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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

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I quickly went through the humansphere wiki and cropped all the currentish TAGs as well as the ones posted here nu-tik pic is so huge its the only one I had to resize it

I know the old Liz was a midget and could be confused for a modern S5 HI but it's always been S7.
You might be onto something with the silhouette, which is stupid since model size doesn't have to correspond to Size. Just look at the damn umbra samaritan.
than the actual Oyoroi? Yes. Better than the Mechathing? Nope
old one was better (And metal)
>Just look at the damn umbra samaritan.
that is the number one culprit for making models closer to their silhouette. I fucking hate that model.
Hopefully this TAG has BTS6 and ECM Hacker because JSA just doesn't have the support network for a TAG. The character engineer wants to be in a fireteam (which in JSA are usually aggressive) and the support pack engineer is as garbage as the faction's hackers. If it's another cheap TAG (which it can't be since it clearly has melee prowess) it will compete with the Karakuri and Daiyokai and lose because those are linkable and the Karakuri has Total Immunity. It might see more play than the OYoroi if it's just a better OYoroi but that'd be sad for the OYoroi.

What I'd rather see JSA get is a smoke warband so it becomes possible to advance your samurai link even if Yojimbo gets alpha striked. How about 6pt shrine maidens with smoke and naginata da ccw, that'd be cool.

You're welcome.
Even more reason to not have them.
fuck off foot fag and my setting dosent have em
Your setting doesn't have feet?
Did you know Harry Potter's goblins were based on insular Celtic dwarves?
FPBP, my setting doesn't have dwarves because they're overdone and boring as shit.

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For a month, a coven of high-tier hags had their way with a small town at the edge of wilderness (about 3000 inhabitants). No power in the town could see through their disguise or oppose them effectively. At the end of the month, town is emotionally and physically massacred and there is nothing left there for the hags to drain.

What would this town be like after that? All townsfolk dead as they tried to swarm in the sewers? A local church, with dead childten stacked 10ft high? A single man left "surviving" only on peoples' ears?

What is to be found in a town, thoroughly hollowed out by such a coven?
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Oy v-...
If you want them to get close and personal, the hags can target a section of the city (probably the ruling class), let them be free from disease or poison, but psychologically torture them in the way you described.
This way, you have most of the city just plain dead, and the closer your players get to the city center the more insane people seem to have gotten before their grim demise. Otherwise, I would say three weeks is too short a time to subvert the whole city, and limiting yourself to a 300 inhabitants section for the more graphic stuff will probably be way easier.
Another option would be that most people fled when the disasters started striking, but the hags manipulated a select few into staying only to drive them mad until they killed their families. If you're attached to the idea of the whole town being dead with no survivors, I would suggest using other covens of much lower ranking hags who work in the service of the main three.
One game I played in had a trio of hags take over a town each.
The first had flooded her town with polluted water (she could breathe underwater) and offered the survivors hardtack food for alchemical reagents.
The second had flooded the countryside with giant bugs that ate most of the wildlife and stored food, but were somewhat edible. She'd also covered her town in briars and was slowly converting the populace into mindless spriggons that served her will
The third just slaughtered everyone in her town.

I figure if you use multiple towns each affected by different hags, you can get more mileage out of their different effects on townships.
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Hags/witches often get crow/raven motifs, but I like to push it a bit further back and hit them with dinosaur theming.
Subtle magic and bargains are fine and all, but when it's time for the final confrontation, there's very few bits of magic better than turning into a dinosaur. Really scratches that monkey part of the brain.
wouldn't it scratch the reptile part?

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>Thread Question: How can we summarize the existing lore into a more manageable format?

>Thread task: Give feedback for the card game.


Map of the World Wiki


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Surprised these were the only named weapons thus far.
>hat being said individual parts of it are quite far developed, original and honestly pretty good. We could use these parts as starting points for new settings to develop around them.
I remember someone mentioning the bog witch swamps as the base for a more focused setting/game system. At this point I'm not against that idea, though I still want to finish the compendium for Giantstep in general.
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We still need to complete the list of cities.
By the way, have you checked the compendium files in the op? The only big thing in need of adding are the nation's lore, and some help adding it to the files would be nice.
I'd be down for it. It's easy my favorite part of the map.

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The best avian races are those that are inspired by the Skeksis and other dark, evil birdmen. Dark, brooding, scheming creatures. This is just a fundamental fact of worldbuilding. You can argue with me if you want, but deep down you know that evil, shadowy birds have the best aesthetics, best personalities, and have the potential for great lore.
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>sample size of 1
Whats your sample size?
He means that the sample size for intelligent talking human-shaped life forms is just 1 species (with our cousin-species coming close in almost every way). He's still full of crap, I'm not saying that all intelligent life has to be human-shaped, I'm saying the opposite. Nature as we know it doesn't produce anthropomorphic animals. If nature produced another intelligent animal (in its own time and in its own way) then it would probably look nothing like a human. We don't tell stories about anthropomorphic animals because they're plausible, we tell stories about anthropomorphic animals because they're cool, and in most cases the explanation is some magical or metaphysical humanoid-element which was used to create multiple species in the game world (and not just natural selection or convergent evolution). What I'm saying is that bird-people with boobs make at least as much sense as bird-people without boobs.
Yea, and Happy Time Murders was surprisingly good, but still in generally they haven't been doing so good.
Which, again, seems stupid from the point of view of all the people (me included) who wish we could throw more money at Dark Crystal. That show was beautiful.
But, eh, if I'm being honest it really wasn't a good kid's show, I've tried showing it to kids and they just seem disturbed by it, it was made for people like me who want to see hardcore good-vs-evil couched in the terms of our youth.
Oh well.
<ask a question, admit ignorance
>you're retarded for not memorizing children's books from the 80s!!1!
touch grass
Well, you're a little retarded for that, considering they're one of the most iconic parts of the whole thing. But mostly you're a retard because of all the other dumb shit you said.

Is it safe to say that RPG's would not exist without D&D and Gygax, and that it is the "purest" an RPG can ever be? Or do you think RPG's were an inevitability and it was just a matter time someone decided to officially publish their wargame/whatever homebrew and that D&D isn't the end-all be-all?
I've seen some OSR discussions that view any early deviation from old D&D's(ie Runequest and Chaosium's BRP system) as the first signs of the death of the medium and when they were starting to stop being "games". Granted OSR is D&D-centric, but this view is held for RPG's as a whole. And on the other hand, I hear people talk about how certain games were already starting to focus on smaller scale scenarios, like that one survival game whose hex map was used for early D&D, and that D&D just gave people the confidence to know there's a market for games like this and Gygax was just the first guy to do it.
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>there were already fantasy games played, and he copied the fireball spell from one.
I'd like to know these, especially where Gygax got fireball from.
>but without D&D it would have been published in another form and with different rules, becoming perhaps the first role-playing game.
Barker had been developing Tekumel on his own for decades at this point, but as a setting and not a game. I don't think he would've thought of expressing his setting through games if it wasn't for D&D showing him that RPG's are a good way to explore a setting.
It's a bit similar to Glorantha and Greg Stafford. I've seen people suggest him as example of the rumblings of potential RPG's in the early 70's. He was developing Glorantha since the 60's, and did wanted to express his world through gaming and he did. But it was a board war game in the late 60's and he seemed to have been fine showing off his setting through that alone. It wasn't until fans of it started playing D&D and wanted to see Glorantha as an RPG, and someone else at Chaosium already already making their own system inspired by D&D, did Runequest come about.
Leonhard Patt - Rules for Middle Earth (1970) (not a commercial product, just shared fantasy wargame rules).
>It wasn't until fans of it started playing D&D and wanted to see Glorantha as an RPG, and someone else at Chaosium already already making their own system inspired by D&D, did Runequest come about.
I read that Runequest was already in development by the time OD&D came out, so any inspiration would have come only after the fact.
You forgot Conan.
Lmao. I tried to make a Oregon trails type board game with one of neighbor friends (a girl) when we were kids. Fucked up by not keeping that relationship going on MySpace and Facebook as we grew up. Makes me sad when i remember it.

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The Biggest Rat That Makes All Of The Rules Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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>has a large tight-knit family
Not a good thing.

>awkwardly clingy
Not a bad thing.
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How are you anons doing?
I like the balance idea.

Fine, hope you too.
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What about mousekins?
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Looks like they're just mice.

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As the degenerate in question, the satanic panic had a grain of truth to it, they just went after the wrong targets.
Raw and bloody?
With a dick?
6 years old?
black, bitter, preferably fair trade?

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Are the OSR community just sniffing their own farts?

I've been looking into OSR games, but it seems like a lot of the hype around them lacks substance to it. The philosophy of rulings over rules seems to promote arbitrariness resulting in "Mother may I" and relying on GM fiat.

The oft lauded approach of "Combat as War" while it sounds exciting in theory, is falsely juxtaposed against "Combat as Sport" i.e. systems with actually engaging combat mechanics. There is nothing preventing a GM in a more modern system from running "Combat as War" all that is required is player creativity and an ability to respond to it. It just seems to be a crutch to distract from the fact that the actual game mechanics in OSR games for combat are repetitive and dull.

OSR seems to pitch itself as a hardcore grim and gritty style of roleplaying, but it seems to me that its closer to story games, with barebones systems acting as minimum support for players trying to convince the GM to let them do whatever they want, with the results being down to GM fiat.
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>You can bend almost any system into doing anything with sufficient rule changes or alterations.
That you can make a game of the imagination into a different game by changing the rules is not a particularly interesting or useful statement. You are going to at best from here pedantically narrow in on
to the extent where if there aren't actual chains and violence making you not do it, it can be anything you want.
System design for different styles of gameplay, as you already outline >>93251002
does indeed present impediments to playing games in certain ways.
Actually, there's an entire genre of games for these people. Forge and post-Forge storygames. Don't like the GM's call, use meta-mechanics to override it.
>Wrong. Attribute checks are not OSR.
Attribute checks are a thing in B/X.
Yes if we're talking the tradfags on /osrg/, no if we're talking "people who like old-school D&D because it's simpler to GM" or "people making new games inspired by old-school feel". Very different groups. The latter is chill and is reminiscent of old /tg/ DIY energy, the former is bitches who didn't catch the memo that edition wars aren't a thing anymore.

Also, /Dullahan General/, post cool pics of Dullahans and talk about cool Dullahan stuff.

So several months back, some anon started a thread about underrated fantasy races. He and I had a good back and forth about Dullahans and it unlocked a hidden memory of a children's book that ignited my interest in them. All I remembered was that it was a story about a little ghost who was afraid of all the other ghosts in a haunted castle, until he met a dullahan princess. He thought she was just a regular girl, so he wasn't afraid, until her head accidently popped off. After calming him down, he realized that they were all just like him, and she went and introduced him to all her other ghost friends. I promised anon that's I'd post it when I found it.
After a long search, I finally reached out to my sister to see if she remembered this book, and she was able to find it! It was in a story book called "A treasury for 6 year olds," and the story itself was called 'The Ghost who was Afraid' by Gill Davies. As far as I can tell, this was a story made specifically for this book, so I can't really find anything else about it online. I ordered a copy, which should be here in 2 weeks. But I wanted to post this now in the hopes that anon will see this. otherwise, post dullahan pics!
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That's more or less what they are, but there are a few weird things about them that make them very interesting to me. They come from celtic mythology, and despite the fact that they are obviously ghosts/undead, they are traditionally seen as fey creatures, for some reason. I've been unable to determine why that is. There are some sources that say they are fey spirits that take on the appearance of the dead, which is why they appear around grave yards. Gold is also used to ward them off, which i also strange, as it's usually silver or iron. They don't have to be a knight, but are always involved with horses, whether it be as a messenger, a knight, or a coachman. The legend of sleepy hollow really helped to popularize the idea of them, but there are a lot of discrepancies between the headless horseman and the traditional dullahan. Like the pumpkin head and the spine whip, these are modern interpretations. the whip comes from the coachman idea, because they have to use a whip to drive horses, and a spine whip sounds scarier than a normal one, and the pumpkin head is a merging of America's jack-o-lantern obsession and the original description of the heads, which were very unhuman. they had bulging eyes far off to either side, with rotting flesh, and a wide, sharp toothed grin. kinda sounds like a jack-o-lantern though.
personally, I like the idea that they are their own race of (relatively) normal humanoids with an undead/fey origin. I think they make for fun characters in rpgs.
>despite the fact that they are obviously ghosts/undead, they are traditionally seen as fey creatures, for some reason
because there isn't actual difference between those things
Probably my favorite type of undead.
They can watch themselves be fucked.
I mean, fey creatures were never human, so yes, there is a difference?

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Kinda sad there never was an attempt to make a physical version of Card Fighters, the game was legit better than most TCGs currently on the market.
There is a printed version fanmade
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Hi TG. I’ve never played a ttrpg before but am looking to get started with some of the boys. I don’t want Mexican lesbian female orcs… looking for more of a 70s heavy metal style with high risk of player death. I’ve been reading a lot trying to find a system and so far dungeon crawl classics and Warhammer fantasy RPG 1st edition seem most in line with what I’m looking for, but hoping I can lean on you fine folks for some suggestions.
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Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics are all you need, especially if everyone is new to the game. You usually start at level 0 and become heroes along the way. This gives everyone time to learn the game (including the GM). As for aesthetics, it's 70's heavy metal all the way.
Rolemaster 4e may fit the bill. you might enjoy the crit tables and wounds.
or GURPS fantasy, and grab dungeon fantasy parts to taste.

yeah, I like 3e too, but it doesn't sound like what OP is asking for.
Wrong, starting players with D&D will teach bad habits that they'll carry to other games.
I like Burning Wheel. It's based off stuff like Tolkien, Le Guin and sword and sorcery, and combat is very lethal. The core idea of the system is that the players drive the story with their characters' personal motivations and ethics, and the GM's job is to make scenarios that challenge those beliefs instead of entirely dominating the game's direction. If that sounds appealing, I'm pretty sure there's a .pdf in the Share Thread.
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Is that Caelid

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What's the deal with Evokers and Conjurers in Krynn? The White Robes have dominion over Abjuration and Divination, the Red Robes are the masters of Illusion and Transmutation, and the Black Robes teach the arts of Enchantment and Necromancy, but none of the three towers have exclusive command over Evocation or Conjuration. So, what, are all Evokers and Conjurers renegades on Krynn? Also, Dragonlance thread, I guess.
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I just really like the old art
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There's just something about that feels fantastical but also real.
There's nothing wrong with that
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>They fucked their setting so hard
Was that a TSR driven decision or a Weis and Hickman one? Both of them left TSR in 1986 or 1987 under a very dark cloud and stopped writing for TSR. The SAGA rules were already a done deal and that changed the setting for Dragonlance. The pair might have done the novel writing, and it's a bad novel, but I thought they were earning a pay cheque and dealing with someone else's mess. This was TSR just before the WOTC take over and things weren't exactly going well at the time.
I very much imagine it was TSR's fault. A lot of the problems reek of executive meddling.

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Are you tired of 5e? Pathfinder? Do you have a funky setting but NO system to go with it? Or even just see what other systems have to offer? We'll help ya, kind stranger.
Provide a detailed description of the game ya wanna run, and we'll offer you a system recommendation. Don' just request tho, be a good sport and help Anons who are looking for systems too! And feel free to discuss and debate the merits of different systems too, or give advice to someone who isn’t satisfied by their options and just wants to homebrew something for their game.

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Are there any good systems for playing as an alchemist? A FMA system would be cool, sure, but I'm thinking of something a bit different than that setting.
As much as I am loath to suggest it you might want to look into Changeling: the Lost. Its primary factions are the Seasonal Courts and they get magic related to it.
Shadow of the Demon Lord if you like horror and are happy to see PCs die, Shadow of the Weird Wizard if you aren't and would prefer death to be less of an occurrence.
Looking for a PBTA or otherwise genre-heavy system for something like Mass Effect or Star Trek? I'm looking at Uncharted Worlds and Impulse Drive already.
Say you want to play as something like a Dragonborn or Dracthyr, are there any non-D&D systems good for that?

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Post sneaky shit you do and why
>tell players I won't pull punches in the first few combats
>everyone needs to have a backup ready, complete with reason why they're helping the party
>kill off anyone playing an edgy/loner/whackjob character and get their "I'm here for the team first!" character
I'm surprised no one's picked up on it
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>continual light on a stone
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I'm sure you can still say who you are unwilling to game with any longer. These kind of no-communication anti social behaviors are not good. I flat out do not talk to a little bitch faggot that shows up for blood bowl and magic tournaments since he was a dipshit to me once in a major way, and he thought he could get away with it. Nobody likes him by now. I don't even shake his hands before kickoff, just not and say 'game on'. Flips him every time, for years now. I also play extremely un-fun against him, and grind him down in a way that is just debilitating to sit through. He brought this up with the tournament organizer once, I told them openly that I have a seanfhaltanas against him but I will in no way mistreat him during games. Just not shaking hands again. Even the organizer said 'you probably deserve that' before dismissing the case. Fat faggot conceded all his games and went home that day. Haven't seen him since. Good riddance.

If you are here reading this you fat wank stain I hope you get aids one day.
I will never understand people who do shit like this.
It just sounds like you want to be a sadistic ass.
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I like these quantum players.
The point is "GM tricks" and one of those tricks is firing at characters from extended range in the darkness. It doesn't even need to be long range. Want to use a turn throwing a continual light stone or casting a fireball? Feel free. I can do this all day. The fun comes from challenging players with something they thought they had total control over. Remind them the darkness is scary.
Because it takes some of the fun out of the game by ameliorating a need: If your players have goodberry and are playing (sleepless) elves with darkvision and can cast Tiny Hut and are also asexual wanderers with no families or friends then there's nothing they really need, is there?
When I'm caught off guard/unprepared, I ask for all sorts of random rolls and save, pretend I'm consulting tables, and give bullshit descriptions and reveals to keep them distracted. It typically goes like
>Fuck I completely botched what was going on here
>Hmm, everyone roll me perception checks
>What a high roll, you passed.
>Give me an int save
>You failed? Interesting... Let me just check my table to double check... Oh, VERY INTERESTING
> *dramatic pause* You hear a faint whisper in a language you don't recognise
and then I swiftly move on with the actual scene

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