>>94815328>>94815334>>94815357it's better at 40kaying than 40k is nowadays
>>94815334You seem very knowledgeable about what's posted on Reddit. Almost like a habitual Reddit user.
>>94814847God I hope GW sues you.Also, buy a fucking ad.
>>94817518at what Satire?
Something Old, Something New Edition.Converse about JTRPGs, their translation status, or sessions / storytimes.Games that don't count:Fabula UltimaOVABESMCloudbreaker AllianceAnimaValorThe copypasta:>Japanese RPG Troves:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94713211And thus the tricky part...try and start with Sword World, say it'll be a bit easier by lew of 2d6s. 'side from that, just try and nudge them subtly if possible.
>>94801230yeah, "Almost" is pretty close to where it's at.
>>94786257>>94802835Was this drawn by Hayami Rasenjin? Artstyle looks really familiar.
>>94814725>>94786257 is definitely Rasenjin, he does a lot of TRPG art.
Rsenjin does a lot of guest art for TRPGs in general, but Meikyuu cards (etc) in particular. At least from what I've seen in Role & Roll
Does /tg/ like Savage Worlds?
>>94816264>>94817265Art style is indeed utter shit, but I like how it does more unique casters who are pseudo magical girls.Pdf is already in the trove >>94699097
>>94818069meant to post this pic, with their version of "no power points" and some of the crystals
>>94817265>and i'm pretty annoyed that this, irrelevant and obscure one, got a localization in my countryshit, in my country (Finland) pretty much the only SW stuff I can find that's actually available is the core book, for 48 euros.Well, there's Holler and Suzerain -Dogs Of Hades for some reason, but none of the companions, decks, mini settings or anything like that
Only good for setting inspiration
>>94589666Yes.Also, Hail Satan.
Should it be?
>>94817806Oh, thank you for the full details, Anon. I could only barely remember that tidbit from a random check in a pfs module last year or the one before
>>94816151If we're using D&D magic schools, then yeah, since positive energy is just the other side of the same coin as negative energy. Otherwise, I can't picture it going into any other school, except maybe Transmutation for healing magic that works by reconstructing biological matter rather than channeling positive energy.
>>948190143.5 made it conjuration, because youre summoning a portion of the energy from the positive energy plane into people. Standard necromancy is a weird school because its a little bit conjuration, a bit transmutation, and snippets of other schools but focused solely on manipulating positive and negative energy.
>>94816151Is brutalising shitposters a crime? Should it be?
>>94816151If you look at D&D>Early healing is Necromancy, from understanding the relationship between Mind, Body, Soul, and how they interact to form a fully realized entity. >3rd edition. Healing is conjuration. Turns out channeling properties of higher/positive planes is more effective at restoring harmed flesh than its own natural processes being accelerated/warped. >5e: Well, the planes are harder to channel from directly because both divine and arcane mages got kinda downgraded in how their power scales, but you can just use the Evocation school to generate the same positive energy locally that you were previously tapping the higher planes for.So for my two cents, it's a matter of how old the healing technique is.
>You WILL live in the HabBlock pod>You WILL eat the corpse starch>You WILL work a 15hr shift in the factorium>You WILL pay your tithes to the Ecclesiarchy>You WILL be happy
>>94814752I can I jerk off to pictures of the emperor drawn as a sexy woman?
Does this mean that Tau cities are the ones with SOVL?
>>94814752>You WILL be happyDoesn't sounds like 40k. What system? Paranoia?
>>94814995No, Tau cities are the ones with COMMVNISM.
>>94814995no just just replace Gothic hab blocks with 90s anime hab blocks
Anything I should know before I pull the plug?
>>94818995I doubt anyone in this thread plays the 5e version of the game. The real experience is in its own The One Ring system.
>>94804661The +1/+2d effect also usually means that the item grants you a magical success. In other words it can do things you would not be able to do without magic, basically the players or LM come up with the effect. This relies on player creativity to take advantage of. But your idea of stacking other homebrew effects on to items is actually supported in the books. Several of the items in Tales From the Lone Lands have other effects (there is a cursed dagger that turns creatures wounded by it into wraiths, a ring which extends your lifespan, etc). So you have precedent to add effects, I frequently do this.>>94818392You are genuinely retarded. This guy has your number just right >>94818934
>>94818995I dont even play 5e and in a few minutes I have already found that the splat does contain>new rules for Journey, Council and Skill Endeavor systems ported from The One Ring>All the heroic cultures and their feats/virtuesAnd I'm sure many other things. So no, just because it (rightfully) excludes superhero powers doesn't mean it is a "lore blog". Would I use it over TOR though? No.
>>94785085Good investment
>>94785085>anything I should know..>'pull the plug'yeah, learn what pull the plug means.
Has anybody here played a tabletop game in the Elder Scrolls setting? Are there any rules for this out there?
>>94810644I think there was a hold or two in High Rock. Considering the linguistic split, the Ayleids were likely present not long after or even before the Dwemer on Tamriel, ruling out Cyrodiil.>>94810397Damn, you're right. Talos the God is still part Atmoran/Nord, Colovian, Nibenese, & unfortunately Breton as a soul-stack of great heroes amongst men though.Hjalti/Tiber = BretonYsmir Wulfharth = Atmoran/NordCuhlecain = ColovianZurin Arctus = Nibenese& there's another general mixed in there somewhere that is often forgotten about, don't recall the name. Possibly the head of the Dragonguard/Blades as well.
>>94810666Would Ayleid presence really preclude Dwemer settlement? They're occupying different parts of the land. I mean, sure Ayleid sites tend to go down quite a bit, but those are just tombs. It kind of is a shame how little there is to how the old merish civs interacted with each other and the burgeoning humans. Especially Direnni, their lore is a mess.
What's the story behind the Glenmoril coven moving from Western High Rock to Falkreath in Skyrim?
>>94812654There were a couple of offshoots I believe but I haven't read it in a while, there was a Glenmoril witch in Oblivion too I believe
>>94811243it would have led to a lot of conflicts just as it did with Dwemer and the Chimer in Morrowind Alyieds worshiped Deadra something the Dwemer categorically refused to believe in.the Alieds were probably just to entrenched at the point when the Dwemer even bothered looking settling Cyrodiil.
Gone to the other side edition>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md>Resources for RED:>RED free-DLC and extra content too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94817696I wasn't really asking for your approval, so its lack doesn't bother me. In the future you could do me a favor and keep your idiocy to yourself as well.Autofire uses 2d6 explicitly to nerf the critical chance.But sure do what you want in your game. I'm sure giving assault rifles a 40% critical rate and the Helix a 50% crit rate isn't going to be a problem.
>>94818536im sorry sir
>>94818536>But sure do what you want in your game. I'm sure giving assault rifles a 40% critical rate and the Helix a 50% crit rate isn't going to be a problem.I've run that mulitple 2d6 houserule in my game for around a year and it's fine. Combat being deadlier isn't a flaw, what is is having a x2 skill that doesn't reward the player for their investment.Every other x2 skill has similar damage dice and crit rate so why is it so bad for Autofire to follow prescedent? You're just hung up on the "swingyness" and low crit rate as some amazing feature when it's a silly limitation that makes the skill worse. Firing 10-20 rounds at a goon with an Automatic weapon SHOULD do big damage and have a significant chance to cause injury. The drawback being the high DVs, Ammo Consumption and lack of Aimed Shots. You don't need to nerf it further.If you really MUST keep Autofire dogshit, atleast remove the dedicated Autofire skill and just have it roll off of the weapon's normal skill. That way players don't have to waste points on it only to be dissapointed.
>>94818536>even mentioning the helix.ah so it is you james. go sniff your farts on the discord please
Of course I can't find the image now but I've been thinking about a post that circled around a while ago saying what if cyberpunk was styled around australia instead of japan. And I am curious what that would look like. Now what is auatralia like in RTal cyberpunk, I've read specific rim, but what would a true blue aussie cyberpunk look like?
A good, ol' fashioned inspirational image dump. Bonus points for personal load out spreads.
>>94816553Some random early American folk craft/witchcraft stuff I tossed together for a friend's class on the Salem witch trials.
>>94815129>improve threadAnon his entire point is that this thread shouldn't exist, so why would he contribute and improve it?Imagine for a moment that threads are things in your garden, like charis, table etc, this one is shit, you don't improve shit, you get rid of it.Now this thread will be here for next 2 weeks because OP will bump it every 10-15 hours.
a Pellet or Stone bow
Should "dungeons" be verisimilitudinous living spaces for monsters and outlaws or more akin to portals to fantastic realms?
I stopped putting library rooms in dungeons because invariably a player would say something like "I pick up the third book on the shelf and open to page 17. What is the 43rd word on the page?"I would try to give a general answer like "its a book of kings of an earlier age, it will take some time to study" but that wasnt good enough for them
>>94818376Them pushing you for a specific word is unreasonable behaviour, you both know there is no word, because there is no text, because there is no book, because there is no library, because there is no dungeon, because it's all fucking make-belief. The correct answer is to tell them to stop trying to disrupt the game with hyper-specific questions that are just meant to upset the GM. Optionally if you for some reason you have reservations against telling someone to stop being a disruptive player and just want to engage in the same bad behaviour, then consider having page 17 be a hyperrealistic charcoal drawing of their mother being fucked in the ass, and be very specific as to details.
>>94796408A 'dungeon' shouldn't have a meaning in the world. It's a game term, not a setting term.
>>94796408prefer the former rather than the latter since it gives the player greater context for the setting of the game and allows them to bring knowledge their already have but their is something to be said sending players in Non-euclidean hellscapes
>>94818376Each time they ask just say "the".
Should magic have consequences?
>>94804990>anon then proceeded to leave the thread
>>94816403>tranny assmad xhe got caught
>>94817309>bringing up trannies out of fucking nowhere
>>94752447depends on the setting and tone you are going for in your game
Tau Auxiliaries Edition>RPG Rulebooks>Homebrew Collection (August 2024)>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94817205You are in the wrong thread.>The only "auxiliaries" you're getting are kroot to screen and entangle enemy melee.We literally just got a vespid refresh.
>>94816818>My game is set in CalixisSo? Tau are everywhere.
>>94816777Tau patron and environment seems like a perfect setting for mixed species parties. Throw in some Tau, Kroot, human, eldar outacts who's in for fun, and maybe Demiurg (Squat). Any chances that Cubicle 7 will make Tau/Squat supplement for Wrath & Glory?
>>94816777I haven't used Tau yet but im excited to introduce them in my current game. It's a frontier world OW game with the party managing their own warband of Imperial soldiers and locals they have press ganged. The next big arc of the campaign is gonna be dealing with the Tau invading, but instead of it being a proper military force it's a merchant fleet that got knocked off course after cadia exploded and has desperately arrived in orbit.The Tau are gonna first try and make contact with the most powerful warlords and countries using human diplomats (the planet is effectively abandoned and cut off from the Imperium). Offering medicine, food and eventually some weapons to those who decide to cooperate with them, basically using humans as mercenaries to do dirty work for them and provide security for their outposts that they are gonna start setting up. As they become more entrenched in the planet they are gonna land in force, while it's mostly a civilian fleet they do have a modest contingent of fire warriors, vehicles and battlesuits, but definitely gonna be leaning more on the "alien coalition" side of things rather than just lots of mechas. (A single XV-88 should be a very difficult boss fight). Tau weapons are also gonna be insanely better than their Imperial counterparts, if the party decides to fight them head on they are gonna have to use smart guerrilla tactics to ambush them and close the huge advantage that the Tau will have in range, firepower and (most pressingly) air support. This will hopefully be a nice difficulty scaling as the party so far is pretty used to their Imperial tech being more advanced than the locally produced autoguns and archaic WW2 level tanks. Does all of this sound fun?? Anyone got ideas for hooks I could do with them?
>>94818890>eldar outacts who's in for funNow that you mention it I wonder how the Tau would take to a troupe of Harlequins coming along to put on a show. Aside from the ethereals having all witnesses executed for learning some unfathomable cosmic truth beyond their purview.
Previous: >>94811026>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity>Deck list site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choiceshttps://www.archidekt.comhttps://www.moxfield.comhttps://www.tappedout.netComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
> If you could choose one card (outside of Black Lotus) that is restricted in it's respective format and make it playset legal again, which card would it be?None. If anything the format needs more bans
>Reminded WotC made a retarded animal setLore sets are gay. Universes Beyond is fucking gay. Magic the Gathering is fucking gay.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Personally i hate them as for me it always feels like the dm wants to feel smug about their oh-so-devious oc when in 99% of cases there hasn't been any buildup and suddenly good guy was EVIIIIIIL all along and the players have been essentially returned to zero.Also it just invalidates any progress the players actually make in their journey.
>>94806780The best villains are the ones that you know are straight evil, but your goals align until the very end. This dude helps you out and repay the favor a few times back and forth. You know he's up to no good, but ehh, you've got other things to worry about and he's chill with you. Extra bonus points if you don't have to fight him after all. You've been useful and a good asset so far, so why kill eachother when you could stay at his right hand?
>>94806976>Twist at my table is usually that their evil boss has betrayed the evil party???A twist would've been the evil boss not betraying the party.
>>94806780You know, I was actually rooting for the prince to be an actual good guy and not a secret last act villain. The movie even lies to the audience, having him act good when no one's watching him.
>>94806780They can work, but you still need to follow all the rules of a good plot twist.
The players deciding to become twist heros is more interesting than there being a twist villain.>Case in point:
For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e> Toolshttps://srd.dndtools.org> Indices> 3.5> 3.0> Dragon Magazine IndexComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94793645"The weapon strikes who should be the intended target rather than the intended target". No more tactical fuckups of not realizing there's a dude you could finish off this turn. Be right 100% of the time when you don't know who is real and who's the doppleganger. Never miss in the dark.
it just occurred to me that rangers could make good use of lances, since favored enemy is a flat damage bonus
>>94815081Is there an ACF somewhere that let's Rangers swap their favorite enemy on a daily basis.
I'm once again reminded that soul eater is a seriously underappreciated monster PRC
>>94815081Rangers, by default, are geared towards archery and TWF, attack modes that greatly benefit from fixed numerical bonuses. You're falling for "oooh +100% damage" trap of the lanceThat said, if you want to do a mounted TWF lance ubercharger with pounce, more power to you, although i've always found that interaction to be borderline illegal