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Do shepherds fit clerics or druids more, generally speaking?
Not even remotely either, you fucking retard.
I think their a bit more like druids with their association with animals and spending a lot of time outdoors.
The Shakira one is your best so far.
Shepherds are just farmers of livestock instead of flora.
So neither.
A shepherd turned ranger would work though.
They fit peasants more. They fit level 0 characters more.
Clerics are members of the clergy. Druids are tree wizards. Shepherds are sheep herders
Druids aren't strictly tree wizards. There are other kinds.
Traditional games?
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>Beast Friend
>Bolt (Electric Trapping)
Seems kind of easy enough to me.
For me it's Cleric. The religious symbolism and all that.
Pastors anon. Figure it out, you can do it.
Clerics are only metaphorical shepherds. Because sheep follow crooks.
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Depends on the setting
They fit 'Commoner' the best.
Tree. Wizards.
come on, anon
every npc should be at least level 5, preferably level 20 to prevent murderhobos.
Give them multiple classes too.
In what system?
Generic D&D clone. It's a setting/system agnostic question, more about what people feel about the general archetypes.

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