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New Years Horrors Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
Trail of Cthulhu 2e crowd funding launches

Current Book Club Topic:

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Belief they'll be elevated to the same position as them when the stars are right (they won't), a desire to die first, or just flat out a yearning to burn the world down out of spite.
Check out Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi and pull stuff from that.
how was it nominated for 2024? that shits been around forever.
Gray Part-Time Jobs has some pretty unique and original ideas, one after the other after the other. Some are pretty dumb but it's a machinegun of original scary stories, tied together by the concept of high paying part time jobs that are barely above human sacrifice.
The art isn't too good, but the creepy things are more than okay. The selling point is the originality anyway.

Why does anyone play xenos, non-Marine imperium etc in 40k? Space Marines make up like 70% of the game. There's an entire spin-off game which is more like 95% Space Marines.

The most successful novel series and landmark part of the IP is Space Marine based. Every major character that actually does shit is a Space Marine. The majority of the rules and model content that comes out each and every edition is about Space Marines. Why would you play or collect anything else except out of some weird self-cucking martyr complex?
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Space marines are at their coolest when they get to fight xenos. If everyone plays space marines, you'd never get to see Space marines fight xenos.
That's very interesting, and I don't know why it didn't occur to me before
Eldar = Pagan Europe as a whole.
Craftworlders = pagan greeks/celts/norse a bit
Dark Eldar = horrifying Fae of celtic legend who will steal you away to the Faery realm for vile purposes
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I play non marine/non imperial forces because im bad at the game and I want the good guys too win

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I've never played Monpoc, but I like the aesthetic and giant monsters in general, what are the best parts and what are the some of the common complaints?
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Me too. I like this concept of big monster fighting against each other.
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The problem is that the Drakens or the Mutates dont look like giant monsters but just big humanoids.
Yeah I think that’s my issue with them. I can give the 50 ft woman and the SSS monsters/units a pass because they’re referential one offs, but the more giant humanoids they added the less interested I got, and these things don’t even jive with me to begin with because the theme doesn’t feel like it fits
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They are too humanoid in general. The problem is that their armies look like a demon army that could be humansize.
For a space dragon faction the monsters should look more like feral space dragons than dragon warriors. More Ghidorah.
And the Mutates have the same problem. The units should be more vehicles to show contrast and that when they mutate they all grow to that size.
The off-brand Ultramen need a better design.

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Is the average adventurers guild in a generic fantasy setting literally one of the most evil organizations by accident? All of the things that pay out the most are generally murder quests like killing bandits or murdering a menagerie of fantasy monsters.

And all the low level quests like helping cats out of a tree or gathering herbs or helping grandma craft a potion are considered garbage and of low importance.

Personally I'd love to do all the low level happy quests even if I get a low reward because being beloved by the townies and just doing good deeds is far more worth it to me than being king murder hobo.
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>Do you think if you kill a thief that's the end of thievery? Or do the external conditions which caused that thievery still exist?
fundamentally all crime is caused by overpopulation, so while killing one criminal won't make immediate difference, it's step in the right direction
Considering that said monsters are often serving under a blatantly evil force that wants to subjugate the place where the Adventurers' Guild operates, I'd say even in the games and stories that play into the fact AGs are just mercenary companies under another name tend to paint them with a lighter brush than the antagonists.
That being said, they are still gay as hell and there's no way my party would join them.
or you could make use of that extra population instead of forcing yourself to maintain status quo in the most backwards way. Make them build roads and work farms, they can keep a random house for every 10 they make or whatever.

Not that you've been talking about anything /tg/ related at any point. Name one game system and we could discuss in practical terms.
Didn't the Mongolians manage to solve thievery in their territories by singling out whole communities of them and razing them to the ground?
A bandit gang is a lot like an army, and while killing them piecemeal is unlikely to solve the problem decisively (as they can always recruit more bandits), investigating the source and destroying their ability to steal and fight by denying them access to resources like food, shelter, and weapons will leave them incapable of further pursuing crime.
they solved it by a jobs program aimed at violent people called imperialism.

>your character is teleported into the real world
What happens next?
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I have sex with him, of course.
I'm surprised the bloodline disciplines even made it into V5
Depends on the character
>Gnome Cleric
Absolutely thrilled to learn about our tech, would hate most people who try to hoard tech
>Kitsune Witch
Scared but curious and cautious, might move to Japan and discreetly become a mystery at some shrine
>Human Cleric
Pissed off but greatly enjoys the local booze
>Human Brawler
Becomes a mascot for America and joins Hollywood for movie deals
>Drow Rogue
Quickly becomes head of a cartel
>Pulp Scholar
Goes insane from the time warp, most probably institutionalized

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Probably gets offended that nobody knows who he is, then start to organise funds for the new arctic expedition. Then probably being even more disappointed there is no huge hole on the pole and suspect it's Terra Arcana once more with their shit
>Catfolk Brawler
I regretfully have to inform him about furfags.
>Elf Witch
He gets comfy with the NEET life despite the Crow's insistence he do something.

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Writing General: 'New Year, New You' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)

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Idk why I'm so damn horny lately.
I can't even play solo because I'd rather just masturbate to the fetish elements of the setting.
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I recently started questioning if it's even possible to have any meaningful drama with a phoenix dying and coming back. As far as I know, audience would expect such a thing, as it's the phoenix's, like, core thing. And more importantly, so would the characters.
What about the drama of living eternally?

You could also introduce a twist of sorts. Maybe something about the phoenix changes every time it dies? Does it lose memories? Does its fire burn more or less intensely? Does it slowly mutate each death until it eventually becomes an eldritch horror?

What if it's not even the same phoenix every death? What if a replacement just knows when to swoop in to replace the dead phoenix in the storyline, and you could play it off as deus ex comoedia?
Use that to fuel your writing. When I'm in that kind of mood, I can get very descriptive about everything. Once I'm done I masturbate, get it out of my system, and delete the horny parts.
I'm definitely gravitating toward "losing its memories" or something to that effect every time it dies. Where it is METAPHORICALLY a different person each time...and recently learned that a cartoon from the 90s or so had the same concept

I guess I should clarify that by "drama" I mean that "despair/all is lost" moment if the phoenix gets killed by the villain or something

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I want to write my wizard and sorcerer backstories better
I think mine are pretty good so far but I want to make them better, I want to play them more proper

How do you make them interesting? Study and magical pursuits are what define them, on paper they should sound boring, but they can have some really interesting shit to them if you put in the work.
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Stop writing "backstories" and go play games, you massive faggot.
Seriously? That seems like an overreaction.
Here's my Wizard's backstory:

>"We could do with a wizard"
"No wizard with any sense would get near this job."
>"Then we need one short on sense and long on debt."
>How do you make them interesting?
My current wizard is a mute with touch-telepathy and heir to a very famous but reclusive wizard
Excited to flesh him out as the campaign goes forward

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dead thread? :D
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undead thread
I cast Summon Undead
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Crashing the imperial delegation with no survivors edition

>Balance Dataslate

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

>Pre 10th Torrent:

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Tourist here, why nobody uses old carnifex anymore? It was the bread and butter of the army during 4th edition (the only edition worth playing)
Yeah. It would take a lot of bugs, but they could. The shadow in the warp might even close the webway hole that emps is keeping closed so they might not immediately get deleted right as they finally win.
Is it the same baker for all these threads and they just suddenly forgot how titles work?
You probably shouldn't be making threads if you're so retarded you can't use the subject line.
>Forgot the thread title


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smashing edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Chesscom Community Championships: Puzzles Championship | January 13th - 17th
- Tata Steel Chess Tournament | January 17th - February 2nd
- 2nd International Chess Tournament "Al-Beruniy" | February 2nd – 12th
- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Weissenhaus | February 7th - February 17th
- Djerba International Chess Festival | February 16th - 23rd
- Bughouse World Championship | starts February 18th
- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Monaco (3rd leg) | February 17th - 28th
- Prague International Chess Festival | February 25th - March 7th
- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Cyprus (4th leg) | March 14th - 25th

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He has a provisional rating. Basically the system doesn't know yet his real rating. He has to play more games and it'll stabilize eventually. There isn't a fixed number of games needed. Same story on lichess and other websites.
Okay thanks. I realized after poking around that he has different ratings for different game modes. The -167 occurred, I assume, because it was the first blitz game he has ever played. He usually does the 10 minute or 30 minute games and his rating is still 485 in that mode, so I think that’ll make him happy to see.
>Bughouse World Championship
They are doing the qualifiers arenas already; Andrew Tang is playing right now: https://www.chess.com/play/arena/3905123
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>mfw finally noticing opponent's gaping hole and bringing the game to a quick close
>Gukesh vs Fabi next
Guaranteed draw? I don't want Fabi to choke so early

Do shepherds fit clerics or druids more, generally speaking?
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come on, anon
every npc should be at least level 5, preferably level 20 to prevent murderhobos.
Give them multiple classes too.
In what system?
Generic D&D clone. It's a setting/system agnostic question, more about what people feel about the general archetypes.

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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>That would be a curious jump.
>perks for being better at driving and fighting the drunker you are
>Makes me think of an Osmosis Jones fanfic...you know, if those existed.
I swear there was one that was a crossover with Cells At Work!, although I might just be hallucinating the existence of that.
>That would be a curious jump.
Could be funny if it was in the style of the Multiplayer Supplement and was just a bunch of cocktail recipes.
Reminds me of an old image I had with a guy that had two puppies or kittens strapped to his chest asking what you would do in this situation
>Side note. Nanaya, one of Inanna and Ishtar's subordinate goddesses, was worshiped in Medieval Sogdia as well as Tang-era China. So you can justify literally every pantheon in Eurasia being present if you take a broad enough view.
Damn, that's wide spread
I dislike generic jumps on principle, but I'm 100% okay with watching numbers go up. On the whole, I'm good with it.
Cell To Singularity, and Revolution Idle.
Thanks for the build! And confusing the absolute fuck out of Rei.
Huh. Would ya look at that. I'll give that a read, then.

Has anybody here played a tabletop game in the Elder Scrolls setting? Are there any rules for this out there?
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Pelinal is an exception with the help of gods(plural) but you do have a point, not all altmer is magic mastermind and dunmer were royally fucked in the red mountain eruption
Colovians retain more Nordic ancestry & influence, are closer to the modern view of dour medieval continental Germanic feudal society, are distrustful of magic while being inclined towards martial endeavors, & generally only worship the Imperial Cult/Eight or Nine Divines. Their names & garb are based on Slavic cultures. They tend to be traditonal, isolationist, proud of their folk & ancestors. Most Legionnaires who aren't provincials are Colovians or Heartlanders.
Heartlanders are those who live around the Imperial City & are a middle ground between Colovians & Nibenese. They may worship other gods besides the main Imperial Cult, though it is likely to be their main pantheon. They're less plain in dress, more akin to perhaps the flamberge-wielding landsknecht. More exposed to foreigners, while retaining pride in their own culture. They are more likely to have tattoos, accept & wield magic as a battlemage, & be prone to political intrigues.
Nibenese are in no way reserved, with cosmopolitan tendencies, gaudy styles of dress, elaborate tattooing, & as the Imperial City is sometimes known as the city of, over a thousand cults, including some who openly worship the Daedra. Some take pride in distant Akaviri or Elven ancestry. Battlemages are primarily a Nibenese tradition.
The Nibenese value mercantile endeavors, mysticism, & political accumen as opposed to Colovian piety, hard-work, & fealty to their lords. They are more likely to live off of fish than crops.
erfridder is an old dutch word for knight I believe.
>Elven ancestry
A thousand years of Alessia proves counter to that.
All of what we get about them as very distinct cultures comes from 400 years before the games take place. What you see in Oblivion is the truth. The Septims have Bretonized the Cyrods beyond recognition. The only meaningful distinction left is that Talos is way more important to the Nibeneans.

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Thread 437: "Back to 2015" Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

BCS 2024~25 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bcs24-25/
DivineZ S3 Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4J1bCWWDak

Release Schedule (Vanguard):

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I mean Masanori, Taizo, Jinki and Gui are pretty important in DivineZ.
Will DD2 have all the DD1 DLC Characters? Also if it's covering Will+Dress where are Halona and Sophie at? It's strange how these two are just gone from the series and nobody mentions them.
>Will DD2 have all the DD1 DLC Characters?
I would expect it to, it's so weird how they don't bother revealing anything about it. The game is out in 2 weeks
Small indie company. Cant afford the ad revenue. Please understand
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ACT (RC): COST[Put this unit into soul] Choose one of your Plant Tokens, and it gets PWR +10000 until end of turn.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z9rF6O9ZiTEwOwsDRQR-UoCQZj6CZvqVEsI-ST1Pwck/edit (no, it is not going to dox you; you appear as anonymous to others)

I think that the overall chassis, framework, and core mechanics are fantastic: easily some of the best I have ever seen in an RPG with grid-based tactical combat. I appreciate the workday pacing, the initiative mechanic, the activated faction abilities, the reduced importance of attack roll dice luck, the inter-class balance, the inter-class balance, the interesting enemy teams, and the noncombat challenges: in their broad, broad strokes.

However, after having Directed the game from 1st level to max level, I think that the finer details could use plenty of polish. My experience was very rough and turbulent. It was rather fiddly and annoying to keep track of all of the collision damage flying around. My player and I have both played and DMed D&D 4e up to level 30, and have both played and GMed Pathfinder 2e and the Starfinder 2e playtest up to 20th level, so we are experienced with grid-based tactical combat.

Direct quote from the player: "I don't think any other game has asked me to do this much math in a single turn." It was a lot of collision damage, and I mean a lot.

PC power levels can also get out of hand. Even with the game's various infinite loops strictly barred off, I saw a level 7 party with 0 Victories one-round an extreme-difficulty encounter against EV 145 (including a stability 6 omen dragon) before any enemies could act, thanks to Seize the Initiative, This Is What We Planned For!, Flashback, Gravitic Disruption, Dynamic Power, Armed and Dangerous, the Thundering weapon, the Deadweight, and the Bloody Hand Wraps. Later, at level 10, with 0 Victories and a ceiling to bar off the Deadweight, they wiped out EV 250 (including Ajax and his damage immunity 5 and negative Stamina) during the first round with three PC turns still unused.

You can read more in the link at the top.

Yes, I took the surveys.
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Not gonna lie I mald a bit when I see this overrated as fuck e-celeb pull in 1.3 mil just to make a worse version of one of my recent favorite games (who's dev is lucky to get a 100th of that for a reprint) and continues to have barely any resources to work with.
in what way is this good? art (specially the one on the drivethrurpg preview) makes it look sloppy
It was initially made 10 years ago and very low funded, no shit the art ain't that great.

But it's been through a lot of testing, and instead of having a bunch of specific not-DnD classes and half a dozen different triggers a turn, it has a handful of straight forward effect (similar to MnM) which you can customize as you please.

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