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>finally start reading old fanzines
>almost die of SOUL overdose
What causes this phenomenon? Why are current fan-publications so soulless? It feels like the fun got sucked out of the hobby.
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I don't pretend to be above things like marketing and the like, but I really do have to wonder what goes through people's brains when they feel they need to go all in on some hobby they only saw in some popular program. I understand that sometime it's all you need to bring the hobby to your attention, but that's different, it feels like it's less they became aware of it and just feel they need to emulate what they see on TV.
Generally very little direct corporate control and high fan engagement. I've been skimming Dragon issues (up to #201) and you see the sorts of shifts that took decades to manifest happen over a few issues, from the terse 1-2 page OD&D articles that are still meaty, the pre-UA AD&D articles becoming longer but still unpadded, to the mechanically bloated 83-84 AD&D articles, to post-Gygax overwrought mechanics accompanied by purple prose and most irrelevant "historical authenticity"
Dragon has the additional problem that Gygax eventually said only he was allowed to write mechanics. Leading to lots of historical fluff stuff as safe filler.
>It feels like the fun got sucked out of the hobby
...it did.
This is why having a home-friends crew and a healthy purchase of DIY materials at your local Hobby Lobby is a key part of bringing back that fun....
Popular program shows group of friends having fun doing a shared activity, therefore you want to do said shared activity to have fun with your group of friends. All marketing boils down to three basic types: thing will bring enjoyment, thing will bring wealth, thing will bring sex.

That's exactly what killed off the zine scene in the 00s. Digital is faster, cheaper, and reaches a wider audience.

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Monsters of Old Mu Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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>I remember seeing something about Atlan maybe getting reworked and some other rules changes.
I was going over Atlan and Atlantis and kinda realized they didn't really stand apart as well as I wanted them to, and suggested we try and bring them back a bit to their original theme of "low-count, little to no-range, high survivability". Remove/rework some movement buffs, make sure we limit the mounts we give to them so it isn't too easy to make a fast cavalry list (or making them fast isn't as well the best way to make them tougher... ), etc...
From a lore perspective a suggestion was made to have the Atlan/Atlantis split be relatively recent (at least, more recent than 7k years ago...) I think it makes a lot of sense if we can find a good justification for it and for Atlan turning out how it is as a result, and save their understanding of the incoming Deluge, but it was across a few post, so I really invite you to go through it and offer your opinion.
Rules wise I've brought forward a lot of different suggestions that had been made, Looting mechanic, Damage types reworks, trying to get a lot more variability in wounds being dealt... All of this led eventually to looking at the basic combat resolution mechanic and armour resolution. The initial idea was to have Armour success reduce Wounds instead of just saving them, and what I want to try right now is some variation of "success/beating on Evasion face-to-face reduces all Wounds by 1 degree" then "success on Armour reduces all Wounds by 1 again", with some tweaks, and see if that isn't too much to go through to resolve. I think it'll be fine and would allow for a lot more granularity in wounds being dealt, and would give some nice space to develop mechanics out of it. I want to see it in action before I make up my mind further however.
Also the thing about tightening the theme of Atlan is not exclusive to it, I want to do this to France, US and Atlantis as well (UK I feel is mostly fine).
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Re the list of suggested changes posted >>94428175 its a bit old it already evolved a bit I think.
> Sharp/Skilled is probably going to be redundant if we go with the 2-step wound reduction system, its already baked in (which is part of why I like it). I think Deadly would need to be reworked as well, possibly as a Crit effect.
> That version of the Armour rework is probably not going to be the one to be used, either success on armour is going to be set to 1/2 by base, or a special rule will boost it from 1 to 2, not a crit.
> For Looting I think the best option so far is to score half now and put half of it on the Corpse token to be Claimed later on. I'm really not sure anymore, its probably the best mechanical way to do it but it feels very weird. I almost feel like it'd be worth it to turn this into a faction gameplay aspect, as in you have to loot even the opponent's models, but factions might have different ways appropriate to their strength to do so... Not sure.
>Also I agree with the earlier anon who posted about hired hands being good enough and not needing a unique worker unit for each faction
>I'm for the in faction settler.
My idea was to represent actual colonists in each factions, a British Colonist, a French Colonist, an Duosicilian Colonist, etc through nearly identical profiles in a way similar to the Medic being shared across the French Brits and Italians. Making them workers was really just the default, and because yeah, the American Prospector kinda already fit by name. I was thinking of workers you want to really keep alive until the end, so something bad happens if they die, something good happens if they are alive by the end of the game? Promotion?
This is part of reinforcing the theme by representing hapless colonists being caught up in the events, but if you guys feel its not necessary or works against that, let me know.
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So the Tiger Brigade Renault clearly needed to be reworked, it and a single crew of Tiger Brigadier ran over half of an American expedition last time it was used. After the Sky-People playtest I think reworking it to a simple transport rather than something you want to charge with all the time is going to be a lot better.
Anons had suggested the "combat cars" a while ago and I thought it could work well as a (much) lighter but meaner version of the Tiger Brigade Renault. Basically a go kart with a tiny Montmigny Mitrailleuse on it. Heavy Traction + Almost No Suspension will make it very variable in its speed.
If it's a lighter version why is it the one that gets battering ram? That seems unintuitive.
They both have it, but the Renault's a bit better because it has Strength 7.
Its lighter because you can stop it in its track with one lucky shot (either immobilizing it or killing it)

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>Player or GM

>Systems preferred

>Times available


>Tone/Theme Preferred

>Contact info

>Other notes
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I did 8 years ago, have played 30+ games with the same crew
It's still funny to occasionally glance at the wasteland that is this thread
they do get a bit quirky at night...
Sounds interesting.
>>Discord Server for voice
Dammit I hope my upper respiratory virus heals already.
Looking for a single player for a Pathfinder 1st game set in Eberron. Game's tone is Wild West and party is currently at 3rd level (approaching 4th.) Gold as level. Game runs Sundays at 3 PM PST on Tabletop Simulator.

Discord: Kickflip89

All core material is allowed but the other 3 players are mostly noobs to PF1 so you're asked not to make a crazy ass OP character. Contact via discord, please have a character sheet ready.
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Would you be ok with using text till you heal up friend? I've had a few players with similar issues in the past, so I'm more than happy to accommodate. And good news, we got three players already and we can always use more!

Is it worth it brus?
Considering all the cool minis alone the price actually doesn't seem that high compared to stuff from GW.
I'm not even that interested in the game itself since I'm pretty happy with just playing the pc game but I'd love to use the figures as visual props for roleplaying campaigns. The units are very archetypal for fantasy and lend themselves well to being repurposed.
I guess childhood nostalgia also has something to do with it.
Is there a cheaper alternative for such a purpose?

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I heard it's dookie like all video game to board game adaptations
It's good. Some scenarios are not greatly balanced, the minis are pretty useless and the game is too long for more than 2 players but otherwise it's a very solid game and I can't stop playing it.
Why Heroes of Might and Magic 3? Is it set in its own universe or something? Why not call this game Heroes of Might and Magic?
can you still get in on it?
>Why Heroes of Might and Magic 3?

Marketing. HoMM3 is widely acknowledged to be by far the best game in the series.

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I keep bouncing between several RPG rules for a Renaissance setting. I've contemplated (and began writing) my own rules several times as an ongoing project. I bounce between a Renaissance RPG (Renaissance Deluxe, based on BRP/OpenQuest) and possible using Traveller/Cepheus Engine games and modifying them. Should I just write my own rules for my table? Should I shut up and just pick one and read? I don't care for class-based RPGs anymore, I like BRP/Traveller classless and relatively light advancement for character attributes, instead it's about money and connections. Encourages the type of play I'd like.

BRP skills scare me, there are so many and character creation is a chore to compute all the numbers. I've never ran Traveller but only have seen videos/reviews.

Does anyone else have this issue or am I truly a unique retard?
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>OP has issue with character creation slog of BRP and you retards suggest GURPS to fix this?
After his GURPS training montage he's going to be an infinitely better GM
nah, you become a better gm by running more games. GURPS is just one brand of autism to pursue, not a panacea.
Why not just run 7th sea?
Have you considered Song of Swords?

It lets you stab people in the groin.
There's no way to phrase this without sounding like bumpfag, but all I've done with BW is read the first like quarter of the core rules and heard other people talk about it; what's so shit about Burning Wheel? It seems more engaging than DnD-likes and Fate by a good measure, surely that puts it in the upper half at least

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Is it just me, or are more players today less tolerant of any form of elimination? I do not remember anyone in the past complaining in the context of "I am not playing so I do not like this."

Sometimes my character dies. Sometimes my last unit gets killed. And when this happens I often am not the last one to lose. The game continues without me, and I never had a problem with that.

Am I weird for that? What do the rest of you think about games in which players can be eliminated? How do you deal with it? Have any of you ever found ways to accommodate players who got eliminated?
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TTRPG goals shifted from being a game to play that story emerges from through chance to a story telling activity with the pretense of chance. Different crowds. Turns out there's more sales to be had pandering to pampered retards who can't stand the idea of losing or waiting and listening to other people, even their friends.
This combines with increasingly bloated and bad game design that takes longer to do anything, so the waiting becomes more than 5-10 minutes.
Its not weird to not want anything to do with that sort of shit. There are entire sections of ttrpg gaming like OSR that are geared towards a more direct player character threat game. They're not as popular but that's okay. Their skin was very hip for a while and marketing has been wearing it thin enough the bandwaggoners will leave in the next few years.
You can either have a high lethality war game (or -like/lite) or players who are invested in and care about their character, but not both.
Also nobody enjoys just sitting on the sidelines for hours while everyone else is having fun, especially if its a group of friends where the point is to have fun together.
I think you're mixing up the cause and the symptom. WotC realized that they could make bank by printing splatbooks full of PC options of feats, spells, variant classes, etc.
All of that adds together to make character creation more complex, and so naturally drives people away from playing more lethal games.

The bloated game design is what has lead to modern games often being group storytelling, because trying to play it as a deadly dungeon crawl is just terrible. But people associate that as high lethality itself being bad, rather than the game being bad for high lethality.
Why are your players threatened by you showing your gun your little winkle?
>You can either have a high lethality war game (or -like/lite) or players who are invested in and care about their character, but not both.
This. I tried OSR a couple of times. I tried with two mindsets.
>Meatgrinder mindset. Stop caring about characters, throw shit against the wall until you win.
I lost 3 characters in one session. I stopped caring about them immediately i just named them 1,2,3 and 4 in different languages
>Attempt to care about my characters
As soon as one character hit level 2 or 3, becoming a sort of leader, I became a complete coward because I rolled low on hit points. It was fun to come up with novel solutions, but it was stressful every session getting as much XP as I had.

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This is a drawthread for bad artists, people who don't consider themselves artists, and people who might have nothing more than MSPaint or even just a stick and some mud.

If you want a very detailed, very specific piece of art, try a drawthread for good artists.

If you want a stupid idea drawn, request it. Want something silly or weird or mildly amusing? Go for it. Just remember you're not going to be getting anything of quality in this thread, because even if a good artist decides to descend to here and grace us with their presence, we're going to bully them. Same goes with people who make particularly dumb requests. But, this should go without saying: no real bullying.

This thread is just to have fun and to request/draw stuff for this board (try and keep the requests related to Traditional Games), so let's not take things too seriously. If you've never drawn anything, this is a great chance to start, and if you don't even have a stick or some mud, just hit up a site like https://kleki.com/ or https://excalidraw.com/ and mess around.
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Now draw her outlifting a bear.
Hi! Mind making a Slime Fighter, an Ooze Rogue, and a Jelly Wizard?
best thread on /tg/ right now, SOVL
I can relate

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Bossssssskkk edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous Thread: >>94314178

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Give me some of that copium, bro.
He’s right, /tg/ Star Wars is still doing well.
is this why these threads take over a week to reach bump limit?
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Faster than most /tg/ generals which rarely ever reach bump limit.

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How would you structure a campaign set in ruined Metru-Nui?
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>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94119829/#q94160347 - https://archive.md/WRQ5t
>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94119829/#q94177165 - https://archive.md/lA0hL
>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94119829/#q94193749 - https://archive.md/ZUxIg
>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94119829/#q94200788 - https://archive.md/GJb6T
>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94119829/#q94204076 - https://archive.md/f4CB5

there are 42 deviant art pictures in that thread and most of them can be found in bumpfag's favourites

>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/93999036/#q94176775 - https://archive.md/fLxZS
>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/93999036/#q94193777 - https://archive.md/m2pBD
>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/93999036/#q94208168 - https://archive.md/a598V
>https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/87465600/#q87633883 - https://archive.md/vEFir

even if i can't score direct matches, i can correlate the authors of these images with his favourites too, like >>94415764

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Figures. Once you have one mental illness, furfaggotry is just a step away
What about campaigns set in G2, how would you handle those? I'd do a G1 x G2 crossover, over the two pieces of the Mask of Time.
what's the matter, you little shit? not going to call me a schizophrenic loon this time?

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For all art, stories, queries and conversations relating to Rifts, Palladium Fantasy, Heroes Unlimited, or any of the other "minor league" titles like Dead Reign, Splicers, Beyond the Supernatural, etc... hey, the last one went alright, so why not another?

Some questions to get us started:
>How do we make combat magic more viable? Would dropping the P.P.E. cost down by a factor of 10 make attack spells better? Seriously, fuck Kevin's insistence that mages should only be good for puzzles and not combat.
>Does anyone know what the hell pic-rel is? It shows up in D-Bees of North America as a Zenith Moon Warper, but I'm sure it appears in other books too...
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I see. Y'know, anyone else think it's weird that despite Palladium being largely known for its setting building because of Rifts, Palladium Fantasy RPG and Dead Reign, their earlier shit like TMNT & Other Strangeness, Heroes Unlimited and Ninjas & Superspies has literally no inherent worldbuilding in it at all? I wonder if that played a role in its inability to steal the crown from TSR...
TMNT had After the Bomb which is Rifts without D-Bees and Magic. Heroes Unlimited had Mutants Underground and Galaxy Guide. Ninjas and Superspies had Mystic China, though it was mostly it's own thing.
The Ayys, after generations of probing humans, were brought low by an unforeseen consequence even Great AElonicus couldn't predict. So now they just bum around and steal shit. The Lizardmen never associated with these crackheads, yeah. Shut the fuck up mammal.
Hilariously, the real lore might be even crackier than that.

The Psi-X are illegal experiments in augmenting human psionic potential conducted by Dr. Bradford, the madman behind the Coalition's mutant animal soldiers, in his Lone Star facility. Ending up with a bunch of deformed and insane super-psis, in a rare moment of pity he released them into the wilderness of urban Texas. They've been around long enough to have at least one generation of kids, and they're starting to genuinely believe they ARE aliens.

Bradford solves a lot of his problems by releasing them in the wilds of texas. There is probably a lot of tax documents caught in tumbleweeds across the state.

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Are there any TRPG systems dedicated to playing as giants?
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The giant already got gains, that's why they're giant.
There's Iron Edda; you don't play Giants necessarily, but you can play Norsemen who have bonded the their souls to the bones of giants in order to fight dorfs in mechs.
Mekton if you stretch the definition of "playing as a giant"
Dragonquest allows for giant PCs. I wouldn't say it's dedicated to play as a giant though, they're ultimately pretty similar to other playable races and I think mechanically rather weak. (High XP penalty)
I will now make an RPG system called Nephelym which is based around playing a colossal humanoid who may or may not take on the animalistic or elemental traits of its patron god. Enemies will be divided into three types, similar to Genesys: Mobs (Large groups of weak enemies who will not stand a chance on their own.) Armies (Large groups of armed and trained enemies who do stand a threat of harming you.) and Heroes, (Singular, powerful enemies who are possibly a match for you, probably.)

Character progession would represent becoming more in touch with your patron's aspect or rejecting it to embrace the aspect of your inner nature as the child of an Angel and one of the few being son the plane that can channel the power of YHWH in the way that Heroes channel Amon, Tengri, Helios, Curupira, etc.

The mere concept of people asking to be paid to run a ttrpg is mindboggling to me. Almost as much as the fact that there are people out there actually paying others to join their game and run it for them.
What the fuck happened? Is this just a symptom of late stage capitalism or american faggotry?
These are supposed to be fun and friendly hobbies that you play with mates in your spare time, not actual jobs.
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What makes you think he's using a phone?
Why are you on this board?
It would certainly improve you.
I didn't read your post because it's because people lack the friend circles (or the social skills to acquire those circles) and substitute effort with money.

Do not pay for games. Do not fall for any of these people trying to say they're higher quality or people take the game more seriously, because that is some absolutely baseless tripe and completely pathetic cope.

A sweeping majority of paid-for games are module or pre-written content.

Dictated but not read. You can suck my dictated, though.
Most of my friends are self-proclaimed "RPG nerds" (as in shit like Dork Souls, Purse Owna, and, and uhh, Final Fart (nailed it)) but none of them want to actually read shit or choose a background for their character the few times I've had them merely attempt to create a character. The chemistry just doesn't happen for some groups, there's such a thing as *too much* autism. I find it funny that tabletop is considered the nerdiest of nerd hobbies when it's the people that literally can't go beyond a video game that are the most socially stunted.

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What's the best way you've ruined our DMs plans, intentional or not? I'll start
>Playing 5e
>Two party members decided to rob a flying casino we were in
>Casino owner find out and is, understandably, pissed, and is sending his entire security force after us
>Session ends with us on the main floor of the casino, but on the opposite side from where the exits are, so we have no way to leave except to fight our way out
>We make some plans and discuss how we're going to get our while packing our stuff
>Next week, session starts
>Plan a little more, then remember that our warlock is a changeling.
>This means his home plane is the feywild.
>As the guards approach, we all shove ourselves inside a bag of holding, which the warlock holds, and then casts banishment on himself
>Party vanishes from the casino and harmlessly arrives in the feywild
>DM says he spent the last week designing the entire floor of the casino, setting up guards to arrive, and meticulously planning the entire fight out.
>We will never know how the fight wouldve gone
>sign up to play game as 3rd player
>never show up
>never talked to anyone in the group again

>party gets ring of wish to solve problem
>pickpocket ally
>wish that we didn't need the ring of wish anymore
>GM goes home
idk OP how do I ruin your DM's plans?

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What setting has the most complete list of Elven subraces?
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FR invented most of them and they're setting specific, so it's either FR or the use-anything-generic-setting-greyhawk core setting from 3.5.

That's just the entire site at this point
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how many types of elves do you need in a game really?
>There's no rhyme or reason to his psychosis.
>FR invented most of them and they're setting specific, so it's either FR or the use-anything-generic-setting-greyhawk core setting from 3.5.

Was FR the first to have random-ass [Biome] Elves?
No, that shit's mad old. But it's a separate tradition to FR that FR isn't downwind of.

I'm interpreting
>complete list
As actually meaning listing something out and calling each thing an elf explicitly. If we don't do that then the TES route of calling your broad category of something 'elves' and then listing every fey in the setting as a different type is going to win, but that's neither a list nor is it complete.

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Anyone here ever tried to make a campaign, or just a dungeon, on RPG Maker? Or other engines.
I have a dungeon I'm thinking of making into a Zelda-like top-down game, and I was wondering if you had any experiences or advice to share in translating your tabletop material to digital.

Nope, don't hate myself to this extent.
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I use at times to make maps for my pokemon tabletop.

I still need to learn how to use it though. Such as importing additional tilesets. I find myself limited at times because of that and am learning Tiled because it allows far more expression, even if the tiles don't line up exactly.

is that the (heavily edited) southern entrance to Goldenrod?
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It's route 34 yea. The idea was that the group needed to help two farmers who crashed their truck and wild pokemon were threatening to eat all the food for the daycare.

Here's another one for Ilex Forest.
>VX, VXAce and MV

People who wanted good looking maps used external programs like photoshop and gimp to make paralax backgrounds for their maps, then used tilesets for events and animation. It worked remarkably well if you spent the time drawing the maps. Some of the best looking games used this method.
Yeah but that's for games.
It's silly to go through that if you just want it for maps like that one anon

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