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Art with a magepunk/magitek style. Post-apocalyptic fantasy art is alright too.
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Is that an Artemis Fowl art
She's too small, and her wings are real.
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Backerkit is live, grogs!

>What is Ars Magica?

Ars Magica is the award-winning roleplaying game by Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein•Hagen about wizards and their allies in Mythic Europe. This flexible, deeply built world can support games that are historically accurate or fantasy-based, epic or small scale, political or personal.

Players work together to tell the story of their covenant — all of the magi, their companions, and grogs. This history can span decades. It might be heroic, tragic, or both in turn. The covenant could influence the entirety of Mythic Europe or the fates of a small corner of the world.

Spells will be cast. Duels won and lost. Houses may rise and fall. But magic is forever.

>Grimoire: Gameplay Basics

Ars Magica is a troupe-style, storytelling game. This means that players will not only play a magus, but also the companions and grogs who serve them. Each of these characters contributes to the covenant they belong to, and therefore to the story itself.

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I would've thought since magi are so autistic and specialized that other characters need to be used at times.
>legal matters
good to know where the more detailed legal stuff is located, thanks.
I've been interested in looking into Ars Magica ever since my group played and enjoyed Pendragon, is the current edition a good starting point? Is the corebook enough to play by itself or are there must-have sourcebooks to get the game and explain it to my group?
Depending on what you liked about Pendragon, AM is either a great fit ("we liked the sense of time passing and characters aging") or terrible ("we liked playing questing knights").

The core book is a great start, and honestly all you need. But after that, I'd look into Covenants, the four Realms books, and whichever region book interests you. If you can wait though, all of them should be available for free after Creative Commons kicks in. Read those, decide what you like, then buy something if you want.
Thanks, I'll check out the core at the very least.

This game runs pretty damn deep and complex even with just the core. I think after reading that and doing some fiddling around with it, you'll know what areas you need to hear more about, but I think you'd be fine for quite a while playing with just core.

What is the Laby.rinth of Bon.es? The Foll.owers of S.et revised clanb.ook reference.s it as a known thing, but I can't find anything on it.

Also, Vampire thread I guess. Sorry for the retarded random dogs, 4changs spamfilter is shit.
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Woah, what's with all the dots? Makes it kinda hard to read.
What is even the deal with settites? I understand most of the clans except these weird egyptian snake vampires
Read Conan. Evil cultist egyptian snake vampires is just a dumb pulpy trope and make for fine villains. Unfortunately a lot of VtM players got it in their heads that every clan should be a valid playable option.
Conan + lair of the white worm

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Why is this board so fucking DEAD outside of 40k-related threads/generals?
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When /qst was made, I hoped to get rid of Cyoa threads.
Instead /qst lost it's brain, /tg lost it's heart and cyoa-fags are rampant.
How's the coffee for you?
>so what are you complaining about faggot?
It was written pretty clearly in english.
>I personally primarily play homebrew games
Where do you find people like that?
My player group shudders at the thought of testing one of my homebrew projects.
cyoa is "technically not a quest"
>tg/ was killed by the very people that frequent it and there is nothing else to it.
This. You are all parasites and you made the very board you wanted. Rot in it.

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>Mages become liches
>Warriors become deathknights
What do rogues become?
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It's not lack of creativity, it's striving for consistency.
4e cares only about combat, because is a MMORPG-simulator.
Anything else is "lol whatever".

I ask AGAIN - how does the Rogue gets out of the plane.
>and the easiest way to do that as a design goal
I mean Mearls&co were or became lazy incompetent retards by the time of 4e, this is not surprising.
The issue is dumb fucks that believed and repeated their lies like you are doing right now.
Creativity comes from, among other things, a well made universe with good immersion.
This type of shit is called dissociated mechanics and are RP killers.
and fighters to paladins, mages to clerics, and rogues to >>94177604
When I ran CoS, Strahd wouldn't enter a home without permission since it's rude, but was otherwise capable of doing so.
>I am the ancient, I am the land.
Barovia's his domain, nowhere is safe from him. It makes it all the more fun when he does enter without invitation.

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I love these assholes. They're the perfect mid level threat. Smart, sociopathic, and versatile.
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>Ermor before everything went wrong
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Being descended from serpents creates superior beings.
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Let's smash as much as we can together and see what happens.
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I could go either way. Personally, I prefer a long neck.

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So it's like this. I'm a pretty new GM and I'm setting up my first proper dungeon, and I'd like all the most insane and autistic advice you guys have to torment my players with. I don't really want to start picking them off but I would like to truly torment them.

The setting is a very very custom one in space. Party works as an odd-jobs group for the space CIA - ONI, the Inquisition, whatever. What matters is that they were in charge of helping their military set up a surprise attack on a rebel shipyard in orbit of a hitherto-uncharted planet. They did this part, but they subtly boarded and took over a monitoring outpost that was going to look at the way the fleet was coming in, making it look like nothing was the matter. All of this was just a setup, though - once the attack began, the enemy teleported everyone in their outer stations back to preserve their lives, accidentally including the party. They find themselves aboard the primary objective of the offensive, an enormous dreadnought called Liberator.

Basically, the party's state built a gigantic and powerful superdreadnought called Warspite, but there were spies in the program that let a particularly rich rebel faction built their own by copying the steps before stealing Warspite. Warspite has already been retaken and now the good guys (or at least the side the players are on) are also seeking to seize or failing that destroy Liberator, which is said copy ship that's almost finished.

The Liberator is alive, though (magic in this setting plus it has a mind of its own from the ship design needing a person forever strapped into it mind and body and soul almost like a Dreadnought or a Wraithknight). And so I was planning on a thing where they have to escape but end up having to deal with the maze from hell on a very much undercrewed but very much alive ship, and while the crew isn't what it should be there are still plenty of rebels aboard.
I have some script and ideas and I know what I'm doing for the first section that's this coming weekend, and I'm happy to talk about them if someone replies with enough interest to make it worth my time to prevaricate on about, but I'm here to hopefully hear fun and deranged ways to torment my party, because I need them to be THRILLED to escape the Liberator so that what happens next really lands like I want it to.
Can you post the map?
>I want to deliberately make my game bad
And thus, the problem solves itself - your player will leave in 2d3 games and you will never find another group ever again.
Many such cases. Literally so - it's like a story of 80% of all people who flag in questionaries as "played some TTRPG, but not anymore" - either they had utterly bad GM in their first and final group, or they were that GM
OP you don't really have to try that hard to make your players worry, especially when starting out. Every moment can be an "oh shit" moment when you don't know what you're dealing with. As long as you're not repeatedly throwing chaff that can't hurt them (and even then it can be a roadbump if they have limited time to do something, like escaping a room that's being sealed), or you really go out of your way to look like an asshole that wants to fuck them over, chances are they're going to worry about health, ammo, and whatever else.
I'm going to assume you are already aware of Marathon, but that would be a point of inspiration if you aren't aware. Elsewise, one recommendation would be to have various normally maintenance-only components of the vessel accessible through seemingly-standard bulkhead doors. Open a door directly in the ships coolant system, open a door directly to its waste processing tubes. As this is still in production, these doors are unlabeled, and the spirit running the ship has a sadistic sense of taste. The ship almost certainly has internal communications, so perhaps the intercom system is playing various sorts of infrasound to fuck with invaders. Due to it not being complete, there might also be various safety hazards from exposed wiring to open grates in dark rooms. And of course that isn't talking about the arcane hazards that are a part and parcel of dealing with magic on vast scales.
Its also likely that the piloting spirit might have some frustrations with the crew, and with a crew that massive, its not unlikely that some rebels have gotten lost and driven mad by the vengeful spirit of the ship. Consider not only normal hostile rebels, but madmen and cultists who've begun to see the ship in a different light, providing problems for both PCs and crew.

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Gothic Edition

>Previous Thread

>Curseborne Website
>Curseborne Kickstarter
>Mega I

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And skilled with explosives
Time to indulge in my fetishes.
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Nockers: degradation fetish
Trolls: muscle fetish
Pooka: furries
Sluagh: necrophilia
Sidhe: normies

>All you had to do was to follow the damn train.

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Renewal edition


• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

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Then the name change is completely deserved because this is such a fucking joke.
>Not him
Doesn't make you any less obese fa/tg/uy.
shut the fuck up
Fuck you fatso. Your art fucking sucks.
Nobody will miss you when you die.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>94194139
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Italics isn't Tok.
Nothing ever truly ends

Run into the wild, breed powerful monstergirl daughters and destroy the cringe human femoid civilization
Spacebattles gets about one CYOA-related post per week iirc, at least these days. It goes without saying they don't produce CYOAs themselves either anymore.
You need an account to access the NSFW parts of QQ (all the CYOAs are there regardless of whether they are NSFW), and the account needs to be verified by an admin.

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What game offers the definitive Witcher experience ?
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Close, but wrong Witcher game. /tg/ even helped to translate it back when it was still getting shit done
>back when it was still getting shit done
Newfag spotted. /tg/ has always been about world building and setting talk. Reading game books is anti /tg/. Playing games is anti /tg/.
Thea: The Awakening
Yeah WHFRP 2e is pretty good.
Boy must your days be miserable to spend them like this.

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A deck of cards has basically infinite replay value yet they only cost a few dollars to buy. How the fuck do card manufacturers remain in existence when they sell their product for so cheap?
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check out my coof cards
Plastic cards suck so much its unreal
one thing I don't understand is why tcg cards are so shitty compared to even lower quality normal decks...it's because of printing methods or because most cards really are made to never be played? everytime i have to shuffle a tcg deck it's so sad
Like 90% of all playing cards are printed on USPCC factories with the same cardboard stock and finish, this includes most TCGs and board game cards. I assume different factories might have slightly different production methods so its a crapshoot depending on location and country of origin, the same product line might have different characteristics
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I don't know how to shuffle. My friends tried teaching me how to shuffle. I watched all kinds of tutorials and youtube videos on how to shuffle. I practiced shuffling as much as I could. It never works.
Today I learned a new word

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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Quick. Someone ask a bunch of inane questions so he has another stroke.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Are you having a stroke or am I?
Hey ric congratulations on finishing raildex. Maybe I'll use this in my current chain.

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I found some old PBS specials based on the big cutaway books by David Macauley. Lots of good research here for historical details.

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Grew up with Macauley's books. To keep it marginally /tg/ related, there's one he did called "Motel of the Mysteries" spoofing the Carter dig for Tutankhamun that could be good inspiration for what the dungeon was actually for.
Neat, thanks anon.
On historical stuff that's potentially useful to /tg/ there's a recent high res scans of the Book of Kells for free.
Nice share, Anon.
On my to-do list is to find good-quality scans and use some of the images for the outside of a GM screen.
They were a staple in youth as well. I had an uncle who read "Motel" and when I asked him what he thought he replied "Sarcastic SOB, isn't he?"

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>yeah bro feel mythic 3 times a day!
>added mythic resilience that completely invalidates spellcasters
>create demiplane and a bunch of other rituals are now mythic (we don't want the evil wizard to destroy our campaign)
>mythic spells are shit
>level 20 mythic = immortal

yeah, what a shitty subsystem
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Imagine being too damn cheap to print a legible statblock. Cross-referencing 3 or 4 goddamn books with color-coded rainbow pieces of flair and autistic keywords. You have to be a special kind of glue eater to defend this nonsense.
>monster statblock has you reference monster abilities in the book about monsters
The horror.
Right, but the wizard gets to apply those at a distance and sometimes to multiple creatures at the same time. And he has access to a wider selection, as far as I know you can't apply things like fascinated or restrained or sickened or whatever else with a sword, not without investment in magic items and feats.

That'd just be 4e.
Yes, retard. All information you need to run the monster should be printed in the statblock.

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