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Something Old, Something New Edition.

Converse about JTRPGs, their translation status, or sessions / storytimes.

Games that don't count:
Fabula Ultima
Cloudbreaker Alliance

The copypasta:
>Japanese RPG Troves:

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Do you think its possible to use a Arianrhod character together with Konosuba characters in the same system? I know the building methods are slightly differant between the two books. Like Arianrhod has you select a main class and a sub class to buld your characters.
>tabletop or otherwise.
Didn't know what you mean but only now I see that Wizardry had a TTRPG along with minis. They really fucked loved that game didn't they
With a bit of jigging, it should be functional.
aww man, i am jealous.
have fun with those!
I'm curious to know what's the most popular Japanese TRPG

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Why does /tg/ get upset for the prospect of superhero games?
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>minor teleportation powers
That was my pick for powerset for a teen heroes series I was in years ago. It was set in the Marvel universe, and basically a rip-off of Avengers Academy. Basically a bunch of delinquent teen supers given one last chance to get their shit together and do something useful - or end up in prison. My character was an early 'influencer' who used her sight-range teleport to get into places she wasn't supposed to be like exclusive clubs and parties. Doing a video from an empty Oval Office was great for numbers and engagement, but put her right on the government's list.

Another character in that series was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed secret clone of the Red Skull trying to prove he wasn't the danger they thought he potentially was. Which I thought was an interesting character concept with a lot of drama to hang a story on.
Beyond had plenty of kino designs
Can I get a quick rundown of the main capeshit systems and what they're individually good at? I've never dealt with any, but I'm curious now.
- Prowlers and Paragons, good at : everything
- all other systems : trash

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Archives & Other Resources: https://rentry.co/cyoag
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>94906120
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The dwarves of Teutony to the East use their mythical metalsmithing skills to trade their legendary arms and armor in exchange for the bountiful harvests blessed by Jotunn druids. While the two nations differ greatly in way of life, they both agree on the principles of unity, and their partnership benefits both nations greatly.
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I hate how the author no fun ruined the Sorcerer. Why the FUCK can't you make pocket dimensions? Why is building a comfy house in fairyland nearly impossible? What the fuck can you even do realistically then beyond stupid shit like throwing fireballs? Why is a comfy room more difficult to pull off than resurrecting an ancient empire or killing a god?
wdym anon? You're allowed to do that
You can just true polymorph yourself to be able to live in other planes.

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Work in Progress, "Trolls In The Pantry!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

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>a simple band saw
>one of those big [ shaped (? u shaped???) saw things.
God damn /tg/ I thought you were all supposed to be 50 years old and wisened grog craftsmen, what a ripoff.
Is there something like plasticard, but for rods/sticks? It's shockingly difficult to find stuff at the store to hack up to make a whole bunch of mini-friendly plastic rods.
wire? paperclips? look around the dollar store? depending on the size u r looking for u might be able to use a hairbrush or something...

what about just a pack of sewing needles?
They're called plasticard rods/sticks
Look up Plastruct, that's like their whole thing

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This is a thread for us wizardchads, sorcerers and general spellcasters
Tell me how you play them, what you tend to center your characters and playstyles around, and what your favorite spells are.
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No some go to school but archmages take apprentices to pass on their own knowledge.
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Mist spotted. She was definitely a very precious character. Although, if we're talking Valkyries, I definitely prefer L'Arachel. She had spunk.
Magic schools only exist to keep old wizards distracted with large meals and lots of younger wizards they can flex their power on.
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I can't even find people to play Magic with. All I want to do is play janky theme block con decks or dirt cheap combo decks or other shit, but everyone plays fucking commander now. I can't even buy a pack of 60 sleeves. I have a few friends who actually will play kitchen table but they get so butthurt over the game it's often not worth it because they take every attack as a personal insult. Go to the FLGS? Yeah I'll jsut roll up with my block con Esper deck from 2009 and see if anyone fancies a game?
>uhhh anon what the fuck? Is that a modern deck?
>technically yeah
Then I proceed to get raped for 5 games straight by some giggling autist and his Boros energy deck or whatever the fuck.
I really fucking hate formats, I just want to play Magic but no one even does that anymore cause of tryhards.
I can't play with you guys either because playing mtg on the computer is fucking gay.
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You want commander. You want to play bad unoptomized piles made of a handful of bulk rares and not get absolutely shit on. EDH is the only way to play where you can get away with that shit.
>I'm not gonna drop 1k on a new deck. I'm not gonna spend 100 dollars on a commander deck and have to include muh sol ring and muh commanders tower in every single deck
Precons are 40 bucks and are playable.
>You want commander. You want to play bad unoptomized piles made of a handful of bulk rares and not get absolutely shit on.
Lmao except modern EDH decks are piles of power cards that start at 100 dollars.
I don’t get it. You want a hobby but refuse to pay
100 dollars? That gets you less than 1 tank of gasoline in my country.
>178$/4 = ???
lol @ u
Drawing as a hobby is basically free. Also you can make a Magic deck for ten bucks.

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what's the best way to run a horde of zombies?
>take all their turns individually you coward
>a grappling amorphous blob
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I was just talking about this recently, in the 3.5 thread. All their turns individually, but they're trying to grapple rush you. Each zombie will attempt to overrun you until you are knocked down, then they'll start grappling until the max number of grapplers is reached, then any remaining will stand around you and make their slam attacks. I'm giving them an ability called "unfeeling" that lets them continue an action that normally fails when they are hit with an AoO.

This so much more interesting and scary than "each zombie moves up and slams".

I don't like how grapples in D&D automatically do damage though; thats a bad rule imo. I've been trying to think how I want to handle it.
Oh, totally different. In WWN I'd treat them as individuals.

I'd make 'em weird as fuck, too.
"The best" according to what standard?
I've been tired of zombies for a decade, but sure. Return of the Living Dead style is my preference but I'm a skeleton guy.
Do not run each one individually, that's slow and boring and not what you want in a combat. If you want a horde you can run it like a swarm, or you can bum the minion rules from 4e so instead of keeping track of the HP of every individual zombie so it's a binary yes/no situation, give them a gang up bonus.
Boss zombies are a staple, but do more than just "bigger more HP". Use the horde. The players can't move through a corpse carpet, but they can. Depending on the boss they could throw zombies or redirect attacks into the mass. Depending on how smart they are they could drag zombies into the players, or the other way around. If they're real nasty they could chunk a PC into the maw of meat mountain.
Just do not run a combat where you keep track of an acre of health pools slowly shambling forward with nothing interesting going on, that sucks for everyone at the table including you.
>>take all their turns individually you coward

What would you call a Crusade in a setting without Christianity and crosses as a religious symbol?
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Kalachakra Tantra
Mandate of Heaven
Issatsu Tashō
Hakkō ichiu
Yes, that really is the etymology. Under the sign of the cross.

>doesn't necessitate it being seen as a religious term
Except that we're not discussing cross in general as a geometry as we might for a thing like a cross road. Crusade is a modern word, neither it nor its immediate origins being used by the medieval people who carried them out, and crusade is explicitly tied to the cross as a religious symbol for Christianity.

I'd call it a crusade because this >>94920428
Self defense is an essential matter.
>flagrant examples like a character shouting Jesus Christ! in a setting without Christianity
other common offenders include lesbians and molotovs

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Should magic have consequences?
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Omen are for being Heavy Infantry in the armies of the Third Elden Lord(aka me).

Have fun getting deathstacked, secessionist scum.
Azur founded Raya Lucaria and his spell is seen on the Carian ancestral sword, which implies to me that the ancient astrologer is related to the family in some way.
Traditional games
Gas yourself.
What are those twigs in her hair

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Elf Edition

>Bans (new)

The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Metagame Mentor: Standard at Magic's Spotlight Series


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>Indestructible card advantage engine
>Stupid easy to trigger
>No once per turn faggotry (though it does have to be your turn)
>Indestructible lifelinking body that survives 90% of playable removal
>All this for 3 fucking mana
Best card of the set.
Wait a minute
This card is good
Why have I never seen it before

Watch it get banned in a hurry
I can't believe /mtg/ is fucking dead

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Tau Auxiliaries Edition

>RPG Rulebooks
>Homebrew Collection (August 2024)
>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News
>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database
>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:
>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia
>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

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Bunch of 40k faggots
Jack Daniels…
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for an NPC/enemy? use the space marine stat block from black crusade.

Are they fighting renegades or are you doing some imperial infghting shit?
Just for the rank 1 SM allies from SM assets
Create a rank 1 marine. Instead of rolling for characteristics, give them +10 to each.

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Welcome to Africa Edition
Previous: >>94880433
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Requesting Dwarfs with guns
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I think that's pretty good for 15 dollary doos.
You should check out some of the high-ranked Necrons.
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>an elf falls in love with another elf and have many centries of happiness
Does this ever happen or is the dead/doomed to die human romance angle too juicy to pass up?
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Might not be the best example, mainly because I have doubts this might even be an elf boy with a human girl because it's a piece of art about some online game that I don't really know of but saved it because I like it.

But hey, maybe have this one male elfxhuman female pic.
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This is one of those "problems" people bring up that boils down to "Well if I wrote it then none of the drama and action would have happened because MY intelligent character would have solved everything before it began!" that makes fiction boring.

You can do those things and make them interesting but more often than not the people who bring this stuff up just want the blandest most boring story ever. People write stories the way they do because they like those stories and the people who engage with them like those stories. If you kneecap the premise with your perfect fix then less people will be interested naturally.

Star Wars could have all been prevented if Anakin killed Palpatine when he realized he was a Sith but then none of the rest of the story would happen etc etc etc.
>Star Wars could have all been prevented if Anakin killed Palpatine when he realized he was a Sith but then none of the rest of the story would happen
And nothing of value would have been lost.

Better no story at all than a boring, stupid, or unrealistic one.
>muh realism
Kill yourself faggot. Realism arguments are midwit tier shit, go back to reddirt.
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>True wisdom is realising that same race couples are actually the best.
Nah, the best is one member of a superior race and multiple members of an inferior race.

Megadungeon thread. How do you feel about megadungeons? Do you run megadungeons? Do you have any tips for running megadungeons? Post megadungeons.
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Is plopping a bunch of megadungeons in a hexcrawl map ill advised? Does it add anything that certain locations are just so huge that you cannot fully explore them? Most other locations are just regularly sized.
I remember in the late 80s and early 90s, my friends and I thought they had a mystique. Someone who had finished an undermountain had nerd bragging rights of some kind that I can't quite express. But by the time we all had Dungeon Hack in 93 or 94, the magic feeling was gone. They sounded like a boring-ass slog. And that's how I've felt about them ever since.
>plopping a bunch of megadungeons in a hexcrawl
>plopping multiple entrances to a single megadungeon across a hexcrawl
easy, I'll just connect all the megadungeons to eachother, does that make it a supermegadungeon?
I’ve been following a guy post about his Arden Vul campaign for like a year and it sounds really good. Makes me want to pick it up despite its somewhat steep price.

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Where do I find people to play Cyberpunk Red or the other spinoffs from this franchise? I played the game and was interested so I bought the book for red only to find I don’t know anyone that plays it nor does anyone in my city.

Do people actually play the Cyberpunk ttrpg’s? Where do I go to find these people?
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.....last year I played a campaign of 2020 Cyberpunk, custom-made to one of the player's requests.
It lasted 6 sessions.
You need to find good people to play non-D&D games in general.
Damn. That kinda sucks. My friends either don’t like ttrpgs or are hardline D&D fags and that’s it. I know one guy into warhammer but I can’t get into that honestly
Cyberpunk and shadowrun games I've signed up for had highest failure rate of all my tabletop gaming, none made it past session 1, no idea why.
The genre lends itself too well to disasterous 1 shots, going back to Neuromancer.

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