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smashing edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Chesscom Community Championships: Puzzles Championship | January 13th - 17th
- Tata Steel Chess Tournament | January 17th - February 2nd
- 2nd International Chess Tournament "Al-Beruniy" | February 2nd – 12th
- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Weissenhaus | February 7th - February 17th
- Djerba International Chess Festival | February 16th - 23rd
- Bughouse World Championship | starts February 18th
- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Monaco (3rd leg) | February 17th - 28th
- Prague International Chess Festival | February 25th - March 7th
- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Cyprus (4th leg) | March 14th - 25th
- European Individual Chess Championship | March 14th - 27th
- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Paris | April 8th - 15th
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland | April 24th - May 1st
- lichess 2025 Spring Marathon | April 26th

>Previous thread:
last rounds of the European Women's Rapid Chess Championship:
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many compliments to Sara for the silver medal and for winning this game against Kosteniuk from this position, good stuff
>Puzzles Championship
>Players must stream their participation.
fuck off now
Using opening principles instead of learning something is not really working for me anymore. I'm trying to get to 900 lichess rapid and I feel like I need to play more coherent openings now. All I know is I do want to control the center with pawns and I want some first few moves to instinctively know in every situation. Any recommendations on what openings to learn? I have no ambition to go past 2000 and kinda doubt I'll even get to 1200. I just need something simple and fundamental.
You know 5d chess with multiverse time travel partnering with chess.com and putting the game on their platform would really give me more matches of the thing
And with a bit of iteration you could make something that plays just a tad faster

Also I want to see chess.com players get tilted by the vastly more infinite quadratic singularity blunder potential that is 5d chess with multiverse time travel
So much more room to fuck up
I'm trying my hand at the kings gambit for a while. I'm also trying to figure out wtf to do as black after 1.e4, e5 2. Nf3
I'm scared to throw out Nc6 and have to deal with someone who's competent enough to Ruy Lopez me but I also don't want to be passive.
open up a lichess analysis board and just explore the book to see what's out there. you can get pretty far with principles alone, but there are some fun openings that go against principles and have their own reasoning. like how modern openings don't go for the center and gambits try to sacrifice a pawn for better development.

i think beginners are too scared to lose their internet points so they are reluctant to just experiment and try random shit, they have to know that it's the right way to play or gothamchess approved before they dare to deviate. even if it's a mistake, making the mistake and experiencing the consequences of a bad move is the best way to remember and learn how to not make those mistakes. simply make moves and see what happens.
I will try that, thanks.
I'm scared to deviate because I'm a fundamentalist and I don't want to gloss over mastering the basics.
can you guys explain to me why the top players don't just remember all the moves you can make in chess? seems like that would make you win all the time, since there are engines that tell you the best move in every situation
they do, it's called opening prep. memorizing all the possible (reasonable) moves from the starting position is how they try to gain an advantage over their opponent, but at some point, their prep runs out and they have to start thinking on their own. it's not really possible to memorize all the possible moves because there is simply too many (more than the number of atoms in the universe or something like that)
but you don't have to remember all possible moves do you? like if they make a bad move then you can just counter that on your own without memory
If it's a common mistake, a gambit or a popular unsound opening they'll memorize how to counter them too.
For that you must be like Danya who checks the engine if it was right by checking if it thought like himself before the gsme was concluded.
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>8 bot strenghts
>bot jumps by 100 elo at each step
Is there a way to play against computer but set up it's strength more precisely? My skill is somewhere in between those levels; computer that's step below me feels to easy (as long as I don't do obvious blunders) while computer that's one step above me feels way too hard.
Lucas Chess
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Should players be allowed to wear glasses at tournaments?
They'll put the engine in contact lenses too, it's inevitable.
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>win game, fuck yeah
>check analysis board
If the person I'm playing moves their queen in the first 5 moves, I turn on Stockfish and cheat.
scandi bros....
>beginners are too scared to lose their internet points
They don't want to lose at a game where intelligence matters, because it's painful to admit that you are not intelligent enough.
>Idiot! You lost to an 800.
>Whoop dee doo. You beat an 800.
There's no winning in this game when you involve your ego. You have to cope sometimes. Chalk it up to knowledge and experience. Deny your lack of understanding. It's your mind, your feelings, and your right to control them.

Two dollars on Erigaisi. What's your bet /chess/?
Can't wait for the shitstorm that will start if Gukesh bombs harder than Ding Liren. People will say that the title is cursed.
I cannot stop playing chess and it leads to self harm and there is no way to block all chess websites I couldn't revert
you need to stop stjepan.... your wife has had enough. you need to get a real job!
I have great job and no wife
>- Tata Steel Chess Tournament | January 17th - February 2nd
Pairings for round 1 with the top two favourites already facing each other.
>January 17th

no chess on the first day lol
fuck organizers that do this i don't give a shit about an opening ceremony niggahhhhhh
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>how'd i do?
>what'd i do?
>what'd you've done differently?
>why did my opponent lose?
You can take autographs if you go there.
I don't know shit but I enjoy doing the Bird's defense after the Ruy Lopez, usually gets people out of prep and forces them to make a lot of choices after 4. Nxd4 c6 (although are simply better after 5. Nxc6 bxc6 6. Ba4), but there are some tricky lines and you get a pretty normal position if you just go with the Bird's mainline.
Any resources to download chessable course videos for free, or have they all been jannied?

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