Fighting-Man or Magic-User?
>>94815674Magic Man-User.
You will never play od&d. Stop trying, just suck it up and DM 5e. We need more DMs we're facing a shortage
>>94815765od&d and 1e in general is more DM friendly and easier to run.
>>94815765Your facing a DM shortage because your game fucking sucks. Most people smart enough to DM decently are not stupid enough to want to DM a shit system like DnD 5/DnD2024.
>>94815765>>94817514DnD 5e is one of tge most DM-hostile systems I have ever run. Players gave SO much access to magic cheat codes and supernatural bullshit that it becomes difficult to meaningfully challenge them in a satisfying way by the mid-levels, let alone high-levels. Even at the lower levels, players are practically demi-gods, especially if they optimize. 5e is one giant power-wank for players, and the DM is just supposed to be a punching bag, throwing apocalypse-level threats at them every encounter just to watch them curbstomp repeatedly with broken unbalanced bullshit because the devs clearly never playtested anything past level 5 in their 20 level game.I would rather drag my balls across shattered glass than try to DM DnD 5e ever again.
>>94815765I will DM whatever I want, and you will gobble that shit up, like the good little player bitch you are.
>>94817404>>94817514>>94817548>>94817654Wrong, no one plays anything that isn't 5e
>>94818139Not sure is serious, friendless, or just retarded.An absolute faggot regardless of which of the above is true though.
>>94818139Thank god retards like (you) actually believe this. Please keep on playing 5e forever and stay out of the rest of the hobby.
>>94817548I don't find this to be a problem in 5e. Just increase the damage your monsters do. Give them new special abilities, or more hit points, or give them better stats. You're the DM and it's your game. Hit point bloat is real, and combat does seem to take longer. But the game doesn't need to be balanced. My monsters and enemies can have any of the same powers as the players, and be higher levels than them, any time I please.
>>94818273He's actively trolling, and really dumb about it
>>94818400I bet he's the same faggot who's currently going on about how 40k is the only game that matters in every thread about other wargames.
>>94815674Young dragon
>>94818309Why the fuck would I want to fix (you)r system when I can play one that already does that. Swapping the b/x was the best gaming decision I ever made and odnd is next on my list of things to do.
>>94818139An actual issue i've found is that it is hard to get space at a store for games they don't actively stock.
>>94815765I'll be running 1e (well, Basic, to be precise) very soon. So I will be playing od&d! Kinda!Screw 5e! I ran that awful game for my friends for 2 years and they never even bothered to run anything for me even once! Horrible game!
>>94818784You won't because you won't get any players for it. No one plays OSR. Gamestores disallow it for a reason: because it's shit. And don't start with that "I only play at home with friends" shit, the only way to get those friends is to go to gamestores to begin with. So there's effectively a 5e filter, which means you HAVE to play/dm 5e first anyway to play shitty osr games, and you should probably just dm 5e anyway because players prefer it and have more fun with it than osr games where they die constantly. Just dm 5e. You can even get paid to do it.
>>94818770Coming from someone who's ACTUALLY been to a gamestore and isn't just talking out of their ass, most game stores are just happy for anything that gets people through the door. They'll give you a table for anything.
>>948190812/10, work on your bait. I know 5e fans are the smartest bunch, but this is pretty low-effort trolling even for (you).
>>94819098>I know 5e fans are the smartest bunchCorrect.
>mfw stuck playing the cleric again
>>94819091>ACTUALLYEven if you weren't telling a provable lie, don't do that. It reads as you lying.
>>94819879Provide proof.
>>94815765Why even play OD&D anyway when Blueholme is a much better version?
>>94820090>Go to the store and ask if you can play *game that is not in print" and record the owner saying you can't and dox yourself>Just to win an internet argument
>>94820301Nta but OSE is in print, so are other retroclones. That said if you're a regular costumer and/or know the staff you can literally play whatever game you want, or at least that was my experience with the lgs in my area.
>>94815674Magic-User>hi-res gif to change the .gif to .cbz so you can read it like a standard pdf
>>94820625>remember to change the .gif to .cbz so you can read it like a standard pdf^^
>>94818309>just do this and this and this and thatOr I can run a game in a system that already does those things.
>>94818515>>94820862Sure, play that instead. I'm not the police of your table, anons. I wasn't telling you what to do. I was responding to an anon who claims to suffer problems that I see easy solutions to.I don't care at all what edition of D&D you do or don't play.
>>94815674An actually good game instead of D&Dogshit.
>>94820612What if you never frequent the gamestore because you aren't interested in 5e slop?
>>948202657voz is better than Blueholme.
>>94819081>you have to go to stores to get playersThat's where you get the absolute lowlife dregs of the player pool, Anon. Those creatures are the bottom of the barrel tards who can't find and keep a group in any normal way. The fact you don't even know the normal ways exist speaks volumes about you.
>>94822629NTA what's the normal way?
>>94820625Retard hereSaved it as a .cbz, but can't read it with anything, what am I doing wrong
>>94823861check da pdf thread docs
>>94818309"I personally don't have a problem with it" doesn't excuse the poor quality control of a product a company expects money for, "world's greatest TTRPG" or not."I made these edits necessary for things to function" doesn't make a TTRPG good, it just means you made something you personally like."This is true for all TTRPGs" neither excuses poor design nor inherently makes any singular product better or worse than another.Having the attitude that you can move the goalposts whenever you want shows you don't want to run a game, you just want your group to flounder over themselves trying to appease your whims.
>>94826644>I don't like a thing>let me whine about it incessently!Just play something else if you wanna, anon. No one gives a shit. The GM is always responsible for designing encounters. The bad guys' stats are up to the GM in every RPG.Your complaints are a good reason for you to play something else if you that's how you feel. It's not a reason for anyone who doesn't have them not to play 5e. Your quibbles and complaints about the system are ultimately irrelevant. There is no perfect RPG. There never will be. It's just a game to play with friends. Maybe get some?
>>94815674>class that's only decent during the first 2 levels and useless during the rest>class that's useful at all levelstough choice
>>94827105OD&D Fighting-Men are like a walking Fireball spell against mooks, Anon. They also have superlative hit chances in fantastic combat.
>>94827207doesn't matter they have no options against bullshit
>>94827307Maybe you're just ignorant of the system you're talking about?The options oD&D presents against "bullshit are:- Armor Class- Saving Throws- Hit PointsFighters have the lowest AC, the most HP and the lowest saving throws of all classes (although the average for Wizards eventually catches up at level 16 to a fighter's average save at level 13).Fighters have the most options against bullshit, in oD&D.
>>94826849>The bad guys' stats are up to the GM in every RPG.Then there's no need for companies to sell books.
>>94827367not even worth engaging with a retard this dumb
>>94827388>I have been disproved>Quick! Call someone 'dumb">Haha showed him, nice save!I'm right.
>>94827376Correct: sourcebooks and supplements are always optional, in all RPGs. They provide ideas and frameworks and references that GMs may use if they choose to.You have accurately identified the business model of literally every RPG ever. Congrats.
>>94826849>whine>complaints>quibbles>irrelevantDismissal is a common tactic of those who don't have an argument.>there is no perfect RPGSo are illogical extremes.I'm talking about a product that a company expects people to pay for, calling itself the greatest of its kind, that doesn't deliver on its promises, and its users have to significantly change.
>>94827394>good saves means you always succeed :)nogame retard logic
>>94827410>Don't dismiss my opinions! You're obligated to engage with me because I typed about how angry I am!Don't care.
>>94827416Better saves as a fighter means that you more often succeed than a wizard or priest with worse saves, anon. That's how math works. So claiming that fighters have worse options to deal with bullshit is wrong, because they have more opportunities to do so. Thanks, math.
>>94827422Thank you for agreeing with me that D&D is a scam. I appreciate your concession.
>>94827435>Engage every stupid thing I say or I will proclaim myself the winner of an argument I tried to start!Don't care.
>>94827432spells enable you to approach situations without having to rub your balls against the cheese grater of bullshit monsters with bullshit abilities which every bestiary is chock full of, giving you a far better chance of success than slightly better savesof course you'd know nothing about this because you're a nogame retard
>>94827407Yeah, and the retards on this board always get mad about pointing out the fraudulent nature of TTRPGs as a business. You're paying for something you already get from other media.To call these things games is dishonest at best, and to charge money for them is exploitative.
>>94827456So you're trynig to express that you don't think supplements and sourcebooks should exist?Novel proposal: don't buy them.
>>94827455>literally did not actually read even one page of OD&Dlol. lmao.
>>94827493>literally coping and deflectingkek
>>94827455And more weapons, hit points and better AC and saves enable you to approach situations with more options than cowering behind cover and hoping you don't get attacked. I get that you really wanna sling that "nogames" meme around because it makes you feel better. But that's your hangup, anon. Not mine.
>>94827505>And more weapons, hit points and better AC and saves enable you to approach situations with more optionsthe only option is to walk forward and attack with no recourse for anything that doesn't play along except praying for a DM handout in the form of a magic item or an NPC caster>cowering behind cover and hoping you don't get attackedkeep outing yourself as the nogame that you are, dumb faggot
>>94827513Oh so you're getting to the level of straight-up stupid ignoring the game. Gotcha.Fighters have other options. For instance: missile weapons. Also characters are supposed to get magic items. That's part of how oD&D is intended to work. Saying that they only have options by "praying for a DM handout in the form of a magic item" is like saying wizards suck because they only have spells by "praying for a DM handout in the form of scrolls."That's true. But it's also a central conceit of the game that the DM is supposed to provide players with magic items and spells.
>>94827538sorry the game doesn't align with your delusional nogame fantasies and made up reddit greentexts
>>94827554I think you've just never actually read oD&D.Wizards get spells by finding scrolls. Fighters get magic items from treasures.That's the only way either character gets magical ability options. That is how the game is intended to function, anon. You seem confused and ignorant on a basic level.
>>94827562>he thinks shooting a bow is revolutionary versatilityKEK
>>94827575You seem to have replied to the wrong comment.Wizards get new spells by finding scrolls. Fighters get magic items by finding magic items. Each are equally controlled by the GM's distribution of treasure. Claiming that Wizard's inherently have an edge over fighters because fighters "only get magic abilities if the DM gives them items" ignores that wizards only get magic spells if the DSM gives them scrolls, in exactly the same fashion.Your argument is illogical and disproved.
>>94827596replied to the right onejust not letting you forget the height of your retardation
>>94827610What? You claimed fighters have no option except to walk forward and attack. Missile weapons do present other options than that. The thing you said is wrong. That is proof.
>>94827623>ackshually the fighter can just not walk forward... and attack!KEKAROOOOO
>>94827642That was your claim, anon. Here it is: >>94827513>the only option is to walk forward and attack with no recourse for anything that doesn't play alongWhat you said is falsed. As I demonstrated. You are wrong.>KEKAROOOOOShouldn't you be getting ready for school?
>>94827706You are feeding a troll, retard-kun. He knows perfectly well that he's wrong about everything.
>>94827706>ackshually... *adjusts glasses* the exact wording was *slurp* that you uh have to move..... so i winned this argumentlaughing my ass off
>>94827731I guess I get confused by it. I understand that some people are so deprived of human connection and feedback that they'd rather have negative attention than no attention. But it's an anonymouse board. OD&D isn't that hard to learn. Why wouldn't someone just make positive contributions, instead?
>>94827854Your made up horseshit is not a positive contribution. The board is in such dire straits because of you nogame subhumans.
>>94827854>Why wouldn't someone just make positive contributions, instead?Bitterness, low self-confidence, a spergy preference for the false sense of smug superiority you get when you convince yourself you're smarter than the guy you baited out, and not just less sincere.Also, if you're accustomed to posting trolling and flames, posting a real contribution fills you with fear of getting those same trolls and flames, of making yourself the target.
>>94828045>t. Elf
>>94815674Fighting-magic or man-user?
>>94827466Buying or not buying them doesn't change the facts I've cited.
>>94828916Fighting-User and Magic-Man.
>>94826849Let me let you in on a little secret: sometimes, games don't bullshit the player with inaccurate metrics so the GM knows how strong a given enemy is. Sometimes they even give a much more accurate estimate of their strength.
>>94819081>you can even get paid to do itPeople like you really disgust me. You're supposed to run games because you enjoy it. I know this is bait, but I'm taking it. If anyone ever offered to pay me money to run a game for them I would go out of my way to never associate with them in the future.
>>94815674Magic-User, because I'm a nerd and wizards are cool
>>94823091I would assume he just means having a friend group that plays TTRPGs or networking to build a circle of TTRPG-playing acquaintances, but he's talking about it in a weird way. Might also mean applying to join games.
>>94818309>yeah bro, the system works great if you rewrite the mechanics to your likinglol. i'll just make my own system for free, rather than spend hundreds of dollars amassing a bunch of books and still having to rewrite all the statblocks
>>94832040>I'm a nerd