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does your setting have an eastern half of an empire that collapsed?

well or under a new managment
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That's a ~25%
My fantasy setting literally has no empires. The closest to a central authority is a group of knights and a mage school.
No. The Byzantine analog is in the south of its continent.
This is incredibly awesome anon. I'm always fiddling with demogrphics and societies in the background of my campaigns, even if the players don't care. Right now I'm making fantasy Europe to make a fantasy thirty years war because they didn't want to simply play a historical game...
Do you any material, maybe your primer, to share please?

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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Mistakes into miracles, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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The paintjob on those blades is fucking sublime.
New Thread:
What are they gonna do besides say "haha you on 4chinz"? If my post is just a model who cares?
They couldn't have made a worse box, so good.
honestly, I kind of like this design better. it looks more... cosmic

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What are your dream settings that you just haven't found a perfect system for yet? and if you are running your dream setting whats the closest system your playing that matches what you want? for me its

Prowlers and Paragons is what im using right now but i honestly thought the new Marvel system would have been great. Really love how powers are based on SKill Tree like system so it's easy to customize powers without having to use a calculator and build them with points like other systems. The combat is tactical which i love but all the other parts of a good RPG are missing. No Skills or RP elements outside of just "Let the GM handle it". Same goes for some missing stuff like vehicle and gadget rules
>Gonzo Space-Fantasy:
Love the Starfinder setting since it's pretty much what i want out of a Space-Fantasy game, but the main problem is i honestly do not think a DnD Framework of level 1-20 works for anything past fantasy. I think it should be more gear based (and not how starfinder handles it via a loot-treadmill) and characters should "level-out" not "level-up" but aside from that it's my go-to. Excited for 2e since i really did love the action economy for Pathfinder 2e and feel like it would fit better for a ranged based game
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Arguably I've made it even harder for myself by having "humanity" as a broad smear rather than a simple human or giant dichotomy. I could chicken out and make twice-to-half standard size easily playable with hordes of tinies or lumbering giants as prestige classes, with magic costs and associated mutation there's a built in reason to lock off the craziest stuff as PCs.

Mouse guard might work for its focus on size, natures, circles and gear-based skills (regular dudes are the one-size-fits-all powerhouses). Not sure how applicable any of that would be to you though.

Archimedean contraptions can get pretty crazy and massive armies reshaping the landscape was almost common. Had a dream like the antiquity one, all I remember is that pilots sympathetically guiding the motion of giant statues kept maiming themselves. They got phantom limb effects where their own meat didn't match the marble ideal.

For the ancient stuff maybe look into Agon and refluff Olympian favour/interference with aspects of the mecha's arete?
>maybe look into Agon
Ooooh ! It's funny!
Apparently the system designed for Agon, Paragon, is used for a bunch of other games, including a mech game.
So I guess refluffling wouldn't be so hard.
Yeah, I agree that the ancient greek or roman mechs would be really cool.
Plus, you could also get very a very varied aesthetic, with Egyptian or Persian mechs thrown in.
I like the idea of cyberpunk with fantasy, but hate half of Shadowrun's lore and all of its rules. Specual shout out to a continuing commitment to having to run three separate combats at the same time!
I want to run a Monster Hunter universe game but there is nothing like that. No, the board game doesn't count.
So after not-so-much-thinking I decided on hacking the shit out of the Trudvang Chronicles to suit my needs. That's because Trudvang resolves shit by making the player add all the relevant skillpoints into a resource pool. You take points from that pool to turn them into a roll-under d20 difficulty check.
It's the closest thing I figured out to the stamina bar of the game and the only thing that'll make mastering the weapons fun.
I'm making skill trees. Each for every weapon + crafting, movement, little pal mastery and survival and I WILL balance them "good enough". And once I add that sweet reactive initiative from Nechronica, I WILL have my monhun game.
check out the list >>93402323
, there's plenty of entries for Monster Hunter
But yeah, I agree. What I expect from a MH game:
- Monsters can one-shot PCs. Combat isn't about HP attrition, but clever play between action economy (dodging takes an action), initiative and positioning.
- You can craft stuff out of body parts looted from dead monsters
I'm not aware of any game that does that and getting there isn't just a matter of simple conversion. You would need to design the combat system from the grounds up

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What Common Year will the 5.5e WoG be set in?

Will it be literally the work of the Rebooted 576CY project (and explain why they disappeared)?

Will it be 599 immediately following the events of 3.5e's Living Greyhawk RPGA campaign?

Will it be some other point earlier in the past or further in the future? If it's extremely vague (which is my guess) where will you set it? Before or after the Wars? If it's in the past, how close to the founding of the City of Greyhawk could it be and still feel like a Greyhawk campaign? If it's in the 7th century how much of the events of Living Greyhawk will be Canonical?
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You have to realize Gary helped pioneer the RPG as we know it and had his life's work and characters (of his children and friends too) stolen from him and subsequently shit on. You'd probably be pissed too. The people that forced him out of his company ran it to the ground.
Oh boy, I can't wait to see how lame and gay WotC makes drow, when Vault of the Drow still has the best take on it. It's one thing to make them lame in Ed's hippie playground.
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Drow priestesses will now be topless. To show off their double-mastectomy scars.
Gary pretty explicitly described Eclavdra's tits.

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Scry edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
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>Hi-Res MSE Templates

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>catbox links dont work in MTG.design
Final post for a while, a treat for DotA players ITT. A Meepo theme!
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Here are some legendary leaders I have for a wedge faction set with some lore and mechanical ideas

BWG - Finality counters matter. This faction has a lot of recursion and will benefit creatures with finality counters on them, and potentially be able to move those counters around. The lore for them is they are a faction of plagued exiles from around the world who follow a cult of a mysterious faceless king that promises them salvation for the sick and damnation to those who exiled them

RWB - This faction cares about having lower life than your opponents to eventually build up an aggressive board to swing in for the alpha strike with the 'Vengeance' ability. The lore behind them is they are a professional army that worships a young and charismatic prodigal conqueror (think fantasy Alexander the Great) who has ascended to demi-godhood through pure martial strength alone.

URW - These guys focus on a go-wide equipment strategy, where instead of the usual voltron style of equipment decks, this faction cares more about making sure every creature is equipped with only one equipment. Lore behind them is they are the remnants of the civilized war as everything around them has been consumed by total war of the other factions.

BGU - This faction cares about having only a few creatures, specifically 3 or less, but those creatures will get huge with the "Chosen Few" faction ability. Lore behind them is they are an empire of slavers and warlords with a strict hierarchical culture where everyone is constantly trying to backstab each other to get ahead

GUR - This faction focuses on big spells and big natural creatures. Base power 4 or greater matters along with a spell slinger theme, such as giving creatures with power 4 prowess or allowing you to tap base power 4 creatures to copy spells, etc. Lore behind them is they are a downtrodden tribe of barbarians seeking to cause a massive thunderstorm that will cleanse the world of artifice, disease, and civilization
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I have been working on a four player draft set. It's not a commander draft or anything, just a normal four player draft.
One of the major mechanics in the set is energy, as I like that it is something players can use to impact the game even if they are tapped out. Here it is themed as political favors, and unlike previous times we have seen energy, getting it requires you either giving other players resources or other players agreeing to give it to you. or play black.

I really like this design of cards that require finesse to get advantage from. Honestly, I just really enjoy these kinds of cards. I also like how either white or blue decks can grab this in draft, but defiantly makes you want to go into white and blue for the full effect.
>abzan guy
*lesser mana value. Nit aside, seems reasonable.
>mardu guy
This seems a little too pushed for the mana value. I'd say crank him up to a 4mv 4/4
>jeskai guy
Also a bit too much value for the mana cost. I'd suggest rewording to either get a single soldier and a single equipment, or give the player the choice of 2 of either.
>sultai guy
I am really not a fan of chosen few as it's currently written. Having three or less creatures in play feels like a trivially easy condition to meet. I recall an old limited mechanic (DKA? AVR?) which incentivized only having a single creature, and that often felt too weak. Perhaps rebalance the mechanic for having 2 or less creatures?
>temur guy
This seems a bit too much like a card that if you untap with it, you can cast a handful of spells, and then just win the game on the spot. I'd suggest making the token generation cost 2 on cast of an instant/sorc, but also give the card itself ward 2. This would raise the floor of the card and lower the ceiling.

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Are there any good sci-fi TRPGs that give you a good futuristic feel? Most sci-fi settings (Warhammer 40k, Battletech, Lancer, etc) just feel like historical or fantasy wargames but IN SPACE.
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>feeds dummy data to the AI to trick it into bombing its own assets
This is the answer. Not the best system on the planet, plenty of problems, but absolutely the most futuristic feeling ttrpg. Doesn't try to be medieval fantasy, doesn't try to be pulp, doesn't even try to be cyberpunk noir. Just honestly doing i's own thing.
>Most settings find some contrivance for why future-knights are dueling with future-swords in a future-kingdom,
In my setting, they exist because their armor is bulletproof, & can only be taken out by EMPs or anti-tank weapons.

Unless, of course, they brought along their anti-tank proof shield.
GURPS Transhuman Space
Came here to post this. It's like Eclipse Phase but good.

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Tonight's stream has a run time of 6 Hours and 30 Minutes, the break will begin at 1 Hour and 51 Minutes.
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Last thread (downfall ep 2) was the liveliest one in half a year, to be fair up to downfall ep 1 there hasn't been a thread for like four months or something, and that thread only hit 80 eish posts?
Anyway, compared to Calamity, I guess Downfall is just pretty fucking boring, at least how they decided to tell the story.
Yeah, I mean nothing really seemed to need a role? They could have done better if it was entirely just narrative, even as improve the game was just dull from the middle section I saw.
no one cares, nerd.
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>why arent there more posts in the thread about the episode most people will get to see the earlierst on Monday or later.
How did Matt manage to buck break so many people so hard?
live threads used to get hundreds of post, hell, check out the calamity thread from when each episode, one of them alone has 988 posts. Meanwhile this thread is not long for the world.

Really makes you think...
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This pretty much.
If you want what 40k used to play like look into historical wargaming, there's also Horus Heresy but loldead and even more expensive.
You got it, champ
A guy doing stupid shit on the battlefield because "it's cool" breaks my immersion and uncoolify the game

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What type of person does this game setup legitiamtely attract? Who looks at this barren neoprene mat, sterile massproduced unbased terrain, and unpainted unbased minis and immediately feels genuine excitement in their heart? Help me understand who these human beings are
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This, it's why AoS had any popularity at all was the lack of WAACfags in 2e. 1e was such a shit game that was barely even a game so all the tourneyfags left. Then 2e was an actual game and people played it, it was fun. Very beer and pretzels, lots of fun wacky abilities that made games dynamic and crazy. Then in 3e they started appealing to the tournament crowd. Now all the fun fluffy abilities and rules are gone. There's less customization than ever, less unique terrain rules than ever (we used to have tables of terrain traits AND army traits AND general traits/artifacts for EACH realm, now we don't have any of that).
The game got turned into 40k, a fucking competitive RTS with "Seasons" that define the current "meta" instead of a giant fun sandbox full of rules you could pick or choose.
>umm, just buy 80 of these new models we're selling in boxes of ten, chud! Also we raised prices.
I was there, kiddo. The one revisioning is you.
I think it's because they did away with the list building from the first edition which was exploitable but also very enjoyable particularly with expansion books letting you fit in different kinds of guys.

I think it's just something that's been brewing for a while. People have been getting into min-maxxing everything lately and it's probably a mix of things as to why.

I remember talking to some guys that played this game years ago and they had every square inch of this page stapled shut.
The horde and steadfast rules were a bit much, especially for new players.
Op here. I’ve never played any of these gay makebelief wargames but I just hate how lazy and uninteresting some of the tables look. Glad to see that apparently not all of you warhammerfags who play them are as pathetically soulless/autistic as the official marketing and typical hobby store setup make your tribe seem.

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Why does one guy on this board lose his mind over others playing a game exactly?
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You're a fat ugly fuck who will never wear a nice suit and tie.
Yeah in my case the unit fell back literally 2 inches away from another squad and charged into them immediately after. All because
>sloppa ability on unit says fall back and charge
I bet you’re one of those “the rules don’t say I CAN’T do it” faggots kek
A 4chan post could not fit all the reasons I hate fat ''''people''''. Instead I will ask, why don't you?

Oy tg, from where do you get the most inspiration for your games? Books, mangas, videogames, history?
I mainly take it from real history from my country, folklore, fantasy books and some games (specially Dominions, Morrowind and even stakler) but what do you do?
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Currently reading vermis, and the idea of it it's basically to be just inspiration. It's literally an art-book.
Anyways, what's the point of the sequel? Does anyone know?
Like, how do you make a sequel to a game manual? Is it the manual of the sequel of the first game?
Most of my inspiration usually comes from games, movies, anime, etc that impressed me, and then whatever inspired those things.

Right now my campaign is heavily built around Trigun, Xenogears, N64 Zeldas, Chrono Trigger, and Demon's Souls, and therefore also built around existential philosophy, jungian psychology, gnosticism, esotericism, and more. Usually once I identify some overlaps between two stories/settings I impulsively start thinking about merging and developing the two.

For example, Both Trigun and Xenogears have a human space ship being destroyed from the inside by a main antagonist who crash lands it on a desert planet. Humanity builds civilization out of that disaster, where they use "ancient" technology to survive. Humanity overall isn't aware of this, but there are a few enclaves of very knowledgeable humans who live in floating cities far removed from the land. However, humanity permitted existence is just being used to further the antagonist's goals, and it's up to the protagonist to redeem humanity from their state of unknowing servitude.

Meanwhile, Demon's Souls is all about perception of reality, the fog of confusion, and the repeating corruption of the pursuit of power. The world is covered by an impenetrable and demon-spawning fog that erases existence of whatever it consumes. The shattered lands are connected by archstones, which are the only way to travel between lands. My world has all of these properties as well, but instead of many lands, I have one land separated by time. My archstones transport attuned people (the players) throughout time to experience the history of the world. The goal of the Old One/Lavos is to consume the world, and it'll be up to the players to save humanity from that fate.
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Real world history.
I use Arameans, Armenians, and Assyrians for elves to justify unconditional hatred against Ottoman Turkey and Azerbaijan-inspired genocidally evil races with historical analogies. The best part? Nobody can accuse you of anything without exposing their lack of intel on the matter.
'That guy', without fail, is an avid elf hater. Gatekeeping has become an art.
It's just like Vermis but another manual for another game, yes. This one's focused on themes of glass, mist and mirrors.

I find browsing fantasy RPG books of any kind to be very inspirational as long as they have some nice pictures.
I really like the early armenians (and stuff like haitians) tough I use them for my humans cultures mostly, the bronze age is heaveli underused.
Luv the Precursors humans living in castels in the sky, one of mine do the same (the other live in hyperborean icebergs guarding the knownladge of the ages in they ice homes or in the equivalent of the underworld).

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In other news, it seems Corvus Belli will launch a TV series even before GW. Thoughts, /tg/?
Here's the trailer:
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Do you have some version of Joan of Arc maybe?
The setting is kind of a mish-mash of whatever the lead CB guy was into. It used to be a homebrew RPG setting and it's pretty clear where he just lifted what he liked and added it to the game. I think compared to 40k it wears it's influences and inspiration closer to the surface, but the end result is a decent enough setting and varied enough that you can probably find a faction to get behind if you ever consider getting into the game.


The RPG books in the mega are a good source of lore if you ever feel like some light reading.
Witnessed. Quads of truth.
>I'm a real fan because I buy secondary material!
>The RPG books in the mega are a good source of lore if you ever feel like some light reading.
Cool, thanks anon. Which book would be best to start with for someone who just wants to read the lore?
This one is the core rulebook. It has the broadest lore. After that if a faction catches your eye you can go to their specific splatbook.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
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Previous Thread: >>93425854
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checking something
>What's he written?
"The Accursed" - or at least that's what I was told.
What an absolutely generic name. If I saw a book with a name like that and knew nothing else about it, I'd be very unlikely to give it a try.
Dorf (fire bombs, against the odds)
Werebear (bear cub, moonshade elixir)
Paladin (Return Stolen Item -> Divine Favor)
Egyptian Elf (Aura Reading, Radial Magic)
Femonk (Acrobatics)
flip around smiting the wicked with fire bombs, clearing the trash-mobs while my buffed bear 1v1s tougher enemies
conqueror of the siren island, Dark Shadows -> Blessed Hoe, Royal Switcheroo -> Marriage, The Littlest Lich,

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What sorts of games would neanderthal man have played?
It's very likely that they painted, and musical instruments of theirs have also been found. Is it possible that some of humankind's earliest games were influenced by them?
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Serious answer? Variations of "pit and stone" games like mancala, or simple grid games like tic-tac-toe or morris.
the game of pretend
You know when you get around a campfire and you make up stories together and sometimes someone makes up a story based on someone else's story? Oldest human game right there. It's got everything. Communication. Social posturing. Arson. Stealing ideas. Everything that makes us people.
hide and seek, playfighting, throw rock the furthest, move rock, climb tree highest, anything that is perfomance of body and mind that can be competitive
I didn't appreciate how advanced neanderthal civilization was until I found out that the "original" fingerbox was found preserved among some of their pottery.

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This is how I play an evil monk
monks cant be evil you retard

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