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>Included pipe bombs in my low fantasy medieval setting
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That's almost as funny as the fucking wall race between Caesar and Pompeii for the fate of Rome.
I love that story, but there's fifteen centuries and a thousand miles between these two military forces.
Archimedes, yes fucking Archimedes, allegedly made a ‘solar death ray’ for Syracuse that (apparently) could set ships ablaze from afar

Ancient history is hilarious
Yes, and?

Actual retard.
>Constantine XI
lmao who tf wrote this crap

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My gniggas, it is that time again. It's time for the gnome renaissance. Gnomes can be cool once again. Discuss gnomes, promote gnomes.
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Would you allow players to be salamanders, sylphs, or undines?
Lol, lmao even
Always gnomes
Only gnomes
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Illusion affinity is one of the basic gnome features popularized in dnd and it can be considered one of the certifiedly based gnome representations. In warhammer illusion spells are represented by the grey school of magic, hence the grey robes here.

Work in Progress, "Crisp!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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That's one of those popper things, my kid has the same one. It's basically the same idea as popping bubble wrap, but shittier.
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I'm tired of fighting with him so here's a "finished" tomb sentinel. Most of the sloppiness is actually.on his undercarriage so I'm not TERRIBLY concerned, but it does feel somewhat like giving up. Anyway, glad I finally finished painting him right as they removed it from the army list. Thanks James

It's definitely one of those popping fidget toy things they sell at the dollar store
Steve RIP. Miss you, big man. Gone, but not forgotten.
Oh, all right. Pretty creative use, then. Guess I'll learn about shit like this if I ever have kids which seems highely unlikely
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Don't do it if you enjoy your own personal time. Fatherhood is great in its own way, but this bad boy's looked like this for the past month+, save for the magnets I installed for swapping out his nipple guns. Finishing my army is suddenly way off in the distance.

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>the adventuring party has to get dressed up to go to a fancy ball
why is this such a common cliche in campaigns and has it ever actually been fun?
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want to keep the players from killing people? put them in a room with a bunch of unarmed rich bags of xp!

Because the upper classes in pretty much every civilization maintain a dress code.
He's just trying to spam his fetish again.
It was fun. My character was the only one that was familiar with the 'refined' environment. Me and the parties face ( a former con-artist) played a game of saying the the most obscene lines in conversation, the winning being the one that called the most attention to them.
>why is this such a common cliche in campaigns
Is it? It has never happened to me or my 356 TRPG friends.

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What is the point of taking gold you find in the dungeons? It's more likely to be cursed than not. Silver treasures are where it's at. Plus you can use them to fight vampires. Silver>>>>>>>>>>Gold.
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Werewolves take aggravated damming from silver. Vampires can sometimes take aggravated damage from silver if you take the folkloric bane flaw.
this is now my personality
Honestly I don't see any reason to take any treasure out of the dungeon at all. The treasure's in the dungeon. Once we've counted it all, we know exactly what's there. We could just leave it there and be like 'OK I'm going to give you 500 gold coins of what's in the dungeon' and write some kind of signed legal promise to transfer ownership of those coins without ever actually taking them out of the dungeon.

It would save so much time and labour, and dungeons are very secure anyway. Taking them away from the dungeon probably just renders them easier to steal.
>bank administration: the game
i guess if you're a certain type of autist this could be fun
Well, the hard part would be convincing the king to let us start taking money INTO the dungeon.

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Titan Riot edition

>previous thread

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn

Thread Question:
What was your first White Dwarf? Was it a good one?
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>That Solohammer channel I'm subbed to that popped up a few months ago
>Bring & Battle's most recent 40k vid is 3rd Edition
>Just yesterday a new guy in the VASSAL 40k server asked which version is best for 3rd
You might be onto something
This is the correct answer.
They'll just teleport back to their teleport homer, no problem.
Where should I look?

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Glow Wyrm Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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I couldn't do much last night, at least not that much that is in any state to be posted, picrel is the only thing I got to pitch.
Wrath of the Dragon-Lord is from the initial compass. Likely very strong vs Atlan & Atlantis.
The Prophecy says YOU DIE is how I renamed Vision of Doom, since I pulled that from his profile initially when I made the first list of prophecies. I'm still not 100% sure how Words That Kill will resolve but the intent is that he's got a fairly good chance of causing 2 Grievous, which is usually enough to kill most models.
I may have gone overboard on his health but less felt wrong somehow, the flying firebreathing saur is supposed to be unique so it feels wrong to have it much less powerful than a Terrorsaur.
The Unruly thing is an attempt to lower its value. Still feels like this should be at least a 70+ Silver unit tho. Let me know what you think.
Gonna go sleep, I'll start on the new Prophecy list later on today, as well as the Car of Juggernaut.
I can do the car if you want
I personally dislike Words That Kill itself because it's making Prophecies into straight up magic that just does things instead of influencing the odds. Vision of Doom is closer to was proposed initially making it easier to kill the target, not straight up damaging them. I also think maybe having reduced generic versions of Leader prophecies kinda robs them of individuality, but that's a whole other story. I might propose something later.
At any rate, Vritravana's ability could be something like
>Choose one enemy unit. Until the end of the turn, ALL attacks targeting the chosen model resolve with +1 to Accuracy, and the target can't roll Armor Saves or Evade. The model that kills the target gains +1 Accuracy for the rest of the engagement.
To lower value further you could always balance Wrath of the Dragon Lord by making it a toggle that costs you 1 LP per turn when active.
Sure, go ahead if you want to.
I really like the Workout+Colonial cart options.
> Vedic Warriors often chose, when given a particularly heroic Fate, to test themselves both physically and mentally by allowing the cart to roll over them. "It was foretold that I would die fighting a great beast in the 7th Layer, this is my Fate, nothing will stop be from reaching it." Many warriors inexplicably survive the process, sometimes even become stronger once the wounds are healed.
The suicide cart/sacrifice thing suggest a sort of religious fervor that I see is almost anthetical to Lemuria. There's a dedication to Cultivation that is taken to the near religious, there's respect of miraculous beings that elevates them nearly into Gods, and well, the whole thing with Fate, but I always felt Lemurians would have a distinct attitude toward these, from say, New Mu citizens observing religious rites imposed by Old Mu and 100% believing it.
Fate is too much of an asspull to be a purely religious concept. Every occasion should be used to make it as ambiguous as possible if anything actually mystical happened or was it just dumb luck in prediction, or someone telling you your Fate was to fuck off and go die for political reasons or whatever.
Similarly I feel like Lemurians shouldn't have religions or gods per say, or at least not the usual attitude one would have toward religions or gods. A god is just a monster you haven't yet killed and stolen the power from, after all...

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RIFTS Chaos Earth goes pretty hard.
Really feels like they were channeling CDDA when writing some of this stuff up.
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Dead Reign is pretty good. We usually rifted into the world
The OCC thing that is just a bunch of civilian professions is great for character generation for chaos earth
That's probably the best way to handle her.
>Raised by D-Bees
>Adopted into the CS, fast tracked through the burbs and into the cities
>Got access to the major library/book repository right before the CS conveniently destroyed it
>Believes the CS are misguided and need help
>Then goes on adventures into England/Europe and comes back only to... give perfect information about how to avoid Atlantean patrols to the CS so that they can partner with Germany
>Then tells magic people to fuck off so the CS can take their land, since defending themselves would be the greater evil
>Then all sorts of inconsequential shit where she allegedly helps random adventurers
It makes most sense if she was a real person ages ago, perhaps even she was an early thorn in the CS' side.
But then she died at some point during the Europe adventure, and all the stories we hear are basically propaganda about how "this legendary figure? she's really on our side. buy more books."
It's one of the better things they ported over from Systems Failure & the earlier Rifters.
AFMBE's DeadWorlds also seem pretty good for that.

Thread 423: Event Exclusive Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- Festival Booster 2024: 7/12

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Magic the Gathering and Flesh and Blood have cash prizes. Battle Spirits Saga did too at one point. Shit's dead now though.
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Chubby in the right places.
>Disclaimer at the bottom saying its only fanart
They did quite a bit of art for the set by doing 8 different art pieces so kinda surprising to see that extra bit of effort. Hopefully they have awoken to the power of AI.
No, digiforce is just THAT autistic. He always, always makes extra art for his bosses.
Once again slop-consuming retards with only a profit motive in mind fail to understand artists
Also defeats the point when he has a dark elf fetish and simps his own characters

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I have had a campaign concept and am wondering if any systems mechanically serve this idea. The general concept is the following:
>MIB style 'aliens among us'
>PCs are all teenagers/young adults who have been chosen
>PCs are chosen by a specific alien (I'm gonna have a long list of classic Secret Space Program aliens)
>alien gives the human PC powers but is essentially a separate PC the player also has control of
>the game delineates the two as having pretty separate skill sets:
>humans know about earth and have basic skill sets related to that + physical skill sets
>aliens know about alien things/alien technology/etc.
>combat occurs by one empowering the other (I want to give PCs an option between like fusion, psychic connection, alien tech-suit, etc.)
>combat itself is the sort of shounen anime high flying power shit

To summarize:
>a system that supports a single player having two PCs with clearly delineated skillsets
>urban sci-fi
>snappy/flashy combat

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It is absolutely not the SYSTEM you want, but Ars Magica is designed around this idea.

>Powerful Mage characters who dedicate their lives to magical research and perfecting some aspect of the magical arts
>Their non-mage hirelings, servants, friends, etc, known as "Grogs" in system parlance

An Ars game might alternate between Mage and Grog sessions, or might have mage sessions until you decide on a job to send the Grogs on then switch to following the Grogs until their mission is finished.

Ars Magica combat is generally fast if you know the game, but the same is true of almost every system, it's very much a "death spiral" system where wounds lead to penalties.

The main things you might want to take from Ars are how far beyond human the Mages' specific talents and spells can get, but how vulnerable they are outside of that. A mage might be able to work an incredible art that raises a castle from the ground, denies the touch of summer heat to a village all season, or strike a man dead with a column of flame... but any aside from the last is going to be fucked if a man with a sword charges him, and even the combat mage needs to know the attack is coming.

Conspiracy X is a game built around playing agents in a 90s/00s conspiratorial world, and might be worth plundering.

Elements of World of Darkness might be worth looking at for design ideas across power levels.

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I'm sorry. Tagers are exactly what I want in tone and general execution. I have to take the Cthulhutech pill.
then steal the idea and use a different system, I beg you.
Seriously, cthulhutech's framewerk system sucks one of the fattest pairs of nuts I've ever tasted. It's in the tier above FATAL and such, but it's got serious underlying problems in how it resolves things that are impossible to prune from the wider system.

Having its "poker dice" resolution means difficulty numbers are WILDLY hard to set.

In a standard dice pool, you can calculate the odds fairly easily. Even in a WoD style "exploding dice" system, you can model the exploding dice without too much trouble as long as you don't fall into the trap of modelling them tending towards infinity.

In cthulhutech's system, you roll dice equal to your skill, and then do one of the following
>Take the highest individual die
>Take multiple dice showing the same number
>Take a straight of 3 or more dice showing sequential numbers
then add your stat as a bonus
so long as you don't roll 1s on half your dice (if that happens, you botch and get a zero)

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to carry on, if you like Tagers, then what you need to do is read "bio-boosted armor Guyver", which is what Tagers are.

Tager -> Guyver
Dhoanoid -> Zoanoid

If you like what Tagers do, look at Guyver and consider what other systems might do what you want.
Something that supports Henshin Hero style stuff would probably work in general.

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

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307 replies and 66 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Pilgrims of the Black Obelisk, etc
They're all in /O-S-Rchive.
having said that I just now noticed that most of the modules aren't quite final release. If someone has the final release versions, would you be kind enough to toss them in my drop? Thanks.
O-S-Rchive-Donate @ rebrandly
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WBtW is not OEF unfortunately. The 3rd-party Monster Loot is. Perhaps WBtW is the scanned version you've seen: alt cover version, decent but somewhat blurry/low-contrast scans, including the 2 large maps (8x folded ~A4) at the end.
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To follow up and avoid a lot of well meaning people dropping what I already have, check the back page for the barcode.
It should not be blank.
If it IS blank, it's not the final version.
Gracias mi amigo
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Buh bye Awesome Thred!
Take care Anon Brigade!

Keep going - you rock!

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Ok so now that everyone agrees picrel is shit, what are the best ttrpgs out there?
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>Official list of patrician games:
>Any system dealing with the modern world would have a minimum of 2 pages for vehicles (including all kinds of things about them and examples).
Retarded take.
>his fav game which isnt generic
Generic systems are all pure shit though? They do nothing well.
I /broadly/ agree. What's wrong with Ars Magica and Unisystem? Where would you put Rolemaster 4e and oWoD Dark Ages?
GURPS does most things better than every non-generic system, except for having pre-canned settings specific content ready to go, running a kingdom, and making magic items.

Basic Skill & Task Resolution? Inventing Mechanics? Research? Training and Studying? Knowledge Recall? Running a Business or a Faction? Custom Superpowers? Designing vehicles / Mecha / Spaceships? 9 times out of 10 GURPS does it better than whatever "specific" system you're looking at.
>GURPS does most things better than every non-generic system
GURPS is not a TTRPG. GURPS is a toolkit to piece together your own TTRPG, except only if you're somehow lazy and dedicated at the same time. If you were dedicated, truly so, you'd make a system from scratch with good mechanics that suit the system rather than using pre-packaged shit.

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I am developing a bell-curve system (3d8) and think rolling characters is fun because it allows for unexpected character strengths and weaknesses. Who cares if the party is slightly imbalanced? RPGs are not for tryharding. With such a wealth of options on what you can do, surely you can think of something to do with your character even if they are a tad underpowered statistically speaking.

Nevertheless, he is a mainstay around the table and says building a character is the far superior mechanic because it leaves less room for disappointment. He is worried about the potential of other characters outshining his even on the things he is meant to be good at. Despite my wholehearted disagreement with this on principle, I am trying my best to be accomodating because I assume he is not the only player who sees things this way in case something comes out of this.

If I were to provide a way for people who wish to do so to build their characters instead, what is the best way of accomplishing this, considering the bell curve is not flat? Values further away from the mean become less likely, meaning higher attribute values should cost more if there is a way to "buy" attribute points. Otherwise, that skews the balance in favor of his kind of playstyle too much. I don't mind if it's a little imbalanced, but that seems very strong unless I limit it somehow.

For reference, my attribute modifiers range from -5 to +5. 0 if the dice roll 13-14, 1 for 15-16, 2 for 17-18, and so on. Because they're essentially about genetics, attributes are pretty much set for a characters lifespan. Skills and talents exist to provide modification post-creation.
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No they don't, you insufferable autist. Some of the world's best and most acclaimed games have fuckall in terms of "balance", and they are better off because of it. Go back to MMO's and Chess, obsessive smoothbrain.

Nobody that *actually* plays gives a shit about muh balance. Deranged "designers" and theorycrafting retards care. The rest of us are too busy thinking of fun shit to do with compelling options, not weighing piddly spreadsheets and agonizing over who gets to squeeze another bonus out or beat us by 2 points in an opposed check.

Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

Neat. Genesys is a good system, but I agree that the proprietary dice is fundamentally gay. I've played a bit of FFGSWRPG, and it's probably my favorite system aside from WH40kRP/d100.
nta but if a game is unbalanced then that means any player that has a want to have a reliable impact on the game world (which should be every player, because if they dont care about doing things then why tf are they playing) will be pushed towards a smaller set of options - and players who also want to fulfil a thematic vision will have to accept that they will have a worse impact on the game world than another player.

A suite of balanced options encourages diversity and good roleplaying and makes games better.
>vast majority
You need to understand that the way you are setting it up, there are chances that someone will be in an extreme, and then, what are you planning to do, just roll with it?
It sure will be fun to play a game where you just suck balls, and because of that, there is no "wealth of options", you had to specialize in a single skill to make up for the lack of stats, so that's the only thing you can do better than anyone else in the party. You are a living one-trick pony.
You don't need to skew it in favor of the players, you can just put safety nets in case the ball goes out of the park.
>Some of the world's best and most acclaimed games have fuckall in terms of "balance",
Like what. I would love to listen about those acclaimed games that have no balance at all. I have seen developers who are bad at balancing games, but not developers that did not give a fuck about balancing anything because the game would be better off because of it.
Especially when what you're roleplaying is "people who regularly go into dark scary places and fight lots of monsters to the death"

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Why did he need 1500 mirrors?
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I've actually watched this episode. Tiberius was buying the mirrors for Percy's machine. But...
The machine Percy was building broke
Since when the fuck was Tiberius there to see it? Why didn't Percy go to Tiberius and tell him to forget about the mirrors?
nacho varga
What the fuck are you people talking about
You guys do know the wrestling is fake right?

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Was it kino?
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Seethe critard, critical roll is garbage. Go roll a nat 1 yourself.
I accept your concession, nogames.
Yeah, and they mostly suck for exactly those reasons.
Voltron has that Allura design, couldnt care less about whatever flaws it has its okay in my book.
>a thread about a show about a show about a scripted fake TRPG
Do you even play games?

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