The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!Mercenaries (Your Dudes) editionLast Thread: >>94837042================================>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs>Overview of the major factions too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94851329>And then the other aggressors nuke you anyway to make sure their enemy doesn't get the planet.Thats a fucking retarded strategy. People generally avoided nuking shit because they could always come back later and take their stuff back.
>>94851377Better to render a heavily industrialized world useless than to allow your enemies to use it to wage war against you
>>94851362That was the First Succession War, when nuking things was common.
>>94851402Again, fucking stupid strategy. You do a bit of sabo, so its going to take time and resources away from your enemy to get things working again. And you use that time to rally a counter attack and take your stuff back. Its almost as if the complete extermination of you enemy is a secondary goal you fuckwit
I'm a longtime GM who runs a few games as a hobby. Usually, I recruit players from online friends for online games. Usually, that worked out pretty well, but nowadays I don't have enough players who don't quit after 3-4 sessions. And most of the friends I know I'd like to play with are either too busy or not interested.What I want to ask is how do you guys even recruit players in the first place? I tried LFG forums, but they're a little too random for me. Is there another method I don't know about?
>>94841104I wish this was bait, honestly. Lurking is more fun.Sub-forums means joining Discords nowadays, but I guess I'll have to bite the bullet as long as it's not fucking Pilot NET. Otherwise, no kids, and as for offline social groups, I'll try to find some folks. Good suggestions.>>94841106I guess it's time to socialize or pray that friends don't have That Guy as a friend. Good suggestion.>>94841132Thanks anon, I'll update you on the upcoming noise complaints.
>>94840445don't you have any sort of local community?like, social media that many people use in your neighborhood, or some sort of city hall with courses and other activities?even if it's often old people who pay attention to those, old people have younger relatives
>>94840445I always thought GMs would be harder to find than players. It turns out finding players is way harder. These days asking people to seriously commit three or four hours to playing sockpuppets on a weekend is asking a lot, it turns out.Recruiting outside of friends you can already vet for is basically impossible. Your options are pretty much retards from Gamefinder threads, who do not actually play games, Redditors, who are Redditors, and Discord trannies.
>>94847845>Your options are pretty much retards from Gamefinder threads, who do not actually play games, Redditors, who are Redditors, and Discord trannies.These are your options for GMs as well, so I really wouldn't call those easier to find.
Most of the more popular games have official online communities and discord servers. I just find players through that. Used to prefer in person games but it seemed online players were more consistent and easy to keep in touch with. Real life games i just felt like I was putting too much effort into tard wrangling and figuring out people's schedules to plan the next session. There also just a larger pool of potential players to be found online so it's easier to find people who mesh well witch each other and can fit in the schedule that you stipulated.
board games general, /bgg/ general.Pastebin: >>94803759This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven>TQ:>What's an element or mechanism of one game that you'd love to see in a different game/genre?>What's a setting that has never been explored in board games?>What's the strangest table you have played board games at?
>>94849465I like the sound of that. I imagine that causes a lot of friction and some asymmetry. Thanks for the excellent condensed sales pitch.>>94850233And cheers for the subtle nod. If I see an unreal deal on 2030 I will pull the trigger, but I am primarily on the lookout for Imperial OG.
>>94845845Yes, it definitely is. It feels clears that Wehrle has learned a lot from his past games and managed to find clever ways of dealing with many of their criticisms. It's quickly earned its spot as one of my favorite games. Not to mention that I now have hope his Oath rework might actually make the game great.
Im gonna specoolateNext fab set will be "everfest 2" and will feature mechanologist, merchant, illusionist and bard
>>94850814>I now have hope his Oath rework might actually make the game greatsame. I love Blighted Reach but if the Oath expansion fulfills its potential it might become one of my favorite games overall. I already enjoy the base game a lot though
>>94850814Can you expound on what it addresses?I've never played Oath, but I've played all of Wehrle's other games.Ultimately all of his games feel really similar, in the sense of 'clever' play comes secondary to politics, and politics is just a big debate about who's strongest and who needs to be stopped.Root, Pax Pamir, and Arcs, you typically don't win through a clever play, it's either players don't notice your win condition, or you manage to set up juuust well enough in your win condition that people can't stop you before you execute it. But in either case, you seem to get there usually through smoke and mirrors on the social side, just distracting people with conversation/tabletalk directed away from you.So I don't see what it matters whether you monopolize resources in Arcs vs coins in Pax Pamir, ultimately the mechanics feel like such a small detail next to the tabletalkingMaybe I'm just missing something about Arcs
>AoS Chaos develops its own unique cultures in 1000 years>40k Chaos is just palet swaps after 10000 years
>>94849867Forge World managed to improve upon perfection once, long ago.
>>94850682its usually the dark admech that maintain the gear of the chaos legions, and they certainly charge far more for said benefits, and even then they are far more limited despite having daemonic help, in other words the best case scenario is usually maintainng what you have have along with raiding fellow chaos factions or imperial outposts
>>94846554Why do you people always do this? Come up with bullshit justifications that 100% never crossed the designers mind.
>>94846451>>40k Chaos is just palet swaps after 10000 yearsFor them it wasn't that long, if that weren't the case they would have died of old age.
>>94846451I really like fantasy chaos, chaos warriors being the elite army of musclemen roided up by the dark forces who commit war crimes in order to impress their fickle gods.CSM being just marines BUT EVIL with spiky bits and skulls strapped on is just so uninspiring to me.At least they did a decent stylization with death guard and world eaters I guess.
Ed Greenwood managing to sneak his fetishes into published DnD products never fails to be amusing."feasthall" is Ed's code word for brothel, by the way. This giant nordic girl was polymorphed into a brown girl and then passed around like a party favor. For YEARS.
>>94843974>the guy who wrote it not only did not deny this but got into protracted arguments with BDSM people over how his version was based and redpilled and theirs was cringe and gay. I'm not exaggerating either, he wasThat's kinda based though, in the autistic sense>Tolkiens limitAnon, Tolkien stated that elf "reproduction" is an act that goes on for days if not weeks at a time and is such an intensive process for the elves that they must take an extended period of rest afterwards
>>94847816I'm guessing your next post is going to be something along the lines of >NO I AM AN EPHEBOPHILE, ITS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT THING! THE AGE OF CONSENT IS LIKE 13 IN FRANCE ITS TOTALLY NORMAL
>>94844323TFW no pale and wan Protestant wife
>>94850931>The real fucked up part is that it wasn't the aunts, not really. It was became his mother died when he was 7 and soon after he came up with The Sisters as part of his coping mechanism.?
>>94835910It's not weird at all. It's just incredibly cringy to read, especially if the writer is shit
Rockgut Edition>Previously, in the Mortal Realms>>94840391>Official AoS website:>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:> too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is this ass for a noob? Basing isn’t done.
>>94849919They see those trims in official paint scheme or art and give up. What if i told you you dont have to paint them. Mind blown
>>94851027looks okay for a beginner. maybe try drybrushing some white mixed with your blue on the magic effects coming from the axe
>>94851027>>94851033I WOULD say it's not bad for a beginner, but you somehow didn't notice that you were painting the model sideways, so it's crap.
Nuclear EditionPreviously on /slop/: >>94837392▶ Thread Task: illustrate post apocalypse▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.▶ too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94851287>Excuse me? Who let this blue trog to the building?
>Speak, Elantach
Reminder that this is canon.
You know what? It could actually be an interesting story if they did if right and followed through on the realistic consequences of them getting together. They develop feelings for each other and initially try to hide it but eventually decide that they need a grand gesture to cement the alliance of their races against Chaos and announce their engagement. How are their respective peoples going to feel about being asked to work together as anything other than desperate allies of convenience after thousands of years of hostility? How are they still going to respect their leaders when they see them engaging in what they can't help but think of as bestiality? And even if Guilliman and Yvraine's affection for each other is genuine on a personal level, can the relationship survive their different mindsets and attitudes toward each other's people?
you missed the general
>>94849086>decide that they need a grand gesture to cement the alliance of their races against ChaosChaos is an utter meme in 40k. Some nascent godlings which only became slightly relevant 10k years ago and were stuck in space asshole for those 10k years anyway. Eldar are significantly bigger threat and a common enemy for both Imperium and Chaos. They should get genocided before Chaos is dealt with. Captain Artemis was right all along. Chaos keeping Eldar souls and psykers in check is all it has to offer. Remove Chaos and there is nothing stopping this 60 000 000 old ancient species from reclaiming galaxy and subjugating (or worse) Mankind. Girlyman should be smart enough to realize it.
>>94849086>It could actually be an interesting storyMale human female elf is such an overdone cliche at this point, I trust no author, especially no GW author, to ever do anything interesting with that.>How are their respective peoples going to feel about being asked to work together as anything other than desperate allies of convenience after thousands of years of hostility?Except that they have been the most common allied faction among 40k factions since forever, especially when Eldrad is involved. Who also handled the alliance between Ynnari and the Imperium.
>>94849086Please shut the fuck up with your marvel slop coombait fanfic
We will continue with our subsector, we are soon wrapping up the xeno mining world as we only got the defenses leftPrevious thread: >>94759354Links to the 1d6 pages (if you're new to these threads these ones are recommended to browse through them to get up to speed)>> percentile rolls for the defenses >>94821965and the enforcers that was rolled before the last thread was archived results were;Force size: MediumForce Quality: MediumComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94850653Exactis Prima: A moderate but substantial level of tithe. Worlds at this level can sustain their essential operations and population growth while still contributing significantly to the Imperium.>Rumours and Secrets (d30)
good stuff but the wiki is really behind. didnt even know you guys were on a new one.
Rolled 19 (1d30)>>94850687Looks like this one also fell during a campaign. Wonder if two hive worlds fell simultaneously.
>>94850777If I knew how to edit and help with the wiki I would.
>>94850854The Starless Night: Once every century, the planet experiences a night without stars. During this time, the planet's rulers are said to prepare for something, though no one knows what.I have a feeling the narrative we’re building up here is that maybe a large enemy force emerged from beyond the Nullflow Passage at some point before getting pushed back in by the Benlovia Lux Crusade as they liberated this whole area>Outsider Relations (d10)
Yu-Gi-Oh! General #564War Criminal EditionMost Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online PlayAutomated Sims:●EDOPro website:●EDOPro:●YGO Omega:●Dueling Nexus:●Master Duel: Sims:● too long. Click here to view the full text.
Okay just because I'm having a brainlet moment figured I'd ask just because I'm getting back into the game.For the Sinful Spoils of the White Forest card coming out with the new core set, I can only use the second effect for monsters that are either on the field or in my hand but can't say fuse a monster in the field with one in my hand, right? I'm that guy at locals still playing D/D/D and it seems like a card that would decently synergize with it.
>>94850702The standard Fusion/Polymerization-like effect allows you to use monsters from your hand and/or field as material, including (your) face-down monsters (or your opponent's if it simply specifies face-down monsters). Furthermore, these such effects allow you to use resources from any of the listed locations, unless explicitly stated otherwise. >Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field.This allows you to use them from your hand or field>Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control as Fusion Material.You [Control] a monster when it is on your field. I could get into the nitty-gritty of some of the keywords and how they differ from this, but this implicitly requires you to use monsters only from your field. Sometimes it'll also just tell you to use monsters from your field. They mean the same thing.
>>94850702You can fuse using just monsters in the hand, just monsters on the field, or with monsters in both the hand and on the field. The fusion summon effect is nearly the same text as the modern text for polymerization, which allows for you to use monsters from both places as material for the same summon.
>>94850751>>94850751That part I figured as much, I just know that some people get really anal if a card doesn't read "and/or," so I'd normally say that feels like an oversight but it's a 20 year old mechanic at this point so I won't argue it too much.
When are we getting more ritual pend monsters?
What is the appeal of playing 1e or 2e D&D?
>>94850556I think it's primarily for people who want a system that is naturally more challenging. The threat of dying is always imminent and that makes surviving a lot more meaningful. In a game with no overall win condition, feeling a sense of accomplishment from surviving is really important.Also what really appeals to me, is that the classes are all clearly delineated and have their own strengths and weaknesses. They aren't just a grey goo of meaningless titles. The later editions stripped down classes and made them all too similar for the sake of fairness and "balance"Lastly, the overall aesthetic and philosophy that lies at the heart of the game, was much more pure than the overly corporatized nonsense that WotC puts out these days
>>94850556It's just that bit freakier and more fantastical than later editions. Back then they were based on different times and cultures, but now they quite literally are artifacts of another time and culture from before the majority of players were born, or at the very least able to read.
>>94850556The quaintness of the adventures, settings, art and style of writing. And none of >>94850662.
>>94850556- Less to no builds minigame, your "success" is more a factor of roleplay and gear rather than what is strictly written in the character sheet;- more clearly defined procedures for out-of-combat scenarios;- combat as a de facto fail state rather than the objective (more potentially lethal, morale rules, more lasting consequences since healing takes time);- better defined game framework (at low levels you're an adventurer dealing with small scale problems and interests, at high levels you're a local power with your own agenda); - better defined, more powerful and yet limited magic (hard vancian, with high level wizards needing weeks or months to fully memorize their complete spells repertoire, clerics being highly constricted by their credo, etc...);- better niche protection with less heterogeneous character options, if there's overlap it's dealt with increasing specialization and higher requirements (example: to be a fighter you only need at least a STR of 9, a ranger instead requires STR 13, INT 13, WIS 13 and CON 14);- more focused themes, for example humans are both the point of views and the default key of reference to which measuring the world, which means that demihumans on monstrous races are measured on this default assumption (level ranges and caps);- lean more on pulp rather than heroics, which currently is a grat palate cleanser from the usual expectations....there are probably even more reasons but these are the firsts i can think of.
>>94850923>adventures, Name 5>settingsName 3 >art Post 3>style of writingGive 2 examples
Religious infighting edition>What is Trench Crusade?An alternate weird history 28mm/32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.>What Trench Crusade is notTC not an excuse for you to discuss IRL religion, history that didn't occur in the game, culture war shit, or discord bullshit on /tg/. Keep it on topic.>What's the QRD on the background?The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo diesel-punk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.>How do I get started?All the files are free online, but are split between the website and the discord. They have all been collected here for your convenience: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>94849710Is there prize support at the event?
>>94849710>Is this normal?Nope. Some game stores will charge you for table space which isn't that weird, but a group doing it is very strange.
What are the chances of us getting RPG rules, or is the best we'll get players controlling individual characters in a warband during a campaign?
>>94849710Wait what the group is charging 10$ to play? That is very weird.>>94845644You'll have to try and organize things in the LGS by yourself, maybe ask the people if you can hang some posters or something for the event IDK. You could also try your luck in the Trench Crusade discord, they have a section for ads for events
Do Yeomen effectively get a -5 ducat discount for all ranged weapons?
Okay, I have a scenario for you, /tg/.The party early in a campaign finds a secret stash of computer files on a portable hard drive or some such.Anyone got any suggestions for what kind of juicy secrets the party will find on that data? I'm thinking secret bank accounts, extortion files, map of an abandoned amusement park, the names of all the major factions and their recent operations, etc...Anything that makes for a good plot hook, ominous foreshadowing, data that’s bizarrely irrelevant and useless at first glance (a normal high school student’s record of class attendance over the last 6 months), useful thing (magic ritual), illegal stuff (schematics for 3d-printed ghost guns), vital evidence (tape of a murder), etc.The party decides what (out of all the many files) they dive deeper into. (And make themselves a target by having it.)Keep in mind that studying the files will take time, and at least some of it is encrypted.I guess you could also convert the computer files into actual paper documents, photos, tapes and so on if the game is set in other times and places.
>>94850856>An excel file describing the storage and shipping of some euphemistically titled product of vague provenance with a few entries clearly having been hastily deleted>documents describing how a series of seemingly unrelated properties owned by seemingly unrelated businesses are all owned by the same group through a series of shell companies (perhaps this 'abandoned amusement park' is one of the properties in question?)>two copies of the same autopsy records whose details do not match.>security camera footage which shows a person known to the party - or perhaps the party itself>maps of the local area - each covering topics like school zones or soil quality or what have you - along with one whose contents are not labeled but clearly marked.>list of phone numbers, some of which have been struck through with a line>folder full of amateurish 'graphic design is my passion'-tier attempts to create a logo in MS Paint. Despite being mediocre, the symbolism involved in the attempts might be identifiable.>decade old archived internal emails of a now-defunct local newspaper from around the time of some now largely forgotten minor scandal.>PDF of a book put out by the local historical society about the career of a local architect whose work has been almost all demolished in the century since his death. Almost.>dozens of resumes for experts in some obscure field, all annotated with seemingly arbitrary reasons for rejection. The filenames seem to suggest one is missing - perhaps the lucky hire?
>>94850856Photographs of half a dozen keys
Should it be?
>>94816151In mine, it's transmutation. You can also undo injuries if you're a really powerful time wizard, but that's not really healing, as such.
>>94816151Some aspects of it are, for example a magic that would siphon life from a subject to another would be clearly necromancy.
>>94846947Healing spells aren't conjuration in 3.xThey're conjuration in 3.5 specifically because the developer intentionally buffed the conjuration schoolThat's the reason whyThat's the only reason whyCure moderate wounds =/= "lesser orb of positive energy" like you think it does
>>94834156Specifically to buff conjuration.Same reason teleportation was moved from transmutation to conjuration.That's why it's a 3.0->3.5 change rather than anything that relates to the lore changing, because the lore didn't change.
>What is Exalted?An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.Start here:>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck>Resources for Third Edition>3E Core and Splats too long. Click here to view the full text.
Are Social Hazards in QE just absolute fucking traps unless they're modeled as Obstacles?>Intimacies can't reduce penalty beyond -3>Each success reduces the effectiveness of the Behavior as normal, and Intimacies can be added to the resisting roll>Written influence seems exclusively modeled as hazardsFor the three other people that play QE, lend me some of your insight because this just seems unnatural.
>>94850413>TQIt exists.Beyond that, players doing something unexpected, something that derails whatever I had planned right from the start, is what I'd like to see.
*Gestures to Osmosis Jones* Behold a Moonsilver Alchemical!