I've never played Monpoc, but I like the aesthetic and giant monsters in general, what are the best parts and what are the some of the common complaints?
>>94833617Had just enough complexity to keep things interesting while keeping out a lot of bloat, with that being said (Warning: Second Edition rant incoming):>Monster balance wasn't too egregious, but until very late into the game's lifecycle with the rebalances, 95% of lists looked the exact same not because of how good some units were, but how bad so many were. The "no faction" limits within the 2 agendas meant that you cherry picked shit instead of running the factions you wanted. >Monster vs monster combat is pigeonholed into Body Slams, Throws, or whatever special rule is the equivalent. Not only does it always deal the most damage, but it gives you back precious resources in order to even hit. Which brings us to: >Dice are both used in calculating if you hit a target and determining if you can even act in the first place. So you either had to choose to spawn units and/or use them. This ends up killing a lot of strategies that aren't either "running 1 or 2 specialist" unit down the board or having units designed with group attacks in mind being glorified guard posts. >This also means that if you so much as miss a single attack, whether unit or monster turn, you can lost the game in as early as the first turn. Either you don't have enough power dice from unit kills to get high enough numbers to hit the enemy monster on the monster turn, or you play all of your cards right and all those dice resources go into a black hole and give the opponent an insurmountable lead.
>>94833617Any more input on what's it like?
>>94833617The game is fun enough but >>94834450hit all the biggest issues. I checked out of it forever ago because the new monsters and factions kind of sucked ass. The giant furries and space scalies did nothing for me, and it seemed like they’d lost any kind of focus they might have had. Do they even support MonPoc anymore or did it die off again? Haven’t seen new shit in awhile.
>>94840383They've been dead quiet pretty much since they sold all their other IPs to SFG, but they put this post out last month.So, provided they stick to their word, should be news in the next two weeks.
>>94840423Oh shit I forgot SFG basically all but bought out PP. I’ve got no interest in ever picking MonPoc back up again but at least it’s not 100% dead for the people still playing. What’s the Kickstarter debacle about?
>>94840550run by Mythic Games, a company which made a kickstarter every few months promising huge rewards but never delivering on their full promises, delaying constantly, as well as holding ransom on peoples' purchases by demanding extra payment after shipping's already been processedthey had like ten new games yet to be delivered when they declared bankruptcysame thing happened to Monpoc: kickstarter with a fuckton of free miniatures for backers as stretch rewards, successful fundraising, company's dead so nobody gets anything
>>94840383The fact that they straight up doubled the amount of factions before they even let some factions get a third unit pack or monster for YEARS is fucking mindnumbing. Every dev that came in and out of the door had their own "pet faction" they had to shove in before Tritons or Subterrans got even their second unit pack until after 4 goddamn years. At least the last dev did the bare minimum of actually LISTENING to the people that played the game.
>>94833617Me too. I like this concept of big monster fighting against each other.
>>94840383The problem is that the Drakens or the Mutates dont look like giant monsters but just big humanoids.
>>94843949Yeah I think that’s my issue with them. I can give the 50 ft woman and the SSS monsters/units a pass because they’re referential one offs, but the more giant humanoids they added the less interested I got, and these things don’t even jive with me to begin with because the theme doesn’t feel like it fits
>>94844089They are too humanoid in general. The problem is that their armies look like a demon army that could be humansize.For a space dragon faction the monsters should look more like feral space dragons than dragon warriors. More Ghidorah.And the Mutates have the same problem. The units should be more vehicles to show contrast and that when they mutate they all grow to that size.
The off-brand Ultramen need a better design.
>>94849747I dont think they look so bad.
>>94851614Forgot the pic.