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What game has your favorite list of base skills? And what games do you consider to have a robust and well considered skill list? Where there arnt skills that seem way more useful/worthless then others, or skills that are too niche or too broadly useful?
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WWN's list is decent, but making Know cover all knowledge never made sense to me, especially when Magic and Pray are already basically Knowledge: arcana and Knowledge: religion. Pathfinder 1E's list always seemed the best, but any game where all types of knowledge are covered by the list of skills works.
UA also gives you what is referred to as "skill penumbra"
the example they give is that having a Firearms skill also covers maintenance and repair, but also things like being able to under some circumstances use that firearms skill to do things like
>Know how to contact a guy you see at the range every week
>Recall information about different manufacturers from history
>Clock that someone is CC'ing from their gait or just body language from years of experience
>Tell the difference between gunshots and firecrackers from two streets away
>Assess that someone else's firearms skill is nonexistant even though they're pointing a gun at you

UA takes the approach that no skill should exist in a vacuum or as an unusual pillar standing tall on a sheet, unless there is a really good (or supernatural) reason for it. Someone who looks like a normal office worker but has "Egyptology 40%" should also know things like the names and locations of major egyptologists, what artifacts are at what exhibits, and a whole lot of tangential stuff which he would not know for EVERY field of history if he had "Antiquarian".

I should also note that UA skills come under a stat's purview and this influences some rolls. eg, you have a Speed score of 50% and a Drive skill of 15% as a default starting human. That doesn't mean you fuck up and crash 85% of the time on the drive to work. Skills explicitly measure your ability under duress

TL;DR, Unknown Armies tells the GM that skills should imply other information and skills that are too specific to have their own skill on a sheet. Agent 47 doesn't have a dozen highly specific extra skills, he has a core of
>The Consummate Professional (hitman skill)

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Yah, there are some things I like and dont.
Specifically i have some issues with terminology for something trying to be a sandbox. like stab and punch for armed and ubarmed melee specificly.
Know I kinda get, ment to cover the gambit of achademic knowledge outside the arcane and religious.

I do line that it has a skill for administration though, I think thats something often forgotten, but is actually a really major field of skill when dealing with any sort of organized body.
Shadow of the Demon Lord has Strength, Agility, Intellect, and Will as its four attributes.
>dex and wis/cha equivelents as physical and mental grace
ah, thats a great way to put it.

Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks is convinced that the Dungeons & Dragons franchise will support some kind of AI usage in the future. Speaking today at a Goldman Sachs event, Cocks spoke about how AI products could soon support Dungeons & Dragons and other Hasbro brands. Asked about whether AI has the potential to "bend the cost curve" in terms of entertainment development or digital gaming, and how it's being used in the toy and content industries, Cocks said the following:

"Inside of development, we've already been using AI. It's mostly machine-learning-based AI or proprietary AI as opposed to a ChatGPT approach. We will deploy it significantly and liberally internally as both a knowledge worker aid and as a development aid. I'm probably more excited though about the playful elements of AI. If you look at a typical D&D player....I play with probably 30 or 40 people regularly. There's not a single person who doesn't use AI somehow for either campaign development or character development or story ideas. That's a clear signal that we need to be embracing it. We need to do it carefully, we need to do it responsibly, we need to make sure we pay creators for their work, and we need to make sure we're clear when something is AI-generated. But the themes around using AI to enable user-generated content, using AI to streamline new player introduction, using AI for emergent storytelling, I think you're going to see that not just our hardcore brands like D&D but also multiple of our brands."

Wizards of the Coast representatives has repeatedly said that Dungeons & Dragons is a game made by people for people, as multiple AI controversies has surrounded the brand and its parent company. Wizards updated its freelance contracts to explicitly prohibit use of AI and has pulled down AI-generated artwork that was submitted for Bigby's Presents: Glory of the Giants in 2023 after they learned it was made using AI tools.
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nah, the big corpo hooks people in with their marketing teams and then you turn them towards better games.
How do you get them to listen to you instead of more marketing?
>blah blah blah AI this AI that
So? Everyone is throwing around the AI buzzword these days, it means absolutely fuckall.
It depends on them. Usually when I'm hooked on a system I can sell it fine, but some people have their own personal issues keeping them from trying other stuff and they have to deal with that themselves. Something I find a lot is people assuming everything will be as demanding as 5e and demand the system mastery standarized with 3e, so they don't want to sink even more time on a slight variation of the same. Usually they can be convinced with a solid one shot.
It's still up in the air whether this is empty trend-chasing to bait investors or if he's stupid enough to actually follow through with it.

I want to try my hand at a PbtA game but I've never played one, I'd have to be the one preparing it. What is a good one to get the gyst of the style and get people to try it? Which ones are a trick option that sounds cool but are actually unplayable?

Any advice, rec or useful anecdote is welcomed.
Monster of the Week is the far and away the best one, and it isn't even close.

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Welcome to TODD! This thread is for OPEN discussion of TSR-era Dungeons & Dragons (OD&D, Basic D&D, and AD&D including 2e) and related games, such as retroclones and OSR-adjacent games (OSE, BFRPG, S&W, LotFP, DCC, C&C, etc.). Free discussion of house rules and modifications is encouraged. For the sake of clarity, B/X is the assumed default system for any conversation unless otherwise indicated (but please do feel free to indicate otherwise).

previous thread: >>93858085

>What's your favourite race or class from an OSR or OSR-adjacent game or supplement?
>How's your campaign going? What system are you using?
>What's your favourite system for a quick pick-up game or one shot?
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>What's your favourite race or class from an OSR or OSR-adjacent game or supplement?
Cleric or, if I'm frisky, Thief

>How's your campaign going? What system are you using?
It's going great, haven't had fewer than 4 at the table in over a year now. New players turning up all the time. It's 5e but I'm using Goodman Games Reincarnated and other adaptations of the original material with 576cy Rebooted. I also have been offering the self-unaware narrative Living Greyhawk materials I convert to 5e as distraction from the dungeons and so far the FLGS crew has strongly preferred following those though and have even very recently explicitly asked me to stop trying to interweave them seasonally the way they were intended to be run and instead run them as back-to-back arcs because the 350 pound girl has ADHD too bad to follow multiple plots simultaneously (she also gets bored in dungeons doing emergent narratives). Lord help me there.

>What's your favourite system for a quick pick-up game or one shot?
Honestly at this point I would probably just use fastcharacter.com to quickly generate 5e characters since I've become pretty proficient with it as a basis for converting NPCs. If I wanted super simple stuff like for children or a group who was only casually interested I would go with Cairn or White Box.

Yes, the bottom line is that I try to give modern players an accessible and authentic old school experience. Yes, they die frequently. Oohlgrist bit off a brand new player's head just last week.
I've been having issues DMing (and playing, frankly) Dungeon Crawl Classics with Wizards dominating encounters with excessive spellburn.

I've been trying to think of ways to limit wizards a bit while still letting them, you know, DO stuff and have fun.

Two things I'm thinking of:

A houserule: You can only spellburn a number of points equal to your level as part of your action. This means that a level-3 wizard casting magic missile can only spellburn 3 ability-score points and cast immediately. If he wants to spellburn more, he needs another turn of "windup" spent cutting himself.

This allows wizards to still do really big splashy spellburns out of combat, when they have time to do the full casting song-and-dance.

My other idea is to give appropriate monsters some sort of spell resistance (other casters, spellcasting monsters, reality-bending eldritch beings, scary blackguard super-knights in spiky black armor). I'm thinking an aura that reduces all spell checks by 1d6 (or whatever dice).
also, a DCC thing:

I put together a cute, short funnel almost entirely inspired by "Where there's a whip, there's a way."

I tend to do things a bit more gamey than DCC's presented design ethos. I've played too much Darkest Dungeon and find myself stealing from it a lot.
>What's your favourite race or class from an OSR or OSR-adjacent game or supplement?
I've always liked the flexibility of an fighter/magic-user sort, like an elf in Basic. Fighters are short on explicit combat options, but can be a lot of fun when the DM is open to a bit of improvisation, even if that's just a plus or minus one here and there based on combat descriptions. But magic is colorful and has some profound effects, allowing you to break the limitations of what's humanly possible. It really takes your options to the next level. Still, the number of spells you have is limited (particularly at low level) and magic-users are very frail and limited in physical combat. Fighter/magic-user types give you a lot of play in both worlds. Frankly, Basic elves are too powerful, but even if they were nerfed to the point where they're on the level with a fighter or magic-user, they'd still be capable enough in both fields to be useful and fun.
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>six posts
>one is an obvious shitpost
>thread is unironically dying already

Have you ever had a campaign that you sincerely thought was really worthy of being written up, and would have made a great story?

Or have they all been just fun between friends that nobody else would really care about?
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I know Dungeon Meshi's author plays TTRPGs and was originally inspired by Wizardry. I wouldn't be surprised if they also pulled from their own experiences when making Dungeon Meshi
As long as martials have superhuman strength and can shit on casters any series is good
>then consider that The Expanse was adapted from a tabletop campaign.
Kind of but not really, only the first book was very lightly based on an amalgamation of multiple sessions and most of the material wasn't developed for the campaign itself.
I can imagine. I've had player characters carve up defeated monsters to gain some rations in my campaign. I've also played a character who was a cook.
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This gave us Monk so I'm ok with it

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Knight watch edition


• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

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Half orc porn star?
Cute witch lady!
Capcha: POGj
OR here. Thanks!
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Requesting an update to the image on the left, but with a space marine primaris with a bionic arm and Yang with her v4 design.

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Female wizards should be old, dignified and regal, not young and sexy coomer bait.

Fuck Ed Greenwood.
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>the lich gained immortality by capturing his own twink death
I think female wizards should look like whatever's the most advantageous for them at any given time. Sometimes that's a wizened old lady, sometimes it's a child, sometimes it's hot lady, and sometimes it's a dragon.
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>Female Wizards.
>In a Fantasy setting (where 99% have a western traditionalist mindset of 'femininity' and 'womanhood' socially and societally).
>Empowered with secrets and knowledge about the world and its underpinning scientific and magical principles that few can rival.
>One of the highest scholars in her area in all likelihood.
>Plus exposed to a whole lot of politics due to scholarly status and competitive behaviors between wizards/witches.

Female Wizards, (and to a point male Wizards) should absolutely look in the prime of their life.

In men, age implies venerability, and that's seen as socially positive in most medieval-esque settings as it implies strength and wisdom. Hence how men can 'look good' while being sixty, while women can just 'not look that old'.
However, as patriarchal or whatever it may be, women aren't perceived that way. Age doesn't imply that same wider wisdom for subjects outside of family matters, and looking young and healthy and fuckable was, and would be, a far more important part of how a woman represents herself.

Looking good is far more of a fundamental requirement for women, then it is men, especially in these societies with gender expectations.

Andrzej Sapkowski unironically nailed this idea with The Witcher. Where all the Sorceress' inevitably make themselves startlingly attractive with magic and diligent grooming, due to a mixture of competitiveness, personal stresses/insecurities, constant exposure to high society and it's perceptions, and mostly just the general petty desire that any human has to look fuckoff grade hot, combined with the money and magical powers to make it so.

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>White person problem
Yeah becuse black people hairlines start where white people receding hairlines end up.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw

Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3

Previous Thread: >>93919969
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I didnt take anh debt points so I don't care.
As a footfag licking her feet is a bonus for me
Glad to see you survived the 24 hour slog, Tankista. While you're answering questions:

1. Why is the Archdevil version of Dido screwing around in the ruins of China, granting wishes? Is her having only one wing significant?

2. Why are the eldritch powers suddenly on the move now?

3. Is there a reason that various versions of (you) are playing so many key roles in the different Blood Magic/Convention/etc setting? Or is it just one of those weird coincidences that can happen?

I like the idea of your proposed Terminus-focused cyoa. If nothing else, there are bits of setting lore that only a cyoa like that could give the audience.

(Can I also suggest an eldritch cultist cyoa, to capture that aspect of the setting?)
No I'm mostly asking if the name will be accepted by the council of demon lords. For instance the microphallus guy picked a name that was too arrogant so they brought him down a peg. If I submit kindness I'm worried they will think that's not "demon lordy" enough so just rename me to the Demon Lord of violation.

How to interpret Elves having less constitution and weighing the same as females?
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Has this discussion
Anything to do with traditional games?
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It's important for the background bonuses and size category.
>Why don't you just delete the thread with your janny powers?
>one day later

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For discussion of all 3.x-compatible d20 games.

/3.x d20g/ d20 General Thread #004

>What games are "in"?
Anything with enough common base to be relatively mix-and-matchable with 3.0/3.5 counts. So d20 Conan / PF1 / AE / 3.5 / d20 StarWars / d20 Modern / d20 Warcraft etc.

>What's "out"?
Mutants and Masterminds; 5e based games like Tales of the Valiant and A5e and DC20; Weird jank like PF2. They are just not (out of the box) mechanically cross-compatible with 3.0/3.5; OSR-Compatible stuff. You can bring them up in the context of converting stuff to use a 3.x d20 system, but don't expect any discussion of those systems directly.

> Tools

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>Any site you recomend since a lot of the files are larger than 8 MB?
Catbox.moe gets used here a lot; but if you can upload them here, the links will last longer.
I think Ideally we want a good link to the vault torrent, or something similar to it that's all d20 stuff, and then recommend people open it through a VPN.
>And while im at it any specific books you anons want?
I believe I have most of the 3.5 3PP, and all the PF1 3PP that sounded interesting. I'm more interested in the good stuff you said you archived from forums, since that stuff would be new to me.

If you have Experts 3.5 without watermarks though, I'm sure that anon upthread would appreciate it. I'm not sharing mine because it's not scrubbed.
Oh, yeah. I never looked that closely at her face. She's also more spidery in general. More ironic given he did the original character design.
If you have a source that expands on invocations more, I suppose that could be good. All I have is Deep Magic + UA + Occult Rituals. I wouldn't mind some more stuff fleshing that out. Especially if someone covered "epic" incantations that you wouldn't be able to consistently cast at L20 by yourself, but maybe if you had lots of assistants.
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Should insectoid species be the Lawful Good equivalent of an Orc horde?
>Contain vast numbers
>Not much in the way of organization but still move in large packs
>Surprisingly industrious despite lacking a clear command structure
>Rapidly breeding
>Possess natural weapons and a hardy exoskeleton that makes them okay fighters even without equipment
>Tend to live in dense burrows or hives
>Collectivist mindset that emphasizes the good of the colony above all else
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>should insectoid species be
Depends on the insect
This exists, it's called a Formian.
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Should insectmen be able to reproduce (breed) human, elven women?
I would call that, at base, Lawful Neutral. "Good of the colony" doesn't necessarily translate to moral capital G Good. They'd be a very insular culture with their own priorities, often to the exclusion or at least disregard of outsiders, that may not align with the good of the world overall. I think their community-focused, industrious nature and hierarchy do make them a shoe-in for Lawful though.
Should you end your life (yes)

On more practical terms, it also makes excellent paint shaker.
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Does Shadowrun have a magic wand vibrator as an item?
You can use a wand vibrator as a magical foci if you so please. You can also use the laid out system for putting together a magical tradition to make your entire magical style based on such things.

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Nostalgia Edition.

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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Good point wirh increasing it later, thank you.
Which is why I'm highlighting how the "default" Prince, as much as there is one, tends to have a lot of traits that inspire loyalty if not outright fanaticism. I could name some massive dickhead canon Princes like Breidenstein, or examples of Princes whose actions run contrary to how competent and popular they're supposed to be, like Villon.

But frankly given how many people will still fall in line however grudgingly to unattractive uncharismatic authority figures, I find it pretty implausible that everyone's always bitching about the stereotypical Prince when he has so many things going for him.
Arguably, but everyone is also still beholden to ones clan. Normally. The Primogen are there for a reason. Bring in coteries, external conections and boon-debts/bloodbounds and you mix it up. I get what you are saying, you are not wrong. But one of the setting defining things is the djihad. They are just bored to hell and or manipulated and have nothing better to do than fuck with each other. If you are not a Gangrel or otherwise say you are out of this shit its hard to be left alone, arguably even those guys arent allways.
>I wish I could sleep in the park for no rent.
>elders are the LARPers playing them, and those people have no charisma at all.

I have to wonder how much the LARP scene started to effect official publications, even before V5, which as we all know was basically the LARPer edition.
given how often my players tried to become a elders underlings because the character was intersting yeah you got a point

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Anyone gaming in Oklahoma?
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Most oklahomans just dont' care and hope a tornado doesn't hit them
i'm in okc and I normally play at GameHQ
Can confirm, I'm an Oklahoman and don't care about the tornadoes. Odds are about the same as winning the lottery. I've got a storm cellar sure, but why worry?
Chickasha here. Wish I had time to go to The Tavern, but I never do. Also has anyone been to Pack Ratz? Newish card shop, idk if they have anything good.

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Putting the rad in radical edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

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They are the "White Scars" because they practice ritual scarification to cover themselves in white scars. The red lightning bolt patterns on their gear are not symbolic of scars and is not what they are named for.

Thank you anons! I loo forward to learning more
Great job. The only way to get better at painting is to, well, paint.
haha it was just a beard hair that fell on the model, not painted on luckily.
what chapters you putting in it? should add a raptor or raven guard

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