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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Dat Gap Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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It's to prevent browser searches from lighting up the post. Same reason we say Rubby at Alpaca Interspecies
This and it's a subconscious habit from other site names causing posts to be rejected as spam.

The term is "mustachioed". No, really.
Calling all star nerds. What the fuck do I do?
i knew black was going to get a 1 cost energy marker creator card. lucky that it's in the starter deck so it wont be an expensive chase card.

even with the bans/limit red will still be decent. i am looking forward to set 3 meta. seems very rock-paper-scissors, which is way better than any t0 format. wonder if FW will ever get a sideboard, which also means they would be Bo3 instead of Bo1.
Play a different game and stop falling for FFG's bullshit

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These rambunctious ruffians demand all of your possessions. How do you proceed?
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I five them all the cursed gear I have and thank them profusely, mentioning I had been trying for years to try and find someone who would want to take the cursed items as that was the only way I would be rid of them
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Fuck I missed these party threads. I would pop open Wizardry 8 and make parties based on these group photos and use it as a difficulty handicap. Good times.
just the faggot on the right
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>nazi chud
He's not a "nazi" just a religious conservative who hasn't kept up with the latest firmware updates. On the other hand (You) Will Never Be A Woman.
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>"No need to pay me my good man, the updoots on Redditt are payment enough."

Gods and Religions Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>93183334

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>What are the major faiths in your setting? And what are the gods of said faiths?

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Swamps are just ingrown lakes, so make it shallow and wide, and stick a bunch of trees in there.

I do recommend this guy's channel. The first half of many of his videos are pretty helpful to get the world state pretty reasonable, but then in the second half he goes into custom made flora and fauna, and it becomes much less universal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KKf6V7ENZc
Y'know im probably just overthinking it, it can be whatever really, a piece of one plate retracted, volcanic or dangly like you said.
what really matters is figuring out the local climate, from what i've seen where i've placed it the islands will be in a nice spot to get currents coming east and west and the waters are cool which i think means that they'd be temperate to boreal? like oregon or england maybe.
Because a certain faggot kept gay threads alive for a fucking month with gay little bumps like "could you elaborate on that" or "besides the obvious, what can we do about x y z". He had a particular, profoundly autistic obsession with magic, magic systems, elements, and children's cartoons. He's still around, and he's still obnoxious.
I’m trying to make a setting where all the deities, save maybe for a singular god of Balance, all either fall to the Lawful and Chaotic sides of the Alignment chart, as those two forces are the most dominant in the known planes. Are there any preexisting settings that do the concept justice that I can look at for it ideas, particularly on what domains would go to each side like a Law god of Justice, or how their religions might work (that are not Warhammer, since that’s both darker than what I’m looking for and has no benevolent Chaos deities, not to mention the insane Chaos cultists)?
I don't have gods in the traditional sense but I do have godlike beings. The faiths of my setting are either based on the progenitors of the different races or the creators of different magics.

Beastfolk and Dwarves - the Great beasts or the Earth warden.
Angels and Halflings - the Archangels or the Wind khan.
Leviathans and Merfolk - the Krakens or the Water lord.
Light Elves and Dark Elves - the Fae or the Fire rider.
Humans - worship the Cosmos and their ancestors but some will mix it with elements of other faiths.
Various fiend tribes - mostly atheist but some cults devoted to historical demon kings exist in secret.

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Writing General: 'clothes make the character' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)

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>I think them being weird lobstermen sounds like high-concept stuff for the sake of being high-concept
Oh no, the race itself is a gag. I have put literal years worth of work into them (them changing the name of their species is a self-joke about how many times I've renamed them) but they exist purely because "what if there was a race where roughly 1/4 of them were psychotic young-master types" is peak comedy for me. They constantly talk about conquering the humans but are always getting kneecapped by non-stop rebellions because they CANNOT understand how to make a functional civilization. And somehow they're probably the most normal of my 4 Crustacean races.

The villain is never treated like a gag though. I'm actually debating rewriting his introduction chapter because I think I went a little too far with showing how much he despises humans.
Yeah, having a species as a gag is a wrong move. It's one of the reasons why people have noted there's no such thing as a 'comedy setting'. Settings need to be grounded in some way- so you believe that people can live in it, and therefore have stakes. Comedy requires stakes- if you don't care there's no punchline. At the very least that's what I find, and it's why I think shows where the comedy comes from the characters being constant assholes to each-other extremely unfunny. For the record I DO NOT get Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but then again people do like that show.

Anyway I think two settings that are good contrasts would be Brutal Legend and Disco Elysium. Brutal Legends initial pitch is essentially a joke- what if the art in a metal album cover was it's own setting. Most things in the setting exist to be cool for no reason. But Tim Schafer is clear that people IN the setting have stakes that they care about, the games plot has a whole 'darkest hour' beat to it. The lore you find in the game is delivered in a very genuine and straightforward manner and is never played for laughs itself. Even one one of the bits of lore is 'why are there a bunch of emo zombies who love grunge walking around' and the answer is 'the world most beautiful goddess was used to kill the god of fire and metal, and now cries a sea of black tears forever more imprisoned underground, which in turn gives people superpowers at the cost of their soul'.

Another would be Disco Elysium, where the setting is a satire of numerous ideologies (namely modern liberalism and communism, but not without pointing out how idiotic fascism is), and while there are multiple ridiculous characters and scenarios, the history of the world is played very straight because it is using the monumental failures in the backstory to make points about things like the failings of communism.

Anyway that's my two cents.
it feels a bit weird to have a dark and dreary setting have a really out there and comedic chapter focused on the main gang having fun in various ways (occasionally perverse ways) at a festival, but I think its fine to break the tonal seriousness every now and then.
How do you come up with outfits for religious officials without just copying Christian monks and nuns, or maybe Japanese mikos?
Christian monks were meant to take vows of poverty. Both because that was jesus' deal, but also because people didn't want their priests living it up like kings. If you look at how fancy catholic robes, well you see why a lot of people criticize the catholics.

Hence robes tend to be simple, and dark colors. So you can emphasize that religious clothing is like that if they are meant to have an aesthetic angle to them. Or if they aren't, emphasize how opulent or overly decorative they are.

Egyptian priests always wore leopard pelts. So there's also that.

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>is the best MTG format
>doesn't rotate
>all the fun of singleton deckbuilding around a commander
>none of the shitty commander things like absurd starting life total that makes aggro shit and le infinite combo solitaire decks that ruin the game and "pay X life" cards way too strong
>no Timmys crying that the whole board conspired against them after they brought voja to a table of precons, or worrying some kid is going to have a rage fit because you attacked him, just pure 1v1 "I will do everything I can to defeat my opponent and I assume they will do the same"
>fucking no one plays it in paper
Does anyone here actually play this in paper? How much success have you had in introducing it to your playgroup?
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>Commander but 1v1

so basically removing the one thing that made commander a success and only keeping the retarded parts

no wonder nobody plays it in paper
> the Arena team has no idea how to code games for more than two players
Arena is already insufferable waiting for 1 opponent to tab back in let alone 3
And its days of having good lore are far behind it. All the planeswalkers have blatantly been someone's diverse non-binary OC for a while now.
Sounds fucking awful
>so which one is it, idiot? is it a Commander variant or actually a good format?
It's a legally distinct variant of Commander WotC made because they technically don't own the rights to the Commander format.

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Lordship edition

Previous >>93193548

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

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As a ex-Yugioh player since Late DM/Early GX, Yugioh TCG branch has rarity bumps out the ass and multiple Secret Rares per set when it used to be 2 very early on. Not to mention proven shortprinting so some URs and SECs in that game are harder to pull compared to others of same rarity.
At least Digimon TCG is like the olden DM era where main sets typically have 2 Secret Rares and distribution is nearly even for most basic SRs
Generally I feel fairly satisfied with what I get, and EX6 I got most of what I wanted. But, when I got my EX4 boxes I wanted to fucking kill myself, my pulls were so bad.
My advice if you want to get a lot of packs is to look at all the foils in the set and see how many you actually want. EX4 was a dogshit set with a couple of good cards, so naturally you won't be happy if you open a box 9 times out of 10.
To be fair; barely anything in that set was a strong selling point high rarity wise. Lots of great support for the C/U/R slots for decks like Shine + Mirage. Kazuhamon was only good for Blue Flare at the time; ShineGreymon RM is the selling point and the lottery cards like usual tank. GoldVee didnt become desirable until recently and thats factoring the AA.
I still feel that there's too few SRs per box since they started increasing the number per set. It should be every other pack.

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Welcome to the ALL AMERICAN JULY Thread of Homebrew discussion on /tg/. This is part of my effort to get people discussing classic homebrew and assist the board in general when it comes to their game design endeavors.

>Who is this namefaggot?
I'm just a dude who helps facilitate discussion, but usually I pop in once in a blue moon to wax about my own projects.

>Why should I homebrew?
/tg/ products are fairly unique in that it's actually pretty simple to make them these days, with a plethora of products to assist in making and playtesting your game. Making your own games helps understand why games are made the way they are, as well as being fun to do.

>What you should post
Ideas for games, games you're currently making, updates to your own games in broad strokes, and any homebrewing for existing products that don't get much attention. Discussion about the above is welcome. Post good, be good, and look over others products, they care if someone looks more than anything.

>Oh No! The Thread is Over!
Have no fear, the thread will resume at the first of every month. If you want to make another during the month, go for it. I can't, and won't, stop you. If you want to make a thread on your own game, go for it!
One suggestion: Don't add General to the name.

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Started fiddling with a little tableau builder thingy called Planet Cauldron, about witches travelling the cosmos to create more and more potent brews to fill a cauldron the size of a planet and awaken the thing inside it. Nothing too innovative about it, and nothing to go off in terms of mechanics yet since it'd all be in cards that I haven't made yet, but you can probably imagine the typical fare. Mostly just getting a second opinion on the theme of it before I bother going further, whether it feels too forced, too unfocused, etc. But otherwise, I'll happily take any other input if you can see something awful from the brief outline.
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>First pitch they kind of hated it and were expecting a completely different type of different game, but gave decent feedback
>Different company pitch, they liked it but expressed it wouldn't be until 2029 with their schedule
C'est la something
Agreed to >>93246388
You have a theme underpinning your design so now your goal is to find what mechanics can tap it.
If it's grotesque then sacrificing, melding abilities, even the much maligned Lifedecking is appropriate.
If it's terror then uncertainty and tension of what your opponent can do is key.
For a dueling game, I always like to think about the immediacy of a the turn with the mana system and then the ultimate end condition they're working towards (wincons). Those two alone drastically affect the feel and tempo and separates MtG clones from others, even if it all comes back to "my card destroys yours". (Something like Keyforge has more shared DNA than other "Not Magic" games and yet feels totally different because of its tempo and wincons)
>Thanks, anon.
Np anon.
>Continuing the theme of being overly verbose, does anyone have suggestions for how I can word this more succinctly?
Here's my crack at it.

Prepared(true blood only)- you may spend a point of grit to have always had a mundane object with you. This object must fit onto your person comfortably, it's value cannot be greater than your current wealth, and it cannot be an object that would require a commission to create or a significant time to craft.
thoughts on this system for maneuvers?

note on some term definitions:
>Advanced Tactics: you can use these once per SR
>Shift: funtions as forced movement (i.e., doesnt expend movement or trigger reactions. ignores difficult terrain)
>Standard Action: your Action (Actions now refer to standard actions, bonus actions, and reactions)
>immobilized: your speeds are all 0 and cant be increased

What are your solutions to getting enough space to play big games?

Do you use an extendable table?
A gaming table topper?
Something that folds away?
Any clever space saving solutions?
Do you have a FLGS that rents table space out?
Or do you live in a big american house and space isn't an issue?
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lol. U mad.
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I've got a table from https://firmerterra.com/

I'm a homeowner, lol, with no place I'd like to put a permanent 6x4 table. The table in the link folds nicely to a size I can store under a piece of furniture or in a closet.

Eventually, I'd like to be able to play massive games or games across two tables; a table that's portable let's me play in a few spaces in my home and even in the garage or outside.

It's been more than good enough, and the gameboard easily survives some reasonable bumps.

If youre into the citadel realm of battle tiles, just be aware they don't quite sit flat: I'm going to get a big gaming mat that should solve that, though
This is actually based. This way if you're playing a smaller game you don't have to set them all up. I'm gonna do this or something like it
Get 3 of these and have 2 horizontal with 1 vertical and it makes a 9'x6' table
You got a warhammer board with border space, you got space for dnd and all your personal stuff on the edge

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Do any clerics worship OC gods? My cleric worships a sleeping god and believes that all reality is his god's dream. He also believes that when his god wakes up all life will ascend to a higher plane of existence. It's basically Cthulhu without the tentacles.
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>be narsassistic self absorbed peice of of trash

No thanks
i made a holy trinity of goddess that were just actresses I liked that I had a crush on with the name Jessica.
>Jessica Alba
was a moon goddess of Darkness and Night, Patron god of The Forgotten and The Wronged.
Holds Domain over Cold, Fey, Knowledge, Magic, Ocean, Trickery,
Lawful Neutral (thats how old this is btw and how old I was)
>Jessica Simpson
was a sun goddess of Light and Days, Patron god of Lovers and The Mad.
Holds Domain over Air, Chaos, Destruction, Fire, Madness, Strength, Sun, War,
>Jessica Beil
was a earth goddess of Life and Death, Patron god of Families and Civilization.
Holds Domain over Animal, Community, Earth, Evil, Good, Healing, Luck, Plant Protection, Travel, Weather
After gods of Wealth and Justice, what kinds of gods might clerics of royal blood choose as their divine patron?
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My campaign setting takes place in the aftermath of a divine war where numerous gods have fallen and new gods arisen to take their place. One of the fallen is Tiamat, and I must now come up with a replacement(s) for her as god(s) of the dragons.
trannyish art

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>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

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yeah man then i just clocked him, if the dude i was riding with didn't hold me back i would have beaten the guy to a pulp too, didn't know what came over me in the moment
>Build a bunker where no one can find you
>Ward it to hell & back
>Create powerful ushabti to feed on
>Store tons & tons of blood in ritualistically preserved containers
>Wait forever if you have to
>Make occasional forays to scout while in the spirit world or shadowlands
>if you need to rebuild society & need resources just conjure them.
I'm curious about your sire. From what you say of her, she sounds like a Kindred of some influence and wealth. Given your self-professed Clan, I must wonder how she has achieved and more importantly maintained this station.
>Question for discussion: What's one thing nobody told you about being a vampire that you wish you didn't have to find out on your own?
I learned about what unlife does to bodily fluids and the process of making a ghoul in a very suboptimal order.
she has many cover identities, and prefers to keep to herself in the countryside, if she makes a move its from a concealed position, the camarilla for all its power is not all seeing. as for our visits to Elysium again the false identities help fool others into believing that we are other clans, that and the occasional friend in a high place can open many doors. It also helps that modern hunts for Salubri are more performative than anything, as the tremere are busy with other things. The last hunt i saw was more of a parade around the city that ended up empty handed.

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What are some mounts from your setting rarely seen in conventional fantasy media?
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Fuck off mate.
Can we, for once, talk about cool mount ideas or something without everyone advertising their yUr SeTtInG?
Take it easy “mate”
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They just gave them to someone else
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Unsounded does this.
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Which was really stupid because they already had bat-like gargoyles.

Besides, the Horde only had wyverns for mounts during the relevant expansions.

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For me, TTRPG's are an escape from the ubiquitous digital world. On my table, the character sheets are made from paper, notes are kept in notebooks, Scrap paper is present for keeping track of things during combat. If a rules question appears, the necessary books are at the table. I create little character sheets for enemies on index cards. A magic using player might have a notebook as a "grimoire" and it gets filled with new spells and descriptions of their effects during play.

Phones, tablets, laptops, are not used during play.

Does anyone else have this analog, almost fetishistic, approach to tabletop gaming? Do you have some cool paraphernalia to post pictures of? Do you have some favourite tools like notebooks, pencils etc.?

Pic related, shows MUJI notebooks, which are high quality and have a cool aesthetic.
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>Phones, tablets, laptops, are not used during play.
This aversion to digital? No. We use it when it makes things easier. That said we've never had a "Everyone get off your phone" problem that some group suffer from, because cause were all older? We use it, but I am perfectly happy putting my phone down and off for days.

Yeah so apparently this is also an older mindset. Apparently people just don't use laptops anymore?

>OP question.
I don't personally care about breaking away from digital, but I do like paper and being in person. Writing in on a character sheet is better than flipping through my Tabs and looking to put it in the right text field. D&D is socializing. You can't socialize over a mic- well I mean you can, but it's limited.
I would really love returning to 2006 and backwards, i miss when being disconnected was the norm. Currently, even if i would prefer not to, i end up using a laptop for note taking, rule browsing, soundtracks, maps and stuff, at least when i GM, as a player i can still go full analog without issues no matter the complexity at hand. My, instead, friends don't give a shit, the oldest ones still use the paper character sheet, some superficial notekeeping booklet and the smartphone on the side to check stuff, the rest and youngest go straight with tablets and laptops, sometimes even without physical dice when playing between themselves (they go with vtts even offline).
Paper is so much more soulful. I have players that just can't cope without their phones though. Its very irritating. I actually stopped playing with a couple guys who were always too distracted.
Why are they called TOEnail clippers anyway? Doo people have all their toenails the same size? I can clip my fingernails with those no problem, but for feet I have to use the other kind.
Thank you for posting this
I like physical media as well, I'd rather have a little stack of cards I can go through than have to shuffle through a pdf on my phone or laptop
You won't catch me dead playing tabletop simulator or that online roll20 shit, I just wish people lived closer together.

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>world has no humans
>its more fantastical

how is this a bad thing? most humans are just shitty self inserts anyways
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>world has no humans
>its less relatable
>how is this a good thing? most non-humans are just special snowflakes anyways
Just go all weird. Play that Hollow Knight game some fa/tg/uys made. No humans, no mammals, you are a worm with a funny mask.
Just make the humans interesting.
Don't let the current day california subhumans tell you that you can't or else it's "muh unrelatable".
You dont actually have to worry about that unless you aspire for capeshit disneyslop type of fiction.
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>today I'll try making one of those bait threads I hear so much about on the 4 channel
fuck off OP, your endless menial faggotry has no place here.

I have never gotten any useful information out of a session 0 that I haven't been able to get from a simple primer emailed to me.
>Ask what the goal of the campaign will be
>"Oh I'll figure out something based on your backstories"
>Ask the other players for backstory ideas
>They can't think of anything without more information about the goals or details of the setting
>Ask for more details about the setting
>"Oh I'll flesh that out based on what you guys are interested in"
>People throw out random words, phrases, themes out there. DM writes them down
>People end up just discussing what classes and races they're playing
>End up spending a few hours to understand that I will, indeed, be able to play a class and race from the book
>Fuck off and wait another week or two for the game to actually start

Who came up with this? It's retarded, there is no value in wasting my time like this.
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What, you think pirates don't need a quartermaster just because their ship can fly around?
all meetings could be an email or remote session, but if someone is bringing pizza to the session 0, I'm in. It's a brainstorm hang-out, if they didn't make it fun (and you wanted it to be fun) you could have brought the pizza.

Its better than getting rail-roaded down some lame story that the dm wanted but no one else did, or having that awkward moment where the weak-ass autist just couldn't handle that roasts the games. And dont even pretend it wasn't you
I run session 0 as an online chat group for players to coordinate backstory and character concepts after I've sent them that primer and talked to them individually to set expectations. It kind of needs to be at the same time because I expect them to coordinate their characters within some basic guidelines.
>"Oh I'll figure out something based on your backstories"
Sign of a retarded GM. GM should be giving the party an impetus to be a party, unless they unanimously agree to know one another in character before the game starts and sort that out. What the nogames on /tg/ don't understand is that games work better with the party having a call to action, it just need to be flexible and able to change later. Don't say "kill the dragon" say "deal with the dragon problem". Leave it to the party to figure out how that happens. They still have a say and they aren't wandering aimlessly.
>They can't think of anything without more information about the goals or details of the setting
Yes, that's why you have a brief primer and session 0 is there to fill in any gaps or help elaborate on things that you didn't want to force the players to read 30 pages of lore for. It lets you flesh out the setting for the players in small chunks as they want/need the info.
>"Oh I'll flesh that out based on what you guys are interested in"
Sign of a shit GM #2 aka a "Sandbox" GM (or as I like to call it, Litterbox because it's full of shit). He doesn't want to put in the work to make a setting or give you anything to work with.
>People throw out random words, phrases, themes out there. DM writes them down
and that's three strikes for the shitty GM.
>People end up just discussing what classes and races they're playing
HYTNPD&D? or its clones?
>End up spending a few hours to understand that I will, indeed, be able to play a class and race from the book
Okay then stop being an autist and start the conversation. "Hey guys this is what my character is like what are yours like", it's that easy. Honestly this ought to come first and influence your race/species/ancestry and class/job choice.
>Fuck off and wait another week or two for the game to actually start
Jesus christ your GMs suck.
>Jesus christ your GMs suck.
Most GMs suck. I think Session 0 advice sets up a lot of GMs for a failure to launch.

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Primaris Brazen Drakes Did Nothing Wrong Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

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Thanks anon, hope your ultras come soon
>Mfw cron and nid fag
Why not both?
Final rumble of fully awakened dynasties against full force of Tyranid hive fleets.
Fucking soul.
that's an interesting case that hasn't been addressed as far as I know: sometimes hive fleets act competitively regarding each other, friendly competition that weeds out the weak and help them evolve test and select things faster, do they compete with the cults as well? making it so that the cults initiated by their vanguard organisms specifically emit a signal that doesn't get perceived by fleets other than the original one? are there opportunistic fleets that manage to find said worlds anyway and try to consume them before the parent fleet? does the genestealer cult of that planet get the imperative to fight back the 'wrong' fleet and keep itself only for the real one?

I would like to believe this all happens anyway, the galaxy is a big place after all and the tyranids behave in a lot of ways, but I kinda want to see it tackled
Thanks, they shipped a few days ago so probably next week.
>are there opportunistic fleets that manage to find said worlds anyway and try to consume them before the parent fleet?
one of the justifications given for gsc on tyranid violence is "wrong hive fleet landed".
It totally happens.

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