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Why does /tg/ get upset for the prospect of superhero games?
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It took Marvel Rivals for western superheroes to become cute in a somewhat mainstream way.
I don't have a problem with superhero games (in fact I fucking love superheroes) it's just that in personal experience I think a lot of people don't really know how to run them. from personal experience I've seen a lot of

>Settings that try to "fix" the concept of superheroes without realizing what makes them appealing in the first place so you get a lot of edgy "the boys" type settings
>really just copying whatever new superhero thing is out

though I think the major thing is a lot of people do not know how to run encounters, a lot of games just have straight up slugfests where each player is tripping over each other trying to be the guy to take down the bad guy and there's no secondary or third objectives to take care of, of course this is also a player problem as well because I'd those do exist a lot of players don't want to do them because they wanna fight the big bad. it's not really like dnd where 2nd to 3rd type objectives are really warranted in combat
>Why does /tg/ get upset for the prospect of superhero games?
I can't wait for this meme to die.

I am fairly interested in one particular mini-setting in Eric Zawadzki's Black Vans for Deviant: The Renegades, specifically, the superhero genre. In this genre, the theme is that superheroes are public figures: very, very public figures. Depending on the public's sentiment towards them, they can either be exalted as messiahs (yet expected to solve all world problems and put on a tight leash), reviled as horrors, or somewhere in between.

PCs in the game are the spotlight superheroes of the world, with all media attention on them, and their actions are what shift around public sentiment. If the PCs raise or lower public sentiment, that applies worldwide. (And yes, there is a table for mechanical effects for sentiment.)

Starting sentiment can be anywhere from positive, neutral, or negative, depending on the desired tone.

I find Eric Zawadzki's setup fascinating because the more positive sentiment is, the more expectations are placed on the PCs, and by extension, other superheroes. Even tiny transgressions, like being unable to save absolutely everyone during a crisis, or being unable to attend to two simultaneous crises, is enough to trigger public backlash. When sentiment is positive, it is possible that the PCs might prioritize preserving superheroes' public image rather than effectively and efficiently saving the world.
Love some superheroic games, unfortunately i have exactly ONE player that is genre savvy enough to engage correctly and just another one that is in for playing in one, the others aren't interested enough.
It doesn't. Stop making these threads.
We do?
As long as people keep biting the bait, it will keep going.
I like it, but I dislike the people who pretend to like it and are all onboard when I pitch a campy silver age comics game, then nearly have two people get into a fist fight because one showed up with "Superman, but he's secretly(but not really secretly) a twisted sadistic psychopath, he's basically me if I stopped holding back because of how moral and good i am" and found out another player came with almost word for word the exact same character and didn't think they're should be two of them but didn't want to be the one to play something else.
I fucking hate "deconstruction" idiots so much
People who pitch characters who completely miss the tone of the game are aggravating.
>"Superman, but he's secretly(but not really secretly) a twisted sadistic psychopath, he's basically me if I stopped holding back because of how moral and good i am"
Thanks, I hate it.
Posting "/v/ format" bait OPs should be something that gets you a six-month ban and your personal information posted by the mod.
Because Superheroes are bland and boring.
Everyone wants to be then next Batman or Superman.
Superheroes are childish.
>says on a board dedicated to painting plastic toys and playing pretend with them
The annoying part is the other two players were fine. Those were
>SandBar: Basically Sandman(the Spider-Man villain) of he was Mike Tyson
>Coach: a psychic who can speak to and telekinetically control sports equipment
I'm torn between being glad and annoyed the game never got off the ground.
They don't? M&M is just shit.
>>Coach: a psychic who can speak to and telekinetically control sports equipment
that is an excellent idea
It was pretty neat and honestly the one I liked the most. It FELT very silver age comic-y, and he did a quick doodle of it that was basically a mash-up of L4D2 Coach and Casey Jones from TMNT. I was really disappointment. This was the biggest reason I was annoyed the game fell through. SandBar was a little more eh but something I'd still take any day over SuperEdge Red and Blue.
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A lack of appreciation for justice.
Never seen such a thing. Maybe you are confused with criticism aimed at 5e for being “super hero game.”
Anyways there isnt a good system for them regardless. OPs pic is the best system out there for it and there are so many hoops to jump thru to take “damage” we just houseruled an entirely different damage resolution.
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I don't. I love this stuff.
is that a thing? I can't even think of any superhero systems that /tg/ hates
maybe old school Champions since it's a bit overly crunchy
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Such a cool character concept. I love it.
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Because superheroes as a concept is incredibly gay and faggy.
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You forgot to add "Now that the dust has settled"

God I want to do a Tokusatsu style campaign.
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This has been my favorite hero system ot run
There's even a free Marvel Rivals add on
I'm just not interested in superheroes. I didn't grew up with superhero comics and movies based on such comics.
But i love to steal shit from superhero games, while looking at girls in skintight suits.
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Yeah. The stats for him in the book actually had him as a Power Duplicator, which makes sense with a name like Knock-Off, but do like the contact-metamorphosis as well. It's a simple and effective costume, too.
I ran a session of a superhero game two hours ago. It was fun.
I remember trying to run one. My friends just were upset at people tanking their hits when their speedster or bullets in MnM. I had to remind them its a superhero game, shit ain’t realistic.
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>God I want to do a Tokusatsu style campaign.
More than a few years ago, /tg/ had a project dubbed The Statesmen where we were coming up with heroes to fill out a setting in which the U.S. Government sponsored a team that included one hero from each state. All the threads used to be archived. Anyways, one of my contributions to that was the Maryland hero The Blue Crab. He was basically this crusty old mariner that happened to pilot a prototype underwater vehicle/robot suit shaped like a crab. Being one of the oldest and longest running active heroes, he was meant to act a reluctant mentor with the secret that he was actually terminally ill and didn't have much longer to live.

Later I decided The Blue Crab II would be a brash, young hothead who'd inherit the title after being rescued by the original on his last adventure. A confluence of Atlantean magic would imbue the guy with The Blue Crab's tech and turn him into a Tokusatsu hero. And now he has to uphold the legacy of the hero who saved him AND learn how to use his powers properly.

AI slop because I wanted a picture, even if it doesn't do it justice.
I'd give HERO a shot. Or GURPS Supers maybe.

But M&M was just a horrid game. Aberrant was better, but not great. BESM was also pretty shit - I understand it just got a superhero reskin.

Make a supers game that's actually good, and I'll play it.

Buffy is *Sortof* supers? I liked that RPG okay years ago.
Looks like shit. Did you phone in your campaign as much?
Was that the one where the australian mytholigy part fucked over the setting as a whole and the motivation of everyone involved?
>why do shitpost OPs spam "upset"?
There, that's your engagement. Now fuck off.
File deleted.
>Why does /tg/ get upset for the prospect of superhero games?
Nu /tg/ hates the idea of fun and of people having fun. That's why they get very angry whenever someone is actually playing games AND they are having a good time. Every discussion of superheroes boils down to a shouting match arguing over who's system is best. Notice how it's the people who don't play any games who are the most obsessed with supers systems, people who actually play games will talk about their players or situations that come up during play but not those losers which is why the only thing these mental invalids ever have to say is "Which system?" or the like, and got old the first 100 times they said it but they keep going because they think that if everyone else thinks they are having a good time maybe they are? And for some reason this kind of person is attracted to superhero threads on 4chan like flies to a fresh smelly piece of shit. You would think they have something better to do, but you would be wrong.
>I ran a session of a superhero game two hours ago. It was fun.
How did it go? Can you tell us about it?
>Because superheroes as a concept is incredibly gay and faggy.
So just like everything else on /tg/?
It was fun. We ran the first session in Base Raiders but I swapped everything over to Fate Core for this session. They're recently powered up normies who just found out they're all the bastard children of a super thief in a world where all of the major heroes and villains have disappeared. They were tracking down a metahuman for a sort of underground railroad for metas/aliens/mutants/etc. One character is Kamen Rider pastiche who kept accidentally violently killing people because he doesn't understand how strong he is. They fought cops and Russian gangsters I ripped off from Matt Fractions Hawkeye book.

It was fun. We're still getting used to Fate but I enjoy the flexibility of the system.
Is this a long term campaign or a one shot? Also
>One character is Kamen Rider pastiche
What where the other PCs like?
So are fantasy worlds full of magic and heroic deeds of the course of quests. Dungeoneering is one of the most childish things you can do because it's a wish that there was just some thrilling hole in the ground you could go comb through for money and curiosities instead of having to work a job like everyone else in the world.
It'll probably be a handful of sessions. We had a long break in between the first and second sessions and GM ADHD makes me want to try different things. The characters are:
>A salary man who was close to going postal, took a pill that gave him psychic powers but turned him into a baby Modal
>Cape fanboy and Mcdojo enthusiast, took a super solider serum that turned him in a chameleon man with mastery over security systems
>Disgraced ex-professor who is all about crazy conspiracies about super heroes, read a mathemagical equation that unstuck him from the 4th dimension (superspeed powers).
>A dentist and superhero fanboy who got the Kamen Rider helmet.
*Baby Modak, fucking autocorrect. He is basically huge fucked up head, tiny baby body.
It would make sense that he can do both, if his power is to absorb the qualities of the things he touches.

Blue Crab I reminds me of Trawler II's suit. As a Marylander, I approve!
So any details on running the game? I prefer cape games to be setting ambigious cause of my tism. Running MnM was a headache for me and I think other systems would be worse for my players with how crunchier they are.
and all it took was a Chinese company using a forgotten Adam Warren character and joke character made up for a joke in a failed West Coast Avengers book
and butts
run Prowlers and Paragons,
Galacta has been around and has looked "cute in a mainstream way"(just say you want everything to look like anime) for at least a decade
Squirrel Girl was also created by Steve Ditko himself and has been the cutesy girl since the 00's
I admit I've never been the most knowledgeable on capeshit, but I was really autistically into them before the MCU, I'm glad they didn't become my main autistic obsession because that is one thing everyone knows but also doesn't know at the same time.
I doubt this place would be fond of Masks
Looks like a good Teen Titans simulator though
We fight over what systems are good, not so much the existence of the genre. That being said, 4chan also has a strong trend of hipster contrarianism, and the MCU is the most popular thing to ever exist on Earth (less so recently, we'll see how Deadpool 3 changes things), and to a hipster popular=bad, so there are those who will reflexively say cape games are bad.
something something Tolkien's On Fairy-Stories
Superheroes are one of those once "nerd" things that became "normie" and thus you unironically get bullied for liking them in more "nerd" spaces, even of it's by someone with a similar interest in a similarly childish and consumerist and ever present media
I dunno.
I play D&D characters as superheroes and just give them harder challenges. It's more fun that way when you PCs have 30 strength or can teleport without error at-will.
more possibilities open up.
In my experience a lot of that comes from manga faggots who call western comics "consumerist" because they never end. Personally I assume it's cope because so few mangas have anywhere close to the same staying power.
Can't find it on the share thread
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I run a thing called Crisis Patrol in Champions. It's the best thing ever.
Superhero RPGs are also great for Anime campaigns that feature superpowers by any other name. More of them ought to branch out to capture that market.
I wish you would stop trying to make stealth superhero RPG threads. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so blatantly necrobumped.
yet you love it when a pedo thread is necrobumped
Why do you get upset over the tastes of internet strangers that will never actually affect how you run your ganes (because you have none)?
Nobody else around me wants to play a superhero game.

Weirdly, it was easier to pitch before the MCU was a thing.
Where are all these filthy pedo threads on /tg/? Perhaps you can point them all out to me so I can avoid them.
I know you're all too young to know of a time before MCU, but capeshit was never popular on /tg/
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Crisis Patrol is better than anything ya'll are running.
>AI art
no thanks
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It's true. We all love Crisis Patrol.
Yeah... but it lets me turn out comic covers every week for my players.
>Yeah... but it lets me turn out comic covers every week for my players.
I did this irl even though I'm a shitty artist. I used to dream about AI being able to do it for me. Your players are lucky.
They also benefit from a 100+ page world guide, VTT tokens, battlemaps, it's fucking paradise.

Excerpt: "Element Zero: Lower on the periodic table than hydrogen, Element Zero aids Darkness Powers by 3d6. Why it would do that is unknown. Few have cared to ask. Those that have asked rarely find that they enjoy the answer. Those that accept the answer are invariably the sort of folks you do not invite to parties a second time."
because there has yet to be a set of mechanics that can reasonably allow Batman and Superman to be on a team together, and if you can't replicate the most famous Superhero team-up of all time, what the fuck are you even doing?
HERO System.
The thing is that most team ups are multi-faceted affairs, a typical story will involve
>Superman distracting doomsday while Batman handles the Goons and disables Lex Luthors woke bomb.
>Batman Chases after the Joker setting off his Joe Rogan poison while Superman tries to find all the canisters in City

People don't run encounters like that and if they do players bitch because they aren't the ones taking down the bad guy. if you rum straight up slugfests either Batman gets curb stomped by Niggatron or Niggatron constantly needs Kryptonite rays to depower Superman every encounter and that's boring too
Nigger I've been here long enough to know that cape threads got little to no pushback for a long time.
Mods don't care. Like boomers and zoomers, they think trolling means "having different opinion than me".
Stop spamming this absolute dogshit, anon. You've already got one off-topic goyslop spam thread where that garbage belongs.
Big difference between "popular" and "no pushback". I've been on /tg/ since before it was a board, and yeah, superhero stuff was never really popular. I'm not that interested either, but it's still always been a bit odd to me, considering.
Yeah, it's a problem of encounter building. Both you and your players have to embrace the conceits of the genre. Usually you also give Batman a ludicrous number of skills and gadgets compared to Superman too, so he's the one who figures out that GigaMaximus is vulnerable to sonic attacks, or just so happens to have a carefully concealed laser lock-picker in his utility belt when they need to break into a place without alerting the guards.
It was on the new vola a while back, it is where I found it
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Like dnd?
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It's a pretty shitty superhero game, even MnM (Warriors and Warlocks) is better at running fantasy superheroes.
M&M does that easily.
When did I say capeshit was "popular" on this site? Because when I talked about the MCU, I meant the entire planet, not just here.

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