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>an elf falls in love with another elf and have many centries of happiness
Does this ever happen or is the dead/doomed to die human romance angle too juicy to pass up?
It is too juicy
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But that's how half-elves are made. The world needs more half elves
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Gonna repeat
the world deffo needs more half-elves
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there should be more half-elves
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It happens all the time, it's just not usually the focus of a story. Stories are usually about the unusual and dramatic; you don't tell stories where everything was mostly ok and nothing much happened, but that is what most elven romances are.
Elven couples are the norm for elves. If you went to an elven city, most of the couples in that city would be elves.
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>puckee21 spamming his commissioned art again when he has three threads up already
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Dammit, Otta, you might not be the single most despicable abusive lesbian in all of fiction but you're getting close.
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Romance general?
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Drow women fuck demon dogs
I like the Arcanum approach of "Half elves are mostly the result of young elves slutting around a little before they settle down and move back home to live serious, responsible elven lives."

Of course, Arcanum elves don't believe in marriage, instead practicing an extreme form of free love where monogamy is considered to be corrosive to society. But they only boink other elves as adults, albeit all other elves.
I love that the writer called it "shotacon".
>There is a place I want to show to you."

Was it her vagina?
>Does this ever happen
its assumed that almost all the elves you see in the background had normal parents, a normal background, and a normal upbringing

>or is the dead/doomed to die human romance angle too juicy to pass up?
stories focus on interesting people, which consists of exceptions rather than the rules
Except in this one it is canon that the offspring of such a relationship are biological dead ends and end up sterile
It is weird that the author doesn't mention it
IIRC she takes him to the drider room to show him what happens if you piss off lolth
Although Vierna canonically has the hots for Drizzt Salvatore was too much of a pussy to write an incest arc
this art style is so disgusting for everyone other than humans and elves
and the content itself is fucking stupid
It depends, which game are you talking about?
...you're talking about a game right?
A real stupid thing to post about the setting where that's a major driver of the core plot. Stay on topic, please.
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most elves have elf partners, otherwise there wouldn't be any elves

100% correct
In my setting, half-elves are a result of the fact that elves mostly have arranged, predetermined marriages, but don't consider it cheating if it's with a short-lived race
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If a setting has elf populations, then there presumably are loads of happy elf/elf couples around. But in terms of characters we focus on, yeah it's pretty much all elf/human.

I blame a mix of writers copying Aragorn and Arwen, with also the fact that elves tend to be the most conventionally attractive of the fantasy races, so if you want to both have an elf in the main cast and give your default human man protagonist a love interest, giving him an elf gf is a good way to knock out two birds with one stone.
They did the romance arc real good in that show
I think the idea of Elves seeing Humans and half Elves as socially acceptable lovers compared to Orcs Goblins and Dwarfs. Especially for an Elf Adventurer/Traveler, since it only take 20 years over the 100 years for a full blooded Elf to raise them. (Plus could see Elf Nations see Half Elves useful for boosting their armies, especially after a war and all.)
>100 years vs 20
I'm so tired of saying this but humans and elves mature at the same rate abd adulthood is more social than biological
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Don't fall for elf's shameless flirting, do the right thing and throw knife-eard trash away.
Aragorn Is not human.
curses, one drop rule strikes again
Yes, both Elves, Humans, and Half-Elves grow at the same rate. However, most Half-Elves get annoyed about the socially been seen as children for 80 years longer then a human. That's a classic Half-Elf trope and reason many leave their homes.
>be human guy
>get the hots for an elf chick
>decide to become a cultivator and live forever to be with your hot elf waifu
>if the Heavens want it to be a tragic romance, you will defy the Heavens
Traditional games?
It might not always be the case. Maybe dwarfs and gnomes can have viable children or something.

Also, maybe the character isn't actually sterile. Sometimes accepted wisdom is wrong.

(Also sometimes mules can be fertile, but that's pretty rare.)
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>two sets of round ears
Depending on the setting.

For example, that's fairly recent for D&D; up through 2e at least elves were still toddlers at 15.
Arwen didn't give a flying fuck about Aragorn until he spend decades with her elf brothers traveling the lands and returning dressed as some elfen lord.
Actually, she could have gone the tigon/liger route, often female offspring well be fertile while the males are sterile
Something like that would make for interesting world building
Like a matriarchal half-elf society which becomes matrilineal over time as their make children die without heirs leaving only women in charge who then marry elves/humans, but their make offspring is basically useless and the girls will inherit everything
>stories focus on interesting people, which consists of exceptions rather than the rules
Elves are interesting by default, and relationships that lasts for hundreds of years are unusual from the point of view of a human reader.
Elf-human (and especially the male human female elf variant) are such a tiresome trope at this point, and I know exactly how it will play out. There is nothing interesting here.
>Stay on topic, please
What topic? Traditional games?
I love how it's a female elf and male human in their imagination, but the actual pair is the opposite.
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Elf/elf relationships are normal and expected. They should be on about the same level, have similar backgrounds, share cultural values and so on. Since they probably have normal elf lives they're not very interesting to play/read about

Human/elf relationships aren't normal and if you have a human dude with an elf waifu he should be a gigachad to even get her attention and also by extension get up to interesting and exciting things
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Happens in settings that understand elves and don't just larp Tolkien 1:1. Warhammer Fantasy is a great example, where the elves are dying out mostly because a third of the race went full chud and the other third turned into pacific northwest liberals and the final third are constantly besieged by the chuds and nogs.

All in all though anyone who puts elves in their story now are certified hacks.
>and if you have a human dude with an elf waifu he should be a gigachad to even get her attention and also by extension get up to interesting and exciting things

Conversely, he should be a bit effeminate. Human men are already unusually masculine by elf standards; a gigachad human probably looks like a parody to an elf woman.
>Human/elf relationships aren't normal
They are so overrepresented, it's almost comical, wouldn't it be so tragic.
You unfortunately only read about elf-elf relationships in books that feature elves primarily.
cuck fantasy
Partly related: The one thing people here really don't get when they justify yet another male human female elf pairing with Tolkien, is how his men that got elfen wives were pretty elfish dudes.
Aragorn could speak elfish, was raised and educated by elves. He had elfish qualities and virtues, got elevated by their wisdom and knowledge.
Before you sperg out, "elfish" for Tolkien didn't mean effeminate fairy dude. It's about wisdom, a high spirit, virtues, respect for the natural world.
These days, it's about how cool of a human the human guy is, and the elf is so enthralled by his awesome humanness. Beren attracted Luthien with song, how many current day fantasy writers let the human guy sing for their elfen wife? No, the guys don't get more elf-like through these relationships, the elf girl is brought down to human level instead.
Except Eragon, I guess
This guy gets it.
You could just start praying to Corellon and take on her religion after which you get an immortal elf soul and enjoy the fact that you'll get reborn over and over again
>Maybe you'll become the elf wife
At least that's how it works in DnD
And Gandalf is an immortal angel, yet he's still one of the primary influences for human wizards. Same with famous tiefling Merlin.
Dragon Age has ruined women.
>You unfortunately only read about elf-elf relationships in books that feature elves primarily.

How many non-elf-focused books even have multiple elf characters to have relationships with each other?
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Counterpoint: no, you're wrong.
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Even if you answer that question the goalpost will move to "That's a minority compared to the rest" without stating what the rest is.
Good point, most characters are single. Especially the adventuring fantasy hero type, for obvious reasons.
Yet, the elf queen that has no husband king for whatever reason is another dumb cliche.
And even in fantasy books that are supposed to be about elves primarily (elf main characters and plot happens largely in elf-lands) I've seen authors sneak in yet another male human female elf couple.
Confirmed woman.
>dragon age fans
They weren't ever actually women to begin with
I've read the legend of Drizzt and I can say for sure I haven't encountered anything of which you speak
The one elven queen we met was married
The one male human/female elf ends because she's an evil cunt
And the other one is male elf/female human

I switched to Malus Darkblade and I haven't seen any yet, I just see human slaves but I'm still in book one
There's also an elf couple that gleefully hunt orcs on pegasus-back like Alaskans shooting wolves from helicopters and we're supposed to feel bad for them when one gets caught and killed and his pegasus eaten.
Okay, I'll bite: how?
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Haven't read any D&D-based books.
Warhammer books can be weird about it, but depends on the writer. Some people here really give Gave Thorpe a lot of shit for his Eldar books, but his fantasy elf books have regular relationships.
William King makes Ulthuan a fuckfest, Tyrion being a main character doesn't help.

There was that one pathfinder novel series, with the half-elf Varian Jeggare. The final book in elf-lands was just tiresome to read, as we have to read the sex-adventures of his tiefling companion that never scored in the previous books. But all changed once we entered elf-lands and that's what elves do, sex stuff.
You could recognize who the good guys were in that book by how much sex they had. No one was in a regular monogamous relationship, but all the badguy elves were sexless. With the exception of the virgin paladin girl, I guess.
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Sure. It's the assumed norm. Of course, stories tend to be about things outside the assumed norm, otherwise they would barely be worth reading.

Also, honestly, my experience with elf romance in TTRPGs is that it's rarely elf/human anyway, because the woman playing the elf also wants a magic boyfriend, and their idea of a magic boyfriend is spicier than a guy's idea of a magic girlfriend. We live in the era of female elf x male demon or, if current experience means anything, female elf x huge male wolfman.
Oh I've written both elf/elf relationships (rape) and human/elf relationships (rape) in the same story, though it does feature elves primarily
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>that pic
>that artist
Perhaps the reason elves are always a dying race is that nine out of ten elf dudes want the D almost as much as their women do.
Or maybe it's that same thing sheep have, with like half of males becoming gay due to some quirk of breeding that made them the sheep equivalent of femboys, with how similar males are to females appearance and behavior-wise.
Someone could be using the knife-ears for something and didn't mean for them to spread too much with their long lives.
I don't even recall any gay male elves, outside of Bioware games.
Not in Pathfinder and not in Forgotten Realms as far as I can recall
There's 40k but technically every race is dying out there
Not sure about Warhammer fantasy, I didn't come across anything which would imply that
Only Asur are a "dying race" for no specific reason but mere drama, yet still have a massive population.
It's my personal fanfiction that the Maelstrom drains their life force and makes them have less children.
Druchii had an unreasonably massive population boom when they established themselves in Naggaroth, and continue to produce more and more elves so they can die in front of Eagle Gate.
Asrai are stable, I think. Never saw anything stating they are dying.
>Elves: we're dying
>Dark elves: oh no, that's terrible
>Elves: we didn't think you'd care so much?
>DE: of course! When you're gone who are we going to enslave?
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>We live in the era of female elf x male demon

As in so many things, EdGm Greenwood was a visionary ahead of his time.
That shit is way older than he is
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We don't know that she actually banged any sex demons.
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Elf on elf should happen offscreen to explain why there are still pure elves left
Stories are for elf on human
>picture unrelated
Isn't she canonically into the little dark elf? Or is she a lesbian?
>Or is she a lesbian
Sure, let's go with that.
>We live in the era of female elf x male demon or, if current experience means anything, female elf x huge male wolfman.
Counterpoint: female elf x male human lycanthrope This leaves more space for denial.

>whole plot is a sperg elf girl subtly trying to get the human she has a crush on to contract lycanthropy
She can play it off as enhanced healing will mean a longer lifespan, but you just know the truth…
>>whole plot is a sperg elf girl subtly trying to get the human she has a crush on to contract lycanthropy
Plot of what?
Marcille is for getting double teamed by the two autistic human siblings
Of a campaign that will never happen.
A man can dream of bullying a friend's pervy elf gf.
>Does this ever happen
Rarely, its just kind of normal so when it does happen it is usually some kind of twist to it like
>High elf falls in love with a dark elf
type of thing

>Dead/doomed to die human romance angle too juicy to pass up

usually the case because its very much in the spirit of chivalric romances, ie a knight, in this case the human, defends the honor of and courtly love of the beautiful maiden, in this case the elf.

usually chick flicks will divulge into manly and beautiful femmen elves who are both the beautiful being and the knight to protect the mid maidens.

So chivalric romances are definitely a factor, but also the whole "opposites attract" or "Forbidden love" like orcxelf(non-rape versions) aspect also contribute to the whole juiciness of the types of romances.
>Or maybe it's that same thing sheep have, with like half of males becoming gay due to some quirk of breeding that made them the sheep equivalent of femboys, with how similar males are to females appearance and behavior-wise.
I actually want to know more about this, but I can't figure out a way to Google "sheep femboys" that doesn't produce thoroughly degenerate results. A little help?
You're googling femboys, the results will be degenerate no matter what other qualifiers you have. I'm nta so I can't actually help here but this is like jumping into the ocean and being shocked you get wet
Might want to bother someone on /an/ with that, or search the archives.
This is the raw approximation of the whole explanation and there's a bit more to it that I can't recall off the top of my head.
Sorry anon, I'm afraid it's all I can offer at the moment.
But the gist of it is this: certain males are looking and behaving so similar to females, the more masculine males either can't, or don't bother to make out the difference, and this is entirely the fault of human meddling. Good luck on your quest for questionable knowledge.
I prefer
>an elf falls in love with a human and learns necromancy to keep being with them after they die
I prefer dark elf sorceress is a narcissist so she becomes a lich so she can admire her own beauty and superiority forever.
I prefer
>exiled elfen prince ventures through the realm of death to find his dead human female lover
You just like whatever you can throw into the slop generator.
That was a plot of an old strategy game that zoomoids don't know about. Elf goddess learned (actually created) necromancy to resurrect her husband. When he came back from the dead, he saw how ugly she became, ran away and became an incel.
maybe we should all just start dating dragons? that would make everything so much easier
Only if the dragons look exactly the same as elves.
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>he should be a bit effeminate
I'd prefer something like Complex, Devoted, Pure or some other character trait the makes them go through the lengths of becoming a gigachad, regardless of reason.
I also like elves that are chads themselves so they wouldn't get turned off by exceptional men
TFW I played WoW with this artist
>story unfinished
>wanderers squatted
sasuga maisa
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I can't fix her. I don't want to fix her, I have the maturity to accept her as she is. The war crimes and atrocities are part of her. I've decided they're funny.
Why are elf fags so fucking gay?
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Because we can't tell the difference between our men and women, and neither can you.
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That's not elf-fags posting.
Yes, but Elves life a long time so it's likely that after many centuries they tire of eachother and break up. Dating a human means that the human will likely die before they have a messy breakup so we see a lot of that in Elvish romance literature.
Of course we're supposed to feel bad for them, they were making the lands safer when tragedy struck.
>Yes, but Elves life a long time so it's likely that after many centuries they tire of eachother and break up
Always hated this notion that some anons here have, it reeks of
>I can't imagine spending my lifetime with one partner, and so shouldn't elves
They are a long-lived race, and as such, their psychological should be adjusted to that. Spending their lifetime with one partner makes also for far better stories than "and then they fucked off and did whatever".
But maybe I'm just a romantic.
Also, them constantly breaking up has huge (and negative) implications for their society, family structure and overall social ties with another. If you want elf society to be dysfunctional, then go for it.
>the 100 000 cocks stares
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>is she a lesbian?
could you blame her if she was?
He does it for you, his Adoring Fan.
small world
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Why do niggers keep posting this ugly man? He looks nothing like a woman
Are you implying you're an elf?
Mainstream manga will never have dykes, bucko
Elves use humans as practice lovers since they're easy to seduce and they quickly die. They don't even last half of an elf season!
Lucky Star.
you, the devil
back to the shadows with you
Elf Love
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It's bad enough downwards with humans, but do elves also seethe when one dates upwards?
Found the pedophile.
There is something wrong with female russian writers.
There might be, but there's nothing apparent in that image.
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It turned them into shipping coomers and faggots. Every relationship is perceived in terms of fucking/shipping terms. There is no passing, waving NPC without them internalizing a potential marriage/orgy between it and their OC/PC. There is no bromance. There can no longer be any platonic shaking hands, hugging or, dare I say, kissing between two men or women without them cashing out hundreds of dollars for tons of visual faggotry.
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>dragon age invented shipping
dragon age came out 2009 and I have it on good authority that shipping has existed way longer than 2009
>technically Spock is a space elf so this picture is relevant to the current discussion
>>technically Spock is a space elf so this picture is relevant to the current discussion

Technically Spock is a half-elf...which I guess is still relevant.
No she fell for him basically straight away. But she was living in Lothlorien during his childhood so they met the first time when he was 22, I think it was.
I think Aragorn's journeying was the result of an awkward convo where he went to Elrond to ask for her hand in marriage and Ol Ronnie held his hand up
>Before you say anything, I just wanted to show you this family tree which incidentally shows Arwen to be descended from the highest elven royalty and thus if any man wanted to marry her he would have to be ohhh let's say... the King of Gondor or something. Anyway, what did you want to say?
>Uhh I was thinking of visiting Gondor

She's canonically into a male elf prince looking guy (who is tall, blonde and well built but nobody she knows is like)
>Haha I fuck aliens
>Elves? You're fucking weird dude
What did baldman mean by this?
It did but not on this scale. I work with zoomer girls (teaching art) and every single one of them is poisoned by Dragon Age to a degree that this kind of shit spills out into public conversation.
Kill yourself puckee.
just use non degenerate words

Main article: Homosexual behavior in sheep
Ovis aries, the common domesticated sheep, has attracted much attention due to the fact that around 8–10% of rams have an exclusive homosexual orientation. Such rams prefer to court and mount other rams only, even in the presence of estrous ewes. Moreover, around 18–22% of rams are bisexual.

Several observations indicate that male–male sexual preference in rams is sexually motivated. Rams routinely perform the same courtship behaviors (including foreleg kicks, nudges, vocalizations, anogenital sniffs and flehmen) prior to mounting other males as observed when other rams court and mount estrous females. Furthermore, pelvic thrusting and ejaculation often accompany same-sex mounts by rams.


so homosexuality in sheep or female behaviour in male sheep. if you dont use the word femboy then you wont get furry porn
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>For the mortal, the elf is the only love they will ever know
>For the elf, they get one short whirlwind romance then a tragic 'love story' they can tell social gatherings forever

Seems a bit unbalanced.
>It's never Human Male x Dwarf Female
Most men don't like bearded ladies, anon
I've seen female elf x male dwarf exactly once in a video game
dragons dogma II; until PC comes in and steals his girl
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the dwarves warned about this, but nobody listened
it's just elven harlots taking advantage of mortal men...
Picture unrelated.
The average human being poops about once a day, and lives about 72 years. That's twenty six thousand, two hundred and eighty poops in a lifetime. And I cannot think of one single story about it.

Not everything is worth writing about.
This nigger never read a single GRRM book!
The Deed of Paksenarrion series said elves view human partners as flowers in a vase, doomed to wither and die and thus not worth any lasting attachments. Relationships with humans are more like a casual game, whereas elf-elf relationships pretty much always end in breakups as the elves get tired of each other. They don't let humans in on this, but they figure humans should be grateful they get a hot piece of ass to fuck for the rest of their lives. God, Paksenarrion elves are such cunts. I want to run a game of elf genocide in that setting.
I read all of them and until it became a meme had never thought anything at all about those couple passages. They weren't note-worthy within the context.
I'm not actually sure how "mainstream" Card Captor Sakura was back in the day, but it was mainstream enough to get a dub, and that had at least one lesbian, plus one gay couple.
Depends on what system you're talking about, and the setting in question.
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A fun aside.

For whatever reason, the Japanese dub of Beast Wars in the '90s had Airazor be male instead of female like in the original English. While not a problem initially, it did become somewhat difficult as Airazor and Tigertron (male in both versions) developed feelings for each other throughout Season 1 and become more and more romantic with each other in how they act. Since it's an American kid's show from the '90s aimed at boys nothing with Tigertron and Airazor ever became particularly overt in Season 1, and the Japanese dub was able to pass off their relationship not as romantic, but instead as being like that of a samurai (Tigertron) and his retainer (Airazor). Affectionate but not in a romantic way. Though this did become harder and harder as time went on.

But then came Season 2 and the episode "Other Voices", where Tigertron and Airazor die, but also the fact that the two are in a romantic relationship is absolutely unambiguously shown prior to this. Like, 1000%, no amount of creative dubbing is gonna hide this.

So the Japanese dubbers in sum basically just threw up their hands, said "fuck it", and rolled with it. Tigertron and Airazor are shown to be in a romantic relationship at this point. They gay.

When some kids wrote in to the show to ask what was going on, since both were boys, the Japanese dubbers *could have* just explained the whole real-life situation that they'd caused by making Airazor male, but instead responded with this:

>Even among humans there are boys who both love (like) each other. In the case of Tigatron and Airazor, they had been fighting together for a long time and as their emotions increased, their friendship turned to feelings of love. 'Transform', indeed!

When I told a friend about this, his immediate response was "that was way more mature than how the American dubbers handled Sailor Moon."
>I read all of them
Lmao cuck
well that's stupid. since Aragorn x Arwen is Half-Elf(human) x Half-Elf(Elf)

legolas is the only ELF in the fellowship.
their long life spans are also why elves psychology also supports taking short lived mates. because to an elf with a thousand year life span, spending 5 decades with a human they find exciting and interesting is a short little fling with a wonderful person they care for,and while its sad they die, at least they still got that time together. An elf would find the sheer vivacity and rush to LIVE of a short lived race partner a heady intoxicant.

meanwhile, an elf married to another elf, well, if they don't see each other for a hundred years, that's like two short lived, not seeing each other for a year because one of them had to work away, on an oil rig or some shit, or logging remotely and driving truck to move the logs. they can take their time and devote much more time to other things.

ALSO a reason elves don't shit out 500 babies from every elf x elf marriage. if your average elf couple is spending 200 years to master the sword, and 200 for magic, and then learning histories and law and strategy and tactics, well, there's just so much to do and so little free time, and anyway the wife is on a whole other continent and can you be arsed to detour over there for 50 years while you have twelve orc kingdoms to exterminate right now?

hell, if you consider the orc and goblin problem, elves would find such things a fucking nightmare. you live a thousand years, and there's this ever-hostile evil races that multiply in what yo consider 'days'. it would be like a short lived race facing both a zombie apocalypse AND a nanotech grey goo apocalypse.

in the time it takes an elf couple to produce ONE child, the aforementioned twelve goblin and orc kingdoms now are empires routinely in contact with demonic beings giving them vast powers, as they are hellbent on controlling the entire planet.

imagine being a normal human or master chief, fighting the flood, except turned up to 20.
that's what elves face with the green tide.
Not even close. His most recent elf ancestor was Elros Tar-Minyatur, who was born an elf but chose to become human (and was Elrond's brother). Elros on making that decision was 100% human, but even if you still count him as an elf, he's dozens of generations removed from Aragorn and everyone from after Elros down is definitely a (Numenorean) human, not an elf.

Arwen also isn't really a half-elf. She's a full elf, but she (and every elf member of her family) have the option of becoming human.
except for the fact that aragorn was 65 and still looked and acted and was as fit as a 30 yo.

numenoreans are half elves. as are elronds folks, the choice just shaped which side they favoured.
Aragorn isn't halfelven. Arwen is of the halfelven line, but she's not 'half elf', she's of a special lineage that gets to choose whether to be elf or man. She chose elf, and then gave up her immortal life after her husband's death. She's an elf.

Dior and Eärendil are the only actual half elves in LotR.
>numenoreans are half elves
No, they're just very long-lived humans. They're not half-elves, at least not in any practical sense for the purposes of this thread. Aragorn might have aged slowly but he DID age, dying at 210 years old. He didn't even live as long as a typical dwarf (250 years), nevermind the immortal elves.
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can't self insert as an elf guy, that's what human-elf romance is usually truly about
>their long life spans are also why elves psychology also supports taking short lived mates
Lmao, this kills the race.
No, their increased lifespan means they favor stability, meaning long-lasted relationships.
You forget the entire point about them just fucking around completely crushing their civilization.
But coombrainery often is inherently anti-elf.
>numenoreans are half elves
Absolutely not, they were gifted a long life by the Valar, it had nothing to do with any elfen ancestry.
i wish i was a legendary elven boywife
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>ALSO a reason elves don't shit out 500 babies from every elf x elf marriage. if your average elf couple is spending 200 years to master the sword, and 200 for magic, and then learning histories and law and strategy and tactics, well, there's just so much to do and so little free time, and anyway the wife is on a whole other continent and can you be arsed to detour over there for 50 years while you have twelve orc kingdoms to exterminate right now?
I am tired of whatever mentality causes people to make this shitty lore.
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>legendary elven boywife
let's be real, round-ears wouldn't be able to tell him apart from the elven girlwives
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Certainly, they wouldn't.
Elves have a form of ADHD which means they can't focus on a single romantic relationship for longer than 50-60 years, so having a relationship with a human works quite nicely for them.
Based on what system?
Thatbhe has taste
GURPS, obviously, since it is the only system worth playing
Post the page.
>expects gurps to have setting details for your setting

>make a statement about a systems lore
>then state that there is no lore
that can easily be modeled in gurps, his post makes complete sense. Maybe learn more about games before trying to flex?
>question: what [system] is that lore based on?
>answer: [system]
>reply: can you please post said lore of [system]?
>response: there is no lore in [system]
Do you have brain damage? Just say that you made the lore up and run your game (that surely exist) in GURPS. There is no big epic gotcha here for you.
Also, what you have said could be based on "GURPS Fantasy Folk: Elves", but it's too late to pretend that you know anything.
>>question: what [system] is that lore based on?
I can still read your actual post dude, you didn't say that
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>based on what system?
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I don't understand the elven fertility cult. Their priestesses don't seem to perform rituals that increase elven birthrates.
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imagine where they would be if they didn't perform those rituals
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Much the same I'd imagine. Seems like the temple is just an excuse for exhibitionist elves.
>an elf would find the sheer vivacity and rush to LIVE of a short lived race partner a heady intoxicant
Children are way more than hyperactive than adults too. Plebeian take.

>long life spans are also why elves psychology
Oh you're one of those "world" builders who uses "logic" to justify your retardation.
would she be toxic in a relationship?
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How about Male ElfxFemale Human?

>Elf-human (and especially the male human female elf variant) are such a tiresome trope at this point
Also this, how come there isn't that much Male ElfxFemale Human pairings or stories? You'd think women would go crazy and in love with some high elf prince charming who's blonde, blue eyed, tall, a powerful magic user and is an eternally youthful anime husbando or men's cover magazine model.
see Highlander. women LOVED that romance even as the scottish girl got old and died all the while the immortal connor mcleod stayed young and strong and pretty.
You sound like someone who only watches isekai anime
>would she be toxic in a relationship?
regardless of context, the answer is yes
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no no, their work is very important for maintaining elf birthrates
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You aren't exactly proving him wrong by posting no examples.
You mean to tell me the everlasting youth of the elves looks like THAT?
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I love grandpa Drizzt.
Do you think some elves do that to their face just for the aesthetic?
Drow? Certainly
High elves? Maybe
Wood elves? I'm just happy if those dirty hippies bathe from time to time when they don't do whatever it is wood elves do, probably druid stuff or archery stuff
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Dark Elves age like slavic couples
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you gen-z are spoiled twinks with gay aesthetics
real drow men look like this
This dude reading about poop.
He now looks like this
I love the story behind this. It amazes me that art directors could be so deep in the sauce that when they give an artist a "a 75+ aged elf with etc etc etc features", they don't realize that the artist will actually make them actually look 75+ rather than assume they mean a young man due to the word elf.

This is the kind of hilarity that could only emerge from the amateur days of D&D.
To be fair, if there's any elf that should "prematurely" age it'd be drow
And I think it was also because communication between companies and artists was less professional back then, and fantasy in general less known.
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Like the time they told the artist Drow are black and he thought 'afro-American' and not 'literally coal'
>Instructions unclear, underdark African
Mature love is awsome, I cannot remember romance between 40, 50+ year young humans, it's always young adults teen stuff or creepy 9000 year old vampire with human. Give me mature adult elves that experienced a lot in life and love each other even after all those years.

>you will never be a part of skeleton harem in nec romance
Are you fucking retarded how would elf+elf make a fucking half-elf
Maybe you had some humans or other races in the lineage? Like great grandma elf cheated on great grandpa elf, he never found out and raised his half-elf half-orc daughter as true elf and married her to some elf nerd boy who couldn't find any conventionally attractive elf maiden? And then you stop counting, you don't have quarter-elves or sixteenth-elves, after a few generations it's just an elf girl with extra muscles.
The thing above my post never happened in any setting.
>Not even close
Aragorn it's literally called half elf in the books. What is this retarded revisionism?
>Aragorn it's literally called half elf in the books
Where? Please cite the specific book and passage.
I was talking about elf-human relationships. Also half-elves make the best waifus
I have never seen a woman have an opinion on Highlander, they just watch it and sort of accept it's a dude movie.

I'm sorry but this is not true, you are in fact retarded and may have revisionismed your own brain.
Elrond is called a Half-Elf in the books.
I believe Arwen, Elrohir and Elladan are called half-elves and peredhel in the appendices.
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True wisdom is realising that same race couples are actually the best.
Not very progressive of you. Pretty cringe, actually fr.
>Only Asur are a "dying race" for no specific reason but mere drama, yet still have a massive population.
I could've sworn that was because they're all gigantic autists over random bullshit and so just never get around to getting around. But maybe that was caulk, it's been a long time.
I miss the original Dambrath, where it was a nation of half-drow.
Did they change it?
Was it all half-drow in 2e? I remember that in 3e it was a half-drow upper class (like 10% of the population?)
Only a small part is half drow and iirc the humans kick them out and reconquer the land.
I looked it up. 15% in 2e.
A common saying for impossible was "like a pure blooded Arkeiun" because those were the original human population and there's no such thing as a human anymore because they're all half drow.
>many of those have darker skin and hair
reminder that that means the drow literally blacked an entire nation, even if your half elf has a human baby it is going to still be black like its drow ancestor from four generations ago
>kind of like Bretons
I think the confusion anon is having stems from Aragorn being from a special long lived bloodline. He's still going to live several times longer than any human.
>married for 10k years
>zero (0) kids
That's male elf female halfling
Might not be the best example, mainly because I have doubts this might even be an elf boy with a human girl because it's a piece of art about some online game that I don't really know of but saved it because I like it.

But hey, maybe have this one male elfxhuman female pic.
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This is one of those "problems" people bring up that boils down to "Well if I wrote it then none of the drama and action would have happened because MY intelligent character would have solved everything before it began!" that makes fiction boring.

You can do those things and make them interesting but more often than not the people who bring this stuff up just want the blandest most boring story ever. People write stories the way they do because they like those stories and the people who engage with them like those stories. If you kneecap the premise with your perfect fix then less people will be interested naturally.

Star Wars could have all been prevented if Anakin killed Palpatine when he realized he was a Sith but then none of the rest of the story would happen etc etc etc.
>Star Wars could have all been prevented if Anakin killed Palpatine when he realized he was a Sith but then none of the rest of the story would happen
And nothing of value would have been lost.

Better no story at all than a boring, stupid, or unrealistic one.
>muh realism
Kill yourself faggot. Realism arguments are midwit tier shit, go back to reddirt.
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>True wisdom is realising that same race couples are actually the best.
Nah, the best is one member of a superior race and multiple members of an inferior race.
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>slobbing some pointy ears on black girls
All other races are innately inferior to human and drow are inferior to most.
> And nothing of value would have been lost.
You are among the most mistaken people I have ever seen on this board. Like I’ve seen worse on this site but I normally have to be on /b/ to do so.
> Better no story at all than a boring, stupid, or unrealistic one.
You just described most of actual history.
You accomplished nothing in real life.
She's into bishounen, edgy boys with eye patches
>how come there isn't that much Male ElfxFemale Human pairings or stories?
Russian literature is filled with this type of pairing.
>Penultimate couple with regards to Warcraft.
>Makes the Japanese blush with how romantically and sexually dry they are
>Golden introduces the idea that Tyrande is a dried up hag so infertile that not even the demi-god husband can knock her up while using druidic magic. Copes by Tyrande adopting her lieutenant as the "adult" child for the couple

Anon, it's worse than that. They only got married around the Cata/MoP era timeframe.
Can I be adopted by elven couple as their domesticated human pet?

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