This is a thread for us wizardchads, sorcerers and general spellcasters Tell me how you play them, what you tend to center your characters and playstyles around, and what your favorite spells are.
>>95031971The only necromancer I played was more concerned with prolonging his own lifespan/seeking immortality than making zombies.
How do we feel about Spellblades?
>>94914862>le reddit meme build 5e player tried that once in the only game that they ever tried playing with us and ragequit. >Cast fireball point blank not realizing I've DMed since 94 and know how to deal with shenanigans >My normal players well aware of this and have played with me for 10+ years on average >Inside of wooden building with 10 foot ceilings/multiple stories >Break out ye olde' 3.5 material damage and hardness rules >calculate blast radius spread/damage >meme wizard blows out flooring under them + ceilings above them.>take fall damage going into basement and lands smack in the middle of a holding pen for prisoners. This is where they keep the REAL valuable prisoners. >Building is on fire now.>Other players gtfo >Guards gtfo cause they know they layout/exit. Can't fight a fire like that with a sword and dagger you know?>Meme wizard dies from building collapsing on them + smoke inhalation >Rest of party has to book it out of town because Guards are after them and crawling out of everywhere >Guards literally have a horn system to alert each other of where to get to.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94976596That's actually extremely based.
>>94921367"Wizard school" is cringe unless it's an ultra elite or secret organization. It shouldn't be something you can "enroll in" and "go to" even if you are born with high aptitude. Questionable ethics, disturbingly bankrolled, black boxes only. A wizard shouldn't sit at a desk unless it is their own.
It's about time, why did GW wait a decade and a half giving NPCs like the Raven Guard rules for their Leaders but not the Worldeater Matriarch?
>>95063856>"Lotara is everything the Primarch is not – calm, level-headed, and respected by the World Eaters."So, why is her model a screaming maniac waving a sword?
>>95063856>WE are mad because the chirping of all the fire alarms on all their ships
You retarded fuckers are so retarded you didn't even notice that the OP's filename is tell you this is a bait thread.
>>95066607Yes, and...?
You missed the general dude
Would B/X D&D and/or AD&D be the best system for running a game inspired by old Final Fantasy (1 - 6). I'm talking about exploring an overworld, getting into adventures, finding cities with problems and dungeons to explore and best. I don't have much experience playing these systems but seeing how FF1 basically just ripped of the AD&D monster manual wholesale and how you can easily reskin classes from older D&D into FF jobs (fighter/mage or B/X elf as Red Mage, Cleric as White Mage etc) it seems like the best fit.
>>95065112"Material to know" is the precisely wrong way to think about GURPS.The first and most important thing to know about GURPS is that it is not a ruleset. It is a toolkit. Just like how LEGO is not the Millennium Falcon. You pick and choose the blocks as you design and build the Millennium Falcon. But you could use those same blocks to build whatever else if you wanted to. LEGO blocks are not something you have to "know" beyond just understanding that you can snap them together.There's a lot published with the GURPS logo on the cover. But like.... ok? Right on the front cover in huge bold letters it tells you what the book contains. Are you running transhuman cyberpunk spaceships? No? Then why do you need to look in that book? Are you running Wild West cowboys? Are you running WW2 commandos? Are you running interdimensional psychic ninjas?No?Then you don't need to look in those books.Are you running super simple little sword-and-sorcery dungeon exploration RPGs? Then look in the Dungeon Fantasy books. It's that easy. They even compiled and condensed everything into a single stand-alone product so that you can run it with just those few books and you don't even need Basic Set for it. And you can run all of Final Fantasy 1 with nothing but just DF1: Adventurers and DF2: Dungeons. And if you're familiar with GURPS already, you don't even need those, you could run it with GURPS Lite which is like three pages. Three PAGES."Tons of books"??? I don't know where the fuck you kids get these ideas.
>>95044156You can literally do everything you described wanting to do with B/X.>Overworld exploration Make a hex crawl map.>Finding towns and quests.Use hex crawl map + locations >Explore dungeonsGet graph paper, make dungeon >Ressurect in town NPC cleric in town. >Converting classes elf= red Mage etcThat's already been done. Just give red Mage access to cleric/wizard spells. They're still limited to castings per day.>White Mage No armor Make a white Mage class. Just use wizard and give them cleric only spells.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95066193Well... black mages are mediocre at best. They "blow stuff up" if the stuff is just a group of trash mobs that would die in two rounds anyway. So it saves you one round of combat. The only reason it was important in the original Final Fantasy games is that some of those trash mobs were cocatrice or other petrifying foes, so you had to wipe the whole encounter in one turn or else it was a hard-guaranteed TPK. And they had a teleport spell, so that could be handy.But by mid game they were already a burden on the team and they contribute absolutely nothing in the last two boss fights. It was a pretty famously awful situation. Like to the point that "black mages, man...." was a meme all the way until after the '90s (and Vivi still caught a lot of flak for it, though the character was charming enough that he was mildly popular in spite of his terribad performance in the game, mechanically).To be sure, they weren't as bad as thieves, though. You needed a thief in the early game to keep up with the demand for potions (because your white mage's spells are NOT gonna last long enough to get through an entire dungeon), but their contribution otherwise was just garbage by mid-late game. Especially their class promotion into Ninja did nothing for them.But anyway.Yeah, the "herp derp how do you make a cleric who can't wear armor?!" idiocy has me throwing my hands up in despair. Just tell your players they can't wear armor or use weapons, guys, it's not hard.
What would be a good system for Dragon Quest
>>95068383Sword World
Recently I read the 2e book Menzoberranzan and it might be my favorite d&d book I’ve ever read, the focusing on one culture in such an alien environment, going over taboos, typical drow mentality, holy days etc really made the dark elves seem unique and fleshed out, which ultimately I think should be the goal of almost every humanoid race.Which made me think, why haven’t we gotten a similar book for most other races? Especially orcs, a favorite of mine, which never seem to get much official material written about them. So here is a thread for bouncing ideas about what you ultimately think should be a part of orcish living and settlements, everything from physical description, outlook on life, what gods they worship and why, where they live, either in caves like 1e or more nomadic wanderers like modern editions. If you were going to make something like the Elder Scrolls Orsinium in a Ttrpg what would you make sure to include?
All orcs should breed giant war boars to ride.
>>95055910>"They kill and steal for Killstealius. Stop asking stupid questions and roll the dice, we have 3 more random encounters to get through after this."That's dumb. It's fine if you want to have a race that exists solely as a guilt free XP delivery device in your campaign (assuming you do have one, right anon?), but that's so fucking out of place in so many stories. "I don't like it so it's not worth exploring for anyone" is the mindset of a stupid child who won't eat their vegetables. Faggot.
>>95066141I accept your concession, cope harder miserable faggot
>>95066683I’ve never been the biggest fan, but I can see how they could be appealing, I always thought as something like a seperate species as I do really enjoy the moblin type enemies from the LOZ and think they could fit in fine. My one problem with beastmen type races is they don’t have any visual distinction from the “beast” half of them a lot of the times outside of being bipedal. A goat man is literally just a goat on two legs instead of, a more interesting, goat-like or inspired design. Think even like, the werewolf from American Werewolf in London or Dog Soldiers, you can tell they’re based on wolves sure, but they still look “distinct” but anyway going back to orcs and porcs, another way I’ve thought about solving this is just to have theme use wild boar as cattle / dire boars as mounts, maybe they worship a god who bestows being a wereboar on certain members as a blessing. That bravely default design is very charming though, I will admit >>95059380I know Tolkien always struggled with the sort of morality of the orcs but modern orcs are pretty divorced from what he had in mind at this point I think. They get the sunlight weakness sure but the orcs in the LOTR are more like modern day goblins, they’re short, squat things while the modern idea of an orc is usually much bigger than a man and built broad and sturdy. I don’t see why these can’t be either subspecies or distinct but partially related groups though, he’ll forgotten realms has neo-orogs as the lab grown orc villains for the wizards of Thay and while I find the name pretty stupid it does let you have your tribal savage orcs and your dark lord fodder at the same time. >>95066141I know this is just shitposting but all this brings to mind is the two orcs Samwise overhears in Mordor talking about wanting better lives lol, there is moral depth to the orcs in Tolkien, pretty blatantly actually
>>95067124I do feel like this should be a more common thing for orcs, boars as mounts just feels correct, the question becomes, what about wargs? Do you give them to some other race as mounts or do you combine wargs with dire boars because I do enjoy the relationship between orcs and their wolf-ish mounts. Usually the hounds are more intelligent than their riders and won’t hesitate to start picking off members of the tribe if food gets too scarce
>walk into Target for the first time in ages>have been getting back into MTG as of late, and head over to the card section just to see what’s there>get there and there’s some worker stacking Pokémon boxes, and lined up behind him there are fifteen fucking people, waiting at 3PM on a Thursday to scalp Pokémon cards>the line is filled with the elderly, the underage, single mothers with toddlers in their shopping cart, white trash, black trash, neckbeards, even a downie>well thankfully I’m there for MTG so I walk right on past them and check out Aetherdrift>everyone in the line starts shouting at me, I explain that I’m not there for Pokémon>even the wagie shelf stacker is suspicious and says I can’t be there while he’s stacking>I’m bemused as fuck, dare I say more bemused than I’ve ever been in my entire life because I’m getting yelled at by all these scalpers for trying to buy a completely different card game (that I actually want to play, not scalp)>anyhoo, I walk away and join my friend who’s checking out and start bitching at him about what just happened (he saw the whole thing)>just then the shelf stacker finishes his first stack and steps back>the line falls apart, one wigger starts pushing and shoving people and grabs a fuckton of boxes and runs away, cursing them out>neckbeard Redditor starts screaming and shouting for security, who were waiting close by>tears are spilling down the single mom’s face, nevertheless she still has like six boxes in her cart>downie is just staring into space, dumbfounded>redditor is insisting the wagies go confront the wigger (now in self checkout) and take away his Pokémon cards and give them to the Redditor Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95066152I might for that much. I am almost tempted to basically trade it in for the recent print of junk warrior, but idrc.
>>95055998where are the dice, dude?
>>95060864Pokemon cards are way less embarrassing than cryptocoins or NFTs.
>>95055998>>95065785Wouldn't surprise me. I'm UK based and my flgs has a real problem with people coming in off of the street to steal pokemon boosters, they had to move them to a shelf facing the till. A friend of mine also buys cards to flip, but he's more casual about it than these box+ of boosters nightmare stories.I don't understand it myself.>>95065785
>>95056024Saying he was going to buy Aetherdrift Drift was a big tell
A setting where the living city is a whale and all its inhabitants sea people and draugr
>>95068130>the big bad of the game is an omnicidal radical priest of the whale god who wants to free his beloved deity of the parasites that chafe him.
>>95068024Such a deep setting I'm so immersed.Having a whale of a time.
>>95068191For what porpoise are you posting like this?
>>95068024... ok?
I wish gatekeeping was real so that certain people wouldn't be allowed to enter the community. This has been a problem for decades now but its become really bad the last few years. Browsing through my local game store and having to listen to normies talk about their favorite episode of critical fail is sickening. This board has also been totally infested by these subhumans. I wish I had a time machine and go back to when this hobby wasn't overrun by these pathetic mockeries of human decency.
>>94995791I've been playing Drow, Kobolds and Dwarves since 2008Nothing you can do to stop me OP
>>95066468I think we're coming up on 111 now aren't we? Think it'll be within 3 years or by 2030. Either way, I bet it'll be the last time too many people are pissed off
>>95061663Whaaat? No wayy that changes everyyything But seriously though that doesn't change anything and only tells me you're a sheep.
>>95061663nobody can be your president when you're sovereign citizen
>>95011873The solution is go to church and cheat there.
Yu-Gi-Oh! General #566Justice for Apollousa EditionPrevious thread: >>94935940Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online PlayAutomated Sims:●EDOPro website:●EDOPro:●YGO Omega:●Dueling Nexus:●Master Duel: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95065300You realize that half of Maliss builds are Cyberse Soup, right? Where do you think those cards come from?
>>95064156Kind of, the comparison falls apart at that point though. An experienced player on a weaker character in other PvP games can still defend against S+ tier characters with enough knowledge and physical skill, but in a card game that's not an option beyond luck of the draw, as the other anon mentioned. It'd be like if Vergil/Zero/etc could survive enough damage to kill other characters multiple times over on top of their offensive flexibility, while the devs were still updating and balancing the game and leaving the massive power disparity alone.
>>95066427>An experienced player on a weaker character in other PvP games can still defend against S+ tier characters with enough knowledge and physical skill, but in a card game that's not an option beyond luck of the draw, as the other anon mentioned.Pure Fire King literally just won a YCS last weekend.
>>95066427Adding on to what the other anon mentioned, Pure Ancient Gear infamously got Top 8 at the Fargo WCQ Regional, when Fire King/Fiendsmith/Snake-Eye and Tenpai were running rampant> fighting game comparisons become a lot more apt when you consider scenarios like this. Where people can spend all their time preparing for top-tier threats in their meta, while completely foregoing practice for the random strong-but-untiered decks/mid-to-low tier fighters that are lurking in the shadows. Corbin went 6-0 in this event because nobody was prepared for the protection that Ancient Gear is able to set up, in addition to its big numbers. With better matchup knowledge, people know to never let them get their backrow set up, maybe using Fiendsmith's Desirae to blank them so that you can use the rest of your tech to screw them over. Mertjan lost gracefully here, too. It was a breath of fresh air to see someone completely befuddled by some of the obscene shit printed in this game without being angry.
Hey guys, the character options for eclipse phase 2E is finally out!You can get it for free on rob boyles website How have your EP games been going?
What did post human mean by this?
>>95060993Realistically you'll just be outcompeted by a posthuman with less retarded objectives who's more focused on his singularity seeking and die anonymously in space like so many others
>>95060993You need:>The expertise and equipment necessary to create alpha forks of yourself.>Enough processing power and data storage to do the above at a reasonable pace.>The expertise and nanofabricator necessary for producing a suitably dangerous morph, such as a Reaper.>Access to the schematics of a suitably dangerous morph, such as a Reaper.>The expertise necessary to jailbreak the schematics, as they often come with all sorts of locks and limitations that prevent them from being printed by anyone.>Enough of the requisite materials to make a small army of them.>An armada of spaceships that can ferry them through the system and the expertise to pilot them.>Enough energy to enable all of the above.Have you accomplished all of that?Congratulations, but you're still a decade behind everyone else who had the same plan, and who are still nowhere near conquering the solar system. Governments and corporations still exist for a reason, cooperation is still the best way of getting shit done.
>>95062577>sufficiently dangerous morphNot really, morphs get blown the fuck out in space combat.War is dominated by ships because they can mount 10x damage scale guns and go fast. The only thing you can use to realistically fight them at the morph scale are stacked explosives and the number of combined claymores you need to print to skeet a spaceship of out the sky is a lot higher than the amount they would need to glass your city on a planet just due to range limits.Also, most would-be singularity seekers with bodied morphs are just going to get facefucked by ETIs/titans because if you have 100000N bodies you have 100000N times the infection rolls you have to make as soon as there's a basilisk hack. The reason why fork storms can be stable on places like glitch is that it's just an autistic little box that can't even see the physical surface of the hab it's on let alone anything going on outside.>invade the moon>some guy outside who killed his family and walked out onto the surface to work on his art sees you and drops his pants>go mad from the revelation of Thing ballsRealistically the only thing ever worth sleeving into outside of an infomorph is a hab brain, and RAW they didn't actually print one with 40s (though this does seem extremely incongruous with the descriptions of the best ones, and the hab brain stats is only a minimal example anyway).
It's fucking weird, but I've recently seen a lot of players who don't actually like 'threatening' scenarios where they can fail or be undermined. It's like they assume they win by default, and get upset when they fuck up.>Players rushing to interrupt cult sacrifice>They take too long, NPC gets sacrificed because they were waiting for an opening>Booed out of the village as the girl's mother weeps and the father collapsesI mean, what did they think would happen? Did they think the townsfolk would go "At least you tried, don't be upset"?
>>95058271This pisses me off because I'm always the player who instigates and our DM punishes us every single time.>Party twiddles their thumbs and fucks around for half an hour>DM punishes us for being passive>Decide to take charge with a plan to rush things along>Oops, your plan is wrong, get punishedI want to play the game and I'm stuck between a rock and some retards.
>>95058271That's retarded. Yeah there's the cocasional hysterical cunt when a firefighter fails to do their job, but for the most part people recognize when someone is risking their life to help others.Basically, you're an idiot and you need to live in the world more. You're operating on pure cartoon comic bullshit "logic" where spiderman is seen as a shitty criminal barely better than the villains he's stopping instead of the guy doing the job the government won't.
>>95061246You already did.
>>950631141. You're an idiot. It sounds like they just got there late. It's not like the cult had a big lit up sign reading SACRIFICES HERE outside their lair.2. Some of my characters would have actively killed the chick they were supposed to rescue anyway.
>>95065268Most adventurers are violent and have superpowers. The meal ruining villagers are lucky that when they told them about the cultists that the party didn't just say "lol" before raping all the hot women publicly and torching the town.
It is actually so annoying Trench Crusade is going to be forever surrounded by grifter controversy and shit flinging because of a dumb narrative they started after being banned from fucking discords over their racism and homophobias.Literally none of the controversies have to do with the actual game, its universe, or models, its all to do with one event where Chudhammer fags couldnt turn off for a second and found a new thing to grift around. At least so far this doesnt seem to have effected the success of the game
>>95064494And it is a shit art too.
>>95012986>tranny moderatorThis is how communities die.
>>95012986>game about fighting satan>you get banned for not calling a man a womanHe's already playing the LARP
>>95033120Most people exhibit traits that they themselves aren't aware of, but almost everyone around them becomes aware of said traits quickly if not immediately. If you join a space and you have the "incorrect" political views for that community and you think you're being sly about it and just making some subtle comments, people will notice quite quickly. Especially if you're new to that community. Have you ever been in a twitch chat and every other new viewer makes the exact same trite observation?>"Hey man, I used to love your youtube videos, had no idea you streamed!"They think it is an original comment, but everyone else has seen it at least a dozen times before on that same day? It's the same if you go into the trench crusade discord and start "just asking questions to play devil's advocate" about whatever thing you're currently upset about makes your "secret" intent glaringly obvious. You'll get culled for the good of the herd.
>>95064472lol, at least their military is funded, our military is the largest employer in the country and it's a 100%-debt-driven jobs program for angry poor retards (and part of that debt is owned by china lmao)."russia tier corruption" has nothing on western capitalism. A country needs to ensure the safety of its evil ruling elite and place their interests above all other interests before it can even hold a candle to regular-ass above-board North American politics.
Not just some autist talking to himself.
Updated map to merge >>95066341 with >>95013605
>>95066611Among the many arcane discoveries obtained from the return of the castle, one that has spread like wildfire throughout the region would be that which is aptly named the 'firegrain'. These grains of pure flame about the size of a grain of sand is said to be created from magical energies forced into a solid shape through some arcane ritual. Properties of these grains are that they would combust when given the spark of a heat or when magical energies overflows and their physical barrier can no longer contain the essence stored within. Whilst mages could simply use these firegrains as a catalyst for pyromancy magic, many of what they would call "untalented" individuals have also benefitted, mainly from using them in multiple methods and instances that a practitioner of the arcane arts would not even bother to think of. No longer does a state need to seek the employment of a magician should they wish to create wonderful displays and dances of light in the evening sky for merry occasions and celebrations, as engineers from Cyros have found a method for even the layman to perform said dazzling displays of light with nothing more than the lit wick of a candle and one of their 'firework' creation.
The Great Sorcerous Canal is an unfinished project started during the reign of the Late Sybellon Emperor Rexus Sybel XVI and lasted for 7 years before resources had to be diverted to stop the multiple rebellions plaguing the Empire. Plans for The Great Sorcerous Canal was drafted as a way for merchants and naval ships to have a safe and fast passage between The Southern Sea and The Great Sea, as well as to reduce the threat of the recently broken off Mercendax Conclave. Whilst The Skirmish Sea used to be a safe naval lane, multiple and repeated use of the region now known as Goat Isle and Rose Land as a testing site and dumping ground for magical energies have affected the neighbouring seas in a negative way, as ships have been reported to disappear one night only to reappear with none of the crews present or even the ship suddenly disappearing leaving the crew to be stranded in the cursed waters. The Canal currently sits partly finished, and while the surrounding town that was built to support the canal have vowed to complete it, work on it has not been continued due to multiple internal and external factors.
>>95066626forgot >>95038835
>>95065830this but it's a hot catgirl
It makes me laugh when 40kfag pretend their dudes are hot shit. Everyone knows a stormcast could take a cuckstodes in a fight. The weakest snotling in the Mortal Realms would utterly destroy squadrons of orkboyz due to the realms being made from pure magic and those raised in it beign far stronger than any living thing in the galaxy
>>95060150Who cares. If he did, the inhuman, once-man lightning elemental will tear them appart like they would an Imperial Knight.
>>95060811seethe, Ferrus and Sanguinius would have profited from that ability
>>95057125You say this like GW is raping the 40k lore in real time, lol. You're basically admitting your game has nothing going for it anymore.
>>95062464what is wraithbone made off again? What genders are allowed in the Custodes?
>>95062456>Ferrus and Sanguinius would have profited from that abilityI prefer that they die once than that they revive only to die several more times and prove that they are jobbers.
Book says no edition>Balance Dataslate>Community Links:>3rd Party Models Pastebin:>Pre 10th Torrent:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95069056>the faction with pearly white and shiny vibrant tech with beautiful smooth metal and sleek machinesBut enough about the Necrons already!
>>95069085oh you get what i meantpretty beautiful though
>>95069022no fun allowed
>>95068961That mino is so based and cool!! Space marinea looks so cool now!!! I can't imagine playing space marines when they looks bad!! Im glad its not 2005!
New Thread>>95068571>>95068571>>95068571
Ok anons, after not having ran a game in forever I need to get of my lazy ass and get something done so me and my group have decided to play pic related. We're gonna start with the Edgerunners Kit as a learning tool and after we're done with the adventure in that thing and the free one they got on their website we'll move over to Red proper and they'll get to make their own characters. Question is, how should I structure a campaign for this game? I don't like just doing scene by scene adventures, I want a bit of a sandbox and it doesn't really seem as straightforward to run one in this as in say, a fantasy system. I'm thinking that the group will go around the city, make contacts, friends, enemies etc and from that get ideas for missions they can potentially take that lead into like your classic cyberpunk caper, rinse and repeat. Does Cities Without Numbers have good GM tools I can pilfer for this?>ib4 Red sucks, play 2020I kinda want to move over to 2020 eventually but for now we are playing Red and see how we mesh with it.
>>95067234I can't provide you with system specific advice, but once you have them out of the gate on an adventure, consider baiting them with incidental stuff that isn't really 'a job' but still invites engagement. A tenement fire they can help with. A local juve gang steals their car (they're a catspaw for some larger org, which may even scout the PCs if they competently nix their flunkies). A neighbor in their crash pad goes out of his or her way to befriend them, then gets in trouble with loan sharks/a drug addict family member/corrupt cops/their boss/a belligerent ex.Basically the tldr is sometimes have (small) adventures come to them. If they just ignore them, fine. If they solve them and wander off, fine. But often players will grab a thread from a nothingburger quest and tug - and that's a good thing, especially if your sandbox game runs against the problem of 'we don't know what to do,' like many do.
>>95067234I did a few sandbox adventures in Call of Cthulhu, but I think the principles can work in Cyberpunk too.>give the players a mission that has a clear location, goal and success state>go to the industrial district, find Iron Lenny, convince him to pay his cybernetics tab>add complications like Lenny can't pay because his boss is refusing to pay workers for a month until they accept the new terms>flesh out the boss's personality in three lines and his goals, do the same for some other incidental characters like the accountant and the chief of security>say that in the daytime the boss is always at the tittie bar and the chief of security always at the warehouse complex and the accountant is in some office building>let the players figure out what to do from thereIt's going to take a lot of work and improv on your part, bit it always paid off for me. Then again I love running sandbox adventures.The first anon also gave great advice. Use incidental events that can be a mission so the world feels more alive.Also look up Seth Skorkowsky's tips on youtube. I stole the clear goals line from him.