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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

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>3e Resource Index Version 2024-04-17

Previous thread: >>94475236
Thread Question: How safe does an area need to be before your party can long rest? Fortified room in a dungeon on a cleared-out floor? Camp in a forest with people sleeping in shifts? Or is it not viable until you're fully back into civilization?
I had the fucking tab open for this for 10 hours and just forgot to post it this morning before the 404. That's on me.
>long rest
Mate, I'm tired. I'm deep in enemy territory. The last tabletop game I played with actual people instead of theorycrafting with puppets was fucking Lancer. I may be going local but I'm still trying to keep the dream alive here.
>finally get a table together willing to play 3.5
>we play maybe half of sessions because of fucking scheduling
I'm so sick of this bullshit.

Bless you for making this thread. It's my favorite general on the board.
To thread question: They can rest wherever they like. They just need to accept consequences. And if monsters are doing an Oglaf owlbear impersonation PCs can use Concentration or Autohypnosis checks to ignore any external noise and still sleep - of course it means that if something manages to crawl in a room with them they are gonna get fucked.
I think I've discussed this before, but when I DM it's usually something to the tune of 0-2 random encounters a day ontop of the one that they actually went out seeking, depending on the density in the area.

It's pretty rare that people (with metabolisms) don't have rings of sustenance anyway, so the cycle is often about three-four hours in total.
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We half a half-dragon and a wererat on our party. The LA is pretty fucking brutal.
I suggested a house rule where you lose a point of LA at certain level breakpoints (every 5 levels), to a minimum of 1 LA.
One thing I didn't think about is, how to make it so that they don't end up leveling up twice? By having them lose the experience they gained between the last level and the current one? That would make it an alternate form of LA buyoff I guess?
I don't remember the specifics of those rules, but I remember them being kind of clunky, and that's what I wanted to avoid.

>How safe does an area need to be before your party can long rest
Since my character is he one that had the braincells to invest into a Ring of Sustenance, he's the designated guard for when camping outdoors. Him having an extra set of eyes in the form of his raven friend also contributes to that.
I don't think we've ever rested inside a dungeon, but last time we camped in the outdoors, we were attacked by a team of Astral Stalkers that were trying to kidnap our "Artificer".

Thank you for making the thread man. Appreciate it.

>And if monsters are doing an Oglaf owlbear impersonation PCs can use Concentration or Autohypnosis checks to ignore any external noise and still sleep
Hey, that's pretty cool.
I'll suggest that to our DM if that ever comes up.
>magic item as a tattoo?
>The Tattoo Magic feat from one of the Faerun books?
Ah yes. Tattoo Magic. I forgot and thought it was for permanent item enhancements, not consumables. I guess the Monk Tattoo is just a weird one-off, and there's no setup for making other permanent tattoo enhancements. Disappointing.
Well, I guess you could use incarnum as a base for a homebrew like that, or even just refluff it.
As far as tatoos go, there's the Create Magic Tattoo spell that's pretty nice if you can cast it via Shadow Conjuration, IIRC.
I was thinking I might just tell them to use the tattoo slots indicated from Tattoo Magic, and then have craftable permanent items able to take those slots for 1.5x cost on the enhancement, or 2x if slotless, using the guidelines from the DMG, and call it a day.

I came across the spell yesterday as well. I think my half-remembered version of it was my brain combining the spell and the consumables feat into one feat.

I'll check out Incarnum. I've never actually done anything with that book. What's it do well?
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Guys I need grapple and crafting alternatives, please. Anyone got any nice ideas or something? I'll scribble an elf for you.
I'm gonna need a little more specifity, chief.
Damnit. Specificity*
What are the main pain points for each?
Aight so what is a good substitute for time and exp cost for the crafting. Has any of you tried any alternative that worked? I plan on running a heavy survival/crafting campaign for my table and I want them to regularly craft stuff and/or salvage materials to nullify trash loot and to actually encourage completely disassemble any monster they encounter. I want a rusty dagger to be useful even at lvl8
I have not tried any crafting alternatives, but I've played / run PF1 with the automatic bonus progression, and a WBL-Based point-buy version on their forums, where WBL was drastically reduced, and the money went basically all into goods / services / consumables / wondrous items. That was alright. I was recently pointed at the homebrew based on "Monster Hunter" called "Amellwind's Guide to Monster Hunting" - It's designed for 5e, but I hear it has a "strip the monsters for parts" focus.
Oh. IIRC PF1 took out the XP costs for crafting, and converted them to more gold at a ratio of 1xp=5gp.
>The LA is pretty fucking brutal.
>I suggested a house rule where you lose a point of LA at certain level breakpoints (every 5 levels), to a minimum of 1 LA.

There is an official answer:
www DOT d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/reducingLevelAdjustments DOT htm
I THINK that is originally from Savage Species.
Those are the commonly used "LA buyoff" rules right?
What I was an attempt at a simpler system.
It's UA, which is why it's OGL

The simplest system is just giving everyone in the party a certain amount of free LA
It is time for the west marches meme to make an appearance at your table anon
I've finally completed the Savage Progression track for the Werewolf Lord, and even tho it was 6 levels of animal hitdie and 2 LA, I've manage to finally buy off the LA at level 13.
Being honest, +14 str, +4 dex and +6 con on my TWF ranger has almost been worth it, and now that I've gotten in to my prestige class, I have options to go along with retard power. Warshaper giving me another +4 str and con is icing on the cake. Had some dodgy moments, but some application of the better part of valor and a willingness to gank fuckers in their sleep as a 8' tall were-elf worked out pretty well.
Never thought I'd see the day.
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Hey there, thanx for the thread, I wondered if it's the right place to ask about some arcane details about the Forgotten Realms
I'd like to know if there's a place somewhere, a small kingdom, a city-state, where the leader/king is either elected or chosen randomly every few years, before being kicked out by whatever means are more expedient, like being fired or fireballed or assassinated, whatever
The only place I've identified so far is Emrys in the Border Kingdoms, but the position of Overduke is a bit too powerless for my taste and the town is too magic-poor wor what I want
do you know of anywhere else?
Slotless items have a 50% cost increase, and I houserule that a slotless tatoo is +100%, so a tat that uses a slot could just be 50.
That's... Exactly how the feat works? Spell level*caster level*50 base GP, double for slotless.
>I've finally completed the Savage Progression track for the Werewolf Lord
Nice. I remember posting that for you months ago when you were asking about it. You guys must play pretty regularly then.

>6 levels of animal hitdie and 2 LA
>I've manage to finally buy off the LA at level 13.
IIRC you can use the retraining rules to retrain the animal hit dice into class levels. It'll slow down your xp a bit, but you'll get class features faster than taking them as higher levels.
>IIRC you can use the retraining rules to retrain the animal hit dice into class levels.
Technically the level shift is Rebuilding which requires a quest and is limited to a fraction of your current level, and as I understand it the loophole of using it or level loss to cheat monster stats is closed by Savage progressions connecting the bulk of racial features to the ECL.
Sure, I'll help you out.

Amn. Council of Six. The lowest ranking (Dahaunarch) is Elected when one of the six died, and everyone else moved up a rank.

The wizard-king of Halruaa, or Netyarch, would be elected by the council of others when the previous Netyarch died.

Melvaunt has a Council of (Merchant) Lords. When one dies, a vote is held to replace them. A lord can buy the creation of a new seat if they're eligible, for 2M gp. The seat is a permanent addition to the council when created. There are 21 seats as of 1367.

Samra is ruled by a mayor and a council of elected elders.

Ordulin: Nominally, in the mid-to-late 1300s DR, Ordulin was governed by the Overmaster (elected) and the Council of Sembia (elected), the democratically elected assembly of merchants who ruled over the entire nation. In practice, the city was ruled by the rest of the city's merchants, who were motivated entirely by profit.

Selgaunt: Selgaunt was led by a hereditary merchant-prince known as the Hulorn. However, in 1358 DR, other factions held the real power. These included the Knights of Selgaunt, who answered to the authorities in the capital city of Ordulin, and the influential and independent local noble merchant houses. In 1374DR Thamalon Uskevren II (From the Sembia novels) got elected as Hulorn - clearly it stopped being hereditary.

Secomber elects its judges every 4 years.

In the Lands of Intrigue (Amn and Tethyr) smaller settlements and port townships elected their own village lords, mayors, and harbormasters. In larger cities, however, local nobles and other leading families generally had the right to appoint individuals to such positions, and used them to reward investors and other distinguished individuals. Should an election be held, voting rights were granted to stakeholders, businesspeople, property owners, and warehouse or shipyard landlords.

Ah. Noted. Okay. Scratch the idea of retraining the Animal HD then. It's been a while since I actually used Savage Progressions.
Thanks, that's nice info, and the trick of searching for word and website combined is useful, but alas, it doesn't fulfill my quest

I'll explain in a bit more details: I try to make the background info for a future character. Some friends and I plan to play a small team of sorta monsters, I know there will be a goblin wolfrider with skills in animal handling, there will be a halfling rogue (the only non-monstrous humanoid) who I suspect will also be an assassin probably wererat, there will be some other oddities
and me, trying to make a kobold factotum
now can a kob be a factotum? absolutely!
I will begin my storied non-adventure by being a juvenile human factotum, find an Efreeti lord trapped in an oil lamp, granting me 3 wishes, and, being an innocent nice guy I will wish:
>" My first wish is that once you've given me my other two wishes to my satisfaction, you're free. My second...
>- What!?
>- What do you mean, what? I can't make that wish?
>- Hmm, yes you can actually, I'm just surprised a mortal would forsake one of the wishes I grant him.
>- Well, my gran told me that Genies try to distort the wishes of those who keep them imprisonned to grant wishes, so if I keep you not imprisonned I can get two wishes that might be not distorted.
>- Quite clever of you, what are your wishes, astute young man?"
and I wished for a way to be reincarnated without the knowledge of those around me if I died not of old age, the efreeti granted it by making a soul-bound amulet that would summon a Jann who would take my body out of danger and read a reincarnation scroll on me upon my death
and I wished to be a King, or Overduke, or Grand Tubab, something like that, to have a joyful and hedonistic life for a time
so my quest is to find somewhere, not a damp hole at the end of bumfuck nowhere if possible, where I can be a glorious progressivist leader, accumulating sufficient wrath and anger from the powers that be because of my ingenious reforms to threaten my life
So I will smell what's cooking, use my waning influence to gather as many useful trinkets and magic items to get me going for new adventures, write my royal will to grant me any advantage I can, including deeds, without needing to know who I will be, and then drink some poison before the assassins arrive with nasty daggers, too many spells, boobytraping my pillow, this sort of things.
it worked flawlessly !!1!one!!
and I got reincarnated back as a kobold
a lousy motherfucking kobold
a rich motherfucking lousy kobold who got the best teachers in factotum money can buy, who now has to run out of the palace and the city (thanks to the ring of invisibility and the potion of gaseous form) to live his koboldy life elsewhere with new companions.

The place I'm looking for is somewhere where the leader or king is either elected from the common people or chosen randomly every few years as a front face for the populace, where the real wealth and power might be held by nerchants, nobles, wizards, doesn't matter.
it's a place where a Genie-granted wish can prop me up as the random new boss, without having to rewrite the history of the surrounding realms.
so I found Emrys in the Border Kingdoms, but by its description, it's quite poor in acces to magic, unless I order the foundation of a wizard academy, but the job seems too powerless for that
it will have to do if there's nowhere else, but I hope to find better

and yes, we plan to do a hobbit, a kobold and a goblin in a trenchcoat at some point
everybody's respective altitude has not yet be determined
>now can a kob be a factotum? absolutely!
I've read the rest of your story so i don't want to rain on your parade, it's quite fun, but a Kobold CAN just be a Factotum, it's a base class. The similar Prestige Class that's Human-limited is the Chameleon.
k lol, I wasn't completely sure, even if the DM has approved the background concept
but I'm quite confident that a random kobold would have considerable difficulties explaining his clan boss or lord dragon why he should be allowed to be an approximately incompetent jack of all trades, instead of an ordinary cannon fodder like all his brothers, so the background is useful for the justification of the class
and also for all the juicy wondrous items I'll have the right to get from the start, as a compensation for extremely lousy fighting prowess
I have not yet thought about which shennanigans I would need to pursue to evolve as a future chameleon, but it's for much later and it might just not happen
a goblin beastmaster, a hobbit wererat assassin and a kobold factotum are an absolutely terrifying menace to launch on an unsuspecting world and group of normie adventurers, actually
Goblins are almost strictly worse than kobolds, though
I haven't looked at the "goblins as PC" pages of the MM, but
>39-42 Goblin str-2 dex+2 con+0
>90-93 Kobold str-4 dex+2 con-2
The Kobold also gets +1 NA, and has more options that are more likely to be in play if factotum is. Additional downside, light sensitivity.
>and has more options that are more likely to be in play if factotum is
I still think it's slightly worse than a normal goblin though
and the gob character making a wolf rider can fully use his racial +4 bonus on Move Silently and Ride checks, which is breddy gud
What the anon said, losing the animal levels means I lose the features of those levels.
We have been playing once a week, almost every week, for years now, and the DM is generous with xp.
Odd, I thought goblins were -4/-2 str/con as well. I am somewhat corrected.
In any case kobolds were greatly buffed by the races of the dragon web enhancement and the feats in that book. They're one of the better player races without bullshit and with bullshit they're the best sorcerer race in the game, better even than humans.
What are all the equipment that give extra turn undead uses?
I know of the Reliquary Holy Symbol amulet, Nightstick, and that one Heronious sword.
thanks for that, I'll show it to my DM
I'll see if I go full factotum or branch to sorcerer later, but I probably won't have the stats to profit much from changing
and the game will be roleplay, not serious min/maxing anyway
Factotum's casting (and everything else) doesn't mesh with anything else, if you go factotum you either want a single level or to go 100% factotum, generally.

You can't take dragonwrought outside of character creation and almost all of the reasons why it's so good are, while perfectly sensible IC, basically massive fucking exploits.

>now can a kob be a factotum? absolutely!
I dare say that, lorewise, the majority of kobolds with class levels would be factotums, since it is a literal description of their role.
>the majority of kobolds with class levels would be factotums
the majority of the smart nerds of the bunch, at least, with the Int requirement of the class
>You can't take dragonwrought outside of character creation
true, I'll go full factotum then
ultimate trickery in my handy haversack
How would you guys go about building a
>dual wielding Gish wielding a longsword and a staff.
in a way that makes the choice of wielding a staff meaningful?
I feel like the question you're looking for is
>in a way that makes the choice of wielding a sword meaningful?
Reminder that rangas:
>have no soul
>get -2 cha
>are less human than bugbears
an artificial additional arm from the backpack to wield the staff two-handed?
And now, for something completely different, I'd like to enchant a wondrous item that would be a small barrel, 5 gallons gapacity, that applies a shrink item effect on all the mud that is poured in it. Only mud, earth + water. I'd like the effect to be stable for the standard 5 days for a 3rd level spell cast by a CL5 wizard on the mud that is poured out of the barrel, and the mud that stays in the barrel to be indefinitely shrunk if it is left undisturbed.
Would such an enchantment be possible, and how much would it cost?
Sounds like a simple Use-Activated item, which by the DMG guidelines would be 5*3*2,000/2 for 15,000 GP, as compared to the 9,000 GP Decanter of Endless Water. I personally would make sure to note the 74.8 gallons per Standard Action limit of CL 5 Shrink Item for the sake of baking in the unit conversion and defining a geyser mode so it doesn't necessarily create a small hill of unpredictable geometry when the duration expires.
>the 74.8 gallons per Standard Action limit of CL 5 Shrink Item
You mean the 10 cubic feet of the lv5 casting, right? Does this mean I need to trigger it each round to absorb 74.8 gallons of mud per round, as would seem reasonable?
Shrink Item applies to "nonmagical items", but is rock transmuted to mud a "magical item" or just normal item affected by a transmutation spell?
If this mud is a valid target, that means I need to activate it for 1800 rounds, or 3 hours, to absorb the 18 10'-cubes of a Transmute Rock to Mud (lv5) cast by a CL9 wizard.
yay, my new invention for carving emergency caverns works
I also vaguely remember that the enchanting cost is reduced when restrictions are applied to an enchantment, how can I quantify the restriction of the spell being exclusively applicable to mud, and would this reduction work to balance the effect alteration of shrinking transmuted mud?

also, the generation of a small hill of unpredictable geometry is not necessarily a downside in adequate strategic situations, but there would be little risk of a geyser mode, more like a "mud tide" mode, because my DM applies the house rule that at the end of the spell, an item takes at least 1 round to reinflate to its original size
maybe I can sell all this shrunk mud as concentrated concrete, it just needs a dispel magic to become rock again
Slotless items have a 100% increase, no? The 50% increase is for applying it to an unusual slot. Am I reading the DMG wrong?

But yeah, I was thinking +50% to switch an item slot to the tattoo equivalent (maybe not if it's the /same/ slot the item would normally be, since the tattoo slots block items worn overtop the same slot), while the slotless ones would be +100%, same as it says in the tattoo magic feat.
Smalltown Amn and Tethyr are probably the closest you will find. But even then, it's not chosen at random, you'll have to convince people to vote for you.
>You mean the 10 cubic feet of the lv5 casting, right?
Yes, hence the mention of the unit conversion.

>Does this mean I need to trigger it each round to absorb 74.8 gallons of mud per round, as would seem reasonable?
Not for Use-Activated, it just "happens" on its own.

>Shrink Item applies to "nonmagical items", but is rock transmuted to mud a "magical item" or just normal item affected by a transmutation spell?
Depends on the DM, though given the Everburning Torch is just the Continual Flame spell effect it tends toward "yes".

>If this mud is a valid target, that means I need to activate it for 1800 rounds, or 3 hours, to absorb the 18 10'-cubes of a Transmute Rock to Mud (lv5) cast by a CL9 wizard.
Divide that between the 7 barrels you need to contain 18,000 cubic feet if you want to stockpile it or roughly double for the unloading if running it through one barrel. Probably ought to include a Shape Shape or Telekinesis item to get the excavated material in place.

>I also vaguely remember that the enchanting cost is reduced when restrictions are applied to an enchantment, how can I quantify the restriction of the spell being exclusively applicable to mud, and would this reduction work to balance the effect alteration of shrinking transmuted mud?
No idea, the examples are for race, class, alignment, and skill.

>maybe I can sell all this shrunk mud as concentrated concrete, it just needs a dispel magic to become rock again
In this case the cloth mode of Shrink Item paired with Stone Shape on the same item would likely be the better fit so that it's a single effect to be dispelled or timed out and can easily pre-work the final shape, while also letting you be much more specific in cavern-excavating to not have to work around the Transmute Rock to Mud cave-ins.
>How safe does an area need to be before your party can long rest? Fortified room in a dungeon on a cleared-out floor? Camp in a forest with people sleeping in shifts? Or is it not viable until you're fully back into civilization?
you mean successfully? because they can try it anywhere
regardless, it depends on where they are
I think most of the time, a person could sleep out in the open with no precautions and be just fine, but it only takes that one time where its not fine to end your one life, so people err on the side of caution
the more dangerous the area, the more careful they need to be

most parties would just use rope trick if it came down to it
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>In this case the cloth mode of Shrink Item paired with Stone Shape on the same item would likely be the better fit so that it's a single effect to be dispelled or timed out and can easily pre-work the final shape
I was thinking of taking spoonfuls of shrunk mud out of the barrel or the mud-bag it's been poured in, and throwing the mud in the mold made by a thin Wall of Stone to make it expand, then casting a dispel to transform it back into rock makes easy fortifications
Your idea to use cloth mode is intriguing, you could have a small auto-deploying fort in a booklet with that technique, just need a well-programmed telekinesis or unseen servant following a script to assemble the lego pieces
>while also letting you be much more specific in cavern-excavating to not have to work around the Transmute Rock to Mud cave-ins.
Transmute Rock to Mud is shapeable, I don't believe it's that hard to make a few rooms all connected on a simple map to use all the spell volume within range, and to keep thick enough walls to hold the ceiling

I made this map on dungeonscrawl, the scale is 5ft squares, and the surface fits a CL9 TRtM
the entrance with the secret door and the 10ft with dots is the entrance project I'm working on, with an improved stone shape on a scroll with the material component professionally made when the scoll is written, to cut the secret door in the rock face, with a simple cylindrical hinge, and then cast passwall by contact through the peephole to be able to open the door
the whole thing, plus the barrel and mud-bags, is made as a make-your-own-secret-hideout pack by some country's secret services for use by their spies in hostile territory
I just need to do some alchemy and put a Shrink Item in some paint to be able to transform the 5ftx8ftx10ft(minus the door block) passwall stone block into a manageable brick useable elsewhere
Merry Christmas you guys.
I have a question regarding
>Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values
Say I want to create an item of Primal Hunter 1/day and another of Primal Instinct 1/day, the calculation for the base prices would be
>Primal Hunter 1/day : 1*2*1800/5 = 720gp
>Primal Instinct : 2*4*1800/5 = 2880gp
assuming the items are rings, necklaces, or the like. Something that takes a body slot, correct?
Meaning that were these effects on a slotless item like a magical stone or whatever then the final prices would be multiplied by 2.
Alternatively, were those two effects to be the same item, say a ring, then the price of the cheaper effect would be multiplied by 1.5x and added to the price of the other effect, like
>(720 * 2) + 2280
Did I get all of that right?
Trying to get my crafting knowledge up to date to help the party make a list of items to be crafted during our next downtime.
Ah yes, those are the base price, which is the item's usual market price.
For crafting, it would be half that value + xp + some other stuff depending.
In my setting, fighter is renamed "knight", and there are two kinds you can be, with the difference being their skillsets (and they have 4 per level).

>knight-errant: climb, geography, handle animal, intimidate, jump, ride, survival, swim
>knight-marshall: arch & eng, handle animal, history, intimidate, local, persuasion, ride, rulers, sense motive

a "marshall" was the commander in charge of a castle, so that is your more "knightly" knight, while the other is the kind you can expect to encounter out in the wilds or delving ruins or other more "adventure"ly things, or perhaps hedge knights
Did you also rename the original knight class or do you guys simply don't use that one?
I dont use that one
I stick to the core classes + cloistered cleric (priest)
He's wearing MW brigandine (brigandine torso with plate or brigandine covering the limbs, and some kind of helm or helmet; its +7/+2/-6 acp), wielding a poleaxe (martial, two-handed, non-reach, 1d8, x3, s/b/p, ignore 1 point of armor or natural armor bonus), and has a rondel dagger (martial, 1d3, x3, ignore 1 point of armor or natural armor bonus)
What are the stats of the generic run of the mill background person, all 8s?
Opinions on bashing Heroes of Horror Corruption into Vile damage and Depravity into UA Sanity?
all 10's and 11's

you can also use the "average array": 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8
Aside from multiplying by 2 instead of 1.5, seems right.
You don't have to keep selling it man, I'm already buying it.
>have no soul
Tht's a defensive advantage
Enchant the staff
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God help me, I'm asking for advice on /tg/.
Anyway, I'm attempting to design a Weapon of Legacy for a player, mutually agreed to.
He has a lightning themed initiator pc, comes from the school of chingchong thunderdong or some such, and I'm trying to figure out some flavorful tasks he has to complete to advance the weapon to the next stage.
The initial one is 'Survive getting hit with any Electricity based attack', which would include everything from spells, to supernatural abilities, to getting smacked with a Shocking weapon.
After that, I'm struggling. His schtick in combat is high mobility flanking support, and is apparently going with decent charisma for Diplomacy and other face stuff; he is playing a LG pc for the first time, so I want to reward being a good dude as well.
Any suggestions?
>he thinks I don't know that he is running an expy of a character from a fighting game
My suggestion would be to go up some mountain that has its peak in the clouds (metaphorically or literally) and witness a thunderstorm from that point of view.
something artsy, like slicing a poisonned apple someone was ready to eat without touching the person
and cutting off and frying with electricity the poisony bit of course
another could be one-shotting an undead or something nasty like that
or a dispersed group of hostiles, if he tries for mobility
Hmm hmm, I can work with something like this.
>Meditate for 24 hours on a Mount Getfuckt through a thunderstom
or some suc.
Defeating in singles combat an enemy of equal CR is pretty standard, just need to key it to a specific enemy.
Saving someone from a poisoned apple... that is a line of thinking I didn't go down. Now I will think about a way to show a just attitude.
>Save a condemned, innocent person from execution without violence?
Thank you, anon!
>Save a condemned, innocent person from execution without violence?
thunderdong, you said?
We are starting a new (NotEberron) campaign next week. The premise is its shortly after The Great War and while everyone is already reeling from the war, voices have been driving people insane so major cities have been falling apart and people have been making their ways towards more rural settlements. The goal is to grow/defend a hamlet and eventually figure out whats causing the voices.

Our DM is allowing us to gestalt and I was already planning on making a human Cleric and prestiging into Renegade Mastermaker, but Im having some difficulty picking my other gestalt class. So far I have it boiled down to Thug (fighter variant that gives more skill points in exchange for the 1st feat at lvl1), Monk for synergy of the battlefist and flurry of blows, and Artificer for item creation feats/infusions.

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?
Being a Cleric means you can use Divine Power to fix your BAB, so I'd probably recommend Monk. It's actually got a lot of nifty options, especially with ACFs, and being a gestalt game means you don't have to go hard on size stacking and just enjoy the defensive utility. Plus you can get some nice Wisdom synergy that can lead into powerful archery options.
Not that anon, but how cheesy would it be to be a monk/(psionic class) with tashalatora on the non-cleric side of the gestalt?
Hell, I don't remember the gestalt rules exactly, but can't you stagger levels to get full bab progression out of 2 non-two bab classes with a full bab dip on one side?
Maybe that's a videogame thing and I'm mising things up.
Talashtora still isn't that strong. It's weaker than, say, just using size cat boosting on your unarmed strike dice.

It's hard to make comments about how cheesy something is when we don't know how abusively you're allowed to play cleric in the first place. If you're talking about artificer crafting, is this a campaign where you're going to be using stuff like DD+BF?
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>Trying to get group composed of newbies and grognards into a custom 3.5 game
>People bitching about how fragile 1st level characters seem to be3
>Double first level HD + Toughness as a bonus feat
>Suddenly group is hyped to play
Surely it can't this easy
why do you think 5e is so popular
I have zero notion how easy or hard it is to get a group.
That said, I'd imagine that directly addressing the fears of potential players would do it, yeah.
The first few levels can be pretty swingy, and especially if they're coming from 5e which deliberately survivability for low level characters.
Honestly just giving people full HD at level 1 is usually enough to stop them from getting absolutely dumpstered unless something goes tits up, but to some degree that's part of the charm. It's better to build stories organically than be a half-step above mud farmer but acting like you're level 12 already.
>starting at lower than 3rd level
Why would you do this
If you are going to juice up the first level characters might as well fast them forward towards the fun bits of their character's progression.
Or not, maybe this is an E6 kind of deal, who knows.
Each table a table.
There aren't that many Cleric buff spells worth casting with the Chain Spell Metamagic, huh?
As it turns out, a lot of buffs are touch range.
And that's why you get a rod of reach
This is a pretty odd statement when the usual complaint is the hoops you have to jump through to get a fixed range on your best buffs.
DD is Close, DoT is Close, even GMW is Close.

It's more just that there's really not much use for chain spell buffs. It's usually cheaper to just burn low level slots than it is to fuck around with applying a metamagic
Giving extra HP at level 1 is an easy fix. I gave them a racial HD (which didn't affect saves or bab or skill, they got those from their class level) + a class HD. And then I stopped bothering and just started starting them at higher levels instead. But if I ran a L1 game again, I'd give them the extra 8+Con HP again.
Help me decide what to craft for my lvl 14 Battle Cleric.
He has access to 6th level spells if that matters.
The crafting budget is around 10k gp.
I'm considering
>pic related
more or less in order of importance.
The table is not exactly high OP, but the game is a sandbox and sometimes we do stumble on some encounters that put us through the wringer, so I'm looking for effectiveness (without being disruptive) and cool shit.
Suggestions are appreciated.

A shame you can't combine metamagic rods.

At least for (DMM) Persist there are tons of spells worth persisting for each level when all books are on the table.
Chain on the other hand, seems to have only a few as far as I can tell from my research.
And yes, one's probably better off burning spell slots and investing on pearls of power, it's just that the idea of the metamagic seemed interesting at first glance.
I guess a Rod of Chain Metamagic just for GMW could be worth it at least.
>pic related
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>shitpost while working they said, it'll work out just fine, they said
The mask and helm is just to capitlize on the +12 to-hit and damage from al the buffs and the the Sublime Chord's inspire courage.
Might be +14 now, actually.
Fucking hell.
"The idea behind the Fanged Mask and Horned Helm is to capitalize on all the to-hit and damage buffs including the +12 from the Sublime Chord's Inspire Courage.".
>ultimate SRD is down
is this planned maintenance?
Remember that chain can be used for dispel effects and the like to target multiple items on the same enemy as well
dunno, d20srd was down a few days ago, some lousy hacker pretending he's helping educate on security or some bullshit like that
download the offline version http://dndsrd.net/sovelior_sage_srd.zip
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CN Human Ranger 4
4d8+4 (25 hp)
Init +3
Spd 30ft
AC 18 (+3 dex, +1 shield, +4 armor)
Bow +8 (1d8+2, x3, 110ft)
Saber +9 (1d6+2, 19-20/x2)
Favored Enemy (humans or animals) +2, Wild Empathy +5, Animal Companion (1 bonus trick, link, share spells)
1 - (1st level spell)
F+5, R+7, W+2
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8
Animal Affinity, Mounted Combat, Track, Rapid Shot, Mounted Archery, Endurance
Geography 4, Handle Animal 8, Listen 8, Nature 7, Ride 10, Search 5, Spot 8, Survival 8/10/12
MW Mty Comp Longbow (+2), x40 Arrows, MW Saber*, MW Chain Shirt, MW Buckler, Riding Saddle, Light Warhorse Animal Companion,
Wand of Longstrider (x15 Charges), Wand of Lesser Vigor (x15 Charges)
hmm, I got the skills wrong somehow
should be:

geography 5, handle animal 8, listen 7, nature 7, ride 14, search 5, spot 8, survival 8/10/12
How important is Ride and the mounted feats? Or rather, how important is investing build resources into them, since I'm pretty sure you can get stuff like Mounted Combat from items.
I never fucked around with mounted combat, so I have no idea.
personally, I think getting feats from items is hella gay

that aside, mounted combat is purely for keeping your mount alive; it's not really critical
mounted archery however is basically a must if you want to actually hit anything, unless you're just using your horse to run somewhere on one turn, then on another you shoot without moving
ridebyattack is basically spring attack
spirited charge is great; you can get some wild damage with it
trample is a nice little bonus for when you want to run over some mooks on your way to somebody more important
>I'm pretty sure you can get stuff like Mounted Combat from items.
My dude is level 4 and has nonmagical gear, keep it in your pants
>How important is Ride and the mounted feats?
Pretty important. You basically get you use your ride check as your mount's AC (once per turn) and mounted archery is up to +4 to hit
Spirited charge is one of the best feats in the game, notwithstanding it's prereqs, also.
Anybody ever seen an adventure where you attack a castle? Just like a straight up medieval castle
ded thred
ded website

All (99%+) my original millenial 4chan bros have moved on
I'm here.
Haven't played last week, won't play this week, might not play next week either.
Such is the end of the year.
There was that munchkin pamphlet for 3.0 but I don't think the gazebo actually got stats
perfect autism
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give me your top 3 reasons why 3.5 is better than 5e.
>no bounded accuracy
>interesting 3rd party content
>what community remains is interested in the game for its mechanics rather than having popularity contests over youtubers
-It has a shitton of materials
-The symmetric approach to monsters and PCs mechanically wise is way better for a game like D&D
-I don't get bored making a character in 3.5 and if I want a low powered adventure I could always play E6

5e is in a weird spot where it's not a generic or light game but also doesn't really have proper crunch.
I think the other two poster touched upon the heart of it already.
The symmetry between PCs and monsters is a big one.
I'll add that the game is old.
Which for a game with so many options and possible interactions is a great thing.
There's a lot for players and DMs to explore but they also don't need to go into it blind, since the community has compiled, curated, and even fixed a lot of the game.
Oh yeah, easy (sometimes seamless) interop with PF1e is a positive too, I suppose.
>numbers actually scale with level
>there are rules
Doesn't layer a straightjacket over every solid rule so I can shitbrew in peace without having to hash out half the foundation myself.
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Rodan Highfield
NG Cydonian Cleric of Pelor (Good, Healing)
0 - Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Guidance, Resistance
1 - Bless, Shield of Faith, Delay Poison
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 14
Mace Focus, Improved Turning, Concentration Focus
Concentration 8, Heal 7, Persuasion 6, Religion 3
Mace, Buckler, Scale Mail, Sling, x10 Bullets, Sickle, Wooden Holy Symbol, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds

Fairiel Starsong
CG Elf Transmuter (Ench/Necro)
0 - Detect Magic, Flare, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Mending
1 - Mage Armor, Color Spray, Enlarge Person
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8
Toughness, Scribe Scroll
Alchemy 7, Arcana 7, Concentration 5, Linguistics 7, Spellcraft 7, Move Silently 3, Listen 3, Search 5, Spot 3
Common, Elven, Sylvan, Aklo, Auran
Longbow, x20 Arrows, Longspear, Spellbook (Silent Image, Feather Fall, Reduce Person)

Volkar Deepstone
LG Dwarf Knight-errant
Str 15, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Armor 7, Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Jump -5, Weapon 7
Maul Focus, Endurance
Maul, Tower Shield, Scale Mail, Spiked Gauntlet, x3 Javelins, Handaxe

Bonn Nearhome
NG Hobbit Rogue
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Balance 6, Climb 4, Disable Device 6, Escape Artist 6, Hide 10, Jump -2, Listen 5, Move Silently 8, Open Lock 6, Search 6, Spot 5, Tumble 6
Improved Initiative
Small Heavy Crossbow, x10 Small Bolts, Small Dagger, Small Javelins x3, MW Small Padded Armor, Thieves Tools

The iconics of my own house rules
pic unrelated
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Spell-storing can only be placed on melee weapons, yet some melee weapons can be thrown (technically they can all be thrown but you know what I mean); can you discharge the effect on an enemy you hit via throwing?

When you attempt a mounted overrun, will your mount trigger an AoO if you have improved overrun? When using the trample feat, it says you make an overrun attempt but use your mounts stats for the check.

A lance can be held in one hand, but its a two-handed item. Do I still use the rules for one-handed items? Like 1.x str mod and 1-for-1 power attack damage? Isn't it kinda silly to even use your own str score or to power attack with a lance when using it on a charge? It's the horses power you're hitting with.
As written, as long as the weapon was a melee weapon and you can make the decision to discharge the spell, it doesn't seem to matter how the weapon struck and damaged the target just that it did.

I'm not sure on that one, don't care, but if you're asking me to adjucate as a theoretical DM, I'd say let it. If you're not ubermounting, you need all the help and even if you are you might.

In general for Power Attack, the way you're holding the weapon is what matters, not the type. Note that a Lance can only be one handed while mounted. And the doubling of damage that a lance gets on a mounted charge is supposed to abstract all the advantages of leverage, mass, and so on that a mounted charge would give. Since it is mostly made to be used like that.
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its just weird; given the massive advantage of multiplied damage, who would ever use a shield while mounted with a lance?

for example, let's use a 6th level fighter with 18 str, power attacking for 6, while charging with spirited charge
My first though is if you have some way of hitting with two PA-able weapons on a charge. Shield being one of the easier ways to get in there both for lower penalties, the line for TWF-ing with a shield has basically no requirements but the number of feats. Could also be done Unarmed, but that's costlier to enchant.
We'll see if this year is the year I get back into 3.5. It's been too long since my last serious playgroup broke up and although our DM was pretty dogshit that's also the person I've fallen out with the most.
People who already do more than enough damage to gib their enemies.
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I was thinking the other day about caster/martial balance arguments, and suddenly an idea popped in there:"WHAT, Ray? WHAT just popped in there!?"

What if you balanced damage output of magic weapons like d20 Star Wars did in Saga Edition?

A +1 weapon confers +1 to hit and +1 DICE of damage, typed as magic damage, scaling with the bonus? A +1 longsword inflicts 2d8 damage, a +2 greatsword 4d6, etc. Hopefully rolled on a different color die, and not multiplied by crits. You could add maybe +50% to the base costs of magic weapons to compensate.

I was thinking it should even out, since arcane casters have so many sources of scaling damage, a decent Fighter would be near-ish in terms of output and the only real bottleneck being his actual ability to REACH an enemy. It could work for other classes, like a dual-wielding Rogue with +1 daggers dealing 2d4 per hit, plus Sneak Attack.

Has anyone tried this?
the problem of martial/caster disparity isnt damage dealt; martials do plenty of damage
if youre on the battlefield against low-level enemies, sure
>low level
People doing pounce charges with white raven maneuvers are doing 200+ per hit full attacks without really fucking around to achieve it.
There are just a fair range of builds that get flat bonuses to damage without using power attack for it. CHA-to-damage, crusaders, and bardic music stuff prime among them, appropriately enough.

Like, it's been said to death that 2h weapons are dominant in 3.5 for good reason. But it's not like nobody would ever use a lance in one hand, especially if they knew they were fighting enemies that targeted unmodified AC.

>martial/caster disparity is caused by the guys who do 3k DPR not doing 3.4k DPR instead
Swashbuckler 3/Sneak Attack Hit'n'Run Fighter 3/Swashbuckler X
Daring Outlaw, Two-weapon Fighting line, Improved Initiative

I love this. d10 hit die, full fortitude, full bab, full sneak attack, all the physical movement skills on your list. So simple, so functional. Doesn't get evasion or uncanny dodge though, but I guess you could take actual rogue for four levels instead if you wanted.
What weapon are you planning on using with it?
Rapier and shortsword, would be my go-to
I never really thought about that. That's one way to give a fighter some more survivability (and I guess some extra killing power); have several +1 spell-storing weapons, and put vampiric touch on all the melee ones (inflict serious wounds on any thrown ones). Main weapon, spiked gauntlet, armor spikes, distance shortspear, and maybe even a dagger or two. Be using a two-handed weapon, use quick draw for the spear or daggers, not even necessary for the spiked gaunlet or armor spikes. Bloodstone enhancement instead if allowed.

The neat thing about switching to a light weapon midturn is that the power attack penalty can't be applied to them, so if you're using your halberd or whatever with a power attack penalty, your iterative attacks aren't very likely to hit anyway so just switch to a light weapon for those. Light weapons have shit damage, but if you're dumping a 3rd level spell on top it can be something. For a melee fighter, getting to add inflict serious wounds on a thrown spear gives it some pretty decent damage beyond 1d6+str.

But you'd need to be fairly high level to afford all this; 8k+ per extra item, 18k for the spear if you want distance on it. Also you'd need somebody to put those spells on your weapon, so you're probably buying a wand or two for your caster buddies to use.

I wonder...if you put spellstoring + inflict serious wounds on a lance and mounted charge with it, would the flat damage from the spell get multiplied too? for instance, the +5 from the 3d8+5?
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>have several +1 spell-storing weapons, and put vampiric touch
There's a weapon ability/enhancement that's like spell storing but specifically for vampiric tough I think. It even empowers the spell.

As mentioned before, the problem is never killing things with HP damage.
You can just give everybody pounce and make a full attack a standard action like our DM does if you want to increase the martial damage baseline.
Hell, give them weapon finese and power attack for free too, why not.
As far as I can tell from my admitted limited experience with the game, is that what makes casters just better is having the possibility to deal with every kind of encounter, with the best casters being able to solve every kind of encounter.
What do you do when HP damage is not the solution? As far as martials go (as in characters without access to magic that primarily deal damage and might have a skill or two), they could rely on skills, sometimes magic items, maybe a class feature if they are lucky.
And that's not a bad thing, part of the game is the struggle.
The thing is that the best caster when played well, not even to the utmost of its theoretical capabilities just well, can feasibly have a spell that just solves whatever issue. No struggle required.
That's why people say that things like the ToB maneuvers that ignore hardness give martials some of that caster flexibility.
There's a wall between you and whatever you want? Break the wall. Oh, need to do some light terraforming? Break the ground/floor, no questions asked.
tl;dr: Casters have a wide arsenal to deal with things that damage alone can't solve. That's the fundamental issue, I think.
>I wonder...if you put spellstoring + inflict serious wounds on a lance and mounted charge with it, would the flat damage from the spell get multiplied too? for instance, the +5 from the 3d8+5?

Imagine: 12th level party; the paladin has spirited charge and a +3 spell-storing lance, 18 str, and power attack. His 12th level cleric buddy puts inflict serious wounds on his lance (3d8+12). The paladin charges an evil character while wielding the lance with both hands, maxing his power attack, and uses smite evil. That's 3d8+171+3d8. If it was a crit, it'd be 5d8+285+3d8. God damn.
>There's a weapon ability/enhancement that's like spell storing but specifically for vampiric tough I think. It even empowers the spell.
He said "Bloodstone enhancement instead if allowed. "
Oh so he did. It was at the end of the sentence and I didn't connect both things, not remembered that was the name of the enhancement.
>tl;dr: Casters have a wide arsenal to deal with things that damage alone can't solve. That's the fundamental issue, I think.

I think if casters only had known spells, and had to choose from a thematic list, it wouldn't be so bad. But when they can choose from so many spells and switch their arsenal from day to day, it's too much.
Not even that but most caster can pluck whatever spells they want at each level while martials must use their feats to build whole trees just to get one that they actually want.

Cleric, druid, sorcerer, wizard, no matter. Say you take an attack spell at first spell level, than some movement at second, some debuff bullshit at third and polymorph at fourth. And wow you covered most of the ground. There are no prerequisites, restrictions or whatever. Clerics and druids literally have access to their whole spellist permanently.

Good luck competing with that using 7 feats and some damage.
>and had to choose from a thematic list
cmon man, read whole posts
If you want them to be on par with feats at least in availability thematic list is not enough. You'd need proper prereqs.
feats aren't competing directly with spells; martials have hit points, base attack, fort saves, weapons and armor
Yes, I was agreeing and expanding on the idea with some specifics.
Wait, disregard me. I thought you were reaponding to another post.
That's what I get for posting from inside an Uber.
3.5e Archive guy, you didn't make a video on the Healer yet did you?
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What's a good mount for use in dungeons? It has to be large-sized for medium riders, it needs to be at least as offensively and defensively good as a horse, faster than you (at least if youre wearing fullplate), and can climb on walls (preferably spider climb). A simple pit trap or stairway totally fucks horses.
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footpad lizard, drow of the underdark
Not spider climb, but auto 26 on climb checks is the next best thing. That's everything I asked for, thank you
At a quick search, the Healer base class hasn't gotten a video. Combat Medic PRC has, though.
Than give me HP based feats that are as impactful as metamagic or craft feats.
>can you discharge the effect on an enemy you hit via throwing?
You can CAST the effect on an enemy you hit via throwing, which is the only way spell-storing works.
If it's a touch spell you'll probably be out of range, if that's what you're asking.

>When you attempt a mounted overrun, will your mount trigger an AoO if you have improved overrun?
What? Yes?
The AoO has nothing to do with the overrun check, it's a consequence of normal movement provoking an AoO from leaving a square inside an opponent's reach.
>if you have improved overrun? When using the trample feat
Why would this be relevant?

>Do I still use the rules for one-handed items?
RAW, no. Power attack has seperate rules for two-handed weapons and one handed weapons held in two hands. Likewise, two handed weapons don't have a proviso for being held in one hand, they only have a single set of rules.
Note that this was probably contradicted by SS and it's multiarm rules (I haven't checked), but that's older than the 3.5 PHB and not the primary source for lances anyway.

>I wonder...if you put spellstoring + inflict serious wounds on a lance and mounted charge with it, would the flat damage from the spell get multiplied too?
No? Why the fuck would it? You make a seperate touch attack, it's completely unrelated.

There's not a huge difference between sorcerer and wizard.
The only reason why e.g. dread necro is worse is because it's missing objectively busted spells like poly.

So, almost completely irrelevant?
anon, I think you might be retarded
Here's your (you), botkun
Feels cheap to reach level 20 and remember you started from 3rd.
The older I get the less I want to start above level 1.
I want to make a drizzt clone, but high elf.
I usually go for a ranger with nature's warrior to replace spells with feats cause Drizzt didn't cast spells.
I take combat expertise, deadly defense, weapon finesse.
Dunno if it's worth going for dex to damage from that ToB martial discipline feat.
The idea is using two short swords and being very defensive.
Yep. I mean, I never wanted to start higher than 1st, but I enjoy lower level stuff more the older I get. It's true in video games as well.
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Drizzt Do'urden
NG Male Dex-Prodigy Drow Swashbuckler 3/*Ranger 3/Swordsage 2/**Barbarian 1/Scout 6/Tempest 5
*Elf Ranger
**whirling frenzy dragon totem
8d10+1d6+10d8+1d12+40 hp
init +16
AC 33 (before situational bonuses, 49 maxed out)
Icingdeath +28 (1d6+14)
Grace +1, Insightful Strike, FE (servants of lolth) +3, Wild Empathy +6, Quick to Act +1, Discipline Focus, AC Bonus, Whirling Frenzy (1/day, 5 rounds), Skirmish (+2d6/+1), Battle Fortitude +1, Uncanny Dodge, Fast Movement, Trackless Step, Evasion, Flawless Stride, Tempest Defense +3, Ambidexterity (-2/-0), Two Weapon Spring Attack
Darkvision 120ft, Light Sensitivity*, Spell Resistance 31, +2 saves vs magic, darkness 1/day, faerie fire 1/day
*yes, not blindness
F+13, R+18, W+13 (+15 vs Ench), +2 vs Magic
Str 12, Dex 23, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 12
TWF, TSS, ITWF, GTWF, WF (Shortsword), Shadow Blade, Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Track, Endurance
Balance 24, Bluff 6, Climb 15/17, Diplomacy 10, Dungeoneering 12, Escape Artist 17/19, Geography 12, Handle Animal 6, Hide 22, Intimidate 10, Jump 14, Listen 20, Move Silently 22, Nature 16, Sense Motive 10, Search 11, Sleight of Hand 17, Spot 18, Survival 16/18/20, Swim 8, Tumble 24, Use Rope 15/17
Drow, Undercommon, Drow Sign Language, Goblin, Common

1 - counter charge, clinging shadows, wolf fang strike, sudden leap
1 - blood in the water, island of blades

+3 frostbrand (no frost damage) aquan fiendbane "scimitar" (shortsword), least crystal of return
+5 defending "scimitar" (shortsword), least crystal of return, glows blue (torch level)
+4 elven chain of nimbleness
anklets of blinding speed (improved initiative, otherwise as boots of speed)
silk shirt (medium fortification, DR 3/bludgeoning)

Base stats: 12/20/12/17/17/12
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>Base stats: 12/20/12/17/17/12
well, before racial adjustments its: 12/18/14/15/17/10

guen (magical beast tiger, 9th lvl animal companion bonuses, magic fang on each natural attack, longstrider)
Spd 50ft
AC 22 (-1 size, +4 dex, +9 natural)
evasion, devotion, 4 bonus tricks, immune to poison, dr/magic?, darkvision, low-light vision
Str 26, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
multiattack, improved initiative, claw focus, run
Where did you find this?
Stop playing low-lethality, then
I made it. I didn't like how shit his official stats are, so my did my best to make him accurately. Guens stats aren't perfect, but I didn't care as much about that.
Not really.
Why the scout levels?
skirmish, uncanny dodge, evasion, fast movement, trackless step, flawless stride, skills

him having uncanny dodge is kinda iffy; the hunter absolutely has it, but regular drizzt has been bushwhacked a few times
One level of Dervish, or the Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting feat, will allow you to treat scimitars as light weapons.
over-sized two weapon fighting doesnt turn them into light weapons
dervish sure, but dervish is gay and wrong
regardless, shadow blade lets him get his dex to damage with shortswords, which seems more appropriate to me
his scimitars arent really scimitars either; he both stabs and slashes with them
shortswords are piercing only, so this isnt a great fix
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Is there a reason to put a shield boss/shield spike on my animated shield?
The only one I can think of is putting Spellblade in it.
Also, do you guys subscribe to the reading of it being perpetual or of it being single use?
I've seen arguments for both and I remember neither.
>When the wielder is next subjected to the chosen spell, the weapon absorbs it.
>When the wielder is next
That's single use.
>Is there a reason to put a shield boss/shield spike on my animated shield?
If your DM allows Defending on non-swords it's a place to store the enchantment.
Might give access to a different damage type for bashes.
Sometimes it looks cool.
>If your DM allows Defending on non-swords it's a place to store the enchantment.
Technically, you don't have to since Shields can be directly enhanced as weapons. The spike does more damage, though.
Depends on the shield but yeah, generally.
>Sometimes it looks cool.
Well, you convinced me.
Guess I should go look for some relevant passive weapon abilities I wouldn't want on my main weapon.
In FR, could dragons be considered a 'racial' enemy of elves, given the Dragon Rage mythal they created?
I may need a knife to twist in my mostly elven party.
technically, unless they have formal alliance with a specific group, dragons can be considered racial enemies of and by absolutely everybody else
appart maybe kobolds
I'm remaking the Truenamer for my personal revised version of D&D 3.X, and I've hit a snag with it.

Utterances are organized in three different categories that I now call Person, Place, or Thing. What they affect and the base DCs to bring about their effects are each different.

For Person, the base DC I have is: 10 + HD/2.
For Place, the base DC I have is: 10 + ? + Area Modifier (Depending on how big the area, the DC will adjust to be bigger alongside it).
For Thing, the base DC I have is: 10 + Hardness/2 (?)

I'd like a good clean value that's equivalent to HD/2 that's inherent to the Place or Thing. I personally think Hardness is fine, but the Place part is where matters get fiddly. Encounter Levels are very finicky as that would imply the same location would seesaw in difficulty depending of if there is a lone rat or a lone great wyrm dragon there.

I do hope I'm making sense with my query, but I thank you in advance for reading this. The Truenamer has such charming fluff but it is so mechanically non-functional. I'll be dealing with the Shadowcaster after this, but that's a story for a future time I am sure.

For crafting, I would take the general experience value of the monster slain, and treat the parts you gutted from it to be worth an amount of XP equal to 1/4th the total XP value of the monster and so long as the DM agrees with you on why the parts salvaged would be good for weapons and armor. This isn't a hard science, you can approximate it.

As for grappling, I learned to ignore the rules as written and go with a different guideline. A Grapple means you have full control over the target's movements. However, only large characters will get more opportunities with that. For smaller ones, give them the means to latch, that is to hold onto the creature and climb about it using either Grapple or Climb checks to pull it off or some other skill that makes sense. While latched, you'll get some protection from the creature you're attacking if you're in a spot they can't readily reach, and you'll be in a good position to overcome DR and other stuff like that.
That one's kinda brutal about the breakpoints once you get over 2 LA.

When not using something to buff the natural attacks for a gimmick or the backdoor into various draconic related feats and PRCs and such the goblin is probably better.

But with special feats and PRCs goblins fall behindAfter all what have they got? Stonedark assassin (Assassin but worse, with the death attack 5 levels in) And Hexer, which does grant some good gaze attacks (That don't use the standaridized 3.5 gaze rules since it's a 3.0 class) but requires you to enter through Adept as a base class. (Or, I suppose, an Archivist who learned "Lightningbolt as a Divine spell" FROM an Adept.

While Kobolds have Races of the Dragon cheese shown here.

The offscreen Lightning Blade clan from Warcraft.

A few other ways of getting into Hexer are Shugenja (fire), Favored Soul 12 if you have the Disciple of Bahamut/Tiamat ACF, and Draconic Legacy (topaz).
12 is a rather late entry for a 10 level prestige class.
Shugenja enters at 7

Also, just play an archivist.
Shocked there was never a domain that gave Lightning bolt for cleric entry.

(Though hol-lee moly those skill requirements for entry are steeeep)
I mean, the main thinking making it late is when the later Sorcerer spell unlock happens. You could try an argument for earlier with Extra Spell if you already have the ACF.

There is precisely one, but it's Dragon magazine. I forget if it's on time or one spell level late.
Level 4 so one spell level late.
>a halfling rogue twf quick-drawing spell-storing daggers with sneak attacks
fuckin quick way to take somebody down fast
>light weapon
not quite; its ranged weapons that dont get the penalty
so if you throw the weapon, yes
but if its just a light melee weapon, no
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Was Melf's Minute Meteors ever ported to 3.5? That'd be the ideal weapon for an arcane trickster.
There's a version of it in the 3.0 videogame Icewind Dale II, apparently
What's the highest LA/RHD critter you've had as a player? I keep wanting to play a wyrmling but I haven't had the chance.
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I was a slaughterstone eviscerator (CR12) with spiked chains instead of blades for one or two sessions because I was a teenager
Succubus, I think.
One of my players was a very young bronze dragon

This is not counter crazy template bullshit to cheat LA
I allowed a player to play Mezzoloth in a higher level planar mercenaries game a long time ago. I forget what I did about the summon effect.
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How high a Diplomacy modifier can a core-only, no-custom-items, no-aging-modifiers, no-level-adjustment, unbuffed, 7th-level bard have?

5 Charisma modifier with Cloak of Charisma
+10 Diplomacy ranks
+6 synergies with Bluff, Knowledge (nobility and royalty), and Sense Motive
+2 half-elf
+3 Skill Focus
+2 Negotiator
+3 Circlet of Persuasion
+2 masterwork tool
Total: +33

Is this as high as it gets, or can it be pushed up further?
a diplomacy tool is pushing it; you'll have to get lucky with the DM
Eagles Splendor might be better than your cloak
the Good Hope bard spell will give you a +2 morale bonus
ah, well
if you're dealing with nobles and aren't wearing at least a courtier's outfit with appropriate jewelry, you'll suffer a -2
I just had an idea that ive never seen anywhere before: carrying around a single +1 flaming hand crossbow bolt to start fires with
> A system for Point-Buy characters I don't hate (could be presented better though) [Eclipse]
> Interesting subsystems for stuff outside combat. > Good Forgotten Realms Setting Content; Mechanical Support needed to use most of the 2e FR setting books.
> Bonus: There's rules for Fishing contests (Mongoose Games Designer's Companion)
Is there a guide *somewhere* showing what you can reasonably expect from players by level for HP / Attack Bonus / Saving Throws? Maybe something built out of actual typically taken player options, showing the common sources, rather than a list of benchmarks from monsters?
Not too different than the "I keep a single adamantine arrowhead sewn into the band of my underwear to saw through the bars if we ever get captured."
It depends very heavily on your group and the game.
I mean, you can get a once per day item of Prestdigitation (if the Fire Finger trick from Tome and Blood/3.0) or some semi-custom level 0 fire spell for almost the same cost (166g 1s vs 180g) and you get all the other Prestidigtation tricks in a use. Or for just a little more in the grand scheme of things, you can get the equivalent of a Eternal Wand of the same for three times a day use.
Hmm. Balls. Fair enough. Okay thanks.
> The rules being mostly spelled out means I can be more impartial towards my players and allow them to succeed or fail on the puzzle of the game itself, instead of my feelings or fiat.
> E6 is a perfectly great way of getting the OSR feel without all the pretentious crap out there.
> Infinite Content to mix and match if my players get bored.
Doesn't the Trailblazer book contain "The Spine" that shows off what kind of stats players should have at different levels?
Is that the book which had 130hp CR1 monsters and CR20 monsters with lower to-hit than actual CR8s on the same page?
I'm finally getting off of my ass and making a simple d20 game.
It won't be anything too complicated. Just a 2d tile/grid on a X by X map.
I am brainstorming with Gemini, which is not only not shit anymore it also knows a lot about D&D 3.5e, trying to decide how to organize things.
The idea is that the game's content will be easily extendable, as in, You want to add a new class? Throw a file into the class folder with the class definition and voila, that kind of thing, and for that, I need to discriminate the individual kinds of "content" or "building blocks" one could add or modify.
So far I have something like this :
>── content/ # Building blocks, basic elements, prefabs
> ── races/ #Including the monster types like Outsider, Dragon, Humanoid, etc.
> ── classes/ #Both character classes and Racial HD
> ── templates/
> ── feats/
> ── spells/
> ── domains/
> ── skills/
> ── languages/
> ── deities/
> ── organizations/
> ── items/ # Base items (longsword, helmet, ring, etc)
> ── magic_properties/ # Enchantments, special abilities (flaming, keen, etc)
> ── prefabs/ # Pre-made monsters, npcs, magic items
> ── monsters/
> ── npcs/
> ── items/
Can you guys think of anything else that should be its own category of "building block"?
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Damit, the special characters didn't translate too well did they.
Here's a pic.
Do drows... you know...
TF, is that you?
Aren't you too busy figuring out the escape artist DC to slide up someone's butthole?
>this is a thing that happened, btw
>in better times
RAW, masterwork tools can be had for any and all skills. A 'Masterwork Tool' for Diplomacy could be as simple as a nice perfume.
Why not just use a tindertwig or kyo crystal then?>>94755311
>Adamantine wiresaw
Damn, it's like people never read Arms and Equipment Guide!
Werewolf Elf, currently playing.
2 LA/6 RHD, and I don't actually regret it since it just made me a bigger, blunter beatstick instead of a tricky beatstick.
On that, I have a question that is as old as time: How much is an intact Huge (dead) dragon worth?
I sorta got my hands on one, not because I actually contributed anything meaningful outside getting ABSOLUTELY punked by it, in such a fashion that my group will remember it for months.
yes, they explicitly do
Bumping for an answer, then perish.
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What do you mean?
>RAW, masterwork tools can be had for any and all skills. A 'Masterwork Tool' for Diplomacy could be as simple as a nice perfume.
that's nice, just don't expect a DM to allow it
>just don't expect a DM to allow it
Why? What dm is so terrified by a +2 bonus that they feel they need to bann it?
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So, I want to have zombies be more swarm-y in practice. As it stands, they're just meatshields with clubs for hands, basically. That's boring and doesn't really feel like zombies.

I want to give them a new trait:
>Any action the zombie takes that provokes an AoO never fails due to the zombie being hit.

I want them to knock people down and grapple them. So like, the first zombie will charge overrun (stopping in the square just past the target if successful), with subsequent zombies either attempting overruns (without charging if a direct line is blocked) if the first one failed, or moving up and trying to grapple the prone target if the first one succeeded. If they managed to grapple, any excess zombies who can't get in on the grapple will make slam attacks from outside it.

Now, it's pretty rare for players to fight that many zombies at once, but even just one zombie is dangerous in a grapple because they're very resistant to grapple/armor spike damage and have a lot of hp.
A character only has 1 AoO unless they've specced for it, just try to grapple with more than 1 zombie.
Anyone know what happened to Oslecamo? I recently discovered his stuff (considering I recently started actually reading up on 3.5e after years of only being into PF1e and other systems) and found a lot of his stuff enjoyable to read.
He seems to have just vanished off the face of the planet around March of 2020, and his last Youtube video suggests he was getting a degree in China. I saw his posts on minmaxforums just kind cut off, even though he was running a few games at the time of it all. Just wondering if anyone can conclusively say what became of him, as it's sad to see the disappearance of a person who contributed a ton of cool brew.
>How much is an intact Huge (dead) dragon worth?
it entierely depends on the buyer
a whole collegium of alchemists? worth a fortune
a powerful necromancer? worth a lot (of trouble)
an adventurous hobbit chef? all the free dinners you can stomach for a year
anybody else? why the fuck did you bring this accursed carrion on my doorstep you arrant knave

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