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>What is Sine Requie?
Sine Requie is a tabletop role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic Europe (optionally US, Japan and Egypt) during the 1950s. It combines elements of horror, mystery, and survival, with players navigating a world filled with undead and supernatural threats while also dealing with the scars of World War II.

>How does it work?
The Tarot Reader (GM) uses a complete deck of tarot cards, both minor and major arcana, to see how various game situations unfold. There are no dice.

>What can you play?
A Templar with sword and shield at the Pope's command, an undercover Gestapo agent in the 4th Reich, a worker in a Soviet metal city controlled by a computer, or the simple survivor in abandoned cities overrun by the undead.

TQ: Why aren't you already playing the most kino game there is?
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The tarot doesn't make any sense with the metaplot. The Rider–Waite is very traditional and somewhat proto art nouveau it will just be super anachronistic the setting and tatot together.
What's wrong with dice?
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What rules do you suggest? I've thought about using something like PbtA, if not Apocalypse World itself.
But I'm trying to be more open-minded with rules system I don't like too much. For example, I strongly dislike the random character generation, but my players are fine with that.

There is a in-setting tarot deck made by an artist (which you can buy). The metaplot revolves around the Tarot Reader, a figure with the tarot deck itself who is giving the 4 Objects of Powers (Excalibur, Saint Graal, Moses's Staff and the Gold of the Nibelungs) to specific characters, each one portrayed in the cards themselves.
Because most modules and the setting itself encourage cringelords to master this shit like a mix between their magical realm and a paranoid victimist jew's view of the world
Figo comunque ma col cazzo che ci gioco con degli sconosciuti
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>Because most modules and the setting itself encourage cringelords to master this shit like a mix between their magical realm and a paranoid victimist jew's view of the world
The only magical realm I can see myself insert in this setting is to fill it with gay characters.
I don't get the paranoid victimist part.

>Figo comunque ma col cazzo che ci gioco con degli sconosciuti
Penso che giocare con degli sconosciuti sia orrendo praticamente con qualsiasi gioco, non solo con Sine, ma in questo caso hai ragione.
>TQ: Why aren't you already playing the most kino game there is?
Don't have the pdf to read yet. Looks neat, thanks anon.

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I'm saying either way what you're complaining about is overblown and only affects this second right here. Some stuff will be good some stuff will be shit. In other news water is wet.
People are only talking about the new thing because of the endless bitching about the new thing. You're making your own problems. It's also trivial to find discussion on any SMT game you want.
>To be fair, Dracula was not in a rhetorically open frame of mind. He's committing murder-suicide on a catastrophically large scale.
No, he was moping and he had time to reflect but the show also wanted him to be blinded by anger at the same time. The show is apologia.
>Thinking of it, the dumbest of all seem to be the other vampires, who are largely too caught up in their own venal interests or power lust to see what's going on.
The show took way too long to properly establish that vampires need specifically human blood long term and the only vampire that manages to put 2 and 2 together is Godbrand. God brand is literally the smartest one of the vampires.
>Carmilla may be the worst of all, since she has the wits to realize Dracula is a family annihilator in meltdown mode (and thus vulnerable to usurpation),
She definitely the lesser evil but the show wants to protray Hector and Carmilla's betrayal as uniquely evil.
>but she doesn't see the problem with God allowing a zombie to sanctify an entire river for her. If you're a Satanic rebel against God and God is obliging your plan, it's a bad plan, lol.
Are you really buying that bullshit excuse? Even that was the case, why shouldn't she? She is right to betray Dracula and it is in her best interest to do so.
>And then she jobs to a guy whose boss power is 'summons adds to his fight.'
Humans are not weak in the Castlevania games. With a few exemptions, the strongest creatures in the game are humans and former humans. Grant was just some guy who was good at throwing knives. Also, Isaac had infinite plot armor.
You know, speaking of him, he would've been perfect as a receptacle for the crude stuff the writers kept trying to push; why the hell did Warren Ellis get his shit in a knot about him being a pirate in a landlocked country as an excuse to exclude him? Not like any of his writing team is adverse to in-name-only levels of changing characters (IE Isaac) and they just ended up gender-swapping him later anyway...yet when asked, somehow expect people to buy that a knife user named GRETA OF DANESTY is just a complete coincidence.
>Season 2 was shit
it's been so long I can't remember when I felt it went to shit, I think season 3 with all the lady vampires scheming, my point was there was an easy set up for a good story and they blew it, it's not even hard
>alucard (or other person) is afflicted with vampirism
>wants to help people
>people are dicks and chase them away
>they isolate themselves out of fear from hateful villagers
>ends up becoming spiteful towards said villagers
it's that easy and with all you'd have to do is push some message about acceptance (which modern writers love) or how we often create the very monsters we fear

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In WoD terms, would he be a Technocratic Mage?
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Emps is Romeaboo prime.
I started paying attention after the "Men think about Rome every day" meme and I literally can't avoid it, Rome was really damn important and its influence is major in a country the Romans never laid eyes on, 2000 years later. 20x that is stretching that a bit but there could have been a few classical revivals since then keeping it alive.
he kinda transcends most descriptive titles outside of demigod, whether he admits it or not lol
Based and Lorgar pilled.
He was anti religion and sorcery because he believed it would allow him to starve and eventually kill the warp gods.

The technocratic union is anti-magic because it allows them to control and shape society easier. They have long since abandoned any concern for the common mans development, and several of their branches are comprised and controlled by ai.

EOM would likely be opposed to the union, and would demand that it either chang or submit to him.

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Post-Human setting where humans have been genetically engineered to survive deep underwater. Replacing tobacco/chew is a synthetic jerky like substance to curb and satisfy cannibalistic tendencies in some.

>Is your boss getting on your nerves? Does the ex-wife deserve a fate worse than death? Maybe you just have that itch that other meat can't scratch? Try Handover's Sweetbreads! A delectable chew with long-lasting flavor! And for you carnivores out there, try our new party platters shaped in Ribcage, Facemeat, and limbs! Handover's Sweetbreads! Now comes in bone and bone-free varieties!
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Besides hydromancy, what kinds of magic do your aquatic folk practice? Mine use magic that lets them command sea serpents.
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>an ancient evil lives as a mundane worker since they got tired of being active
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Either Nick-tuku or Nosferatu because nossies love looking for Cleopatras along with arrogant people to fuck with their loves while their cousins always love attractive people.
As >>92602712 points out, a person embraced by a Nosferatu because of their living (commonly vain) beauty is mockingly called a Cleopatra.
I'm not sure why you're describing Caine as an ancient evil. From a human perspective, he's probably fairly good (within the confines of the setting) considering that he explicitly forbade other vampires from ruling over humans and commanded vampires to treat humans and ghouls well.

Which you would know if your only exposure to VtM or WoD weren't finding an internet article about a video game easter egg that, if it were a person, would be old enough to vote.
He is literally the first murderer and created vampires because he wanted to scramble to the top of shit-mountain instead of putting up with "just" being an immortal man, significantly contributing to the Antideluvian horrors responsible for the Flood.
>ancient horror turns alcoholic

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Which one of theses should i run for my friends?
Our last DM moved towns for a job so he's going to be busy for the next number of months.
I proposed if we could run Fallout in Savage Worlds or a SotDL campaign about hunting demons.
Its going to be just me, a couple of friends, my best friend and his gf.
We have an edgy sense of humor but i am worried about my beffie's gf to be weirded out by his liking of gore and how that would be displayed.
And it's not that he's obliged to include her, he wants her there so as to rp in game and jokingly flirt with NPC's (he has told me all of this whenever the subject of me running came about)
This started as a thread for system reccomends but has devolved as to how the fuck i am supposed to play tard wrangler in a way.
Doesn't sound like either has any real problems with the group though as you've not really shared anything pertinent to the choice. So ask the table what they'd like more. SotDL is better than SWADE IMO, so SotDL if you really need input.
With SWADE, you will need to flesh things out slightly. What's in the core book is pretty bare bones. You're expected to customize the core system with extra rules to fit your genre and setting. If you have trouble, just check out some SW games and steal the setting rules that you like.

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What are some trolley problems in games you have been in?

In a Godbound game I am in at this very moment, part of the scenario's backdrop is that there was once an adventuring party of Godbound who went around the world, generally saving and uplifting it. All but one of them died for varying reasons, and of course, resurrecting a Godbound is virtually impossible.

Stricken with grief at losing his friends, the survivor went around the realm, gathering the patronage of multiple dragons, Eldritches, Fae, parasite gods, and Uncreated. By pooling together all of their mystical prowess, he forged a mystical contract: he would be drained of nearly all of his power as a Godbound, which would then go towards an evil tulpa-twin of his. This tulpa would track down the descendants of the deceased Godbound and murder them. (They were minor supernaturals, very hard to resurrect.) Then, and only then, would the survivor's friends all be resurrected in good health.

We gradually pieced these facts together. We ultimately voted on stopping this scheme, since most of the players thought that it would be disrespectful to the late Godbound. We used Brilliant Invention (Engineering lesser) to Burn the Bargain (Freedom lesser), eventually shattering the pact.

I found it to be a fascinating scenario.
The only time I had the party consider ethical side of things was with two questgivers asking for the exact same item, offering the exact same reward, and conveniently located within the exact same travel distance from where the item was ultimately discovered.
File deleted.

To be clear, the survivor's plan actually had considerable merit to it. These deceased Godbound were morally upright heroes who used their demigodly powers to save, reshape, and embetter the world: before their untimely deaths, anyway. Bringing them back would have, in theory, restored to the world a collection of messianic figures who could have continued to good-heartedly uplift the realm.

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Yuan-ti. I'm thinking of pitting my players against some. What are some neat plot hooks involving them? How have you used them in your campaign?
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Twisted, I love it.
no it was an ear-th
Yeah I like that version of Yuan-Ti. The notes are my summary/breakdown of the original article from Dragon #151 1989: https://annarchive.com/files/Drmg151.pdf

I use it as the backdrop to my ultra-generic campaign I'm running. The players started in what they thought was the world's most-generic, classic D&D campaign world. In drips and drops they're finding out that the history of the world is "Well, about a thousand years ago the world was ruled by a Mesopotamia-style Yuan-Ti empire that successfully merged their planet w/ The Mad Mind. Most of the continents have sunk into the Abyss and you're the descendants of refugee ships on the last continent which has a century left and then everyone is gonna be in hell. So enjoy the time travel shenanigans."
Nakamura Enjitsu is the artist. That's the entire strip though.

why doesnt /tg/ ever come up with stuff like pic related? it's almost always just "use weapons from books and source books any attempt to make unique weapons is woke or reddit"
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Only good for a 2d styled action game, turn based battle game, or similar.
It's too "anime" meaning it works better in a visual medium.
probably because the artist of OP's pic would actually try suing anyone with a remotely similar concept.
Or claim it was stolen on social media and try to rile up a mob.
Because /tg/ isn't a place for creativity anymore. It's just for shilling for/bitching about corporations.
Keeping in theme with the concept: Why not just make a gauntlet that uses the force of your punch to pressurize a larger container/potion that then releases/shoots out liquid from the potion that then takes immediate effect upon contact with the air?
Basically the blast gauntlets from fallout, but magitek.
>I am entitled to the sweat of other people's brow for free.
Have you considered MAID?

Tying it to the bottle breaking means you can have a wider variety of trigger mechanisms without the gauntlet itself becoming overly complicated. Maybe one has a mini wand that makes a spark or a cold snap on breaking along with the bottle. Second, having it tied to vials means you can have different functions. Maybe the first few vials are mildly acidic, but scale up to stronger acids, ignitable oils, or even explosives.

The length isn't going to change much since it's tied to your forearm and the spring can handle the little bit of play in moving your hand. Besides, you're not going to be moving your arm that much with it all bound up in the gauntlet. As far as throwing them goes, there's the accuracy problem and the fact it'll be less concentrated. It's the difference between having a grenade taped to you and one going off 10ft away. Plus you get access to stuff like contact poisons where you don't have to throw it and maybe miss, you just punch until you hit them. And also, it's a bit of a cop out sure, but if there's magical potions there's probably magic other shit. I'm sure you can get a variety of magics applied to the gauntlet that protect from falling or whatever else. But that's a per game discussion.

Are there any board games or ttrpgs that involve kaiju or kaiju containment?
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Anyone have that screencap about powerful wizards living on the moon?
That's the guy that does Orc Stain. Fucking METAL.
Thank you
My current group of PCs are dealing with something loosely inspired by this. I remember seeing it and loving the idea.
Stokoe is a master of his craft

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Cinderella edition

Previous >>92467613

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

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Is the digivice a deck box? That's kind of an awkward shape for an electronic.
I'm in their dev discord so I can maybe provide some insight. They aren't hard coding effects one at a time, it's just no other card in the game has a [trash][main] effect and they had not set up a way to manually trigger effects from trash since no other card does that yet. Not sure if I agree with all their methods but the guy coding it does seem to know what he's doing most of the time.
And by guy i literally mean there is only 1 guy coding the entire thing, and i guess he was just a fan of the youtuber which is why he's advertising the sim through their platform. All the secret club faggotry seems to come from the youtuber and his friends who do nothing to help the sims progress aside from bugtest.
That said they are saying internally the release is coming pretty soon but they are going to continue with secret club bs and having a sign up for a "closed beta" with only 100 people randomly chosen who aren't already in. (That said I can just drop the download link in here anyways when they do that lol, they won't have any way to tell)
>That said I can just drop the download link in here anyways
I kinda want you to do it but seeing their mentality I fear it would create a huge drama and make them do something incredibly retarded.
I don't think there is enough people here that it would make a significant difference
its not as if others aren't also going to share the link to their friends

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Why is this not enough anymore?

Why does everything have to roll 12 dice and do d6 Damage, Mortal Wounds and whatever the fuck else?

What changed in 40k players brains that made the power level explode?
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It's because terran and board rules don't sell models, so they put all the "interesting" rules into the models.

The fact of the matter is marines and herohammer sell, so much so that people will buy multiple marine armies just to paint a different colour. Because of this, GW insentivises people to continue this so we get more and more rules to differential the red marine from the blue marine, when in reality they should all die just the same to a land mine.
They got rid of instant death.
Like half my issues with 8th and 9th were flow on effects from that.
I think the issue is that rhinos and razorback are very clearly just transports, but share a chassis with the "main line battle tank" predator, and also the vindicator. If the Sicaran chassis had been the go to battle tank for marines, thrn the distinction that rhinos and razorbacks are just light transport (a glorified truck) would be clearer.
they gave marines 2W
He's explain why GW makes the decisions it makes because OP asked, retard.

Enchanted Edition

>Lorcana Official Website Website:

>Card Database:


>Pixelborn (online play):


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You could try using the Grand Pabby and that one version of Belle that has 5 lore when you have 10 ink. Use ramp songs and grab a few sturdy bodyguards to heal. It might not be ideal or meta, but it cod be fun to try.
>attack for every card on hand
>when a lot of mets does nothing but make you draw card
>just 3 ink
This shit is actually broken rn
Broken in an interesting way, though. It seems to punish players with a healthy draw economy while going easier on players who neglect their draw economy. That's kind of brilliant.
Bro that is lowkey disgusting as a card and opens up a lot of questions.

Like that shift is really dangerous territory to be playing with. As this now opens up the possibility of, you could discard other cards for example. Like we might see a card with discard an item or discard a character. The end of such design, the real belly of the volcano if you will, is always going to be "Shift: Lose [number] lore" or "Shift: An opponent gets [number] lore".

Even if you never run morph or the original diablo with it, a 3 mana 1 lore evasive quester that can punish your opponents for drawing is extremely strong. As even if your opponent is top decking and draws only 1 card for the turn as part of their turn, that is still a trigger for Diablo and therefore you draw 1 card at minimum. If your opponent then plays AWNW? That can potentially let you draw through 15 cards in a turn.
It's killed by every single removal spell in the game. He's not going to last on the board that long.

For example: Lets just say, for the purposes of this thread, a world controlled by a Gene cult. Multiple big B Billions of infected. They reach the end of their cycle with the nid tendrils coming down and in an instant after that moment the entire genestealer population is teleported through the warp, into a clean slate of a universe that has no sapient life but their own. No hivefleet will ever arrive.

What then? Do they seed the stars as a race of bumpy psychic forehead aliens? What would they be like? Would they ever develop past losing their shit if suddenly a hive signal appeared? Would they mutate out being genies? Would/could they grow so big as a hive mind that they’d impose *their* wills over a hive fleet if they make contact.

If they ‘would’ wither away as a species without hosts i’m permitting a special death to say that new baseline infectible human bodies are to be regularly seeded into the world by some indifferent function of the universe like lightning striking mud or humans falling from the sky. All that matters is that it is at a rate fast enough to sustain the genies and that this phenomenon spreads along with the genies if/when they expand across the universe.
Slowly become a new Hive Fleet.
Doubt that. Metamorphs won't turn masgically into spawning pools. They go feral probably.
Happened with Ymgarl, no Hive Fleet was made and the genetics degraded rather considerably. A species capable of producing Biophagus would probably fix whatever went wrong there, but as the nearest case in the Metamorphs is explicitly reliant on some manner of information transfer as an existing Hive Fleet approaches it's unlikely to re-develop without fully re-evolving from scratch.
One interesting thing to consider is that, according to one of the Great Devourer novels, genestealer purestrains actually DO have individual personalities and emotional capacities... it's just that when the Hive Mind comes in range, it can "switch off" those mental traits, and whilst genestealers can attempt to resist subsumption into the Hive Mind, it will inevitably happen.

So, theoretically, genestealers cut off from the Hive Mind could become a fully functional race in their own right...

The Party meets the Guy in the Tavern...

He literally fighted in the War in Terror...he has the WR for most the Vampire and the Werewolve kill with the silver Xbow! He's literally the world's Fighter... but he never met anyone who beat him...

Now he wants you to literally assassinate him... right here now in the Tavern! But he won't hold back because he wants to meet the worthy Warrior... even everyone!

But is it right to give the Guy the wish? What does your Party think...
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That may well be the case, but there still is a big difference between "Assassination" and "Fite me Bro!"
What? Even antiquity is filled with cases of “my soldier run me through with your sword so I don’t get captured.”
Bushido, Chinese literature and Greek literature would very strongly disagree with you.
Assassination is not a synonym for murder.
This is the most ESL post I've ever read.

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