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Cuban revolution Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread question
Have you played games set during the Cuban revolution or any other 20th century revolution? What are your prefered rules? Does it make for an interesting subject

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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Simon Miller (To the Strongest! author) used GB plastic horses with Aventine riders for a large part of his Parthain project, though I don't know if the reverse would work. Maybe try asking on the Lead Adventure forum.

Nobody does that though
Go to a club and the boomers will be playing divisional level Napoleonics with 28mm
Partly tq related, any good games and minis for Latin American wars? 20th century of course but could be any era too
I like the camouflage cowboy hats
are you a retired boomer?
Okay. Do whatever makes you happy.

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What killed Age of Sigmar?
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>>Also most fuckwits forget that Warhammer Fantasy Battles was financially on a downward trend for two EDITIONS.
And now fagmar has been on a downward trend for four editions. You know nothing about anything and pretending to not care about your failed gacha-wargame isn't working. Skaventide is dead as a fucking doornail, it is literally Gorkamorka 2.0 and if you're pretending 40k is in good shape you are fucking retarded
>capcha TKO M8
Which is infinitely more than you're quoting you slack-jawed faggot, you can't even scrape up one astroturfed anecdote about how fail of cuckmar is 'selling fast'
It's awed you absolute fucking imbecile
"You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart."

What a shitty game. The entire rulebook being a massive wall of text doesn't help either
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This post is already full of zeerust and a poor understanding of science. (It also doesn't understand stuff that's already being used IRL.)
Not enough pictures.
I think Zozer's Cepheus Universal is the best version of Traveller for most types of play.
did you die?
Well I'm for all add ons to the game. However there is a darker secret about Mong 2E. A lot of that expansion you are seeing is actually re-hashing of other version source material. Especially GURPS. As a player and a collector it sucks when that happens.

What are politics like in your space age setting?
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It's unknown, but they're assisted by a fleet of clean-up drones that receive no compensation whatsoever.
The only space age setting I've run is Star Trek, but I've fleshed out the Federation political system for plot reasons.
Each member of the faction delegates one representative to the Federation Council, the governing legislative body. The Federation works similarly to the EU in that each member has sole authority over their own internal affairs, but there are conditions for joining and a faction can be removed if they renege on those conditions or voluntarily leave. Factions with colony planets do not get additional representatives unless those colonies are fully independent from the home world to the point where they join the Federation as a separate entity.

The main political concerns internally therefore revolve around those colonies: home worlds may resist releasing control over their colony planets, who wish to have equal voice as an independent faction. At the same time some factions consider whether to game the system and have many of their colonies join independently to ensure more of a voice for their species, even if it means less power for the home world. This is by design, as it's part of the Federation's own process for bringing its own colony worlds into the Federation as independent members. The main reason why this came up is for a plot about how one species' colony world was agitating so badly for independence, and the home world being so stubborn in refusing, that it risked causing a full blown war of independence. While it would mean the species would be temporarily suspended, both sides in the conflict saw it as "means to an end" and it was the players' jobs to help find a peaceful solution to the diplomatic crisis (and stop the Romulans who were dicking around, as Romulans do).
That size disparity is very troublesome to the "good" faction. You implied that they lost this Demosian War, but how were they not completely conquered?
space politics are too fucking retarded, only one that came close to making sense was in gundam.
Politics are divided in 3 main archetypes.

1. Might is right.
These are your imperial space colonizers who conquer and genocide. Their main goal is infinite growth, and their politicians are your typical evil late late stage capitalism- and world economic forum scum. They are burning through planets fast and dominate the galaxy. Negotiations always fail, but they are done for show anyway.

2. gay space communism
these are your typical brainrotted pseudo anarchists. they are the most tyrannical and conniving sons of bitches and their politics revolve around maximizing degeneracy and evading consequences. everyone hates them, yes even they themselves do. they gish gallop gerrymander and pivot all debates and political processes but are nonetheless extremely popular because of drugs, sex, and the allure of virtue through optics. They have no real goal except perhaps constant chaos. Negotiations always fail.

3. it's fucking over
These guys are eternal doomers. Their main goal is to try to convince everyone its fucking over, and we need to build a new universe and escape to it NOW just two more weeks bro i promise its fucking OVER. Negotiations usually succeed.

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You guys gonna play it?
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Didn't say it did, but it sure as fuck fits better there than in online multiplayer.
>no fat Y'shtola boobers front and center
It belongs in Final Fantasy games.
>4e but all the hyperbole about it being a pnp mmo is literally true
no thanks
it's part of what makes Final Fantasy Final Fantasy

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Saw this posted in some other thread. I can’t tell if it’s a meme or something a company / group genuinely does. Are people really paying hundreds of dollars to be coached on a game of toy soldiers???
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Are you a poor fag or something?
N-n-no……. Just to spite you I’m going to go for the full coaching package.. see you on the tournament grounds chuddie
If you even partially think this is a fake meme, why would you believe 4chan of all places?
If you think it's real, which I suspect you do, you're being disingenuous.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was real. >>93446045 knows, and for the record, vidya coaching from pros is still a thing.

OP, I think you're being disingenuous because deriding a hobby by speaking of it as if it were mere child's play is a tactic to belittle hobbyists and humiliate them. If you genuinely gave anywhere close to a shit about how much of a scam you apparently think this is, you'd characterize this as some cunts vastly overvaluing their shitty discord server and top tips. You should be aware that this is far from an isolated case, and the only reason to ask about it here is to get shitpost material and to contribute nothing of value.

Cool thread.
Yes I think it’s real and went straight to vanguard tactics website cuz I thought it was them but this isn’t their price listing (theirs is even more exorbitant lol). I don’t mean to belittle the hobby as a whole just the absolute state of modern 40k and the prevalence of compfags. Rather telling though that you think competitive / tournament level 40k IS the hobby. Sorry you’re so fucking jaded you can’t even answer a simple question without getting on your soapbox to project your insecurities. I’ll be sure to be more considerate of terminally online faggots next time I try to ask a basic question.
Shill thread.

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Why? Specifically, I'm talking about post D day stuff, to me it feels way less interesting than other theaters like Russia or the far east. The war is already over and the allies have a huge advantage in materiel. What's the appeal?
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Ah yes, but as I said there's a reason for that. Also, the epic "no counterattack with tanks because Hitler is asleep" and basically no air force. Things went much better than the allies expected, but the loss projections for overlord were around 12% losses which would have been a bloodbath by any metric that's not a videogame. In short, it was a cakewalk because of prep time and enemy fuckups.
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>I don't like thing
>Why do you like thing?
So you're 5 yo, or just autistic?
OP isn't angrily sperging out, he's asking a not-unreasonable question. Your post is more tistic than his.
I never said OP is angry or sperging
I asked if he's autistic or childish.
>I wouldn't enjoy playing as the allies in the western front since you have overwhelming superiority in armor, air support, numbers supplies etc. Even if the scenario itself is balanced the wider context is one where you have very advantage.
You already made that clear in the OP. Many, many other posters have articulated why it doesn't matter to them clearly and in a variety of ways. You should have understood by now but you are determined to go around in circles.

What the fuck is the point? If I buy some shit for Normandy it's not like I'm blacklisted from other campaigns. This is as pointless as it is fucking retarded.

Also as an aside, your logic is flawed. Have different opinions, that's great. How you're justifying it though would apply to many of the other theatres and campaigns you suggested. Hell with the economics of WW2 it would be easy to take a deterministic view of the whole war, but that doesn't really matter at the engagement scales miniatures wargames take place in.

OP is absolutely being more autistic, you probably just agree with him.

You know what to do.
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>you do not ring doorbells in 2023
...then why the fuck do you have a doorbell?
I'm not fucking around
Why do you have autism?
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Has any ttrpg managed to make all types of armor feel unique and worth using without overcomplicating everything? I feel like 5e fails on all counts, but haven't really found a better system
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WTF? Has that artist even seen a real suit of armour in a museum?
rule of cool+aesthetics > realism
This terrifies and confuses the Nogame
RAW GURPS. Otherwise we would talk about homebrew.
edge protection is raw however

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I don't consider myself the best GM but I try to make sure everyone has fun and have everything prepared ahead of time, but I'm not the best at dealing with problem players before its too late. I could be good in every aspect but fuck me for refusing to be daddy for a bunch of adults when an easily avoidable tantrum happens. I'm just the retard who puts the maps together I shouldn't have to be managing other people's interpersonal skills.
Anyway /tg/ you having issues with your games too?
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To each their own. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to play death spiral games.
wound systems seem interesting as an idea, but I don't think I have found any that wasn't creating a failing feedback loop
3 is peak players since each person can have a clearly defined third of the party's roles which means less overlap. It also means the group is less likely to split up since that will mean someone is being left alone and thus vulnerable.
There is a reason why Magic-User, Thief and Fighter is so ubiquitous in TTRPGs and media that inspired it.
As a fellow aphantasia person the goal is to rely on your other senses and/or rely more on maps you've made. Your projector is broken so do not rely on theater of the mind.
When you GM talk about sounds, smells, scents. Using three senses locks people in more and paints a broader picture.
>player x gone for the week
>rest of the players ask me to run a game based on an anime series instead of our regular game
>player y, who has never watched it and refused to engage with it, still wants to try it out
>going through character relation
>anon, this doesn't make any sense, could you help me out?
>yeah, here are a few things to read, but you should try to watch a few episodes of the anime to get a feel for it
>no I tried watching it and I hate it
fast forward
>literally limitless system where you can choose any set of abilities
>he rips off some shitty isekai
>tell him to be a little bit more creative and again encourage him to watch one (1) episode
>throws his hands up and says don't bother I'll just watch you guys play
this guy is my friend but goddamn does he make me seethe

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>Wizards forget their spells if they don't study yesterday, ummmm....just because OK!!

>Ignore his 20 Int score and the fact that he studied for years...he just forgets them ok!! He has no object permanence.
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Wow, so much butthurt emanating from one person at one time over something so little.

>So you were one of the three people who played Dark Sun and you think you can speak for the majority of the community...
Evidently I can because the other two people of those three were playing DS with me and they agreed. By your count the fourth guy in my group of the time was asleep or watching tv or something.
There's literally 30+ RPG's with this EXACT system.
Can you give me names? I'm looking for such magic systems.
lol anon was full of shit
IDK how modern D&D is doing it but in OG Vancian casting, "preparing" a spell was actively holding the concept in your head in a holding pattern in preparation for releasing it on command. It was like twisting your brain into a yoga pose and holding it there, in tension, all day. Learning how to do this at all took years and years of practice, and doing it for multiple spells at a time was incredibly difficult. That's why it takes so much practice to learn magic and why even very powerful wizards can only keep a few spells locked and loaded at a time. They never "forget" their spells.

There was a huge difference between being able to read magic versus actually twisting your brain in such a way as to cast a spell on a given day. It's like the difference between knowing the things that go into tightrope walking and actually walking a tightrope. The knowing part's easy, the doing's hard.

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Thread 425: Urusai Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

BSF 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/
BCS 2024~25 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bcs24-25/
DivineZ S2 Episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LS6Yxsq6Iw

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>which doesn't seem to make sense
How so? They show 2 of Gab's tribesmen fighting each other in his backstory and both were possessed
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It does look like that accident had a lot more going on that meets the eye.
It's gonna be interesting to see what else Jinki will find
>Expect generic knockout format season
>get ever evolving mystery that continues to explore its characters old and new
I'm shocked
It's gonna be 1-3 next week ain't it? The token jobber is leading the charge
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I'm really impressed by how good DivineZ turned out considering how god awful OD started out

Yeah, I can't see Mikoto winning, specially because if she does win then that means Nao has to lose against her rival.
Unless the twist is that Mikoto and Nao win their matches and Akina ends up losing to Hikari.

I am no longer asking.

Look at my Fire Emblem TTRPG.


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Because. You're mother.

You're just saying things, that's all.
Why did /tg/ decline so hard since 2016
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Sorry, I uploaded the wrong file.
someone sounds butthurt that i'm calling them out. do you moonlight as a tranny or something?

you're taking precious clicks away from a hard working creator, how dare you!

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Can we have a fantasy game coins thread? E.g. how many coins do you describe in your game? I have detailed over the years at least two dozen coins. Some can be quite valuable, if the players know what they're looking for with the coins. I'm no numismatist by any means, I just love the subject.
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I'm gonna do that to my players, a little here and a little there I'm going to slip them a cursed coin this way. Heh heh heh, great idea! Thank you
Tell me more about Edna.
>100 copper -> 10 silver -> 1 gold
that's already more interesting that the groups only using one type of coin
anyway I like gemstones and jewelry as alternative currency.
And having some places have distinct looking coins, yet players still being able to use the stuff they have as it's still precious metals or jewels
Oh, it's an armortranny thread.
Autistic Touhoufag from the 4e general.

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/m/ here, I just wanna say a big thank you to all the Warhammer 40,000 fans for giving us such an amazingly new Mobile suit Gundam show.
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Melan Blue from Brigadoon has a shota form.
>and the same guy some how managed to get his own gundam spinoff on netflix.
This thing looks like absolute ass, though. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're not /m/ at all!
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>requiem for vengeance

How do you fuck up that bad.
Gundam has some great titles.
Endless Waltz. War in the Pocket. Stardust Memory.

How do you even pitch "Requiem for Vengeance" and not get laughed out of the room?

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