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Why are wizards the way they are in your setting??
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because women deserve less
This thread is not about your retarded love of cock.
Necromancers are typically trust-fund babies propped up by spiritual nepotism from their ancestors. It's generally not worth trying to do necromancy unless you have some strong connections to the spirit world, either through familial relations or very careful networking with the dead. Thus, your average necromancer is typically an aristocrat of some stripe, looking through their family tree like a spellbook.

Sorcerers are a bit more traditional, usually apprenticed to some jackass for some years, or just experimenting for a while and failing to kill themselves with it. Their abilities are focused through a similar method of necromancer's, but is typically genetic rather than social. Generally the self-taught learn abilities directly relevant to their mundane skills, while the trained learn whatever their forbearers did through the previous process. These lend themselves to becoming increasingly erratic as the generations pass under the tutelage of previous generations of somewhat erratic wizards.

Technomancers aren't traditional wizards, but can access unusual or just traditionally impossible physical interactions through their use of magic. Rather than ramrodding a specific magical effect through, they gently bend the underlying laws to allow their contraptions to do things that would otherwise be mechanically impossible for them. Because of the incredibly skewed perspective required to do this reliably, they are almost entirely self-taught, and the broader population is generally ignorant that they aren't sorcerers or necromancers. Less erratic due to being changed by exposure to the arcane, more mad due to their mind spinning itself into arcane patterns.
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Depends on the spell, but yeah exploding in your face would be the classic example of fucking up bad. Accidentally designating the wrong targets or putting your "adjectives" in the wrong order are common mistakes. It's hard to fuck that sort of thing up if you're trained and you're looking at the charts, but if you're going completely blind and you're trying to mess with your torch spell, you don't know whether that extra star you're trying to add in is going to turn it into an explosion, remove the heat from the flame or make it hotter, make it smaller or bigger, or set your arm on fire. Or maybe it just fizzles because you just flatly broke the logic of the spell by interjecting some nonsense (though you technically might have created a spell that could set a fish on fire, if only there was one around).
This cuts both ways, though. In a stressful situation, an educated wizard is more likely to fuck up his spell because he knows there's other ways to put the spell together and so he might jumble things in panic, while a folk wizard only knows a singular way to do the spell and essentially can't fuck it up unless he tries.
Accidentally summoning demons is a separate issue of not accounting for where the planets are in the night sky. If a planet crosses over the constellation you're charting with your spell, that's when demon fuckery happens because the other planets are full of demons. For most practical cases out in the field, even for a fully educated wizard this essentially amounts to a tiny random failure chance of casting the wrong spell at the wrong time unless you have the transcendent autism to memorize the movements of the planets on top of the normal astronomical memorization.

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Not quite Yet Edition

>Balance Dataslate

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

>Pre 10th Torrent:

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Ork posture is designed for throwing it back.
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TQ: All Plaguemarine boxes get a fly head option and Fly shoulder option but only 1 each
>Too fast
>Too agile
>They played basketball before Mankind existed
>Won't get kicked out for performance enhancing drugs like their cousins
as it should be
Is there or has there ever actually been an official krieg mini armed with a shovel as a weapon?

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did we ever find out more about them? I'd assume the hooded guys arranged for their remaining unresurrected.
>You can prevent ressurection by stealing and hiding bodies but that's the only way.
No, that's not true either. Explicitly so. This is why it's a big deal when Malack dusts Nale's body. You need much, much stronger magic to resurrect someone who no longer has a body to return to.
what the fuck are you guys on about
the fiends are a devil, demon, and deamon
they refer to others by calling them "mortals", because they themselves are immortal
they are explicitly from lower planes or however dnd calls their hell, not somebody that can be "resurrected"
did we let rules autists from gitp forums nest here again?
they're arguing about the souls that V borrowed the power of during his soul contract spergout
that makes more sense

I'm a big fan of worlds with unconventional cosmography. The conventional (maybe codified by D&D) model I see in most fantasy RPGs is a normal planet plus a separate heaven dimension, hell dimension, maybe some elemental planes, all only accessible by planeshifting magic or special portals. That's all well and good and has its merits, but it's gotten a bit old for me. Ancient conceptions of the world as more physically immediate really grab me- like the gods literally living up on that mountain over there, or the underworld being literally under one's feet, to name some basic examples. Walk far enough in one direction, and you'll reach the mountains into which the firmament was set by the gods to hold up heaven (picrel).
I've been running a campaign for a couple years now (inb4 "what system," this is B/X but the concept can apply to most games in the D&Dish mold) in a world that is three flat earths stacked on top of each other, each smaller than the last. The lowest is the mortal world, the middle is a sort of lost world full of strange branch-humans and odd monsters, the highest is Heaven, and below it all is the primordial waters of Chaos. My players recently made an ocean expedition to the edge of the mortal world, where they looked out on the endless Chaos and looked up behind them to see Heaven. Have you ever run/played in a world with an unusual cosmography that interested you? Or maybe read something you'd like to run sometime.
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addendum: originally it was for a 5e d&d setting but when that didnt go anywhere I ported it to ACKS. There is also a upstart cult to the Mother of Mercy, who was basically a mommy-jesus who got hanged (thus their symbol is a gallow) and once she was excecuted a miracle happened. no one is in agreement what it was exactly, but everyone in the city had converted by the end of the day. This became a very short lived conflict as the M.o.M cultists were pretty chill, refusing to fight , the sacrum authority found no traces of demoniac influences and they still recognize Alron as the chief god. So the Sacrum became a sort of spiritual suzerain to them.
Check out World Tree, where the world is literally a epic-sized tree.
Where did you look for inspiration when designing this?
looks like furfag shit no thanks
I'm considering the idea of a planet covered in an outer layer of ice (probably needs to be made of a non-water material less prone to melting than regular ice, for reasons that will soon become clear) that floats above what the planet's mortal inhabitants generally consider the planet's surface. The "sun" is a giant, but nowhere near star-sized, ball of fire that rolls around the inner side of the ice crust. The "spirit world", which contains the afterlife and the homes of the gods, is the outer side of the ice crust (parts of the "spirit world" might also exist on the planet's moons or buried near its core). The god of the dead physically stands guard at the only opening to the world's true surface, preventing the living and the dead from passing through to the side they don't belong on.

So I'm going to be running a game soon where one of the antagonistic forces that the player characters are going to encounter early on are your standard cannibal ape-men, riffing on the troglodytes from Bone Tomahawk a bit. Dump your monke man art, I'll get us started.
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at long last, we're getting to the reproductive crunch

>When you have monster apemen, they MUST rape people. Rape apes.
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>Sexualising the monkey men?
>That's a paddlin'
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this just came out, has anyone run the Cypher system before? i'm plotting and scheming for my campaign right now
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>prototype rules
Jokes on you it's a fully playable system with only one or two unbalanced factions that break the game.
And really, isn't that what wargaming is really all about?
>t. subterranean
Well it’s the final boss of the first half of the game (Terraria). It is one of the coolest looking foes in the lore imo, literally a towering flesh monster with huge jaw and eyes which wants to devour the character.
Worth looking up.
Keep in mind, though, that the game is vertically in 2D, albeit beautifully full of lavish and colorful details. In 3D the monster would surely be even cooler.
Also, I assume you saw my update on the comparison with the OP? >>95035528.
Honestly, this would have been great artistically if the scba’s had more of that mira c8-8m feel. Also, even in the 70’s nothing screams futurist as integrated kneepads it’s not like the tech for them is crazy, just some extra sewing.
>Also, I assume you saw my update on the comparison with the OP?
I hadn't, thank you for referring me to it.

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I've only played 9th and 10th edition so far. So I want to hear what others think of older editions and possibly see which one I would like the most.
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the best thing about old editions was how open ended the lists were. balance nightmare but a hobby dream. people would put so much effort in to conversions to represent whatever obscure combo of wargear and special rules they wanted on their dudes.
3rd, considering I spent the majority of my time playing it. A slight bit of 4th, and then a hiatus. I came back in 8th which was a large disappointment. I was glad that, even then, there was a Horus Heresy scene at my local because it scratched the itch for Warhammer fun. I've tried a game or two of 8th and 9th so I could at least experience them after reading the rules and it just wasn't fun or interesting. I haven't even bothered with 10th and it doesn't seem like I will. It's not a wargame anymore.
Shame that heresy the game has all the oldhammer elements, while being a system designed for marvelesque WWE marine paypig fights.
An unpopular opinion, but 8th. atleast when it comes to core rules.
Stuff like Ork random event tables, or customizible Guard regimetns were still a thing, but you didnt have to roll for random Traits Artefacts and spells, melee was straight forward, and they removed templates which i personally dont like. Also characters who are single separate models are superior way to do them, with exception for Guard
Thing is, most people don't want battles. they want character-centric large skirmish. 40k always has this fundamental conflict where on one hand it wants these big galaxy consuming epic battles, but the problem is on that scale the actions of individuals do not matter, not even superheroic ones. the way of having their cake and eating it is to only give you this small window in to a tiny part of a tiny part of an important battle where all the named characters happen to be. epic breaks the illusion.

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It makes me laugh when 40kfag pretend their dudes are hot shit. Everyone knows a stormcast could take a cuckstodes in a fight. The weakest snotling in the Mortal Realms would utterly destroy squadrons of orkboyz due to the realms being made from pure magic and those raised in it beign far stronger than any living thing in the galaxy
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What I'm about to say will sound like nonsense, but please understand that I am not having a stroke.

Homelander is a Superman in terms of his superhero archetype. Super Strength, Super durability, flight or something close enough to flight that it's indistinguishable, some kind of nonsense power like laser eyes. But in terms of Supermans, he is a really weak Superman. One of the weakest in his archetype that isn't being deliberately designed to be weak. And because these sort of crossover battles are based around perceptions of strength, Homelander gets dumpstered because he's the weakest guy in his archetype.
Who cares. If he did, the inhuman, once-man lightning elemental will tear them appart like they would an Imperial Knight.
seethe, Ferrus and Sanguinius would have profited from that ability
You say this like GW is raping the 40k lore in real time, lol. You're basically admitting your game has nothing going for it anymore.
what is wraithbone made off again? What genders are allowed in the Custodes?

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It's about time, why did GW wait a decade and a half giving NPCs like the Raven Guard rules for their Leaders but not the Worldeater Matriarch?

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>like she put it there herself.
Looks too small for her hand.
>Yeah they kinda painted it like she put it there herself.
I think even her hands are bigger...
>"Lotara is everything the Primarch is not – calm, level-headed, and respected by the World Eaters."
So, why is her model a screaming maniac waving a sword?
>WE are mad because the chirping of all the fire alarms on all their ships
You retarded fuckers are so retarded you didn't even notice that the OP's filename is tell you this is a bait thread.

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Cursed ending edition

Last Thread: >>95042921

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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Looks like it's one of those "slipped through the cracks" mechs since the MUL team typically use the RATs to add mechs to a faction. Not that it's a hard-and-fast rule thing like the other anon said

My rule of thumb before looking at the lore is typically "if they are from a neighboring faction, you can likely count it as salvage and/or trade". So the Raven I'd go "Yeah, sure, trade because the Cappies need money." even before the Trinity Alliance pops up
Jimmie "Grease" Jones

The Star League fought battles all over the Periphery, and didn't always clean up after themselves, and some graveyards were small enough that no one's bothered picking them clean yet.

Jimmie was a pretty typical farm kid, but had a knack for machines and ended up apprenticing with the town mechanic. One day while hunting, he came across a couple destroyed Mechs. He built a shack over the spot and over the course of 15 years managed to repair a Griffin (or a Locust or whatever), aided by about a hundred old manuals downloaded through the local library.

He called up the local sheriff and gave a demo, then called the militia office and enlisted.

In addition to his piloting skills, he's also a good tech - little formal training, but 15 years' experiencing rebuilding a Mech piece-by-piece.
Shortly after the Raven first went into production most of the MAF spent several years doing low level fights with CCAF units who were being rebuilt.
NTA but I appreciate the fact a random kid with no formal training didn't just rebuild an advanced war machine in under a few weeks. 15 years of figuring it out adds a sense of weight to the project and just how advanced even the introtech mechs are.

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Tell us what game you're playing, about your character, and about your last session! These threads used to be a regular thing, but I haven't seen them recently. Just started playing in a new campaign myself.
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Playing Mage 20th as an ex-technocratic Euthantoi
>be me
>join traditions because the technocracy sucked and i fell into clarity
> my cabal is chill actually
>begin to trust cabal, especially our drug addict (Sahajiya)
>drive into a town, magical car breaks down
>town absolutely reaks of technocratic bullshit
>threaten gas station worker until he professes that i need to talk to the mayor if i know
> warn cabal whole town is a panopticon
>everyone in the town is a psychic
> psychics are the worst and this is clear progenitor bullshit
>tell cabal to keep an eye out for spies
>they tell me I'm being paranoid, clearly|
>we run into technocratic spies
> things nearly get violent

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I've always been curious to play WoD games but the dice system seems so complicated. Specifically wanted to play Vampire, and Hunter: Reckoning as a hunter gone nutso who doesn't mind wasting civilians. But since we're struggling to find times to play D&D, learning a new system and finding other players seems unlikely
the dice system is honestly easier than dnd since there's only one kind of dice. you have a level in a skill and that tells you how many dice you can roll. 5 in dex means you roll 5 d10s, etc.
Someone explained it to me in the WoD thread earlier. Thank you! Some of those games sound really interesting. Some of it seems nonsensical, lore wise though
>Waterdeep Dragonheist, D&D 5e, DM.
>Session 1, Player #1 built an OP rouge, and decides to break up the tavern brawl with murder.
>Slight of hand, roll 25, threw a knife through the onlooking crowd of 30, right into the skull of one combatant. I decided there were two witnesses in line of sight of NPC and Player #1.
>Troll crawls out of well inside tavern. NPC witness #1 dies in the fight after revealing he was a witness, #2 survives.
>Sessions later, authorities arrest Player #1. Player #2 gets pissed, saying no one should've seen it.
>Player #1 is tried and acquitted, #2 leaves party.
>Later, Player #3 steals McGuffin and runs off, derails everything, personal issues between her and I end the campaign for good.

That was three years ago. Haven't restarted since, I'm constantly worried I'm That Guy since that was my first DM campaign, and every campaign Ive played in has ended similarly.

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Something Old, Something New Edition.

Converse about JTRPGs, their translation status, or sessions / storytimes.

Games that don't count:
Fabula Ultima
Cloudbreaker Alliance

The copypasta:
>Japanese RPG Troves:

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Yes, i know their tendency to impregnate anything in sight, even trees and rocks.

Interesting lot of Minis, that.
Dunno, it's hard to find a TRPG otaku over there, much less find one who openly admits it.
funny how that happens, doesn't it?
Someone as notable(for 00's otaku standards is a TTRPG player). So they exist and could be autistic enough to care, even if they're very niche. Just a few years ago I was looking at Japanese blogs contemplating on the current edition of RQ, which wasn't translated there yet.
anyways Japanese Pendragon pic unrelated
again, good luck on that.

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Discuss them, argue about them, get help for running adventures about them.
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There actually is a term for the category in Gorgon (there's another two or three), but D&D used that for a far more niche metal bull monster.
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>It's any Snek if you let them over eat...
This feels like an actual setting. Is this from anything?
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>devour you after sex
I already said I was interested, you didn’t have to make the offer even better.

>captcha: AAAW

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I need h3lp d3signing a lore.

Basically imagine if there was a p0.kek.m0m cl0n3 but it was about IRL 3thnic girls you could captur3 into your b4lls har3m and they digi3volve by growing 5 year gaps from an egg.

At least that's the core idea.
And yes, is a c00.m3r idea, not an epic literary masterpiece.
>in year of the Lord MMXXV
holy nostalgia batman
Given how many times I’ve seen these threads, I’m pretty sure he’s trying to dodge moderation
I told you guys you weren't ready for OP.

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>The party is tasked with investigating the disappearance of an adventurer girl
>The monstergirls that captured her have turned her into a futanari
>They are forcing her to breed them in order to replenish their numbers (she's a significant part of why their numbers are low)
>After being rescued, she's protective of the infants she has sired and will fight the party to the death if they try to harm them
What would your party do?
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Luckily my character is a chaotic good sodomancer. A problem like this is right up his alley.
>futanari stud breeding multiple females over and over again
>horrible fetish
I literally can't come up with more patrician one.
Because you have AGP. Good luck with your transition.
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Rescued? We make the Dirlewanger Brigade look like a mormon book club. Nobody hires us to rescue people.
just... bring the bodies when you're done with them, we can always resurrect and mindwipe them later

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