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Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>>93428687 #

Skaventide edition

>Slaughter for Hel Crown update

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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>I take there's another rank altogether where the reforging breaks the sotrmcasts so much they become biblically accurate
Stormgheists do happen but they're not part of the host anymore. The whole point of the ruination chamber is that the lord terminos has the ability to permanently kill a stormcast that wishes for final death, so they meditate and fight until they say they've had enough and they have a strangely positive, consensual execution with full honors.
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It's what I had on hand and I like how it looks, it's way nicer than how they looked earlier today imo.
>strangely positive, consensual execution with full honor
I'll assume this means gay sex for the purposes of my AoS yaoi fanfics
Looks like kinda slushy half-melted snow to me, it's fine
Ruination Chamber has nothing to do with lightning gheists, which were a rejection of reforging.
Lord Terminos sends SCE to an after life, lightning gheists are doomed.

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The paladins really just do not factor into the calculus do they?
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Now they're the only party members at full power for the end boss
That probably counts for something maybe
I imagined it in his voice and it was great
So many updates this is moving too fast I can't keep up I think I'll stop reading this comic

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Previously: >>93435854

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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Probably Kykar? Cast a bunch of random fun instants and sorceries, have a bunch of flying creatures for blocking, then win at the very end with only one swing.

Otherwise I agree with this guy. Isshin maybe is a good idea. Basically force him to attack for his value
This is basically the only new legend I am not interested in
Sacing creatures can be a hard concept to get over
I had built a neheb deck for my sister in law that she loves but shes not exactly afraid to attack
I don't think it is in a case like Kykar. 1 guy = 1 mana is a pretty simple introduction to the mechanic. And you get a bunch of them, so they become practically worthless to a new play scared to use them. Eventually if they don;t swing with them or sac them, they will have like, 12 spirits, and want to cast spells but not have enough mana.
>Hm.. maybe I'll sacrifice just one...
will eventually trickle into them using them more liberally
kykar is still 3 colors, and spell slangan can get quite complicated, especially with chaining and sequencing. i think a more creature based commander might be a better idea for a newbie

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Has this ever been done right in any edition? What's the class core traits and identity? Should it even be a class? Does anyone want it to be a magic caster? Why does wotc not want to make it good?
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Ranger is a stupid name. The german word "Waldläufer" (engl. = "forest walker") is much better.
In Skyrim, we call them "Stealth Archers".
In faerun, we call them Huntsman Druid / Fochlucan Lyrists
I'm with you until you said spellcasting. Reflavoring spells as abilities never feels satisfying or believable. But your tracking idea is great. I personally wouldn't mind, but wotc would never want to implement something that would be situationally useful, and wouldn't want rangers not to have that edge in a fight where they didn't track beforehand. But I think it's dumb and they should just make the ranger goof as a base, and then situationally great, like a paladin against an undead. I think they need to be less scared of occasionally op stuff, this isn't a competitive game.
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>"Waldläufer" (engl. = "forest walker") is much better
Sounds okay but not great in German to English ears, as foreign words often do--until they get co-opted by some bad franchise and hackneyed like happened to Jäger which is the word usually translated to ranger (I know it directly translates to hunter but the equivalent English speaking army units already existed and were called rangers)--but it sucks in translation.

Ranger already means "someone who moves about a large area searching/hunting" which as it doesn't specify the means of locomotion would include walkers. We already have forest rangers. It's just one step from pic related to someone trying to stop a bear stealing picnic baskets though I'm not sure if it's a step up or down.

It's been 0 days since the last game night related injury. Welcome to the Board Games General!

Previous thread: >>93393338

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven

What are your preferred mechanisms that encourage player interaction?

What's your favorite game for fucking over your friends? What makes it work so well?
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How about you eat a shotgun you tripcunt cocksucker?
Cry about it harder if you can but i seriously doubt it
looks like tripfag bullying is back on the menu, boys
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i...i i liek them...
At this point in time I am convinced everybody getting buttmad over trip- and namefags either is deliberately choosing to do so, a newfag or just samefagging for attention.
There is no reason not to use the filter.

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Previous thread: >>93357759

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

TQ: What is your favourite Ancestry, official or homebrew?
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I suppose so, but if you made it yourself instead of finding it in the source it's from and dragging it in, it won't apply the bonuses correctly to your sheet.
Also, in your description you said that he could grow and shrink his limbs at will, so I'd suggest you get the Growth and Shrinking advantages from GURPS Supers to represent this.

Also, if I'm being honest, I wouldn't accept this at my table. He needs disadvantages. Maybe he has a Short Temper or some kind of Vulnerability or Phobia. Maybe he goes Bezerk when he gets mad.
>Does he not have any skills, interests or hobbies outside of punching people?
I literally had a patient like that last week.
>What do you do when you get angry?
Punch people
>What do you like doing?
Punching people
>How do you manage your emotions?
Punch people
>What kind of things are you good at?
Punching people

Might have had a career as a boxer if he wasn't retarded, I guess. As it is, he's just going to spend most of his life in prison or secure mental facilities.
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Well now since youre asking. all off the Russian Mutant team are Lab Grown and Rapid Aged within a week or so. so he really shouldnt have any skills outside of punching people.
But you are right. I tossed in some solider disadvantages and i gave him some hobby skills.
starting the next one...
Being retarded is kinda of a prerequisite/consequence for being a boxer though.
someone has alleged that in GURPS you cannot "create skeleton minions"
this seems obviously false but i'm not sure how to price it
wouldn't you just buy them as Allies?

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Let us know what needs to be updated with the pastebin.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:
Embryo Machine Translation

Previous Thread: >>93347373

Thread Question: Does the system you play handle unconventional mechs (Walkers, multi-legged, legless/hover) differently from humanoids? If so, how? If not, how would you implement it?

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Koz_hKRHsVM
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>In the mid-1980s, American gaming company FASA Corporation used the vehicle designs of the show for its Battletech miniature wargame and role-playing game. The first edition, then named BattleDroids, actually included two Japanese 1/144 model kits from Dougram. FASA was later sued by Playmates Toys and Harmony Gold USA for using designs from Macross (for example, Valkyrie fighters renamed Stinger, Wasp and Phoenix Hawk).[1] The lawsuit was settled and as a result, post-lawsuit Battletech products no longer feature the designs taken from Macross. However, in the years since, the designs from Macross, Dougram, and Crusher Joe have since been re-introduced, albeit with completely original artwork.
My fault for not giving you all the details but combat isn’t necessarily separated by in and out of mech play. The logic is more like

In-mech play
>main focus of the system
>moderate crunch with focus on rules and mechanics

Out-of-mech play
>the appetizer with all of the exploration
>extremely rules-lite because the focus is the mechs
>out-of-mech play revolves around using fate points as a vague source of ‘stamina’
>difficult tasks(talking to someone important, digging holes, brawling with someone etc) subtract 1 fate point on success and an appropriate die size of fate points on failure
>what actually happens is almost entirely fluff
failing a task of “escape the gunman” doesn’t necessarily mean you got shot. The bullets may have whizzed close to the character’s head and he just has a vague sense of his luck running out or feels extra tired from stress. Or maybe the bullet was just a scratch. Or maybe it was a direct hit and the character was patched up. The goal is to accommodate a feeling of the group being able to casually tell the out-of-mech story with a single die for rolls

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Have no overlap between the “in-mech play” and “out of mech play” is something I’ve been thinking on. The connective tissue is the following
>out of mech play always precedes in mech play
>the goal of OOM play is to perform enough difficult tasks to gain advantages in the imminent IM play(enemy info, preemptive damage, less or weaker enemies etc)
>performing tasks rely on fate points
>running out of fate points OOM means you have a shittier crewmate piloting your mech
>critical hits also have a chance of damaging your fate points, which lead to an instant death if you run out of fate points IM, no matter what your health is.

This is why I have a handful of different player classes which determines what sort of actions in-mech they’re best at, but out of mech, every character and class is simplified to their flavor and the number of their fate points
Seed is awesome, ignore IBO as that sucked ass so hard it earned the nickname Felcher Gundam.
Go back to /m/ felcher fag. You're not welcome here.

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Previous Thread: >>93351268

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

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I'd vote DH2e to get new players in. OW is good but the comrade mechanic is a bit of extra bookkeeping you don't need to give a newbie. RT is thematically the easiest to do and has a similar power level and expectations as D&D but the pre-BC FFG games are a bit clunkier than the later games.
New players, especially D&D ones I've introduced to the FFG games, generally struggle with Degrees of Success (which was streamlined from BC onwards) and then the combat damage process of Damage-(Armour-Penetration)-Toughness=Wounds for the first few sessions.
The only real major problem is the open ended level up system of DH2e but I know for DH2e there are a couple of auto-calculating spreadsheets that do the math for you.
It wouldn't hurt to give them some recommended advances.
Stealth, Awareness, Dodge, Medicae, Inquiry, Charm/Deceive and Interrogation come up a fair amount.
If someone wants to go the no-combat-focus adept route then just remind them that a nerd with an uzi can still lay down suppressing fire.
There's no reason you can't have a Knight House on a Hive World, right? Like even if we take the somewhat silly lore that they were all initially agrarian worlds or whatever, surely over the past 10,000+ years a world could have urbanized into a hive world?
Hypothetically? Not entirely impossible, especially if we consider that planets and their societies/production aren't necessarily confined to being a singular type.
One interpretation/observation of hive worlds i've seen is that their defining feature is not that the worlds themselves are gigacities (hive world: world that is a hive), it's that these worlds /have/ gigacities on them (hive world: world that has hives); take Necromunda - it has hives, but outside of the hives it's all (or mostly) unhospitable wastelands. Perhaps said agriworld has, over the course of time, exhausted its capacity for producing enough exportable foodstuffs and had to be repurposed and reclassified?

(another noteworthy fact: in the sector/subsector creation subsystem for BFG (published in some WD, i think?), the type of a planet was influenced by the number of stable warp routes to other planets; worlds connected to more other worlds were likelier to get developed into hive worlds or forges, while poorly connected ones were mostly destined for resource extraction (mining, agri) or prison duty)
Gear and vehicles are mostly interchangeable without issue aside from some small terminology changes. Rogue Trader characters are arguably the most powerful from any system due mostly to their access to equipment and support. Take enemy stat blocks from higher power games generally - RT parties can take most things if they prepare well.

Loosely DH<OW<RT<BC<DW...but RT characters have tons of money and resources which throws things off, and comparisons can break down as characters accumulate gear and experience. I'd put mid-rank RT parties against anything that has stats without much concern.

>Perhaps said agriworld has, over the course of time, exhausted its capacity for producing enough exportable foodstuffs and had to be repurposed and reclassified?
Or make it the other way around. The world had big hive settlements from the beginning, but that's to concentrate population for defense and limit sprawl to all most of the surface to be used for agriculture. Hives just mean concentrated population, not necessarily overpopulation of the planet.
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Rockin' Cock Edition

Previous: >>93343222

>Lorcana Official Website:

>Lorcana News, Guides and other Resources [Feel free to suggest more websites]:

>Card Database:

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It's definitely a dangerous early card, but less so as the game continues on. It's fairly balanced since it doesn't activate until the end of the opponent's turn, so it gives them time to ink and play cards. It really doesn't discard as much as limit the opponent's hand size since it is a 3 drop. Mixed with other discard abilities from Green and Yellow might make it more potent. However, it is still an item and a lot of colors have ways to break items with Steel having the most variety that we know of. There may very well be new cards introduced to get rid of items for other colors we haven't seen yet.
Did you mean taxes?
Yes, but along these lines.

A Stax deck is a type of control deck that aims to restrict opponents' ability to play the game. It does this by denying resources, increasing costs, or hindering the use of resources. Essentially, a Stax deck creates a "prison" where opponents struggle to function while the Stax player slowly grinds them down.
Yeah but we don't know what a stax is.
There are some cards that steal opponents lore or exerts opponents characters to deny them from questing or attacking but I don't really know if you could build a proper deck with these playstyles.

Work in Progress, Mid-Week Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Sorry I should have specified, VMC = Vallejo metal color, I'm referring to that range specifically

This is the first time I've heard something positive about a non metal color metallic from Vallejo tho
Going to finish building mine tonight then I'll paint the test model tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll do either the warlock engineer

Yours looks great, I love the green emblem on the shield. How did you do it?
I finished the Clawlord, Grey Seer, and Rat Ogors and the rest has been sitting fully base-coated on my desk for a week. Can't seem to find the motivation to finish them.
>I love the green emblem on the shield. How did you do it?
Thanks ! Nothing fancy, just white base, with some yellow green ink, and some black lining here and there.

Terrible mistake to begin with the best models first ! May you be blessed by sudden burst of motivation (or discipline, coward !)
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Cuban revolution Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread question
Have you played games set during the Cuban revolution or any other 20th century revolution? What are your prefered rules? Does it make for an interesting subject

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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Simon Miller (To the Strongest! author) used GB plastic horses with Aventine riders for a large part of his Parthain project, though I don't know if the reverse would work. Maybe try asking on the Lead Adventure forum.

Nobody does that though
Go to a club and the boomers will be playing divisional level Napoleonics with 28mm
Partly tq related, any good games and minis for Latin American wars? 20th century of course but could be any era too
I like the camouflage cowboy hats
are you a retired boomer?

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Alternative Ruleset Edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6

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What is Midgard? That name is so generic it's impossible to know what you're talking about
Dragon rampant any good?
Just average, but better than TOW
>it's impossible to type "midgard wargame" into a search engine
There's no way you're so retarded that you can't drive a search engine but still type coherently, you're wilfully helpless and intellectually lazy
If you actually tried that instead of typing a smug reply straight out your ass, you'd see that 50 different games and RPGs come up and there is no way of knowing which one you're talking about. Like I said, too generic of a name

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>WmH is dead
>Both 40k and aos are dying
>X-wing and Armada are dead
>TC is already forgotten
Quar chums, it is our time! Unto the breach!
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This is a real game? I thought I was having a fever dream of a /tg/ shitpost.
What are you talking about? Achon invades Fidwog every time they score a goal and vice versa.
Is 28mm or 15mm the primary scale of the game? What are the majority playing at?
15mm is the scale of the current mass battle game, This Quar's War.
28mm is the scale of both the current skirmish-level game, Rhyfler's Pocketbook, and the upcoming larger-scale battle game which doesn't yet have a formal release date or name. Seems like the vast majority of the community is invested in the 28mm miniatures for the skirmish-level conflicts and are waiting for the rulebook that will let them use bigger armies.
Games of Scrum don't count, dammit!
Nah, its actually quite old believe it or not, only recently garnering larger public attention

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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Reposting 0.1 of my Pokémon Trading Card Game (GB) jump. Feedback and critique are appreciated.
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Tell me about waifus who have made your Jumper worse.

Legion 2.0 Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93358543 #

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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'ate the republic
'ate the clones, not racist, just don't like 'em
'ate the jedi
luv me tentacles
luv me confederacy
simple as
God bless Umbara.
I'm sure when they're sober they may be able to articulate their reasons for seceding from the republic, however they go into battle so high it's probably something like

Alright, I'm home. Gimme a minute to trim it up. The last time I did this I feel like I flooded the thread. Plus, there's a bunch of roleplay shit in the journal I keep that I'm sure no one really cares about.
Take your time anon. We are not in a hurry.

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