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Worlds Collide Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 DMG

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

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/5eg/, please tell me it's obvious what kind of creature this is
That's something I was having issues with too. I don't know if attacks of opportunity are a new thing, but it seems like their existence means no one SHOULD move during combat.
What's the ideal cleric to wizard ratio in a party that consists of only those two classes?
1 twilight cleric, 1 wizard with a peace cleric dip, and the rest just wizards of various armor dips

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Just been to my local club's bring and buy

Paid £1 total for this lot, including the 3rd edition ruins. This guy had a bits box and it was £1 a go to fill a sandwich tub.

Need Assault Marines and Devastators for my firstborn Company so everything else is a bonus.

Except Felix, he was £2 on his own. Lovely old sculpt.

I'm sure the prices on new stuff was reasonable but a lot of it doesn't appeal to me for some reason.
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Neat thanks anons.
Good finds, anon. There's a thrill to finding the most random stuff, makes one feel like a kid with his assorted treasures.
Who's the metal elf dude with a sword?
Ahhh it was Felix. Very neat!
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Felix from Gotrek and Felix, very characterful sculpt
Blessed thread

Might try and find some of my hauls on the archive

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TT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>The thread is set in V20 in the Modern Nights. The exact canon of mechanics, metaplot elements and the like is unique to each character's chronicle, and statements by others which contradict your continuity should be ignored or regarded as falsehoods or misunderstandings. After all, the night is full of falsehoods and half-remembered rumors
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights, or approx. to realtime
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

AUTOMATED GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #0042-Tremere bullying edition
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Tremere are nerds, and a nerd's self-esteem comes from one thing: being "smarter" than you. It doesn't matter than your average tremere doesn't actually know anything, he can use enough latin and technical terms to make it seem like he's actually the smartest and most clever boy.

As for Malkavians: you have a million voices whispering in your mind, and at some point your own personality gets a little bit lost in the shuffle and you become a mouthpiece for the voices.
Dunning-kruger effect in full display. The tremere have a sophomoric understanding of things. They truly believe they can understand anything, given time and effort. The malkavians know everything because they are a hive mind. Their own mind cannot contain such immense knowledge, so they act in manners completely at odds to their true prophecies.
I'm sure there's a brujah around here that'll tell you
>a wise man knows that he knows nothing
You have to fake it till you make it, and malks aren't trying to go anywhere (besides maybe TO THE MOVIES)
found the Tremere
It's what's in the blast

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What are some things you HATE in wargames rules? I am wanting to write a fantasy wargames ruleset and trying to avoid as many pet-peeves from the get-go if I can

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Years keep incrementing but the Oldhammer stays Oldhammer edition

Previous thread:

Check out here for useful links and a catalogue of relevant miniatures retailers:

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn

Thread Question that's actually just canvassing for information: the pastebin could use updating at some point, which companies are dead, who is new and notable?
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I think 10th edition caused biggest exodus so far, considering all the refugees into trench crusade, bolt action, that fourk drama lel and all older editions. Even I considered trying it out but apparently nobody wants to play it in our club and lgs right now and after hearing about the shit in it I dropped it before even picking it up. Do you REALLY want to get into that fucking wagon or invest into older edition and rope other grogs into playing with you?

Also paint those nice models since you got the time now.
Locally I've not seen a shift, it's been pretty disappointing. Back when I think it was 6th-7th really shat the bad, when Bolt Action 1st edition and X-Wing really grabbed people at just the right time there a was a huge move to play anything but current GW games. Now though on the other hand the things people are spread to are broader still within the current GW ecosphere thanks to there actually being more than a couple of games around.
I eventually realised my local gamers are largely just genuinely fucking boring, mostly mindless people though who do just play whatever is the most recent 'hot' thing that requires minimum creative effort, and have largely disconnected from them.
Though it is notable that for 40k what's being played is very small games, 1000 points maximum, frequently less because people just don't have the time even with 3 hours on a club night.
Oh yeah the X-wing, I had forgotten about that one. And KillTeam is apparently hot right now, since games are small and wont take long.
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Cheers they look good. Wish they had the dimensions on the website.

Do you reckon they'll look ok on classic plastic dwarfs like these?
These shields I mean

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Elf Edition

>Bans (new)

The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Metagame Mentor: Standard at Magic's Spotlight Series


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>Why do mtg people hate anime girls
Not a /mtg/ opening image
Isn't even SpongeBob mtg relevant?
Thread even has the proper title.
inb4 anon replies to this lol
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I know it's literally just Rakdos sacrifice but stupider, but this deck feels terribly comfy.
In pre-sideboard (Bo1) testing, I'm 8-2 vs Annex and with a decent showing vs Aggro too. Yotia Declares War coupled with Food spam is surprisingly solid at blunting aggro.

Being able to plot Pitiless Carnage to dodge your one-shot wincon around midgame TS/Duress topdecks has been relevant. It's great fun just hovering a nuke over the table as your opponent scrambles to win before it arms itself with lethal.

I like it. Rakdos Sacrifice is pretty fucking great when it can randomly hurl "Mill 72" and "Take 26 damage" out of nowhere from a single topdeck. Carnage is basically always a 1-hit-kill if you ever get a board state withmore than one Talent or Devil.

That said, totally fucking folds to Temporary Lockdown. Control isn't a huge player in the meta right now but it's something to consider.
Rakdos' no-card hand mechanic is a difficult mechanic to fulfill in game. Two or less cards in hand is more do-able.

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Tau Auxiliaries Edition

>RPG Rulebooks
>Homebrew Collection (August 2024)
>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News
>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database
>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:
>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia
>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

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>Why isn't there a universal curriculum for a galaxy-spanning feudal empire with limited communication methods across 1 million planets?
The old lore was that being sent to a Schola was a reward to honor your parent's noble sacrifice, and generally reserved for the children of upper class types

The nulore is that they just round up as many healthy orphans as they can, and some of them survive to become turbo nazis

Probably both can be true, with different Schola evolving different traditions over time
Is equipment and the beastiary in the Imperium Maledictum directly transferable to the older Cubicle7 games like Rogue Trader?
Misplaced context, yeah, but honestly what's way funnier to me is that in the passage the Sororitas he's talking to gets awkward as fuck when she realizes people are taking her name after they turn into girls. That's fucking great holy shit.
>It's in the Book of Heroes, so it is.
Isn't that a record of (or euphemism for) those who died in battle?

Why some people get irrationally angry at boobplate? I prefer dress armor but I don't mind it.
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Do you get paid for being retarded or something
its the same kind of functional usage, except hope straps are power fantasy for sadistic men, while >>94768745 is a mockery of the concept of straps, picrel embraces it while still doing a power fantasy but still abiding by nipple exposure sensibilities, these pieces and nipple coverage on male models is quite consistent across wow and other games with large chinese markets.

Anon is complaining that a mockery of the concept looks like a mockery instead of a cool waow i want to wear that design
>no you see these
posts something only gay dudes wear
>are different from these
posts something only gay dudes wear
>john carter rewrites and rereleases, of jules verne rewrites
There are rewrites? Who would do that to such old stories and for what purpose, if you don't mind me asking? Censorship?
>for what purpose
to make the entire thing hot, jhon carter is literally prime material for erotica, it just doesn't do it well because the writing is too 'male', the rewritings go v hard and press every fantasy button possible.
>jules verne
twenty thousand leagues under the sea is the most prolific one for rewrites but all except the mysterious island and a couple others have some rewrites.
Most old or really old lit that has a good setting for the cool and hot characters to be cooler and hotter have rewrites of some sorts, some are full publications with releases in print which is most of what i have, as i'm not big into reading through piles of trash on sites to find a few good full book series that isn't literally low quality smut

Two questions Anons:
What is the throne-like thing on top of the temple with a line of people carrying stones supposed to be? A reference to something?

What is the petrified wizard(?) with a giant asshole filled with humans supposed to be?
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Hey, are you interested in owning the London Bridge?
I stopped following this a few years ago when they made it to the final dungeon or whatever, have they finished it yet?

Nope. Prepping for their encounter against the lich.
>so your statement doesn't really track
The outcome of the competition has literally nothing to do with those five points, retard.
doing well in a campaign setting competition has literally nothing to do with writing, designing games, worldbuilding, working hard and mass appeal?

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Previous Thread: >>94545602

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
- The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
- A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
- How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
- GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

TQ: How often do you or your players play as non-sapient characters?
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its as simple or as complex as you want it to be, if you want a real dive get into lowtech and martial arts.

I guarantee you, lowtech combat won't ever be the same for you after learning to fight gurps lowtech with MA. Knight fighting looks more like a armored brawl with punches, grabs, kicks, pushes and shoves than swing-at-you d&d
>Come on, cut me some slack. I'm switching over to the GURPS team here.
I'll kill you for being different from me
I'm doing Swashbucklers as much for the roleplay as the mechanics. I like the setting and the idea of doing everything involved with it.
You can use the swashbucklers book in 4e since its just setting information.
Youre going to be disapointed with the swashbucklers book. Its merely setting information on 17th century france that any halfbrain could brainstorm on their own.
You want martial arts and low tech for actual gameplay rules regarding being a 17th century martial artist.

Law or Chaos Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 DMG

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

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>The old version also cured diseases
Diseases are gone now though.
Cure Wounds and Healing Word also got buffed.
>Diseases are gone now though.
Not really. The DMG renamed them to 'magical contagions, but the list is still the same shit. Cackle Fever, Sewer Plague, Sight Rot. Though notably the last one is called out explicitly as being fixed by Lesser Restoration.
I mean, it's pretty transparently so that DMs can have diseases as a plot point without them all being instantly negated by the existence of a 2nd-level spell. I'm not certain I necessarily agree with the direction, but it's plain as day.
stop including known permanently dead links in OP.

also this.

some yuanti have 4 arms iirc.

yeah but all of them are just kinds of being poisoned. which it cures.
Because it's a healing spell that can't bring someone back up outside of a paralysis effect (already very rare) and affect the action economy, meaning itself is already struggling versus anything else that can contribute. Making it a bonus action means that, with the one-spell-per-turn codifying, the classes that can use lesser restoration do not also get their best use of their bonus actions (commanding for artificers, inspo for bards, spiritual weapon for clerics, wild shape uses for druids, smite for pally) so the opportunity cost has a different contour. Instead of casting LR and throwing out a bardic, now you can cast LR and hit with Booming Blade. It opens standard contribution with weapons/cantrips on the same turn.

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Previous Thread: >>94699578

For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and Greentexts about your game sessions (specify the system you are using)

>DON'T post or ask for "Looking For Group" or "Looking for Players".
>DON'T sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.
>NO Shota/loli crap. Go to /trash/

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>94663810
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

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>Aren't we violating one of the OP rules of sperging, ranting and raving about porn and lewd artists?
Having a civilized discussion of how a porn comic started good but then the quality of the narrative fell down isn't the same as your rants about "hurr durr why people draw NTR cuck shit" like a mongoloid. The fact that you are unable to understand the difference is why the rules are there, Redditor
Yes in the Erotic Roleplay Game where the point is the Character having sex with monsters and npcs
theres liking sex which is normal, but then there is basing your entire value system around sex to the point that you stop being able to comprehend anything but a promiscuous life style. THAT is coomer energy.
Having a positive sex life doesn't mean you only comprehend anything but being "promiscuous" and has nothing to do with being a coomer because usually the majority of coomers don't have sex and just masturbate to porn. Even worse they ahve a bizarre view on it.
bro, if the idea of not having a problem being a virgin is anathema to you, you are warped. Its fine if to you sex is no big deal, but other people attach more value to it than a dopamine rush.
Strange to say this in a porn thread I know, but I personally put a huge wall between fantasy and reality when it comes to sex.
Nobody said it's an anatema. The "Keeping virginity is a lame concept" doesn't mean I hate it, it means I find it boring. Discussion could have ended there but someone started accusing of "being a coomer" or "you are warped".

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What are your favorite creates / races / monsters?
These are my 5 favorite creatures in no real order.
Specifically the Spider wick fairy frog kind mainly because they were my 1st introduction to Goblins as a kid. I've never been a fan of the tiny green humanoid rapists.
>Hungry Horse King
A demonic centaur from Re:Zero which manipulates fire. It's cries are akin to the screeching of a new born baby and it reacts only to sound and vibrations. They're incredibly difficult to kill due to their fast healing factor.
>Giant animals
Kind of cheating but basically any normal animal which has just been upgraded to a bigger size. From cat sized ants to Krakens and King Kong size gorillas.
Eastern, Western, European, Wyvern, Drake, Wyrm, Serpent I like them all. Whether they riddle speaking sages or killing machines.
Again kind of cheating but any kind of true Chimera, pic related being the Griffon from Spider wick aka my default Griffon design.
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>toriyama dragon
Extremely kino

I dont know if i have a favourite so ill just pick two out of my gallery at random and expect that statistically im more likely to draw a creature i save more photos of and therefore like more.

Spiders are underappreciated i think. Everyone uses them as more like natural demons or monstrosities, but they're really just strange little animals. Even giant ones are underutilized as members of a food web. Unlike insects their heads and bodies are the same part, and they dont metamorphize - they're more or less born in their adult forms like us and just shed their skin to grow larger. There are some really cool fossils of ancient proto-arachnids that have spider bodies but long almost scorpionlike tails, and ironically some of the largest and deadliest spiders to us are commonly gimped by random centipedes
Look at this guy, he wouldnt hurt a fly!
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If you really meant it you would have gotten these trips

I quite like birds too. I dont have as many good photos or as much to say about them, but they have unreasonable ammounts of character
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Last one- honourable mention for the shitty dragon

This is the drawthread for simple requests intended for lazy/beginner/bad artists who just want to make quick doodles for /tg/. Come in with low expectations, and you won't be disappointed.

For people who made New Year's Resolutions to draw more, be more creative, or even to start drawing altogether, now's the time to build up some habits with fast sketches.

Let's try to keep the requests short, sweet, and /tg/-related, and aim for things you think other people might like to see and share.
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Hang on I'm retarded. It's the one about the journal isn't it?
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I have an old WIP that someone did a while ago of that very thing. It was never finished unfortunately. If anyone wants to do anything with it, have fun
Yup the Journal one.
you had your fills 2 years ago
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Requesting a band of veiled dark elf thieves home invading a wealthy nord home while looting and vandalizing it as well as tormenting the family inside

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Was there a reason why superspy games never really took off? I mean, everyone wants to be James Bond, right?
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Forgot the vid
Is game called something like One Last Job that could work for spy games.
They were basically international men of mystery working for The Man in their last season, but it's best not to talk about their last season.
This still worth grabbing?
Warms my heart to see this box art. Still one of my very favorite RPGs ever.

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