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Hey /tg/, I'm hosting a murder mystery this Halloween and I'm not ready to shell out $75 for the pre-written shit. Collectively, we can be pretty clever after all.

Do you have any experiences running or participating in a MMP? Why did it _not_ suck?

I wanted to collect general inputs on MMPs so that the thread can be useful to other's as well :)
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I did one as a one-shot recently (ran for 3 sessions because I underestimated my own ability to make it a proper mystery) and it went down pretty well, although the premise was so stupid because it literally came to me in a dream.

>on arriving at the house the players quickly realised that everyone in the house was blind/visually impaired to some degree, and they weren't going to get any reliable eye-witness statements from anyone
In the process of working out the murderer and the motivation, they also had to work out how the fuck a blind person could pull off the murder in question, because they dropped a damn chandelier on their victim (how did they know where the chandelier was, how did they drop it at the right time, did they even know who they were dropping it on, etc), which I think added to the intrigue and process of solving the case.

I suppose there's a few key notes that would translate to planning a party-style murder mystery.
While writing it I first worked out the details of the actual murder (obviously), then worked backwards from there, working out where everyone would have been during certain key events leading up to the murder and what they know (because the main question you're gonna hear asked on repeat during a murder mystery is "where were you and what were you doing before the murder happened") and then working out what clues they would lend to the investigation, what biases they might have that could make them unreliable narrators, or who they might accuse if prompted.

Red herrings sound like a good idea, but players will quickly grasp onto an idea and run with it, which is good when you're making up a story as you go along, but when there's a definitive mystery to be solved, it can lead them going in circles and getting frustrated that it's going nowhere - if you're going to throw out a red herring, it should be quickly dismissable, or ideally lead the players to a piece of more solid evidence or another lead.
Never do red herrings, players are never smart enough to realize it's a false lead unless you explicitly tell them.
I've done a few, generally 6-8 players. Mostly they've been so heavily scripted and hand holding that the only way you can get it wrong is to think that the murderer is so obvious that there must be a twist. I didn't find these that enjoyable.

The one that really stood out for me, was the only one that really had the players make some deductions that weren't signposted with the script equivalent of neon flashing lights.

The challenge that I enjoyed in that memorable game wasn't gathering the evidence, it was identifying which piece(s) of evidence were key.

I'd say to give your players' intelligence some credit, do have evidential red herrings and let everyone bring all the evidence together at the end and each player write down who they think did it and why, before the big reveal.
happened in my latest game, DM had to go out and mention that the (red herring) village had a fish market where they sold red herrings for us to catch on
Just kill one of the players and let the others try to work out who did it. I guarantee they'll all have motives.

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For discussion of all 3.x-compatible d20 games.

/3.x d20g/ d20 General Thread #006

Dual-Questions Edition: I'm going to post a design question and a GMing question, see if that generates a bit more discussion. Feel free to answer either or both. I've made a big list of potential TQs.

>What games are "in"?
Anything with enough common base to be relatively mix-and-matchable with 3.0/3.5 counts. So d20 Conan / PF1 / AE / 3.5 / d20 StarWars / d20 Modern / d20 Warcraft etc.

>What's "out"?
Mutants and Masterminds; 5e based games like Tales of the Valiant and A5e and DC20; Weird jank like PF2. OSR-Compatible stuff. They are just not (out of the box) mechanically cross-compatible with 3.0/3.5; You can bring them up in the context of converting stuff to use a 3.x d20 system, but don't expect any discussion of those systems directly.

> Tools

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>even if it was just 4 levels of maneuvers that needed converting
But anon, a crusader/cleric/RKV/warblade/bloodclaw master/SwordSage with three bloodline levels has access to IL 18 SS manuevers :^
That's fair. I've been overhauling PHB Spellcasting (up to 5th level spells) for what feels like forever now (a couple weeks at least). It's also a lot of work.
It's a fun idea with a lot of possibilities, nothing wrong with pondering such things when you aren't in the midst of playing.
I'd absolutely add scifi stuff if that's the mood I was going for, but I'd never bother taking it from anywhere else, I'm too fucking picky about how these things should work. For example, too often are things like firearms made into "touch" attacks when that's literally the opposite of what they should be, they're moving too fast to dodge and it's only due to a thick hide and armor that one might avoid being damaged, a bullet getting lodged somewhere dense or deflecting off because it struck the plate or a shield at a lucky angle. Thus, they should target flat footed AC, making them suitably deadly in the hands of anyone who knows how to aim for a vital spot. True lasers would be the same, blasters, etc, anything that's highly accurate and closes the distance much more quickly than an arrow should be against FF, but every book and supplement and third party what-the-fuck-ever makes them into touch attacks and it bugs the shit out of me. Same goes for the usual damage choices, how they handle ammo, etc, so I gotta stat it all out myself to be satisfied.
Is this a bot reply? It's pretty fucking clear what I'm talking about from the context of the post

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>3.5 game
>PCs in decadent Imperial China society
>After accepting a noble's hospitality, PC is offered a pleasure slave for the night
>PC goes "N, no, please don't pleasure me."
>Noble says he understands, he'll send a boy instead
I admit I giggled.
Low magic setting?
If you've got cradle to grave prostitutes there's no reason not to make them shapeshifters

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Eldritch Horrors From Beyond The Stars Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback or post whatever relevant input you might have!

Last Thread: >>93913260

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>What unearthly horrors exist in your setting, what makes them so frightening and dangerous, and is there any way to protect yourself from them?

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I simultaneously do and don't know what I want. I want my setting to emulate the feeling you get when you look at a Keith Parkinson painting.
Good vs evil, wizards are old men with flowing beards and robes, dragons are cool as fuck, skeletons, ADVENTURE
Don't make them big weird chimera demons.
If you must give them corporeal form, have them copy whatever they're talking to, but as if you looked at it through rippling water and a haze of smoke. A haziness at the edges, a lack of coherency in shape if you pay attention. It might wave its arms around when it speaks, but they'll fizzle out into nothing as it switches between actions because it never had arms, this is all a show its putting on and a poor one at that.
My centaurs are incredibly strong and brutal, but their bodies make it difficult to really do any kind of agriculture (they can't really bend down to plant seeds or harvest crops, for example), so they're reliant on the helots, a slave caste of hybrid rape babies (basically just ugly hunchbacked humans). If the helots revolt, they're fucked even if they win, since they'd have to spend most of their time making new helots instead of eating.
I don't like rape in my settings. Also that sounds a lot of ancient Sparta but more rapey.

I did intend their massive food requirements to be a limiting factor on their numbers. I suppose that can be the horse side of their weakness.

I'm not sure what sort of weakness would fit their Asian dragon half though.
In Arizona, the humans usually beat the horses


Also for the 50 Mile Run, horses were around 8 hours or so, but there were many humans who got under 8 hours.

So it seems for man vs horse, it would depend on the distance and the conditions.

Has anyone here played in one of the several systems based on the Elric of Melniboné novels?
Or in a different system but using it as base of a setting?
I do remember having fun with some version of Stormbringer when I was a kid (not the DM), I can't even remember which version, and idk if such systems would feel "too old" now.
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>There are no sanity rules
OP here, I'm pretty sure whatever version I played as a kid DID have sanity rules, so I don't think that other one anon was making it up.

>I was never a huge fan of Moorcock's Elric books, but I like the setting a lot more than Glorantha that's for sure.
I haven't read any (maybe I should), and Glorantha (I've looked at RuneQuest) just doesn't draw me in the way "edgy sword and sorcery" does.
well at least the JP covers have sweet awesome Yoshitaka Amano artwork for Elric.
nice to see Cecil mid transformation
Sanity is an optional rule in the Demon Magic supplement (1985).
idk, as a kid I remember we only photocopied one book

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De Sade Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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Only as minor characters, and even then I go for those who are not very famous.
Like Merlin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Joseph_Merlin) or Richard Burton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Francis_Burton).
I had the concept for a Wizened Artist in CtL who got taken to Arcadia before applying to the Vienna School of Art, but never actually got to play him.
>Have you ever used historical figures in your games?
It's sort of a private running gag that almost every time I run a new chronicle, one of the elder npcs is based on the Count of St. Germain and his many claimed identities.
So far he's been a Ventrue, a Toreador, a Ravnos, a Shadow Lord, a member of the Sahajiya or Hermetics, a changeling of that one fey kith who love telling tall tales and a suspiciously ancient Defiler/Nereid.
I've actually had multiple of these outright introduce/reveal themselves as the count at one point or another, but my players aren't as big into history as me and he's basically always just been a background npc, so this whole gag is basically just for my own amusement.
Among others I've included Leonidas, Billy the Kid, Yuri Gagarin, Queen Himiko, and Cao Cao [sort of it was his reincarnation]. If 'mythic history' is counted I've also included Enkidu and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
>Have you ever used historical figures in your games?
Only as Memorabilia

It's the Character Art Thread!
Post all your favorite pictures of cool awesome characters.
Fantasy, SciFi, Modern - post them all!
Know some cool spots to find awesome art? Share it! We need to build a nice trove of good art that we can share here in the OP.
And be excellent as always!

Thread theme: Warriors
Last Thread: >>94130248
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Looking for someone who staddles the boundary of life and death. A skeleton is too far on the side of death while something like >>94210895 is too far on the side of life. Looking for a Necromancer who is ambiguously or freshly dead, basically
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requesting redheaded knights
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I love these ones so much. Thank you anon(s)!
Hey that one is the same artist as my first one >>94195041 right? Pascal Blanché

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Halloween Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
Trail of Cthulhu 2e crowd funding launches

Current Book Club Topic:

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Say what you will about Dettwiller and his spergouts but at least he kept these generals alive and going.
Non-zero chance Nights Black Agents has a version of her.
Do they also call those things Funicular's or something?
Apparently yes, they are also called funiculars. I've only ever known them as inclines though.
>I haven't picked up Maeltopia for a while (maybe I should get back to it) but wasn't it mostly centered on a post-apocalyptic Earth than went Mad Max meets Clive Barker after a getting hit with a magical solar flare?
Late reply, but that's the 'mundane' scientist held belief behind what occurred. Those in the know are more informed and whilst the EXACT reason behind the initial Great Darkness hasn't been disclosed based on what I've watched and read so far (it most likely had something to do with the Star of Dis or similar lore I can't access), it seems like it was spurred on by the influence of the Unbegotten from beyond their Bolgias and similar malicious forces. And each of the Unbegotten, for the ones primarily ensconced within their Bolgias, are trying to access existence as a whole so they can convert and reformat it to their liking. We also have the Noirmat, who do possess the power to reconfigure the wider universe to their liking and are worshiped by the lesser Walks of Darkness - sometimes alongside the Unbegotten - but only became particularly active post-Great Darkness. The influence of the various Bolgias essentially functions like gravity, so you can't escape it no matter where you go, since they essentially make up the bedrock for all experience - for example, the Bolgia of Broken Toys represents all despair that exists anywhere whether it be born of human hands or otherwise, regardless if it is the death of innocence and childlike wonder, people getting lost in a haze of drugs to cope with the harshness of life, or pure stifling banality.

Keep in mind that things were already bad in Maeltopia even before the Great Darkness. There were already demons and Unbegotten cults in the world before it occurred, they were just quiet and moving in the shadows. It's only after it that they truly went out into the open because there was nothing to stop them anymore.

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Kharn is a pretty great guy edition

Previous thread:

Check out here for useful links and a catalogue of relevant miniatures retailers:
>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn

Of possible interest though not long left at time of posting: Ral Partha Europe Autumn Sale: Autumn20 for 20% off any order up until Sunday 6th October
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Thanks. Will try this and post results later.
How do I tell if a codex is 3 or 3.5ed.? I have a Tau codex and eldar and they are formatted very very differently. GW has always been retarded and doesn't even write the edition on the rulebooks
Lexicanum, for once, doesn't lie. This is the covers for the codex volumes by edition.
>GW has always been retarded and doesn't even write the edition on the rulebooks
I agree, they ARE immensely retared for not doing that.

Wonder how much money they've made from someone buying wrong rulebooks
Given they keep pushing book sales on people even the week before a new edition drop I'd probably say a fucking hug pile of money.

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I've been reading through the Magic: The Gathering Manga and I'm confused about a few things.
The Manga takes place in the late 90s and in it they play best of three, one on one matches with sixty card decks. However, when I went to my local game store, people were playing four player free-for-all matches with 100 card decks that only had one copy of each card.
The protagonist bagged a cute and smart girlfriend through their shared passion for MTG and had other cute girls express interest in him but so far this has not happened with me.
I really enjoyed the mix of rom-com, shounen tournament arcs, and strategic battles, but it seems like the real game does not live up to the ideal that was late 90s Japan.
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>It didn't use to be like that.
Yes it did, you were just bad.
Actually, it was way more like that than you can even imagine because EDH was started by vintagefags back when that actually meant something.
based kamen rider black enjoyers
Read Wizard's Soul instead.
I did but it's short. Good, but short.
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Let me share my experience as a new (started like a couple of months ago) player.
I've always wanted to try MTG, but didn't want to spend a ton of money for cards or get involved with LGS "community" (a friend of mine got turned off from Pokemon TCG by such). Also, the idea of Commander and the whole multiplayer and social aspect of sounds plain terrible to me. All I want from magic is a 2-player card game, but it looks like that no longer is the primary focus of the game.
Anyway, turns out my friend who I've known for over 15 years also wanted to try MTG for a long time, we just never really talked about it for some reason. Cue each of us buying a hefty box of commons, slapping together some decks and going ham. Since our skills and cards are equally shitty, we're having a blast. Just this weekend I've completed making a shitty 2-player cube for draft, so that's probably what we'll try on our next meeting.
Guess what I'm trying to say is that playing with someone you know, especially if you're equally matched, is the best way of experiencing MTG. I know that's easier said than done, but you never know who'd like to give it a try. I've been warned by Anons to stay away from reading about meta, since that's a slippery slope to spoiling the fun. It's a sound advice, just use your wit and whatever garbage pile of cards you have for deck building.

Let's roll up a Lost and/or Damned Regiment, because we're bored


Give me a d10 for Former Regiment Classification
Rolled 9 (1d10)

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>Militia/Cultist: Average Citizens taken to training and arming themselves for the glory of Chaos.

d100 for Recruitment Criteria next please.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rise up brothers and/or sisters! Rise up and throw down the Corpse God!
Rolled 36 (1d100)


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Welcome to TODD!

This thread is for OPEN discussion of TSR-era Dungeons & Dragons (OD&D, Basic D&D, and AD&D including 2e) and related games, such as retroclones, OSR and OSR-adjacent games (OSE, BFRPG, S&W, LotFP, DCC, C&C, Shadowdark, X without Numbers, Knave, ...). Free discussion of house rules and modifications is encouraged. For the sake of clarity, B/X is the assumed default system for any conversation unless otherwise indicated (but please do feel free to indicate otherwise).

previous thread: >>93925445

>What's your favorite starting adventure from a /todd/ system?
>What's the highest level you've reached as a player, or had a player reach as a DM, and in what system?
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It's very badly designed and apparently completely unplaytested. About 1000x more detail about this than you probably want:
Huh, some of the criticisms actually make it look great for solo play.
I've played Knave 1e extensively, but not without a few modifications to suit my tastes.
It's a perfectly serviceable nuSR game. Dead simple to play. Dead simple to teach. There's not much to talk about really. It's all there on the few pages the game needs. Grab a one-page dungeon and have a session. If you don't gel with it, drop it. If you like, keep using it, and bolt on your own homebrews as you go.
My go-to for anything old-school is always ACKs so I'll shill that if you're looking for what I feel is a better game.
>sacred cow ability scores
>elves and dwarves, and even worse: as classes
no thanks
Maybe LotFP is more to your tastes? Or Worlds Without Numbers? Both have Classes but you can easily ignore them, and both have a lot more consistency in detail and design in their games than Knave does.

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Forlorn Hope edition
>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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It's no wonder that even self proclaimed reddit celebrities dont touch on Media guides.
Just read Listen up, bro
Is it too little different for you?
Look at this obnoxious faggot
Do you really think he played RED more than handfull times?
Not at all, it's my favorite role to play; but I could see novice Refs trying to clamp down on it like they might a Rockerboy or Media and that could be pretty bad suffering for a player.

I guess going just by RAW with an uncooperative Ref there's still plenty to try and do, but it can turn into a laundry list if your fellow crew lean on you too much for 'mandatory' upgrades or a menu you can't afford to order off of if the Ref doesn't give you adequate work time.
what am I supposed to be mad about

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>RPG Rulebooks
>Homebrew Collection (August 2024)
>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News
>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database
>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:
>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia
>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)
>Make your maps look just like FFGs

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True, though that might be a hook in its own way. If the party makes enough Inquisitorial friends on their own initiative, they might be able to play the political game and distance themselves from their original boss at the right moment. Or a rival faction could try tempting the party with a better job offer after the PCs' competence becomes known down the Inquisitorial grapevine. Or you could have a rival faction axe the Inquisitor in suitably climactic fashion and falsely accuse the party of heresy.
This is the same setting where the Celestial Lions treatment became retroactively impossible on its face yet it still happens anyways. It would only be a problem if you forget that 40k bureaucrats are a special kind of asshole that needs to be gunned down with an army on their paperwork worlds to remove the evidence.
Are you thinking of the tables in Liber Imperium? I read them the other day and wasn't terribly impressed, but they're in there.
I've always used an Interrogator as a stand in for the Inquisitor, keeping at least one degree of separation between the PCs and their boss. Oftentimes I'll use other intermediaries, like Throne Agents. Remember that the Inquisitor rarely has just one team of Acolytes.
For example, I had my PCs meet with a Throne Agent on a Hive World who had been ordered by the Inquisitor to organise a safe house and appropriate attire/equipment for the Acolytes. The Agent was to act as a sort of guide, someone the PCs could ask questions of given that they were new to their roles as Acolytes. The Agent was also doing their own separate investigation, so could be called away at times leaving the PCs to fend for themselves.
Typically I promote a PC to Interrogator at some stage, and only then do the PCs start seeing and hearing from the Inquisitor more.
I have also run adventures whereby the PCs are seconded to another Inquisitor who needed backup - an ally of their Inquisitor (but secretly someone their Inquisitor wanted investigated). There's a lot of cloak and dagger stuff you can pull off here.
LI is an interesting compilation of rules with a few of its own, but every interesting part is sandblasted off and it needs editing so badly it isn't funny. It's rules aren't all there, character creation spits out things that can reliably eat a Master opponent for breakfast, etc. But the Aptitude system - choose 4, get 3 from your choices is good. And I really like the psyker powers compared to second edition dark heresy. It just feels wasted in its attempt to make a kitchen sink rulebook.

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I've been trying to develop my own TTRPG system for a long while now, but im getting jammed trying to put together how damage works.

At the moment an attack has a dX damage and dX armour penetration property, which together can degrade a target's armour value for that hit zone. The exact specifics dont really matter because TLDR: Its too much to track in any fight with more than three or four combatants since each guy was 7 hit zones each with multiple values that were constantly changing.

I need to simplify it and might just roll back to a previous version, but i wanted to ask first. Are there any existing systems that handle armour with a reasonable level of depth and dynamism but still work efficiently for large group fights?

And more generally, how do you model armour narratively?
You just wanted an excuse to post "subtle" gay porn.
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No, i had an opportunity to post gay porn. Its different. Now do you know of any systems that handle multiple pieces of armour across multiple hit zones? Dark heresy does it but flat DR is a flawed and solved system, so id like something more nuanced
>I want an armor system that is nuanced and tactical
>but also quick to resolve and without too much math
Anon, here is the kicker: You can only have one, not both. If you want an autistic armor system, then go all out, but design combat so that it doesn't take too many rounds to be resolved.

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