Archives & Other Resources: Thread: >>95047239
>>95066844cute jooker cat
>>95068370Nice. I love waifu CYOAs that have an easy answer.>CeciliaRejected. Burning the ticket while thinking of nothing should get rid of it.>TaylorRejected. Free food forever whenever my wife doesn't want to cook is SUPER gravy.>EvelynRejected. I'll use the money responsibly and support people I think can make a difference.>DianaRejected. I know someone who could desperately use that pillow.>KellyChosen! She's kind and pretty and short and bakes and cooks. I'm in love!>PrimroseRejected. The ball could be useful for defusing potentially violent situations.>HaleyComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95065745Cope is reaching new heights
When you make a campaign based on preexisting media, do you make it take place a few decades after, or do you prefer trying to make it a prequel of sorts? Pic related since I'm running a campaign based on it.
>>95060163So now you agree with the person you called terminally stupid. Lol.
>>95060240Anon, I'm not that guy you've been arguing with. I am a completely different human being.
>>95060240>>95060295In case you're curious, I'm this anon: >>95054473
Did the second document ever get posted?
>>95065178Oh I'll post it right now I was busy with Valentine's Day bullshit
I was just gifted a copy of the book by a friend who's a fan of Super Sentai and Power Rangers. Guy wants me to run it, but I've got no idea if this is even a good system in the first place. If it sucks can anybody give me some alternate RPGs to run for a Sentai styled campaign.
>>95065190It was also just the most popular and culturally relevant one. MMPR is Power Rangers to most people.
>>95065190To be fair, few seasons have been as good.
>>95065190OG Red went on to become an EMT, MMPR endures because they hired real heroes.
>>95014269I don't understand why they always give Jesus a haircut in their art.
>>95065181It's the only one the executives give a shit about.True, it has a special place in every PR fan's heart, but we're as tired of it as Pokemon players are of Kanto.It's the only one that sells because IT'S THE ONLY ONE THAT'S SOLD.
How do you handle good necromancers and/or play as good necromancers done right in your campaigns.I'm looking into running a fantasy GURPS campaign and one of my players wants to give such a concept a shot. He asked me for advice but I got nothing.
>>95001802Easy.They're a capitalist society and the necromancer bought out the graveyard.
>>95051903Malina? Yeah it feels like no one watched the emperor's new school.Hilariously not contemporaries as Chel would have lived in the 1520s while Malina had to have lived much earlier. Likely centuries earlier.
>>95001802>necromancerspeople who can speak to the dead? cool, great. fun gimmick for some types of problem solving
>>95001802It depends on the setting, in Wizard101 Necromancers can be good. As far as I know they just reanimate the dead and drain life force to restore their own that is lost. Probably not as evil as the archetypal necromancer in most fantasy fiction.
>>95001802Are your necromancers typically male, female, or an even mix?
>realizing the end is inevitable antagonist takes easy way out denying the party satisfaction of proper victory and associated XP reward
>>95054781Wow what a heckin wacky idea, upboated
Who was in the wrong here?
>>95064758To paraprase mr. Wolf - Just because you have an experience doesn’t mean that you get an experience.
>>95056953Well, no, the monster’s XP value is determined by the party level of the party that defeats it. They have no static XP value. In B/X a goblin is worth 5xp, in Ad&D 10+1/hp xp, and in 3e they are CR1/3. The XP value of CR dwells in a quantum superposition much like the fate of the famous cat.
>>95058897This would work at my table. Assuming there's nothing in the encounters list that could break down the wall and would be motivated to do so.
I recently had a stroke of inspiration thanks to the release of the Red Ranger Isekai anime recently. What would be the best system to run a superhero campaign set in a fantasy world? It sounds like a stupid concept, but superheroes getting sent to a fantasy world to like stop an evil Dark Lord, or one of their own supervillains who conquered an alternate dimension sounds like it could work as a setup.
>>95056248It's kind of a cop out answer, but the existence of the Superhero. The man in the mask, fighting for justice not for money or glory, but because it's the right thing to do. Maybe they have a personal reason that put them on that path, but they keep doing it because it's the right thing to do. With great power and all that jazz.This is difficult in a medieval fantasy, both because money and glory are the typical motivators of your standard fantasy hero and heros of antiquity, and because vigilante justice isn't seen as something odd. You get attacked by a group of bandits on the road, you kill them, nobody bats an eye. There's no reason to hide your identity, and that's important for a superhero story. The demarcation between who you really are and the larger than life persona you do good under is one of the pillars of superhero stories. The proto-superheros, like the Scarlet Pimpernel or Zorro, are defined as such because of the secret identity.
>>95062453It seems like the primary place you'd have overlap is with a Robinhood-esque setup, where there's a tyrannical ruler and the hero is forced to use disguises and operate outside the law. And even that requires that the ruler and his forces be powerful enough that the hero can't just rally a mob of peasants or lead a civil war. I think it's possible to hit those typical superhero notes, but it's not something you can just slot in and get the right effect.
>>95056713>Norse gods are provably real but this has zero impact on religious demographicsTrue. Sounds to me like in the golden age writers just didn't care for that but nowadays with writers forever "deconstructing" stories and looking at real world implications it might be more>can't offend the practitioners of real world religions by implying that large numbers of people would be worshipping the Asgardians and Olympiansor maybe just too distracting to the story by actually having to look at these details.>>95062453>proto-superheros, like the Scarlet Pimpernel or Zorrolet's not forget the Lone Ranger who made his mask from the vest of his murdered brother. The Phantom, he is actually a superhero?>There's no reason to hide your identityWhile not all related to your angle of "hero doing good thing has no need for disguise", there are a few instances that come to mind.Odysseus hides his identity upon his return homePatroclus fights in Achilles' armour.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95056713>>95065119Marvel has had some AUs where Thor's existence is a big deal, since being an AU means writers don't have to worry so much about leaving things in the state they found it in.In the original Ultimate Universe he led a small cult/ecowarrior group before joining the Ultimates (also he was very well adapted to Earth and lacked any of 616 Thor's flowery speech patterns; for a good while it was left ambiguous whether he was the actual Thor or just crazy).And in Marvel 1602 his existence is covered up by the Knights Templar for fear it would tear the Church apart.
>>95062453There's a superhero by that definition in my current fantasy campaign. She wears a mask to hide better as a runaway from her very powerful noble father. It comes across as more Zorro/Scarlet Pumpernickel though. Especially because of the fencing saber.
What does your party do to wind down in between adventures?
>>95062308Close enough. Exalted.
>>95062314Nice! Game?
>>95062357WFRP 4e with some ported 2e expansions
>>95051410The priest as an alcoholic and the rest are happy to oblige.
>>95051410>between adventures... a what?You realise the whole concept of "downtime" and "between adventures" comes from PbtA and similar faggotry, which tried to reinvent the wheel for the sake of reinventing the wheel...... right? You aren't actually asking this question seriously, now are you?
Any ideas on how elves would call humans? For example from the Silmarillion:>The Atani they were named by the Eldar, the Second People; but they called them also Hildor, the Followers, and many other names: Apanonar, the After-born, Engwar, the Sickly, and Firimar, the Mortals; and they named them the Usurpers, the Strangers, and the Inscrutable, the Self-cursed, the Heavy-handed, the Night-fearers, the Children of the Sun.
>>95059730Very little about the 40k timeline makes sense if you actually try to map it out.
>>95059730>That makes zero senseThat's because it isn't true. They invaded and subjugated some eldar lands until the hero Elronhir wiped every last one off the face of the galaxy. There's literally nothing about enslavement and certainly not a species-wide one, they were just a particularly onerous pest that managed to grab some planets from the eldar before going extinct for the trouble they caused.
>>95059167Does that mean elves can cum at will and much faster than humans?
>>95060616It means that they fuck so hard that it actually scares them so they don't do it often.
>>95059041nice Chat GPT answer.
Odd question, but I'm looking for a monster.I think it was D&D, maybe 3.5. It was some kind of flesh golem, with the basic version piling flesh on itself to get bigger, the advanced version stealing entire bodies, and the elite version impaling captured souls on its ribs spikes. Pic related.Does it ring a bell?
I'm not entirely sure as I can't think of any accretionary Undead that use actual size changes, but the nearest fit I can find seems to be the 4e version of the Devourer, which is the result of sufficiently batshit people cobbling together a body in the Shadowfell.My first instinct was that you were mixing up the Cadaver Golem (actually rather smart version of Flesh Golem that heals and gains abilities by taking bits of corpses) and Cadaver Collector (metallic construct with a Paralyzing gas breath weapon that uses spikes to free up hands for more Grappling), but the third reminded me of a webcomic I stumbled across on a tvtropes binge that intentionally-badly backported the Soulspike Devourer.
>>95064994>accretionary undeadThis is a terrific phrase, anon.
>>95064994I forgot how radically different 4e devourers looked, which is shame because they look more like generic zombies than in 3.5 that were perfectly menacing. OP do yourself a favor and look for the Dragon magazine article on Devourers. It's worth a read. Still, the very top one is a dead ringer for OP's doodle.
>>95064802>>95065105I just noticed OP used a gray line for the part of the spike behind the ghost. Very high quality.
>>95065105It's this! Thank you very much, I've been trying to find them for a while but couldn't remember the name. And fuck, the body stil in the middle one is scary.
Not quite Yet Edition>Balance Dataslate>Community Links:>3rd Party Models Pastebin:>Pre 10th Torrent:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
My painting has not been so good lately, so I opened my new brushes I bought last year since I've been using old brushes since october 2023. Now my detail painting is much better. It turns out sometimes it is the tools, not the tool-user.
>>95068426That shit was always a cope by poorfags without standards.
>>95067554Ok I fell for that>>95068571>>95068571>>95068571
>>95068480He used greenstuff instead of glue. I'm baffled.
>>95025172did we ever find out more about them? I'd assume the hooded guys arranged for their remaining unresurrected.
>>95051201>You can prevent ressurection by stealing and hiding bodies but that's the only way.No, that's not true either. Explicitly so. This is why it's a big deal when Malack dusts Nale's body. You need much, much stronger magic to resurrect someone who no longer has a body to return to.
what the fuck are you guys on aboutthe fiends are a devil, demon, and deamonthey refer to others by calling them "mortals", because they themselves are immortalthey are explicitly from lower planes or however dnd calls their hell, not somebody that can be "resurrected"did we let rules autists from gitp forums nest here again?
>>95063818they're arguing about the souls that V borrowed the power of during his soul contract spergout
>>95064459ohthat makes more sense
this just came out, has anyone run the Cypher system before? i'm plotting and scheming for my campaign right now
>>94708881>prototype rulesJokes on you it's a fully playable system with only one or two unbalanced factions that break the game.And really, isn't that what wargaming is really all about?
>>95052541>t. subterranean
>>95052086Well it’s the final boss of the first half of the game (Terraria). It is one of the coolest looking foes in the lore imo, literally a towering flesh monster with huge jaw and eyes which wants to devour the character.Worth looking up.Keep in mind, though, that the game is vertically in 2D, albeit beautifully full of lavish and colorful details. In 3D the monster would surely be even cooler.Also, I assume you saw my update on the comparison with the OP? >>95035528.
>>94775000Honestly, this would have been great artistically if the scba’s had more of that mira c8-8m feel. Also, even in the 70’s nothing screams futurist as integrated kneepads it’s not like the tech for them is crazy, just some extra sewing.
>>95060981>Also, I assume you saw my update on the comparison with the OP?I hadn't, thank you for referring me to it.
I've only played 9th and 10th edition so far. So I want to hear what others think of older editions and possibly see which one I would like the most.
>>95050749the best thing about old editions was how open ended the lists were. balance nightmare but a hobby dream. people would put so much effort in to conversions to represent whatever obscure combo of wargear and special rules they wanted on their dudes.
3rd, considering I spent the majority of my time playing it. A slight bit of 4th, and then a hiatus. I came back in 8th which was a large disappointment. I was glad that, even then, there was a Horus Heresy scene at my local because it scratched the itch for Warhammer fun. I've tried a game or two of 8th and 9th so I could at least experience them after reading the rules and it just wasn't fun or interesting. I haven't even bothered with 10th and it doesn't seem like I will. It's not a wargame anymore.
>>95062513Shame that heresy the game has all the oldhammer elements, while being a system designed for marvelesque WWE marine paypig fights.
>>95042256An unpopular opinion, but 8th. atleast when it comes to core rules.Stuff like Ork random event tables, or customizible Guard regimetns were still a thing, but you didnt have to roll for random Traits Artefacts and spells, melee was straight forward, and they removed templates which i personally dont like. Also characters who are single separate models are superior way to do them, with exception for Guard
>>95059531Thing is, most people don't want battles. they want character-centric large skirmish. 40k always has this fundamental conflict where on one hand it wants these big galaxy consuming epic battles, but the problem is on that scale the actions of individuals do not matter, not even superheroic ones. the way of having their cake and eating it is to only give you this small window in to a tiny part of a tiny part of an important battle where all the named characters happen to be. epic breaks the illusion.
The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!Cursed ending editionLast Thread: >>95042921================================>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs>Overview of the major factions too long. Click here to view the full text.
Are vehicles fun to play with/against?
new thread>>95068458>>95068458
>>95066338"One for the King, and one more for the Road!">>95066972>Thanks a lot, now I've got Sakkijarven Polka stuck in my head.How about the Eurobeat remix?>>95067414>Min Hee is a diminutive woman of Korean descentGet that Vindicator a Hammer!
Tell us what game you're playing, about your character, and about your last session! These threads used to be a regular thing, but I haven't seen them recently. Just started playing in a new campaign myself.
Playing Mage 20th as an ex-technocratic Euthantoi>be me>join traditions because the technocracy sucked and i fell into clarity> my cabal is chill actually>begin to trust cabal, especially our drug addict (Sahajiya)>drive into a town, magical car breaks down>town absolutely reaks of technocratic bullshit>threaten gas station worker until he professes that i need to talk to the mayor if i know> warn cabal whole town is a panopticon >everyone in the town is a psychic> psychics are the worst and this is clear progenitor bullshit>tell cabal to keep an eye out for spies>they tell me I'm being paranoid, clearly|>we run into technocratic spies> things nearly get violentComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95057615I've always been curious to play WoD games but the dice system seems so complicated. Specifically wanted to play Vampire, and Hunter: Reckoning as a hunter gone nutso who doesn't mind wasting civilians. But since we're struggling to find times to play D&D, learning a new system and finding other players seems unlikely
>>95060041the dice system is honestly easier than dnd since there's only one kind of dice. you have a level in a skill and that tells you how many dice you can roll. 5 in dex means you roll 5 d10s, etc.
>>95062180Someone explained it to me in the WoD thread earlier. Thank you! Some of those games sound really interesting. Some of it seems nonsensical, lore wise though
>>95042659>Waterdeep Dragonheist, D&D 5e, DM.>Session 1, Player #1 built an OP rouge, and decides to break up the tavern brawl with murder.>Slight of hand, roll 25, threw a knife through the onlooking crowd of 30, right into the skull of one combatant. I decided there were two witnesses in line of sight of NPC and Player #1.>Troll crawls out of well inside tavern. NPC witness #1 dies in the fight after revealing he was a witness, #2 survives.>Sessions later, authorities arrest Player #1. Player #2 gets pissed, saying no one should've seen it.>Player #1 is tried and acquitted, #2 leaves party.>Later, Player #3 steals McGuffin and runs off, derails everything, personal issues between her and I end the campaign for good.That was three years ago. Haven't restarted since, I'm constantly worried I'm That Guy since that was my first DM campaign, and every campaign Ive played in has ended similarly.