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jeans edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Seville Open | January 10th - 18th
- Chesscom Community Championships: Puzzles Championship | January 13th - 17th
- Tata Steel Chess Tournament | January 17th - February 2nd
- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Weissenhaus | February 7th - February 17th
- Djerba International Chess Festival | February 16th - 23rd
- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Monaco (3rd leg) | February 17th - 28th
- Prague International Chess Festival | February 25th - March 7th
- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Cyprus (4th leg) | March 14th - 25th
- European Individual Chess Championship | March 14th - 27th
- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Paris | April 8th - 15th
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland | April 24th - May 1st
- lichess 2025 Spring Marathon | April 26th

>Previous thread:
Last chance to qualify for the Freestyle Chess first event of the year. Tournament starts in about two and a half hours: https://www.chess.com/play/tournament/5356527
Isn't it weird that the rapid rating is higher? Usually it's the contrary.
Faster games have a higher tendency for error. In a slow game, you need skill and might be able to look ahead several moves. In a fast game, you can do fine until you miss a spot and blunder.
>that calendar
Is this the year to finally switch to Chess960? Anyway, 2024 was a good year after all, see for example the amazing games listed here: https://www.chess.com/article/view/top-ten-chess-games-2024
lmao it looks like they cancelled the Champions Chess Tour for this year
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About a year ago, "someone" (genius, sperglord or doombot) opened the game like this, danced his King around that Pawn for five or six turns, and then proceeded to defeat in detail everything I threw at him/her/it/them/[n/a], winning a crushing victory against me.

I smiled. This was "pretty cool." I reasoned that this insultingly nonsensical opening so thoroughly skews the opening tempo that no traditional "book" opening techniques can hold water against it. Sure enough, although this is usually a losing opening, it *does* get victories (against fish like me... and (You), of course).

Go ahead. Screw up your virtual rating enough to get placed against crayon eaters, and use it against them for the lulz... or challenge yourself employing it against a Grand Master.

Nothing quite like taking the King out for a walk.
Unironically better than the wayward queen.
The Swiss qualifier with titled players is about to start:
This is ridiculous and there is a simple counter to this which is to ignore the king and keep opening up your pieces instead of trying to get the king at every move. There is no reason to attack the king with a pawn if you don't protect the pawn.
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>lol tyvm
The saga continues....
Pretty funny game to watch ngl.
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Tomorrow bracket.
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>a1 is white
Why they always do this?
Maybe it's some psychological mechanism that force you to associate the first square of the white side with the colour white.
I play chess like an old lady at a slot machine. One game after the other nonstop. If I lose, then I feel I need another game to prove myself. If I win, I want to hit a streak and play one more. If a given game is too hard or I lose important pieces, I resign quickly to move on to the next game. If a game is too easy I'll cook my opponent and take all of the pieces before a checkmate (usually they resign). I have an addiction problem, I think I'm quitting chess.
>Nepo-Hans next
I'm preparing the popcorn.
sounds like you just enjoy playing, anon. i don't know why people pathologize everything. it's only a problem if you're using chess to avoid doing other things that you should do and it has a negative impact on your life.
>it's only a problem if you're using chess to avoid doing other things that you should do and it has a negative impact on your life.
Yeah. This is happening to me though.
What a chess day, titled Tuesday too https://www.chess.com/play/tournament/5338579
I just got this in a puzzle streak. This is way too subtle for a 1700 rated puzzle.
a1 is a dark square tho
"It should be white" says the retard's brain too lazy to check the rules.
Weird. I've got the first two moves right very quickly, then panicked because it wasn't solved yet and I had no idea how to continue. After 5 minutes I ended up doing the check again hoping that the white player was exactly like me (I like to repeat moves two times whenever possible).
They didn't disappoint, great content!
no hans, no watch. simple as!
a thought I had: how would one create an engine that tries to find the most reasonable (ie lowest average centipawn loss) for the path between two board states? For example, feeding it an unrealistic puzzle and making it iteratively find the most reasonable ways that the players could have arrived in that state from the starting position, or even from an arbitrary chess960 starting position
>how would one create an engine
You need to train an AI.
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I keep doing variations of this fried fox opening, and it keeps working (or at least resulting in fun games).

Watch my king take out a couple of pawns and a rook in short order lol.
Getting warmed up on chess again. Seventeen moves. Bros, I'm thinking we're back
There is the European Women Individual Blitz Chess Championship today, with Eline, Anna-Maja, Pia and Anna:

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