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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0
> Dragon Magazine Index

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Fair enough. I havent run a campaign online. I played one once without a vtt (not 3.5), it was okay. But I've been running in-person games with laptops and PDFs instead of paper books (usually paper corebooks but everything else stays at home) since 2009. As for my setup, it's a cramped space but I have a decent (but not new) desktop PC I often use for work, so I probably wouldn't need to buy new hardware. I was just thinking "if you can't get an in-person 3.5 game going anymore, online could be an alternative."
That's how our table does it.
Why did you reply with the numbers? It looks like you posted a hentai recommend.
How should I build a psionic artificer?
Is that an option that exists (like an ACF) or are you trying to make something from the ground up?
Asking out of curiosity, I don't think I can help you with that question.

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Local Heretic Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo dieselpunk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
Grab the playtest rules and the lore primer here and check the FAQ for any other basic questions you might have.

>third party sources for making trenchers:

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No, this is the OTHER grim dark game with like 4 people actually playing it.
Be careful, though- Janny in here gets a bit assy if you're critical of his game and will just flat out delete your posts and ban you.
don't forget to ask pointless questions wildly outside the scope of the game or post an empty variant of
>[faction name] sounds cool i will build a warband
and then never follow up with anything
Screaming over and over again “it sucks I hate mudcore” is not criticism no matter how hard you whine.
>with like 4 people actually playing it.
It's got more people playing it than all those other random games combined and it isn't even fully released yet man, there are literally games happening every single day in the discord, they have already done a couple tournaments, there are 5 events scheduled over the next month around different stores with 10+ people signed up to each
This just looks like 40k except in ww1.

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Time for your regularly scheduled quarter of a decade Ars Magica thread. Do we still have AM players lurking around under the floorboards?

Post your:
>Favorite House
>Most-used form and/or technique
>Silliest formulaic spell
>Highest you ever scored on a stress die

I've been enamored with this book since I learned about it and wanted to try it enough to attempt GMing for the first time. It's a daunting first time experience though, and none of my potential players have heard of it before (but are likewise very intrigued). I've heard fifth edition is a tough nut to crack, is there a decent adventure to try before jumping to making my own sandbox?
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It's a thing on this board. Just talk about whether muskets are historically appropriate and you will see it.
Ars Magica just feels like too much depth to even get to actually play.
So do other bullshit fantasy settings, desu, at least your knowledge of Ars Magica has real-world applications.
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>Finis Terrae
That book is a monster, so I'm not too surprised it hasn't been translated yet, if it's ever going to get one.
A rank chemistry text is well in excess of any number of irl alchemy codebooks. I recall having to cite one where the procedure is interrupted by a literal prayer. Even were I to interpret that as a timing device (far more common across history than our absolute timekeeping) it’s a bizarre indirect placement by modern standards. T b f, I can think of a more retarded alternative: sing three measures of a song by referring solely to the title name, see foot-notes in the back-matter, it’s soon to be published.

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Do you prefer Fantasy or 40K?
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Absolutelly based

I like the aesthetics of 40k. I would never actually play it since the rules seem like they're trash and the models are way too expensive for something that doesn't even come pre-assembled and painted.
Cool dwaawb
40k just because I prefer sci-fi over fantasy. I do really like the Skaven though.
40K. Haven't touched fantasy or Sigmar. I only read lore/novels/stories so take my opinion with a gain of salt.

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>this breaks the game balance

ah yes also game balance shits itself when a magic user uses anything else than a shitty dagger
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In GURPS you can do whatever you want.
Archers were hot shit for all of five seconds until the Greeks invented the heavy shield and spear, and then archers poofed away into nothingness
I'm going to assume you're talking about 5e because you didn't specify a game and it checks that a D&Dipshit would spam the board with retarded bullshit instead of staying in their containment thread.

Shields in 5e aren't bucklers, they're held in the offhand and thus it is impossible to fire a bow and wield a shield at the same time.

Now if 5e had bucklers that would be a different story entirely.
Except create skeleton minions.
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>be upper class greek
>spend your entire life in a fancy city training, navel-gazing, and jerking of with your fellow aristos about your manly virtues
>go to war decked out in a panoply worth a medium sized farm
>some bumpkin with a piece of leather throws a rock very fast at your helmet, the metal caves into your skull giving you catastrophic brain damage
>the last thing you see as you spasm out on the ground is the rock on which this inbred fucking village idiot has scrawled "nothing personel, malaka" and drawn a penis

hxh homebrew using mage
Can't think of a better system and all the other hxh systems haven't been that great and I think the wod system is perfect for the world
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>Making a hxh homrew when the series isn't even finished
Things work out if you follow a stepwise process:
>Make a Practice x Field of Phenomena grid.
>Apply cost differentials across Magnitude for the results, or their line of origin.
>Link Practice to Skill.
>Acquire weed and floozies.
The disadvantages and flaws should be fun:
>Full clown outfit
>shota murder fetish
>literally retarded
>getting rid of dead bodies is a superpower
>born in lawless criminal-filled trash heap
I was gonna call you out for thinking weed and floozies exist in hxh but the I remembered that Jesus, Kant and Hegel also cannocially exist so why even debate it?
>Things work out if you follow a stepwise process:
Have you made homebrews from mage before, or is this just rational thinking on your part?
Stripped down homebrews, all far less ambitious than HxH.
You probably have to fight over a gator pit to be employed as a servant in HxH. Mutant gators, because of course.

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From a fantasy villains perspective. And while we’re at it: what are the perfect goons?
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I like skeletons. Sometimes I just say its a skeleton, despite it having death knight stats.
>not charismamaxxing your pyramid scheme for world domination
Ngmi. Bet y’all don’t even have triangular architecture.
My taste in fiction isnt bad enough to recognize whatever youre talking about
Sasuga, fag-sama! You did that autism, same as everyone else. Post best gril, master baiter.

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I got probably 10,000 pages of OC. What is fucking wrong with me lol Hobbies, damn
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>What is fucking wrong with me
nothing (aside from the obvious humblebrag)
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Eek, I didn't mean to brag. I'm sorry, guys. Bragging is cringe af to me
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Well then, post it then, I'm most interested in reading it
Yeah, I am pushing that. A lot of volume is new spells and stuff, of course, so it is padded a bit
This is the trip I'll use to identify my future work on tg and hey, if you hate it, those ppl can filter me now

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I know of many legendary swords, but why are there so few legendary warhammers?
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What the fuck is a magic hammer gonna do thats cool? Just hit shit harder? Oh how magical it gets heavier. Thats not as impressive as a magic sword, unnatural sharpness and being wreathed in flames and shit is just intuitively more appealing than the hammer getting heavier and being on fire while you bonk with it. The fire if anything seems totally superfluous to the bonking, with a sword you at least get that shit up inside the foe when you stab em.
You need to work on your bait.
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Volendrung is pretty cool.
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Yer razzing me right?
We're not allowed to fpbp post when it's warhammer. Too bad.

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Twinkling Twins Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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What are they gossiping about?

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Last thread >>93340028
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>Butterfly Fish
Ornamental fish with large, colorful fins that resemble the wings of butterflies. They live in the underwater gardens of the pondfey adding to their enchated beauty.
I might be a minority here, but I'm kind of tired of subversion in media. I think it would be a refreshing change of pace if things would just be played straight for a change. Like it's a whimsical setting with faries and will-o'-whisps and talking beavers set in a pond in the woods, and that's just about it. Even better if adventures end in an aesop or fable.
My 2 cents.
NTA but I know what you mean, though I dont think it has to be entirely a subversion, there's just a bit of spooky mystery and possible danger on the edges of the idyllic settlements
i do like the ideas of the fairies having a warlike side to them, but having it secondary to their current state of perhaps growing to a more civilized people could make for a more interesting culture
the shadow/mosquito fairies from the last thread were established as a vanquished foe that the remnants of which are hunted down by frog-knights but the kingdom could be in a post-war expansion where the fairies are expanding and in a time of prosperity
And that expansion lends itself perfectly to the genre. The players are explorers and adventurers sent out by the fairy kingdom to gather knowledge and details about the pond, among other things.

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by Gwendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)

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I'm not that Anon, he meant that since the painted minis were promotional and relevant to discussion, you should just have posted them.
how does subbing to mmf tribes work? I want bite the bullets stuff for next month but I don't know how it works. they drip feed releases so how do I get everything?
I can swear that there was a website with all the models from MWO ripped for printing but I can't seem to find it now
can anyone point me in the right direction?
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Hi CGL, give my love to James!

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Shouldn't the same logic apply to half-elves in general?
What makes the drow so special?
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Why not father?
There are a lot more structural issues with the mother having to carry a child to term if it's incompatible with her biology. Consider a lizardfolk woman giving live birth to a child that needs to be breastfed. That's going to result in a longer pregnancy, a much more difficult birth, and ongoing needs of the child that she can't meet.
>No such thing as church of Eilistraee
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That...is definitely the case.
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once you go black, you never go back

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Not Stock Art edition

Previous >>93353624

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

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my worst match ups are like, levimon gamers and for some sychroninstically lore accurate reason black wargreymon always gets me. I think thats just a funny glitch though
where to play online
The comfort of your own home.
the buggy sim where kids will go AFK until you surrender because there's no timer
Project Drasil, not automated, require joining their discord to play.

DCGO, automated, buggy as hell and doesn't have all the cards.

Playing via videocall, most reliable way but gotta know people before hand.

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ACK 2e - Thoughts on the system. Its still fairly fledgling but as a 2e DND clone, its not too bad. I think its at a fairly stable point but still needs some work.
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Isn't it just the same as any D&D sheet?
>personal info, attributes and modifiers, level and xp, HP, AC, move, weapons, skills (called proficiency), encumbrance, saving throws
the problem is that the boxes are BIG, and there's some stuff no one bothers to track in modern D&D: AC with no shield and unarmored AC; surprise rolls
and the weird part is having an attack throw table with each individual AC value and also having attack throws for your individual weapons.

Badly designed I'd say, looks complex but has the same info as every other D&D sheet.
What's change compared to 1e?
>and the weird part is having an attack throw table with each individual AC value and also having attack throws for your individual weapons.
>Badly designed I'd say, looks complex but has the same info as every other D&D sheet.
Yeah I'm more or less here for the asthetics arguement. The AC thing is sort of a midwit assistance as the Acks Throws/Ac is a bit weird.
6 attributes i get, they cover core transferable stats pretty well and the terms are broad enough to be fine.
Not OP, but off the top of my head:
- damage cancels ready
- magic missile is now mage missile, slings one missile per round, and lasts as long as the caster concentrates
- cleric is now crusader with access to level 6 spells and other unnecessary bonuses
- major changes to spells due to moving away from D&D mainstays (i.e. no more unseen servant)
- various improvements to witches, thieves, and venturers
- warlocks were altered and now suffer random punitive (flavorful, I'm sure) effects as they level
- still no decent druid class or any inherited magic class
- consolidated and improved layout for economic and magic subsystems with a few exploits eliminated

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