did you think of the episode?Did you expect the reveal?What the fuck was that weird ring?
>>95069099A mage in the moment of their awakening is nigh unto a god.
>>95069087No, 40k Kitten was just so overwhelmingly not racist that he confused big E by being entirely literal when talking about Salamander-tier Black.To be somewhat medically nerdy, Salamanders aren't 'black'.Rather they've got a melanochrome organ misfunction mutation, where they constantly produce melanin in the skin, and upregulate its production given the world they live on, but don't ever downregulate its production. It's not a natural skin tone, more a genetic mutation. And also why marine skin tones should all be white, unless they handle plasma, melta, or flamer weapons, or they go unhelmed a lot.
hope we get more Kevin soon. Maybe if they had his magic wizard mind beam in their corner things would have gone better!
Man, poor Git. I just remembered what happens to him.>>95069180Just go and try to explain to the rest that bringing a full fledged vampire into the arcanum is a good idea.
>>95068725All the combat prowess in the world doesn't matter when he can't accomplish anything with it. Man is a certifiable fuckup.
Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.>Latest official update:>Rules and missions:>Beginner FAQs and guides: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95066316If you live in a good-size city, you local library may host a maker space with 3d printers and even laser cutters available to the public.
>>95066316Print papercraft terrain. Buy CB terrain. 3d print terrain.
>>95066316>get cardboard boxes>disassemble them for corrugated cardboard>make favelasHere you go, the cheapest option available.
>>95066316How cheap do you want it? Bear in mind that you'll just be changing from spending money to spending time. If you're fine with that, I can turn the thread into a cheap terrain advice thread if you want.
>>95066316legos, if you already have them.
Forbidden Tryst Edition>Previous Thread>>95044327>Pastebin>Mediafire>Mega I>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)>WoD5 Mega too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95068753Interesting. Never bothered much with DA setitesI'll look into it
>>95068813DA setites in general have a bit of a minion master theme that is stated in the options given like there are also several setite sorcery paths based on the concept of either making minions (Revelations of Duat, Ushabti, Spirit Manipulation.) or enchanting minions (Revelations of Midgard) both also supported with rituals that feature stuff like making snakes out of pure vitae or combination disciplines to make stronger monsters that you can remote control, but despite that all the example characters are sadly still same tempter and priest stereotypesof course nothing stops you from taking any of those in a modern nights game, but most of these are originally in dark age books and setite sorcery in general is not as rare
>>95067968>CofD being dead is strictly a good thing because it means that it won't cloud people talking about nwod.>Same with when V5 finally gives up the ghost.Wrong on both accounts.
>>95068394oh those are cool
Any Mage: the Ascension actual plays you recommend?Preferably ones that are already over.
"Greatest hits" thread edition.Previously on /slop/:>>95056979▶ Thread Task: These threads have been going on for a while now, so I'm sure we have some TT's we remember fondly or gens saved that we really enjoyed. Post some of your favorites from the past, why not?▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.▶ Generators too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95069013Anon, nobody but you gives a damn about the generic dude in armor #7. I'm aware that this thread is not as fast as in Oct 2023, but please, the next time collage them. (And your chieftains too.)
Was always a fan of the character design TTs
This is still one of my favorite tt I made. there's also one of the cowboy western ones I did also
>>95067494Some spaceship interior pics I made for my techpriestess a few threads back, but didn't get the chance to post before image limit was reached.
this is the other one im a huge fan of.
>GM introduces a little girl NPC Players are immediately suspicious of her and let her frequently into dangerous situations >GM introduces a young boy NPC Players become swiftly attached to him despite his less placid and more disobedient temperament And become incredibly protective of him and try very hard to make sure he does not come to harm I’ve seen this phenomenon in several groups And I still wonder from time to time why players are like this
>>95068629>>95068653And could possibly be a useful asset!
The killer kiddo trope is so overplayed it's even made its way into video games. Fear & Hunger builds its canon ending around it, lol.
>>95066583> I’ve seen this phenomenon in several groups> And I still wonder from time to time why players are like thisI’ve never sat in on one of your games but I’m going to guess from this description that one actually acts like a small child, and the other acts like something trying to act like a “small innocent child”. And so one triggers Incredulity and the other triggers parental instincts.Try having the little girl character act more like the little boy and you’d probably see less of this dichotomy in PC behavior.
>>95068447>I'm trying to pick up chicks and this kid is gonna kill my vibe.Bullshit. Nothing pulls bitches like seeing a man be a surrogate father.
>>95069225I fucking wish
Lovely Lamia EditionDiscussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!Everyone is welcome.FAQ Gens: backups(not sorted): Charts: Quests: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95065143Farmin those fields
>>95066088Farm x Filth Princess of course.
>>95066088Insect Princess = Mushroom Farmer PrimcessDwarf Princess = Cave Farmer PrincessGolem Princess = Crop Harvester PrincessNomad Princess = Oasis PrincessPlants Princess = Vegetarian PrincessGorgon Princess = Mana PrincessFrog Princess = Swamp Farmer PrincessAngel Princess = Elysium PrincessHolstaur Princess = Milking PrincessFaun Princess = Golden Apple Princess
>>95066088Wanted to fuse her with one of my girls.
>>95069193I want to shake them and get my fortune
Where older RPGs like old D&D, Traveller, Tunnels and Trolls etc more focused on the game aspect and less focused on the whole “collaborative narrative” thing?
>>95067397D&D consists of 2 parts:1. Exploration, which is movement through a dangerous territory complicated by monsters, traps, riddles, lack of resources, and time (encounters). 2. Roleplay is when players describe the actions of their characters, which can affect the rules of exploration.Rules of the game = Rules of exploration. The rules can determine how fast PCs move and other factors, but not how they talk. The rules of combat are a separate part of the game. Equal fight often leads to PC death. That's why old D&D tried to bypass combat with Reaction Roll, Evasion Rules, and Morale Check.The shift towards dialogue-driven fantasy began with AD&D 2e, which de-emphasized exploration rules. If ttrpg has no exploration rules, it only has rules for character creation, basic skill check mechanics, and combat.If ttrpg has no exploration rules, then it only has rules for character creation, basic mechanics for skill checks, combat rules. This is very little and that's why the authors create an infinite number of character options so that character creation is like a mini-game, complicated combat rules to artificially extend the length of the game.Players can't play this because there is no game.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95067634>So the difference was more like "narrative comes form the gameplay" rather than "the gameplay is there to support the narrative"?NTA. I saw an interesting word "context". The DM does not tell the story and does not lead the players through it, but only creates a context for the game, i.e. for exploration. To make the games different from each other.
>>95061900Where indeed.
>>95061900Mechanically yes. They had rules for combat and exploration because those are necessary to determine the outcomes of actions. I think they trusted the players and GM to figure out on their own how to tell a story or roleplay, if they even wanted to.
>>95068049Yes, exactly. Which is why it ends up as just playing pretend.I have no problem with pretend. Hell, I'm 33 and still play with Lego. I make little characters and build little environments with props for them to interact with. There's nothing wrong with that.What drives me up the wall is the insecurity. That they have to wedge D&D in there because "erm actually it's a role-playing game with rules and *scoff* I would never do something so childish."But even when I go to a Dwimmermount campaign advertised as an "old school" game, no ropes or torches or 10-foot poles are expended, and the PCs spend most of the time chatting with NPCs and goofing off and basically playing pretend.And then they say "oh it's more of a narrative system now" when there aren't any narrative mechanics. It's just pretend broken up by the occasional fight. Which is not the kind of fun I play RPGs for.
Pastebin: >>95038659This general encompasses all board game genres, whether they be Eurogames, Ameritrash, or designed by an alienTQ: Do you buy used copies of games that are still in print?
>>95068529>no sleevesdisgusting
>>95068354Made it in time. Lucky.
>>95068529There's no way you're getting fair odds with those dice. Your game would use knucklebones if it weren't shit.
>>95068586>>95069054>he can't recognize innovation in board gamesIs it a gimmick? Sure. But things get more fun™ when some numbers are harder to get than others.
>>95066185>TQI've done it but I try not to anymore. Saving $15 isn't worth it to get somebody's game that's been mildewing in their attic and then I have to baby powder the components. No thanks
Germany "soon" Edition>What is this?/TG/ DEVELOPED A GAMEIT IS PLAYABLE. IT HAS BEEN PLAYED.EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :> with maps, tokens and lore ressources.>TL;DR Doc too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95061845Shame the miners never managed to mine, but with the deployment being like it was I can see why. Although with the critstreak AtlanAnon rolled I bet he could have won through excavations too.
The husk warband grows! Not too sure who will lead it, I'll probably model La Ira de Deu, but I want to use these for introducing a friend of mine and finally getting a physical game going in the near future and that would probably work better with another Leader.
>>95064410We still don't have a name for the 8th?
>>95066968I proposed a few a while back, as well as a few ideas for the layer itself. As far as I know, no consensus was reached on either topic.
>>95066968I just call it the 8th.
Specialized casters edition>>IF YOU ARE ASKING A QUESTION, PLEASE SPECIFY WHICH GAME YOU'RE PLAYING<<<Previous thread: >>94965706/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: (pathfinder 2e) link repository: (starfinder) link repository: (starfinder 2e) link repository: (D&D 3.X) link repository: (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository: T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md>>CHECK THE SHARE THREAD FOR MISSING MATERIALS<<Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95068997>I played RotR until book 4 and Hells Rebels until book 2 (both groups fell apart lmao)kinda my point, especially for people just getting into the systemYou want a satisfying "ending" for the module that they can actually reach before the group implodes. If you get through 1 or 2 modules and theyre still interested then an AP would be a good choiceAs far as simple APs, I think Giantslayer and Shattered Star are mostly dungeon crawls. Giantslayer is usually lambasted as being boring since its a pretty basic game but maybe thats what youre looking for. Shattered Star dungeons are more interesting/gonzo and theres a little bit of RP to go with but still 90% a dungeon crawl
>>95069150Make sure he's the familiar's owner.
>>95069190>>95069150i think i have traced this back to some issue with the familiar sheet. pf2e dailies looks to be working okay, the player is the owner of the familiar, however the familiar sheet says that it has "total # of familiar abilities = 0" and i am unable to edit this value. is perhaps the spirit familiar animist feat broken and doesnt provide familiar abilities?
>>95069196Yeah it may just be something the pf2e module jannies haven't done for free yet.You might be able to hack it in by duplicating fields in the other class features that grant familiars.
>>95069196>>95069208yeah this was it. spirit familiar doesnt actually give access to familiars. i had to drag it in as a bonus feat from the wizard version. thanks anon.
This shit made no sense to me. So what if he accidentally married his sister? Why would a ~500yo race have any inkling that incest is a bad idea? They haven't had even close enough time to get it stamped into them by evolutionary culling. I suppose it can be explained by "the will of illuvatar", but that's just a gay handwave really.Anyway it got me thinking about taboos In my setting. How to explain why shit like same-sex relationships, cannibalism, nudity, necromancy etc are looked on so askance, given a lack of time, food poisoning, bodily waste, and so on? Easy: it's demons. To be precise, demon lords, rulers of the underworld. They're fragments of dying souls, all the parts that don't want to exist. They're only sticking around because they want to tear down others like them. And the ones with the most power get to sway the posessions/temptations/corruptions in favor of their personal interests.Put simply: the quirks of demon lords end up becoming taboos for mortals.>what does this have to do with games, fuckwad?Wow. Easy on the language. Don't you know that Bza'at cuts off the tongues of those who swear too much? Legend says he invented the entire concept of swearing. But yeah, it can probably make for a cool plot if you directly tie it to a character motivation. Going to hell to save your wife is sooo 14th century, we're going there to make F-bombs free again. Of course, kill one demon lord and another takes its place - and a new taboo arises. That's what happened in my current campaign, where one of my artificers is trying to build a sentient robot, blissfully unaware that the new Big D on the block has a thing for AI. He's in for a nasty surprise once I break out the diabolus ex machina.Anyway I just thought that was a cool idea. Has anyone here poured similar autism into their taboo worldbuilding? No? Get fucked then. Ah shit no PLEASE BZA'AT NO-
>>95065550It is moral for moral relativists to be sentenced to firing squad, because somebody somewhere thinks it's ok.
>>95068649Reminds me of that father Ted episode"now Dougal, let's try it one more time.">picks up little model"these cows... are 'small'.">points out the window"and those cows... are 'far away'.">Dougal shakes his head in bafflement"i'm just not getting it, Ted"
>>95068632You're talking to two different people, degenerate.
>>95068846Fair enough. What's not fair (or coherent) is the a priori argument>you know it's wrong to be a degenerate>you know it's wrong to do wrong thingsYou're not just back at "the cows are small", you're also trying to pretend that the other person doesn't think the far away ones are far away.
desert edition>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:>Calendar:- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Weissenhaus | February 7th - February 14th- Champions Chess Tour: Chessable Masters | February 16th - 21st- Djerba International Chess Festival | February 16th - 23rd- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Monaco (3rd leg) | February 17th - 28th- Prague International Chess Festival | February 25th - March 7th- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Cyprus (4th leg) | March 14th - 25th- European Individual Chess Championship | March 14th - 27th- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Paris | April 8th - 15th- Reykjavik Open | April 9th - 15thComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95063813>bullet is barely chessit's chess at its most fundamental, which is why it's good for beginners to learn the...fundamentals. you don't have time to think, so you're mainly focusing on defending and attacking and looking max 1 move ahead. from my experience, players that start out this way and build their intuition first on solid fundamentals end up way better players down the line.
>>95066552This is so funny how untrue this is. But enjoy having zero strategical thinking down the line and not knowing how to calculate and consider variations I guess.People can't even plan 1 move ahead and defend their pieces in blitz, can't even learn the fundamentals in blitz and you'd have them in bullet... But at least this is perfect deadpan humor.
>>95067019>People can't even plan 1 move ahead and defend their pieces in blitzbecause they're overthinking and trying to be a mastermind positional strategist while underestimating the fundamentals. the time restrictions actually helps a lot to keep beginners focused on the actual basics of attacking and defending. there's too many novices that know about nuanced strategic stuff while they keep blundering pieces because they can't attack and defend and it takes them like 10s to register that a piece is hanging. contrary to popular advice, people should go from fast to slow chess, the opposite creates a lot of slowbrain habits that are hard to undo, especially once you get attached to your rating and refuse to let go of the familiar tools that got you that far.
>>95067085>people should go from fast to slow This has never worked in any sort of learning endeavour, it has always been the opposite, but ok.
>>95059287They invited him for the tournament in Paris:
I'm a big fan of worlds with unconventional cosmography. The conventional (maybe codified by D&D) model I see in most fantasy RPGs is a normal planet plus a separate heaven dimension, hell dimension, maybe some elemental planes, all only accessible by planeshifting magic or special portals. That's all well and good and has its merits, but it's gotten a bit old for me. Ancient conceptions of the world as more physically immediate really grab me- like the gods literally living up on that mountain over there, or the underworld being literally under one's feet, to name some basic examples. Walk far enough in one direction, and you'll reach the mountains into which the firmament was set by the gods to hold up heaven (picrel).I've been running a campaign for a couple years now (inb4 "what system," this is B/X but the concept can apply to most games in the D&Dish mold) in a world that is three flat earths stacked on top of each other, each smaller than the last. The lowest is the mortal world, the middle is a sort of lost world full of strange branch-humans and odd monsters, the highest is Heaven, and below it all is the primordial waters of Chaos. My players recently made an ocean expedition to the edge of the mortal world, where they looked out on the endless Chaos and looked up behind them to see Heaven. Have you ever run/played in a world with an unusual cosmography that interested you? Or maybe read something you'd like to run sometime.
>>95029029Where did you look for inspiration when designing this?
>>95056985looks like furfag shit no thanks
>>94987652I'm considering the idea of a planet covered in an outer layer of ice (probably needs to be made of a non-water material less prone to melting than regular ice, for reasons that will soon become clear) that floats above what the planet's mortal inhabitants generally consider the planet's surface. The "sun" is a giant, but nowhere near star-sized, ball of fire that rolls around the inner side of the ice crust. The "spirit world", which contains the afterlife and the homes of the gods, is the outer side of the ice crust (parts of the "spirit world" might also exist on the planet's moons or buried near its core). The god of the dead physically stands guard at the only opening to the world's true surface, preventing the living and the dead from passing through to the side they don't belong on.
>>95018353I couldn't find the source of this image, so this is the least-bad quality version I could.
>>95017217Sorry anon. I'm currently in a campaign run by a good friend and high effort GM that's very classical supernatural vampire stuff, but all the other players have the "I heart science" le reddit vibe and therefore they basically ignore religious elements and religious NPCs- in a campaign specifically about supernatural vampires.
It's Da PDF Share Thread!Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!STEP 0:<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.PLEASE READ DA FAQ BEFORE REQUESTING OR SHARING.It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.STEP 1:Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.STEP 2:Request, share, stay awesome!Previous thread:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95068224Thanks, I was just searching "power rangers".
>>95066847Haven't heard anything yet.
Requesting Crown & Skull RPG: Volume 1
>>95068477I have Earth and Forever War.g0fil3 d/fOoop6
How to balance a setting where elves are the main player race? Since they all live super long.
I can't think of doing anything interesting with Tolkienesque elves they're interesting to have in a setting but boring to play as and I much rather want to play a gandalf simulator where you got to tard wrangle mortals without interfering directly too much (except for when another entity on your level gets in the way in which case you can go all out and smash them to molecules) could make it PvP, you got your group of mortals and they've got theirs
>>95050637A shame as I have some great concepts myself
>>95036977What like Hyrule?
>>95067700I like trying to dig into the guts about how elves and their biology coupled with their environment would impact them and their culture. An interesting facet that doesn't get a lot of attention I feel are family dynamics and relationships. Humans mostly interact with only a handful of generations at a time. A child might interact with their parents, grandparents and maybe their great grandparents and age plays a large role in the behaviors and roles relatives have with one another....But here we have Elves. Who either age slowly or don't age at all and can live for centuries. What would would it be like for some elf child to possibly have a relationship with not just their great-grandparents but their great-great grandparents? And these older relatives are still more or less in their physical prime? Still engaged in a profession or hobby and still having an active social life. How do children after they mature relate to parents who are also in their physical prime? Does all of this result in tighter emotional bonds? Looser? Does 'Age' really matter? Answering these questions and having players presented with this sort of thing would be absolutely *fascinating*. Imagine players being presented with a situation where they realize their dealing with a complex web of family dynamics with living 6, 7, 8 or even 9 generations...And being unable to accurately pick out how old the Elf is.
>>95069194Yeah, that seems right.One reason why depicting elves as liberal faggots just doesn't seem right to me. Elves with massive lifespans should be clannish as fuck, each family being its own state within a state, its own nation with internal customs and rules. There is this common theme that elves are "a race of aristocrats" and this idea works very well for that, like even the most basic elf peasant taking pride in his massive elfen family and their culture.This works naturally pretty well with more primitive elves like your regular wood elves, as we can already look at tribal people being very clannish. It could be interesting to experiment with how that foundation could work for other types of elves.For instance, the families of mercantile high elves being basically massive trading companies where everyone is related. Or the families of dark elves forming warbands.