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Welcome to TODD! This thread is for OPEN discussion of TSR-era Dungeons & Dragons (OD&D, Basic D&D, and AD&D including 2e) and related games, such as retroclones and OSR-adjacent games (OSE, BFRPG, S&W, LotFP, DCC, C&C, etc.). Free discussion of house rules and modifications is encouraged. For the sake of clarity, B/X is the assumed default system for any conversation unless otherwise indicated (but please do feel free to indicate otherwise).

previous thread: >>93339775

>What's the ideal number of players (in addition to a DM)?
>What are some cool ideas/features/tricks you've done or seen done with a dungeon?
>What is the role of women in your setting? Is a female warrior or adventurer unusual by societal standards?
>How fleshed out and involved in the setting do you like your gods to be?
>How hard do you like it to be for casters to regain their spells? Do you allow for partial replenishment?
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I don't like proficiencies - neither WP, nor NWP (nor "general skills" from RC)

they have the same problem as long skill lists in other games, or feats in newer editions: The more options you have to be good at shit, the more options you have to be bad at shit.

Character customization is all well and good until you realize that your priest doesn't know what heaven is like because you didn't realize "planar geography" was a skill you could fail to pick.

2E Ninja book (Complete Ninja's Handbook? Complete Book of Ninjas? Too lazy to go check right now) or possibly 3E Oriental Adventures (but I think it was 2E ninjas) introduced this samurai quick-draw skill "Iaijutsu" and the problem with that skill is less that it exists, and more that every single pre-ninja Fighter is suddenly no longer a world-class duelist because it turns out there's a dueling skill they didn't pick (unless you just don't introduce the book of course)

So - character customization, that's fine with me. The "profession" table in 2E just before the NWP tables, that's great. Actual skill/proficiency/feat picking... I don't like it.
10 minutes of preparation per spell level recovered. If you teleport somewhere (level 5) it had better either be important or longer than 50 minutes of riding - else you're just being profligate with your magic.


(1) It puts a real limit on how many spells your casters feel like blowing on most occasions

(2) It allows casters some great "you haven't even seen my true power" moments when they realize this one is actually a problem fight and they need to roll out the big guns

(3) It makes other characters skills make more sense in context - why would the thief rank up Open Lock when the wizard has Knock? Well it turns out, Knock (lvl 2) takes 20 minutes to reload PER DOOR

(4) It gives otherwise minor magic items way more reason to exist. A wand, scroll or potion is a far greater resource when it doesn't just save you a spell slot, it also saves you a lot of downtime restoring that spell slot later
Proficiencies benefit no one except fighters for the purpose of specialization.
Even then, it's stupid because it will only incentivize picking long swords every time because of probabilities. So if a hammer of thunderbolts is found later, he won't be ready to use it, which is a shame (because who specializes in hammers?)
So just give all fighters the improved attack rate for specialization for all weapons, and leave everyone else stock.
For NWP's, just assume adventurers are competent people and can generally do whatever their class abilities are. Some situations should be automatic success, some modified for difficulty, but all should be modified for experience/level.
Doing stuff outside your class should still be possible, with appropriately fair modifiers.

Re: AD&D OSR stops at the end of 1e, Dragonlance doesn't count either.

For B/X it's tough. IIrc other than gameplay examples and artwork there was no real difference between the Cook and Mentzer B/X. For BECMI, I definitely isn't OSR and I'm not sure how I feel about C&M.

I think OSR D&D should feel like the 1970's. Even though Cook B/X was 1981 it still feels like the 70's, non-Gygax stuff after that tends not to.

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Ayelén edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: CrunchLabs Masters | July 17th - 24th
- Lichess 2024 Summer Marathon | August 3rd
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy - Internationale Dortmunder Schachtage | August 10th - 18th
- Grand Chess Tour: Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz | August 11th - 16th
- Women's Grand Prix | August 14th - 25th
- Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival | August 14th - 25th
- Grand Chess Tour: Sinquefield Cup | August 18th - 29th
- Chess.com Bughouse Championship | August 19th - 23rd

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Post pics you useless Chilean. .
It has evolved for centuries already1, and now it's perfect.
why is it always brown third-worlders that stall their clock to 0:00 in losing positions? what do they possess that we don't, or vice versa?
Irrelevant here. We have an "olympiad" in chess, and Argentine has a based 18yo girl in board 1.
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They didn't evolve enough.

Do you use elf queens in your games? If so do you prefer them to be ancient and powerful or more wordly dynastic rulers?
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My drow waifu's older long-lost sister. My drow waifu is the human-raised thief that's basically Aladdin crossed with Lina Inverse in personality, with what amounts to Imoen's backstory.
>basically Aladdin crossed with Lina Inverse in personality
very nice
what would Azshara think if you sucked on her ears?
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Post your best bandits, ruffians, wild men, thieves, scoundrels, rogues, swindlers and assassins. I want to see a proper thieves guild assembled in this thread!
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I don't consider myself the best GM but I try to make sure everyone has fun and have everything prepared ahead of time, but I'm not the best at dealing with problem players before its too late. I could be good in every aspect but fuck me for refusing to be daddy for a bunch of adults when an easily avoidable tantrum happens. I'm just the retard who puts the maps together I shouldn't have to be managing other people's interpersonal skills.
Anyway /tg/ you having issues with your games too?
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What games do you want to run? I'm a GURPSfag and I can find players online.
Either way, try LFG on plebbit. You may have to weed out bad players, but you should eventually be able to find some good ones.
Lighter stuff. I don't want to get into complex systems with people I don't even know yet, so no GURPS (I don't even like it). Instead, Nu-SR or universal rules-lite systems. Or thematic one page systems - they look like a blast to play.
Death spirals are anti fun. Any other system tied to HP loss would be more interesting, but that seems to be the only thing devs can come up with.
To each their own. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to play death spiral games.
wound systems seem interesting as an idea, but I don't think I have found any that wasn't creating a failing feedback loop

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Is it inspired by real world fashion or did you come up with it entirely by your self?
Do you remain faithful to any particular era or do you tolerate anachronisms?
How does the fashion differ between different cultures, races and social classes?
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You play pretend but not dress up?
Weird bar to draw the line at quite frankly.
>Joseph's multi-coloured coat was just a normal fashion item among coastal, non-jewish semites.
>his brothers fucked him over over the equivalent of a pair of new york skinny jeans.
Arthurian is very anachronistic

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Charlie Don't Surf Edition

Welcome to /bwg/! This is a general dedicated to all board wargames: hex and counter, CDGs, block wargames, and even more eclectic designs are all welcome here. Talk about anything here, from games you're interested in, organizing games over Vassal, Tabletop Simulator, or Rally the Troops with other anons, or just general discussion about wargames.

>Previous Thread

>/bwg/ Recommended Multiplayer Games Pastebin:

>/bwg/ Recommended Solo Games Pastebin:

>What is Vassal Engine?
Vassal Engine is a free, open source game engine used primarily for playing wargames online. There are thousands of fan created modules so you can probably find what you're looking for.

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Some news from the last thread you may have missed:
GMT's newsletter is out. Some highlights
>New edition of Frank Chadwick's A House Divided
>Mark Simonitch's next 'XX game Italy '43, which covers the advance to the Gustav Line
>Reprints of A Gest of Robin Hood, Next War India-Pakistan, and A World at War
>Next War Iran, and Normandy '44 will be shipping in early August
>Labyrinth the War on Terror and Red Dust Rebellion will be shortly thereafter
>Fields of Fire Deluxe is FINALLY done with proofing and will be going to the printer shortly
>What era of wargames do you prefer? Ancients? Gundpowder? 20th Century?
Opposite ends for me. I love ancients and I love WWI-Present Day. Everything in between just bores me to tears unfortunately.

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OK so I've just started digging into the Glorantha setting. And obviously this is a setting people are really heavy on the lore of and immersion of.

Now when I look online the most common results are either a pretty bare-bones-in-detail but comprehensively indexed Glorantha wiki, or this Well of Daliath site by a guy named Jeff Richard. And as far as I can see he is the current chief creative guy for Glorantha. But the Well of Daliath usually gives a pretty straightforward detailed answer, whereas the wiki is more like "well it might have been this or maybe it was this" even though it lacks detail.

Syncretism is one of the things that appeals to me about the setting, so I want to understand the context by which one answer might be chosen out of many. It's not helped by, sometimes I'll read a forum thread on a Runequest lore question or whatever, and this guy Jeff will give an official answer. But then some other poster might mention what Greg Stafford, who I understand was the inventor of the setting, said and then Jeff will hurriedly backtrack to include that and say something like, "I forgot Greg mentioned that." Like I've seen this on two separate forum threads and it's noticeable even to an outsider.

So I've two main questions:
1) Is the best way to get a good general understanding of Glorantha and the context for decisions now made about it just to read as much material as I can in chronological order?
2) What is the deal with the original creator/material and this Jeff guy?
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Argrath. Originally I think he was intended to be multiple people fused into one by time and myth, but in the current setting he's just one guy who can never fail and who ultimately destroys the Lunar Empire, then tricks all the gods into getting eaten because of some kinda humans r now free motivation that was never particularly elaborated on beforehand.
Sounds like something great to ignore.
What people also have to realize with this world is that Your Glorantha is not the Published Glorantha. You can alter whatever you want, exclude what you want. In the grand history of oral tradition keep what you like and ditch the rest to better serve your story
Not sure what the other anon is talking about. The source on this stuff is King of Sartar, which is a compilation of in world historical documents written a thousand years later by several biased historians. It's a very schizophrenic document that can be interpreted a number of ways, but explicitly disagrees with anon.
Does the recent Chaosium Guide to Glorantha change anything from Moon Design's version?
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Hey kid, wanna buy some pdfs?
Less than 24 hours left, so better hurry up!

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It's the Character Art Thread!
Post all your favorite pictures of cool awesome characters.
Fantasy, SciFi, Modern - post them all!
Know some cool spots to find awesome art? Share it! We need to build a nice trove of good art that we can share here in the OP.
And be excellent as always!

Thread theme: Dungeon Delving
Last Thread: >>93365224
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Can I have some character art with these vibes?
I've having a bitch of a time finding good art to represent my shortfolk. I merged ratmen and halflings. Trying to find something not super animal heavy, but still noticeable. Anything helps.
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Assuming your homebrew setting has a pantheon of gods, what kind of tales do people talk about in regards to them?

These can include but are not limited to:
>How a God was created
>Interactions between different gods, if any exists
>Relationships between gods, family, lovers, enemies, that one guy they don't talk about.
>How people are chosen by gods

Fantasy, Sci-fi, modern times are allowed, and try to be as creative as possible.
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Seems like it cuts off a bit there. How does her death fix the endless winter?
I didn’t want a mile long post.

Father Cloud cries his eyes out because his daughter drowned and it washes away all the snow and spring comes. Also the Drowning Girl then becomes the goddess of death.
primarily i just come up with a time and setting-accurate folktale/myth when dreaming, which I then write down in the morning
other times I take a regular dream and change up it's details so it fits into the world
and lastly there are a few times I just come up with a specific tale with a specific moral while awake, because I have need of it at the moment (for example a prophecy is like this)
>Make creation myth
>Pantheon is created out of nothingness by the first concept
>More concepts are created from nothingness
>The absence of nothingness that shaped concepts becomes material
>The material being perceived implies light
>Concepts shift to embrace and shun light
>As concepts create, more and more nothingness disappears
>Generations slowly turn concepts into modern beings
>Giants being the first since they were created from the greatest chunk of material
>Other races follow
>Handy racism primer by race and concept "bloodline" and age

>All packed in semi-biblical saga
>Fully descriptive verses

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Okay, so does she die again every year to bring Spring again?

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>40k 10e hemorrhaging players
>AoS 4e flopped
>TOW mismanaged mess
>HH barely alive
>LOTR on life support
>Side games quietly disappearing
>No future Warhammer+ animations announced

GWbros....is it over?
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Let's be genuinely fair here- as much as I detest GW's catamites-
At the end of the day if you're making any kind of revenue off an IP you don't own (and 'donations' are considered revenue)- the owner of that IP can totally take that to court.
Not that I think any of this was hurting GW- but I think they genuinely saw all the shit out there on Youtube, had plans for some animations, and found a sketchy way to put the lime in the coconut to make a streaming service. This was just their way of consolidating assets- buy them outright, the work's already done, etc.
And that's just the way shit works- especially in a publicly traded company. If I own stock in a company, and they're leaving money on the table somewhere- my shareholder rep better be digging into their ass to capitalize on that.
Of course it was perfectly in their legal rights. But it was an absolute scumbag move. It wasn't hurting their IP at all, in fact it was only making it more famous, and they didn't have a competing offering anyway. The alternative was no shows at all.
They strongarmed the content creators into their paywalled service, which simply died.

It wasn't just a scumbag move it was just retarded.
P*treonoids should have no expectation of making money from fanfiction.
>mad other people actually get their creativity fostered by a community
So was it your dad that shit on you whenever you brought up things like the arts?
When’s the last time you actually were held by a woman, anon? Jesus.

>GW posted a quickly knocked together "square base teaser" for the Old World years out, just conveniently on the day Mantic released Kings of War's 3rd edition
>on the day Corvus Belli announce an Infinity TV series, GW rush out a "teaser" which is just a title card, nothing else, for a new series

How can they be such a behemoth whilst also being so thin-skinned about the minnows around them having any chance of success?
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>We'll see how it goes when CB grows bigger.
This is a key point. GW used to be the fun scrappy little guys too, remember. Success changes people, and it changes companies even more.
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I'll start complaining about CB going full corpo when they actually do.

Remember during Covid when they discovered people were playing Infinity on TTS? If there is one thing that could put a miniature company out of business is something like that.
So what did they do? They provided the people running these TTS games with high-res pictures of their models so that they could build 3d models to play with. And then they learnt how the whole thing worked and now they use the same 3d models for their demo games on youtube.

Would you imagine how GW would have reacted in a similar situation?
CB has nothing but my respect so far. Will they turn le evil corpo in the future? Who knows, for now they have been absolute bros for almost two decades.
>I'll start complaining about CB going full corpo when they actually do.
Sure, just be prepared for them to do so if they DO find mainstream success.
>Would you imagine how GW would have reacted in a similar situation?
Which GW, GW now or GW of three or so decades ago? Because the latter would have probably done the exact same thing. Small companies led by cool people do cool things. Large companies are led by shareholders who invariably act like...well, like GW does now. You can argue some companies have people at the top who try to reign in the shareholders so they don't constantly go full corpotard, but in the end it's just a matter of degree. CB acted they way they did during covid because they're still small and run by cool people. If they ever get successful, that will change. Just be mentally prepared for that.
They're English anon. They don't have to improve if nobody else can succeed, they don't have to listen if they're the only game in town, they don't have to do anything but stay the course so long as nobody challenges them. Look how they whined about Battlescribe, they didn't even know it existed before they launched their subscription calculator service but the instant they became aware it was a problem. Contrast CB, their armybuilder kicks ass and it free. Their rules are free as well, I'm frankly shocked GW didn't charge for the indicies. Speaking of which, look how long it took them to get on the ball with digital rules, digital anything. This is a company that rests on its laurels and wants to keep it that way. WFB not selling how it used to? Fuck it, throw it away. Fixing the game, workshopping it if you will, was too great a task for the world's greatest miniatures company. People not using power level? Force them to, just call it points. Look at every specialist game they fire out and eject like rounds in a mag. Did you buy it? Sucker. GW is clearly done trailblazing, but they don't want anyone else to do so. That's money that could be in their pocket if they ever get around to it.

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Kobold thread, dragonwrought edition. Death to gnomes!
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Thoughts on Pathfinder 2e Kobolds
That's not even remotely comparable, kobold ass is perfectly natural and makes sense for lizardbolds and dogbolds alike, anything walking at least partially uprighy gotta thicken that gluteus maximus for proper locomotion. And storing some fat around it for insulation and/or energy reserve won't hurt either. Meanwhile, kobold boobs are conjuration of pure fetishism. It makes no sense for lizardbold, because they aren't fucking mammals, and it makes no sense for dogbolds either because those should really have several pairs of nipples with not much boobage behind any of them like a canine bitch they are.
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Not in my presence.
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Mutual dislike is a dry cliché and only propagated by plebs with no taste
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Got a problem with that?
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>Elf and dwarf friendship thread
Why stop at friendship?
Just imagine the sex a female (beardless) dwarf and her male elf lover would have. The positions, the dwarf strength vs elf stamina and much more.
>t. coomer

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Unless you stick it to your shield or mace
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Go back to your containment thread Rajesh. Everyone outside your a.i. bubble dosen't want to see it.
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