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If your races don't have anything about them that can't be done by humans then they are reduntant and human cultures should be used in their place.

That includes for example, a hairy short mountain dwelling race that specializes in blacksmithing and mining and enjoys drinking.
Since humans can be all those things, there is no reason for them to be anything else
>b-but they live longer
When was this important? Is lifespan enough to separate them from mainline humanity?

Similarly, your raiding nomadic enemies can easily just be humans with a culture centered around warfare. Want to make them feel like they are an unfamiliar threat? Just make them a different ethnicity and have them wear spooky masks for an additional effect. They can be everything your stereotypical orcs are but way less stupid because now it would make sense for them to want to subjugate and rape other humans since they are of the same species. Instead of half-orcs they could just be half barbaric nomad and have the same effect.
Goblins? Tribal short humans.
Gnomes? Short humans with a magic-centered culture.
Halflings? Do I even need to say it?

The other intelligent species should be completely different from what a human is. They should be capable of doing some things humans cannot, and incapable of doing some things that humans can. Like having wings or reproducing by ejaculating on eggs.

Pic related made me think of that. There is nothing about those guys that makes them distict from humans other than their gray skin and tusks. Oh they like falconry and riding horses? Guess what.
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I'm black, by the way.
Hi black, I'm blue.
I take it you completely missed the superman parallels anon?

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Previous Thread: >>93147147

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

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So you're going to do what you were told before that - watch and wait? Good.
You should read Flesh and Steel, it has corrupt mechanicus leaders commiting crimes
No, no, let him talk, I started in on Gods of Mars the other day and I can feel things clicking into place as we speak.
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Are forge world symbols cool or cringe? Is it worth making one for a custom forge world?
Do you play games?

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The field of battle edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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Like going to the tournament and shit? The rules are different and you should ask the organizer. Tournament like Adepticon require bringing books and using cards.

If you just want to play casually then play narrative that give quests and progression. Read the rules here, cards are just rule reference.
>Like going to the tournament and shit?
No, I want to play 1000pts one-shot games with lads at my place since the group is so small it's pointless to drive to LGS if we can just meet at one's place from time to time.
>If you just want to play casually then play narrative that give quests and progression. Read the rules here, cards are just rule reference.
Oh I know Warcrier. I simply find it quite confusing since there are so many rules. DLCs and shit I have a hard time to tell what parts I can skip.
>Reading is hard

Maybe watch a youtube battle report instead. If you actually read the rules there aren't a lot of words. Most of the expansions did was adding more factions and narrative play stuff.
You buy it for the cheaper Orlock price, don't but the grav fist as it's meh, and infiltrate into threatening positions without overextending. The melta guns will never hit anything at range but are too big of a threat to ignore, and once you charge something it dies. If you are playing dominion you go for the mine territory, and then your campaign is dull as you have an undercosted high-value brute giving you excess creds.
Officially matched play stuff is just playing with all the symmetrical deployments/victory condition cards (they'll have a special symbol in the corner that indicates they're intended for matched play). For playing 1-of games I'd recommend just using the full spread of deployment/victory condition/twist cards from the Heart of Ghur cards/core rulebook - and if you want even more vsriety, throw in the cards from any of the 2nd edition expansions as well. There should be a mission shuffler linked in the OP pastebin that lets you filter cards by what box they released in.

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The Cruelest Game

>Never played? Start here

>Everything you need to know relating to backgammon

>Watch the latest match from Super Grandmaster "Mochy"

>Need a board? Start here
(I highly recommend Silverman & Co, best bang for your buck)

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Great game, I have a question tho, I've played for years for fun. It's one of the go tos visting momma anon.

How does the gambling work? Any rules/youtube to suggest? I read what came with the box and I'm used to TTGs but I have no fucking clue how or what is going on with the doubling cube.

That being said, have had some great close games lately.
bkgm is your friend

The sections "Doubling" and "Gammons and Backgammons" should cover the basics. Maybe also look up the Crawford rule since it's quite common.
Thanks anon have a happy 4th be it a holiday to you or not!
TIL backgammon is a racing game, pretty cool. Always wanted to learn how to play, but I thought it was a game for old people lol.
This board looks mad sick. Probably way too much for my wallet tho hah
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ITT: Suppose you're tasked with the creation of the origin of different races in a sci-fi setting. You can make it as fantastical or grounded as you want, but you'll need to provide the context that makes it believable.
How would you go about it?
What are some examples of a race in this setting?

I'll start:

>Humanity found very few truly sentient extraterrestrial lifeforms out in the stars when they started colonizing the galaxy.
>This was great for them, but they soon realized that many planets were not meant for baseline human habitation.
>Genetic modification became a necessity for humans who wished to colonize hazardous but resource-rich worlds. Because of this, Gene-modding is an accepted, but heavily regulated practice.
>After these newly genetically modified bred with each other for generations, they became classified as a stable genetic offshoot of humanity known as a Xenotype (or race, as some people call it)
>Xenotypes can crossbreed with other Xenotypes or Baseline humans, since they're still mostly standard human DNA.
>While most Xenotypes were created out of a need, some high-tech worlds experiment with the creation of specialized Xenotypes that filled out niche roles across the galaxy.

Some example Xenotypes are:
>Stoneborn, basically Space-Dwarves

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Never understood the compulsion to make a no-effort angry reply instead of just sailing past a thread you're not interested in.

Bumping a fun thread.
Atlantis was real and a center for ancient knowledge of alchemy and magic with a touch of early technology with complex mechanisms. Rather than being destroyed in a divine cataclysm, a mass ritual to establish a series of teleportation rings went awry and ripped the entire continent out of the Earth, scattering ruins and survivors across a narrow arc of planets across the Milky Way. These groups were forced to quickly adapt themselves to their new worlds, and the struggles of survival meant that memories of Earth and hope of return were quickly lost to mere legend.
The turning of the galaxy has spread these civilizations about, several of them managing to establish magitech empires spanning several systems. Most bear traits of local fauna or even flora that were used in early alchemical experiments to better adapt their peoples to survival.
Humanity, having lost such a concentration of magically adept minds and even a large chunk of the planets mana, have been set upon a purely technological path, unable to find the Lost Continent. Now they too take to the stars, assumed at first to be just one more intelligent species until further research begins to reveal these Earthlings as the common ancestors of all the galaxy.
>Rimworld fluf
>Warframe pic
>Homunculi, a race of biological constructs made when colonies needed warm bodies for whatever reason, like meeting population requirements, that eventually gained their freedom and became a recognized race. Outwardly they look more or less like normal human or Xenotype, but they’re capable of altering their biology, swapping out different genetic and physical modifications, relatively easily.
>which would not be found by later archaeologists of their society
Why wouldn’t they find said technology?

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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He meant other settings would turn into ones without MILFs if everyone is a mamono. But in this case you would only meet your "fated one" when they are a MILF.
Shard's DC jump, a living darkness chick of some kind iirc.
>MILFs can turn into mamono and there are mature ones too.
But the supply will exhaust eventually, duh
>but the monster lord will give monsters the ability to-
She has been saying this since forever and yet she doesn't. Something like 90% of the fucking planet is already living with mamono and yet she can't do it. It won't happen.
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Being nice to you is all you need. and the danger makes it better.
Any of the ones listed here >>93254893 and MCU (not the Cinematic Universe).

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How do you run enemies with any kind of mind-control powers in a way that's still fun for the players?
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I think the idea with the new heroes is that the heroes of the first movie were obviously patterned after and were supposed to look like superheroes from 1950s and '60s comic books, to fit the general aesthetic of the movie and to suggest that they were part of a bygone era. You could take any of their designs and they'd fit right in with the cast of DC and Marvel of those decades.

Incredibles 2 is very much about a new generation of heroes beginning to take root, so the idea was probably very deliberately to make the new heroes have more modern appearances. They don't fit the classic aesthetic because that's the *point*, they're not the classic heroes, they're the new guys.

Now whether or not you like that or the particular designs that Pixar went with, that's entirely a matter of taste. But I don't think the new heroes' looks are what they are due to laziness or a lack of effort, but rather a deliberate choice to break with the classic look that they'd established in the first film. The reasoning is solid, the execution, well, that's up to the individual viewer.
First thing to do in that situation is nail a sunder against the item.
Then but on your biggest shit eating grin and say 'What, that evil, cursed item was clearly controlling you, we just saved you, you're welcome, U-fucking-wU' and watch him seethe for the rest of eternity over it.
They have absolute power to control someone else, but only one person at a time. Its still a very potent ability, but it means that as long as the mind-controller has someone else that is *more important* to keep under their control, the PCs getting mind controlled is a risk they need to be aware of but will almost never happen. Keeping the Emperor mind controlled is more important than some dipshit level 7 Ranger, with the possible exception of if that ranger is seconds away for killing you and you are out of options.

But that means that, even in that situation, the PC was *won* something. Yes, they have temporarily lost control of their character. But in doing so you have forced the villain to give up control of a much more valuable piece of their grand plan.
God that sounds up it own ass.
i don't think purple guy read comics, because that backstory isn't at all incoherent nor ridiculous for comic book standards. you know, the most famous superhero villain in the world doesn't even have a backstory

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I'm planning to run a game of Honor + Intrigue in the year 1657. It'll start out at sea, but I expect things will eventually end up in Venice. Besides the GURPS Renaissance Venice book, do you know of any other good sources for me to dig into for content that are at least somewhat proximal temporally? I know about the Flashing Blades ambassador adventure set already, too
>the GURPS Renaissance Venice book
*books plural

can you guys help me with some fantasy maps, or just any maps in general?
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Anyone got any good maps loosely based on the real world, or at least advice for creating said maps, please?
Tamriel's west is pretty good. Skyrim would be better with more islands and some wider bays around Solitude and Winterhold. As is the Nords don't look like they'd be the naval power they are supposed to be.

Morrowind is good, but Black Marsh being all, well, marsh is pretty bland. Maybe some tropical islands or some such could be added.
'ere be one from a certain game from over the salt.
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This map threads need more pseudo-Mediterranean maps.
This is honestly my favourite map I've ever saved from one of these generals. I can imagine a Conan styled protagonist bouncing around this entire sea pissing off different people and fleeing to the next town before the triremes can be sent after him. Though on checking the scale of it it'd be more like bouncing around one tiny corner since it's fuck-off humongous as far as I can tell.

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How is it / sell me on this.
I'm a big hater of Final Fantasy aesthetic- but I'm a big fan of systems that embraces game elements.
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So far my campaign has been going well, but a fair chunk of that is owed to my players who have really tried to embrace the aesthetics and melodrama.

On the mechanical side it's fine, perhaps a touch vulnerable to combos and synergies (and thus reliant on them) but it's avoidance of tactical positioning and it's use of flexible character building have helped my players have fun with their characters and adventures instead of being too concerned about optimization or spending 5 minutes on each player's turn.

Mind you this may be extremely conditional - my players are already invested in the game so they might be looking harder to have fun than some groups might.
since its setting agnostic by design, you could easily play it with any sort of aesthetic.
I might get a chance to play it soo. Read the book and it looks pretty ok. I imagine it would be a good rpg for either newbies or people who want something more casual, without going completely rule-light.
It does have clocks and "spend points for narrative declarations" mechanics, which never worked for my groups
>clocks ..., which never worked for my groups
Under what circumstances do clocks not "work" for a playgroup? Aren't they just a visualization for how much time/progress needs to pass/happen before X happens?
What do you mean? How does it work?
Are you saying it's not good then? Would just the base Ryuutama be better?
>I could recommend an actual JTRPG
I'd be interested if it's translated.
He's probably going to say Sword World.

Do aggro mechanics belong in PvP games?
idk? depends on the game, what it's about, and what it's trying to.
As I understand them RPG's are about trying to simulate fictional reality with verisimilitude, so probably "No". Aggro doesn't really model anything with a basis in reality. NPC's and PC in the fictional world are free to choose their actions as they wish, Aggro comes off as pseudo-mind control to me, so unless a wizard is casting a spell called "you want to kill the guy i'm pointing at," I don't think it fits.
Wargames I'm not sure about (I don't play them). If you're a wargamer trying to simulate a fictional reality (like historical wargamers do I THINK) then probably not for the same reason as rpgs.
If you're playing wargames that aren't really about the fictional reality and are entirely focused on mechanical depth and skill, then yea I can see them having a place.
As for board games, I can conceive of a chess piece that forces the opponent to take it if they can (call it The Scout or something), so I'm sure aggro is a mechanic that can work in a board game built for it.

Why do you care anyway? If this is for a project you're working on then ask in the game dev thread >>93219358, you're much more likely to get people who'll actually engage with your thread (also post your shit if this is for a project).
He's posting a plausibly deniable sentence he doesn't care about so he can ragebait about /pol/shit. He doesn't want to post in a relevant thread because that might limit the amount of people he wants to come here and shitpost.

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True Form edition

Previous >>93133582

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

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Some kind of special sadism releasing a new Argo line that needs copies in trash in the same set as Paladin.
The Savers movie is cool
Getting to strip all sources from everything is ridiculous. Not only that but it also gets to completely clear your board and potentially otk if you go wide. The overflow really doesn’t justify how much it can do which I think is going to be a continuing issue with aces desu.
The one downside to Paladin ACE is that he's an ACE whose effect does not control board at all. Unless you're playing Hexeblau, going into him will not save you from getting swung at.

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Get fucked Hexproof

Duskmourn actually looking good
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Pay 6 for 1 damage? Geez...
AI art has just started.
I like how even some of the AI art has "real names" of artists to justify it.
Yep, all shit AI art.
It's all the same dull look to it too.
Sure it might have realistic looking human features, but most has that weird color pallette and same AI lighting.
They've definitely created a language model on the art style they want to stick to.
Spitiful little loser.
Imagine hating someone for being human enough to care.
I guess caring about stuff, even the state of a silly card game is too much for someone who lost all sense of humanity, who can't think and only consume this bitter mess we live in.

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Class overviews in the 2024 Player's Handbook.
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I want to agree 100%, but more than half of what DnD offers that could be considered 'fun' is on a spell list, unfortunately.
That, and DnD also doesn't like people getting creative anymore.
>DnD also doesn't like people getting creative anymore.
True, I guess playing non-5E games has bias me somewhat.
My current main game is ACKS and fighters can be useful as fuck in that, doubly so since henchmen are an expected part of how things work so you, as DM, always have someone who can point out obvious flaws or help out with their plans.
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>Occult Lore =/= Spellbooks
I guess they could fit Warlock's REAL likes into the chart:
>Prostituting yourself to the dread powers for the abilities you were neither naturally born gifted with nor smart enough to learn
You know what they say, if you've got it, flaunt it.
>>Prostituting yourself to the dread powers for the abilities you were neither naturally born gifted with nor smart enough to learn
Now thats a charisma character

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Blastin' Edition

▶Previously in the Mortal Realms:

▶Latest news:

▶Official AoS website, Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs::

warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ [Rest in Peace soon]

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Everything about the hedonites index is a mess.

- The army rule is actually a trap, and using it helps your opponent more than you, even 1 solitary play test game would have shown how fucking backwards it is.
- The army has a bunch of ways to give crit mortals, and a bunch of ways to increase rend, mechanics that do not help each other in any way
- Someone mixed up twinsouls and Painbringers, and gave the ones with shields the offensive rules, and gave the ones with great weapons defensive buffs
- Lot of lazy copy pasting from 3E datasheets, even ones that desperately needed a rewrite (like the shard speaker)
- They somehow managed to make Slaangor even worse... This is the 3rd fucking try at writing that datasheet, and there's still 0 fucking reason to put them on the table
- A lot of the buffs are conditional to the point of uselessness. "On the 3rd Monday of the month, if your opponent is wearing odd socks, you can spend 1 cp, then if you roll a 3+, you will do d3 mortal wounds"
doesnt matter. lord of hubris, shalaxi and glutos make the army incredibly playable.

if your opponent actually takes that free 12 inch charge you can punish that overextension so hard. they have a shit ton of debuffs, healing, and control to blunt or outright stop a hammer, and enough damage on key units to clear out anything that tries to get stuck in.

there are some stinker warscrolls, for sure, but there's enough there to work with and i dont think the free 12 inch charge is nearly as bad as people are making it out to be considering how hard hedonites can fuck enemy chargers.

the archer build is dead though
>Someone mixed up twinsouls and Painbringers, and gave the ones with shields the offensive rules, and gave the ones with great weapons defensive buffs

this a problem you can solve all on your own. just tell your opponent the shield models are the defensive ones and the two weapon models are the offensive ones.
I don't see why people think gluttos is good, he's flat out worse than he was and he was marginal then. He's only decent if he drops 100+ points.
No you are not blunting the damage from 10 bloodknights or 10 chaos knights or 8 ironguts with purple sun.
Nothing else in the book competes with Keeper of Secrets and Locus and Slaanesh. Even the shitty Fiends become good when you have two of them double rolling every turn to bring units back.
>if your opponent actually takes that free 12 inch charge you can punish that overextension so hard. they have a shit ton of debuffs, healing, and control to blunt or outright stop a hammer

I don't think it's possible to overstate how impactful a guaranteed 12" charge is. The only downside is the risk of a handful of mortals. Your opponent is going to slam down the CP to counter charge Big Morathi, Karazai, or just a VLoZD into you and ruin your day. Everyone is going to be bringing at least 1 large centerpiece monster in 4E, and they all hurt.

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