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Weird Monsters Thread.
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Each of these have a special power.
The stokkul can levitate. He uses it to slam down on boats.
How did it evolve?
Believe it or not, it started life as a my little pony figurine inside a jar
And that's just a man
It's not quite that. The only "melting" parts are the flaps covering the eyes, which force this whale to jump out of the water and look below it to see shit. And this motherfucker can jump ridiculously high and cover a mile with a single leap. And he uses that ability to piledrive ships into pieces from above and break other whale's backs.
Also, like other illhveli, it will home in on you if you say its name while sailing and do its best to fuck you up. And even if you manage to kill it, you can't even eat its meat because it magically disappears from a cooking pot.

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First published in 1977, a total of seven publishers over the years and 10 editions (11 if you could Mongoose 2nd)
Where the fuck do you even start if you want to read up on this game and try to play it?
Had anyone had an experience running or participating in a space man game?
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Idiran? Ah, clearly you're an anon of Culture. Or perhaps that post had zero gravitas.
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They’re who I plan on adding if the crew has a catastrophic misjump. Already have them stated out
+2 to Recon rolls when their sight based.
+2 to Investigation rolls.
+2 to Flyer, Driver, Seafarer rolls.

+2 to natural healing and +2 when its difficult to breath. EG suffocation, diving.
+5 Natural Armor.

+2 for any time balance or being knocked over happens.

-2 when operating seated equipment not meant for Idirans.
Conversely a -2 for Sophonts when operating vehicles or equipment that takes advantage of Idiran head
Thinking of making Medjel simple animal stats thought to save on the headache.

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Ok been playing this since 78. Going old school with Classic Traveller is okay but to be honest the game has evolved past that. Your best bet is Mongoose 1ed and 2nd Ed. The mechanics between the 2 do not differ all that much. Cepheus is a version of Mongoose 1ed and much of that easily transfers over. A LOT of the source material coming out for Mongoose 2ed is actually regurgitated from earlier editions. I've seen reprints for GURPS Traveller, and some Web Content. The mechanices are also pretty easy to learn for the game.
>I'd honestly love a decent fantasy version of Traveller. Sword of Cepheus comes close but they have no world generation tools
Blogger docgrognard.blogspot.com has a playtest version of a fantasy Traveller game called Adventurer. It's Book 3 Races Realms and Riches has setting creation rules.

>Starting to think we need a pdf comparing the different Cepheus variants
That would be great. I was going to post to ask if anyone has yet made such a doc, or a forum or blog post.
Found this, which has some discussion
Apparently Deluxe leans more toward Mongoose 2e, uses stat arrays and different chargen rules, and slightly different sector gen.
Also lol at Shawn Driscoll being a cunt, dunno when something crawled up his butt and died, he used to have some interesting stuff to say way back when

I'll probably have to sit down with the various versions and read 'em and take notes one of these days

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>player gets mind controlled by bad guy
>gets told to attack party
>party members all insist he isn't part of the group, they don't like him and he's shit to be around
I had to pause and leave the game, and then come back to the usual "Oh, you don't like jokes?!" attitude these guys give me. Why are players so quick to turn on each other just to avoid some damage?
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Lucky for you I have a solution even if you aren't the GM!
>Hey, GM, what if we start the campaign with us all knowing each other ahead of time?
And as a bonus I'll even give you the solution to what you do if you aren't the GM and also this is a problem in an ongoing campaign with established characters!
>Guys, I don't really enjoy playing if we're all going to abandon each other. We should try to be more cohesive, can we do that?
WOW! It's literally that simple! Talking to each other like mature individuals that have left the developmental stage known as 'children'! Mundane problems require mundane solutions.
The other players say no, because their backstory is so cool and important and awesome.
What now, faggot?
Make genric the ______ and put yourself into their story
Make Joy LovingGuy and become the emotional heart that makes the group stick
Be an assertive player and make the party follow your plans through sheer force
why are you playing games where your character has a background story before you even show up to the game? isn't it more fun to create it and/or discover it as you play?

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Every GM should read Eyes of the Overworld before mastering a table.
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The Pelgrane Press one is pretty good imo. I mean it's storygame bullshit, you have to buy into that and accept that your character willl be swindled into doing something stupid some time, but it captures the vibes pretty well.

I guess you could complain that the magic system doesn't model the system presented in TDE perfectly, but you aren't going to be playing Turjan of Mir most of the time anyway.
>that pic
I know it's dumb to complain about a Vance story being mean to its characters but the fate of the Derwe Coreme bums me out on every reread.
It's a good story, but I think it is only a necessity if you are running a certain kind of pulp fantasy. Or possibly a very talky game like Vampire, where a bunch of characters are smugly loquacious and selfishly cunning.

I think everyone should give it a read/listen, though. You can find the audio book on YT
NTA but it (along with the rest of Vance's work) is one of the largest influences on D&D, and specifically on the wizards of D&D, for whom Vance's wizards are undoubtedly the primary influence--to the point where D&D's magic system is called Vancian casting, not Gygaxian casting. Eyes of the Overworld features a wizard antagonist in all his weird, planes-traveling, outsider-enslaving, townsfolk-terrifying, vaguely-evil-but-mostly-just-selfish-and-vain glory. That wizard, along with the cadre in another of Vance's work, "Rhialto the Marvellous" are basically the platonic ideal of the D&D wizard, a bunch of untrustworthy, backstabbing, cowardly and tremendously powerful high-level demi-gods who bend reality to their will with essentially no regard to any kind of conscience or morality and bicker like schoolchildren when not actively trying to sabotage each other. They're great reads and anybody who's played any edition of D&D is going to appreciate just how much Gygax lifted directly from Vance.

Anyway I don't think I'd go so far as to call Vance required reading but if you do intend to read stuff from Appendix N, Dying Earth should be at or near the top of the list. Then read Conan and Elric.

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
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• Stay on topic

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I hope you like it bro, do you have a twitter? I have him on png with no background and no crow in case you want it
Not OR, really swell job on this anon, it looks dope
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Had a few days away from the artfag station. Hereyago.
thanks a lot, it helps to know im doing good, the youtube link is the speedpaint with some metal music
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Hope your patience felt rewarded. Got busy with some stuff and almost forgot about this. Come to think of it, there's almost nothing feminine about this.

I'm probably stating the obvious.
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I think this bit works better spoken than read.
that makes me miss big robots—they go so well with action girls
i guess i could give the Tau action girls and big robots in my headcanon

i never really got the fetish for blue girls, unless blue hair counts?
a couple droidekas would clean out most 40k battlefields rather nicely
>Move hte fuck on with your life fagtard

Um...anon...it sounds like he did. He literally said he moved on to other games.
Maybe a Mark II or a Scorpenek but a bog standard Droideka for all intents and purposes is a shielded machine gun turret, there’s a lot of basic infantry in 40K that should be able to deal with a Droideka with varying amounts of difficulty.

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>I say no but they keep protesting
>let them play as a goblin
>they just make a green female halfling
>perma ban him from my discord server

why tf do these types of people exist...legit porn brain rot
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that's the same as saying "they're pedo cope"
>people who want different races for the sake of mechanical differences don't get them because some retard doesn't like different races due to racial setting lore
>people who want different races for the sake of differences in physical appearance don't get them because some retard doesn't like races having mechanical differences
>people who want unique racial fluff and ethinic history for their different races don't get them because some retard doesn't want races to have mechanical differences
it's very tiresome
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I don't like coom-themed characters but I do have a low-key servant fetish (non-sexual). I prefer to make up some kind of summoned monster, animated armor, or maybe a mechanical automaton that follows the orders of another player. I mostly do this so I don't have to worry about how my character would feel regardless if he does good or bad things. The character is always "following orders".
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For the sake of humor, My headcanon is originally goblins looked more like this
Violent, flesh-rending, impish creatures that would cut you open just to see what you look like on the inside. However, not every goblin was overtly a murder hobo, and some of these nice goblins would rape humans and not immediately eat them. After several generations of rape and a certain degree of natural selection taking its toll, goblins evolved to be less murder inclined and more sociable. i.e. If your tribe of goblins was known to be violent murder hobos, they'd be more likely to get wiped out by the local hero crew vs the more sociable goblin tribe that (while somewhat dirty and mean-spirited) was ultimately non-violent compared to their more bloodthirsty cousins and probably were passed up for the weekly exp farming quest.

Those nicer goblins begot yet nicer goblins and this trend continued until we get to today where they're generally still violent and underhanded in many cases and in certain situations they'll fall back into more "traditional goblin" behavior but overall goblins as a race have become softer and more approachable race like pics related.
Not because they want to, but because the more evil imp-looking ones were wiped out so only the softer and cuter versions exist. That's my coomer aesthetic cope anyway.

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Most important NPC in your campaign?
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The doorman
Whichever one(s) the PCs have fixated on, and actually try to help... and/or the main villain (at least, if their actions cause things the party deals with, in reaction to things the party has done).
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Currently, a fortune teller that solves all mysteries for them so they can focus on murdering and gently caressing.
In Exalted, the white-eyebrowed old master. He's probably too powerful to die, but the PCs joined this ridiculous tournament to learn his secret techniques, so they don't want to take any chances.

In Lancer, I'd argue it is the friendly alien hive-mind/animate data server that the PCs haven't even met yet, since a huge chunk of the plot revolves around people wanting to capture or kill this NPC.

In Conan, I'd say it is the Turanian PC's horse. Whatever happens, we've sworn to protect their bond.
My self-insert, of course!

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>Fantasy settings have Crusaders, Knights, Musketmen, Samurais, Pirates, Vikings, Romans, Chinese, Mongols, Japanese, Aztects, Mayans, Indians, Koreans, heck even Zulus or Africans
>Fantasy settings never have Arabians, or Jannissaries, or overall Muslim themes
Like in example Easterlings from LotR are just Russian / Persian / Mongolian hybrids.
Why is the case like this?
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Just to clarify my position: human traffickers usually lure in people, drug them up with a nasty crack cocktail, then pimp them out using their new addiction as a control tool. It is modern day slavery and I suspect a lot of people, a lot more than you think, use streetwalkers fairly regularly. It's fucked because the average age of 'entry' seems to be thirteen or fourteen. The fact that modern day slavery gets ignored in favor of trying to make most of the population feel sorry for deadbeats and failures pisses me off.
Well- western history is viewed as starting from the Fertile Crescent, moving to Greece, then Rome, then Western Europe, and then it depends on what country you live in. I'd bet you East-Asian countries start their history with early-civilization in China instead, or India with the Indus Valley Civilization.

Because the people who complain about that shit don't care about what history actually says, and care instead about trying to minimize black history- which would still largely be at the forefront of a broader 'history of slavery'. Like- yeah we should talk about the Barbary Slave Trade and how that effected people in Spain and Italy I agree. I'm a history nerd I like talking about that stuff. But it'd be impossible to discuss that in a broader context without also pointing out stuff like the trans-atlantic, trans-indian and trans-saharan slave trades.

To talk about a broader issue, what we're talking about here is historical revisionism. Which isn't an inherently bad thing. Historians are victims of bias like the rest of us, and can end up telling a one-sided version of history. For instance- American History up until relatively recently tended to de-emphasize the role of slavery, but nowadays we both have a lot more african-american historians researching that stuff, but also historians today often put broader emphasis on histories underclasses which have been a giant blindspot. Not just minorities, but women, the lower classes, etc. because most history is told from the POV of the wealthy upper class (IE the people who can write), and realizing that historians have tried to research the countervailing perspectives.
This has the effect of then over-emphasizing the American Slave Trade, but these new revisionist historians have a bias themselves- an american-centric bias that then by contrast de-emphasizes the role of the broader trans-atlantic slave-trade and the history of slavery broadly. Again this isn't a bad thing- this is the process of historiography. Wherin history is written by a historian publishing an essay where he says another historian is full of shit and people argue about it until they come to a consensus.

The problem is there's two kinds of people who talk about history. History nerds like myself, and people who couldn't give two shits about history but want to complain about modern politics. See the Armenian Genocide which was referenced earlier in the thread.
I said equality among ethnic groups. And I pointed out how it both did and didn't. The sultanate fell apart because the Berbers got passed over for government jobs by Arabs and they started their own sultanate instead. But that was a process that lasted a couple centuries. It turns out that people don't practice what they preach. Take a moment to process the fact that religious people don't always do what their religion tells them to do.

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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>What's the last prestige class you took?
Radiant Servant of Pelor, although being forced to only empower/maximize one of my healing spells per level per day kinda sucks. Can't complain since it's still a decent feature but it still kinda sucks. Multiple greater turnings are awesome by itself though. Trying to decide what I'll take once I max out radiant servant at ECL 16.
> 4 Big APs
I can not even name them if you ask me to without looking them up.

The Sunless Citadel AP?
Red Hand of Doom?

I thought the Expedition to Undermountain and Demonweb Pits were underwhelming reads but haven't run them.

I think we talked about favorite adventures last thread. Personally, give me something sandboxy so I don't have to care when the PCs don't follow your plot. Just a big ol' citybook like Waterdeep (or Ptolus). City of the Spider Queen was a fun read back in the day, but I haven't run it.

That said, I've run / played some of the PF1 ones. Rise of the Runelords was okay (published for 3.5 and PF1); Crimson Throne was an interesting city, but not a great adventure. The Drow one was not great and most of our fun had little to do with the AP and more to do with our group's shenanigans.

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Oop, I guess I could have specified better. Shackled City was one of them, but I was thinking Age of Worms, Savage Tide, and Red Hand of Doom. I wasn't aware of Sunless Citadel at all.

I'm totally willing to look into some suggestions. Trying to avoid megadungeons because my boys do like the chance to actually RP and enjoy being a character. City of the Spider Queen has me intrigued just by being definitely about drow, which always make for convenient and workable villains.
Potentially dumb question: Say a player becomes huge, what is their vertical reach for attack purposes? With their 15ft reach would they be able to hit a creature 30ft off the ground?
No. Just like if I'm 5ft away horizontally, and you have 5ft reach at size m, I'm just outside of your reach. Same thing, but vertical. If he's only 25ft up though, you bet.

Maybe you can take a swing during a jump, but not a full attack, and it's likely easier to dodge, but I think that's a DM call.

>After 1.e4 the White player has a decisive advantage and should win the game

How do we fix this?
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Kek, but also, yes white has advantage always. I much prefer a london system for white. The Sicilian is just the best response for e4 I've found.
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New pieces
>How do we fix this?
Black goes first. This will create piece equity and correct millennia of historic opening bias.
My chess club does stupid experimentations and the best one we found was allowing the flank pawns to move up to 3 squares forward instead of just two on their first move.
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Where do you play? Do you enjoy it?
I'm trying to decide to run a game at the game store, or maybe in one of the local libraries that lets you rent rooms for free (pic related).

The only areas I can think of are:
>Gaming Store
>Library Room
>Public Park
>Bar/Pub/Local Brewery?
>Student/College Places?
>Bookstores? (Barns and Noble, etc)
>Mall Food Court?
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>Places to avoid: game stores
Depends on the store, depends on the gaming bar, etc.
There is a small local gaming store near me that just has one big table and you just call and ask if it's free. I started there and still host games there.
It doesn't depend on anything. Those are places you should be avoiding like plague, no matter fucking what. At best, they exist to squeeze out shekels out of you, while being awful on average. At worst, they actively attract the sort of people you would normally vet out, but since they come for "free" in such location, you take them in, because you're a newfag and don't know any better. Besides, any fucking nigger can barge in the middle of your game, and if that wasn't bad by itself, it makes all the bitchfags insecure in turn. So really, playing in store is for people too desperate and already cast out from other groups and/or places to be picky.
Terrible starting place, that's for sure.
Ah, I see.
Please take your meds.
Stop being afraid of everyone and everything.
Playing at a Denny's is a rite of passage.

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:

Previous Thread: >>92587571

Thread Question: Is it better when mecha can fly or when they have to walk?

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-9Jy0yl8xY [Embed]
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I can’t believe we actually managed to ship before Battletech did
Currently. I'm working on a better mech RPG than mekton, because it's basically a tactics simulator with very little rules for anything of the other stuff that mecha anime is about, meaning if the players have no imagination, you're literally going to be doing nothing but combat scenarios, which is more common than you'd think. Also Gundam Senki uses 2d6 which makes skill way too overpowered mechanically
Most games become WAY too easy, although you can sort of fix that, but not really? My main problem with mekton is that there is basically no point where a standard grunt will ever come to even contesting an ace pilot, which is pretty sad. There's ways to fix this, but I'm making my own game just cause I like mass combat, and mekton is horrible for mass combat beyond 5 mechs (I got pretty fast with it), which is what you need to get any sort of balance between grunts and experts.

Odds for someone with a +5 modifier.
+5 To hit
Senki (2d6): 9/10 Zeta(1d10): 17/20 1d20: 7/10
+5 To dodge
Senki(2d6): 19/20 Zeta(1d10): 9/10 1d20: 73.65%

+5 Isn't even close to the limit, but about what you can expect starting out against normal players if your players use point buy.

TL;DR if you use 1d10 or 2d6, expect your ace pilots to get hit once per 10 (or 20 in the case of Senki's) shots. This is in a game balanced around weapons that can one or two shot enemy mechs. There's rules for it. Called shot torso. -2 to hit. +7 modifier drops to +5?
Where does one procure the stl for this Hottest Dog?
The age of the gearhead has come at last
Hardware Studios, found it while mistakenly browsing it in place of Hardwar.

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>Player or GM

>Systems preferred

>Times available


>Tone/Theme Preferred

>Contact info

>Other notes
Someone post the discord
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The official WoD discord, of course!
(note: do not actually do this)
The fact that you think normal pal-ing around is "monkey-dance for a game" says everything that needs to be said about why you don't have one.
I'm not insecure about being bisexual.
This post was gay as fuck anon
Unironically? Ask in the WoD general if anyone is looking for players.

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Finally, finally watched Dune part two last night at the cinema. Really enjoyed it.

Where is my hard plastic 28mm miniature wargame?

I can almost imagine the LotR SBG system would work perfectly.
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I do because I want to paint little Space Men that fit with my other Space Men


I've just realised I basically have a Fremen army as I have a load of Beyond the Gates of Antares Freeborn who look quite... inspired.

They even ride small flying worm type units lel.
This game is 10/10, play it if you get a chance
I too would love some Dune minis. Might have to look for STLs online unfortunately.
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>Thinking he's talking about a mass battle game

Gay and retarded
Mordheim/Necromunda except you’re a royal house. Instead of magic you have “hired guns” from the Bene Gesserit with the Voice and Guild workers with some low level of prescience, like failed navigators or something. Cool rules for house building to make each campaign unique with different focuses each time, different scenarios like the Jihad or a space battle, special rules for knife duels; I feel like there’s a lot here. Since Dune has more to do with story I feel like the injuries/rewards/off table mechanics would make it fit the vibe perfectly.

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