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Writing General: 'New Year, New You' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)
It's a new year, so it's the perfect time to re-forge ourselves into the writers we always wanted to be. Or at least make some kind of effort in that direction.

What are your goals for 2025, anons? What do you want to write? What do you want to read? What stories do you want to tell and who do you want to tell them to?
I wanna keep writing my story and not stop in july and not paint until christmas again.

Im also wondering if I should try and crank out a short horror story for an online magazine, but its 2 days to the deadline and my ideas arent coming together well.
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Chapter three is out, for anyone who wants to tear me a new one

No set writing goals, just half an hour a day minimum dedicated to writing, however many words that might be
I just want to finish my rewrite and figure out a plot for a sequel as it's the condition of getting published
You talked to someone?
For the sequel plot? I don't believe if I have talked with anyone here about the plot, but
Dickbag warlock and his trusty barbarian companion have a shadow war against a dickbag paladin, who is secretly planning to overthrow the king.
Ironically the paladin is completely in the right as the entire country has been manipulated from it's conception by vampire mages

My problem is to plan out the coup attempt and shadow war itself as it can be done and done badly and I sort of want the bad guy to be fleshed out a bit.

As for the publisher unironically my dad is a ceo of a publishing house and I'll leave it at that. However, the publishing industry there isn't doing that great.
Personally, my goal is to write a novel this year. I don't know what it would be about and I don't even have to like it, I just want to start it, stick with it, and finish it.
DNDverse edition
"No Questions Asked"


One did not venture into a dragon's lair unless one had a very good reason to, and for adventurers, more often than not, that meant a fight to the death with the very angry resident, armed with claws, deadly breath, armor-like scales, and the knowledge of centuries.

The wiry sorcerer who made his way into the Copper Dragon's den, however, had a less violent reason for doing so, walking up to the kobold receptionist.

"Imurev Jourhein, here for three o' clock with Mistress Prium." he stated politely.

The kobold- an older female of her race- flicked her eyes over a list. "Oh my... so you're her 3 o' clock. Be seated, she'll be with you in due time."

Giving a polite nod, Imurev walked over to an empty couch and sat down. Other persons there for their own appointments took notice of who was in their midst, and the whispers- and rapid moving away- began.

Imurev's introduction to magic had begun when Mystra became very, very drunk during a girl-gods night out, if the oracle was to be believed. That night, an eleven year old mundane but certifiably insane Imurev had gone to bed after a long day of pranks, failed attempts to commune with the local chickens, and philosophical debates with the town lunatics. Then Mystra allegedly said something to the effect of "Hold my Ambrosia and watch this!"

The results of 'this' included but were not limited to: A bear suddenly being able to write and read elvish, a well desiring a mate, and Imurev being granted the spark of celestial sorcery. The bear had gone on to be an unorthodox but accepted member of an elven village. The well, in Mystra's mercy, was granted a mate.

Imurev made the discovery he could shoot bolts of fire from his hands at will, and issued forth an obligatory maniacal laugh.
It had been after lighting a bully's pants on fire that his parents had dragged him before the temple of Mystra to try and mitigate the damage he could cause, and so, in a testament to the cleric's patience and ability to resist killing their newfound psychotic charge in any number of amusing ways, Imurev learned how to *mostly* channel his powers to a positive end.

Being assigned to use what little curative power he had in the church's joint operations with the Temple of Ilmater had been a maturing and sobering experience, one that had set him on the path he walked today. He had asked, in a moment of horrified sobriety, where several victims had gotten the cruel gouges on their backs as he and others tended to them. A weary cleric of Ilmater gave him his answer:

Loviatarians. Sadists who loved torturing innocents to death.

Bullies who desperately needed to be lit on fire.

The cleric had explained, when Imurev asked *why* they would do such a thing, that sadly, some people enjoyed doing bad things to good people, and something inside him... snapped.

He later joined a group of Paladins and Rangers who worked under Mystra, Heironeous, and Ilmater towards a common goal he could appreciate: becoming the horrible things that happened to bad people.

His successes had been small, at first. A wounded Blackguard brought down with a volley of scorching rays. A near dead paladin revived with a handy cure wounds. Then he had graduated to hurling fireballs into dens of depraved cultists so his allies could cut down the survivors. Soon enough, the scum of the world began to tell each other horror stories about how each attack on their numbers always had a common element- a man dressed in red and black fools motley, wearing a white ceramic comedy mask, howling with laughter as cultists and summoned fiends froze, melted, and burned under their onslaughts, giggling as his paladin allies cut down wounded foes or singing mocking tunes as their dark temples burned.
But as he grew in power, so did the difficulty of the tasks he was assigned. His foes became stronger, more resilient. They countered his opening spells or shrugged off his magic. They were prepared to deal with multiple forms of assault or sabotage. The last foe they tackled- a cult of Bane- were not the easily frightened cowards of his first years. They used tactics, traps, concerted spells with physical assaults, targeted threats for individual elimination. It had only been by sheer luck they had come out on top- one of their rangers shaking off a domination spell in time to strike down their own caster, focused on spells that hindered and hampered.

The long and short of it, he was told as they nursed wounds and reviewed their operation, was that what determined who won such battles boiled down to five primary factors: skill, equipment, numbers, prep time, and raw power. The more equal or superior a target was to them in one or more of those areas, the more likely casualties were.

It fell to each member to make sure they could provide as much to each category for each mission as possible. Power without direction could be used against them, but overwhelming power meant all you could do was run. Expensive equipment could be a liability if you died and the target recovered it, but shoddy equipment would prove useless against a better prepared foe.

That last issue was why he was here, today.

One very useful piece of equipment had been the pair of Illusionist's Bracers, coupled with some additional training he got via connections the Church of Mystra had with a celestial. A withering barrage of eldritch blasts was often enough to fell softer targets, or in conjunction with a quickened more powerful spell could allow him to sow discord while picking off survivors.

It had helped cement his role in the group, which was primarily artillery with some modicum of back up healing.
(To be continued, real life rears its head again.)
someone please help me come up with a good horror twist that isnt just "the detective was the one that killed the wife/bestfriend/schoolchildren"
the detective is actually a dog
thats not horrific at all
he's the dog of the serial killer, and he discovers it over the course of the book, but his investigation is described so ambiguously that the reveal that he is, in fact, a dog is a big twist at the end
They call him Noir... Noir, the dog.
This is also down for me....
> published
Get me in with your dad
fuck, yeah, it's gone.

Damn. Does anyone ever feel like image boards like 4chan are dying? Like Millennials are getting to the age when they're more into Netflix and weekend barbecues and PTA meetings at their kids' school, and Gen Z and younger aren't taking their place?

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