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>Previous thread:
>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.

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I asked on the mech general but figured here was a better place. What's a good ruleset for something much more near-scifi and grounded looking? Where mechs are small and more of support units and combined arms is still the focus.
There are tons of systems in the OP, both specific to a setting and generic
Heavy gear, but generic? I mean with all the allied CEF stuff you get all kinds of near sci fi stuff, from power armors and clone super soldiers, Drones, biped robots, quad mechs, tanks and hover tanks for that sweet hammer slammer flavor, Electronic warfare, hugh mechs in the striders, VTOLs, helis and planes...
The setting is also neat.
There are very generic mass battles ones, but they aren't very granular.
It's something I've considered already, yeah. It will take some work with the weapons being the average anime assortment, and mechs being loaded to the gills with weapons and melee. It's doable though a bit of a chore. I was curious to know if an established setting and ruleset was already there
I... I really don't see much anime in Heavy Gears, apart of being inspired in Votoms and some bright colored hairdos in girls.
The majority of weapons are quite solid and near future enough, the most exotic being gladiator ones like the leash for mechs or the particle canons from the CEF.
Oh it's mostly about the names and mandatory gamey categories. Even then, aside from lasers and particles, some stand out to me as anime, as in, weapons that are cool and fun to use, but only because the mechs are using upscaled infantry guns: frag cannons as giant short range shotguns instead of an airburst AC or GLs, snubs as the mandatory high damage short range gun, regular mech-scale semi-auto rifles, fifteen different flavors of missiles (ATGMs, bazookas, rockets, AVGM, ABM).
By all means, I love heavy gear but I hope you can understand what I mean.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #558

Trinity Complete Edition

Previous Thread: >>94060127

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/

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Oh. The answer doesn't really change substantially for me with my Virtual World/Kashtira build, though it'd be down to Unicorn or Ogre since they were cheaper when I built it rather than Unicorn and Fenrir. I'd run Diabellstar too since their levels give me easybake Chengying access while she'd also be able to set up Nyannyan or Qinglong, but she's way more expensive.

Anyway, after those self-summoners deal with the body, it's just a matter of out-grinding.

Lately I've been farting around with Virtual World/Tenpai though, which doesn't have an answer to that build. Tradeoff is that I get to trick people into thinking that I screwed up a play when I've actually just been seeding my board with synchro material. Lulu/Nyannyan to give Tenpai the levels for Level 9 synchros, Chundra to give Virtual World the levels for Chengying. Meanwhile I can toss in Mist Wurm and Trishula for the sheer sake of it, and best of all nobody can really expect that for game 1. Half my side deck is Xyz monsters too, just in case I get D.Barrier'd.
Everyone vote for Launcher Spider
Also, I suppose that if I were looking to win that turn and I put ALL of the cards together (including the missing Diabell), I could do like
>Kashtira Ogre
>Sangen Kaimen
>Emergency Teleport
>2 inconsequential cards (let's say Qinglong and Ghost Ogre)

>Summon Kashtira Ogre (for damage)
>Summon Diabellstar discarding Qinglong (second attack to bait out Mirror Force)
>-800(7200) from Ogre's attack, as Mirror Force would be negated
>Mirror Force resolves, preventing Diabellstar's attack
>Sangen Kaimen searching+summoning Chundra (Droll likely resolves here but it is inconsequential if I'm going for game)
>Chundra attack (-1500)(5700) + effect to summon Paidra (-1700)(4000)
Macro Cosmos is face-up on the field, therefore

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>Motherfucker steals The World from my GY
>it lands on Heads
Based arcana force

A slopper's guide to prompt heaven Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>94188585

▶ Thread Task: prompt characters that embody the concept of "guidance"

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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Don't you have a thread on /v/ to spam?
Show us your gens then
What do my gens have to do with (You) being obnoxious off-topic spammer?
The only thing you contribute to those threads is bitching about everything, and nothing else.
Come join us for a meal, won't you?

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Our beloved hobby is in dire trouble. /tg/ hasn't gotten shit done for a decade at least, and the most autistic, dysfunctional losers essentially control discussion here. Every other community has its own severe problems, or is so tiny replies take days. 5.5e looks terrible and Hasbro wants to further monetize it. It feels like fewer and fewer people actually play games, wherever you go, and the rise of terrible practices like paid GMs only exacerbate the issues.
How can we save tabletop gaming? I just want to have fun again. My group is good, but a new group worth playing in is nearly impossible to find.
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>/tg/ hasn't gotten shit done for a decade at least
/tg/ never "got shit done"
>the most autistic, dysfunctional losers essentially control discussion here
This has always been the case and long may it be so
>Make dumb threads that are fun, essentially.
Ok enjoy your three-day holiday
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/tg/ is just a springboard to get into the hobby. Having few people post here is a good thing.

Here's my journey
>discover TTRPGs and 40K
>start devouring knowledge about them
>lurk /tg/ 24/7
>convince friends to try it out
>ask for help/advice in the generals for character creation, GMing, pirating copies of books, painting advice etc.
>the more I get to play and gather my own experiences, the less I need /tg/
>hang around a little to give back and help former noobs like me but Frequency fades out
>nowadays only stop by when I'm ultra bored at work like right now
If you got games then this place has very little to offer for you. If you're actually interested in the hobby then the generals are the only worthwhile threads, I mentally filtered all other threads that were just coomers posting elves or /pol/tards making up culture war stories.

If you use /tg/ for anything else but a knowledge hub you're not interested in the hobby.

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and I guarantee you someone will get mad over me using /tg/ to talk about the hobby for some reason
You must be new. In the old days this board was a lot better. Despite what newfags like this cunt say >>94217629

/tg/ actually did get things done and there was a reason to come here. Now it's just a sad shell of its former self. I'm pretty sure I'm partly to blame. I trolled the shit out of this board for years. I'd post an image that just said "Why are you still a virgin" and would get at least 200 replies every time. I'd start flame wars between 4e and 3.5 constantly and argue for both sides until people were really screaming at each other. I'd just call people retards and faggots randomly. It wouldn't surprise me if I single handedly brought in nazi mod. One of his first actions was to ban me and sticky one of my threads as an example of exactly what he was going to ban.

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Previous Thread: >>94116703

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
- The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
- A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
- How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
- GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

TQ: What is your favourite gurps book and why should I use it in my next campaign?
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lmao trannycord is seething over eggplant's RM review
Mild disagreed is seething now?
So I want my players to use guns cause it's a blackpowder setting but already one has switched to a bow cause I'm an idiot and I left bows as a weapon that some people still use.
How do I incentivize them to use guns without getting into minie ball rifles, breech loaders, and revolvers?
I don't want to rewrite the setting to be there already, cause then also there plate will be alot less useful and make them feel bad, plus it would be kinda janky to do that even though the campaign just started.

I was kinda hoping they would do the normal blackpowder thing where you shoot then charge but I think the rest are just gonna start asking for bows too.
Since they're all gonna be in plate(which looks pretty heavy in the low tech book so at least it slows them a little?) and at least some of their enemies are professional troops, I was thinking about putting them up against skirmishing line infantrymen and some groups of rifle using scouts here and there to drive home the damage potential that guns offer in comparison to bows(cause it looks like in damage even blackpowder muskets outdamage bows by a lot) but I'm afraid to do that cause I think they might just all die and that's no fun.

Here's the biggest thing I guess, as I understand it, pretty much everyone switched to guns as soon as they could get them, even indians grabbed guns over bows whenever possible muzzleloading era, so what advantage did even those guns have and how do I model it?
I remember Franklin asked for bows for the continental army and the rest of the founders just ignored him like he was a smart friend who stepped out of his field of expertise and now sounded like an idiot but they didn't want to insult him with a reality check.

I'm not super worried I guess most of my maps start at close range anyways so sticking to ranged weapons past the first volley is likely nonsensical(they barely had time to pull pistols) but still.
This is a little idiotic but it's my first time running a game so pls be kind
Seems legit. It's a major difference between being able to do many things and only being able to do one thing.

GURPS bows are pretty cinematic. You can nerf them with Harsh Realism for Ranged Weapons (Low-Tech p. 75) or use the realistic rules in The Deadly Spring (Pyramid 3/33). I think there are rules somewhere for bows getting worse in bad weather and the like too, but can't remember where. It's certainly realistic for them to require almost as much care around water as firearms.
If you don't want to nerf bows, nor introduce better firearms, you need to give guns a bit of a buff elsewhere. Most of the optional rules around guns make them worse, but you could introduce fright checks for being shot at with loud, flame-belching weapons without straining credibility.
I'll have to check out the pyramid.
I somehow skimmed over the accuracy and malfunction stuff in LT but now that I know I'm def gonna include that stuff.
I'd be okay with nerfing bows a bit, so long as it's not to a degree that feels subjectively lacking in authenticity to me.
The harsh realism rules feel authentic though and that helps a little bit.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>94207491
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>Best balanced Apotheosis cyoa
Why does awakening gives you points?
You don't have 2 benefecators with it. Only extra power type.
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I've almost entirely finished page 2 of my OC. I'm excited about finishing it, and will be working overtime over the next couple of weeks to make it happen.
This is just Hyenafag moaning again he does this every now and then just ignore it.

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I like Horus because he make his dad proud he fights the aliuons and doesnt afraid of anything
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>just rewrite the horis heresy so there aren't any characters

So glad you don't work at black library
>anyone that isn't a super hero/villain with powers that shake the galaxy isn't a character
The worse part about Abby is the fact gw insists he somehow independent of chaos
Forget losing to Corax, he was nearly killed by Guiiliman, another primach who lost most of his fights
It's really sad that the original single paragraphs that described the setting in the first codexes present far more interesting and complex characters than Emperor knows how many BL slop books. Abaddon was originally just charismatic, able to reignite the flames of hatred in all the disparate legions, and get them to set aside their loathing for each other long enough to organize an actual war against the Imperium. His new plot about collecting all of the Infinity Stones being his actual goal is just lame. The monumental effort of getting Chaos to work together shouldn't be understated when your lieutenants are named Rapist McBabyfucker and Kharn the fucking Betrayer.

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Wizard thread!
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Pretty cool, sauce?
> Implying women's restrooms aren't also dirty as fuck.
People saying they're dirtier than men's are def exaggerating, but you're a lot more likely to find bloody messes in women's than men's restrooms.
Lots of discarded tampoons, blood and even fetuses, yes.
Sometimes I think about that one story in the Witcher where Geralt tries to 1v1 that mage and gets his ass handed to him because obviously the mage is going to enhance his physical stats

Mythic Games is officially dead. https://techraptor.net/tabletop/news/mythic-games-files-liquidation-end-controversial-company
What's your favorite game from this company? For me, it's Solomon Kane.
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Which one was the Evangelion Angel faction?
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I just thought about the latest stuff as an example.
The monkeys faction was pretty good looking. It's too bad the Green Part only got the 50ft woman and none of the toxic crusaders
The garbage knight was pretty kino.
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Did Mythic Games ship everything they promised for Monsterpocalypse? Or do backers miss any pledges?
It seems the biggest problem was late shipping and extra shipping costs?

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>Elves are treated like black people and young boys get sent to army school for being sweet with a knife-ear
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worst case you get Br*tons
The elves and dwarves and fae and djinn are just regional variations of lesser spirits and their vessels and they do not like sharing their mother world with their way younger ape cousins but a prometheus knock off taught the apes how to forge weapons and it's pretty dangerous to prosecute war against them now so instead they usually just try to psyop the apes into an heroing and make use of the very rare human-passing half elf(most half-elves are just sasquatches)
Elf human pairings usually occur as a result of raids by either side, occasionally it happens via courting instead, but it is rare
In the cases it does happen with an elf male, it is not uncommon for elven warriors or heroes to take up human women who are especially beautiful or in possession of a personality or outlook they find vexxing
In the cases it does happen with an elf female, she's usually been charmed by a human hero or wiseman who's risen to a level of skill and capability that he may be seen as equal or even superior to more common elves

All human elf pairings are still exceedingly rare and outside the norm.

They're extremely spiteful and cruel at heart but they wear a mask of whimsy and joy that rarely, if ever, slips
There are tensions between the djinn and the rest of them because the djinn are super salty about getting shit land to watch over
They use humans as pawns to get stuff done for them and occasionally play them against other elf polities and especially against snake people and occasionally crocodile people which are other problem groups they wanted to get rid of before the apeshow

Oh also they're all individuals so maybe a few of them differ greatly from everything I just said but this is the norm in my setting
It's funny how both Elder Scrolls and Warhammer have a French inspired faction called Bretons, and both are focused on knights and quests, and both are in some way connected to elves

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Wary Werewolf Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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Normal to small.
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Hot scallie!
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MDF terrain edition.

Previous thread: >>94187379

>All team rules for KT24 are out:
>Official GW KT app:
KT24 is now fully playable.

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata

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Oh yeah, with no support for that terrain the official rules don't make it Scalable anymore. A ladder, 7" Move, or other movement-boosting effects sure open up a lot more in that killzone.
Hell, imagine an AoD eliminator getting up on one of the buildings either through a recon scout selection or using its T1 movement, then being completely untouchable for the entire game because silent and the enemy team just can't make it up there.
No, I bought Hivestorm, have Gallowdark and Bheta Decima terrain as well as a bunch of teams already.
I'm not, but a pretty significant amount of players in my local community are talking about doing it mostly for the models.
I can say that had I been me five years ago the terrain would've appealed to me - that was before I started painting mine or had nearly as much stuff as I do now, so this would've been an upgrade. I can see its worth to a certain demographic.
It costs more than the past starter set which contained plastic terrain and more plastic worth of minis
The big terrain is in the expensive box you retard

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Castle Seige Edition.

>Previous Thread >>94127008

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg

>Resources from Lewd RPG thread >>94163047


More threads:

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Still not sure what base system to use, maybe just d&d 5e since that's the only fantasy system where I played a full (regular) campaign in?

My main annoyance is that I hate the whole "magic everywhere" theme. I don't want fireball, even healers should be mostly non magical.

But I guess it shouldn't be a big issue for solo, where I can pick monsters and classes?
Try it out and see how it fits. You can always change the system mid game if it sucks
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I'm making a quest generator with chatgpt. It's made in html. Highly recommend you guys try using it to make your own tools.
Looks simple enough to not really need chatgpt, but little code thingies are fun to make anyway (I like jupyter notebooks with python, I pretty much remade most of Lichdom on it for fun
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It was simple, then I started to customize it. I'm going to keep playing with it until it's perfect.

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Let us know what needs to be updated with the pastebin.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:
Embryo Machine Translation:
Lancehounds Homebrew:
M3g4 folder/eMEBUbCL#kj2FRrlqTa-02U16XpnVRg

Previous Thread: >>93964422

Thread Question: How should a mech be deployed? Does it fly to a battlefield under its own power, does it have to be transported, or some other way?

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Alright, bogpill me on Heavy Gear list building. What are the basics one should keep in mind? The massive amount of choices is somewhat overwhelming, even with just a starter 50 point game.
1. The main polar factions have 4 main 'classes' for the gears: grunts, elites, heavies, and ecm guys.

2. The 3 main sources of defense are cover, ecm, and smoke. Being out in the open is begging to be fragged.

Here's a simple, well-rounded 50tv group:

2 jager gunners (grunts)
Mamba gunner (elite)
Blackbox iguana (ecm guy)
Bushmaster cobra (heavy)

Play it, see how it fits, think about how you'd like to expand on it and go from there.
50TV is kinda nice in that you don't have to stress about combat group roles much. Just pick what objective you feel like and units that you help you achieve it. GP units and objectives are decent ones to start out with.
What I might go starting out is the basic trooper unit of each faction so for norf it's Hunters. The Terranovan factions all have a hunter equivalent so just use those in place. Colonies get slightly more complex but i'd say their basic trooper mecha would be Earth: F6-16, Caprice: Acco, Utopia/Eden: Constable APE.
In a combat group you'll always at least want one unit to be the group leader. Generally you'll also want them to dawn whatever commander upgrade or have a unit specialized for commanding. Hunters with the Headhunter upgrade is a good place to start.
If you find yourself with extra TV left over you can always go for upgrades. Smoke is always a good one for when you need an immediate defensive option. Veteran is a good TV filler. It will give units an extra skill point and opens up options for even more upgrades such as dual welding weapons or adding additional melee brawling or ECCM. Also generally doesn't hurt to have a second in command for 1TV.
There's a helpful page at the end of the 3.1 book for upgrade references to help out with building a combat group out.
Oh, forgot to mention: models with ecm+ have their defense buff turned on permanently, without needing to spend an action. Always useful to have.

Good to have a source of defense (via smoke/ecm) for each CG.
Got it, going with 10 Lynxes + 2 stripped down Hunters.

All stuff aside, I was thinking of tattletale weasel (commander), a jaguar (elite), two hunter gunners, strike para cheetah (ecm), and strike mad dog R (heavy).

The mad dog is the cheap out heavy considering I went with 6 gears and reasonably expensive ones too, but hey, it's a cool mech in BT so why not pick it here too. Alternatives would be the tiger, bear or dingo, if I substitute the cheetah for a cheaper ECM guy (a Ferret), or go with 5 gears.
Weasel for commander? I can see it's a frail gear but hey, it looks cool, has good electronics and seems suited enough for being an order slut. The one I'm not sure about is the Jaguar, doesn't speak to me much even though the TNs are good.
Absolutely no points left for customization, but it's fine by me, less of a headache.

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What's the Imperium's response like?
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A single (one) dalek solos the Imperium before they can even try to stop Unicron
>What's the Imperium's response like?
Dark mutterings, dire portents, the pressure and anxiety of approaching inevitable doom. "Unicron detected approaching Terra" is entered as a line in the timeline for the 11th Edition core book, bought by nobody but excitedly discussed on Reddit. Absolutely nothing happens with the idea for the next five editions apart from loretubers endlessly rehashing the concept in iceberg videos, eventually some planet that nobody cares about is invented for the purposes of immediately being destroyed, and perhaps a short story is written about the listening post that discovered the threat in the form of an Inquisitorial document.
Then it's never referenced again.
They get eaten. Unicron also eats Chaos.
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>nice bauble>>94203231

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