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Defiant Developers

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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just the nature of TCGs. the main appeal of games using that sales model is its P2W, so it naturally attracts a certain type.
Rudy, you cad, tell me what your promo is so I know who to preorder the hunted with!

I have a feeling this is going to be the starting gun to fire and make the markets crazy for flesh and blood again. It's happening with everything else, so why not fab?
Singles market is great for FaB already. Boxes? You will likely not see Pokemon levels of gains with FaB for a long time, if ever. Competitive players are smart enough not to blind buy sealed enough masse for fun.
They don't fantasize about being strong, though. They fetishize weakness.

My friend does and he's kinda gay acting but I generally like him. He's not a tranny fortunately just extremely söy. Can't bring myself to hate him so I tolerate him and one other guy as my only söy friends.

True and MTG has a ton of trannies but it's already been pozzed in lore and art for a long time now, least since Theros. I figured a game that was more literally about physical combat would be better but I guess not.

>the main appeal of games using that sales model is its P2W, so it naturally attracts a certain type.
I don't understand the link though. Alot of these faggots are poor. I mean I'm appalled by the amount of money I waste on it and I'm not even a competitive player.
/pol/faggotry is just as severe a mental illness as the trannoids you think about 24/7, fuck off

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The best fantasy setting is just real life history with extremely rare and mostly insignificant magic and a monster or two sprinkled in.
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im projecting my personal morality onto all men including modern ones
real life sucks; thats why we seek to escape it
no lol
The important thing is you've found a way to be better than everyone.
theres a reason we like fantasy and why most people don't care about history
you dont have to like it, but if you hide from the truth you're a cuck
Ill take fantasy setting, hold the fantasy.

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.

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Holy shit, Anon how did you know I'm a sucker for Venom skin coatings? Even for a WIP, that's hella cool, and I certainly can't sneeze at a funny alt either. Kudos and appreciations!
thnx, mate, glad you appreciated this effort
I think I'll rest for now with this piece of wax, because it's an endless work
OR, and thanks! Afraid to say I was gonna modify the request to be structured a bit better/be more straightforward with some of the inspirations, but again, thank you so much nonetheless! I'll be holding on to it for sure.
Hey anon, just wanted to let you know I am still planning on finishing this but I just haven't had much time.
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Anon still around?

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this just came out, has anyone run the Cypher system before? i'm plotting and scheming for my campaign right now
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it has all the same issues as traveller; it would have been good if just made as a setting book for gurps.

gurps traveller is literally the only good version of traveller
the way it handles creatures and bodies in general is so shit, and it could have been raw and hard as fuck had it just used the GIGANTIC toolbox already built by literal decades of gurps publications and one gazillion shitillion options of materials to pull from

it could have been great, but ended up ass
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I'm familiar enough with this premise but what's the appeal beyond "wow look at all that meat." Yes, I get that there are shenanigans afoot but frankly it just doesn't seem that interesting

Dinosaur stuff always has so much potential, unfortunately it's also easy to go full retard a la jurassic world dominion, even if you ignore obvious biological issues such as metabolic needs for more dangerous dinos and how they'd realistically get filtered by modern ecosystems.

I've read a lot of the weird birds stuff/offshoots and it gets progressively more unbelievable that dinos are just running amok (all of a sudden) and aren't getting merked with extreme enthusiasm. You're telling me that every jackass with a nine isn't trying to cap a dinosaur? bullshit

If it's not an isolated setting (rural lab, island) then it just doesn't work, unfortunately. Like the image of one of the "weird birds" next to an expressway? That bitch would wander onto the road and get turned into prehistoric paste by a semi in minutes
Go away, Gurpsfaggot
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A good, ol' fashioned inspirational image dump.

Bonus points for personal load out spreads.
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idk man just use your janny powers to delete it.
>your gm should homebrew his way around shitty design by 'game designers' making d&d 9

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Occasional Terrain Making General, AKA proper terrain thread

Post terrain/terrain making tips!
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Jesus Christ, that is beautiful!
Duane's stuff is great. He posted occasionally in /wfg/ with his 6e Slaanesh army (he was called Slaanon there)
Stale copypasta is stale.
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I did some Necromunda terrain for a friend's B-Day last year, made me want to do some more of it. The 3 layers come apart so it is technically 1-3 pieces of terrain.

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Tired of 5e? Pathfinder? Do you have a funky setting but NO system to go with it? We'll help ya, kind stranger.
Provide a detailed description of the game ya wanna run, and we'll offer you a system recommendation. Don't just request tho, be a good sport and help Anons who are looking for systems too! And feel free to discuss and debate the merits of different systems too!
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Based, seconding this please.
>It was one of the first "narrative" systems, older than PbtA, and it shows
How exactly does it show?
I remember someone posting a system in here. I forgot the name. It was low fantasy and it has its own hardcover books. I think it had some sort of religious themed name. Any thoughts?
It's less streamlined, every "mode of play" feels like it could be its own small game now a days. A lot of the character prompts and concepts scream mid 00's, a zoomer would have a hard time getting why that'd be a character trait or concept. But that could also be appealling to someone. Go check it.
honor + intrigue is another. though idk if it has magic.
Lamentations of the flame princess is ostencibly early modern. d20.
there was this traveller conversion I was interested in a while ago set in colonial AMerica https://www.freelancetraveller.com/magazine/2020-0708/Traveller1700.pdf

There was also an explicitly fantasy setting in an alt history setting where something happened that made eurupe and the middle east a wasteland and made magic real. the three major factions were british America, catholic spanish america, and the franco-India (the asia one not native americans). And there was flying ships and guns. cant remember its name tho. (think it was 5e and I remember being impressed by the pdf, even had little in universe storiesthat were interesting)

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Thread to discuss Pauper EDH/Pauper Commander, the best possible Magic format, combing the best parts of Limited, Pauper, and Commander


>1 Uncommon Creature is your Commander and does not need to be legendary
>99 Unique commons except basic lands
>30 Starting Life
>16 Commander Damage

>Only Rhystic Study and Mystic Remora are banned. Have fun!

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>Mardu, Jeskai, Abzan and Temur have only a single legal commander
>Sultai has 2
That's pretty funny, I guess the next Tarkir set this year is gonna print more since New Capenna was full of them
pov(vo) this thread

>digs 3 cards deep
>decent removal
It's insane that this was downshifted in CMM
>decent removal
Yeah, that didn't pan out the way I thought.
>fills graveyard
How does PDH work if a card was initially printed at common rarity and is now uncommon? Do I have to find a copy of that card as a common to play with it if it's in my 99?

Why is shadowrun often considered "Lorewise great, but mechanically complex?" Like I have asked a few people who want to play a cyberpunk style game with dnd races and shit, but this is always the response, they are always scared of even touching the system. Rather, they would go through hell and back and make an even more convoluted system for cyberpunky game into dnd/pathfinder or they would want to add magic and races to cyberpunk red/2020(20202 I'd argue is even wackier than most systems with the omninumber targeting and random limb damage).

Having played 4th and 5th of shadowrun, I can say that the mechanics of the game isn't that unsounded and is fairly straight forward. Compared to 3.5/pathfinder Frankenstein rules and 5th dnd compounding bonuses that can make a 5th lvl players kill strahd, I feel like Shadowrun (at least 4th and 5th) are fairly grounded. Most excuses I see are primarily that Shadowrun's rules are too complex and convoluted, or that no-one should have 30d6 at chargen(an impossible feat considering I have tried several times to get a character to this "30 die" capabilities only ending with armor being the only one I can munchkin).

What makes shadowrun such a scary system for new players?
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That's not how crit fails work in the versions of the game that use counting hits.
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Anyone got the shadowrun freedom ain't free image? Can't find it for the life of me.
I wish I still had that 'Most Autistic Thread on /tg/ Award' png.
It honestly seems like something they'd be good at - cheesing exploding barrels to win seems like a very Shadowrun thing to do.

The only problem I can see is that Shadowrun doesn't - to my knowledge - really have any gods to make evil. I guess they could do a hitpiece on totems and make Dog out to be a total asshole or something.

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ITT we laugh at chaosfags who waited years for this release
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It's weird they coulda had phoenix guard, new bikers, sonic dreadnought but passed up on that. The 2nd wave writes itself.
Night Lords are just superior.
Noise marines are Havoc replacements now
Cool rubrics, cool terminator rubrics, cool ahriman, cool sorcerers. Okay maybe the exalted mutations kinda suck
Eh I really like the old Firge World Plague Marines and I'm sad that the new Death Guard didn't embrace that look that much. New Death Guard has some good models but over all they're too mutated and tentacle when they should be bloated rottening zombies

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love to see 'em
post 'em and discuss 'em
I'll start us off with a couple of decent ones I've found. First off, picrel.
It is what it says on the tin. The rules are straightforwards without sacrificing depth, and character creation is fun without getting into the weeds.
It has a neat core mechanic where building up Rule of Cool through cool actions significantly improves your combat capabilities. I like it when systems reinforce their intended experience through their mechanics, which is a simple baseline that a disappointing number of systems fail to pass.
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Flat and soulless yet still 100% on topic questions are preferable to gameless fauxmods who can't even sage properly trying to police the board.
Well said, it stifles discussion too.

Well, Adam is a walking pile of garbage, so it makes sense that they wouldn’t want to make him too cool.
No character Monty makes is a walking pile of garbage.
Even outside of the moments that show his fighting for the rights of Faunus is more for his own ego and revenge against humanity, like when he murders Sienna when she rightfully calls him out for his role in destroying Beacon, he also stalks Blake across a continent and tries to have everyone she loves killed to spite her for leaving him when she realized his true nature.
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Not Monty's Adam.

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When did it become too late to salvage D&D?
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I think it's a choice between b/x, 3.5e, and 4e.
Each does what it does pretty well.
>it's impossible to hold corporations and indie developers to a standard of quality
>it's impossible to not use "b-but j-just re-rewrite i-it" as an excuse for shitty design
Yeah okay.
If you think D&D is ruined then you are probably too stupid to play tabletop games in the first place. You can always add stuff you like and remove stuff you don't want. No one outside of your group has power over your game.
>You can always add stuff you like and remove stuff you don't want.
>No one outside of your group has power over your game.
Yeah, two great reasons why people selling TTRPGs shouldn't get a single fraction of a cent from anyone.
gygax was always pretty retarded and a drama queen anyway

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Perfectly Normal Cityscape edition

Previous >>94778872

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX08 Chain of Liberation questionnaire

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The golden borders were just the R foil up to bt5 (I think? dont remember what bt6 did).
I have heard that they were discontinued due pack weighing being possible during that era due to gold bordered rares vs foiled SRs and SECs.
Clearly the solution is gold borders AND foil for everything.
I think that would be interesting. However, the cunts weighing packs to sell them online do not deserve anything that can give them an advantage
they were so cunty I miss them

How do you feel about aliens showing up in fantasy (or at least pre-industrial) settings?
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>Give me a definition of them and I'll listen
>Gets defintion of them
>Nuh uh!

Anon, you're just stupid. You badly want to invent your own definitions of scifi and fantasy, so that you can claim they're the same.

It's stupid. You're stupid.
>Sci-fi isn't just a form of fantasy, it is fantasy.
>a form of something
>somehow doesn't belong to the same category?

bro, you are literally bad at understanding english.
Using the definitions of fantasy previously provided from an official source, I have determined that what mouthbreathing retards call "science fiction" does what fantasy does, and exposed the redundancy of another term for the same thing.
So, since you continue to have a problem with my assertions of fact, I invite you to provide what makes sci-fi DIFFERENT from fantasy, instead of citing more shit that fantasy does.
Okay? Thanks in advance.
Literally everyone in this thread should listen to The High Crusade, and grab a physical copy if you can. It's an excellent story excellently told.

Sir Roger de Tourneville is like a medieval Captain Kirk.

Fantasy is already a form of fiction, so having a declension of fantasy that's labeled "fiction" is redundant.
Fantasy already covers speculation, so having speculative sciences that can't exist or don't exist yet is still fantasy, and calling it something else is redundant.
"Science fiction" IS fantasy, because all of its forms embody what fantasy covers. It isn't merely a form of it, because it does exactly what it does. The term is inherent tautology.

This is how I Rogue Trader.
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Fucking hell, I should probably read the thread before shitposting.
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This is how I wizard (male)
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This is how I Lord Marshal
Never counts, they always like it
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This is how I rogue trader.

I'm not even kidding you; I've based my character's physical appearance on Q's "renaissance garb" captain guise.

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