Why does anyone play xenos, non-Marine imperium etc in 40k? Space Marines make up like 70% of the game. There's an entire spin-off game which is more like 95% Space Marines.The most successful novel series and landmark part of the IP is Space Marine based. Every major character that actually does shit is a Space Marine. The majority of the rules and model content that comes out each and every edition is about Space Marines. Why would you play or collect anything else except out of some weird self-cucking martyr complex?
I like factions that fight more tactically, and I like factions that are growing and getting stronger instead of being constantly in decline.
>>94840862>I like factions that fight more tactically, and I like factions that are growing and getting stronger instead of being constantly in decline.Isn't that space marines now with primaris and gulliman and the lion being back though?
>>94840937Not really. What's happening with Space Marines is a guy who's trying to put out a spreading fire, and halfway through his efforts, suddenly a fire truck pulls up to assist him...but it's too late. The fire's already out of control and all they can do is slow it down, not stop it.
>Why do people play non-Space Marines in 40k?For all the reason you mentioned. Space Marines are watered down marvel shit. They have no coherent identify anymore. After following 40k for 25+ years I have Marine fatigue and my brain pretty much shuts off when I see power armour. Occasionally some cool looking stuff comes along like the Black Templars or DA Inner Circle Companions but even the designers seem bored with Marines judging by the persistent mediocrity of marine models compared to any other model line. Stuff like Kroot, Guard, Admech, actually look cool and interesting to me
>>94840994Jesus christ what were they thinking with those fucking jetpack dudes
>>94840994>guard >Being interesting ever in its history>with those ugly ass tankslol. Lmao.
>>94840651They're a stale jack of all trades master of none, geedubs intern.
>>94840651Unrelated, but does anyone know where I could get a backpack and shoulder pad like the ones on Calgar in that pic?
Marines are just so ridiculously boring as a faction. I really liked marines in my last teens and early 20s but as I've gotten older I really appreciate Xenos much more. Eldar have their Mediterranean and Celtic influences mixed with Tolkien, Tau are kamikaze space communists, Necrons are space Tomb Kings. If story beats or imaginary victories determine what race you pick, you should honestly kill yourself. You're too gullible to be useful in society.
the imperium has none of the empire’s charm, and i prefer bretonnia anywaydo NOT try to tell me that imperial knights are bretonnia in space, they’re not and you know they’re not
>>94840651Loyalist space marine releases have been trash since 2017. Even Votann are more respectable than primaris, at least votann models are in scale with the rest of the fucking game. Enjoy your duplo marines.
its the boring basic bitch choice
>>94840651>the single worst aspect of the 40k setting
>>94841607that’s chaos though
>>94840651Because space skellies are funny. Are you the kind of guy who always picks Mario in Mario Kart? Honestly based if so
>>94840651Truthfully? I'm deeply contrarian. Used to be what some would call a hipster. If something is popular I will usually pick something opposite to it. Its a personality flaw I have to actively fight, because some popular stuff is good. Marines are not one of those things.Marines are just kind of boring, and they don't really fit the type of playstyle I like. When I played in 5th and 6th ed I played Tyranids. I liked the big stompy monster aesthetic. Less so the horde aspect. I also really liked the contrast in a setting full of singular badasses, having an army of faceless bugs that kill said badasses.Nowadays I think I'd probably play Genestealer Cults if I were to pick up playing 40k again for similar reasons.Marines also have poster boy syndrome. Because they're the face of the game, they can't really get much nuance or interesting losing scenarios. It just feels like nothing really cool can happen because they have to be the face of the game.
>>94841442>the imperium has none of the empire’s charm, and i prefer bretonnia anywayOh hey, a Total War secondary.
>>94841291like, to just wear around town?
>>94841407>Eldar mediterranean influenceMore info on this pls
>>94840651Space Marines are a genuine cancer on the setting. Not in "le generic bad thing" sense, in the sense that they're a self-perpetuating feedback loop of narrative importance, spreading like cancerous tissue. >Marine fanboys are the loudest and most numerous group>GW focus on appeasing them>They grow louder and more numerous>Resources are diverted to more Mehreenwank >Most other factions get is a couple of new models and slightly nerfed rulebook when GW declares them "enemy of the day">Peole who actually care about these factions either lose hope and leave when their faction is forgotten for a decade or turn to third party mini producers (no profit to GW so they might as well not exist) >Marine fanboys are the loudest and most numerous group>GW focus on appeasing them...
>>94842545Art quality has dropped precipitously as well
>>94840651Honestly, why would anyone still like Marines in 40k? GW is treating them like shit for years already. They blatantly do not care about them. Every other army gets nice upgrades and new models, except for them. They just use them in a very lazy way to extract money from marinepiggies, which they can then spend on their passion projects, any other army and other games like AoS or Necromunda. 40k marinefags are paying a lot, so EVERYONE ELSE can get cool minis instead. It's insaneIt must go like this>Jes, I wanted to refresh Kroot, but they won't sell as much. And my friend want to make Undead for AoS. What should we do?>I told you already - take CAD file of those Intercessors, repose them and then we will tell ‘Eavy Metal guys to paint them black. They will be... hmm... Death Company, yeah, right. Now don't interrupt me, I'm working on Eldar again
>>94840651Marines are only cool in HH, nigga.
>>94840651the Guard is cooler.
>>94842677You mean the Astra Militarum
>>94840651I like orks :)
>>94840651I will always choose a man and his rifle over super humans.
>>94840651There is no weapon in the marine arsenal that is cooler than arc weapons.
>>94842690no, I mean the Adeptus Copyrightus
>>94840862>I like factions that fight more tacticallyPussy
>>94840937Thatn how it started but then realised that its not what the fanbase wanted.Hilarously that also made the primaris "upgrade" completely pointless and redundant
>>94841442If they were Bretonnia in space an army would be 1-3 big knights surrounded by blobs of conscript-level diseased humans who make Gretchen look elite.
>>94840651Because before the buff to Oath of Moment they had a sub par win rate and all their fairweather fans were hopping to their palette swaps or playing custodes.
I collect Guard and Orks because I want to give Space Marine players something to play against. I know they don't like to just play against other Space Marines all the time. Because Space Marine players are powerful high status males, and because their mothers are strong, intelligent and beautiful women, I do enjoy being there for them, providing aliens and human chaff for them to play against and destroy.
>>94840651a) Space marines are boring.b) I am not a sad sack powerwanker who needs his self-inserts to be able to easily beat anything in the setting one-on-one. The setting has plenty of mooks for non-Marines to slaughter, and plot armor always trumps everything else in 40k, so there are plenty of "lore" examples of pretty much anything beating anything else, the longer the odds the better.c) I have multiple armies, anyone who sticks with 40k for long enough eventually forms an army that is too big to be used in even the largest matches, and either branches out or stops collecting.
>>94841834Eldar take a lot of inspiration from all over Europe, the Mediterranean in particular. Pic related.
I can't believe this kind of blatant bait actually gets responses.
you missed the general
>>94840651Space marines are at their coolest when they get to fight xenos. If everyone plays space marines, you'd never get to see Space marines fight xenos.
>>94845590That's very interesting, and I don't know why it didn't occur to me beforeEldar = Pagan Europe as a whole.
>>94847713Craftworlders = pagan greeks/celts/norse a bitDark Eldar = horrifying Fae of celtic legend who will steal you away to the Faery realm for vile purposes
I play non marine/non imperial forces because im bad at the game and I want the good guys too win