Post town or city maps with locations, suitable for adventuring in.
>>94841269My players have crossed over a point where the original temple needed to have fallen - in their campaign Warduke did what Robilar originally did. So I'll probably be needing a playmap for the VTT of the Return To The Temple era Hommlet.For some reason I could only find this map in a low resolution on some sus guy's DeviantArt with a watermark on it that I couldn't quite make out anyway. Clearly downscaled from some lost file so I AI upscaled it and retyped the key. Just wanted to get it out there.
>>94841269If I were going to attack this town I'd send a small unit of foot to the North Bridge to lure out their Militia from 32 with the intent of drawing them away to the north so the bridge can be destroyed forcing them to backtrack a longer road to the bridge at Nigh's Run but I'd also send berserkers from Kron Hills to the South Bridge to rush in and capture the Gatehouse at the keep if they have the doors still open. A following wave to the south that splits sending one unit of armored shields and spears along the road heading to the middle Nigh Bridge to hold it and prevent passage across and another larger unit east to hold the bridge and assault the keep. If the berserkers are as fast as they claim they are and we are not held up long sending the soldiers to the keep we should be able to capture it.. and with it, the Town of Hommlet is ours!
This is my favorite village landscape art
>>94843246I really like the well considered fortification history. You can tell at one point the settlement wasso small it only had the wall around th eharbour island,then it expanded to the new wall. the amount of farming speace and other pieces both man made and natural also feel very consideredI like when the development of a settlement is taken in to account. Makes it feel real..
>>94845635this guy done a bunch of city maps
Town that's the center of the action in the game we'll start in 4 hours. I should take a nap.
>>94845642is the port revear map actually in the lustria WHFRPG expansion?or is it fan made? if the latter, especially good on him.
>>94850029fan made he not one of the fan artist that got hired on to work on WFRP or other titles