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Is it because too many weeaboos trying to live out their Shonen Jump fantasies?
Is it the anime art design that makes people skin crawl?
Is it the whole Western fantasy VS Eastern fantasy conflict?
If not, Then what is it that you abhor about it?
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Most people aren't child molesters.
>lists two western games
I rest my case.
Yet DnD is extremely popular. Explain that one
Alternatively, if the guy was thinking 4e, then prolly FFXIV, much to it's detriment.

Looks like we have an redditor

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Do you have a singular race of orcs or multiple ones that vary in their culture and behavior?
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I think so
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orcs you say?

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what do people think of this as an idea:
The main magic in setting is mostly in crafts. a straight casting of fireball is uncommon, but someone who understands fire magic and can create a sword of fireballs is less uncommon and even moreso a fighter trained to use it is generally more formable in the aplication of that fireball.

magic users are people who largely dedicate their powers to making and understanding the make up of things, while martials dedicate their time to using and weilding them. martials are the pilots, magic users the technicians.
martials train reaction time, strength, accuracy, endurance, force of will, whatever is needed to best use the pre-made spell item. while the mages are the ones who actually create and maintain them.

portal mages know the craft and hypotheticals of supernatural passages, while the portal blades actually practice flipping from one dimension to another, maintaning their momentum and calibrating their senses to sudden shifts in orientation, as well as controlling their swipes to make a correctly sized rift.

a warrior king has a cadre of court wizards creating and maintaining items which best conduct his might. A circlet of mind protection, a mace of frost, and a ring of command. While a lich is surrounded by death knight lieutenants who hold his great powerful artifacts of the grave. The razor of fear, the bell of reanimation, and the Pelvis bone of the bone zone.

one needs the other just as much as the other needs the one. cause they are two distinct parts of a greater whole. Higher magic version of how magic tends to act in myth
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>makes magic dependent on crafting
>does not explain crafting at all
>sucked 37 dicks
more of a general premise. Doesnt need mechanical wizardry to employ in most games
skill based? magic use pretty similar to any other technical skill, like medicine or computers. not usually something you can do much of in 6 seconds. class based? casters mostly focus on rituals, support magic, and knowledge based checks.

specialized magic item skills can work like metamagic, feats etc
warhammer fantasy
savage worlds

not exactly a mechanical conundrum.
This is no different than relegating wizards to npc-only and forcing players to use either strong warriors or gimmick warriors. It also reduces magic to being a type of technology.
A shit idea overall, but don't let that stop you.
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Not my cup of tea.
Unless there's the option to play a weapon wielding spellcaster that uses these crafting and enhancing magic during a fight.
That's sick as fuck.
My favorite characters are always spell-sword types (usually of the religious variety), so that would be my jam.
I don't play rpgs like dnd but don't see how this would be good for that at all.
I do however play Warhammer and video game rpgs (jrpg and western) and I think this is great for those purposes.
>bound spell
In WHFB the term for a specific spell ability being imbued in an item, thereby letting a layperson 'cast' the spell just by weilding it, is called a bound spell
>magic as craft
This is very in line with LOTR. Tolkiens worlds had little 'pew pew I cast fireball' type magic. Instead magic was a level of craftsmanship and understanding that was so deep it appeared magical. Like the elvish rope and cloaks gifted to the hobbits or Gandalfs fireworks.

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At least two friends, apparently. They were roomates.
technically nobody
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Yes or no and to what degree? Post some examples. Personally I really like doing artifact creatures and constructs.
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I'm just gonna leave this here
>It's not a big stretch to have steam power in alternate historical settings

Yes it is you fucking mongoloids. Making spinning toys did not put the Greeks on the verge of an industrial revolution because the science of metallurgy was still millennia behind. You can't make a fucking steam engine with the shit metal they had. They needed the technology to make furnaces capable of much higher temperatures before they could do that.
Personally, I dig it. But there's always one guy "I wanna take it apart and....". As a DM, I can shut that shit down. But as a player, hate it. I immediately try to see if I can call shots and break anything that looks like an obvious weapon/blaster/gadget. I don't wanna hear the rules lawyering horseshit of someone building lasers.
Another proof that DMs tend to be terrible players
Kind of an incredibly stupid point to make in a setting where people can light superhot fires with chanting.

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DLC Page Terror Edition
Previous Thread: >>93428547
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I can cover the rest if no one offers
>Nart is next unless we wanna post Scrapper
cut them loose
Threadsama, do you still have hope for Nardo? If so, that's nice to hear.
If Sen anon bails I actually have something in mind, so may as well keep posting it.
I mean... If you want to, that's always an option. I won't say no since my internet is slow as molasses.

I mean, we tried but then it got mentioned and even posted, so I'm not sure what the status is. Plus we've got someone cooking.

I am admittedly very lenient when it comes to what to post or not post.
Anyway, if you did mean that you wanted to do everything other than Nart... Well Nart's posted. If you just meant that you'd do whatever I didn't feel like, then I'll just post MHA and say that's good enough for my end.

What's your setting's justification for why the PC's are so much stronger than your typical NPC grunts? Some fantasy settings such as Exalted and Fire Emblem have things like the exaltations and crests designed to set certain people up to be extra powerful and special which explains how they're able to defeat scores of lesser enemies, but not all settings do this which leads to questions of why a high level Fighter is able to defeat so many regular NPC soldiers.
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>doesn’t realize why every invasion of Russia fails
Hahaha. Is true, comrade friend. Who would for to fields the mighty invincibles bears? Is for jokes and not for games or history. I for sure to like many cheezeburgahs for the army but is too many cats, you know? Much glory for proletariat diminishing clown food!
Because typically they're working in backwater villages or the edge of civilization. They're bringing advanced skills and abilities out where they are needed.

One thing that REALLY blows my player's minds is that in the "big city" where their boss gave them the job, there are plenty of powerful wizards and the guard has means of dealing with them. Specifically "oh shit, go get the military, we have a rogue piece of artilary going crazy in town!".
When I was younger I didn't understand that some people just want a power-tripping fantasy where there's no real risk to their character. They just want to "go all in" and win the gamble. Even though there's really no gamble. They just want to pretend to win for once. And you know? That sounds like a fun game. For them. To play elsewhere. Here in BigCity, the anti-mage-masher breaks the anti-magic shell chalk and proceeds to put you in chains for your crimes against the city. No one gives a fuck that you're lvl 5 now and can cast fireball.
>not having a correspondence between NPC traits and PC traits
The brainrot is real. Or you could just distribute class-arrays everywhere, so long as they’re compact enough. Class arrays are inherently permission-based, so the requisite foundation is normally lacking. Lacking a contrast with the (often absent) baseline NPC methods is an awful void for comparison with PCs.
Suvorov spent most of his career fighting T*rks or worse, P*les. Giving him the W is like giving the gardener an undefeated record for squashing armies of worms.
They're just freaks, that's all. Born tougher than the rest. Pure genetic luck.

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make them usable as a playable race in a role-playing context
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>Second sentence
Nice try ESL
Seriously though the words "horde" and "sylvanas" alone already ruin it.
They kinda are
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Make them obsessed with trying to preserve what is left of their former human beauty
you must be new here

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Do you use contemporary IRL organizations and people as inspirations for your villains?
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Real life CIA is too fantastic to be used on a game. Is jsut not believable
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... jelly?
Not necessarily as a villain but anything with a modern or scifi setting I run will have Albert Stubblebine and Jim Channon show up at some point.
One of my villain factions is an Ivy League University that is totally not based on Harvard.

They dabble in satanic witchcraft & use their own students as mercenaries, cannon fodder & human sacrifices, paying them in grades. The students go along with it, as they value their academic performance & accolades over their own lives & the lives of others. The faculty, students & even the parents are all cartoonishly evil. When learning that their child has been killed in battle by Team Good Guy, the parents' first reaction is anger as their son or daughter's death could possibly negatively affect their GPA.
Not exactly contemporary, but one of the villains in a recent call of Cthulhu game was the resurrected corpse of Vladimir Lenin

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>Undead horrifically overpowered
>Instead of nerfing them, the devs buff paladins to compensate
>Now the only viable meta options are the Skullbearers and the Ivory Knights
Is it so much to ask that my druid figurines not be completely worthless?
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>meet guys at FLGS for "casual match"
>he shows up with pork sorc + fat bastards meme list
>Turn 1, bastards charge up the field
>roll a 23 on their dedication test
>sorc casts time shift
>obviously rolls a 17
>fat bastards in combat with my champion of Lesbos
>they roll a 3 on blunder test
>finally a spot of luck
>nope, big boy is equipped with the cape of cringe
>game is basically over at that point
I don't want to hear another one of you faggots saying the pork sorc is not busted because he's too randoml
>be me
>setting up game at local store
>guy comes up with nothing but Undead Ratswarms in his army
>practically no hp, no armor, but on death they split into 1d6+2 Undead Rat(s) who are even shittier
>field my Immerheim Milita - just some Workshop Wagons and Otomoneer Squads and as flavor a Ancient Automaton equipped with a VioLance with Otomoknights for reinforcement
>even gonna out-spawn the guy if that is the plan
>game starts with 1/4 of the ratsswarms getting blasted
>they swarm and surrounded my wagons and otomoneers, of course they would
>can still spawn new Otomoneer Squads from the wagons because of the deployment range exactly for case like this- ...wait, were the bases for the single Undead Rats always that big?
>okay, so I can't spawn new squads
>rats and ratswarms slowly whittle away at the wagons (they have to literally crit to get through the armor btw)
>kill some swarms... more rats
>reinforcement time! now where do I... there is no space to deploy reinforcements

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Blame the fourth edition shift and the decision to attract Mills and Ledroit fans.
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>Italian WW2 army is supposed to be a joke lorewise
>becomes utterly broken if you pick the Legacy of Caesar trait from the Anno Domini edition
>instead of fixing this, the devs suddenly treat Italy and Rome as two different factions, making both unplayable past 1300 AD
At least they didn't remove the French "cult of the offensive" + "heirs of Charlemagne" exploit, but watch them arbitrarily split pre- and post- revolution France into two separate factions soon.
lmao at all those shitters with no crowd control

If magic wands are not REQUIRED to cast spells to cast spells in your game, then your game is bad.
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That hurts to hear in the same spot of when I think of the burning of great library of Alexandria.

(I should probably backup my stuff too.)
In olden times it was believed that a wizards put a spell onto a wand so they could cast the spell from the wand later on like how you would cast a fishing rod.
Harry Potter is for boring faggots. Sorry OP.
How did humans forge the first set of metal-working tongs?
A mystery for the ages
If I have a wand-shaped gun and I fire it, am I casting Lead Bullet?

Every time i see a rpg review or something talking about a new rpg they always make a statement that is something like simple = good or complex = bad.

It's that some kinda of pushback for 5e and is shitstorm of rules or new people in the hobby just don't wanna read any book that is longer then 20 pages?
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Not bad, anon.
I like the way you think
When I got tired of spending an hour on prep and two hours of game time resolving stupid rules questions or grinding through HP.
simple better last post
The genetic memory of RPGs goes back further than that. Previous editions were even more complex and often plagued with incompatible systems trying to do the same thing, or endless tables you had to roll on that were not laid out well or indicated in an index. Famously, in AD&D 1e, the table you had to consult to determine whether an attack hit was buried in the middle of the DMG; it wasn't in the PHB at all and THAC0 hadn't been invented yet. Palladium games often had items in almost-alphabetical order. Because they were the last company in the universe to throw away their linotype machine and adopt digital prepress, every book had to be laid out physically on pieces of cellophane. If Kevin thought of a new item to add to a book, he would often just throw it at the end rather than manually change the layout of everything after it alphabetically. So yeah, I, for one, welcome our new microgame overlords. It's better than what came before.
simple better last post

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So here's the deal: We talk about a bunch of games on here, but what are some games that we can play together on this boards? I suggest a fun quick game of Boggle. Quick rules:
-Be honest, it's not fun when you lie.
-Set a timer for 2 minutes and list the words you find.
-Words must be 3 letters or more.
-Each letter after the first must be a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal neighbor of the one before it
-No individual letter cube may be used more than once in a word
-No capitalized or hyphenated words are allowed
-Points issued by length of word:
>3-4 = 1
>5 = 2
>6 = 3
>7 = 5
>8+ = 11
Ready, set go!
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I thought the blocks had to be a diagonal, vertical, or horizontal neighbor with their predecessors. You people are jumping all over.
Nuh uh. Only the one guy.
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Post campaign ideas that you never got around to use, or that you maybe plan to use in the future.
>the PCs infiltrate a group of mercenaries and bandits, sowing discord between the goons so that the party can take out the leader once they have weakened him enough
>a mountain settlement is attacked by a few smaller dragons every week, the PCs are hired to erect a defence, fight off the dragons and track down their nest
>a survival campaign in a large, partially flooded area. The water levels continuously rise due to strong rain.
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A time loop, but structured in such a way the players are in the part where they find out they're in a loop, kinda like Madoka.
>Baby Souls
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Wanted to riff off the comic 'once and future' with an intro centered around the return of an ancient founding king of a nation who intends to lay waste to those who have settled in his lands and the nobles who squandered what he built; through the corruption of a betrayed knight brotherhood sworn to his dark service. The campaign proper would have been about mercenaries from the surrounding countries preparing to conquer this kingdom not knowing what was to come.
World of Darkness plus Cyberpunk plus Exalted. Nomads are werewolves, Corpo execs are secretly vampires/demons, edgerunners are various flavors of Exalted.
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I would like to do a high power level GURPS game where people from other worlds get dropped in a "The Walking Dead" style world and reck zombies some day.

The issue is that I lack experience with making sandboxes.

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Historical proxy Edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh

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Can you take dawnstone on a hero and still use your monster mounts armour save or do you use one for both kinds of save?
He broke down the gates with razor gors

You don't need to be a super powerful beastlord just to tell mutant pigs to smash a door

I guess every single GW thread needs some kind of shitposter throoder
I never get the mentality behind posts like these. Why would you just say blatantly untrue things and be a smarmy little shit about it? I never got why there's this weird pressure to trick new or unsuspecting players into building dogshit lists. Is it just crabs in bucket syndrome? Do they just want free wins? It's such a weird wargame grognard behavior.

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