObjectives. There's a reason the scenarios have them.
>>94764146Neat. Have GW, haven't gotten to it, thanks for posting your home brew though. >immediate feedback The use of ALLCAPS ACTIONS but bold type set for other things and indented bullet points is not as clear as it could be. Are you keeping any of the reactive/triggered activity?
>>94752917Anyone have a more purpose built Quick refernce sheet rather than this slap dashed one?
>>94763810Publishing wargames and rpgs in general is a low cost business venture at the ground level (relitively speaking of course compared to carpentry or something).You first can just start with making a pdf, Which is essentially just requires your interest and time without any additional product or service fees. You can then promote it and kickstarter it or put in on drivethrurpg or something. OFC that doesnt mean you are making much from it either. just not that hard to start in the grand scheme of things.ANd then the next level up when you have some expenses like maybe comissioning art and deisigning models and finding someone to make them. Which is a step up, but isnt like renivating a house or something. You can get indivigual art and custom minis made personally for like 100 or 200 bucks. then you get a bit of a discount for commissioning these things at low, but still bulk sale like like a minor Wargame.Something Like Othmark is a Part of Osprey which alreeady makes minis and historical books as thier thing, so they are part of thier general production of minis and stuff. Not too big of a diversion of resources.
>>94744672Yes, I remember you flipping the fuck out over this as yet unpublished set several times prior
>>94766791They are both teachers you sad bastard. When the Americans write a rules set worth a shit, wake us up
>>94767622>unpublishedIt's published. There's copies of the full color final layout PDF that have been circulating. Find something else to sperg about>>94766934>f-f-fuck you, you can't see my beautiful dollies!speed paints look like shit no matter how you base them anon
These were like £1.20 each and I love them. I just don't know what I bought lelFrom The Baggage Train, who inherited Acropolis Design miniatures amongst other things (including ex-Citadel Hill Dwarves, shhhh)
>>94767844Those are some very smooth hands...>>94767828>Muh speed paintsThey're a tool like everything else in painting. When used well they look good and when used poorly they look bad. Unfortunately they're often over used. I would still much prefer to play with someone who's crudely slapped speed paints over a zenithal highlight than someone with a boring grey army.
>>94766934>Post your models BTFO another low-effort trollYou love to see it.I’m a contrarian who refuses to play The Old World out of misguided principles and a second-hand understanding of a company I’ve never supported. That said, I still want to play more fantasy rank and flank after checking out Hobgoblin.Is Kings of War 3e any good? It has a decent scene here. Has anyone actually played Midgard? I want to check it out before buying.>inb4 “It’s made by a gay!” Your fascination with some dude’s sexuality is somehow more gay than actual homosexuality.I’m looking for a game with enough depth to support factions or varied equipment options—something between a 350pg rulebook and a generic unit “template” system like Hobgoblin.
>>94768130>rushing to the defense of homosexuality unprompted Midgard seems like it's right up your alley
>>94768130Midgard is actually pretty well designed. The key feature is heros and heroic deeds directly leading to victory. It plays a little like Total War 3K, where you have duels and heroes do more than merely boost stats. Best new fantasy game I've played since Moonstone. Not sure it will replace Fantastic Battles for me, but it's a nice change of pace.>>94768294I can't wait for the Freedom Firewall to be turned on. You dumb fucks need reminding why we shipped your asses across an ocean in the first place.
First rangers of shadowdeep set up. Kinda a pain to play in the floor. My desk wasnt big enough and didnt want to take the kitchen counter up.Was pretty interesting, did like controling a small squad of !notdnd characters by myself and movement and positioning was a big thing that was pretty interesting. one of my guys went down and thankfully recovered but was diseased. Still feeling out how toplay it, but I think its a pretty good general flow. Like the end of round event cards, really makes it feel like things are going on around you.QUick question, anyone know if you can move out of combat if you are in it without fighting? THe rules said you usually cant do anything while in combat range but fight, but specially gave the examples of shoot and magic, but does that mean you cant move away? I know if you win a fight you can push pack someone by an inch, does that imply you need to fight and win to disengage?
>>94768130>dont want to play warhammer>want rank and flank>depth to support factionsisnt that what oathmark is for? Not the biggest fan of d10 resolution, but it sounds exactly what you are talking about.
>more pictures of actual gameplay than many /40kg/ threadsBased and sovl.