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Which Dragonborn origin was actually the best 3.5, 4e, or 5e?
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also let me not forget
"During the Spellplague, dragonborn were transplante"

Spellplague? Spellplague? Spellplague?

get in a time machine and delete this crap form our reality.
Hellboy is narratively a 3.5 freakshit tiefling, though.
Yes, that makes it worse.
5e pretty much did.
90% about the Dragonborn butthurt comes from FR Fags.

This is a FR problem. FR is seen as the default setting since the 80s, even when there is an actual default setting like Greyhawk and Points of Light.
That means FR must have all the generic content. This defeats the purpose of Dragonborn which was to squeeze all the myriad attempts of Dragon-People into a container that could be applied anywhere needed.

Of all the 4E settings which Dragonborn were introduced, only two got them generically; Points of Light and FR.
Points of Light was the default and they are integrated into the setting.
For Dark Sun, they mechanically represented the preexisting Dray with preexisting history.
For Eberron, they represented the Dragon-worshiping barbarians of the dragon continent and the jungle region.
For Dragonlance (Dragon Magazine article), they represented Draconians with bonus mechanical support.

Only in FR are they out of place and only because they aren’t fitted in to maintain the genericness. If they had said they were Half-Dragons and represented mechanically by Dragonborn, no one would have battered an eye.

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Black Friday Edition.

Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official update:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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Gotta go fast

So, do we make the tables bigger now?
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You just can't keep a good unit down. What an absolute no-nonsense beat-stick. I think this profile looks wonderful. Might even tempt me to try O-12 one day.
Superjump is from long to short skill - easy thing to remember. On your short jump you can jump again, same value. Brackets mean that value changes. BTW it's a true parabolic jump, so no funny stuff.

That's not a lot to recall when executing the game.
It says horizontally or parabolically so you don't have to jump on a parabola, no?
Yeah but apparently people were jumping, banking off of objects, and getting out of harms way with the way it was worded before. You can do that in N5 too, it's just called Jet Propulsion and there isn't a requirement to bank-shot.

Does anybody actually like the plot and lore of Magic?
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Some of it is really interesting and good. Some of it is not.
>didn't include original Ravnica lore
Magic's lore is only good when you're getting small glimpses into its worlds through card art and flavor text. That's where it really grabs your imagination with the possibilities and wonder. The moment you actually read into it, you'll quickly realize it can't possibly live up to what you had imagined and is 90% mediocre slop.
>Why bother bringing Slobad back if he's not going to do anything at all.
Bringing back old characters to immediately fuck with them (Ajani killing Jaya, Slobad being compleated) is a particularly lame-ass way to show that stakes are really really high.
The biggest problem with 'Walkers is that they remove agency from denizens of the world. Wouldn't it be infinitely better if dying Melira used her powers to cure Glissa and Slobad instead of Ajani and Nissa?

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Demure Demon Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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header pic was just a jokey placeholder from fusion gen 1 that ended up staying, i'm absolutely open to drawing something but budget was holding Blank back for the time being
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My suggestion is that the little fella (i guess Eversor?) proposes a plan and praises the Fusion! The three princesses are little toy version.
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This reminds me of Biker Mice from Mars and, consequently, Surger Mice from Venus!
The motorcycle is based on that! ^_^
Pay no mind for Holy Slime’s “seat”.

God bless you!
Lucky Slime.

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0
> Dragon Magazine Index

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Soulknife. My list of not-even-begun shitbrew includes a revamp around the 3.0 PRC version's PP reserve requirements to fuck around with at-will Force effects.
has any good NEW 3.5 monster manual been published lately?
I'm listening to this year old podcast while working, and a dude mentioned that the marketing for 4th edition said that it would be compatible with 3.5e?
Any old heads around to confirm or deny having seen these ads/commercial back in the day? That sounds wild.

Thank you for your reply! I have nothing further to add.
A Caster's Shield can store up to four 3rd level spells as scrolls scribed at 50% material cost. The +1 Light Shield base is 1,153 GP, the price of this specific shield is 3,153, so the unique function is valued at 2,000 GP, costing 1,000 GP to create. The material cost of scribing a 3rd-level scroll is 187.5, so half of that is 93.75. Thus it requires it be used 11 times to have "made back" its cost to create, minus XP value.

Is there any other item like this to assist in establishing a benchmark for attempting a broader use Special Quality implementation of such a thing scaling with Enhancement bonus?

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Ketracel White Edition

Previous Thread: >>94374469

A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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Space: Above and Beyond
Gerry Anderson's Space Precinct
YouTube Originals: Origin
I recognize one out of three, might check out the others. Eat yellow snow, Abraham Lincoln is dead, the Dodgers suck.
Could the Enterprise survive an attack by a Cylon Baseship assuming the Cylons used nuclear weapons?


(Side note, as far as I'm concerned this is the canon ending to BSG. Both of them)
Depends on which Enterprise. The OG still seemed to be affected by nuclear weapons, not by the force of the explosion provided the shields are up (and if video games are canon, nuclear weapons can destroy it if the shields are down) but because they weren't able to filter out all the radiation well enough. Conversely, the D was able to fly into a star's corona for several minutes once they got metaphasic shielding working.

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Second Edition

Talk about japan-make TRPGs, be-eth Nechronica, Sword World, Ryuutama, or even the upcoming SMTX translation that's being worked on.

now fer the obligatory pasted stuff:
>Japanese RPG Troves:

>Wanna provide raws so maybe we can get a translation going?
You can find a guide here: https://pastebin.com/t4pnDT4K

>Wanna help get more games translated but you know next to no japanese?
Check this guide: https://pastebin.com/LWnc2tmT

>Want some japanese TRPG Tools? Try these.

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Golden Sky Stories folder is empty
I'll do you one better, here's their site with every issue's cover and a brief overview of each's contents
This isn't Nechronica at all. It's just WALL-E if written by some lolsorandumb Imvader Zim/Helluva Hotel fan and I hate that you wasted my time with it.
>calls others a coward
>admits to being a basic bitch playing babby's first edgy subversion
Oof, how embarrassing
Depends on the game, like if its a Barbarous only game then there would be no issue. You can try with a mixed Barbarous and Humanoid adventurer party, but by default the setting kinda goes against the idea, as there are mostly Barbarous or Humanoid only societies, with most of them having Swords of Protection on their cities that will damage any character of the opposing faction that gets close by, and the few cases of mixed societies aren't really great either (lawless regions or warmongering kingdoms) with a few expections. Also Barbarous are by default stronger than the Humanoids (Even more those with multiple sections or special transformations), so if you play with other humanoid characters, they may feel powerless compared to you.

So yeah, you can totally play as a barbarous, but depending on the game, the better options would be on a:
- Barbarous only game (Quests for power, revenge, shit like that)
- Vagrant game (Basically DnD adventurers, doesn't care about the law, have their own moral code and they don't work with the guild)
- Mix society setting (So they don't kill you on sight, nor there is a magical AOE of pain around the city)
- Homebrew setting (Do whatever the fuck you want, but remind to your GM, Barbarous OP, so they won't complain when your drake turns into a dragon, gets all its HP back and can now attack 3 times per turn)

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, OnePageRules, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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Good lord one day every small UK miniature manufacturer will have pictures of every miniature they sell on their webstore.

They'll croak before they can find the time to take a couple pictures with their phones and putting it on their website
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I've had some mold-line issues for sure, but generally the new stuff is pretty good. There's also a pretty decent cottage industry of 3d printing obscure variants on Etsy as well to fill in the gaps.

>Shadow Hawk that was missing it's cannon

Is there a variant that does that at all? Maybe drops the AC for an LRM pod or something?
Since when can a Nokia 3210 make photos?ytiha
>Is there a variant that does that at all? Maybe drops the AC for an LRM pod or something?
Not that I'm aware of, but one could custom build something. Like I said, I cleaned it up, slapped a rotary cannon barrel from a Heavy Gear model on there to be the UAC and got a buddy to greenstuff a LRM20 in the torso and run it as a 5M. And Catalys was kind enough to send me a replacement quickly.

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They take less time to make when you don't have to think up all the dialogue.
I literally both:
-Forgot the name of the dwarf girl and
-Forgot that the mimic existed
So it took me a moment to understand who roy was addressing and why in that last panel
>the mimic has the only anatomically correct pair of hands
lfmao rich I won't call you a faggot this time
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downscale comic upscale
I wonder if I will live to see its end

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How come the Planescape setting never saw a real revival?
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has to make money even if its trash like that. The art is for retards like you and your degenerate generation. Superficial in all aspects.
>old art being better when the same guy drew the exact same stuff but better.
his art is worst and for low iq trash like you. Not even simplified, just dumbed down to make a buck.
>By your standards, nothing got a "real revival".
nothing did, they just all got a mountain of vomit on them and filled with degenerate idiocies
>set the tone
he set the tone for an early retirement
You guys are all retarded idiots. TD's art WAS Planescape. New Planescape launched w/ what? TD's art. Same thing. You can complain about a lot of things. But not that the art is massively different or worse. Because it's the same art, by the same guy, executed with objectively more skill.

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Anniversary Edition

>What is Genesys?
Released in November 2017, Genesys is a pen-and-paper generic/universal RPG system and toolkit by Fantasy Flight Games and EDGE Studio, using a refined version of the system presented by their Star Wars RPGs (Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny). Its central mechanic is the Narrative Dice System, using pools made of specialized dice to create narrative results. The intention is for the system to be a highly flexible narrative system, adaptable to most any conceivable setting and premise.

>Twilight Imperium: War for the Throne, a new adventure campaign book, launched April 12
>After an extended delay, official physical dice packs are now available (tip: get 2-3 packs, preferably 3, to cover all potential dice combinations)
>Twilight Imperium: Embers of the Imperium, the space opera sourcebook, is now available
>A map for TI:EotI has been released

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It was a good time. Nice to see it still get posted. You're right that originally it was just going to be Destiny, but I got a bit carried away with other glossy sci-fi games and figured they also deserved a spot at the table. Then I did Doom and kinda lost the plot a bit.

For the OP, I adore Genesys. I just wish it had a bit more longevity in terms of campaigns, it's very easy for a character to peak. It definitely sets the standard for me in how I like to interpret and run my games, and even if it's practically dead in the water, I hope it has some worthy successors.
They solved pass/fail.
It doesn't have power creep.
It's primarily a skill based system after initial character creation
Growth is constant without being busted
Magic is pretty versatile without being busted
Combat is quick and mob rules are standard instead of optional
It is a fantastic system with a company even more retarded than WotC at its helm while under the control of a company worse than Hasbro.
What gave that away? Are you going to say any more so I can gage your interest?
Do they have stats for all dinos even feral ones or "dinos, the humanoids!"
Amen. I wish that now that the dice have reentered the wild more eyes would wander over this absolutely phenomenal game system. If the selling out is any indication of that, I might just have my wish granted.

Did you ever have much success running a campaign on your module? I wouldn't mind catching up with you off of here to discuss things. Do you run any games in genesys much at all these days?

Will D&D ever become a niche hobby once against, or is it doomed to be infested by normies forever?
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You can't prevent the future, but you can modify it in some small local ways, as long as you understand that the future is made by billions of people and you're just one of them.
I WISH it was full of normies. My experience is its full of theater kids, trannies, and tranny-fanciers. Those are what I have to put effort into avoiding.

I have noticed an uptick in people who are awkward AND stupid, where before people were at least smart if awkward. I'm reminded of a fucking happy-clappy church.
Someone wasn't alive during the satanic panic lmao
No man, you see this is one of those sacred paradoxes, the enemies are normies-but-also-trannies.
Actually, my own whining on a niche dying imageboard is what is going to save games for all eternity.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://rentry.co/cyoag
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>94504098
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Choose your own headcanon
Sad thing is, a lot of “headcanon” isn’t really headcanon more so than common sense. I bet From thinks we’re all idiots. Apparently there’s still one big thing fans are still too dumb to notice in the game, even as of the dlc. Of course they could just be saying that for the lulz.
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It's Godefroy The Grafted's place in the story
i need bocchi kino
What’s stupid is the amount of people who fall for From’s bait battles “omg she won” “no he won”’ “nuh uhh”

Thread 435: "Can elves be classified as hags?" Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

BCS 2024~25 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bcs24-25/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- Stardust Blade 11/22

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Them reprinting the stride dragons + the entire fucking stride decksets makes me have some faith that they'll reprint things a little more aggressively as that game gets more popular since finding supply becomes more difficult with demand going up.

I'm not sure how the japanese view reprints, I know a lot of westeners hate them because they reduce collection value and devalue "old sets"
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AUTO (RC) GB1: When this unit attacks, if you have a Grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Messiah" in its card name, choose one of your other rear-guards, and that unit gets PWR +5000 until end of turn. At the end of that battle, lock this unit. (This effect is mandatory.)

AUTO [Drop] GB3: When your G-unit with only <Link Joker> in its clan is placed on (VC), COST[CB1] call this card on (RC).

As someone who played the game for a long time, it'd be nice to have more reprints because some prices are just ludicrous to say the least regardless of formats.

AUTO (VC) GB3: When this unit attacks, COST[CB1] unlock all of your locked cards, then choose a number of your opponent's rear-guards up to the number of face up cards in your G-zone and lock them. Choose a number of your rear-guards equal to the number of face up "Genesis Dragon, Trans-else Messiah" in your G-zone, and they get PWR +5000 until end of turn.

Broke-ass last thread edition

>Previous Thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

Which specialist games do you play? Do you share models between them, and do you use proxies from other games where possible?
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Deeply want to get my hands on Ephilim's Pandaemonium but apparently the only sources for it are to buy a no-longer-in-production Underworlds Wyrdhollow box which comes with a second group of minis I don't want, or shell out for the Despoilers and Daemons big box which also comes with two sets of minis I also don't want. Why are some of the Underworlds crews sold as standalone packs but some can only be bought in combo deals with other shit?
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Part of me wishes I had just stucked it up and gotten the new plastic Gandalf. Realistically I'm probably never going to use the other stuff I got from the last MTO order like Sam and Frodo disguised as orcs.


I thought that was already a thing for some reason. EG the expert rider rule lets you use a shield/bow combo but I just assumed you had to pick if you were dismounted.


There are multiple quiet little Midwestern game stores near me that haven't sold out or marked up old Underworlds stuff. Should I be buying them up and scalping them on Ebay?
>By the way, how long until the Armies of Middle Earth PDF?
Anywhere between 1-12 months, we don't have a more specific release window than that yet.
Demons and Despoilers is the cheapest way to get them if you sell off the unwanted team at 25$ per warband, this is the same price they used to sell for cardless warband back in 2018. Wyrdhollow MSRP is higher than the 4-pack set and it's much harder to sell the cards, dice and board even when they're still relevant.
Cave trolls now 50mm not 40mm

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