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There's no difference between half dragons and very tallkobolds
d&d kobolds are now literally dragons, with the dragon type line, in the new monster manual

can't hold person 'em anymore

but you can still hold person dragonborn, who are the real posers in the whole "draconic (featherless) biped" group

draconians and half-dragons are likely going to be typed dragons if we see them again after the new monster manual, dragons obviously were, drakes and the like are likely to have the same type, lizardfolk never pretended to be dragons in the first place... but dragonborn, poor, pathetic dragonborn

not only do they suck as a playable race, they're humanoids, not dragons at all. how embarrassing for them
>but you can still hold person dragonborn
First dragonborn, next: Glittergold. It's all coming together.
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Kobolds are empowered solely by half-dragon's and dragon-wannabe's seething.
If orcs are black coded and goblins are Latin coded what are kobolds?
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Kobolds with guns are based.
South Asian coded (they worship dragons and serve them gleefully just like Indians and Pakistanis take sides in foreign conflicts)
not really an answer to your question, but i've always been baffled by the people who think green monsters of various sizes are "X coded," where "X" is some real world group of people
it's like one of the most racist things i've ever seen - so far up their own racist asses that when given a literal fantasy monster divorced from all real world peoples they CANNOT RESIST their need to attach monstrous associations to minorities

monsters created by an evil god that threaten civilization (which, i might add, is generally presented as diverse and easily includes all extant human ethnicities 1 to 1, with fantasy appropriate changes to culture and history, as well as diverse non-human sapients), cannot be reasoned with as a group, are barely sapient, and would be monstrosities if the 'humanoid' type (which refers to a body plan, does not imply sapience at all, and is a game balance type more than anything else) wasn't such an inconsistent mess?

must be black people, says twitter

then you look at who's saying this dumb shit and discover that they are terminally online, overwhelmingly white, privileged urbanites, and the black people enjoying d&d were never generally under the impression that the barely sapient green monsters with tusks were supposed to represent them
and the people saying this shit are blissfully oblivious of the actual racist history: folkloric monsters CREATED with a link to an extant ethnic group are VERY rare, and generally from only brief, distant contact. they tend to lose that link with contact with said group (since said group is going to be human, not monstrous). they then aren't generally linked to people unless a pejorative link is established AFTER the monsters already exist.
aka exactly what these oblivious racists are fucking doing with orcs

do you know who's black coded in d&d? humans with dark skin. such as Chult, a human civilization. not fucking green monsters

honestly what the fuck is wrong with these people
Traditional games?
>one of the quintessential monster/NPC types in TTRPGs
Yes, in fact. Traditional games.
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The idea of Kobolds as trapsmiths and tinkerers makes pairing them with firearms seem like a natural progression but to me it just feels improper for them to wield advanced weapons.
>percussion cap firing mechanism
fine, but getting iffy
>revolver or breech loaded shotgun
very, very iffy but potentially justifiable as one-off, personal projects from genius artificers; ammunition must be made by said artificer and will be sold/manufactured nowhere else
>anything else

essentially i'd apply the regular firearm rules for pseudo-medieval fantasy to them
thematically for kobolds, however, they're likelier to try to invent flamethrowers or something similar first
they're wee dragon people, after all
he do be holdin'
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>thematically for kobolds, however, they're likelier to try to invent flamethrowers or something similar first
They're just emulating the master's dragon breath!
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Elfs’ drools, Kobolds Rules!
Kobolds with difficult to reload guns are perfect because they take advantage of all the things that having multiple bodies and pairs of hands give you, and it helps them punch above their weight since no str to damage.

It's just a logical extension of their existing association with advanced crossbows.
>gnomes will never look that good

why do I have to feel such affinity for such a visually boring fantasy race?
stay bold
Does that mean a Dragonslayers do extra damage against them?
2024 dragonborn are good
Why indeed, (((gnome anon)))?
It's particularly weird because in D&D, the stand in for black humans is, well, black humans.
gnomes are all the things I wish I was: versatile, inventive, funny, and hypomanic. Plus, combining modern fantasy gnomes with paracelsian lore makes them exactly my kind of weird
>one of the quintessential monster/NPC types in TTRPGs
The dog-like kobold? Yes.
what about Lizardmen?
wrong. not only was he an individual, "Minos" was the name of his father (King Minos); the archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans named the Minoan civilization after King Minos in the early 20th century, just to distinguish it from Mycenaean Greece (because it wasn't distinguished at the time; it entirely predates Mycenaean Greece). a lot of the "oh the creation of this monster was racist" stuff is ignorant back-extrapolation of vague modern historical associations like this

i had a whole bit about them but cut it because of the character limit - centaurs were already a mythological entity, likely from distant, early sightings of horse-riding nomads (and predating ancient Greece altogether; the recognizably centaur zodiac sign already existed in the Middle East by the bronze age)
if your eyes can tell a horseback rider from a centaur, so could the eyes of historical humans (which gives you an idea of the distances likely involved when first encountered - they weren't close enough to actually count as contact, they were likely only seen from a distance)

by the time the Centauromachy was nailed down as a myth, the Greeks not only already knew horse-riding, the Lapiths were well-known for it - hence the myth being about the Lapiths conflicting with and defeating the centaurs and the Lapiths claiming centaur heritage for their horses
actual contact with horse-riding peoples would've been seen as "oh these guys are like the Lapiths," not "oh these guys are centaurs"

the "centaurs = uncivilized barbarians" thing is actually a later addition to the centaur as Greek politics was filtered through a reexamination of their own myths later on, in pretty much exactly the manner i described: attaching foreign ethnicity to an existing 'monster'
More like nerd men
is this from something? i like the artstyle
is there an image archive of these style of kobolds?
I want to make a LoRA of them cause prompting for kobolds only ever gets these "cutebolds"
I don't want cutebolds
That Advantage “cry” is badass. I’m going to have to use that against players.
It’s right up there with bards doing “psychic damage” with a cantrip.
I can’t wait for the YT guide on how to play a kobold bard.

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