Late 10th edition marine leaks>GW will do some minor marine releases this year in the summer >There will also be a campaign story that leads up into this >It will allude to a growing ork threat >First releases are >Stormseer on a primaris jetbike>Cawl can make jetbikes now but its still insanely hard only 1 librarian from the white scars gets to ride it (new character) >Raven Guard character is a new one "part of the Mor Deythan" but is a new primaris character looks a bit like shrike but hes dual wielding heavy bolt pistols with primaris lightning claws >Alludes to the new Vanguard Veteran kit for primaris (The "Vanguard" part now means they wear the Phobos/Omni jump armor that Shrike wears since they are part of the vanguard company) >Salamander character is vulkan he'stan but as a primaris All three chapters will be connected and will reference an old book where all 3 chapters fought an ork warboss called the overfiend who came from Octarius>Imperial Fists will get Lysander in terminator armor (maybe primaris Assault Terminators too)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95215515i like phobos but only for RG and with beakies. Vanguard vets should be in ornate relic armour i hope these leaks ain't true
>>95218349> then slap on stupid cloth mag pouches and 1990's weapon attachments like you forgot about them in the design in order to appeal to tacticool morons.But deathwatch was fine?
>>95221500If you think this actually looks good you aren't old enough to be on this board.
>>95216473Just like everything else that is Primaris, the only place Phobos belongs to is on the chopping block
>>95218019Almost as COVERT as those space wolves.
>Eldar updated - No lore changes everything is the same designs are solid updates but still old soul>Orks Updated - No lore changes everything is the same designs are solid updates but still old soul>Tyranids updated - No lore changes everything is the same designs are solid updates but still old soul>Necron updated - No lore changes everything is the same designs are solid updates but still old soul>Space Marines get utter lore raping designs, and lore that still ruin the setting and the imperium as a faction as a whole now
>>95227143Doesn't matter I will fight the strong as well as the weak
>>95227169I would but all the people I know who are into 40k are either indifferent or against Primaris
>>95227169not really at most youll get "haha that early primaris lore sure is wacky...*rolls*
>>95225881It's almost like all those things happened after primaris and they learned adding new lore to justify replacing old models was unnecessary.
>>95226046Bolts are a two-stage projectile anon, also scoped bolters have been a thing since at least 3rd edition.
Meanwhile in /tg/ keep...
>>95221105Anyone notice the amount of market goers has been very odd over the last day? The market shut down for a while and everyone stopped going except all the doplegangers, they're just wearing skinsuits of the people and trying to sell stuff like>>95225182>>95225206>>95223270and while its amusing the market stall from last year finally got shoved out by new stuff, it doesn't seem very earnest. Like there was some sort of larger scale evil plan behind the doplegangers.
>>95225392Doppelgangers are under the employ of the Happy Merchant's Guild. One must shed the faith of thine fathers and embrace the viking ways to defeat them.
>>95224752Take not the secret passage, it leads to the final floor of the keep, which is scheduled for destruction
>>95224751Yeah but nigger-man wasn't very good at his job, one could easily argue he lead the main character to the big discovery... or maybe that was the plan all along
>>95221218Behold the folly of yon knave who hath mistaken himself for a yeoman!
This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.>DO:- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice- Help your fellow anons with advice>TRY TO:- Remember that this general is monitored by GWendolin and her lawyers- Not make a new thread until old one dies- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers- Not spoonfeed- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Anyone know STL sculptors who specialize in more simplified or even naked models but with heroic head/hand proportions. I'm essentially looking for a figurative "blank canvas" to customize with greenstuff, but popular stuff seems to be a bit to "busy" for my needs.
>>95225533Does he sell STLs? I thought his shop was purely physical?
any decent proxies for Jade obelisk or any Tzeentchy warband, stuggling to find any fantasy Tzeentch cultists.
>>95226010Edge Miniatures has Cultists of Change, but its for 40k mostly. There is a musician included, and you might be able to use the melee poses. Or maybe some birdmen:
For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e> Toolshttps://srd.dndtools.org> Indices> 3.5> 3.0> Dragon Magazine IndexComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95223095It has very questionable RAW and is unambiguously TO, but Invisible Spell also creates permanent/instantaneous invisible effects, possibly up to and including permanent objects or creatures (invisible True Resurrection?).
>>95223135>>95223118Damn. I was thinking it'd be a cool idea to have the mobile base I'm building. If my mobile base is a construct and the construct has some form kf Invisibility would that work? I think it would be cool to make a glassteel box maybe 10x15. Make it a construct somehow so it could fly itself & Invisibility on everything inside so it's its be this sort of mirage box. Maybe I can shunt it into the Ethereal?
>>95221910>Corporations are living human beingsWe really need to nullify that law. And keep yourself safe while we are at it.
Say a PC has a Sanctified Spell in place like Greater Luminous Armor which has a duration of hours per level and a sacrifice cost of 1d3 StrengthAn enemy dispels it. Does that sacrifice cost the PC immediately or when the spell would naturally end?
>>95226929Immediately>A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired.>PHBI pg 223, Dispel Magic
If you think this card being printed is acceptable then you deserve to be killed, full stop. What the actual fuck is this? The game has an attack called 10,000 needles so it means we should break all sense of scale for Magic and make this stupid shit? I don't care if it's a good card. It's ridiculous. If you think this is acceptable, you are not a real MTG player yorue a fucking poseur consoomer and your day of judgement IS coming.
>>95209834>Not adhering strictly to the 4th edition rule book.Though Classic is fine as far as the stack goes. Combat damage on the stack was always cancer though.
>>95209834You don't, and that's not premodern. Premodern is strictly and exactly 2025 rules, and the entire conceit of the format is built entirely around it.But you don't even know what the words you're saying mean, so I'll stop responding after this.
>>95227002Are you going to be ok?
>>95142566>marxist posturing as a centrist and as a tough guyyikes!
>>95141740>Now that my personal line is being crossed, I care!! Now I care everyone!!! Now it's too far!!!This is what justice looks like. Eat shit
Germany "soon" Edition>What is this?/TG/ DEVELOPED A GAMEIT IS PLAYABLE. IT HAS BEEN PLAYED.EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :> with maps, tokens and lore ressources.>TL;DR Doc too long. Click here to view the full text.
Logging on in a minute!
Oh and
>>95228938Generally the principle was to replicate the heraldry from the municipal armorials of Germany. The bases of operation therein named are the cities whose heraldry is used for that particular Fahne. During the 16th century, this was generally how Landsknecht forces were recruited, from urban centers where sellswords tended to congregate. I can explain in greater detail but I would have to have an autistic dump on knowledge of German armorial tradition clog up the thread. However, there are some subtle alterations that a clever eye can pick out compared with their historical originals.
>>95228525I had wanted to do something similar a few months back but got lazy when I realized how many I would need to do. Now that you've done the heavy lifting I can use my white-collar powers to turn it all into an excel sheet. Right now it's a semi-simplified version until I get around to adding decimal gradation within the larger categories. I'm also trying to figure out how to get a pdf of it which can be converted back into excel without breaking the formatting but I might just get on the d*scord and post the raw excel file there tomorrow.It might also be possible to replace the numbers with letters which would be preferable I would just have to get the formatting to colour it correctly.
>>95229582notice the hellsquare in the bottom right corner that is Agarthan-power relations.I do think that if the Dutch are getting a seat we should slap Ethiopia and the Sky People on for the ride too, maybe others. It shouldn't be too hard once I get it fixed up
>Predator of dragons>Cannot fly or otherwise pursue a dragon
>>95225050>>95225767You are a retard
>>95225050speculative evobio for fictional species is (autistic) funand you're on the autism board of the autism website
>>95224289I personally don't think there should be a predator of dragons as they are presented in DnD (Except for knights in shining armor, if you count them). They ought to be power, personified in a single creature. For them to not only be part of an ecosystem, but for their to be a predator evolved specifically to hunt them robs them of their value.
>>95225050>>95225767What is specifically weird, unbelievable or strange about evolution to you?
>>95225990>draconic claws typed this post
>WHF Slaanesh Champion>Physical perfection and beauty contrasting with extreme depravity and narcissism >40K Slaanesh champion>Miss shaped deformity and hell raiser knock offs why ?
>>95222581Space marines have robust features typical of violent warrior lineages, like the ones they recruit from almost exclusively. Hive gangers and death world barbarians are going to have prominent brow ridges, high cheekbones, and strong jaws.Black library authors are nerds that come from the isles. Runts within an already degenerated gene pool, famous for their crooked teeth for example, often the result of a recessed jaw not leaving any room. I wouldn't be surprised if they associated strong traits with gigantism out of ignorance, born of only ever meeting people that have been serfs for inbred nobleman since the stone age.
>>95203900And then there's this guy, who's basically a Nurgle follower.
>>95204341Yeah. His sword is more special than he is. He's just some guy. A lil dude. A wee bean.
>>95204341As the other poster pointed out, Lucius picked a very extreme solution to death. Lucius probably is at a point where he wouldn't care if it's a dog he's possessing, never mind the tentacle arm.
>>9520442040k was literally made at the same time as Fantasy by the same guys, stop smoking crack
Archives & Other Resources: Thread: >>95217214Bible quote of the day for 05/03/2025>And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died. (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT)
>>95227010He must know he is wrong because he didn't have an answer for the relevant text yesterday and refused to acknowledge it and must have had to brainstorm his manipulation=/=destruction argument.
>>95227076gill pickle
>>95226744>How is a good way to implement having a "mana pool" into a CYOA?Soul produces mana and/or gathers mana from the world.
>>95225210Why is it a field spell?
>>95225082>spacing is so fucked that pages require MULTIPLE PDFs>nitpickingOnly a retard or bootlicker would believe this.
Why do Cyberpunk rpg systems always assume that you as a player would never want your character to be permanently employed by a megacorp?
>>95225928>>95226189If you include art of both Sinners and story characters you can claim they doing hitman style disguises
>>95088145They dont
Never even heard of this problem outside of morkslop, but then I see no reason to pay money for worse versions of systems I already own, either.
>>95088145Why do you care?
>Last thread>>94601895New thread for the new year. Sorry it's pretty late.Not associated with anything. What are you working on? Having any troubles or question? Or just want to rant about your stuff? Sometimes, just putting words down can help to organize your thoughts.Thread Question:>How do you handle social and roleplay encounters in your system? Do you have strict rules, or do you feel it out? Is talking even allowed in your TTRPG?>Resources for the aspiring developer> (A fantastic resource for checking probabilities)> (A online whiteboard with tools to help organize yourself)> (Similar to the above, but in a bit cleaner format for those who work in larger teams)> (Notetaking and other assistance)
>>95130000What are you using to make your cards?
>>95215829thank you!>>95217117I use good ol' PowerPoint
>>95171901>>95171941Ok everyone, I think I figured it out. How about that for a Strength sub-stat: *Burden capacity*This way it:>Does not just slices Strength into smaller and smaller use case>Adds a cleanly defined and directly gameable additional use>Still feels like it fits naturally within strength
designing within the confines of Magichow can I force myself to venture within uncharted territory?
WE ARE SO BACK editionTell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.>List of games:Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen>Inspirational stuff:Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfictionOther News:New Fear Itself Edition / Ocean Game Crowdfunding announced OCEAN GAME IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95119252>picWhy the fuck do I love the king in yellow so much?
>>95119252I get where this is going for but desu it's a little too overtly unnatural for my tastes. For me Hastur's about that analogue horror sort of vibe where normality is just askew enough for us to doubt our preconceptions. A tattered yellow flag tangled about its flagpole would fit. The pole seems to be a shrouded human figure; but what of the flag? Some unknown all-yellow symbol? A different pattern turned by chemicals and spores? Some windblown scrap, pushed by winds and chance into the person-like pose?>>95217344Because you have no choice. You never did.
>>95197223If you want to reduce the goofiness, narrate situations like this more chaotically. It's not that everyone took turns trying to hit each other and missed, it's that a bunch of people were trying to fire guns into a hallway fistfight and the chaos is causing inaccuracy. "Drywall exploding from a bullet hole barely missing your skull blinds you as you swing a>>95197223t your opponent." That sort of thing.
Finally working on Bast, also decided to start uploading the cards to bluesky cause i dont wanna send a new link to mega for each new card i make>>95217344Idk sounds gay to me
How do you like your knights?Personally, I love the idea of a "realistic knight" that isn't just Smug Noble Buffoon.I mean something like a norse pagan or greek hero, that is, a noble blooded, strong, handsome man who is a lover of adventure and war, and is so able to be cruel and merciful depending on how he personally feel about the people nearby. So he can be "evil" but also unquestionably competent, intelligent and brave, always ready to risk his life.
>>95211670I played a squire for a morally grey knight once. He slapped me around if I questioned his reasoning and sent me to do his dirty work.
>>95223035You alright, man?
>>95211656My realistic knight is drunk half the time and wants another whore.
>>95224886Then why wasn't the surcoat also simplified?
>>95211656>muh oaths>muh code>muh'lord>muh duty>muh noblisse oblige >muh brothers in armsI luv me some knights in shining armor bound up in all the obligations of their station, and even better if they can walk the walk. Walking the tightrope between personal and organizational obligations tends to make for interesting character motivations and interactions. I'm actually playing a knightly character right now. He's intentionally kind of abrasive and a bit of a hardass due to his upbringing but this has also made him a good foil for the more wild members of the party. He's actually become good friends with the wildling, of all people, in part because he's not afraid to be blunt with her when he thinks she's making a mistake. He's not always able to change her mind but she trusts that he won't mince words or baby her. It'll be interesting when his obligations to his order start running up against the interests of the rest of the party.
A different reaver titan now edition.Previous Heresy: >>95185354>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)>30k TACTICA & TIPS>HH1 Black BooksComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Huh. Neat. (Martian Civil War, pg7)
>>95228900What's the deal? Luna Wolves?
>>95228643anon thats fucking rad as hell
>>95229115Either the Luna Wolves staged a false flag assault using captured vessels, or Traitor Ravens staged a false flag assault using themselves.