I can't even find people to play Magic with. All I want to do is play janky theme block con decks or dirt cheap combo decks or other shit, but everyone plays fucking commander now. I can't even buy a pack of 60 sleeves. I have a few friends who actually will play kitchen table but they get so butthurt over the game it's often not worth it because they take every attack as a personal insult. Go to the FLGS? Yeah I'll jsut roll up with my block con Esper deck from 2009 and see if anyone fancies a game? >uhhh anon what the fuck? Is that a modern deck?>technically yeahThen I proceed to get raped for 5 games straight by some giggling autist and his Boros energy deck or whatever the fuck. I really fucking hate formats, I just want to play Magic but no one even does that anymore cause of tryhards. I can't play with you guys either because playing mtg on the computer is fucking gay.
>>94918603You hate formats but you have a clear idea in your head about how everyone should play. Sounds like you have your own format and is mad other people dont care to play it.
>>94918603Dude magic sucks, its sucked for years. You'll be happier if you let it go
>>94918653I don't have a format lol. I play with cards from alpha beta days and I have cards from new sets. I just don't want to play against a 500 dollar deck. I have a couple competitive decks, I'm not gonna drop 1k on a new deck. I'm not gonna spend 100 dollars on a commander deck and have to include muh sol ring and muh commanders tower in every single deck. I just want to play Magic. If my deck is too good for yours and I win all 3 games, I'll play a weaker deck. It's that simple. >>94918668No, it's a good game. It's the new sets that fucking suck. I've played other tcgs and like a few of them but magic is still my favorite.
>its the new sets that fucking suckIts been 10 years grandpa give it a rest or play commander like the other troglodytes
>>94918603Have you tried Pokémon or Yugioh? They're both owned by companies far less shitty than MtG.
>>94919115Remember when konami was the universally hated company
>>94919236Konami is still on a shitlist, nothing has changed wrt Yougayho stateside
>>94918603>get into a hobby for children and spergs>everyone is a sperg manchildFormats are fun btw, what's super gay is "the meta".>>94919115>Pokémon or Yugiohlmao retard
Yeah no shit magic isn't even real
>>94918603>Friends get "butthurt">Play some "fucking" version you don't like>Take it like it's a personal insult>I'm too good for the flgs>raped for 5 games">giggling autist>fucking hate game rules>tryhard>computer is fucking gayHas it occurred to you that, just maybe, the reason you have difficulty finding people to play games with you is because you fucking suck?
>>94918603I have heard about EDH canalizing "cards I own 60 card casual" have you dried untap.in or other online unofficial platforms?
>>94919115I really dont think Konami can be seen as "less shitty" than Nintendo. Theya re all crooked. There is no such thing as a good megacorp . Going free to play as much as possible (proxies, online simulators) lets you save your money, doesn't fund bad actors and lets you playwith whatever cards you want
>>94919518OP already said he hates computer because he's too retarded to use one and he's too autistic, poor, and old to have mother drive him to the lgs for "60 pack sleeves" and "100 dollar EDH decks" despite having cards from alpha and beta
Meanwhile literally the only thing people play in my area is MtG.
>>94918603this is only possible with friends
>>94918603Build several low power decks and lend them to people who are willing to play with youAlternatively make a cube
>>94919462He only plays ultimate casual where the winner fucks the loser with a strapon.
>>94918860You want commander. You want to play bad unoptomized piles made of a handful of bulk rares and not get absolutely shit on. EDH is the only way to play where you can get away with that shit.>I'm not gonna drop 1k on a new deck. I'm not gonna spend 100 dollars on a commander deck and have to include muh sol ring and muh commanders tower in every single deckPrecons are 40 bucks and are playable.
>>94920033>You want commander. You want to play bad unoptomized piles made of a handful of bulk rares and not get absolutely shit on.Lmao except modern EDH decks are piles of power cards that start at 100 dollars.
>>94922654I don’t get it. You want a hobby but refuse to pay 100 dollars? That gets you less than 1 tank of gasoline in my country.
>>94922654>178$/4 = ???lol @ u
>>94922827Drawing as a hobby is basically free. Also you can make a Magic deck for ten bucks.
I’d like to get all “lmfao I don’t have this problem cuz I have FRIENDS” on you, but the reality is that even my closest bros that I’ve played kitchen table with since we were middle schoolers have been hypnotized by the commander craze. They only wanna play EDH, even 1v1, and I can kinda see their side; they’ve sunk so much money into their 10 EDH decks that they don’t want to play anything else.I feel your pain, OP. I really do. I vastly prefer low-power 60 card decks, and the meta that forms around such a playgroup is the exact SOVL I crave. Sadly, it seems MtG as a whole has moved permanently away from our preferred playstyle, which is largely only achievable in a close knit like-minded group of friends anyways. It’s simply not profitable, and that’s all that matters now.But doom and glooming aside, I did have some success last year creating a bunch of $5 decks and starting to bring those around. The vast majority of meetups still ended in whining to get more commander games in, but the $5 decks (I’m talking HARD $5 limit, despite what you may think this can still get greasy) did see a fair amount of play, with a few pals even electing to build their own. Granted, even then, there will still be the Timmy friends among you who yearn for the hot cards they’ve been told by their Social Media Overlords are The Best. For them, you simply must construct a cube. Seriously, the truest answer to your lamentations is just building the nastiest cube that your autism will allow. This way, you can all play with the variety of cards your opposing mindsets both desire, while still achieving your ultimate goal of a table covered in technically nothing but jank. Basically, what I’m saying here is,TL;DR:>>94919779/thread
>>94925906I'm glad someone else here understands. EDH is cancer and ruined the game.
The only aspect about EDH and Commander I can think of is that it gave us the point idea from Canadian Highlander. And even then only they use it to play more EDH.
>>94918603>because playing mtg on the computer is fucking gay.because magic is fucking gay, be a real man and play with toy soldiers
>>94928003Speaking of why has no one ever bothered to make a skirmish game for Magic the Gathering? I want to be a Planeswalker summoning shit to fight and kill for me
>>94929172It flopped
>>94929392those models look pretty grim, you'd think with the seemingly infinite amount of card characters/monsters they have they'd be able to make a bunch of good models for a tabletop game
>>94929551Why would they? Serious magic players will jsut play magic. This is jsut cross promotion.