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How young is too young to go on an adventure?
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Oh fuck off
t. Nogames
>heckin epic chungus vidya isekao weebslop
If they can use a dagger and/or gun they're old enough to fight
Maybe 5 years old? You barely have walking down at that point. But a 6 year old should be able to manage it. Adventures aren't too complicated.

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Thread 439: BCS Winding Down Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

BCS 2024~25 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bcs24-25/
DivineZ S3 Episode 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwhxc4F0Rgc

Release Schedule (Vanguard):

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Breathe Bushi breathe
the shadowverse game on the switch is pretty fun, its an early core version of the game so its not super mechanically deep but its also not super powercrept. Its fully 3d so you get the comfy part of running around and challenging people and the story isnt half bad.

Theres also an anime that the game is based off of
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Parama FAT 20K thighs.
Why does Dragon Empire get to have the cutest girls this is unfair.
The side stories for some of the characters are pretty neat as well.

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Have you gotten any art commissioned for the characters in your games? Let's see it!
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looks cool as hell
Cleric of Pharasma?
yup, didn't ask for the symbol as I didn't have much idea on where to put it on the character, and the Nosoi bird was a better way to show that.
Artist name? I’m running a MnM game was thinking about getting art for my players
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Never got to play him too much, but I liked this little guy. Keeping that sunflower alive was a full time job.
very cool

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I have dared to enter your magical realm. What did I just sign up for? How do I fare in this realm?

My fetishes

Things that make me want to kill myself
>feet (especially this one, I see anyone walking around outdoors without shoes on and I'm killing them on sight)


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Even when an artist does the nonfatal vore with that setting I still just dont like it because it is that kind of giantess simp world where the setting exists in the way manlet simps think about the world and I kinda just dont like that vibe.
yeah my setting's main religion is utterly full of those, since all the priests are selected to be beautiful, smart and kind, and they undergo a magic process to keep them that way for centuries.
There are female priests too but I never focus on those.
Femboy priests are all very much into free love too due to blabla lore to justify magical realm.
there are some but i prefer my women into men.
there's like, one. and if you get too close to him he low tier gods you.
no more than any generic fantasy setting with swordfights and such would have.

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Shotas and lolis in love all over. No adult characters in the entire world. Nobody matures past twelve. ("Actual" age is quite irrelevant because they don't achieve an emotional maturity either.) Rape is commonplace but not treated very seriously, the kids just treat it as a form of bullying.
But there's a lot of adventures to be had, a never-ending coming-of-age story.
And I guess your appeal depends on how much you think a shota can be a femboy. I say yea, but have heard others nay.

(Yes I am aware it's basically Never Never Land with little girls and sex.)
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Anon I get the feeling your magical realm is just Nechronica.

Does anyone else remember when Warhammer 40K was gay, and Northern, and good?

Like they copied *a lot* of the art from Homocult. And Orks are basically madchester.
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I remember having conducted, back when google was good, an association via CW Federation, Openly Classist, Andy Anderson, Homocult and early White Dwarf. Back when you could actually get gay lead miniatures out of google I got multiple hits associating him with the art crew around White Dwarf before it went full Citadel.

However, as I'm busy looking up early issues of Class War to find out how grannies murdered UK cops with tyre spikes on the M1, I'm too busy to wank to early White Dwarf.
This thread feels either like a ketamine-fueled psychosis or a globohomo AI training.

Either way, lurking.
So basically you made it all up to retcon your faggotry into acceptance, as all queer folx do.
>when Warhammer 40K was gay
You mean this morning? Hohohoho
Ahnh, so you made it up, gotcha.

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Writing General: 'Springtime' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)
https://2d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (page missing, wiki still up)

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Well generally, you don't. Not really. You just carry on as a husk of a human being, with only your thirst for vengeance to keep you going.
They do have followers of their cult but no real connections to speak of...If the context helps it was a self-sacrifice kind of action alongside the other characters and none of them expected to survive but one of the three did.
Maybe this is simply a rhythm thing, but I tend to finish a big project at the start of winter, and then take the holidays as an excuse to relax for a while.
The "dark months" still are a difficult time to get going. Thankfully, the sun is returning.

Though, got a question, and this is not so much about copyrights: how do you feel about reoccurring fantasy names? I was just writing down some lore, needed a name for the ancient not!-romans and my first instinct went to Reman. That's also a name for an Elder Scroll dynasty and empire, and also for an empire in Warhammer Fantasy. Probably got it from those.
It's a good name and can't think of anything else much, though it's not hugely important. It still bothers me that I know exactly where I got it from. If I'd use it not knowing better and someone pointed these out, I'd be yeah whatever.
Does not feel quite like Spring yet, but I guess it's a bit warmer now. Not astronomical Spring yet, anyway.
I think copyright infringement requires a reasonable chance that someone might mistake the copy for the original. Like, if your character is named Sherlock Holmes then that's obviously such a unique name that it would infringe on Conan Doyle's work (were it still in copyright). But if your character name is Bob Smith then it doesn't matter how many other authors have a character called Bob Smith in their work, it's too generic to be identifiable as their specific character. Of course, if someone else has written a Bob Smith who's a one-legged dwarf with a penchant for poetry, and you write a character called Bob Smith who's a peg-legged midget with a liking for limericks, then copyright would come into play.

Because Remus was the brother of Romulus, Reman is one of the more common not-Roman Empire names out there. Off the top of my head Terry Pratchett's first proto-Discworld novel, 'Strata', was based around an alt-history with a Reman empire, and they were also used in the Star Trek film 'Nemesis' as the slave-species of the Romulans. You might have got it from one of those, although I'm sure it's been used many times elsewhere.

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The 4e Swordmage was the pinnacle of the "spellsword" archetype. Neither Eldritch Knight nor Bladesinger since have embodied the character fantasy so perfectly.
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nta but when 4e first came out and I explained it to a guy who played vidjeo games but had no tabletop experience, as soon as I talked about the four "roles" for party members he was like "oh yeah this is just copying WoW". That was a common reaction then.

Every party needs a tank a healer and some dps, and you move out of boss mechanics and hit the boss until he "phases" and gets new abilities. That's just WoW exactly, and a lot of people had the same reaction when it came out.
Except the roles originally came from D&D to begin with and bloodied doesn't even work like how raid boss phases work. Its almost always just refreshing and using a move that's already been used or adding a chaser on to something they were already doing. If you think its anything like WoW then you've clearly never played either 4e or WoW.
Except nothing, retard. Don't reply to me ever again.
The truth hurts, mongoloid. The trinity has always existed in D&D. 4e just pulled back the curtain and outright said what it intended for a class.
Nope, you lose.

Tabletop RPGs are super popular in my social circles, and likewise among people who enjoy all the other things I enjoy. But when I've tried them, I just didn't get the appeal.

What am I missing? What's the secret sauce of RPGs that everybody sees but me?
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I don't know what games you've played nor the style in which they were run, but if in your very first time playing ttrpgs you didn't think "I like this" it's unlikely a change in game or style is going to do much good, and I can't really give you advice on how to "like" something.
I like them because I like exploring settings, solving puzzles and investigations, doing roleplay and killing monsters and/or aliens and/or cultists and/or whatever.
Your delusions about only one person ever replying to you in all situations is amusing, but I worry for your sanity. Have you spoken to a professional about your incessant paranoia?
To be fair, this thread is low quality bait to keep the board looking a little less dead. OP asked for an answer to a dumb, vague question, got a few genuine replies, and then the resident schizoid showed up.
Friends. Actual friends. Not acquaintances not co-workers, friends.

Also not playing some dogshit like PF or GURPS.

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>Download the game through Andapp on Windows

>English Patch Guide for DMP Desktop

>Duel Masters Play's English Wiki

>Duel Masters English Wiki

>Other Resources (mostly Japanese)

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This game feels like a fever dream at times since it's died twice outside of Japan. It's interesting how it's held in such high regards for it's resource system but hasn't survived.
The card game itself has solid mechanics, but a good card game doesn't sell itself.

Attempt #1
>terrible sound mixing in the anime dub
>low effort videogame adaptations
Attempt #2
>incredibly generic american "anime-style" cartoon tie in that looks like atla with monsters (I've never watched it, maybe it's actually an alright show, but regardless I'm going to assume it's the main reason why the second attempt failed)
>different branding means different card backs, different card backs means it's less convenient to mix them with old duel masters cards even though it's the same exact game
I remember seeing Kaijudo in stores as a teen and immediately dismissing it as just another random not-Yugioh children's card game with a cartoon, and I wasn't too interested in finding out if it was a Chaotic or a Redakai. Releasing around the time the trend was starting to die out probably wasn't doing it any favors either.
I vaguely recall the show. It's possibly the only tcg show I've seen that tries to teach players(kids) how to play and how the meta works. The MC had his decklist posted and losing a lot because people knew what he had.
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You guys should check out shobu.io if you want to tryout a duel sim for sets 1-8 (for now). I know this thread is for Duel Masters Play, but I hope it's okay to talk about and play stuff from the older sets.

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I think this list was an interesting ambition but misguided by autistic bloat, lack of structured naming conventions, and too much focus on details such as price which aged too quickly to matter. Also, why the fuck wasn't it done in Excel so that the data could actually be transferred? I want people's thoughts and plan to revamp this thing and actually make it focused and usable. The idea was not a bad one, it was just hastefully tossed together and done in a format that is difficult to work with.

Please answer the following questions:

>What makes a franchise worth listing in the first place? Popularity? Amount of RPG material available? The franchise feeling like an RPG world to begin with?

>What data is useful to include with the suggestions? Even links outdate quickly, but a least they can be looked up on archiving services sometimes. Would it be helpful to denote what is a full system verses simply a character build or modification to an existent system? Are these even wanted?

>Anything else you wish to offer here. Even freaking Reddit has a surprisingly okay list of games by genre and so to do one by franchise would still feel unique yet useful.

Thank you. Expect something this year.
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For Zelda RPGs, we have:

Reclaim the Wild https://reclaimthewild.net/

It's Dangerous to Go Alone https://chaoticgoodgames.gumroad.com/l/dtgarpg

I know there are other ones, but they escape me right now.
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What about other editions, how does 5e compare to those in your own words?
5e does seem to work pretty well for a lot of stuff. Its just really easy to learn.
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Really? Then why do so many people here seem to hate it?
Maybe it’s people who hate any kind of change?

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After an investigation into a Hive City that reported unusual activity in its lower levels before promptly losing contact, you find the team sent initially does not respond. Upon sending another team for extraction you discover the team is mostly alive and intact, but, to your horror, has no idea who the God Emperor of Mankind is.

And as soon as you're about to leave to order either a stronger investigation or an exterminatus, you swear for a moment, you saw something in the corner of your eye... A tall, slender, grey being covered in imperial symbols and iconography. You immediately tell them to fire upon the daemon and to quickly get off world... Your men do so, but before it dies it manages to strike you once across your chest... You feel your memories of the emperor fading, its harder to believe in him...But you press on, now determined to destroy this place when suddenly, more of them arrive, and as they fling into a combat against your forces, all contact with the outside is cut off and they whisper in a comforting voice "We are not real, You need not worry yourselves. Chaos is but a myth created to control you, Daemons are not real".

And with each person struck, they seem to be more and more caught under a spell... But you finally make it to the shuttle... Only for an offhand comment between your men to catch your attention...

"Thank the Emperor we made it out.." And then a reply of "The Emperor? Who?" from one of the men you brought here, the one who was very intensely zealous over the emperor, but stricken many times over by the daemons, and thats when it clicks... These daemons are erasing the emperor from people!

And while you may not have realized it, you just encountered Daemons of Necoho, The Chaos God of Unbelief.

This Hive City has an artifact of The Emperor within it.
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>How would the Imperium React to this?
Torture people exposed to the daemon to death to establish the effect. Effortlessly defeat it with a blank.
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Theres more than one in the city, fully fledged daemons... And they prefer to be hidden, and do not attack until provoked.
>more than one
doesn't matter
>fully fledged daemon
doesn't matter - it's a blank, he doesn't care
>prefer to be hidden
Then the Inquisition will just kill everyone and raze everything
Combat servitors and blanks. Then they kill everyone who shows signs of daemonic taint.

A radical inquisitor might instead capture the daemons and torture them into selectively editing the memory of test subjects to see if weaponized disbelief is of any use.

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The ideal look for a female adventurer is chainmail bikini.
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Ummmm no, naked is better
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exactly correct, the one true requirement for fictional armor is that it fits the character who wears it.
you cant swing easily in a open doorway and the crush of bodies would push you back.

they'd bowl you over, and shove a Dirk into your eyesocket, armpit, shoulder ditch, or anything else where the plate armour doesnt cover
what about naked and covered in honey?
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A thread for creating love interests, and discussing those previously made. Submit your characters, and other anons will try to give them a wife/husband! Please be patient, the backlog is gigantic, and waifucrafting takes time.

Previous thread: >>94699143

Archive: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/Wife/
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Hey Kara's writeup mentioned her mom lives with her and Ordus? What does she look like.
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Not a quest, faggot
I was in the first thread too. Honestly I assumed this will continue three threads at best, but here we are. I hope this thing continues.
So remove it. If you can't, fuck off.

>people are getting into /co/mic lately
>still no good capes ttg
So, /tg/, what would be your ideal superhero ttg system?
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>and what advice do you have for coming up with such characters besides copying ones from DC, Marvel, and the like?
if the big-shots of the setting arent going to be significant NPCs in relation to the players, then they can just be pastiches of gold and silver age archetypes

a superman ripoff being the number 1 hero of the setting is fine if his purpose is mostly just set dressing
that amazing guy who stops meteorites and saves kittens out of trees but the PCs never actually get to meet him in person
Aberrant is wonderful and needs actual fixing.
In what way?
2e's pretty good IMO
>One where romance is integral to the game.
I heard MASKS is basically this, though it's PBTA shit so probably not my cup of tea but maybe it's yours?

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How old were you when you realized that the people who go on their phones during play aren't the problem? It happened to me just a few days ago
>Playing DnD 5e
>DM has been describing the room we're in for over 5 minutes straight
>Scroll tik tok while I wait for him to get to the point
>20 more minutes pass until something happens
It made me realize that I have to be more concise as a DM. Players do not give a single fuck about all the little details of your imaginary doll houses.

Get to the point and allow engagement, then they won't be on their phones.
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I think this is a very common problem, phones only made it well known, but I feel that plenty of people spaced out while waiting for their turn to speak.
You really have to be captivating, but it is very difficult to do that. And having your attention 100% on the game can get tiresome.
I think the best solution is a low player count. No more than 4 plus 1 gm. This was the game can move very quickly
>I enjoy fast paced gameplay with minimal exposition
>therefore everyone else must share my opinion or they're wrong!!!
I sometimes really wonder if you people have such deadbeat parents that they never bothered to teach you that other people don't necessarily share you preferences or whether you're so severely autistic that you just can't grasp the thought.
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>It's not my fault I have no attention span, it's the DM's for being boring.
Pretty good bait, anon
If phonefags were as capable of multitasking half as well as they think they are then no one would complain about them.
Ttrpg combat is literally never that complicated, it’s a skirmish wargame for babies 9 times out of 10.

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