Emperor Prosek is attending this years Juicer Megabowl! Are you looking forward to game or the halftime show? Speculation is there will be a banger of a Northern Gun commercial and Triax showing a new import Talk about:>RIFTS(tm)>Heroes Unlimited>Palladium Fantasy>Beyond the Supernatural>Dead Reign>Robotech (lol)>TMNT & Other Strangeness + After the Bomb>Splicers>Nightbane>Savage Rifts>Resources, PDFs, links, podcasts, etc.:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95061814>>95065792There’s some deep lore on futa out there for example Futa Dom World. The futa in that setting aren’t far off from the stats the AI given. They’re physically superior than men or women. They also have male mind breaking addictive cum
>>95065513Yeah it's free, though at times it has issues from too many users.Allegedly you can download it to run off of your own machines to get around that, but I haven't looked too deeply into that.
>>95065792>>95066592That one was Deepseek.But I noticed when I asked chatgpt to make random encounters that involve common fetishes, at one point it gave me BRONZED SKINNED FUTANARI WARRIOR-MAGE, GENE-SPLICED TO BE THE PERFECT WARRIOR AND SEX SLAVE...,And later on it gave me 6'6" red haired futa psi-warrior who has a psychic aura of mental domination going around her at all times and being struck by her psi-sword weakens your resistances to her aura until you willingly sub for her.So it certainly buys into the whole "futa are superior" thing you see in shit like futadomworld or a lot of erotic fiction.
>>95066903Deep seek is ccp made though so Id give it an 80% to turn your pc into a zombie box for then
>>95066967>>95066592>>95061814Futa is gay, go talk about that shit somewhere else
Post your favorite fantasy maps
>>95018084>>95017236Eiichiro Oda stop posting on /tg/ and go back to making the next chapter.
>>95066658It's his break week so it's ok
>>95016837Was this one of those build a setting threads /tg/ does once in a while? It looks great, is there more lore?
>>95068582this guy made ithttps://www.deviantart.com/irondoors/art/The-Lands-of-Adventure-633702367
>Slaanesh used to be the ''rule breaking faction''>Slaanesh was censored in to the ''just pink guys faction''
>>95052149>She Who Thirsts
>>95063593That's how Eldar call him, they are afraid of using his name at all, so them also misgendering chaos god they are afraid so much is in character.Slaanesh daemons, other chaos gods and chaos worshipers call Slaanesh Dark Prince, Prince of Pleasure, Lord of Excess.
>>95065769They don't even refer to him by name lol.
>>95035439EC is unironically more unified as an army than any of the other ones simply because it doesn't borrow things like Slaughterbrutes and Tzaangors from age of sigmar or have a bunch of dumb chaff like poxwalkers filling up their roster. It's just chaos marines who wear bellbottom genes and have fucked up BDSM faces. They are quite literally the most consistent and desirable army in terms of a pure value perspective, as their combat patrol is the only one that doesn't have 1/3 the value tied up in shit like tzaangor upgrade sprues.
>>95034650In the end, you're going to run into the problem that most of the things associated with Slaanesh don't really translate to miniature soldiers in the way that the other gods do.Suppose that Chaos marine in your pic spends all his free time lounging on silk cushions in an art gallery surrounded by nude dancers while slaves feed him caviar and lick his balls. A really properly Slaaneshi lifestyle. Well, that's what he's doing in his free time, but when he's in battle, he's just a Chaos marine in pink armor. See the problem here?
GO DOWNGO DOWN!!!!!!!!!! edition>Banshttps://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/banned-and-restricted-december-16-2024>NewsThe 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:https://www.magic.gg/news/the-2025-magiccon-and-pro-tour-scheduleOdenheimer, Gruul Aggro, Wins Magic Spotlight: Foundations:https://articles.starcitygames.com/magic-the-gathering/odenheimer-gruul-aggro-wins-magic-spotlight-foundations/>Spoilershttp://www.magicspoiler.com/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95069456It creates two zombies it's great for zombie tribal decks we just need more white zombie support.
>>95069787>>95069854They initially decreased block down to two sets because they struggled with coming up with 4 good sets in a row.The abolished blocks because any set beyond the first sold less and they are in full Hasbro Bloodbank mode.
>>95068541>not even giving a link to the tierlist buildergay
quitting vintage was the best decision of my life
>>950695653 mana for a 2/2 and 1/1 plus some upside has been a staple for a long time, you dumb bitch. They're usually high tier regardless of archetype, because that's a good rate. If you're not putting those in your cube, you might as well not put any commons or uncommons there, most are weaker.
Avast ye maties and shiver me timbers edition!! We're setting sail for new waters in Flesh and Blood.Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.>Build Divide>Force of Will>Final Fantasy TCG>DBZ CCG>Wixoss>Keyforge>Gundam>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)>Digimon>Flesh and Blood>Gate Ruler>Battle SpiritsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95068307>until you have an off turn and basically rape the shit out of you in kindThat's like every other ranger turn though
>>95068451Pirate will be a ranger SUBclass
>>95068451It'd be a crazy miss for them to not have a gun slinger hero for blitz at least.
>>95068731but the gunslinger will be a mechanologist if anything
The reprints in the anniversary pack look so good.
Original thread here: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94186729Fantasy worldbuilding thread based on an old map I drew a long time ago, continued.We decided on a sword and sorcery theme. Please stay consistent with the genre and tech level (no Napoleonic autism).
>>95058291Sounds good
3 AM so I have to crash out, but getting there. Just stepped outside and saw the moon veiled by cloud with an iridescent halo, the silhouettes of black hills and a mysterious oceanic wind fluttering through the trees. It felt a lot like the vibe of this world. I usually love very high fantasy worlds, but they can feel dreamlike and disembodied. I want to shake it up and make this a little closer to the ground, rooted in the mysterious emptiness of nature rather than making nature a nonissue as higher fantasy worlds do. Hope that's intelligible, I need to crash.
Although mudswimmers are difficult to train, the port city of Gateway in Amberlon maintains an amphibious patrol of the harbor. The human riders carry water-breathing elixirs for when they need to submerge.
Mudspikes: Nasty and voracious. Basically nocturnal hopping amphibious piranhas.Found in lakes and rivers in temperate and tropical regions. Edible.
>>95062236I was at one point wondering if there were horses on this continent and contemplated replacing them with riding drakes, but decided that would be too gimmicky and lead to dragon fatigue. Other horse alternatives would still be interesting though. (Ultimately though, if a fantasy world has humans I'm willing to accept it has other Earth fauna.)Trying to think of a name and cultural details for Area 11, the central conqueror with the Bladebastion. How would it have risen above its fellow petty fiefdoms and become a conquering giant? A highly militarized culture like Sparta? A streamlined bureaucracy like warring states Qin (minus the geographical advantages)? I'm this close to simply making this land Calador and combining it with Calador on the map. Calador with its Iron Unicorns is our "high chivalry" realm, so 11 would have to bring something different. Perhaps an oiled war machine/ultra-militarized shtick is distinct enough. Bladebastion suggests a theme of swords and metal, so could it be a metallurgical/industrial realm with more advanced engineering and war machines than its neighbors? In thread 1 we discussed the possibility of magical gunpowder weapons: instead of having a cannon or a musket, for example, you would create a gunpowder explosion that transformed into a semi-living, volatile elemental or dragon of smoke (perhaps this alchemy involves using fillings from a dragon's iron heart-core?); could we use that idea for this realm? Perhaps its unique advantage over its neighbors is that it came into possession of a cache of dragon heart-cores from ancient dragonslaying kings who cleared the land of dragons, and now use the cores in war-alchemy? Just brainstorming, not sold on this. What are other ways it could have gained a foot up on its neighbors?
How is it that Blood Bowl of all GW's games just has the best scene?Even when GW abandoned the game the NAF kept it as popular as ever.And now GW are back and trying to ruin the game with unnecessary special rules and tinkering with the teams. But the NAF is still strong and independent.Compare that to the mess of sycophants and retards that is nu40k
>>95067389Because the skill in BB is disaster management. Even a good player can get blown the fuck out at any time, and players that can't deal with that won't play for long.
>>95067389Because an astonishing majority of people are both extremely lazy and demand instant gratification, and extremely fickle and will lose interest if its not indulged. As such they will find something else to occupy their time if you introduce even the slightest barrier to entry, such as;> no brandname support> having to source your own miniatures> rules are more than 3 years oldThen a good 75% of the halfwits, whales and zoomers just won't bite. Leaving you with the remaining 25% being actual humans capable of critical thought, empathy and not being a cunt at every opportunity.
How's the weird Barnes and Noble version I keep seeing?
Everything without corporate touch already means that the only people currently playing are actual people interested in playing it rather than brand sticking, like 40k has become.
>>95067578BB and BT are both sustained purely by the WAAC compscene, though? It's where literally 100% of passionate players come from and what keeps games alive.
If you don't allow players to play concepts that don't fit neatly into your setting, find a different thread. This is about that.How do you incorporate player characters that don't fit? Like, typical fantasy setting but one of your players decides they want to play as a cowboy for some reason. Obviously a lot of people here would say to just tell them to fuck off or come back with a character that fits, but let's say we don't do that. How do we fit the cowboy into the fantasy setting? Or if someone wants to play a power ranger in a cyberpunk campaign, etc. Whatever incongruent concept you can come up with, the specifics aren't important.One thing I've done in the past is to give the cowboy/power ranger/whatever their own little corner of the setting to be from, a place where whatever their gimmick is makes sense. It does sort of limit your ability to tie their past into plot hooks and such, though.
>>95065720>let's say we don't do thatIn my games, every option is designed to fit in according to the game's challenges first and foremost. From there, how they're designed determines specifics of what people of the world can do and abstractions of how they behave and how they live.Where D&D, and systems like it, put things in based on popular media at the time and preferred holdovers from past editions, I take the effort to make each option matter, and make sense when compared to each other and when compared to everything else in the game.A person doesn't play baseball to test his ability to swim, nor do they play YuGiOh to improve their hand-eye coordination; that is to say, a game is built for a purpose to challenge aspects of potential players, not to be a hodgepodge of inconsistent concepts slapped together that falsely claims you can do anything.If something doesn't fit into my games, there's generally a deliberate reason why. Sorry my answer doesn't fit nearly into your thread, but mashing things together with no thought or effort is lazy, boring, and not conducive to consistent gameplay, nor is it consistent with secondary aspects like narrative and worldbuilding.And to directly address the hypocritical elephant in the room, it's just fascinating how you tell people who don't want to fit neatly in your thread to go away, yet are in support of people who want characters and concepts that don't fit into games made with certain purposes and themes in mind.
>>95065720>If you don't allow players to play concepts that don't fit neatly into your setting, find a different thread.>How do you incorporate player characters that don't fit?... so was this thread just generated by a bot, or OP has IQ of 70 and struggles with daily life challenges?
>>95068527Nah, it's the standard zoomer thread of "b-but I read about Gygax allowing cowboys, how to?". OP doesn't play, and will never play, not to mention running anything, so also no real point engaging with his non-question
>>95068527Is this retards firsts how to kitbash thread Wow that’s so cute
Is there a single interesting or unique mechanic in Shadowdark? >uhhh you use a timer irl for your torches. Already existed. This "game" could have been a blog post, in the way so many work meetings could've been an email.
>>95062559way I understand it, real time is the upper boundary of how long an in-game action can takeso 10 in-game minutes can last 10 real time minutes, or just 30 real time seconds if the players skip aheadbut they absolutely cannot take 15 real time minutesbasically, you can set the speed to 2x, but not 0.5xI hope reddit spacing triggers somebody
>>95063179>Literally an entire section called Real Time in bold >Explaining tracking torches in real time >Buuubiut but that's nonnnot real time!!!
>>95065251>Entire section calling you a faggot>BUUUUUT he claims he's not a faggot
>>95062197>SIDF can point to Pundit being transparently asshurt and trying to dig up dirt and blackball her.[citation needed]
How seriously does your group take civilian deaths caused, intentionally or unintentionally by your characters? Do you or any in your group actively try to ratchet up civilian deaths, or go to great lengths to avoid them?
>>95062258That sounds awesome! My group has some stories, but they don't really compare to your group. You should make a comic or something of these, I'd definitely buy it.
>>95060408Minimize if feasible. Civilian fatalities are to be avoided, but anyone using human shields or hostages specifically counting on that is in for a rude awakening.
>>95062800>minimizedYou spelled maximized wrong
>>95068163No, I didn't. Maybe you confused reality with your fantasies again.
>>95060408>Theoretical question asking about an abstract problem in poorly defined situationThey don't give a single fuck
This is a thread for us wizardchads, sorcerers and general spellcasters Tell me how you play them, what you tend to center your characters and playstyles around, and what your favorite spells are.
>>95031971The only necromancer I played was more concerned with prolonging his own lifespan/seeking immortality than making zombies.
How do we feel about Spellblades?
>>94914862>le reddit meme build 5e player tried that once in the only game that they ever tried playing with us and ragequit. >Cast fireball point blank not realizing I've DMed since 94 and know how to deal with shenanigans >My normal players well aware of this and have played with me for 10+ years on average >Inside of wooden building with 10 foot ceilings/multiple stories >Break out ye olde' 3.5 material damage and hardness rules >calculate blast radius spread/damage >meme wizard blows out flooring under them + ceilings above them.>take fall damage going into basement and lands smack in the middle of a holding pen for prisoners. This is where they keep the REAL valuable prisoners. >Building is on fire now.>Other players gtfo >Guards gtfo cause they know they layout/exit. Can't fight a fire like that with a sword and dagger you know?>Meme wizard dies from building collapsing on them + smoke inhalation >Rest of party has to book it out of town because Guards are after them and crawling out of everywhere >Guards literally have a horn system to alert each other of where to get to.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94976596That's actually extremely based.
>>94921367"Wizard school" is cringe unless it's an ultra elite or secret organization. It shouldn't be something you can "enroll in" and "go to" even if you are born with high aptitude. Questionable ethics, disturbingly bankrolled, black boxes only. A wizard shouldn't sit at a desk unless it is their own.
It's about time, why did GW wait a decade and a half giving NPCs like the Raven Guard rules for their Leaders but not the Worldeater Matriarch?https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/uu8prgos/angron-ascends-and-the-conqueror-gets-its-captain-in-warhammer-the-horus-heresy/
>>95063856>"Lotara is everything the Primarch is not – calm, level-headed, and respected by the World Eaters."So, why is her model a screaming maniac waving a sword?
>>95063856>WE are mad because the chirping of all the fire alarms on all their ships
You retarded fuckers are so retarded you didn't even notice that the OP's filename is tell you this is a bait thread.
>>95066607Yes, and...?
You missed the general dude
Would B/X D&D and/or AD&D be the best system for running a game inspired by old Final Fantasy (1 - 6). I'm talking about exploring an overworld, getting into adventures, finding cities with problems and dungeons to explore and best. I don't have much experience playing these systems but seeing how FF1 basically just ripped of the AD&D monster manual wholesale and how you can easily reskin classes from older D&D into FF jobs (fighter/mage or B/X elf as Red Mage, Cleric as White Mage etc) it seems like the best fit.
>>95065112"Material to know" is the precisely wrong way to think about GURPS.The first and most important thing to know about GURPS is that it is not a ruleset. It is a toolkit. Just like how LEGO is not the Millennium Falcon. You pick and choose the blocks as you design and build the Millennium Falcon. But you could use those same blocks to build whatever else if you wanted to. LEGO blocks are not something you have to "know" beyond just understanding that you can snap them together.There's a lot published with the GURPS logo on the cover. But like.... ok? Right on the front cover in huge bold letters it tells you what the book contains. Are you running transhuman cyberpunk spaceships? No? Then why do you need to look in that book? Are you running Wild West cowboys? Are you running WW2 commandos? Are you running interdimensional psychic ninjas?No?Then you don't need to look in those books.Are you running super simple little sword-and-sorcery dungeon exploration RPGs? Then look in the Dungeon Fantasy books. It's that easy. They even compiled and condensed everything into a single stand-alone product so that you can run it with just those few books and you don't even need Basic Set for it. And you can run all of Final Fantasy 1 with nothing but just DF1: Adventurers and DF2: Dungeons. And if you're familiar with GURPS already, you don't even need those, you could run it with GURPS Lite which is like three pages. Three PAGES."Tons of books"??? I don't know where the fuck you kids get these ideas.
>>95044156You can literally do everything you described wanting to do with B/X.>Overworld exploration Make a hex crawl map.>Finding towns and quests.Use hex crawl map + locations >Explore dungeonsGet graph paper, make dungeon >Ressurect in town NPC cleric in town. >Converting classes elf= red Mage etcThat's already been done. Just give red Mage access to cleric/wizard spells. They're still limited to castings per day.>White Mage No armor Make a white Mage class. Just use wizard and give them cleric only spells.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95066193Well... black mages are mediocre at best. They "blow stuff up" if the stuff is just a group of trash mobs that would die in two rounds anyway. So it saves you one round of combat. The only reason it was important in the original Final Fantasy games is that some of those trash mobs were cocatrice or other petrifying foes, so you had to wipe the whole encounter in one turn or else it was a hard-guaranteed TPK. And they had a teleport spell, so that could be handy.But by mid game they were already a burden on the team and they contribute absolutely nothing in the last two boss fights. It was a pretty famously awful situation. Like to the point that "black mages, man...." was a meme all the way until after the '90s (and Vivi still caught a lot of flak for it, though the character was charming enough that he was mildly popular in spite of his terribad performance in the game, mechanically).To be sure, they weren't as bad as thieves, though. You needed a thief in the early game to keep up with the demand for potions (because your white mage's spells are NOT gonna last long enough to get through an entire dungeon), but their contribution otherwise was just garbage by mid-late game. Especially their class promotion into Ninja did nothing for them.But anyway.Yeah, the "herp derp how do you make a cleric who can't wear armor?!" idiocy has me throwing my hands up in despair. Just tell your players they can't wear armor or use weapons, guys, it's not hard.
What would be a good system for Dragon Quest
>>95068383Sword World
Recently I read the 2e book Menzoberranzan and it might be my favorite d&d book I’ve ever read, the focusing on one culture in such an alien environment, going over taboos, typical drow mentality, holy days etc really made the dark elves seem unique and fleshed out, which ultimately I think should be the goal of almost every humanoid race.Which made me think, why haven’t we gotten a similar book for most other races? Especially orcs, a favorite of mine, which never seem to get much official material written about them. So here is a thread for bouncing ideas about what you ultimately think should be a part of orcish living and settlements, everything from physical description, outlook on life, what gods they worship and why, where they live, either in caves like 1e or more nomadic wanderers like modern editions. If you were going to make something like the Elder Scrolls Orsinium in a Ttrpg what would you make sure to include?
All orcs should breed giant war boars to ride.
>>95055910>"They kill and steal for Killstealius. Stop asking stupid questions and roll the dice, we have 3 more random encounters to get through after this."That's dumb. It's fine if you want to have a race that exists solely as a guilt free XP delivery device in your campaign (assuming you do have one, right anon?), but that's so fucking out of place in so many stories. "I don't like it so it's not worth exploring for anyone" is the mindset of a stupid child who won't eat their vegetables. Faggot.
>>95066141I accept your concession, cope harder miserable faggot
>>95066683I’ve never been the biggest fan, but I can see how they could be appealing, I always thought as something like a seperate species as I do really enjoy the moblin type enemies from the LOZ and think they could fit in fine. My one problem with beastmen type races is they don’t have any visual distinction from the “beast” half of them a lot of the times outside of being bipedal. A goat man is literally just a goat on two legs instead of, a more interesting, goat-like or inspired design. Think even like, the werewolf from American Werewolf in London or Dog Soldiers, you can tell they’re based on wolves sure, but they still look “distinct” but anyway going back to orcs and porcs, another way I’ve thought about solving this is just to have theme use wild boar as cattle / dire boars as mounts, maybe they worship a god who bestows being a wereboar on certain members as a blessing. That bravely default design is very charming though, I will admit >>95059380I know Tolkien always struggled with the sort of morality of the orcs but modern orcs are pretty divorced from what he had in mind at this point I think. They get the sunlight weakness sure but the orcs in the LOTR are more like modern day goblins, they’re short, squat things while the modern idea of an orc is usually much bigger than a man and built broad and sturdy. I don’t see why these can’t be either subspecies or distinct but partially related groups though, he’ll forgotten realms has neo-orogs as the lab grown orc villains for the wizards of Thay and while I find the name pretty stupid it does let you have your tribal savage orcs and your dark lord fodder at the same time. >>95066141I know this is just shitposting but all this brings to mind is the two orcs Samwise overhears in Mordor talking about wanting better lives lol, there is moral depth to the orcs in Tolkien, pretty blatantly actually
>>95067124I do feel like this should be a more common thing for orcs, boars as mounts just feels correct, the question becomes, what about wargs? Do you give them to some other race as mounts or do you combine wargs with dire boars because I do enjoy the relationship between orcs and their wolf-ish mounts. Usually the hounds are more intelligent than their riders and won’t hesitate to start picking off members of the tribe if food gets too scarce
>walk into Target for the first time in ages>have been getting back into MTG as of late, and head over to the card section just to see what’s there>get there and there’s some worker stacking Pokémon boxes, and lined up behind him there are fifteen fucking people, waiting at 3PM on a Thursday to scalp Pokémon cards>the line is filled with the elderly, the underage, single mothers with toddlers in their shopping cart, white trash, black trash, neckbeards, even a downie>well thankfully I’m there for MTG so I walk right on past them and check out Aetherdrift>everyone in the line starts shouting at me, I explain that I’m not there for Pokémon>even the wagie shelf stacker is suspicious and says I can’t be there while he’s stacking>I’m bemused as fuck, dare I say more bemused than I’ve ever been in my entire life because I’m getting yelled at by all these scalpers for trying to buy a completely different card game (that I actually want to play, not scalp)>anyhoo, I walk away and join my friend who’s checking out and start bitching at him about what just happened (he saw the whole thing)>just then the shelf stacker finishes his first stack and steps back>the line falls apart, one wigger starts pushing and shoving people and grabs a fuckton of boxes and runs away, cursing them out>neckbeard Redditor starts screaming and shouting for security, who were waiting close by>tears are spilling down the single mom’s face, nevertheless she still has like six boxes in her cart>downie is just staring into space, dumbfounded>redditor is insisting the wagies go confront the wigger (now in self checkout) and take away his Pokémon cards and give them to the Redditor Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95066152I might for that much. I am almost tempted to basically trade it in for the recent print of junk warrior, but idrc.
>>95055998where are the dice, dude?
>>95060864Pokemon cards are way less embarrassing than cryptocoins or NFTs.
>>95055998>>95065785Wouldn't surprise me. I'm UK based and my flgs has a real problem with people coming in off of the street to steal pokemon boosters, they had to move them to a shelf facing the till. A friend of mine also buys cards to flip, but he's more casual about it than these box+ of boosters nightmare stories.I don't understand it myself.>>95065785
>>95056024Saying he was going to buy Aetherdrift Drift was a big tell