rank and flank is overrated and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
>>95201411It's a problem of scale. 28mm is too big to have army vs army fights with any depth greater than "walk forward and smash into them." Goes for literally any 28mm wargame from ancients to 40k. You need a bigger board and much smaller units to actually have the maneuver and and tactics. You either need to scale way down to 6mm or smaller.
>>95228869I'm convinced I'll like Epic more than any GW game I've ever played once I get around to it
>>95228869>6mmWe can go smaller.
>>95229394Nonono. Go BIGGER.Reenact 73 Easting using 6mm tanks and realistic combat ranges on your local softball diamond. Actually measure out the 8.7 meter range an Abrams has at that scale.
The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!Hatamoto-chi editionLast Thread: >>95215078================================>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFshttp://bg.battletech.com/?page_id=400>Overview of the major factionshttp://bg.battletech.com/universe/great-houses/http://bg.battletech.com/universe/the-clans/http://bg.battletech.com/universe/other-powers/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95229494They should be doing their books as softcovers in full black and white and focus on the miniatures instead.
>>95229494>I'm not willing to spend that kind of cash every time a new one comes outYou only buy a PDF once, all later updates are free. Shouldn't matter whether it was bought on drivethru or on the catalyst store.Now, dead-tree is obviously a different story, but we're not talking dead-tree.
>>95229644The acoustic is so much better though.>www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IJWb8hwirQ
please rate my WoB Centurion
>>95229663Well of course, they've got a chain player!
We are so fucking back y'all.Gamblers Chest is GOATED. Black Knight is S-Tier. Frogdog is a strong A. With more and more coming
>>95223647You can go on etsy and order a bunch of cheap printed minis. Reaper minis are also decent and cheap to practice on. In the KDM world, while nothing is cheap, the modular survivor sets for the vanilla armors are actually pretty bad sculpts and poses compared to the premium models - you can practice on the unarmed, rawhide, leather etc models on those sprues if you intend to replace them with nicer premium sculpts down the line
>>95223674>>95223647I also recommend Cmon games with tons of minis. Stuff like Massive Darkness 2 or some Zombicide, maybe Blood Rage, Rising Sun or Ankh if you can get them for cheap.
>>95223647Not exactly cheap but Wargames Atlantic and Warlord Games give you quite a lot for their price. Figured you could use some assembly practice too.
>>95224962Zombicide is great because if your zombies are ugly because you're training, it works fine with the game
>>95223647Perry Miniatures or Victrix plastic historicals are about the cheapest good-quality plastic stuff you can get anywhere, they run less than a buck a pop. Wargames Atlantic and North Star Games stuff runs a little bit spendier (around $1.25-$2 per model) and has a lot more variety overall. Fireforge games mostly does knights, peasants, and an excellent range of samurai for ~$2-3 per model.Warlord and Mantic both tend to run on the high end of the cost range with mediocre minis by comparison. I don't usually recommend them unless you're looking for something very specific or buying them as conversion fodder (they usually have a lot of spare weapons, and Mantic likes to stick amusing little extras into the sprues). Firelock minis are kind of low-quality sculpts and not great for beginners, while Reaper's Bones models are a crappy material and very expensive per-model unless you're getting large monsters. On that note..>practiceFor monsters a couple Reaper models are honestly pretty good, especially if you tear them apart to see how they fit together and then put them back together again. Composing paint schemes for larger models is a different skill than it is for small ones and arguably harder.The Wargames Atlantic Dark Ages Irish kit comes with a shitload of hairy semi-clothed men in leather and cloth with a bunch of dogs, and it's relatively simple to put togetherPerry, Warlord, WGA (Aztecs), Victrix (Dark Ages Gauls and Germans) and North Star's "Ghost Archipelago" line all have semi-nude tribal warrior boxes that are good for practicing painting skin and bone/feather/fur.
Old But Gold EditionPrevious thread: >>95021960Check out here for useful links and a catalogue of relevant miniatures retailers:>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn
>>95228199Are you trying to get faggots who only play latest edition to try it? You should know what kind of mindset they have.
>>95228213Mate I don't know if you have looked at any local shops lately but that is about 99% of the players there. If there were others I would already be playing with them.
>>95168986>>95169061could i also get these? do you need my tele?
My Final Liberation adventure continuesI wish there was a dice log
>>95228276How about gaming clubs and other social circles?I learned my lesson about playing in shops over 15 years ago.
What the FUCK is an anathema
>>95205495>>95211185Greetings saarThanking to you greatly for doing the needful
>>95221703That's where my first thought went to as well. Imagine my shock when it's just more 40kslop instead
>>95205162>biological carbon based life.As opposed to synthetic carbon based life?
>>95205010The term "anathema" has a few related meanings. Traditionally, it refers to something or someone that is vehemently disliked or shunned, often in a religious context. In Christianity, it can refer to a formal excommunication or a curse against a person or doctrine deemed heretical. In a broader sense, it can also signify anything that is intensely detested or condemned.If you have a specific context in mind, feel free to share, and I can provide more tailored information!
>>95227868In the context of Warhammer 40000, the Chaos referrring to the Emperor as the anathema, does that mean they're not looking forward to his ascension?
>>95228318>storyshittingWe're talking about game mechanics, nogames.
>>95227162TL:DR this anon grew up playing WoW and believes le holy trinity is the epitome of class-based game design.
>>95226855Yeah I need Dwarf, Elf, and Hobbit. Get rid of Thief.
>>95229624I grew up playing DDO with my dad and think mixing and matching specific classes with general classes creates a weird inconsistent design philosophy.I've played a little WoW but never really could get deep into it.
>>95228242>And Vodou is a religion like any other, with bad and good practices.So it looks like the spirit of the point was correct, even if the letter of it was wrong.
What fantasy creature would you be, given the chance?You will have to live in the world where it comes from and deal with the society it resides in.
>>95223903Too unrealistic to be imagined at this point.
>>95186792>go to a good afterlifeLmao, you're going to the memory sleeve.
>>95223110Non-convergent evolution.
>>95183742How do we definite what a "creature" is? Can I be a freely shapeshifting mass of clay, like Enkidu from Fate? That would be my ideal.Otherwise, an angel. A six winged seraph specifically.>>95222528Why the absolute fuck do you want to be a 150 meter UFO? Like yeah in terms of power you can't be beat, but that seems like you're gonna have to find some way to not turn everything into crystal to enjoy yourself.
>>95197074>>95203380Normally I'd agree with you, but if Lovecraftian gods are on the table...>>95183933>>95184701Shub-Niggurath!
Ominous lightnings Edition>Previously, in the Mortal Realms>>95209941>Official AoS website:https://www.ageofsigmar.com>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-downloads/>Toolswarhammer-community.com/2017/09/26/make-your-own-free-city-the-easy-way-sep26gw-homepage-post-4/https://runebrush.pa-sy.com/warscroll/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95227537>fanart and official projects
Should I play Ogors, Hedonites of Slaanesh, or Gloomspite Gitz? Ogors because I'm a 6'2" fat guy, so they are my spirit animal. Gloomspite Gitz because funny goblin men. Finally, Hedonites of Slaanesh because I'm a filthy degenerate that'd make a Keeper of Secrets blush. I play primarily for lore and making my own OCs.
>>95229342You should play Sons. You're too tall to be a Chadgre.
>>95229438>Sons of BehematSorry, I'm not a dick breather.
>>95224605Enchantress Dota2 seems to have forgotten her top, and invited her family.
Work in Progress, "Serious Hobby Time" Edition>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/BE42AEcD>WIP Tutorial Images Megahttps://mega.nz/#F!TvQFCaLb!w8WZKCcOsTRasxrI0JWezw>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufP8ka3KGno>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paintshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxWgsqSf74s >Paint thinning 102Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95227795Good idea, thanks
>>95225942There is no such thing as too purple. Purple is the best color.
First 6 of 30 done, going for a ok tabletop standard, the kind where it looks amazing seeing the whole painted army on the board but most unit jobs are mediocre
I've been really bad about posting wip's but I finished this rhino
>>95229052Neat and eye catching. Look forward to seeing more.
The GM and another player start roleplaying a sexual encounter between a PC and NPC. What do you and the other players do inbthe meantime?
>>95225206Unzip dick because it's an ERP table
Poo poo pee poop fart fart shart poop pee sneeze
>>95225206this doesn't happen
>>95225206Get up and leave. I stipulated at the start of the game I’m not into that kind of thing at the table. Since I’ve made it this far presumably they agreed and now they’ve gone back on that agreement. Have fun pretending to fuck, boys.
Previously on /slop/: >>95209390Thread Task: Post your character looking all badass or fighting in an epic fight▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.▶ Generatorsbing.com/images/create/designer.microsoft.com/image-creatorhuggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnellhuggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-devfluxpro.art/replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-devhuggingface.co/spaces/multimodalart/stable-cascadehuggingface.co/spaces/google/sdxlComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95229003holy crap those boobs are huge. Like, almost a foot from her chest. Or she's really tiny with regular size breasts
story book style gives wildly different pictures. All interesting in their own way
>>95229535it made it so my dog finally has the aura I wrote into his prompt so I cant complain. look at him isnt he such a good boy?
Let's have a comfy /tg/ weapons thread.The greatest weapon for the antihero is still the polearm btw.
>>95222715Yep, Purpleheart, svardtard. Recent batches of all the cold steel stuff have been failing dramatically and dangerously at the point where the socket and head connect. Couldn't pay me to use one of those cheapo things.>>95223391Oh, like any weapon they could be, but they were incredibly common sidearms, especially during the late medieval period hrough Renaissance as a way of defeating armor cheaply. It's only in the past century though that we've started displaying them in museums, because of Victorian mindset of only showing the prettiest stuff. Pick related. My bohurt/ACL mace next to a turned rattan tournament mace for SCA >>95223509Where is this aggression coming from? I am 99.9% sure it's just typical jocularity that we find in our hobby.
>>95224638>the naked lady handleow my fucking hand.
>>95223509I'm pretty sure that the poster is also a HEMAfag and it's just bantz. No need to be a Karen.
>>95227767>>95229355I once got doxxed by posting one of my own HEMA photos here. Somebody figured out where I lived from a sliver of sky above my fence in a photo in my backgard and emailed me a screencap of google maps of my house.Now I'm a bit touchy about HEMA on /tg/ in general. Sorry.
>>95210088simply do this
FIDE WGP Edition>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:https://rentry.org/vxdsw7k5>Calendar:- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Monaco (3rd leg) | February 17th - 28th- Prague International Chess Festival | February 25th - March 7th- FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series: Cyprus (4th leg) | March 14th - 25th- European Individual Chess Championship | March 14th - 27th- American Cup | March 15th - 24th- Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour: Paris | April 8th - 15th- Reykjavik Open | April 9th - 15th- Menorca Open | April 22nd - 27th- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland | April 24th - May 1stComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95226648>plasticwood or nothing
>>95224449Play classical, only do a blunder check right before you actually move. This is how pros do it.You don't waste energy always trying to not lose a piece. You find a move you like, then right before you move you visualize the move and see if it will lose you a piece. One of the reasons we blunder is because we blind ourselves for a lot of reasons which I wont go into (e.g. we think of the effect of the move on the opponent rather than on us, or we don't think of what we are no longer protecting by moving the piece)Anyway, to avoid blinding yourself, during your blunder check you COMPLETELY CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE for a few seconds, you must see the world and the board as almost a different person, not the same person who wants to make the move. Then you look if it will hang a piece.This will train you and help your rating go up, but you will still blunder a million times. You still must go through the pain of not seeing a bishop on the long diagonal taking your rook. All this pain is one way you learn to stop blundering. Everyone went through it and it is inevitable. One way to shorten the process is to quickly lable the type of blunder you made (I missed that bishop could take my rook). Also make sure you are playing people that are your level, so that a blunder doesn't end the game.Learning to deal with blunders is the absolute fastest way to raise your rating when you are rated low. Every single low rated game is decided by who blunders less, who blunder last, who blunders worst etc.
>>95135255The only time I was ever below 500 in anything was when I was less than 3 months into playing and I would get shitfaced and tank my eli.
>>95167843Nice transition from Caro to French.
>>95229012I hate to be the retard that starts arguments on 4chan for no reason, so please don't take it that way. But this is standard play in the Caro Kann advance, playing c5 and this pawn structure is very French-like, but it's still a Caro-Kann and not a French, not least because black's light squared bishop was freed, unlike the French, which is a huge thing. Also it takes two tempos to get to c5 instead of one as in the French.
Yu-Gi-Oh! General #567DO IT FOR HER EditionPrevious thread: >>95011017Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online PlayAutomated Sims:●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html●EDOPro:https://discord.gg/ygopro-percy●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95229284Speed Duel card stock is better for a reason that I can only assume was low demand. High-demand sets and structure deck typically get worse quality when their demand spikes, meanwhile they were able to just do Speed Duel sets at a leisurely pace because not enough people were buying them. that's my rrat, anyway.
>>95229431Because (99%) of Speed Duel is a fixed cardpool, they probably all come off one sheet. I think this is the reason why.
>>95229427Legit I remember how fun this game is when I boot up the gba, ds or psp games. That's the powerlevel I wish I was playing against real people. Going for a nice fire, water or light attribute deck without much of an archetype.Perhaps a XYZ Cannon or Neo-spacians deck, or a Watt vs Air Parsath match, trust me those would be more fun than whatever you'll play next on Master Duel
>>95229427>now traps that only activate during the battle phase might as well not exist, by that point the turn is already decided, you won't get to use itIt's funny; during the 2004 weekend in Master Duel I did pretty well with my original deck despite the loan decks having a better array of cards because I could do things like make credible bluffs.
>>95229427>Yugioh should have a mid / low powerlevel option,Here's a trick you can try with your friends>Cards from structure decks only. Deckbuilding is still fluid in nature, but you MUST use cards featured in structure decks only>Semi-limit everything by default. This is to encourage different deckbuilding sensibilities instead of just crashing 3 of every card you want to see into a 40 card deck. Use the current banlist as a starting point and put cards that want/need 3 copies in the Unlimited category>Propose archetypes to introduce to the pool and make decklists for them, aiming at most to make something on the level of a Tactical Try deck from the OCG. You don't want to make fully optimized builds.This is how Rivalry of Warlords format is intended to work (with the exception of the Semi'ing thing). We would have precisely what you're asking for if it were an actually-supported format.
>setting doesn't have gunsI am okay with this>but it has colonial era sailshipsnow wait a second
The thing about a bow is you can fire chemical and incindiary munitions from them
>>95229294>thinking incendiary arrows can make a ship deck burn kek
>>95226544I understand WHY fantasy games get rid of guns, but I wish they'd do a better job of slotting magic into that position.>>95229309>arrowsA big stonebow loaded with an ampule of Greek fire would certainly do the trick. Hell you could just toss grenades... like they did in real life...The engineers of history were smart guys, they could figure out something. Especially in fantasy settings with magic, and with a society that is 300-400 years more advanced than the lack of firearms would suggest.
>>95229391We don't know enough about greek fire to really posit anything, but we're sure it wasn't used like that.Now, it is true that presumably it was partially made by naphta, which was used with pots to make incendiary siege warfare (tough to my knowledge not against ships), but greek fire was actually a syphon spraying liquid, up to something like 15 meters. You can see why it would not be a weapon competing against arrows if not firearms, indeed to my knowledge it was mostly a defensive trick the byzantines used in small bays.(I would assume even something akin to a big molotov cocktail would be very limited in ship to ship combat: aim and solid deck wouldn't easily get on fire anyway with a pair of hits)