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I'm looking to run a one-on-one game about bimbofication with a cute boy I'm trying to torment, and hoping for a stupid simple system that can still capture the like, nuances or whatever.

So naturally, my first thought is nWoD.

But I've got like... No idea how to "Trim the Fat" to make it easy for a first-timer. I'd need a new Humanity/Morality bracket, but if I can make it, that'd be totally perfect for things like impulses and degradation.
Any Ideas? Maybe a different system? Cause that does sound like a lot of work.
just have sex with him
alright that's it im done
Do Risus and tack on your bimbo-bracket.
im sure FAPP has a module for it
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This thing right?

How exactly would I show the progression?
Tacking on further Bimbo Cliches and making him roll for them?
Maybe making them roll for the chance of cliche progression every failed roll?

They're new to RPs all together so this kind of abstract might actually be very easy for them to get a hold of.
Risus is good but there is also something better: Maid.

Brimstone thread, Kys faggot
Old WoD is simpler in a lot of ways than New WoD, even a monkey can get vtm20th. Willpower is an already baked in stat that you can toy with.
Do elaborate on your game plan too, I want to know what this is about.
I'd look into CoC's (no, not THAT one) SAN mechanics too, especially the way it lets the keeper alter a character's personality.
That's actually a good suggestion. Definitely better than OP's premise deserves. You just replace the madness tables with fetish shit, right?
You don't post links, you moron.
I would actually use something like Don't Rest Your Head as the basis. If you want a stupid simple system, WoD (any version) is not it.
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I think you need to be thrown into a pen of starving spotted hyenas
Honestly I don't care if OP is genuine or not the genuine responses are hilarious
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Unirionically go ask on Changing Mirror forum. That's like quarter of their total output and content

Also, consult Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.
Have fun.
Those are the ones with the girlcocks right?
To Change, it sounds like the system you're looking for. Heres a video on it

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I cant help much with the system but i think it would be fun if you gave him a mini/paperdoll of his character that he has to physically modify as he plays based on his choices
There's actually an VTM requiem hack for Succubus that emulates Pcs being semen demons. The game is surprisingly playable, and the pdf has lots of *ahem*, "tasteful" artwork. This is probably the closest thing to a bimboification game that you're looking for. It's somewhere here, on the 4chan board or on the internet.... Shouldnt be too hard to find with google-fu...
Google-fu means less and less as time goes by and Google becomes shittier all the time.
A proper master of google-fu hasn't touched the Google search engine in at least eight years.
play FATAL
But it doesn't have bimbofication mechanics.
Seconding this, whats the context here?? What about him
File deleted.
>A fetish so degenerate even FATAL refuses to delve on it
What's the best search engine to use these days? All the ones I use seem to just go to google and copy their homework.
Duckduckgo doesn't surpress semi-legal free stuff from its search results.
You become gay and your dick shrinks if you're hit in the head.

Sounds close enough to me.
Startpage has been my go-to for a decade since it doesn't develop a user profile to tailor your results you get better raws in most cases
Horny /tg/ is superior to generals, botposting and bait thread /tg/.
The degree by which it is superior is debatable. But that's not important right now.
Princess the Hopeful actually sounds like an interesting game desu.
>"Trim the fat"
Personally I work almost entirely off the character sheet.

What I'd do is as follows.

>Take a sheet.
>Cross out the bits I don't need.
>Rename some stats to other things.

I've never met a game that couldn't be played entirely by looking at the character sheets and nothing else.
But if you want to go further from there.

>Go through the different character gen stuff to see what stuff works from what system, and what stuff needs a flat prohibition on it.
>Tell players what is good or not.
>Consider extra stuff the rules may not intrinsically support (eg, your gym bunny bimbo may want herself a boob job), and either use related content or make your own new basic rules for how to go about X, and what X does (eg, -1 difficulty on all checks involving appearance).

I've heard very little about that, save that it tries to be noblebright/grimbright, and it's vaguely magical girl themed?
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a while back I had an idea for a game where the key mechanic was feminization. The more feminized you were, the easier it became to access areas, investigate without arousing suspicion, resolve situations without combat, etc. But the more feminized you became, the more permanent feminized traits you would acquire, based either on failing certain challenges or rolling on a random feminization table. Negative strength modifiers representing you becoming smaller and daintier, a significant negative speed modifier because you now only walk in high heels, massive negative modifiers to any roll against suggestion or charm, etc.
It would be a largely investigation based game, so at first the positive traits of feminization would be mechanically very attractive. But it would also be very easy to end up spiraling out of control until you were nothing but a giggling bimbo who would suck any cock put in front of you
Did you write anything down for it
i need dick
Honestly from what I've seen as of recent (of which these four are just ones that I've seen today),
there's a market for a ttrpg based around gradual stat reduction over time. Or at least some form of equivalent exchange to boost game relevant stats.
>meet a new DM recently
>DM has mentioned I am cute in passing
this thread scares me
>Call of Cthulhu
>But woman instead of octopus
You just aren't horny enough
>the writer's clearly advertised fetish

Weird goo monsters and tentacles are basically the same ballpark. In fact they're probably more dignified.
nah, every time I thought too much about the idea I had to go jerk off
>Game with major interest in pathing, investigation, and social situations.
>Any conflict quickly becomes asymmetric or high in peril, starting off mostly permissive but getting more challenging and high stakes as the game progresses.
>Progression occurs via a reduction in certain mental and physical stats. This gives directly proportional boosts to secondary stats.
>Exact specific progression is defined via role table(s).

Should have developed it man, concept sounds fun.
The worst that could happen is you have a new experience and decide if you like it or not afterwards.
Now please, for my imagination, is the DM hot?
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Nah the DM told me that awhile ago, its probably a different person
I'd try anything once, though. Its nice being cute.
NTA but the way you put it is quite engaging indeed
I take it you are not really a master of disguise lol
also bump
You can tell its written by a non gamer when it doesn't specify what kind of fice to use. D6?
Man, now I want to be the cute healer boy for a party.
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So like, do the characters get more bimbofied the lower their intelligence drops? Are physical stats stuff like lips and butt, or are there non physical stuff like allure and fashion?
>>DM has mentioned I am cute in passing
there's two ways to read this sentence and I'm genuinely not sure which one you meant when writing it
This thread is great. What would the campaign consist of? What challenges does a bimbo face?
Your sexual morals slowly being corrupted. To survive you need to target victims and drain of their "essence", and money. Overthrowing the sexist patriarchy by being as overtly sexual as possible. Deciding which credit card to use. fighting other bimbos for that rare croptop. Mind slowly succumbing to "good vibes", dont think about it too hard. Converting others to be bimbos like her. Going to an reputable plastic surgeon, whose implants will give you magic powers over others, at the cost of declining intelligence and sanity. Finding a good man and keeping him away from other women. Your powers consist of charming men and women, but you're increasing dependance on the attention of others is simultaneously destroying your identity and yet keeping you alive. It's just like vampires, but instead of gothic darkness and blood sucking, it's California magical gurl boss and dick sucking.
kill everyone in this thread
cyberpunk, but instead of cyberware you get bimbo plastic surgery which slowly degrades your humanity until you go full bimbopsycho.
ffs man this is great, this is why everyone needs to learn how to write while jerking off.
get art done by wrenzephyr. Guys godlike at making bimbofied characters.
This thread put a worm in me and I need to see it through
I don't think I'll do 100 but here are some system-agnostic magic item premises that are at least moderately classy or not overtly sleazy

Vain Weatherfiend
>Once commissioned by a noblewoman of particular conceit, this ornate parasol conceals the user from more than the sun
+ Standing in the shade of the Weatherfiend will alter physical appearances (hair, skin, etc.) to perceptibly match an imprint of the noble lady on the day her portrait was painted
- Purely visual disguise; what's more, the effect applies to all parties beneath the umbrella, making the illusion fragile
- Does not alter more persistent attributes like height

Careless Catspaw
>Charmed and almost impossibly gracile legwear which once belonged to a traveling acrobat. A spark of whom seems to remain within.
+ The wearer will gain the ability to perform remarkable feats of acrobatics as though from muscle memory, despite the excessive design
- Occasionally and unexpectedly (check) subject to the flighty whims of the personality within, requiring (check) one's legs to resist
- That, and nearly no-one can move properly in the objectively staggering over-knee heeled design

Empty Lens
>An anti-glass construct of unique function, which upon close inspection appears to be entirely absent. Frame mounted.
+ For magical exertions requiring INT/WIS/etc, the user substitutes CHA/etc [*0.Nmult]
- Has no effect on prerequisites for learning or advancement; makes no distinction between the higher of two stats and always converts.
- Disruptive to focus as an opposite of normal lenses

Gold Pair-Pipe
>Ornate and flowing, this bubbling hookah seems suited to sharing, possessed of two stems terminating in what might be floral decor
+ User B's voice will mimic the tone of User A's after partaking concurrently. Prioritizes previous users as "A" subsequently
- Overuse causes swelling and tenderness about the mouth, or even loss of one's own voice

Veil of Tears
>An intricate gold-spun garment which extends from the crown of the head to nearly the floor. Impossibly sturdy despite its silken quality.
+ An excellent and nearly impenetrable magical material, even if it covers perhaps a third of the average body.
- Worn materials of lower quality than the veil become excessively brittle, prone to breaking.

Reverse Fleece
>A curio of the barbaric, which has grown increasingly popular in easier climes among many of means
+ Worn, perhaps as a shawl or scarf, the wearer is immunized from both feelings and effects of severe cold
- As a result of their functional body temperature, a character more than lightly clad will experience severe effects of overheating. This persists for (worn * 2) after removal. Removal is accompanied with an itching sensation (w2) til replaced

Zhaalbek's Rough Draught
>A neck band created at the behest of a patron too deep in their cups, Zhaalbek was executed for the failure that resulted
+ Increases the efficacy of consumed liquids by [mult] (e.g., alchemical, alcoholic)
- The user's feeling of dipsia is falsely amplified, past need of drink and onto secondary notions like lips feeling dry, which lingers after removal

Aural Hoops
>Seemingly plain, wide rings of pure gold, four in number. A small gap is joined by a latch
+ Speaking into a ring will communicate the sound to one whose ear is pierced by its pair
- One whose ear is pierced so will feel warmth there, as though constantly embarrassed
- No one has tried putting them anywhere else?

Fleur's Flourish
>Said to be an artifact of a legendary lady-knight who rose to the occasion in a time of great need. May easily be a cheap knock-off.
>The plume on top looks nice
+ In addition to the standard benefits of a knight's helm, the Flourish's full face enclosure will render spoken word at a pitch opposite the original.
- The helm requires a second party to arm the wearer, it cannot be equipped or removed alone
= Why would this be here?

I am halfway to considering posting a thread about designing >>94794216, if anyone would be interested.

If we ignored the concept of a sexy game (not an erp, just a sexy game) this kind of thing would work very well imo for a pseudo-napoleonic setting ala Turnip28.
If you swing by the Lewd Games thread, there should be a link to a Succubus splat for nWoD.
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Red Riding Boots
>Perhaps little to do with the fable of the same name, these high riding boots are deep red on the inner leg, and fade to blue-black outside
>Allegedly the result of an inept heiress' desire to ride side-saddle without the saddle, a definition loosely gleaned from their function
+ Beings who contact the blue outer sides of the boots are magically and perhaps unnaturally calmed for a time
- Should the red side touch instead, they are incensed and uncontrollable
= In cases of both, they conflict to a balance of exposure

Damnatio Chain
>An unseemly pair of cuffs, but not as uncomfortable to wear as they are to look at. Maybe.
>Attire for criminals set to be slain, perhaps as a means to exonerate the executioner
+ The wearer's identity and appearance are occluded with reference to the viewer's memory, hazily halting lines from being drawn
- They are, naturally, a locking ankle chain. Even as they are of quality, and a decent span, they're still encumbering

Parting Engraving
>Not nearly as grim as the name suggests, these four fur sleeves of barbarian derivation are festooned with various small tokens
+ Seemingly fit for the forearms and calves, the loosely strung charms and fetishes offer significant physical and magical defenses
- The effect requires bodily contact, and the protective function means other magic materials and metals may be disrupt(ive/ed)
- The tokens are very luminescent in the dark, making attempts at remaining unseen difficult

Eidolon Chalice it's time to stop
>A set of broad, stemmed goblets which end abruptly before their base, the underside instead showing a delicate valve which permits flow from the upper chalice
+ These will multiply most any liquid within til overflowing, at the cost of a contacting character's [m resource]
- The only way to generate notable volume is for the glass' rim to make full, unbroken contact
- The chalices themselves seem to attempt a sealing adherence, some quirk of magical greed
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That was before you started posting. It's too late now.
Update us OP
Tell us more about whats going on
Yeah the basic mechanics could also work for a Cthulhu sort of thing where you slowly turn into a fucked up monster as you investigate a fucked up monster cult
Characteristics are paired sliders
>Plastic and Plasticity
Beauty/Charisma and Intelligence
>Slutiness and Stuffiness
Charisma and Willpower
Nah, that was just where I recognized that I was straining the premise explicitly.
I'm sure there are other lines that I didn't notice while crossing, but a limit's a limit.
do it
always interested in batshit crazy OC and if it works for office ladies then I'm all in
keep it quick and dirty and low crunch plz
wtf lol

so something like 'Delta Green - Just Another Day at the Office'?
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Delayed due to a totally not cute and unladylike Tummy Ache
I dunno why you'd need a system for this. Just use whatever lite rules set you are more comfortable with, since you're just going to be mostly gooning and ERPing, do you really want to fiddle with GURPS or some shit? Let alone making a wholeass rules module for NWoD.
low crunch systems are fun
sexy gameplay is fun
just don't go over the top
>mostly gooning and ERPing
keep it quirky not squicky
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> Does not use advanced grappling to determine who is on top
> Does not use extra effort to check if you have the stamina when she cries harder
Plebeian tastes
OP here

To keep things dumbed down for the Dumbie, I'm just gonna only rip the core attributes from nWoD, just because I like the split in smarts defense and social defense

Gonna give them a 9/7/5 split, because it's supposed to be losing stats over play instead of gaining them.

And to replace skills, I'm gonna use the Risus "Cliches" starting out at 4 cliches, one at 4, 3, 2, and 1 respectively.

Checks are Stat plus Relevant Cliche number of D6s, Still deciding on counting successes on 5s and 6s or just 6s. I like only having to get one to win and failing often so I'm like more leaning to just 6s.

Every time you lose a stat from certain failed checks or modifications, you'll one point in a new bimbo cliche, mostly relevant. Even for physical ones, getting things like "Strutter" for losing Dexterity, so now while it may even out point per point, you can really only make those Dexterity checks while in heels.
Failing checks in general also gives you a chance to level up the cliches as well, even if it doesn't result in stat loss. Same rules as Risus where you have to roll all odd numbers on d6s for as many points in the cliche you already have.

I've yet to hash out the "Humanity" into "Chastity" scenario and comparing it to compulsion checks. But I'm also going to do much of the same where doing something lewd below where you're at on the list is going to make you make composure checks to not drop down, and gain a new compulsion, like you would a derangement in nWoD

Any help on putting together "Lewdness" in a 10 bracketed list with normal reasonably restrained and chaste people starting at 7 will be appreciated.
Yes yes thats very interesting OP
now why are you trying to do this all to a random boy
He's a big pushover and won't tell me no
Well, he does, but he gives in when I don't listen and do it anyways

Anyways, I enjoy making him uncomfortable and squirmy and just generally bullying him and want to get him used to this as a prelude to even further bullying

Yes, I know you're reading this right now you little perv~
You owe me.
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have you considered simply asking him out
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Ew, gross
I choose to believe this is a grill
Do not disenchant this illusion.
I don't need to when you know the truth yourself anon
And it sounds like you know it quite clearly
This shark is extremely boopable.

Considering the behavior and knowledge, they'd still have to be clinically autistic and like... 40 something

Given that, there's only one way to find out

Hey OP do you still have your YAOI paddles?
Is he the group healslut?
>YAOI paddles
>by the early 2010s, their possession and sale had been banned by most conventions due to their misuse for harassment and as weapons.
nice try FBI
we were all female once
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I knew this looked familiar
You can own one just not bring it to conventions
that's what she said
We're not at a convention anon. There's not nearly enough drunk nerds groping each other.
What would even possibly classify as "enough" for you, you insatiable whore?
Make sure to lock him up and make him listen to bimbo hypno. To get into the mindset and shit.
Does anyone know whats going on in here
The fact you have to ask means you've never been to a convention you pathetic virgin
Bambi sleep
Good girl
A thread more or less concluded, but not allowed to die.
we could always try to come up with mechanism for a little bit more elegant system, instead if the quick bolt-on solution OP settled with.
Pun intended
Please explain how can we make an "elegant system" for a bimbofication oriented game
And what if he says no retard
If it's just a one-shot you could do an escape room type situation. A character is trapped in some haunted mansion or crazy lab or something, and every wrong choice incurs a bimboization penalty. There could also be places where you have to bimbofy yourself to proceed, like this door is locked by a lip print reader, if you swell up your lips you'll be able to open it!
gurps does everything and it does it poorly
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Bottoms never do.
>painting my hair
New ESL shibboleth just dropped
A grill would never use a Luvia reaction image, or a Prisma Illya reaction image in general.
Sorry but that stuff is not for me.
Sauce? That is literally me.
Sounds better for a vidya than tabletop.
the author name is literally on the image
being dumb is not a personality
Honestly if that's the most offensive part of the grammar it's better than most ESL fetish dialogue I've seen in my life.
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This is a bimbo thread, it IS a personality
>tfw I let it slip to my D&D party that I like hot bimbo muscle mommies one time and now that's my whole character personality to them.

We had a new girl join and she's playing a fucking GunTank from Valda's and she's a blonde ditzy muscle mommy.
I think my DM convinced her to make that character just to fuck with me.
Post it already you faggot
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Because online I may be a gooner with a bimbo kink, but IRL I'm a shy boy who would never talk about that kind of thing. I feel weird that my friends know my fetish and actively sought to enable my degeneracy.
Isnt that what friends are for
I'm a shy boy IRL too and it's a bummer having to suppress those things
I'd like to be the cute party healer but that'd be weird to be perceived as by my group
Maybe one of these days I'll find a group to be that for
He should just use this thread to get both out of the way more expediently
That...is a very fair point. Objection withdrawn.
You're not me, don't get any funny ideas.

That's more a lack thereof, if you want to boil it down
And I can tell your post is written by a self-important low-attention moron when the kind of dice to use is specified plain and simple right under your nose, mister 'gamer'.
Learn to read.
seems interesting but unfortunately not dumbed down enough for me lol
(I'm also not familiar with nWoD)
what is this 9/7/5 split?
can I get a qrd on these nWoD mechanics plz?
core attributes from nWoD for reference

>Mental Attributes
>Intelligence: The raw power of the mind. Cognitive capacity. The inherent capability to digest, comprehend and remember information -- and to learn more. Intelligence is a direct measure of how smart your character is.
>Wits: The ability to think on one's feet, under pressure or duress, without letting them see you sweat. Wits also encompasses an eye for detail, the ability to absorb what's going on in the environment, and to react to events.
>Resolve: The focus and determination to see your character's will done. The capacity to stay on target, ignore distractions and to resist coercion or browbeating. Resolve is your character's mental fortitude.

>Physical Attributes
>Strength: Physical might. Sheer bodily power. The capacity to lift objects, move items, hit things and people, and do damage. Strength is a measure of muscle.
>Dexterity: Quickness. Response time. A delicate touch. Dexterity indicates how quickly and with how much finesse your character responds to his physical world.
>Stamina: Sturdiness. Steadfastness. Sheer physical resilience. Stamina is a measure of how tough your character is. It indicates how far she can push her body, and how much physical abuse she can endure.

>Social Attributes
>Presence: Bearing. Stature. Assertiveness. Presence suggests the power of your character's very identity. Attractiveness is only part of the trait. Your character may be jaw-dropping gorgeous, plain-Jane or downright ugly, but her Presence means much more. It reflects her sheer command over the attention of others.
>Manipulation: Charm. Persuasiveness. Charisma. The capacity to play upon the desires, hopes and needs of others to influence them. Manipulation reflects your character's finesse in social situations.
>Composure: Poise. Dignity. The capacity to remain calm and appear Ñ and actually beÑ unfazed in social and threatening situations, usually harrowing ones.
My question is more about variance. Because bimbofication and feminization are fairly similar and fall under corruption and/or brainwash fetish trees. But in my limited experience with systems that engage with corruption and morality loss there's usually multiple angles to give incentive for it. So are there maybe more fetishes we could blatantly insert to create more balanced parties?
not sure what you mean by 'multiple angles to give incentive'?
>>94778402 (OP)
I've actually roll-played something like this before using very basic homebrew.
Three stats: Strength, Willpower, Dominance
Strength is physical acts.
Willpower is resisting 'magic' effects and not being a little gay slut.
Dominance is social acts.

Then you tie three sets of physical transformations to each of the stats. Losing strength gives you wider hips and a fatter ass.
Losing willpower gives you bigger tits.
Losing dominance makes you cuter and automatically changes all of your clothes.

Rolls were 1dStat trying to roll over a set number. When I played, I had the stat go down every time he failed a roll, but you could have magic items etc do the same thing.

I think this system works best if you set up a bunch of catch-22s for the player. Things like giving temporary boosts to stats in exchange for losing stats long term, giving up stats to maintain social standing that lets them achieve their goals (like 'convincing' someone to shut up about how you have tits now), etc. Then as these catch-22s wear them down, eventually they become completely unable to mechanically resist being a slut because their numbers are too low.
It's hotter if it's a man doing this to a man.
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OP again

Finally got him to like, actually make his self insert
The total loser has no Physical, Mental, or Social skills to speak of, so I thought Cliches instead of skills would be much better. But even trying to get him to self reflect and describe anything usable on that end was like, actually pulling teeth or something.

I was able to totally bully him and lead him on to get SOMETHING and twist his words like some kind of evil genie. So here's what I got:

Int 4 Wits 4 Res 4
Str 3 Dex 4 Sta 3
Pre 3 Man 1 Com 4

Pouty Brat 4
Black Sheep 3
At your Service 2
On Sale 1

I'll let y'all know when I finish the nWoD style Morality thing, but as usual that starts at 7
greentext that shit OP it's too esoteric
>My self insert is bad at everything
Surely you can get higher quality bullybait
Oh no, I think I almost like made him actually cry getting him to confess this, when he couldn't come up with anything to use for skill checks.

So Cliches it was, but he started saying things like "Awkward" and "Helpful" and "Frugal" and putting up a fuss when trying to describe himself. That's not flavorful or useful as skills at all.

So I translated that into things that make him embarrassed and now I'm flaunting it publicly in front of all of you.

So now he gets to use his skills at putting up a fuss for disagreeing during negotiation, and maybe weirdness for looking into the weird and occult.
Aren't I so generous?
Oh, I meant a higher quality bullying target, not his character.
Post the logs publicly to humiliate him when you're done, though.
Oh, I'll be kind and keep it private if he's a good boy from now on.
I'm only airing this out because he was giving such a fuss getting this far.

But if he's not... I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes.
If you slice and dice the theme into its component parts you have a few different more palatable and applicable directions of varying severity
>disguise typed situations that are specifically avoidant
>diplo like the anon posting about a different system mentioned
>physical limitation from [stat] down or requisite trappings
>intelligence tax or 'stat down as above but not physical'
>options for minmaxers to pay for their sins as a result
>NPC responses differ heavily versus more visibly capable parties
>body horror (?) (>)
>identity smudging or possession angles, effects on player agency
>the "oOoO you actually like this awful fucking gimmick and won't escape" devilry
There's technically nothing in there that requires it be boobs-adjacent
In fact a lot of them check out in something as arguably disparate as tentacle monsters eating your brain. Corruption is a broad brush.
You want something rules lite.

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