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This is a thread for us wizardchads, sorcerers and general spellcasters
Tell me how you play them, what you tend to center your characters and playstyles around, and what your favorite spells are.
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Is it kosher to play an old wizard at level 1?
I always tend to play a younger wizard at level 1, with all of them being elves primarily since the lifespan encourages being a wizard
I just also like playing cute wizards though
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cast her? Barely know her!
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What percentage of wizards are cute girls?
I meant cute BOY wizards
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No, really?
In theory I like magic that is not combat focused but still invaluable. In practice, sitting on the sidelines and throwing rocks at people sucks eggs.
Thats why you dip in both
Have some fireballs and damage spells, but keep invisibility and the great utility ones handy
Puckee, kill yourself
Fucking spammer puckee
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>be wizard
>summoned party members betrayed you
>summoned wife summons her husband everynight
>summoned magic tower dispelled by evil wizard while taking dump
I don't know. Being around to cast invisibility just isn't what I wanted, I guess.
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Where can you be expected to find time to do arcane studies AND fashion?
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I love magic users, but I hate wizards.
One time, I played a wizard ironically, and I never learned fireball because I hate wizards. Her signature spells were force wall and true sight.
how many lengths of dick did she suck for lips like these?
A wizard bit my sister once...
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69%, but only about 20% of those are obvious. The rest are in disguise.
Fuck off redditor
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I've never met a wizard player who didn't play a complete dickass of a spellcaster. They're always the most self-important motherfuckers.
>step 1: be warlock
>step 2: cast Armour of Agathys in advance
>step 3: cast Blade Ward every turn
>step 4: charge the enemy and stab them to death with your dagger

This can be further enhanced.
>Aasimar, Tiefling, Dragonborn or other race for resistances
>Different feats for resistances
>Genie patron for +proficiency damage to dagger
>Chain Pact with imp familiar
>Investment of the Chain Master eldritch invocation for bonus action 1d4+3 + 3d6 on Spell Save DC fail attacks.
Suggestions for this build?
Two Adoring Fans?! This must be a glitch!
Wizards are like the main magic user though
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In what way? There are far more non-wizard magic users than wizards.
Thats not the point
Wizards are like the mascot of magic users, they're the flagship definitive class of the entire branch of casters
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Says you, man. My default caster is Cleric.
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cute things are cute
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DISCLAIMER: I don't know what people who are attracted to males actually find "Cute" so these are just educated guesses.
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The characters are boring and the story overall sucks but I do enjoy the autism put into the magic system.
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Always strong when the final boss can cast Ultima. Of course, Emperor Mateus's Starfall was also pretty strong.
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>Decide to read up about FF9 again.
>Reminded that Vivi passes shortly after the final boss.

These tears...
>educated guesses.
Not bad, anon.
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He, then.
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He lived a good life. FFIX is really the best of those games.
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apprenticeships vs classroom teaching for wizards? What do you prefer?
like sequentially, at the same time?
formal magically education is for state bureaucrats and war wizards, the common man gets apprenticeships
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I'm very adamant on making all of my Wizards learn under their fathers or under a master
I sincerely hate the separate schools of magic and it ties into all of my backstories of my character's disdain for them

Fuck separating and only teaching certain branches of magic, it's why I like PF2e's Unified Magical Theory
why do you dislike magical categories?
Daddy's going to burn forbidden knowledge into your malleable mind and tight little body.
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I always hated magical categories because to me, I've always adored magic and collecting all knowledge about it has been a staple of my characters, they're information hoarders and a Wizard can always be measured by the amount of knowledge they've stored

A school of magic that teaches or specializes in only 1 branch of magic only serves to deprive magical practitioners of other (what I believe to be) fundamentals that are integral to being a proper Wizard
How ridiculous would it be to go to a cooking school that only teaches you how to cook fish and nothing but?

That's my perception on it. Fortunately, it makes for some pretty fun backstories, and it fits the apprentice-type Wizards more and serves to isolate them more from the rest of the world, as they should be.
No some go to school but archmages take apprentices to pass on their own knowledge.
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Mist spotted. She was definitely a very precious character. Although, if we're talking Valkyries, I definitely prefer L'Arachel. She had spunk.
Magic schools only exist to keep old wizards distracted with large meals and lots of younger wizards they can flex their power on.
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Apprenticeships, definitely. As cute as magic school is, I prefer arcana to be treated like a mysterious art. Something to be handed down largely in isolation to particular scholars by secretive masters.
Are Ki users Casters?
Fuck you Steve you fucking loser.
Are the Tome of Battle classes casters?
I don't know. Are they?
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If you take the fire school, you can probably fake it for normies. A real wizard will figure it out.
Apprenticeship is more appropriate for a lot of things anyway. Classrooms are largely a step back in learning for a great amount of jobs. Just keep in mind the semantic here. Every master knows their apprentice will be their future market competition. There's natural tension there, and why apprentices tend to get strung along for some time first. Imagine some younger hot shit willingly working themselves to death to take away your customers. Not much you can do about it. Except maybe be sure you got your worth out of them while they worked for you. Thus lots of menial tasks.

Ooooor the parents of the apprentice paid a lot of money up front to be sure that's not needed. Because no one is under the delusion that hot young shit is going to run off the INSTANT he knows the one core trade secret that makes the occupation work. Real world example would be how tempering works in blacksmithing and a smith's individual recipe for it. There's your real money. Any idiot can pound iron and get something eventually.

This is also probably why classroom logic has taken over. Trades are guilty of refusing to train new generations by and large. Old men don't want to risk losing their market at an age it's hard to recover through raw elbow grease.
The Swordsage alternate class is :^
People get better at magic with age though, on an excremental level. I mean who would you rather trust with a magical task this dude (>>94907966), or this girl (>>94908072)?
The woman because she's hiding the alchemical secrets of restoring youth and vigor so she can learn magic for even longer.
I imagine it's even worse in a profession where the old masters can supernaturally extend their lives. If the masters are simply refusing to die, and hamstringing their apprentices so that they can't compete, setting up a formal school is an act of rebellion.
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My favorite is actually self-taught. I just really love the idea of someone learning how to bend reality itself entirely on their own. Either because they needed to, or just thought it'd be fun.

After that, it's definitely classroom/magic schools because there's so many different things you can do with them, and they're the perfect place to illustrate exactly what is or isn't possible with the setting's magic.
The most dangerous type of spellbook is a spiral bound notebook written in chicken scratch you can barely comprehend, found in the bottom drawer of an old desk. Who knows what any of that shit does.
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Hey, grandpa.
Let's go back to Thamasa, where the rest of the casters descended from those who lived in the time before the War of the Magi live.
This place is full of weirdos.
Well, in our real world example (to help extrapolate), people would already rather their field die than make their own replacements so it would be really bad. Securing an apprenticeship would be a magic trick in itself. No wonder people just sign up for magic college and accept the halfassed lessons and magic any real wizard would laugh at. Or just ask a fae or demon for a pact and be a warlock.
>Yes, Xaldac the Almighty is a great and learned wizard, but the Grand Duke of the Ninth Hell is way less of a slave driver.
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Relm rejects the standard magical paradigm in pursuit of perfecting her own brand of strange magic bullshit.
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It seems like everyone from Thamasa has their own brand of magic. It's only people who didn't grow up as mages who are your standard casters.
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>The only wizard anyone has ever heard of is that crazed weirdo in a tower on the edge of town
>Rumors are he's 800 years old
>Looks it. Whatever magic he's using can't keep him alive much longer
>Possibly actually insane by now. Won't even talk to people about learning magic. Just shouts incoherently causing people to flee in fear he's casting a spell on them.
>Your other option is the "Arcane University"
>Founded by the wizard's only known apprentice
>Who ran away after only a year of learning from the wizard
>At least it's magic
>Got your degree by writing a thesis on BLUR.
>And all you can cast when you graduated is color spray

Should have accepted the pact from your friend's hot fae mom when you had the chance. Don't even have to worry about sticking your dick in crazy. She just wants to pretend she has a boytoy on occasion.
>all the nonjobber mages are just in planar metropoli or adventuring or their own demiplanes
If you want to be a wizard you're better off with self-study anyway. Formal education just leads to getting feats that let you cast 1 1st level spell/day.
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Maybe it would have been worth it if you hadn't fumbled all the cute mage girls in school.

One of the advantages of magic school is that not having to apprentice under what is, typically, a half-mad, morally dubious 300-year-old bastard in an isolated tower is that the number of female wizards has nearly quadrupled.
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>cute male summoner and spiritual onee-sama that fights for him
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literally Ezren
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Seems like sad hopeless shit.
man literally speed ran magic and the pathfinder society, I think he's doing alright
the most dangerous is a cheap notebook written entirely in glitter pen.
it's really more of a woke shit, excuse to have inclusive representation as a virtue signal against ageism
Sahasrala wasn't really a caster. Just a wiseman. Who happened to be psychic. There are plenty of other strong casters in Zelda to use as examples.
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Personally, I don't know why, I just love my blaster wizards. I can groove with some summoning and necromancy - hell, I really dig the Undead Master from AD&D 2e - but nothing, nothing feels so much like a wizard to me as being able to unleash cascades of fire, lightning and ice to obliterate my enemies.

Which is weird, because there is literally no precedent for mages being able to work offensive magic in fantasy at all prior to D&D becoming a thing...

Honestly, it's one of my biggest disappointments with Palladium's megaverse; I wanna play a blaster, and Kevin's all "no, wizards should only ever be utility tricksters and Real Roleplayer(tm) bait", so all the combat magic sucks and he won't listen to anyone who tells him that it sucks.
actual derangement
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I'm someone who adores both, my Wizards are always a hybrid of utility and offensive casting, a total 50/50 of both.
Providing buffs and debuffs for my team, making small shelters for us to survive harsh conditions and food/water to sustain us, teleporting all of us to the previous city we were in, while also having Chain Lightning and Fireball to rinse any encounter quickly?

Favorite class, it's extremely rare for me to deviate from Wizard. Which is sometimes annoying to the party.
I really wish dnd would get an Animist/shaman as a class again. Paizo pf1e/2e seems to be the only other system that has making pacts with spirits a class feature
that's Sypha Belnades from Castlevania.
its a she.

depends how you count. the number of dicks is probably pretty low, but the total cumulative length that's passed her lips is definitely high.
it's a trick, the artist went somewhat off-model with that one
damnit, still would.
3.5 was based

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