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>Sigmar’s finest assassin and her gang have had their own Warhammer TV show, a collection of miniatures, and now they have the honour of becoming the first Warhammer Age of Sigmar JOYTOY figures.

I'm sorry but even from the most ardent, the most servile of consoomers, the most loyal of Warhammer Community repliers.

I have never ever heard of anyone who gives a FUCK about Naeve Blacktalon or "The Blacktalons"

This is pure pure pure astroturfing. And I just find it utterly bizarre they keep chucking money at it.
I have literally no idea what you're talking about
What space marine chapter are these dorks from and why should I care?
Bootleg masters of the universe.
I tried watching the Blacktalon series and just... didnt care. I stopped watching after 2-3 eps.
Neave was interesting enough but they retconned her character for the animated show and a ragtag band of heroes doesn't make much sense
I'm glad that i have no idea what you're on about.
....space wolves?
Why do you talk to people you hate
I know GW keeps trying to push sigmarines but no one really likes them. If they really want to make AOS hit the same levels as 40k they'd do better making other factions the face of the game.
Why not the other aos gang with the witch hunter and his african-sigmarian brother
JoyToy really sounds like a sex toy manufacturer.
They're decently popular and definitely are in the top 5 armies for the game.
That's because they're ridiculously cheap on the second-hand market. There's nothing that sells for less than Sigmarines; they're poorfag extra cheap++++. Their popularity is based entirely off combined boxes and people flooding the secondary market. They're the equivilant of GW's desperate slampigs. Playing them is pretty much the same as a brokedoublenigger buying a 20 year old BMW because BMW is a status symbol and not realising everyone one laughs at them for it.
>That's because they're ridiculously cheap on the second-hand market.
That's because they're in every starter...
I just want the sexy elf
>Naeve Blacktalon or "The Blacktalons"
>I have never ever heard of anyone who gives a FUCK about Naeve Blacktalon or "The Blacktalons"

While you are right, the novel wasn't that horrible for AoS standards. I was listening to the audiobook while painting, and there are many worse BL books to listen to.

That said, i certainly did not have the urge to buy joytoy figures of those characters after the book was finished.
You would be surprised
And we're back at the start of the discussion, ie; >
I know GW keeps trying to push sigmarines but no one really
I guess Joy Toy ran out of 40k and HH Space Marine to make
Just becaume normies have easily railoraded tastes doesn't mean they don't like them. They wouldn't bring them to torunamnets, post them on social media and all the other crap if they got them by accident in a 2 pack with another army.
Instead GW successfuly makes newcomers into fans of them through those starters
HH Space Marines sell like ass, so they're moving onto IPs that actually sell, like AoS and maybe Old World next. 40k is the real money maker.
They should finally make some traitor guard for me
Why the fucking stormshits, you had skydorfs, super bonebois, and sea elves. Tf they doin.
If you read more than one phrase you would see that was mentionned as well you boob.
There's a sea elf right there Anon
AoS is better than 40k, but sigmarines are the most boring faction in the game. This is a retarded decision
Female Custodes fans love them.... so no real person
Still waiting for chorf AoS faction minis, did they ever got minis many eons ago in the OG WH? or was just conversions?

Paint too expensive

Do wish we could have gotten more ork instead of kommando only and a beast rider

Correct, like why even do a shitload of soldiers and suddenly removing minis for them?

Why having those fucking sigmarines with the robes and diamond shaped hammers and then gutting them? (Nighthaunt "counters")

They could have made more minis for other armies
Thye gutted multiple armies they considered too bloated at the same time.
Slaves to Darkness lost like 10 cultist kits.
Orruka Warclans lost a clan.
People just hang up on Stormcast triming the wizards
>SoD clans
You mean that... warcry clans? (Raven, spiders, iron, etc.) That fucking sucks

>Orruk Clans
Huh missed it, which one?
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I want the top right and bottom right figures, I think they looks cool.
This is me and I say this.
Action figures are weird to me.
I find warhammer mins very interesting and I feel a strong desire to buy them and paint them and own them. But I feel absolutely nothing for action figures.

Maybe this is how normies feel when they look upon a tabletop wargame? They just feel.... nothing.
Stormcast eternals are basically a mary sue factory.
Now we got a butch black bulldyke too?
Remember, it's not about catering to people, it's about "forcing social change and shaping attitudes"

They want you to see an oversized bulldyke black woman, and reluctantly buy it because warhammer = cool, and slowly it plants brain worms in you till you like it.

That's why commercials make it seem like the us population is 90% black.
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>That's why commercials make it seem like the us population is 90% black.
Just the men.
Bull-guy is 5.3" tall according to the website, and costs $50. Maybe you could get a stripping solution that would work and then turn them into a mini of some kind. Maybe one of the monsters from Chaos, or an Avatar of Khaine or something.
so when can I order the new vampire models

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