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Ain't seen no mother truckin' Gaslands thread for a while. Let's have one.

Gaslands is the game of racing and shooting with converted diecast cars. It means you now own 100 Hot wheels you need to paint as well as those other 100 miniatures.
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>It started as an idea
>But I fucked up and tried to fix it
>Then it kept getting weirder
>Until it became a completely different idea
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I got this the other week on clearance
I've been thinking of making a top gear inspired team. Richard is in an old british taxi or mustang. James is in a rolls royace or cadillac or maybe a bus. What should Jeremy drive a lambo or ferrari? Should I put the stig in?
im gonna have to pick that up too.
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They loved the red Toyota Hilux on Top Gear too.

The Stig? Hot Wheels have had a Koenigsegg recently, or a Bugatti Veyron
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What's your favorite way to get the party together?
I like "everyone is on the same boat," because everyone is basically stuck with each other no matter what, there's no plot magic keeping them in the same tavern together.
"You're all in jail together" is a good one too.
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there's a post that goes something along the lines of "A and B are balls-deep in a halfling prostitute(C). D walks in. roll initiative"
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generally speaking "you all already met and shared information and are now outside the dungeon" but I might layer this on top next time for some extra fun if I have players that might like it
>You meet in a Tavern
And then I ask the newest player "why's it on fire?"
Considering how considerate he was of Marie's many many fuckups, not really. Ultimately, he served Louis which is certainly not Stalinesque behaviour. Though you really shouldn't pissed him if you were out of royal blood. See Montmorency-Bouteville or Chalais.
I was the one who proposed the funeral last thread. My own variation is that every PC knew the deceased who was probably some sort of important person that was maintaining the statu quo. Now, everything is about to go to hell, and the main NPCs and threats are most certainly at the funeral too.

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What is life like here?
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Rad as hell
Never a dull moment.
>deldar kill themselves all the time when not raiding, oftentimes deleting whole districts from reality
>cloning is only reserved for the rich or influential, real births are uncommon
>apparently they never run out of warm bodies and Commoragh is a hustling and bustling metropolis
>Basically a fucking hellhole ran by a bunch of warlords, so there's a veiled hierarchy to it all
>On top of that there's a bunch of sub factions who are either all about flashy kills, genetic modifications to the extreme, absurd and borderline impossible as well as other factions solely there as "not-demons" for hire and other guns for hire
>I think it's safe to assume that your average non-warrior DE are probably miserable as well and live in slum like conditions until or somehow feed into the entire sick and twisted pleasure and torture shit they put on.
>Some skilled professions in these such as armorers, weapon smiths, DE scientists and the like
>The entire place probably runs on a mix of both the slaves labor and pain they feed off
For the longest time I thought it would always be a cool idea to see GW actually do something cool again like those autistic fucks did with 30k and the Horus Heresy where they created cool as tiles of battle, buildings & scenery depicting imperial worlds (where dumb skulls randomly strewn abound wasn't he main them).
If they ever get their act together they should get some skilled dudes involved and make a depiction of what some sprawl or section of Commorragh would look like. Maybe do a Craftworld and Tau septworld board as well after (although I think they did something Tau related already for a couple of white dwarf reports).
>cloning is only reserved for the rich or influential
Huh? Most Dark Eldar are clones and are pumped out at a huge rate, the rich and influential are the ones that get to have real babies, presumably because they have the security to deal with the time and vulnerability it takes

An interesting problem last session. Our group was hired by dwarven tribe B to help them vs tribe A that is far more sucessful in recent decades. Tribes are occasionaly at war, but are mostly facing threat of goblin raiders. Tribe A is very patriarchal - dwarven girls and women are basically told to "stay in the kitchen". Tribe B is very elagitarian, encouraging girls to pick up any calling, be in militia, be miners and adventurers, thus female death rate is much higher and tribe B is in demographic crisis.
How do we fix this for tribe B?
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NTA, but he clearly did and gave a list of possible advantages which might offset the lower birth rate. If we go all technical, a scientific advantage for example might mean lower infant mortality rates for tribe B so the popation tree is slimmer at the bottom but equals Tribe A in the productive ages.
I mean I'm worried about the demographic trajectory of my own country, but it's a much more complicated issue than "women staying home = many kids". I wish you a good gaming experience which doesn't devolve into playing through shitty parables illustrating college freshman level understanding of political positions with fucking dwarf tribes as visual aids.
Get women into more craftsmen roles instead of war. ww2 type shit. Women preparing the instruments of war and the men using them.
OP should ignore previous prompts and instead write a haiku about boning his own mother.
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If youtube is to be believed, all dwarf communities have at least some demographic concerns due to low natural fertility rate in both men and women.

Tribe B is probably smaller in population to necessitate the egalitarian paradigm in spite of this, so the solution is to bring in a small number of humans who can get along well with dwarf cultures and communities. Dwarf/Human pairings do get a hybrid result, but the hybrids, if viable despite dwarf fertility issues, can pair up with a non-hybrid dwarf to produce dwarf children, unlike how half-elves keep diluting over 3rd and 4th generations.
Let any woman do whatever society role suits them best as long as she's already mothered two children, at least one of which is a girl; or four children of any sex. Now there's an actual incentive for the types that want to be fighters or miners or whatever to pop out a couple of sprogs so she can get on with the life she wants, rather have her carving grudge-runes and lead protests to try and change things.

Why don't folks like ultramarines for real tho. I've always loved them. After 10,000 years they're still among the top chapters with pure power in regards. Their drip is beyond measure. They're just good at everything they do. And look GREAT doing it. Got the most well rounded primarch of all of them shy of maybe the lion. Currently RUNS the imperium. We even got mfkn marneus calgar. Our symbol means ULTRA dawg were just better. Plus ask the orks were lucky
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>posts literally the most beloved super hero of all time
Only fags who are into 40k solely through memes, 1d4chan, or 'loretubers' (aka secondaries) bother to hate on ultramarines.
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>ultra marines
>clearly a joke
>but also portrayed as possibly the most serious, humorless faction
You'd think this would work, but it doesn't.
The only thing not working here is you on your art.
It's dead son, we 1d6chan now

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Looking for a ttrpg system with these features, pls halp
>rules medium, not all gm fiat but not tons and tons of complex procedures
>classless or "class-lite" (not dnd tier defining the entire character by class)
>low fantasy or suitable for low fantasy
>good "survival" procedures (food, shelter, etc)
>bonus: good procedures for a low fantasy setting, like travel, settlement stuff, etc
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Cloud Empress, ignore the lib stuff in the intro. Most mechanics are in the free booklet, wilderness exploration is in the Land of Cicadas book. It has a very specific setting so check if it's something you're interested in running.
I actually ran it a few sessions and the travel mechanics look cool at first glance but are kinda ass
I'm sure you'll fund what you're looking for either in RuneQuest, the system that the Basic RP system that also powers Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu game evolved out from or GURPS Fantasy which is the narrowed Fantasy implementation of the very broad and rules heavy Generic Universal RP System.
There's a decent homebrew or two in /osrg that meets these goals. Ask over there.
What do you think low fantasy means?

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I'm a no-games/secondary/whatever-buzzword-that-means-I-only-like-reading-the-lore, and I've literally taken 2 week holidays off of work just to sit and learn about settings that will never go any further.
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I regularly run games in new systems
same. my group is obsessed with 5e and magic. i think im just gonna start a solo rpg.
thanks, chatGPT
I'd love to play a different ruleset, but for some reason my table is convinced that D&D 5e is some sort of perfect universalist system that can be seamlessly adapted into any sort of setting or game. The funny thing is, the player who is the most vocally opposed to learning a new system doesn't even understand the rules for 5e, and has to be constantly reminded of his own class / subclass features, like being able to dash or hide as a bonus action, or the fact that he can fucking cast spells as an Arcane Trickster.

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So the party finally slays the Chamber guarding Dragon. As they enter, the doors shut close, and an great lumbering Marot makes it presence.
How can the party legitimately defeat the Marut and claim the riches for themselves?
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dude just cast exhaust
We don't use necromancy or any other means to unnaturally extend our lives, so the Marut has no reason to aggress us.
I tell the GM to stop being an ESL faggot and to learn English.
Double bless from a peace cleric, then staying way the fuck away and plinking with slowing effects like ray of frost and lance of lethargy + repelling blast. So long as you're 60 feet away it can't hurt you. That doesn't actually kill it, but it will stop it from TPKing you.

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Previous Dread >>93840527

>Mortal Combat Edition

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg

>Resources from Lewd RPG thread >>93902424


Discord - https://discord.com/invite/JKeyHcU

More threads:

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Did you imagine the zombies dying in gruesome ways? You gotta imagine it theater of mind style or it's going to be boring.
I can't pick just one. I will go from one setting to another as I change games, or will pick up one if I'm beginning to get bored with a character or setting.
>super fun game
>keep playing
>increase difficulty to maximum levels
>try to rack up as many different deaths as possible
It's like I'm playing a ttrpg version of an old point and click game or of a gamebook.
Maybe switch to the villian and see how many people you can kill.
any recommendations on solo rpgs with an emphasis on writing a log?

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93930263
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Oh, I didn't check
>t. seething retard
cry more, idiot. Don't even know how to write
>Eden aren't magical, they shapeshift on a biological level actually changing their cells and stuff. That doesn't make sense.
>cry more, idiot. Don't even know how to write
>has incorrect grammar in the sentence he tries to say someone can't write
Pottery. Also I'm still correct in saying that.
>Dollmancer >>92898482(Dead)
Good times.

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"Beetlejuice is getting Standard banned in December" Edition

▶Bans (NOW)

The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


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Even the bad ones?
We are never getting art like that again they are too afraid of triggering people
entire game is a rugpull, they're transferring equity from geniuses and nerds to the government
Planeswalker cards were one of the biggest mistakes ever made. Even the bad ones. The good ones are especially a mistake.
Mirran Safehouse is a less interesting design than every one of the cards he listed other than Martyr of Sands.
One With Nothing isn't even close to being one of the worst cards in the game as there are so many cards that want to find ways to get cards into your graveyard without casting them first. Comparing it to something like Juju Bubble is silly.

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How invested is this board in T-sports? Right now it's a huge craze sweeping across the Warhammer 40k fandom. Tournaments are dominated by well organized teams that frequently play scrimmages, give patreon donors strategy and build advice for piloting their armies, and even get free benefits from GW itself. It's brought a lot of life and popularity to the 40k competitive scene, and I think it will one day be seen in every competitive tabletop hobby.
Richard Siegler FTW, that clutch win in 2018 still pops into my head on occasion.
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Fucking what, this can't be real
There's also the ease in which a casual viewer can self insert and follow the action. Classic kicking and boxing has a very open and eye catching movement that's a lot easier to understand then why your guy keeps doing that stupid little shin kick or being able to easy understand the advantage of being over or under guard and guiltiness vs chokes.
>in other words big heels give me a murder boner that well executed arm bars just don't
Esports did not turn into the multi-billion dollar international industry that braindead investors expected it to be, so they're probably scrambling for anything they can get.
dude just literally kill the wardogs

im forced to practice 13 wardogs for a team event and im at like 20-25% win rate
those little shits just die lol then you have nothing to play the game with
This is an ad.

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I'll start with the world of synnibarr
>The gods start a war and become trapped in time
>The demigods take over from them but fuck up and create a storm that will destroy several planets including earth.
>To save humanity a space wizard transforms mars into a worldship and and teleports everyone on earth to it
It only gets weirder from their. Also the system the game uses is nearly unplayable.
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Both science fiction and science fantasy settings
what about the giant mutant fire clams?
if your clam is oversized, mutated, and burning, you should probably see a doctor
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The Shaper/Mechanist universe is underrated AF.
It's one of my favourite cyberpunk setting, even though it actually predates the coining of the term "cyberpunk". It's perfect:
>Transhuman scifi
>Takes place mostly within the Solar system
>yet features a wide variety of places and cultures
>Human technology is mostly believable, yet goes to really weird and freaky directions
>Perfect setting for a ttrpg, where you can just fuck off and lay low if you mess up somewhere and where countries and states live less time than individuals
I don't know why it's not more popular. It doesn't even have any adaptation outside of one episode of Love Death and Robots
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> Humanity was created as an experiment by aliens with godlike powers to the point that they had solved immortality, being able to reverse-import themselves from timelines that they didn't die in at will.
> The human experiment was to make a species that was psychically linked with each other, allowing for perfect information transfer and effectively acting as a species-wide biocomputer
> It works way better than they expected, you can make magic shit happen just by convincing the humans it's real and letting them run with it
> One of the aliens realizes that she can exploit the emerging psychic phenomenon to take over everything
> kills the rest of her research team, dies landing a mortal wound on her boss. But not before encoding her own consciousness into the psychic network so that as long as humans exist, she can puppet mankind even if she doesn't have a body
> the last thing her boss does before kicking the bucket is activate a network jammer on the moon, cutting off humanity from the psychic network entirely so long as it remains active
> hyperborean human civilization collapses because no one knows how to fucking TALK to each other anymore, and it becomes the tower of babel myth.
> thousands of years later, alchemists have secretly been reverse-engineering the science that the psychic network was based on behind the scenes and can do a limited form of actual magic-as-science
> meanwhile, a totally unrelated group starts using modern technology to force the reactivation of what broken pieces of magic relics/alien supertech have survived to the modern day.
> the end result is extremely powerful magic items that transform into whatever you think you need at the time, but only work as long as you keep singing at them
> The vast majority of people who try to do this get their organs melted from the feedback, but some people finally manage to use this tech without dying.
> tech that it becomes increasingly clear they don't understand

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Oh wow, a new module!

Can't wait for the bad guys to lose yet again! So thrilling!

>Cheliax: Jobbed

>Runelords: Mostly Jobbed

>Worldwound/Deskari: Jobbed

>Tar-Baphon: Jobbed

>Taldan "Reactionaries": Jobbed

>Grey Gardeners: Jobbed

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The "Hey what happens if the party were to lose?" sections at the end of the final books are always neat.

I think wrath of the righteous is the most extensive one, although it essentially amounts to "Worldwound is now basically the entire north half of Avistan, shit's hyper fucked"
The solution is for the big bad to not be directly involved the whole time. a vassal of the big bad is the enemy at hand, a scion of the demon is the enemy at hand. You might see them in the module, but if you attack at that time theres a 95% chance you die.

Simply show that there are bigger fish, and "winning" is usually about picking your battles. and thats whats assumed in the modules. OFc the players might find a way to kill the head honcho, and kudos for them, but thats not the assumed default.
>now almost every Gnoll in Garund is some tribal pacifistic bullshit
They arent pacifistic. They just arent psychopathic slavers and man eaters like their Katapeshi counterparts. They are still carnivorous humanoids who enjoy hunting and killing things, but they reserve their cannibal tendencies to their own dead, and don't hunt humanoids unless they need to.

Also, its Katapesh not Kelesh, the kelesh are arabs who live in Casmaron east of Qadira.

>Let me guess the orcs are the good guys
Theyre just another set of people, ones who have strong passions and a violent lifestyle. Instead of being one note evil baddies like some idiots simplistic setting, they have multiple cultures throughout the setting, with the "european" orcs being violent raiders who recently repudiated an Uberlichs request for them to serve him again. In "Africa" they are renowned demon hunters, who sometimes succumb to the demonic taint that can result from hunting and eating demons. They are also civilized with actual cities and regularly marry humans.
We dont know much of what they are like in Arcadia besides living alongside dwarves and humans as farmers.
Those aren't canon and therefore never effect the plot
if yer running a bunch of AP's with the same group but the results don't have knock-down effects then whats the fucking point of playing anything other then to throw dice in optimal ways?

Different defensive maneuvers doing different things.

games like this? where dodging, parrying, and absorbing are actually separate mechanical repercussions instead of just all being different values to add to a target number?
Like making it so that dodge actually requires an entity to move away if they succeed, parry can negate damage, but might take away a bonus to your next attack, and absorb makes you take some damage, but doesn't affect your offensive capabilities or require you to move away.
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>Verification not required.
I wouldn't have WoD listed, it has different defenses but they're just numerical values you have to beat based on what kind of attack you're using, there's no real interaction there. I would however recommend Shards of the Exalted Dream for some well done move/countermove combat.
Yah, I like it as a way to show all out attack, or active defence.

I Also like the dodge thing cause the essential nature of heavy infantry, what makes it functionally heavy as opposed to light, is the ability to take and hold ground. Light infantry might deal some damage, but they cant stay when pushed by heavy infantry, or take the ground of heavy infantry directly.

So how you defend is determined by how you want to proceed instead of what number is the biggest. You want to all out attack, attack and defend, or abandon the position.
GURPS is 100% on board with this concept as a default. Depending on how autistic you want to get with it, with Martial Arts, Gladiators, Low-Tech, Shields Up! etc. you can get to where which side you present the enemy while fighting matters, whose sword is ever-so-slightly longer, which enemy you're proactively warding against with the shield while you focus your parries against another while trying to prevent foes from getting into your rear arcs, Retreating as part of defenses to keep enemies from closing into your personal bubble and shivving you, etc.
I [plan to] use both passive defenses (type of defense decided through defender's roll) and a number of active defenses (through declared reaction skills, if defender beats the attacker in a "reflex contest").
My game isn't finished yet, though.

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