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>your character is teleported into the real world
What happens next?
He dies because he has Mana Dependency and there is no mana here.
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He nuts himself because he's a space druid in a far-future sci-fi setting where all life (including humans) have been re-engineered to the point that natural organisms no longer exist. A single unmodded plant seed would be considered a holy relic, even if it can no longer grow in the earth's toxic soil. A natural version of earth (relative to his time) would be the promised holy land.
>chaotic stupid retard
Probably blow shit up or otherwise fuck with people
I still think sometimes about the leader of New Loka discovering her life is a lie
goes back home
Feds capture him and he gets dissected
Oh shit, that won't be good for him.
Magic doesn't exist here; the sort of magic that allows his body to function without the organs and bacteria to survive this world, the sort of magic that all animals, creatures, monsters, and other life forms of his world have evolved around.
If he's stuck here, he gets sick and eventually dies in severe pain.
Idk she's a cripple which kinda sucks depending on where you live but she'd probably be okay
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>Not!New Vegas PC
He's pissed as fuck.
>was working on keeping Mr. House from getting access to Big MT tech and now he's not around to talk down his super mercenary group
>will never complete the mission he spent five years of his life trying to accomplish
>separated from his second wife, probably for good
>will definitely never see any of his surviving compatriots again
>horses can't buy smokes IRL
Living in the Wasteland sucks ass but he's got a lot of obligations and he's more interested in fixing shit than just getting out. This isn't 'worst case scenario' for him but it's pretty damn close.

>Haunted house game
She's also sad as fuck. Happy to be out of the house but she idolizes/is dependent on several of the party members. Particularly the Paranoia character who she desperately wants to rescue from Alpha Complex.

>5e game
Sad, because he'll never finish his late friend's final request. He also probably loses his cleric powers and becomes a vagabond again.
dies cause all of his magic addressed maladies all sudenly open/fester/crack/puss-up/corrupt at once.

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