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>Lion: 10k years past his prime
>Guilliman: Not only peak physical fitness but more adept at fighting than he was during the heresy
Guilman should win their pissing contest during their reunion
Gillman is too busy with paperwork and keeping the imperium from imploding
Bringing the primarchs back was a mistake.
What's wrong anon? Don't you love Marvel and weebaboos creaming themselves over who's going to win the next epic Dragonball Z style showdown?
Brining them back to fast is a doubly mistake. Guilliman was just resurrected 7 years ago. Should have waited alot longer and flush out the new normal in the setting way more.
Guilliman should always lose.
Ever explaining the Horus Heresy in detail was a mistake DESU. Turned the who franchise in some gay soap opera between Primarchs.
Lol no.
Despite being old Lion is still stronger than Guilliman, he alone beat crap out of Angron while Guilliman had to be rescued by Emperor from Mortarion.
Second Lion now can teleport across galaxy by imaginary forest. Guilliman can only do paperwork like always.
Lion would win pissing contest, he don't need special healing armor and special sword to carry him.
In fairness Mortarion did give Guilliman super aids midway through the fight. He was doing pretty well up till then.
>fight guy who's entire gimmick is super aids
>also is worshiper and demon of super aids god
>act suprised when he give you super aids
brightest strategic mind of Imperium indeed.
If fans hadn't responded to it so strongly, GW wouldn't have done it.
GW "fans" are paypigs who are even more retarded than modern D&D and MtG fans. They will pay money for literal shit, then smile and ask for more with bits of shit-stained corn stuck between their teeth.
Disagree. 30k Guilliman was the closest thing to a normal, well-adjusted adult among his demigod brothers. 10,000 years later, the Avenging Son brings a refreshing, Last Sane Man in the Imperium perspective.
you missed the general
Yeah, old Lion is still a superior fighter to prime Guilliman purely because Lion is a fighter and Guilli is a leader. Different skillsets.
>Lion returns in March 2023
>January 2025 still no Reunion with BobbyG
Useless GW cunts
honestly the way they handled lion after the initial arks of omen campaign is just odd since he has pretty much done jackshit since then, you would think they would do a reunion with guilliman and have be more relevant in shit like the 4th Tyranic war while Guilliman deals with the crons or chaos, but no he only gets a few shout outs in the dark angle codex
Wasn't it implied that Lion is not weaker due to age, but just resurrection sickness that hasn't worn off yet?
The Lion is First in All Things. He's even better at logistics that Gilly. The Lion cannot be defeated.
>The Lion cannot be defeated
That's until Russ gets back.

Unfortunately this. More primarchs returning is guaranteed now
Wouldn't the atrophy is reflexes screw the Lion over pretty bad? Even warriors that are technically more skilled than certain primarchs like the old Custode leaders couldn't compete after a certain point due to being less superhuman.
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You don't get to say GW fans are stupider than MtG fans until someone or something in Fantasy or 40K summons/creates a literal baseball bat used to play the sport of baseball, named baseball in-world, to fight monstrous horrors.

Until everything (not just the Orks) in this image becomes actual canon in 40K, you cannot say GW fans are stupider than MtG fans because the Magic equivalent of this image is about to happen in a few months. And it's going to be mainstream canon.
The Lion for all that he is "past his prime" spent his 40k Primarch novel bitching at everybody that he felt slow and old, while everybody hearing it thought it was pure bullshit because they couldn't see any difference at all, just the same old ball of murder-death-slaughter.

When he fought Daemon Angron and bested him? About all that happened afterwards was he had to sit down for a bit and catch his breath. Even comparing that with fights in the Heresy, the Lion is still pretty much at or near his peak (if he is genuinely shittier now compared to then, then during the Heresy he would have had to be even better). Meanwhile Guilliman died versus Mortarion and had to have Daddy Emps save him.

The Lion's problem, if there is one at all, is purely mental and psychological. He sees himself as old, and so he feels old.
Sorry homie, doesn't matter, they made enough money and got enough positive feedback to not only make 30k, but add living primarchs to 40k. Don't blame GW for following the demands of their market, and don't get pissy because you're not part of a large enough part of that market to matter.
Just give up already
How infuriating this Lion wanking has been lately. This has never happend to any primarch before. Even for Sanguinius they did not arrange such an advertising campaign as they did for Lion. Lion is the best at everything, smartest, strongest. So why didn't the Emperor make 20 Lions?
>peak physical fitness
Isn't he trapped in his life support armor?
Because this is the Emperor
>20 giga autists
The Emperor was not dumb.
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>Until everything (not just the Orks) in this image becomes actual canon in 40K
That image is way cooler and way more fun AND way less retarded than endless primarch fagslop wank thobeit, I'd love to play Gorkamorka with some more faction options.

You just made MtG sound fun anon, what the fuck is wrong with you?
What a stunning and brave statement. Say something about "capeshit" and "ruining the mystery" next.
>"hey you probably shouldn't gobble down shit"
Easy there, ragepig.
>Emperor was not dumb
>create 20 giga autists
>all except 1 are usless
>only Lion get the shit done and actually competent
Remember when Primsrchs were just really capable proto space marines who had become apocryphal legends worshipped by their chapter?
No because it was in rogue trader 35 years ago, an 99% of fanbase started later when primarchs were alredy emperor's super gmo project.
I like that era better
Even in his diminished state the Lion could fold him like a pretzel in a fight
he was also only one of two loyalist primarchs to have half their legion just turn traitor, and in khans case due to him not having autism was quickly able to put it down quickly
>Liam El'johnsongobbler
>not useless
He accomplished nothing, had a microheresy within his own chapter that led to more teamkilling than the grey knights and turned out to be over literally nothing in particular as revealed by his book, and then took a 10K year long nap just because.

No wonder his chapter used to have native american motifs, because the guy is more lazy and useless than a reservation alcoholic
Everyone have traitors.
>hold traitor forces enough so Dorn could fortify Terra
>destroy NL legion with only a fraction of his own legion
>capture and beat Curze twice
>deprived the traitors of valuable resources in Tramas
>destroyed traitors planets and dispeled Ruinstorm
>destroyed the most dangerous enemies of the Imperium.
>>destroy NL legion with only a fraction of his own legion
Curze did that himself
>>capture and beat Curze twice
Curze also did that himself
>>deprived the traitors of valuable resources in Tramas
>>destroyed traitors planets and dispeled Ruinstorm
>>destroyed the most dangerous enemies of the Imperium.
None of these really count as achievements when all you're doing is teamkilling your own sons. That's just cleaning up after your own failures.
>>hold traitor forces enough so Dorn could fortify Terra
He did no such thing, Lion was busy fucking around in Imperium Secundus
>destroy NL legion with only a fraction of his own legion
1/3rd of entire legion not fraction. And Night Lords as matter of fact did what Horus asked them to do, made Lion chase them for 3 years.
>capture and beat Curze twice
Curze did itself by being schizo, and Lion only captured him once(because Curze wanted to do little trolling), before Curze boarded Lion's flagship while having great time.
>deprived the traitors of valuable resources in Tramas
He did not, Thramas wasn't sector Horus was interested in, thei is why he send NL there, to waste Dark Angels manpower and time doing nothing.
>destroyed traitors planets and dispeled Ruinstorm
Lion didn't dispel Ruinstorm, and every loyalist faction destroyed traitor planets
>destroyed the most dangerous enemies of the Imperium.
Chaos Legions are still there, and Ultramarines have better track record.

>Everyone have traitors.
There is subtle diference between couple squads going rogue and half of legion and your homeworld turning chaos.
This fag already did lmfao
I don't know how, but you were able to get every statement wrong.
Lion is the most efficient and competent primarch. Guilliman couldn't beat anyone after his return. The Lion immediately beat Angron.
It's been 19 years and you're still bitching
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No way, it's the best move GW has made in years. It opens up whole new market possibilities for the company.
Someone is definitely raging here, but I suspect it's not who you'd like to imply...
Russ sucker punched Lion & they fought for days. The Lion sucker punched Russ & Russ slept for days.
Guilliman defeated Skarbrand, Magnus and managed to shrug off corruption attempt by Fulgrim in book where he first was awakened.
The Lion is the best, not because the Emperor made him that way, but because the Lion is that good. Every single one of his brothers had that sort of potential, & each one of them failed in one way or another. The Lion exceeded all expectations. He was able to tell all four Chaos gods to repeatedly fuck off while slaying monsters on Caliban all alone. Yet we have the others falling to Chaos over the most trivial things. The Lion is his exemplary because that's who he is, not what he is.

Each Primarch has a trusted son/Marine. Most Primarchs are defined by this secondary character. If they are a dutiful son then their Primarch is a loyalist. If their son is a little shit like Erebrus then they turn traitor. Only the Lion had Luthor who was a traitor & in his compassion spared & tried to redeem him instead of falling to Chaos himself. Luthor personally taught every DA on Caliban lies to set the DA against each other, & the Lion still triumphed & eventually redeemed this poor men led astray too.
Women want trans primarchs and femarines, not dateable ones.
No. Trannies want trannies. Women want trad men that genocide weird things & bad boys who flex on the good guys
>big blubbering bitchbois
Primarchs cry so much about their daddy issues that they give biowoms The Ick.
you are a delusional tranny.
You seem awfully assblasted, piggertits
You're an angry incel who will never touch a woman.

It's both funny and depressing that despite there being 40 years of fluff, countless codices, books, videogames etc. etc. about this universe, most people just are obsessed about playground style debates abotu whose daddy is the strongest one.
You three are all very correct. The HH should have stayed contradictory legends, with each side insisting that they were "in the right" somehow.
Because it's still fucking bad, anon. I'll sort of give you the first three novels or so, but even those had huge issues. The truth is that 40k reached its peak with Inquisitor by the OG designer's admission, and everything after that has been increasingly warped.
Buddy, I know. There's a reason there have been no less than *3* Super-Duper Space Marine factions introduced over the years. Us grogs had no idea how good we had it.
So the thing everyone says is "Expanding on the Horus Heresy was a Mistake" Brining back the Primarchs was a mistake, but lets hear some alternatives. Instead of doing either of things things, what would some similar but better methods of buildings things up could be used?

Also, here's my Seth
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No, no, girls want the gays, gw would get more grills if they made a gay space marine dating sim/visual novel.
Russ never sucker punched anyone.
Okay furry
>*3* Super-Duper Space Marine factions

Grey Knights
Custodes at a stretch
He wanted his sons to have and be able to focus on different things. As it was, the Lion had all four Chaos Gods trying relentlessly to break him as a child.
No, it took about a century but he managed to be able to remove it eventually for indefinitely (versus only very short periods or not at all), he refers to the process as incredibly painful though.
>GW "fans"
man people here throwing unironic "no true Scotsman" shit as if its a legit argument
Sorry, "factions" was the wrong term. Should've said Super-Duper Space Marine *types*:

>Grey Knights

This was another bad change. I could accept Guilliman's return if he had a Darth Vader situation going on, where he could only strip out of his armor inside some sort of hyper-specialized medical chamber, and the rest of the time he needs it to live. He could've been a personification of the Imperium: outwardly powerful but rotting and feeble within. But we can't have grimdark in our grimdark setting anymore.
But enough about yourself, lardass.
How are they supposed to capitalize on a female audience? Women won't bother buying figurines, or learning tabletop rules, or getting invested in such a violent conflict-driven setting for a few uncanny husbandos
nah he was right
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>because Lion is a fighter and Guilli is a leader. Different skillsets.
This anon has it right.
Every primarch was the best at something and excellent at everything else. (except Angron who was literally brain damaged)

RobotButt GirlyMan is a logistician, which is exceedingly important for running something like the Imperium.
The Lion however is a killer.

If you want something dead, call the Lion, if you want the trains to run on time, call Robute.
>if you want something dead call the Lion
And then why would the Emperor need Russ?
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>Remember when bananas were 85% seeds and bitter and tasted awful?
You're just repeating what I said in terms more palatable to the alt-right.
>it took about a century
Didn't they retcon him back to being active for only about ~12 years now?
>If you want something dead, call the Lion
He has literally never killed anything of import thobeit. He's only allowed to offscreen minor xenos or kill jobbers with respawn powers.
Damnit she's right.
Maybe they wouldn't convert to the miniature front, but you could turn peanuts into so much money if you made a halfway decent 40k dating sim with passable VA work. I think the Lobotomy Corp/Library of Runia setting is also grim and has a ton of female fans, maybe just steal some of their ideas?
Oh God 40k husband Gacha.
Lion beat Russ, demon Angron, Curze, all kinds of demons and some of most dangerous and top secret xenos. No other primarch can beat this record.
I think bringing one or two back can work but it looks like he wants to bring them all back which is stupid
and there should really be alot more internal conflict from them returning aswell, the high lords and the inquisition should be fucking fuming about girlymans return and trying to undermine him at every opportunity
>demon Angron
Jobber with respawn powers
Jobber committing suicide by primarch
>all kinds of demons
Jobber with respawn powers

Thank you for proving my point for me, simpleton.
how is acting like a retard supposed to prove me wrong?
Beat strongest psyker after the Emperor. Beat chaos jucied Horus. Fight with Lion for days.
You're retarded.
No, there are books literally set at or after the end of the Indomitus Crusade, after a hundred years.
This argument was invalid as soon as the First War for Armageddon ended up in a book with TT stats for Daemon Angron.
Primarchs were ALWAYS around, you just ignored them because it wasn't a hot topic to troll with, or because the people around here weren't sheep looking for a contrarian opinion to latch on to.
He got Russ to work as warning, "if you go traitor he will kill you and will publicly parade your corpse". Lion was more genocide entire sector no question asked, no records keept kinda guy.
Yeah, but Russ was also assigned such tasks, after which everyone's memory was erased.
This will play out like tyson vs paul
this was retconned.
No it's different, girls like when there's a girly enough man that they can self insert or empathize with, but the character is still a man. A vn with a space marine that's got bolted on tits and going by she/they, that won't do, they need a twink marine or noble that then is the object of desire for the antagonist and the love interest/s.
Deathwatch too
The only space marine army to ever flop lmao
That they retconned and turned back the clock on, yes
>A vn with a space marine that's got bolted on tits and going by she/they, that won't do
Except women love valid enbys, chud
Deathwatch is special case of retarded.
All new units for army are just single squad(or more like vet squad with 3 more weapon options), new HQ and flyer.
Also most retarded rules ever. You coutl take power armor marines, with jump pack assault one(great you pay for jump pack with no benefit of having jump pack), bike(so T5 marine because you can't move like bike, because attached to footslogging unit), terminator(so for single 2+5++ save you can't sweep, or take rhino, also can't deep strike because only one terminator). How the fuck was this supposed to work? You paid for super special equipment you then couldn't use. Primaris marines didn't make it any better.
Only thing where DW could shine fluff, wasn't that appealing because you could just take "normal" special chapter with all the cool shit and own identity, and GK at least are unique. DW are just normal marines painted black with special pauldron and retarded rules.
You're seriously trying to claim women don't go nuts for yaoi?
Nice false equivalence to go along with your trans erasure

>How are they supposed to capitalize on a female audience?
Lit-erotica. Mainly Nightlord rape-chads that bend the idea of consent just as much as they bend the self-insert plain-girl Sororitas sister over different torture tables to plow.
Has to be written by Sahra J. Maas or other actual women though. Men just don't get the rape ratio right it seems.

Just dial it back a bit so it triggers the "I can fix him" reflex. As long as they lash out violently enough at others to cope with their trauma it doesn't immediately turn them off.
>n-no, girls like space marines! h-honest!
A deldar dating sim would make ten times as much and you fags know it. Primarchs appeal to gays with daddy issues and trannies (ie gays with daddy issues with extra steps), not women.
I have no idea what you're talking about anymore.
The Mossa abhuman pic made me think they could do an indie-style rpg set in a lower hive with recruitable abhuman/mutant characters that have full romance tracks for that monstrous but not too monstrous boyfriend angle.
Girlyman should also paranoid because it's not like last time and he can't force his rule by virtue of having the remaining intact army. Can't run on the whole son of the Emperor shtick when three of them are in the next room, can't rely on any of the other institutions because their leaders resent him for usurping their power, and he doesn't want to risk cashing in on the "spiritual liege" thing because talk is cheap and 10k years is a long enough time for chapters to develop new priorities.
That was a particularly bad era of GW, when they thought every special unit should have a complete themed army release, like the Stormtroopers becoming Scions Tempestus, or the Dwarf Slayers in AOS becoming their own army. Deathwatch as a concept are super cool, and perfect for games like Killteam. They should've stayed what they were back in 3.5, a specialist unit you can attach to other Imperial armies who have extra funky gear that's good for killing aliens.
iirc it was literally G mans plan to just bank on the emperor intervening since he knew morty was up to some shit
Would it? The only reason why everybody knows the Emperor of Mankind is not a good person is because he's constantly shown as being a sociopath to Horus who was both his biological son and was raised by him since he was a teenager.
Without Horus the emperor would probably be turned into a regular hero by now.
Creating Warhammer 40k was a mistake. Should have just enjoyed the stuff that inspired it.
>Every primarch was the best at something
Except that's not true.
What was Ferrus Manus good at? Dying?
And what was Lion bad at?
>Guilli was a leader and Lion a fighter!
Lion conquered more planets in a shorter time period than any other primarch. Guilliman was only ahead in the tally because he inherited the 500 worlds and used diplomacy to get even more.
But then that leaves us with Guilliman being far and away the most successful primarch. He had a longer career than some like Lion or Corax, but it was a shorter career than Horus and Leman Russ.

The simple fact is that there's tiers of primarchs.
Lion is good at literally everything, he's probably the actual best primarch.
Despite Lion being straight up better overall as a leader and combatant, Guilliman is min-maxxed for admin autism and when applied to larger and larger groups this makes his competency scale incredibly highly.
Sanguinius was a solo killing machine who would have decapitated any of the "fighter primarchs": but he was also charismatic and politically savvy.
Horus was the best. He unfairly had secret Emperor fighting training but he still had it and that made him the best of the best.
Magnus was supposed to be a thinker, but due to his psychic powers was actually the deadliest solo combatant.
Fulgrim lost his marbles, but before then he was one of the deadliest fighters and a superb administrator. Like a slightly weaker but smarter Sanguinius.

I might be forgetting 1 (one) but every other primarch was trash. It's just how it is. Anyone can claim that there's an intention that every primarch was a precious unique snowflake with their own value but that's retconning for the participation award audience.
Primarchs don't piss
>Lion is good at literally everything, he's probably the actual best primarch.
Ins't that Sanguinius? Afair all primarchs aknowledged that he was the best or second best even on their main fields from warfare to politics, psychic powers, fighting and diplomacy
The world would be a better place if all the HH capeshitters suddenly died.
GW is sleeping on a Wacky Races game like that.

with tyrranids as the ant hill gang
Russ was his retarded attack dog he kept on a leash as a warning. Lion was a lethal weapon he fully intended to use.
>Even for Sanguinius they did not arrange such an advertising campaign as they did for Lion

They had every single primarch no exception kiss Sanguinius ass and say that he should be the leader AND was somehow "the best among all brothers" even Lion.
I guess no one cares because Sanguinius is that likeable bro and everybody want this kind of character to win
As a warning to whom? No one fear Russ. Especially other legions and primarchs.
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>what happens if he takes off the armor
>incredibly painful
40k in general was a mistake, a joke that went too far. Thank god its basically in maintenance mode with phoned in mjnis now and AoS/OW are in assendance.
>Beat strongest psyker after the Emperor.
Literally the only reason his entire fleet wasn't lost in the Warp is because Magnus was too busy feeling sorry for himself.
Yeah, shure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Worse, it ruined the emperor. Before you could see the treatment of Lorgar and the neglect of Magnus as some biblical tale told on a mural with details missing, that have been distilled down to only its most archetypal contents, and you filled in the rest or assumed there were good reasons and it really played out differently. Now the plot holes and nonsensical choices of the characters just makes Emps look dumb and petty as hell.
There were good reasons. And the Emperor don't look dumb and petty.
>Also, here's my Seth
I don't have an answer for you but fucking based. I love posing a question and then an implicit "I paint models. Do you?" before people complain.
Sang was generally considered the best by his brothers because he was seen to have inherited all the best parts of the Emperor without the flaws and, most importantly, he could lead without being manipulative (Horus was sociopathically manipulative to a fault). Sang had authenticity, of course, Sanguinius knew he had his own dark side, but he also accepted that. He was also considered the best warrior, though Primarchs rarely sparred with each other before the Heresy (when they did, Vulkan was said to be physically strongest and "always held back to avoid hurting his brothers" but not necessarily the best fighter, which was Sang or Lion).

Guilliman is a very good logistician but he is terrible at out of the box thinking. Such as when he and Corax went 3 rounds in a wargame and Corax whipped his ass all three times in a row, only then could he integrate and incorporate what Corax was doing into his own tactics. Guilliman is the guy that really shines when he has others he can work with, he is an "editor" or "proof-reader" rather than the "creator" or "author" coming up with ideas.

The Lion by comparison is a genius at lateral thinking. Guilliman will make two dozen different plans for a situation, but struggles to think outside those plans and will follow them fairly rigidly depending on what he needs to do. The Lion will go in with one innovative and original general plan and continually adapt it on the fly to incorporate changes in the battlefield terrain.
he's just retarded
we got the wrong marvel showdown actually
You are a golem.
>someone other than a primarch being relevant/a challenge for a primarch
Daemon Angron is not the same thing as the endless Marvel-style hero battles. In ye olden days, Special Characters were actually kind of sidelined. They were an optional rule, and most people didn't play with them except on special occasions. For instance, Captain Tycho was more of an example of the kind of character you were supposed to make up, rather than the ~*main character of the blood angels*~ or what have you.
So the Daemon Primarchs existed, and I'm sure some cool people made 28mm scale versions of their favorite ones, but the setting didn't revolver around which new super hero was going to be added to the game next. This ties in to 40k having once been a "setting" with "fluff" rather than a "story" with "lore". The story of 40k is what you and your friends play out on the table, inspired by the fluff you've read and made up. That might include Asdrubael Vect or Old One Eye wreaking havoc, but it could just as well be about Sgt. McDoogle and his rag-tag DeathWorld Commandos fighting Facecrusher the Ravager of the Black Legion.
angron's a jobber, that rule doesn't qualify for him
>This ties in to 40k having once been a "setting" with "fluff" rather than a "story" with "lore"
"Fluff", as opposed to "crunch", refers to the portions of a rulebook that convey story elements, which as a whole is "lore". "Crunch" is the actual rules of the games, whereas "fluff" is the stuff that you need to know to play in that world. We've always referred to the fictional world itself as "lore".
Source: Dude trust me I was there.

Also: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/text/lore/order/asc/
>I guess no one cares because Sanguinius is that likeable
No one cares because Sanguinius fucking dies. That's why everyone kisses his ass, to act as a justification for why he's basically the setting's in-universe Jesus analogue.
Vulkan was only able to beat one of the beasts by plunging himself and said ork into a reactor that then blew up, there are certainly things out there that can match a primarch outside of warp shit
Most transgirls I know play AdMech or Tau.

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