Something Old, Something New Edition.Converse about JTRPGs, their translation status, or sessions / storytimes.Games that don't count:Fabula UltimaOVABESMCloudbreaker AllianceAnimaValorThe copypasta:>Japanese RPG Troves:>Wanna provide raws so maybe we can get a translation going?You can find a guide here:>Wanna help get more games translated but you know next to no japanese?Check this guide:>Want some japanese TRPG Tools? Try these.>Wanna read some replays?>Discord server Question: While the OSR is specific to D&D, would good ol'e Sword World RPG kindof count along the lines of OSR? Or would the Lodoss Companion count? (fer context, Lodoss Companion came out first)
>>94685883oh boy, new JTTRPG thread just dropped!Has anyone noticed the print copy of Goblin Slayer TRPG is fucking everywhere?Do you have a Barnes and Noble?80% chance they have it.Do you have a smaller chain media warehouse that does manga?50% chance they have it.In a 50 mile radius, I have 2 small-chains and 7 B&N'sOver the last 6 weeks, I was a little crazy and checked every store.There are 7 copies of Goblin Slayer TTRPG within 50 miles of me, not including 2 I own and one I bought for my chud-bud.That game is the easiest available in physical form, in opposite to Ryuutama being everywhere online.
>>94687080they got it at my books-a-million yeah. must be more in demand than konosubas too because goblin slayer will be restocked almost instantly but konosuba will be gone for a long while.
>>94687448Really? Wierd.
Has anyone tried the SMT3 game?
>>94687731The Shin Megame Tensei game that matches Nocturne was translated a month or two ago. There's also he first one that an anon was slowly translating, last time I saw him it was at like 70%-80%
>>94687747'e means SMT TRPG: Tokyo Conception.Check the sharethreads for it, or New Vola.for SMTX on the other hand, core book is translated, and Diamond Realm is coming along. Tokyo Millennium will prolly be coming in maybe a month or two.
Is this a Nechronica thread also?
>>94690693Nechronica is a Japanese TRPG, so yes.
>>94690693If a western fan makes a redo of Nechronica's rules for some other purpose, it is not a JTTRPG.just saying.
>>94690914There's lines where it becomes either homebrew or it's own game.
I bought the Tragedy Looper reprint, be here is a couple days. Apparently has fixed translations, etc.
What distinguishes Japanese games from English or French or German?
>>94695008Country of origin
>>94695008While not a monolith, the general trends are that the games trend towards one-shots and short campaigns. A number of games aim for one very specific fantasy or idea and roll with that. If possible, they will use only d6s.
Anyone translating the Elden Ring RPG?
>>94695008You grew up with golbalization, but countries used to have their own culture and do things their own way. Japan saw money in doing that so they made an effort to remain capriciously isolated and take main inspiration in other japanese stuff. Although you mentioned France, and french games are also pretty different from US games.
>>94699045>Japan saw money in doing that so they made an effort to remain capriciously isolated and take main inspiration in other japanese stuff.He says, ignoring that Wizardry is one of the most important things to happen to Japanese gaming, tabletop or otherwise.
>>94699257Wizardry is a japanese gameYou can say whatever you want about the original games, it has been absorved and mutated into a new thing. Even when they take from other countries it gets infected by the japanese. Same way you take cover shooters and end up with Killer7.
>>94694627New Tragedies? It includes the Characters from the expansions and the promo releases and a set of 10 scripts, some of which are similar to the Z-Man release. Unfortunately it doesn't have any of the expansion playsets or scripts included, just Basic Tragedy, but alot of that shit is available on BakaFire's website and had been translated. Paranoia is renamed to Unease for some reason and there's an error on the Transfer Student i think?
>>94685883You know it fucking sucks that the translations of the japanise dark souls ttrpg have been kept secret for years Out of all the dark souls ttrpgās that use the stamina dice system from what I gather that was both the first and the best made
>>94699324Clearly this anon is uninformed...
Was there any progress on the Nobunaga Mork Borg translation?
>>94699324>Same way you take cover shooters and end up with Killer7.>kill.switch, 2003>Killer7, 2005>"Development for Killer7 began in mid-2002 as part of the Capcom Five">Gears of War, 2006
>>94690914What instigated this?
>>94699045what are french ttrpgs like anyway? I'm fascinated by the French always having their own semi closed ecosystem of Culture - their own animation, comics, tabletop etc. they have their own version of warmaster too, despite the otherwise nearly global unity around warmaster revolution
>>94687080makes me wonder if YP plans of releasing the Supplement sometime soon.
This is cool, sadly I don't spoke JP
Also a game set in a post-apocalyptic with shopping market as main source of resource, exist
>>94698070Huh, neat.Does it have much original art in it?
>>94699324What's with all these newfag level bots? Is hiroshimoot really that desperate for adshekels?
>>94687080>>94687448How is the Goblin Slayer ttrpg anyway
>>94712249before asking fer others, why not have a go at it yourself? it's in one of the troves in the pastebin.
>>94712813things would look good on paper but theres a chance it would play like shit in action. I'm asking for people who actually played it.>ask your friendsthey play D&D. and only D&D. Believe me, I tried to make them play other tabletops and gave up when they won't try to branch out.
>>94712249I can answer your question, but will you listen?I have posted GS-TRPG stuff in EVERY JRPG thread in the last 4 months.Unless you are new here....
Any news on Metallic Guardian?
>>94714087im a quick lurker to this jtrpg general. I come here to poke my head in to check on Terra the Gunslinger's translation progress, if there is any by ctrl+F and then leavingother than that, I hang around the Nechronica and Ventangle threadssince Gunslinger seems to a far-away translation, might as well look into other games here
>>94714198k. - Rule zero: GOBLIN SLAYER RPG HAS NO RAPE MECHANIC!It's a d6 and d3 driven system (rolling 2d3 is a thing)You roll 2 separate rows of stats on a grid to get the stats you actually use. > ect. "technique focus"Basic Engine is 2d6+skill+class bonus must match or beat the Target.Classes aren't classes, they add a bonus to your relevant rolls and give you a fewbonuses and restrictions.Drawing starting distances between targets is how maps work, it's like napkin math.Weapons have a wierd /v/ style quirkiness to them: 2d6 damage for Iron Gauntletswhere the damage for a greatsword is also 2d6? Ok.The Monsters past level 4 are reeeeeally hard to defeat.also:Attrition is a shit rule, just use fatigue when something truly fatiguing has happened.There was a guy on youtube who made a really good intro to the game but I forgotexactly where. He was a hand-camera type guy.
>>94714413>- Rule zero: GOBLIN SLAYER RPG HAS NO RAPE MECHANIC!we can homebrew
>>94714413>Rule zero: GOBLIN SLAYER RPG HAS NO RAPE MECHANIC!Not with that attitude at least.
>>94699045...what I'm asking is how are there games different, because I am presuming that they are different, because they are made by a different culture. Which is the opposite of thinking everything is all a pool of globohomo slop>>94696156Why only d6?
>>94687747SMT X's been readable for a while, but hit 1.0 full release in Oct/Nov, Diamond Realm finished up in December. No ETA on the next supplement while I mess with other projects and play/run some games. (Currently scanning a big ass box of role & roll magazines for Disgaea TRPG articles).>>94703493Mork Borg is gay but the Nobunaga one is written by Tokita Yusuke, so maybe there's something worthwhile there. I kinda doubt it, but he generally is a good marker of quality. Surely it isn't long? Not sure where its even sold DESU.>>94709933Nope, none at all. They're all in-game screen shots or icon rips.>>94715611The d6 (and d10 / d100) are Japan's d20, to put it in zoomer terms. Those are what most of their systems use, and/or are expected to use. That being said, there's no real shortage of multi-dice games (like Ryuutama) card games (like Tokyo Nova) or even d20 games like Blade of Arcana. Most of them are still fairly unique when compared to what we know of as D&D d20 in terms of usage and resolution.
>>94715611For a long time, d6 were the only readily available dice in the country, so it just kinda stuck.
Well, a few new things on the Sword World front.Abyss Breaker has been translated, but is not available for the public (it will be sometime next month).For SWRPG, the Core Book Complete ed. has gotten an update, it now has the full Bestiary, it's just missing a few things. Along with that, a full scenario book was also translated, intended to be an introductory scenario book for the Complete Edition.
>>94714436>>94715023which stat is the primary rape stat and what number do you target with your roll?I assume no class adds the bonus...
>>94714436Sir, this is a JTRPG the heavy stuff for when we get Blade of Arcana translated... ...or Ventangle.
>>94715753>SMT X's been readable for a while, but hit 1.0 full release in Oct/Nov, Diamond Realm finished up in December.Any chance I could get the link(s) for that? I had them for a bit but seem to have lost them.
>>94722109Sure, here is the drive dot ggl dot c0m/drive/folders/18H2vIHIMweTIH89fQkAVuttbn5s46kjS>>94721577Blade of Arcana seems like a pretty cool system. The little of it I've translated is interesting, but it uses that 3x3 super long data-card style.
>>94714413seems neat, has the GS autism>2d6 damage for Iron Gauntletswhere the damage for a greatsword is also 2d6?wut
>>94718936>SWRPG, the Core Book Complete edI've been out of the loop on Sword World since I took a break from GMing, what is this?
>>94686256How much crazy yugioh style shenanigans can people do in this game? Can you do stuff like destroying a castle's floatation ring?
>>94723885Sword World is, to put it one way, Japan's most direct domestic alternative to D&D. Its latest edition is 2.5.
>>94723885It's a re-release of the original Sword World, adding in data from various supplements and additional rulebooks to have a practical all-in-one book.There is a translator working on the thing, the person is quite thorough, thus will take more time. Yet, as it stands now, the game is fully playable. The update recently added a bit more to the current translation, including the full Bestiary.
Tangentially related to the thread topic, has anyone bought minis from Aurora Model? I think they look pretty neat, though it's a shame that they can't ship copyrighted character overseas.
>>94723873>wutyep. like i said, the weapons seem more like /v/ tiered stuff as opposed to tabletop sim stats.>>94724028>fucking AI channel content farm for weebs.
>>94725339It's not a content farm when it's a channel run by the actual Sword World translation team.
>>94724253Yeah, i have a small collection of them.They don't really fit into any other project of mine, so i haven't assembled them.I could go check or take pics if i could find them....
>>94724253Here they are.I thought about getting more, but things just pile up, you know.
Was this ever officiaIIy reIeased in EngIish or scanIated?Death or Glory by Hermit Inn
>>94726049what?It looks like OSRAre you sure it's not just kana on the cover?
>>94724253>>94725772Fuuuck I need these for the next time I run Ryuutama.
>>94722765>Sure, here is the drive dot ggl dot c0m/drive/folders/18H2vIHIMweTIH89fQkAVuttbn5s46kjSThanks, made sure to bookmark it this time. Going to take some time to read over it all and try to strongarm my regular group into trying it out sometime after we finish our current games.
>>94725347It's just that they use A.I. gen voice overs fer most of their videos. Almost all of them are pretty much hand-written.
>>94725772Neat. How was purchasing/shipping? Did you run into any issues?
>>94730314zero real took a bit of time, and shipping was a minimal 15.00 USD back in 2019....a manchild or bluehair would, have a month of patience, and spend some shipping money.
>>94727147wonder what ever happened to Kotodama Heavy Industries ever since they "Cut and Run" anyways?
>>94735528They are inoperative?
>>94741637Damn, I am getting warhammer a japanese product!!shit!
>>94741801I believe Hermit Inn specs. in that kind of style.
>>94724253if only it wern't for the licencing issues...
>>94742166get that china stuff outta here.>>94714198There's Ventangle threads? who knew!
>>94723904Honestly, I have no idea, we'll find out when it's translated.
>>94714452yes, the infinite potential of the Homebrew.
>>94714151none thus far, other then people have been eying it fer a bit.
>>94716506It's quite a bit of a story that involves overly priced sets of polyhedrals being sold for close to absurd amounts overseas.
>>94740624One of these days... I'ld be able to see that in person... but it'll probably be a few decades till I even will get the chance...
>>94689427>SMTX on the other hand, core book is translated, and Diamond Realm is coming along. Tokyo Millennium will prolly be coming in maybe a month or everything in that anon/your google drive? could I get a link?>>94715753>Surely it isn't long? Mork Borg books feel longer than they are, but there seems to be quite a bit of an original setting going on judging by the blocks of text around christians and other figures.>Not sure where its even soldit was kickstarted, I don't know if it's sold somewhere outside of that. People had copies in the share thread.
>>94706685The ones I've seen were very much a dude that wanted to write a novel and/or a spin off of a novel very well known only in France. And then some basic d20 rules attached to it hidden every 4-5 pages of prose text.>>94709290The premise seems cool, the cover doesn't>>94689427Already saw the link, sorry for asking without checking.
>>94767442is this a JP translation of the EN magazine or is it it's own property?
>>94731308I have already scanned these 2 books!!!Do not scan them.I will upload PDFs to archive org in a few weeks.
>>94734338Tell me that the Full Metal Panic RPG actually has mech combat.
>>94770852In the future, put a black piece of paper behind the page you're scanning to prevent that bleeding.
>>94778310good advice, that.
>>94773743i am not certain, i wasn't looking.
>>94786257Very practical dungeon clothing
>>94786374Oh yeah baby!
>>94773743It prolly has combat rules for on foot and using Arm Slaves, maybe also tanks......or absurdly upgraded mascot costume power armors.
>>94770708Well whatever it is, it's getting it's final issue soon.
Hows everyone feel about Cloudbeaker Alliance? any cool broken class combos or silly stuff?I'm playing a Paladin/Healer its a lot of fun.
>>94793561>Games that don't count:Wrong topic, mate.
>>94795029I'm actually retarded. I read the intro like 3 times and for some reason my brain like skipped over that part. Is Sword World solo-able? I was reading it up after this thread and it seems really cool and I'd be interested in giving it a go but don't have anyone that would be willing to move away from D&D or PF2e.
>>94699257Although that anon is retarded, I'd argue that the fact Wizardry had such an impact on Japan is what sets it apart from other countries. Japanese Western Fantasy being directly based on a fairly obscure game from the '80s, is in a way, a cultural touchstone for Japan, despite not being Japanese itself. Unless you're a massive nerd who grew up on dungeon crawlers in the 80s, most Americans have no idea what Wizardry is, and I suspect the same could be said about most Europeans as well. This knowledge and the relationship between this piece of media and the media inspired by it is what sets it apart from other countries' media.There are things that are important to the culture of a country and greatly influence the products of that culture, but are obscure to the rest of the world. These kinds of cultural touchstones are what make different cultures' products unique.
>>94795172most of the campaign books baring a few exceptions indeed support solo play. Hells, the SW2.5 campaign book "Duo Adventure" can be played by just the book itself. Also relating to Campaign Books, one of the lead translators for the Sword World books is working on "Ancient Blue", which a gimmick where you control TWO characters simultaneously.
>>94795177Sometimes, it be like that.
>>94725339go to the reddit page then, they translated almost all of the game
>>947101334chan is comped
>>94786257Is this from "Tank Life RPG Dark Blaze"from Shinkigensha?
>>94685883Can I use picrel to run a final fantasy themed adventure? This is all I have...
>>94802894Now as much as I would have anything to say about it... I'ld go with the Arianrhod translations, albet incomplete, they're at least usable.
>>94685883played SW 2.0 with the gang for a time, we did like 1/3 of Fairy Garden but the dm was a sperg and we never finished it. we're currently playing Curse of Strahd in 5e. 2 of us have already played it 5 times between the 2
>>94803523What why. Nta but i have that book and never saw anything glaringly mistranslated.
>>94804488because to be honest, Konosuba is very VERY barebones. and Arianrhod is just a direct upgrade. You don't have to straight up scrap Konosuba, but at least used what's currently translated for Arianrhod as a supplement. Both games effectively run the same system.
>>94802835Yes, yes indeed.
>>94713211And thus the tricky part...try and start with Sword World, say it'll be a bit easier by lew of 2d6s. 'side from that, just try and nudge them subtly if possible.
>>94801230yeah, "Almost" is pretty close to where it's at.
>>94786257>>94802835Was this drawn by Hayami Rasenjin? Artstyle looks really familiar.
>>94814725>>94786257 is definitely Rasenjin, he does a lot of TRPG art.
Rsenjin does a lot of guest art for TRPGs in general, but Meikyuu cards (etc) in particular. At least from what I've seen in Role & Roll
>>94819674makes me wonder what other works the fella did.
You know we live in dark Times when anime-popularity is on the rise, Yet most fags wanna use DnD to play anime style games....when we got that right here!
>>94770708Dragon is an unrelated japanese magazine where a ton of famous light novels started as serializations. It has a wiki article.
>>94822924and yet, it's close to it's final issue...
Is Kamigakari still dead?
>>94825527yeah, the author is dead
>>94826226dang... I wonder if the supplements, despite already being translated, may get fancy PDFs eventually.
>>94826226>>94833900There is a chance they could release more books, but thats a very big if. Plus it probably wouldn't have the same flavor or vision as the original author had.