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Are simulationist RPGs pretty much dead nowadays? Seems like the trend is rules light narrative and NuSR style games nowadays. And no, simulationist does not inherently mean crunchy people!
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Insects would "collapse" at our scale because the proportional thickness of their exoskeleton would mean it'd be much weaker relative to how much force their muscles need to exert to move them around.
They'd tear themselves apart.
Only if you expect things like grasshopper leaping to scale 1:1 in which case obviously, because nothing alive at our scale can jump like that either

If this fucker can fly without tearing himself apart ill bet a big ant can walk
>And no, simulationist does not inherently mean crunchy people!
To an extent, it should
My metric for appraising simulationist RPGs is looking at the firearms rules. They need to pass the test of being reasonably playable while being reasonably realistic, and so far none has been able to top GURPS 3/4
Maybe, maybe not, but ever since /tg/ first informed me of the existence of FKR, I have been eating good as far as simulationist games go.

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a while ago I ran into dead TCG called "Zombie Wold Order" I really liked the art on the cards, plus the game was simple enough to follow.

Sadly & ironically, its very much dead; it main system though got reworked and put into either a One Piece or DBZ TCG, forget which.

Point being, it got me hankering to see what other dead or obscure TCG are out there; I know last time some one suggested Horror themed one (think is was "Hex" or something) while another guy mentioned a odd furry military themed one (this one I totally forget the name; think it was a some sorta pun or something, I could be totally wrong of course)

So I just wanna ask if any of y'all mind suggestion some games that sorta fit this bill (plus if someone could find that weird furry tcg one, that would be great; its been stuck in my mind for lord knows how long now with no answers found)

sorry for the world wall; kinda shit at organizing my thoughts these days
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So I just discovered that there was a Monster Rancher card game, and I'm trying to see if I can find images of all the cards. A lot of them are on CCG trader, but for the rest I'll try looking on EBay and YouTube unboxing videos.
why am I not surprised that a CCG, kinda odd though; given the CD gimmick of the games
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Today I will remind them.
ah, chaotic; wasn't there word going around that they're planning on bringing this back in some way?

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I grew up with 3.5 but am currently using OSE: Advanced, how difficult would it be to convert some of the material to work with b/x systems?

Especially interested in some of the horror themed stuff

If anyone has suggestions for compatible content that is similar, I'm also eager to hear :)
kill yourself faggot

No :)
There's hardly any compatibility with the numbers. But B/X monster design is very bland and samey. Almost every monster saves as a fighter (rarely a cleric or magic-user) of half its hit dice in level and uses the same attack progression as well. The only thing that distinguishes monsters with the same hit dice from each other are one or two special traits or attacks. So you'd copy one or two of those from 3.5 and otherwise make a B/X stat block.
Spells could be converted but will break some assumptions in B/X, will need to have new saves assigned and probably do too much damage.
Classes and other character options would need a full conversion.
not that hard honestly. most of the monsters found in the 3.5 books have existed since adnd and you can use those statblocks, and also using adnd material with b/x is a fairly small conversion.

For the new monsters you need to adjust 3 things:
their hd numbers if they are too high like they tend to get in 3.5 as well as the actual die size to what similar monsters should have,
the stat block of the mosters since they got inflated the most in 3.5
and finally their attack matrixes and saves
Finally, give a few special abilities if the monster has any and you re probably done.
For spells it will obviously have to be done on a case by case basis but b/x has so few spells available that i would care even if i gave a broken one to a magic user. Most probably you will run into the opposite problem and have to buff certain spells in some ways.

In the end it's all dnd and even if the mechanics changed the theme is all still there

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Tired of 5e? Pathfinder? Do you have a funky setting but NO system to go with it? We'll help ya, kind stranger.
Provide a detailed description of the game ya wanna run, and we'll offer you a system recommendation. Don' just request tho, be a good sport and help Anons who are looking for systems too! And feel free to discuss and debate the merits of different systems too!

Figured that I should make a new thread, since it’s been so long since the last one. Has anyone here discovered any new systems that they like lately?
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There's some GURPS fan supplements that might work for you. Unless anyone else has non-GURPS suggestions?
i'm looking for probably 2 games but if there is one that can do both sounds good to me
>i want to run pick up games on twitch for literally anyone stopping by mostly dungeon crawls probably just 5 rooms
>i want to run a west marches game where every hex is an island with a dungeon or sea and the outside of 2 mega continents and these new unexplored islands its a world of endless seas so naval combat is a plus along with high magic

i also each continent has a a few megadungeons some of which are famous
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What are these dungeons famous for, that might help us narrow things down a bit.
what's a 3.5/pathfinder like system that's less geared towards dungeons and more towards exploration or city adventures?
some have massive entrances or have constant (un)natural phenomena and sometimes puke out monsters. All the dungeons megadungeons are made of wizards towers fused together with the remains of a *dead* god of evil dragons. Lots of monsters

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The new lore is retarded as fuck.
Imagine Ancient Eldar not having the technology to dig in the ground!
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Was the ban lifted?
Also, it's implied that Team Old Ones immediately had other shit to deal with the precise moment the Silent King decided to surrender.
Lmao, this is what happens when OP gets all his opinions from 1d4chan.
they'd just done their nails
Literally nobody played or cared about them before their reboot

Aetherdrift Edition


The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Metagame Mentor: The Scariest Standard Strategies in Duskmourn:


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2024 MtG
>UB: Hearthstone (Mean Streets of Gadgetzan)
>UB: Hearthstone (Murder at Castle Narthia)
>UB: Fallout
>UB: Hearthstone (Showdown in the Badlands)
>UB: Pokémon TCG balancing
>UB: Assassin's Creed
>UB: Pokémon
>UB: Hearthstone (Madness at the Darkmoon Faire)
2025 MtG
>UB: Mario Kart
>UB: Spider-Man
>UB: Hearthstone (Descent of Dragons)
>UB: Final Fantasy
>UB: Hearthstone (The Great Dark Beyond)

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they would fit right in
Annette is basically an entirely different character with the same name (admittedly she's not much of a character in the game anyway), Isaac is also VERY different though at least has sort of a basis in the same concept. The only thing show-Annette shares with game-Annette seems to be "will probably fuck Richter".
Find someone to trade with
Go onto the website TCG player and look the the value of the cards you want vs what they want from you.
Make up the difference with other cards

Firstmost should be looking for rare dual colored lands as they have the most staying power regardless of format. They likely are the most expensive cards to trade for but that's because once you have a four of the same you can just move those four around to whatever deck needs them.

And yes to the Edict if your not going to use it.

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How do I capture that old school grunge feel where the whole world and everything in it has this stylistic suck while simultaneously feeling full of SOVL, as if it was made by a 14 year old kid with dreams of being a writer sketching in his notepad during math class? Maybe I'm so used to the sort of logical worldbuilding and story progression seen in mainstream media that it feels difficult to just have the sort of worldbuilding which has this "I don't give a fuck" vibe. For example, you walk into a town and everyone is afraid of the sun because it's been replaced by a hostile eldritch horror that sucks anyone it sees into the sky unless you hide in the shadows, and it's never explained why, and you can't fight it, it's just this weird cool thing the players stumble across disconnected from the main plot. How the fuck do people come up with this stuff so naturally?
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Stop directing people to the shitty general threads where their questions get drowned off by the circlejerking. Fucking kill yourself.

Stop thinking so logically. I know it sounds retarded, but the more rules you follow the harder it is to do anything. Otherwise you're not just fighting with other systems, you're also fighting yourself.
Well, you answered it yourself. "I don't give a fuck." Just sit down and daydream the isolated scenario together then just throw it at the players without worry. Raw imagination exercise.
Not without worry, because you still have to conceptualize "okay how do I stat this and what kind of mechanics are at play" but the important bit is to apply/create the the crunchy rules AFTER you create the scenario.
We need space for more 40k threads
>Maybe I'm so used to the sort of logical worldbuilding and story progression seen in mainstream media
>it's never explained why, and you can't fight it, it's just this weird cool thing the players stumble across disconnected from the main plot.
Then its basically useless for actually playing a game. You're caught up in the artfag side of osr, not the game part.

>starter set supposed to be an introduction to 40k
>instead of having the basic units changed it to hyper specialists
What's fucking next?Wulfen as the basic space marine squad?
Give me my intercessors back.
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I'm sure its already been discussed here but the one of the worst things that came out of the Primaris marines what the destruction of the original chapter formation. The way chapters were organized had been around for decades and was absolutely solid. The lack of unit customization also sucks but that's a problem for most armies these days.
Primaris gay
No wonder you're jealous of them, straightoid.

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Farmland Heroes edition.

Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official update:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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>Taqeul survives yet another edition without a model
Truly the cockroach of Infinity profiles.
>CB has forsaken me by not dropping a new profile
Jaan's a weird one, because he shares his AVA with the base Kiiutan. Maybe they've decided to merge the two and give him both loadouts, kind of like an inverse of the Toni Macayana/Tikbalang merge in N3.
Come, join us in the new thread >>94381882

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What's the worst you ever encountered?
Were you the GM?
How did you handle it?
Did anyone freak out?
If so, how badly?
Why is perversion universally viewed as bad when rpgs universally include sluts and shirtless douchebags?
Nearly the entire gaming industry is stripperific, so why are most players total prudes?
Isn't that a tad hypocritical?
Kinda like buying a porno and bitching about the nudity?
Not trying to offend anyone.
Just genuinely trying to understand gamer mentality.
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Not nearly as dead as /y or /x
>Out of the Abyss doesn’t take place in the Abyss, retard-kun.
Come on, you fucking massive idiot.
Why the fuck would the location matter? They're FROM the abyss, they're used to the abyss, THAT'S the point the anon was making.
How can someone be so infuriatingly retarded?
Perversion was never the problem, the problem was making sure whether everyone at the table actually wanted to play a cheesecake game or not. If you get a bunch of people together with the express interest of running Corruption of Champions TTRPG edition or some shit, you are within your rights to do so. The problem arises when you spring CoC on your normal and otherwise nonsexual campaign without warning anybody. Much like real sex, there's a time and place.
See >>94377124. It is literally intended that it should be possible to converse with at least some demon lords, going all the way back to the TSR days.

Otherwise, what is the point of the superhuman mental stats and investment in social skills that Graz’zt has in 5e (and 3e as well, and the only reason not 2e is because the system didn’t really go in for them for NPCs) And if Graz’zt, why not Malcanthet?
Next time wait until you are sober before posting

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Your party encounters a rodent of unusual size.
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Princess Bride references ensue for 10-15 minutes.
I rape it.
Do NOT eat them friend, europeans brought tasty cows and chickens and non guinea pigs to america so you wouldn't have to.
I unrape it.
>take out the sack we got from that weird old soldier we met at the crossroads
>shake it at the rodent and tell it to "come on in"

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Everyone knows that swords are the most classically heroic weapon, but what's #2?
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Paladins and fighters have swords.
Rogues and rangers have daggers.
Forgot heroic pic.
Lord of the Rings spelled it out.
>you have my sword
>and my bow
>and my axe
That's the order, contemporaneously.

But if we look to the Antiquity, it's spear all the way.

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One on One
no weapons
who wins in a fight? Stormcast or Space Marine
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I don’t think marines get to talk about competency when they almost killed humanity
They're the same, nigga.
One is iconic but the other is competent, so it's a real tossup.
Space Marine.
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true, Chad Knight beats both.

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>Necron warrior on par with an average astartes
>necrodermys much more durable than their armor due to The reanimation protocol
>Even if their body are destroyed they respawn
>The fooder necron weapon can break a rhino like it was paper mache
>Necron nobility weapons can break Titans
>Blackstone Completely nullifies warp and psykers
>The average Cryptkes is stronger than Most librarians
>Scares the shit out of the 'nids
>Could seal off the chaos gods
>World engines, aeons orb, The oerrari, C'tan shard wunder waffen
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they eepy
>The thing that actually bothers me is that there is very little focus on Xenos vs Xenos conflict
Xenos fans just aren't numerous enough to support lots of novels. Also, most people who end up sticking with 40k for more than a few years inevitably get drawn into reading Imperium lore since there is far more of it than the rest of the factions combined
Chaos isn't just fed by raw emotion, having sentient beings being aware of their existence jacks up the amount of power they get per individual, which creates a chain reaction where the more powerful they get the more people are aware of them which makes them more powerful

Unless something unusual happens, Chaos is on track to turn the entire galaxy into something like the Eye of Terror. Sure it will burn itself out eventually, but even Orks, Necron and Tyranids will have a hard time surviving in it
They’re stupid and old and stupid and very old
That's pretty much what happened to me. I used to be an Eldar player. I can't remember what started me down the Mechanicus route but I thought they were cool and that's where I'm at right now.

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Post your sexiest gobbos, orcs, and undead.
It's for a game I'm running.
Try /d/, you don't have to bother coming up with a lie there.
Post pics or fuck off.
/tg/ - porn
Consider jerking off before running your game.
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luv me gobs

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