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Mwaaaaahaaaugh the French Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 28mm/32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What Trench Crusade is not
TC not an excuse for you to discuss IRL religion, history that didn't occur in the game, culture war shit, or discord bullshit on /tg/. Keep it on topic.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo diesel-punk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
All the files are free online, but are split between the website and the discord. They have all been collected here for your convenience:

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I want to buy a 3d printer, this type of prop are made just with filament, right?
It is not worth to use resin?
The ones in that pic are made with craft materials like polystyrene, coffee stirrers, flocking and filler. I know there are lots of trench walls on stuff like Cults3D you can print. When it comes to terrain I think most people use Filament printers but I honestly don’t know since I haven’t done any printing before
>Well, Americans as we know them.
There's Mormons. Never forget that the Mormons actually believe and preach that there were white people in the US before the colonisation.
Lmao, funny Mormons. They might be weird but at least they've learned to take critics in stride, like the musical.
Is a melee weapon worth taking with them, if I'm giving a bolt rifle with Bayonet? Any other equipment I should give them?

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by GWendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)

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The problem with natural proportions at scale is they are pretty fragile. I have experiment a bunch with 1/72 scale stuff (roughly 22mm or 1") and stuff like ankles and wrists are super delicate when trying to keep real life proportions. A sub 25 micron printer can print individual fingers at that scale but they would be so instantly broken. Proportion scaling requires a bunch of experimentation because looking at a mini on a screen doesn't read the same as the same mini on your table.
TLDR: Chunky is the trade off for durability of a gaming piece.
Who's that titty monster on the left?
True, but only with regular resin.
Just print with the flexible stuff and your miniatures will be almost like rubber.
Arcane witch #3 pinup version by ps minis
Time to fire up the Trannygram!

"Memories of a Digital World" edition

Previous >>94881348

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX08 Chain of Liberation questionnaire

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>no Hero trait
Interesting, maybe it will all be warp evos? Also weird to be seeing the Adventure deck support before the Adventure deck is revealed.
I barely consider it a green keyword anymore. It is in DigiPolice, SoC, Angels, Jesmon and LordKnightmon. It should have stayed in Green though, suspending your Digimon is their thing.
Nightmare Soldiers
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This is really the only Pumpkinmon card that does anything, used in the Nightmare Soldiers (NSo) deck. So far all the NSo cards are in the EX8 booster box and the deck is pretty mediocre but will hopefully improve over time. Should be pretty cheap to make.

You probably wouldn't run more than 2 Pumpkinmon in the deck though.
What other 5 do you run in NSO?
you run 4 myotis, obviously.
the mammothmon is quite bad
skullmera is not good, hes okay to play out from boltbout so you can setup a jogress play the next turn as well and have extra checks but that is pretty mediocre all in all so hes not great
pumpkin and myotis are the only good lvl 5's the deck has so I don't think its strange to play 3 or 4 pumpkin
4 Myotis, 2 Pumpkin and SkullMera, 1 Mammothmon.

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Original thread here: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/94186729

Fantasy worldbuilding thread based on an old map I drew a long time ago, continued.
We decided on a sword and sorcery theme. Please stay consistent with the genre and tech level (no Napoleonic autism).
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Yeah I'm skimming it right now. Any other useful artists you know about?
I have a few where you might find some inspiration:
Cool thanks. I'll check them out and hopefully that will provide enough pics. I'll post a WIP this weekend; after so much talk it's time to have something solid. Also, hopefully a pretty doc will attract more people to the project.
Aran, The Sun God
Uvan, the World Tree

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This shit flopped so hard. I've never seen people have less enthusiasm for something.
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Sales numbers without discourse isn't enthusiasm.
>New world of darkness was rebranded Chronicles of Darkness, and at the time left relatively untouched.
>paradox just stopped approving projects, leaving the entire game to slowly starve on the vine.
This is pure fucking shitposting

OPP was a completely different group with basically no input from any of the key nwod writers and ran the good name of the brand completely into the ground with cofd, with paradox cutting the line because it was doing so poorly and pulling OPP out from having anything to do with wod whatsoever.
WW books
>V20 core
>nwod: danse macabre
OPP books
>M20 core
>cofd: gtse2e


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I don't know anyone who's actually, genuinely enthusiastic for James Cameron's Avatar movies, but they have a combined total box office of over five billion dollars and are in the top 3 highest grossing movies of all time (and even if you adjust for inflation, Avatar is still in the 11-20 range).

So they can't reasonably be called "flops". or to put it another way...

>Sales numbers without discourse isn't enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm without sales numbers gets you nowhere.
>and even if you adjust for inflation, Avatar is still in the 11-20 range
*Sorry, I mean Avatar is still in the top 10 and Way of Water is still in the 11-20 range.
>i'm not going to take shit from 5tards trying to convince me 4e was bad
4e was being called bad, for quantifiable reasons, from its launch.

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>second most prosperous human civilization who has yet to fall under the iron fist of the Imperium
>and who's not a ploy of the Tau
>or aligned with Chaos
>absolutely no content or advancements since their reveal
>let alone a freaking codex
what do you think of these guys? are they worth a damn?
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Why would you want to fix them? Ignore retards instead of waste your precious time with them.
Starting to think the reason they don't get much support is because their designs suck ass. They're just stupid looking cadians.
They didn't get any support because they were designed for the RPG and the RPG only. I don't think many of you understand just how little GW cares about non-primary source creations even if they do own them. GW wouldn't touch them with rented hands holding a 50ft pole.
One day, a bl writer with find memories of that RPG, might include them into short story, but that's it.
I mean, why do you even need another Greco-Roman coded faction when you already have ultramar?

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Let us know what needs to be updated with the pastebin.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:
Embryo Machine Translation:
Lancehounds Homebrew:
M3g4 folder/eMEBUbCL#kj2FRrlqTa-02U16XpnVRg

Previous Thread: >>94855827

Thread Question:
Is a great big gun the ultimate aspiration of any mech? How big is too big? Do you think mechs should be able to kill anything? Power scales, firepower, what are your thoughts?

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I feel like that could work with any system, sounds more like an ask of the players to have 12 year old PCs Operating Operationally and for you, the GM, to support that idea.
For the hundredth fucking time, real robot and super robot have absolutely fucking nothing to do with power levels and are entirely about the narrative role the robots play in the story.
That sounds more like a plot style then a mechanic style. Any game can support this.
Mekton literally has two different character generation methods for scrappy youths and operators.
Did it?

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desert edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Weissenhaus | February 7th - February 14th
- Champions Chess Tour: Chessable Masters | February 16th - 21st
- Djerba International Chess Festival | February 16th - 23rd
- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Monaco (3rd leg) | February 17th - 28th
- Prague International Chess Festival | February 25th - March 7th
- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Cyprus (4th leg) | March 14th - 25th
- European Individual Chess Championship | March 14th - 27th
- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Paris | April 8th - 15th
- Reykjavik Open | April 9th - 15th

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Which is confusing, since I assumed practicing puzzles would help the mid or end game. Practically every single match I've played looks like this. As the opening ends I make some insane blunder and it's all downhill from there.
Maybe because openings are the only things you can memorize?
play longer time controls
Any free chess puzzles that aren't lichess?
I like lichess but virtually every single puzzle revolves around putting king in check or checkmating and I think I would benefit from more variety
>free chess puzzles that aren't lichess
>every single puzzle revolves
Choose a different theme?
day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5bimlMenE

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official update:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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I wish I'd be ignorant about Fate
Only like 6+ years ago
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How much should I care about classifieds in a generalist list? Some of them are really hard to do even if you try to account for them.
except you are playing a heavy classified mission, like frontline or highly classified, not to much

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Marginalia Edition

Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Do you ever include civilians or non combatants in your games?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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Did a test run for my medieval peasant minis to see how they print and paint up. They're fun to make, and I am currently working on sculpting some female peasants. These guys need some minor work on the proportions but I am quite happy.

What shame, thanks for confirming.
They look good. I feel hungover just looking at them tho, can smell the alcohol rhrough the screen lol
I had no idea there are supplements for TMHWBK, that's neat.
>No digital release
I hate this.

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What's a good game to learn how to run sandbox campaigns for a GM who is used to more rigid point to point, scene to scene style campaigns? Doesn't necessarily have to be rules light or anything as long as it has systems that makes it easy to run a sandbox out of the box.
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Cloud Empress Land of Cicadas could work for you,
It's a relatively simple system, you can get the guidebook for free on their site. Land of Cicadas has traversal rules in under 2 pages and an okay size hex map with something going on in each hex.
Fabled lands gamebooks
try yoon suin the purple lands
My players have been pestering me for months about it.
start playing. you will take years before you go through 500 hexes

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If they are to be made canon what's the least bad way GW can go about it, fluffwise? I imagine it'll be something like Cawl cracking open some GC-era vault and discovering a stockpile of female geneseed or something along those lines, with the implication that either one of the unknown Primarchs may have been female or that Empz and pals experimented with female spacies before giving up on them and sticking to male.
Not that there is any explanation that wouldn't butcher both the lore and the spirit of the game, but with the change to Custodes I wouldn't be shocked if FemSM are on the horizon.
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This guy basically gets it. GW needs to recognize how risky it is to change and retcon lore these days or their golden age they're having right now will be cut short.
It's a garbage idea only spread by coomers such as yourself, as seen by the pic you posted. Like with Custodes of course, people like you who hype such concepts are used as useful idiots in uncalled for and retarded lore changes.

You want some hot space marines? You either only get one (if that) and never again or they're your typical DEI stereotype of strong woman who will do what SM do but much better, while also looking ugly as fuck and unnepealing.

Femarines, Femstodes or whatever the fuck should never have left porn boards and threads and due to your spam, the cancer is already in. With that, the rest of the usual political bullshit.

tl, dr: You're a faggot, and read >>94957483 >>94958378 >>94953940
>You either only get one
>as if it ever stops at one
You are such a fucking mark, holy shit.
Ain't sisters of battle that already?
Same units, power armor, and weapons but women and s 3 t 3.
If we want to be completely fair sisters should be S4 since power armor greatly boosts the user strenght

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>The party is tasked with investigating the disappearance of an adventurer girl
>The monstergirls that captured her have turned her into a futanari
>They are forcing her to breed them in order to replenish their numbers (she's a significant part of why their numbers are low)
>After being rescued, she's protective of the infants she has sired and will fight the party to the death if they try to harm them
What would your party do?
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I am not sure why my party cares.
What's my motivation here? I'm a fuckass wizard.
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>>The monstergirls that captured her have turned her into a futanari
we need to learn this power, everything else is secondary
It's kinda weak. Short and visually messy sex scenes. Not much time spent in the futa losing to her own dick as is proper, either.
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The hell do you expect? Character development in Japanese samizadat porno?
No, just better sex scenes and a bit more focus on the Hero losing her dignity out of a desire to cum.

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Thursday edition

Previous Heresy:>>94972218

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books

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has anyone here played daemons?

what would be a nice, round core for an army?
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What would be the best Traitor Legion for a Loyalist Suicide-Squad style unit that gets released from custodial penance to do the most dangerous missions?
White Scars
Paint two small armies and invite a *good* friend to play, use simplified rules if need to, recommend narrative/fun scenario.
"set up your equal forces" is less appealing to casual players than "here's a last stand, let's see how it goes".

But in case you don't want to 'compromise' then you should think around the place you can play; where can you set up a table? Where are tables already set? Work from that
I prefer 40k lion and 40k fulgrim is a far more practical model by rapist snakeman standards, I have no strong feelings about Morty or magnus, but the 40k Bob is shit so why would you?

Pop your questions not worth a thread here.
My question:
Is there a reason why people don't paint the unpainted part of mdf the colour of the building?
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that sounds pretty good
>And without rolling a handful of dice each time I use a toothpick?
Surely rolling every time you use shit is inherently how usage dice work. Also normal usage dice are not exponential, they're accelerating.
One possibility: roll n nice when you use your thing, if all are 1-3 then decrement n. Effectively you have "about 2^n" uses, which makes it easy to reason about stack of things.
I think actual exponential decay is probably better though, as it encourages risk taking. Which you could do as above but decrease n if you roll any 1-3.
I am working on designing a quick and easy tabletop game on a square grid, and I need a simple way to do line of sight. I want a method a player could just eyeball, or at worst, count. No rulers or string or w/e. Can this be done? I'm struggling to come up with a rule that both is as simple as I'd like, and has believable results.
Squares have either full or no block to sight. Draw the most direct path from you to target, without diagonal movement square to square. If any squares block LoS, you have no LoS.
Nah, it's even better as long as you mind the paint consistency (you want it more watery since it's coloring absorbent material instead of just painting a surface, but not so watery that it'll bloat the cardboard). I've done it before to good effect.
This does NOT apply to actual MDF/HDF, those edges paint the same as the rest of the material.

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