A thread for creating love interests, and discussing those previously made. Submit your characters, and other anons will try to give them a wife/husband! Please be patient, the backlog is gigantic, and waifucrafting takes time.Previous thread: >>94699143Archive: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/Wife/
>>95040878I'm finally going to print a waifu for Faust. Based on Hannah, I'm gonna bake him a Sage in contrast.>>95055968>NWoD rather than OWoDAnd after I take a nap. I don't know jack about White Wolf properties, period. Not Exalted, not nothing. Well, except for some of the Street Fighter Storytelling game (that lore is WILD).
>>95055968NTA, but to be honest, Mage is probably the hardest stuff to understand in World of Darkness or Chronicles of Darkness. If one were to make a mage a wife that has any similar supernatural abilities, they'd need to grok how the magic system and setting generally work.I say as someone who is deeply versed in Mage: the AWAKENING, which is the wrong game. I know some stuff about the setting, but the way that magic works has a pretty serious overhaul I'm not familiar with the old stuff for. The basics though look like this:>The World of Darkness is the same as our own world, but with a bunch of supernatural shit happening in the background, most of which is insidious in some form>There are various types of supernatural beings, many of which have their own splatbooks so you can play as them. Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage are the big three either which way, but then you also have stuff like Promethians Mummies, Geists... And Hunters, who are mundane people who have decided to hunt down and kill supernatural threats, often with little understanding of what it is they're even looking at>In OWoD, magic works on consensus; it works because people believe it will work. Magic barely works as magic because the Technocracy has been explaining magic away and getting people to believe in technology instead, letting them do more and more crazy magic as super science.And then there's shit I have to actually look up, like:>The Avatar Storm, where the Gauntlet (the barrier between the spirit and the physical) freaked the fuck out>Mnesis is ancestral memory of the lizard-brained>The Horizon is part of the Umbra (spirit realm) where mage traditions put up their pocket dimensions for their bases of collaboration and operation that aren't in the physical realm. The Null-B is such a Construct by the Technocratic Union that used to be a place of great power and work
>>95056066hell yeah
>>95055968I had worried about that considering I didn't see anyone else submit any OWoD characters. If you feel like you can't then no worries, Xavier is hardly in need of lovely ladies in game. But I appreciate you trying and honestly just giving it to me straight. >>95056124You've got the basic jist down. Some stuff I can explain further as well are the Mnesis is the collective memory/spirit realm for Were-reptiles/crocs/lizards and Null-B is essentially a mega-prison-gulag.
>>95024701I think I'll do the other one, since you qualified for two. If it's a JRPG setting, I'mma assume magic's on the table. Dude's already got sword-wife; makes sense to follow up with sorcery wife.
For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e> Toolshttps://srd.dndtools.orghttps://dndtools.one/https://d20srd.orghttps://www.realmshelps.net/> Indices> 3.5https://archive.burne99.com/archive/4/http://web.archive.org/web/20080617022745/http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/index.php> 3.0http://web.archive.org/web/20060330114049/http://www.crystalkeep.com:80/d20/rules3.0.php> Dragon Magazine IndexComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95060624Go into mystic from Paladin/Hexblade or something if you want to be as suboptimal as possibile for MT>>95060650>Actually, is there such a thing as a divine/divine dual progression PRC?Surprisingly enough, there is no such thing.No divine equivalent of the Ultimate Magus.
is there any precedent about a Wish granting feats? how do (you) feel about that idea?
>>95061508I don't know the actual answer but if we think that there are items that can grant feats, and wish can be used to grant inherent ability score bonuses to a creature as well as to create items, it doesn't seem like that much of a logical leap.I think I'd be fine with it, given that an appropriate price is paid. Something like regressing a whole ass level (with no thought bottle loop) or something, which might not be the worst thing ever either as far as a malus or onus goes. It can even be abused, probably.
Wish can create value of up to 25k without question, and per A&EG, the value of a feat is 5-10k. Double that for a slotless effect and it still fits neatly within the explicit safe limits of a Wish effect. You can make it an actual item like a totem or a charm or something if you really feel uncomfortable with it, but I see nothing questionable here unless you're running a game with wish loops, in which case you should expect silly things to happen.
>>95015830I'm starting to prepare to DM a high powered Psionics game for some folks. I see this Master Psionics resource talked about: https://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=6317.0Does anyone know where I can find that? Is there something better out there? I own a copy of XPH/Complete Psionics already from before.
TT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/INFO:>The thread is set in V20 in the Modern Nights. The exact canon of mechanics, metaplot elements and the like is unique to each character's chronicle, and statements by others which contradict your continuity should be ignored or regarded as falsehoods or misunderstandings. After all, the night is full of falsehoods and half-remembered rumors>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights, or approx. to realtime>There is no author; we are acéphale>Nictuku will be diablerized on sightAUTOMATED GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #0045: Scrape and Lick EditionPREVIOUS THREAD: >>94955909
>>95060878it's a spirit drug that allows you to escape to a alternate reality where you can assume the role of a warrior in the mythical lands of Skyrim, home of the Nords
>>95033093Yeah, nah. Fuck off, Baali trash, You aren't fooling anyone and nobody likes you and your Kind. Even A Tzimisce Neonite wouldn't defile his ass by sitting on a chair made of a Baali
>>95061314Did you flip bricks for Mansa Musa?
>>95063940nah, that cunt refused to kneel before me so I erased his ethnic group from existence
NEW THREADNEW THREADNEW THREAD>>95064709>>95064709>>95064709
Previously on /slop/: >>95032592Mount Edition▶ Thread Task: Post unique mounts. Four legs, eight legs, wheels and tentacles, organic or mechanical - as long as it's unique▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.▶ Generatorshttps://bing.com/images/create/https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creatorhttps://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnellhttps://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-devhttps://fluxpro.art/https://replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-devComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95056784That does work, but only for simple geometric shapes like rectangles, etc. Asking for an abstract shape like the previous pics ends up being dramatically different in each gen.
>>95056623>>95056706Used to do Pantorans all the time
I’ll get the next one
>>95045599Funily enough goats now are among the forms to choose from for Find Familiar in the D&D 5.5, being a Beast with a CR of 0.Same as a vulture or even a giant fly.
What it reads on the tin innit? I want to hear about universes you want on the table top or ideas you've had for settings that you think should be fleshed out more. For my part I'll drop some outlines I've been kicking around>somewhat near future>Hardish scifi (only exception is FTL for convience)>Human diaspora of many hundreds if not thousands of micro states after break away conflicts with UN/old power backed global gov.>Few large scale players>most of space is in constant brush wars>Many schizo theories are true>Religious organizations have broken away and formed their own enclaves>Christendom has repaired* the schism(don't ask me how I don't know yet)>*against external threats they put aside differences otherwise the hostilities persist>aesthetics of tech comparable to killzone in style or reminiscent of 90's late 80's tactical gear
>>95020760I have a few bouncing around in my head:- Fantasy setting where it's the Dawn Age but the world wasn't made for humans; it's coated with monsters and magic because all the major gods are inhuman, and the human god is a weak little trickster/artifice god type who made humanity in his image.- Space fantasy in a single solar system, with spacecraft and multiple habitable worlds and magic with scientific rules. Very pre-WWI "up and up" progressive vibes, traces of the Victorian era but more in their idealized future rather than it being steampunk. The whole setting is fictional, not just OTL but with Martians and Venusians being real. My current worlds are a thick-atmo jungle with aerostats floating overhead, a "near Earth" whose continents are giant crater lakes (homeworld of the setting), a giant dustbowl planet like Arrakis with blue silicates as its dust, an ancient habitable ring (think Halo, not Ringworld), and an icy planet with snow and surface life, plus cracks in the ice that lead to a vast subsurface ocean. All the planets have intelligent life, of course.- Post-apocalyptic fantasy-that's-actually-science fiction setting, but no working-backwards. Multiple human subraces on this planet? Okay, what would real human subraces be, if humans were designing them for reasons other than to justify elves and dwarves? Big giant animals and such? Okay, such as? "Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"? You mean leftover highly durable military supplies are indistinguishable from magic, not waving your hands around to make fireballs show up, right? Very loose concept.
>>95051422>guy says you need to care about the money>same guy who says to focus on system not settingMoron.There's a reason that almost every major RPG, ever, has a trash or ephemeral system. Setting >>> crunch so far it's not even funny. Your personal tastes are weird and esoteric, born of consuming enough RPGs to care; actual players just say "oh investigating Lovecraft stuff sounds cool" and ignore that BRP is poop from a butt.
>>95057163>Space fantasy in a single solar system, with spacecraft and multiple habitable worlds and magic with scientific rules. Very pre-WWI "up and up" progressive vibesThat's just straight 100% Space 1889https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space:_1889
>>95020760I would love to see a Starship Troopers like setting but based off the book rather then the movie. Tired of the US/Human military is bad BS that been pushing for years. Give me something like GATE and where the military isn't just the bad guy.
>>95059246I agree fellow of culture, the only issue is that the movies gave us the sexiest aesthetics (aside from the marauder suits sadly) >>95057073How would we combat the coomer menace always trying to summon succubi though? Otherwise I think that sounds fun do you play as cells of people trying to fight back or just trying to survive?>>95057163For alternate human sub species I would say they should not look like the classical fantasy races but should be reminiscent of them. hyper slender, beautiful, long lived, and charismatic people in the stand of elves who look vaguely human. Short, sturdy, who have all knowledge necessary for building mining equipment in their genes, and low IQ peoples to mine autonomously. Though through the apocalypse they have mutated bare sentience. For your fantasy setting be about your players as standard people or as demigods working to establish a foot hold for their god and wider humanity?
I like caveman/ stonepunk-style settings where there are different kinds of intelligent hominids like yetis and monkey people instead of the standard Tolkien ripoff "demihumans" like elves, dwarves, and orcs.Besides Totem, Terra Primate, and Barbarians of Lemuria, what are some games that are a good fit for this type of setting?
>>95052072>stop calling everything punkOr else what?
>>95008121>anon is visiting us from 2021 when AI image generators are gatchasWelcome to 2025 when you can feed the AI an mspaint scribble and have it render you an expertly drawn version
>>95025672If that's the case, we would all be talking like Text on old-ass flip phones. No, it's stupid, and only a minority of people use it. Look at this thread. It's all about how fucking stupid "StonePunk" sounds. That doesn't mean it's trending at all.
>>95006112you can easily do it in Savage Worlds or FATE
Previous: >>95054129>The new bracket system, currently in betahttps://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/introducing-commander-brackets-beta>Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committeehttps://mtgcommander.net>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internethttps://www.edhrec.com>Deck list site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choiceshttps://www.archidekt.comhttps://www.moxfield.comhttps://www.tappedout.netComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95060840Im kinda new to current mtg but its sold out in my area, theres one of those box sets left though. I thought this was supposed to be a sort of always around thing and not just this months new set.
>>95060992So in your fantasy world, greedy execs ONLY give their money to DEI consultants to scapegoat them after the fact? Interesting conspiracy theory.In that case there should be no problem with removing the consultants then since you admit they serve no productive purpose.
>>95061725Target them relentlessly and claim it's threat assessment, or that you have always lost to people playing their commander in the past.
>>95064956This is the pussy way out. You tell them if they want to be a tranny they're going to have to take more than just abuse at the table and that you're training them to not be a little bitch
Bloodlust Edition>Previous Thread>>95008663>Pastebinhttps://pastebin.com/WiCHizn0>Mediafirehttps://mediafire.com/folder/s9esc6u7ke8k5/CofD>Mega Ihttps://mega.nz/folder/ePQ1BKhJ#RCosRCh59Ki2Mpb1M9H3Uw>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)https://mega.nz/folder/ZbQ2zLJA#DOT-3df6rS2lLet4_RmqJQ>WoD5 Megahttps://mega.nz/folder/7rQQ1LbQ#16_AiXVGo0P3_rVOJuoZyAComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
sex with Elise
>>95064824Big D manages to survive an encounter with a werewolf and there's only 1 non-lethal casualty in the entire group and you call him a fraud? I call him a fucking miracle worker or did you not listen to the audiocast in which he talked to kitten about werewolves and told him point blank that if you encounter one, you should run. What's the first thing he does in this episode when the werewolf shows up? He yells for everyone to get out and run. Very consistent character writing here. You just don't seem to grasp that werewolves and vampires can take out even the strongest of hunters with ease.
>>95066137There is no metaplot.
>>95066308This booty-shorts wearing fuck comes in talking that good shit about how he'd "settle" for wiping out the 3rd generation. He says he's immune to the delirium because he's built different, says he'd have been fine if Kevin was a Mage after he just jerked off how strong they are. He says how he'll never lose a son again. But he has bungled virtually everything we've seen him do. So he's a really strong fighter, big whoop. It hasn't done him any good. Everyone else handled their vampire in the tunnels. D gets held at knifepoint. Maybe he was jobbing on purpose to teach the kids. Fine. Then he stands right next to the FUCKING WINDOW after freaking out about how dangerous Diablerist Pyotr is. He is the FIRST to go down in what very easily could've been a TPK. He almost fucks up lying to Chapman and ends up needing to ghoul him to Kevin to salvage that one. Then he spends the entire chapterhouse whodunnit causing more infighting. He takes way too long to figure out there's a Werewolf among them and then he's left impotently seething after the Werewolf kidnaps his son right in front of him. I wouldn't call him a Fraud if he didn't talk so big. Leopold von Murnau beat a whole tribe of Werewolves so bad he gave them generational trauma. Caiaphas Smith scares the big vamps so bad they have standing orders to just avoid him. Big D is a FRAUD because he can't put his money where his mouth is.
new thwead>>95066366
What do you think of RPGs with a heavily focus on GM-given consumables?One RPG I have been following for years is the Cypher System and its Revised version. It has a decent amount of customization, but a large portion of any given character's power comes from the eponymous cyphers: consumable items. The game is setting-neutral, so cyphers might be sci-fi gadgets, magical talismans, spontaneous mutations, wild magic manifestations, or a mix. (In more mundane settings, cyphers might be nothing more than bursts of inspiration and good luck, though this limits them to a much smaller list, with no overtly fantastical effects.)Cyphers that are physical objects are called "manifest" and can be swapped around the party, while those that are intangible talents are called "subtle" and cannot be traded. Either way, there is a hard cap on how many cyphers a character can carry at any moment. While PCs can try to obtain or craft specific cyphers, they are ultimately up to the GM to hand out, whether by rolling on a randomized table or simply picking from the list. If the GM decides that your brainiac superhero or precognitive mage spontaneously develops a one-shot ability to hurl a fireball, well, that is just how it is.Cyphers are meant to be used and cycled through frequently. To quote the core rulebook, "Cyphers are gained with such regularity that the PCs should feel that they can use them freely. There will always be more, and they’ll have different benefits. This means that in gameplay, cyphers are less like gear or treasure and more like character abilities that the players don’t choose."In theory, this makes characters more exciting, because players keep on getting to play with shiny new toys. Maybe the warrior gets to try out teleportation one scene, and telepathy the next. That is the idea, anyway.I have no doubt that there are other RPGs with a similar paradigm. Do you think it makes for entertaining gameplay? What are the shortcomings of this paradigm?
>>95058206Nope, they're in the game so the game permits Eastern culture, and East > West. You lose.
>>95058206>moving the goalpost>also ignores all the jewish/kabbalistic influences in d+d
>>95060706Where is Jewish in d+d?
>>95061085Golems, phylacteries.
>>95058206>Monk is a containment class>Samurai aren't MonksSounds like it's not a containment class and the game just has eastern classes then
Would you rather live in Cyberpunk world or Fantasy World? Explain your answerAlso this song fits Cyberpunk so well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY
>>95041936Fantasy. Cyberpunk is just dystopia with chrome and neon lighting.
>>95041936>do you want nihilistic terminal-stage capitalism where corporate slavery reigns and people mask a total lack of hope and perspective with freaky contrarianism?>or do you want a failed world whose "god" turned out to be an abomination and unleashed magical corruption of astronomical proportions, turning life energy into metaphysical equivalent of ground asbestos?Trick question, you get to have both :^)
>>95041936Depends a lot on the fantasy setting. If it was high-magic modernized fantasyslop like Faerun I would probably pick that because it's basically romanticized fiction so you'd probably be pretty comfy.Cyberpunk would probably suck unless I was in the upper class, then it would be awesome. So I guess it really depends on where I would be. If it's a "You get transported there with no money and just the clothes on your back" then fuck that. I'll take my chances in a village somewhere in fantasy land and try to bang some baker's fat-tittied daughter or something.
>>95055559Do you think it would be like Konosuba?
>>95043393Risus: The Anything RPG
A certain company has a job opening for people who want to submit text-based roleplaying and worldbuilding to help train an AI model.Once the technology gets good enough, would you ever be interested in playing under an AI GM?
>>95055594nta. afaik even a google search is AI. I see posters saying they "started using AI" as if AI is synonymous with the latest thing (chatgpt or whatever is AI, it can translate, google translate stops being AI) and that's weird.
>>95054620Is this anti AI crowd with is in this room? Most people who're sick of hype AI tools are so because it produces flawed results or relies on stolen training data. Tools for grammar and spell checking have been around for over a decade and are fairly well received. That said, I wouldn't use ChatGPT for it.
>>95059337People who value the creative capacity of humans finds it inherently offensive to try to automate away that creativity. I wouldn't want to replace my friends with a machine even if its replication was near perfect.
>>95055156Deepseek also has a half dozen workarounds to just entirely disable the post-generation filters (Which is where the smut check takes place)
>>95045892>Once the technology gets good enoughYou fags keep saying this for years, but they still not even trying to fix the fundamental problem of losing long term context. Until it becomes feasible to seamlessly integrate new data into db instead of feeding hours-long backlog into every prompt, it's going to suck donkey balls for anything but short ERP sessions.
It's so over editionHeresy-less Thursday sub edition.Previous Heresy: >>95035311>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Startedhttps://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/30/new-to-the-horus-heresy-heres-everything-youll-need-to-get-started/>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/warhammer-the-horus-heresy/>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS>30k TACTICA & TIPShttps://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLphttps://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Age_of_Darkness-Warhammer_30k/2.0_Tactics/General_TacticsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95064251>>95064251>>95064251New Head
>>95064254fuck off
>>95064105>>95063879trvth nvke
>>95064105>only primarch never to conquer his adopted home worldas spoken by Lorgar, no wonder it's bullshit. Guilliman, Dorn, Perty, Magnus and Alpharius and Omegon never 'conquered' their home worlds.
>>95063736You miss the point of demonhood.
It is 927 AG ; thirty years has passed since the great esteemed Archduke Three Headed Geese “Ferdinand” has been assassinated. The Iron Chancellor, recently elected promises to purse his land of all other degenerate waterfowl and xeno races while launching a spearhead northwest into Ice Queen’s eternal winter. For the purity of the Canadian race!
>>95052816>Non-Human Wargaming ConceptThis Quars WarYou're welcome.
The Sybil's Sight from Mage: The Awakening 1e is one of the most flavorful RPG mechanics I have seen.It is one of the game's "Mage Sight" spells, and a mage generally wants to maintain one such spell on them at all times. Its auxiliary effect is where things get interesting:>The mage can detect momentous events. While this spell is in effect, a reflexive Wits + Investigation roll is made to sense when something of metaphysical weight or truth has been spoken or taken place. The Storyteller decides when and if such an event occurs. The mage cannot have others “fish” for prophecies by having them keep saying things until something registers as resonating with destiny. Such abuses of the gifts of Fate have been known to backfire upon mages with grim consequences. Instead, this ability gives a willworker an idea of when somebody just happens to utter words that are somehow true or important in a metaphysical sense.>In other words, while “the sky is clear today” could very well be a correct assessment, it is not usually a significant enough truism to register to this application of Fate. Instead, a child’s assertion that a beautiful woman “looks like an angel” may well resound in the mage’s ears if there is something truly exceptional or even supernatural about her, or if she is particularly holy or touched by the divine in some meaningful way. Naturally, this sense is quite vague, leaving the mage to puzzle out exactly what is meant by the prophetic or otherwise weighty statement.At bare minimum, it is a vector for the GM to nudge the party towards whatever the GM wants the PCs to investigate. However, it also means that the caster and the other PCs are encouraged to sprinkle in as many similes, analogies, metaphors, and other turns of phrase as often as possible in their speech (without just babbling them non-stop), so as to increase the likelihood of uttering something of prophetic or otherwise metaphysical import.What do you think of it?
>>95055782I find D&D wizards boring because some of their character aspects are pawned off into spells.If I had my way about it, picking your school would have a way more meaningful impact and something like detect magic would be an aspect of your character you do when you do perception checks and such with the added bonus that your school influences what sort of magic you nature percieve.For instance, if you are a necromancer you naturally see and experience traces of necromancy easier than the other schools.Better yet, the different flavors of magic having their own unique sensory tells would also be interesting
>>95056806D&D is shit and this topic isn't about it. Why are you bringing it up?
>>95055782>However, it also means that the caster and the other PCs are encouraged to sprinkle in as many similes, analogies, metaphors, and other turns of phrase as often as possible in their speech (without just babbling them non-stop), so as to increase the likelihood of uttering something of prophetic or otherwise metaphysical import.>The mage cannot have others “fish” for prophecies by having them keep saying things until something registers as resonating with destiny. Such abuses of the gifts of Fate have been known to backfire upon mages with grim consequences."I'm fishing but only a little" still counts as fishing. The description makes it clear that any attempt to intentionally trigger this ability backfires. It has to be based entirely on circumstance as dictated by the Storyteller, and the Storyteller should punish the players if they try to force circumstance in any way, shape or form. The whole point of this ability is that it is tied to Fate, it is a matter of destiny and probability and is not something that the players should be able to influence, without other magic that manipulates Fate.
>>95055782>>95056216How appropriateConsidering >>95056806it's working.
>>95055782>flavorful>interesting"I like this thing because I like it and my storyteller could have easily abused it but didn't and did things I liked with it."
Hobbying Sister of Battle Edition>Balance Dataslatehttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/chwd2fdd/warhammer-40000-balance-dataslate-deep-strikes-and-ap-in-the-crosshairs/>Community Links:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/https://www.unitcrunch.comhttps://www.newrecruit.euhttps://wahapedia.ru>3rd Party Models Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/Q33bkBUh>Pre 10th Torrent:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>95062964>>95062964>>95062964Image limit reached
>>95062969Slaaneshi trooder wins again!
>>95062961depends on what faction you paint, it can be as low as 4 paints per model, including the primer. I'm guessing you watched a tutorial for a human character. The face alone could already take 6 colors.
>>95062977I am not the Slaneshi throoder and I'm offended at the accusation