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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to the first decade of TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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An age has come to a close - I will diminish, and go into the West... (I write Clericswearringmail.blogspot.com and use to name post. :-) )

Sorry for the double post. It won't let me delete the top one to combine the responses.
Seems like you've done some high quality OSR blogging, you're welcome as a late addition to the better than necrophagist list.

I do wish you wouldn't tripfag.
Who cares about tripfagging when he used an emoji of all things.
I have been anon-posting lately after a 4chan sabbatical. Name or no name has been on and off, as some folks liked me and wanted me to keep it - while others were more concerned with, as I assume you are, with the sanctity of anonymity.

The trip was necessary because someone got *really* butthurt about it and started impersonating. Was a wild time.
lol - twice, actually!
And from mobile!

>Only roughly a million in the Imperium
>Half of them defected to the enemy
>Process to create them is a time-intensive and expensive program that kills 99% of the participants
>These million warriors are then split into hundreds of chapters, each of which does their own thing, with very little coordination with the rest of the military
>Require expensive military equipment from the Adeptus Mechanicus...which ends up just bringing them to par with their foes
>And all this to create...a somewhat decent shock trooper that matches evenly with the heavy shock troopers that their enemies mass produce by the billions
Are Space Marines a total meme? They might be some of the best soldiers in the Imperium but that's not exactly saying much.
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95% of the time Space Marines do meme shit like that it's because they're going up against PDF-tier forces which are weaker than the fucking Imperial Guard.
An early HH book has some Emperor's Children at a Slaaneshified concert that descends into an orgy, and the marines butcher people instead of fucking.
Slaanesh as the sex god is possibly the laziest and most boring flanderisation of Warhammer, and you can't even blame GW for it.
From a recent game: Orks.

Orks are cheaper anon, and have better toughness, better melee, better movement, better saves, better stratagems and feel no pain but don't worry it's fine because they have slightly shorter ranged shooting in this game where L-Shaped Ruins block anything longer than 2" range.

Regular tac marines or even intercessors struggle to deal with most things and the primaris units lacking ablative bodies means you're significantly more fragile than you look on paper.
>I think that GW is just comfortable with never answering the question.

>Personally always felt that slaanesh worshippers wouldn't be so vanilla as to really use their genitals for sex though.

>Slaanesh as the sex god is possibly the laziest and most boring flanderisation of Warhammer, and you can't even blame GW for it.
It's all lore, its all made up.
None of this shit exists, whatever the writers say is what it is. It's just cool sci-fi and if they wanna make em supermen then so be it.
Find some joy in life.

Comic style painting edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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You fucking idiot, because the Emperor is golden and sits right in that fucking color identity.
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Guard for this feel
at LEAST clean off the sprue shit, jesus
Chaos if you're referring to the IDF

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I literally cannot read this book for longer than a minute or two in bursts. Anyone have any tips or trick for better learning the rules to a game besides reading them?

I don't game, I just paint, so I'm trying to learn rules to play 4th ed, but reading specifically a big book of rules feels like a fucking joke. Should I take notes like it's a textbook?

Need your help folks because I have to learn how to play this from memory in literally just a few days time. How can I actually sit down and take an IGo-YouGo game seriously when it's basically a big coin flip? Asking in earnest because I need to be positive about playing this.
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lmao. retard.
try turning it the right side up, it's sideways right now
GW books are a fucking nightmare. They're laid out in a shit way, the text is needlessly autistic and there's always bits missing or put away in a retarded corner that makes no sense.
Just make the rules up as you go along, and if there's ever a chance something is ambiguous, just roll a dice. On a 4+ it goes your way, one 1-3 it doesn't. I guarantee just by doing that, you're somewhere close
I have ADHD, so reading is like a real struggle for me. Nethertheless, I have read a large amount of different rulebooks (somewhere in the 30 to 40 range) and ran most of them for my players in at least a oneshot too.
The trick is to filter information.
Find out what is necessary to read and what is optional.
Character creation is important to read, but you don't need to reall all the character options.
Game rules are important, but most importantly read the core rules (as in, how to make rolls and when to make them), as well as combat rules.
Lore is optional if you know the setting, if not read the lore bit by bit. There is no need to read all the lore most of the time, only the basics will surfice most of the time.
with that, you have broken most 400+ Page tomes into like chunks of about 40 to 100 pages. That is much more manageable.
Read in short bursts of like 10 to 20 pages, and it will be fine.
Read it out loud. Record it on your phone. Listen to the recording.

You should digital detox and try to get your attention span/mind back to human levels. Its also worth trying to read old editions because the rulebooks are way more straight forward and without bloat. The basic rules haven’t changed much.

Most people can’t learn from rules like this so you’re in good company. Almost everyone learns by playing and the rulebook is for reference. Just be honest with the other player and let them teach you.

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>Get into playful fight with other player
>He prones me and i fail to him with a spell
>Good times all around
>Random player, whose entire character is all about being an ignorant asshole yet has nothing to do with our little scuffle, casts inflict wounds on my character which causes me to hit 0HP
>Party is in shock and the DM abruptly ends the session

How do you respond next session without sounding mad?
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anyone got that flowchart showing how to deal with table conflict?
>>Get into playful fight with other player
>>He prones me...
I thought this story was going in a completely different direction.
>hit 0HP
So nothing happened, as there are zero consequences for hitting 0 hp in 5e?
The Weenie Hut Jr sub is next door you prancing la la homo man. You tremendous boy molesting fruit.
You specically made apoint that ypur character is a twink. Sounds like you were being a massive faggot and he did everyone a favor. Go play with other homos if you're gonna be a little bitch

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
Look To The West Edition
Previous Thread: >>93232080
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That was a pitch that's come up at several points in the mps life. With the shit that's gone down, now might even be a great chance to do so, with the new school year and all.
I wanted to do a followup tournament desu
Dorms should be installed now. U.A. installed them after the villains attacked, Shiketsu should do the same.
Considering there's no AfO/OfA in the cyoa verse, deaths should be more expected imo.
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While that would be funny, that would mean Hoge is still at Shiketsu, or maybe the paperwork gets filed "wrong" and her temporary residence is placed with Hoge while she has daily arguments over the phone about the insurance policy she had on the apartment.
I can see equal parts comedy and drama in whoever gets put with Sally, especially if we go with that Anon from forever ago who suggested Noah be accidentally classified as a girl and Sally as a boy
I don't get the sense that Hoge's withdrawal is set in stone yet. Her parents are clearly pushing for it, but that could just be to set up Hoge's struggle to hold onto her place in Shiketsu.

Paizo didnt pay me to name the edition edition


Previous thread: >>93114510

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Do you have a class or character archetype you return to over and over? Does your iconic donut steel beat Amiri in an arm wrestling competition?
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I'm interested in how the new Devise a Stratagem works. Is it just a choice--you can either take your DaS roll on your next Strike, or forgo that and gain a flat bonus to your next skill check? Or is there more to it than that?

They also mentioned a set of level 12 feats that give you offensive options based on your Methodology (I can't find the post but I seem to recall them mentioning that Forensic Medicine investigators get to apply sickened?). We'll see if any of those are worth taking.

I'm still holding out hope that they get some equivalent to Esoteric Lore or Monster Hunter, but I don't think it's very likely.
The best archetype, why would I ever play a Champion when the best half of it is a Dedication Feat?
>dedicated support martial
Absolutely wild that I can make a Grappler Fighter or a Thief Rogue and my weapon and feat choices make me better at throwing out circumstance modifiers than dedicated martial support. Like it is OK, but I made a character whose concept is he's sick of pretending to be a hero for his wrestler persona and quit to actually be a hero. In combat the Resentment Witch and I are backseat carrying the flurry Ranger and Sword and board fighter. I read Guardian and there's nothing there I feel like would make me better.
>Another solid class and i like that it has an inbuilt aura now with always on sanctified damage. Needs better feats, especially of the more martially inclined.
Disappointing, one of my favorite things about 2E is there was a "Paladin" class that completely dropped the Gish angle.
I forgot Investigator exists hahahaha
>Just going to be some updates to bloodlines. I do like that they are adding feats that give them more blood magic effects and are pushing to make blood magic more powerful.
Oh, I like that. That sounds pretty neat. Sucks that I'm not playing a Wizard ever again, but at least Sorcerer sounds cool. The guy playing Witch next to me is having a great time. Paizo is shit at balancing trade-offs, so I'm sure the Oracle is going to be ass. I'd loved to be surprised.
Why? The remaster has completely decoupled the skills from traditions. You could start at Legendary Nature and you aren't going to be better at primal spellcasting, just figuring out what kind of leaves those are or knowing that Wild Hunt are going to make you roll Will saves.

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>As a GM I hate it, it feels like a handout to INT and WIS classes that cuts roleplaying away for dice.
Well, INT has to have something going for it. Not like it does anything outside of Knowledge checks or the Crafting skill.
As a GM I love recall knowledge.
Because I get to straight up lie to players and make up nonsense. And they believe it.
>Level 12 feats
Garbage. Even in this game the vast majority of play never gets that far. It's okay to have really cool stuff at higher levels, but that shouldn't be when a class gets interesting or actually fun. Or outright fucking WORKS.

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>What is Shadow of the Demon Lord?:
Shadow of the Demon Lord is a horror-fantasy tabletop adventure game that presents a world standing on the brink of annihilation. In this game, you and your friends play characters charged with fighting back against the spreading evil, whether that involves tracking down potent relics, exploring ancient faerie ruins, journeying into Hell to bargain with the Devil, or battling demons and the cultists who summon them. The system is setting agnostic and has a wide variety of possible details for your own world.

>What is PunkApocalyptic: the RPG?:
Another game using the Demon Lord Engine. Text trimmed for text length constraints.

>What is Shadow of the Weird Wizard?:
It's a high fantasy game running on the Demon Lord Engine. It's similar to SotDL, but without the horror elements and the power levels are higher.

>Trove Link:
r3br@nd <dot> ly /SDL

>Reference Table:

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Speaking of lore, did the original homeland of the Kalasans get revealed yet?
Same for me, I felt that even early on the base book the lore of SotDL captured my attention. Didn't really get this feeling with Weird Wizard
Only "across the Sunrise Ocean lies ancient Kalasa, sworn enemy of the Empire against whom they fought a century-long war until it abruptly stopped" is mentioned in Secrets under Lands of Legend.
Speaking of the connection to Shadow, WW and SotDL are in the same universe or multiverse right? I remember reading somewhere that the "Weird Wizard" was possibly one of the Tower Wizards that somehow teleported himself to another world. There's also Lord Death's relationship with "Abaddon," is Abaddon a demon prince or is it all a misinterpretation or false stories so that Lord Death can maintain the image of being the top god?
>Speaking of the connection to Shadow, WW and SotDL are in the same universe or multiverse right?
Yes, same multiverse.

>I remember reading somewhere that the "Weird Wizard" was possibly one of the Tower Wizards that somehow teleported himself to another world
Probably the other way around but SotDL's version of the character from Dungeon of the Damned, and This Unwholesome Thing seems like a pretty different take on the character than SotWW's.

>There's also Lord Death's relationship with "Abaddon," is Abaddon a demon prince or is it all a misinterpretation or false stories so that Lord Death can maintain the image of being the top god?
Abaddon is the Demon Lord, the connection seems to be mythologising. Although it could be deliberate misinformation on the god's part too. Both would make sense

Putting my dislike towards extinction curse aside, I'm genuinely surprised that gatewalkers didn't made it into list, literally best 2e pathfinder adventure
>10. Age Of Ashes
>9. Agents Of Edgewatch
>8. Blood Lords
>7. Abomination Vaults
>6. Fist Of The Ruby Phoenix
>5. Season Of Ghosts
>4. Quest For The Frozen Flame(actually pretty good too)
>3. Strength Of Thousands
>2. Kingmaker 2e
>1. Extinction Curse
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>More cutesy wacky random xD characters or obvious writer self insert Mary Sue characters who will always be the smartest person in the room
I thought Shensen was in 1e
>or obvious writer self insert Mary Sue characters who will always be the smartest person in the room
Can't name a single one in last two years
Are there more than 10 of them for 2e, even?

Abomination Vaults was all right, but it suffers terribly from being a megadungeon without wandering monsters as written. The threat of the lighthouse is nebulous and not particularly pressuring and the party's only real limit on their dungeon crawl is encumbrance.
Sounds like classic megadungeon, literally type of adventure /tg/ loves the most
No, the classic would not, as written, let you go jack off for an hour to heal up before walking into the next room. You'd have a wandering monster at least forcing you to think about where you sit.

Also will-o-wisps fucking SUCK in PF2e and if I run Vaults again I would rewrite it slightly to replace them with another monster family.

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ded edition

Previous Thread >>93107027

>What are these threads?
Fourk is a place for people to discuss homebrew 40k projects. Fourk is not a unified project, but instead a commons where we can dream up great new rules for tailoring the perfect 40k experience, and for players to find a ruleset that best aligns with their wants. Most of these projects so far center around the 3rd to 6th ed era.

As it stands, there are currently multiple projects in various stages of completion relating to /fourk/, and the thread has become a community repository for all of these various works. Anons are welcome to share their own homebrews as well!

Find the current listing here: https://pastebin.com/QGYx56X3
>Why are you doing this?
Cause we like to. Complaining is the real hobby.

>How can I contribute?
Talk about rules! Post your ideas in the thread and things you want to see in your perfect version, and respond to other posts making proposals, or present material you have prepared such as rules text or art. The more specific, concrete, and actionable your submission is the more likely it is to be used. "I want a better psychic phase" is fine, but describing in detail what you think that should be like is better.
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uh oh its the thread police better make it look like we're doing something worthwhile in here guys otherwise more people might wander into a thread they don't like and start complaining.

unironically there's probably some AI program that you could skim from a google search that would format your stuff in a minute or two for you nowadays.
What generally happened to fourk that caused it to die?
I lurked here for a while and then notice that it is dead/dying.
everyone is too busy writing rules to discuss them.
But anon, they were all eaten by the nids
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I realize that it might be slightly off-topic, but is the author of doc related around?
Have you made any progress? Do you have a link I can find your stuff at?

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Stat him.
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I don't know, 12.
I don't know stats, but he'd both see through all of the imperium bullshit, and also work tirelessly to maintain it knowing how close everything is to falling to chaos.
there is a short story in the latest sabbat collection

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Do you think I can use Mekton Zeta as a mecha skirmish wargame. I mean, dropping the roleplaying parts and use it as a Battletech replacement?
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It looks neat
but are the rules interesting for wargaming with it?
Would I need this one here as well?
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>Would I need this one here as well?
something went wrong with the previous picrelated
Not really, unlike battletech Mekton Zeta, being built on the Interlock system, is a very deeply broken set of mechanics,
The game itself runs slower than battletech and has far more opportunities for rules cheesing and sudden scenario-ending roll results

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people be saying "freakshit races should be removed from fantasy settings" yet they go balistic when they find out a game master removed Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves as it didnt fit the setting or if they are a race they're not a pc race (ever)

why are OSR players like this? let alone alpha tester dnd players
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What’s wrong with playing as a human?
It's uninspired and shows very little passion on the part of the player
Tell me WHO your character is, not WHAT they are.
>why are OSR players like this?
Because they're humans. Humans hate change.
Banning any race at your table is objectively good. It doesn't matter which ones, because it filters players and ensures group cohesion.

Anyone who says anything differently just has a personal preference and lacks the cognizance to notice the "personal" part.

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>Dawn of War saved warhammer 40k from obscurity back in the day
>Total War saved warhammer fb and forced GW to make the old world
>Now, dungeon and dragons are being fixed thanks to baldurs gate
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The only good thing about this news is that they stopped saying that stupid thing about one and called it what it really is.
Mate might be on to something, mechwarrior online is what kept battletech holding on by the skin of its dead teeth through the dark age, modernized the art, and banished harmony gold all before HBS battletech sparked the real renaissance.

I'm not holding out hope for D&D though.
No one gives a fuck about any of your gay imagination """"games"""", nigger.
Take your meds
>noooo you’re supposed to be talking about le thing I’m shilling

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>your party meets and albino drow

what do
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/tg/ has always been /d/ lite. Have you seen the kind of art used in old RPG books? Some of it we can't post on a blue board.
Reminds me of those "underdark is eastern Europe" posts.
That's what happens when you talk about getting sued and harassed by the goblin moneymen
>Harpers glow in the dark, you gotta run them over in your chariot.
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We already know what happens

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