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>48 plastic minis for 42 bucks
>multiparts with logical part divisions instead of retarded GW CAD cross sections to prevent conversions
>enough for an entire SAGA army in one box
Why haven't you taken the history pill yet?
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Tell me more about A Perfect Captain please.
A Perfect Captain was group of gamemakers who made a bunch of really cool games what could be played like boardgames but many had rulesets and integration for miniature battles to completement the strategic moves of the board. It's really cool but the only place to download the files now is the facebook page since they collapsed in 2020
I like it because it allows my friends and I to have a reason to have much more interesting battles where winning but losing the majority of your forces can be worse than ceding the field and counterattacking. You feel like a general.

This is their old site
This is the facebook group to scrape the files
Thanks, let me know when you find the Facebook group.
Pardon I neglected to include it
There you can download whichever system speaks to you. You can also use, for miniature combat, any other system you prefer, just adjust point cost and recruitment/replenishment

I can't post the link but literally google "Facebook A Perfect Captain" the group has all the files in the "files" tab
Thanks again! I've been using the campaign system from Little Wars TV's Hannibal games so far but I'll gladly look into those.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://rentry.co/cyoag
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>94832104
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I like them, especially if it's giving bounty hunter vibes (think cowboy bebop)
What about school prices? How about making minor abilities more accessible?
>This means you must sacrifice<,> one or two of these aspects
Remove comma
What has aro fucked up then?
Some anon owes Aro a kid...

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Work in Progress, Knight Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

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>I definitely don't like how you try and act like an anime girl though.
speak for yourself. I'd beat that bussy up like you wouldn't believe.
>you're good to just toss those old pewter GW models in undiluted acetone to strip them right?
only if you're 100% sure the whole thing is metal. A lot of old minis are mostly metal with a few plastic bits and you might be surprised when your "metal" mini is suddenly missing a backpack post acetone bath.
An anon over at the 80lbs drew a Johnny.
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>you might be surprised when your "metal" mini is suddenly missing a backpack post acetone bath.
This is an important point, and specifically because there are two OOP metal versions (and a FineCast one as well!) of Lemartes: one meant to bear a plastic backpack and a later version with a unique metal jump pack.
New thread:


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No. They want tranny nude pics of lonely kids they blackmailed into trooning out.
The "no girls allowed" jokes are unironically an integral part of the kind of 12-year-old-boys'-Warhammer-power-fantasy-from-18-years-ago that the animators are parodying.
Beneath the jokes and parody, there's a legit old school 40k story in episode 2.
Yeah I interpreted the "no girls allowed" literally throwing little girls into a volcano as parodying space marines as a concept. Only an idiot would interpret it as actual edgelord misogyny
incredible how butthurt people get when you let them know you didn't find something funny
I couldn't imagine being such an anal faggot

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M A G E S ! ! !
I hate em and you hate em too. They need to fuck off to another dimension and fucking stay there forever. You fight a guy; you have a sword, they have an axe and you settle it like grown ups. But not fucking wizards NOOOOOOO, they're floating around chuckin fucking sparkles around turning people into toads and shit. No fucking decency in mage society, we need em out and we need it NOW!!!
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OP got his ass handed to him by a wizard and is forever buttblasted about it the thread.

Stylistic trumps realistic.

There is this trend to aim for "realism" in the fantasy genre that is an absolute cancer on the hobby. Specifically, it is most noticeable in two areas: magic and fantasy races.

People don't want magic, they want reliable science powers. There is no mystery to magic anymore because people love binding magic to how well someone can study. It's predictable, you cast the same spell and the same thing happens every time, because you Scientific Method'ed your magic so well. It's not magic anymore, it's literally just the Force but Science. It doesn't matter if your "magic system" involves some obnoxious hand movements or reagents - if it's reliably producing the same effect every time, that means it's been solved. No longer magic.

As for fantasy races, people are so obsessed now with speculative evolution and making a "realistic" fantasy race that they end up creating some hideous abomination that nobody would ever play. Oh, my dwarves? They're ugly little bug people who fold up to sleep. My orcs? They're hideous gorilla-folk. My elves? They're disgusting, anorexic plant people. Look how REALISTIC my unique take on this fantasy race is! Neat, but in your pursuit of realism you sacrificed coolness, beauty, likability, etc. and now nobody wants to actually play your weird little bug dwarves or whatever.

Stylistic beats realistic. This is fantasy, if you want realistic little aliens, just rebrand your game to a scifi setting.
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Creepy ape-men > gay green Warcrap baras.
Why would you even call it an orc then? Just have apemen.
>only about gnostic ideas which can be easily falsified
Then falsify them, stupid.

>from whining over fantasy races being some bad representation of real ones
The issue was over how certain foundational assumptions in D&D and other fantasy worlds mimic the logic of some of the most awful ideologies in the real world, not that they're 1-for-1 for a specific race (with a few exceptions, like Harry Potter goblins lining up hilariously well with anti-Semitic caricatures). Everyone who tries to bring up a point like:
>Uhhh you think orcs are black people? Wow, you're the REAL racist!
just didn't understand the argument being made. Taking Mesoamerican cultural elements and applying those to orcs isn't a problem when you don't portray orcs as inherently evil or savage beings you slaughter en masse.

>if it's reliably producing the same effect every time, that means it's been solved. No longer magic.
Then you have a problem with 99% of fantasy TTRPGs since the dawn of the hobby. They are games which means they have relatively predictable elements. Magic is rote and reliable because it's a game.
Why do playable orcs even exist?
The only orcs that I'm aware of, that look like species made by intelligent design, that you may want to live as and not suffer constant experience of ugliness are orcs in Warcraft, orcs in Lineage (especially), and ironically orks in 40k.
Why are orcs so popular?
You say that like they ever cared about the Truth. Occult elements still pursue it, random Joes just try to make a living, and capitalists just cut every corner they can.

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It's fun, but pretty expensive, and I worry about card durability in the long run.
Is it a traditional game?
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they're fucking huge, I got all the expansions and storage is a bit of an issue. When I bring it somewhere I just grab the models/decks that I know my friends want to pick, 1 map and terrain so I can fit it all in 1 box
Its pretty fun, think SW Epic Duels (pic related) closest thing I can think of. Epic Duels has a more engaging offense/defense mechanic, but the SF miniatures game has a neat combo mechanic (building a big long combo in your hand is the most interesting part of it)
How do you make a tabletop setting out of street fighter
What do you mean?
Street fighter is very much anything goes nonsense
Maybe try watching the old anime movie?

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Is it possible to make a strategy-focused game that is mechanically more like a TTRPG than a wargame? What I mean by that is that, in most strategy games, you usually have direct abstract control over your units/armies, like some kind of god. However, in a TTRPG, you usually only have control over your character, or at most a stable/troupe of characters. To control other people, you generally have to persuade, command, or intimidate NPCs whose actions are controlled by the GM. However, every TTRPG I've encountered that includes strategy elements, rather than modelling the strategy parts as normal, essentially switches to a wargame-esque minigame that is completely divorced from the standard gameplay.
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War games are tabletop roleplaying games.
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Jaffa! Mol kek!
I miss Stargate. It was the best.
RIP Aurora class :(
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Be thankful of what we got, and there are plenty of roleplaying games set in the stargate setting. I am running one at the moment, the most recent one based on 5e, but enough of it is different from the source and it's pretty fun

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How do you prefer your sanity / stress mechanics?
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>"you played too much, now you have to stop"
Because it makes you realize that you do need to touch grass every now and then.
What do relatively-normal people do when they get stressed the fuck out?
They take time to unwind. Go on a pub crawl, seek therapy, just sit the fuck down with glass of something and do nothing.
Having a healthy and supportive relationship between player characters serves as a bulwark against the madness, and helps people cope with the unwholesome reality.

When (in)sanity comes a-knockin', it's a sign that you are running too hot and need to chill the fuck out, lest you explode.
It's called a role-playing game, so play the role and do normal people things until you no longer look like a mass shooter in the making.

>inb4: "it's a horror campaign and monsters are closing in on the survivors"
Do what real people would actually do in such situations. Small things, anything from quietly humming favorite song, to cracking jokes and bantering with other survivors, to arts & crafts with whatever stuff you have available, to even just tidying the place up as best as you can.
The solace people find in such things may well be the difference between them losing it completely and going off to take on the big scary thing by their lonesome, or soldiering on long enough to make it out alive.
CoC doesn't allow for Sanity gains that get anywhere close to the amount you lose. over the course of the average scenario you probably stand to lose three or four times the amount you can regain.
I want them as intrusive as possible, I want them to rip away player agency until the game is reduced to a flowchart.
I prefer to play games, not improv theater systems.
Many games or all kinds have time or turn limits.

>GM thought it would be fun to have a "hardcore" 2 player Dungeons & Dragons 3E session, where we roll straight 3d6, which of course resulted in very shitty stats for our characters
>no magic/potion shops, no clerics, who sell their services, wizards are extremely rare
>game takes place in a huge city in decline, where everything outside the inner wall is abandoned to competing criminal gangs
>is surprised that my team mate is extremely generous with his money to solve problems, gives hundreds of golds to random people as bribes
>we are just too weak, non-charismatic and have pissed off too many gangs to do anything more interesting with our money like establishing our own criminal gang, which the GM refuses to let us do anyway
I don't know what he expected of us. You can hardly be a hero, if you have the stats of a shitty peasant and gold becomes a crutch to compensate for our abysmal stats. I mean he even freaks out, if we try to hire any warriors to compensate for our small party size.
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For 3.x the the closest thing to "3d6 down the line" i ever allowed for a game was "4d6 drop the lowest, down the line. If result is shit use the elite array arranged as the original result scores succession". Even in 2e, were the DM i played with ruled for the 3d6 down line attribute generation they employed some precaution in order to mitigate eccessive bad results (like rerolling up to three times and moving scores 2:1 around).

That said, even if you rolled abysmally low in 2e and backward the characters wouldn't be excessively impaired since the attributes modifiers distribution was a bell one, in 3e and afterwards you can get more fucked due the linear distribution and in 5e is plain retarded due to the bounded accuracy on top of the linear distribution.

Im short i think your gm is probably a picrel specimen since thought that game (3d6 down the line and no magic items) was perfectly viable for a 3.x one.
I do. That's unreliable as shit.
I bet you felt really badass while typing that, like a cha18 character that you can't play in your game.
>he doesn't want to overcome adversity
fucking zoomer over here
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Why not just play a game where this isn't even a problem, and character generation starts at flat 10's (Bog standard human) and gives the player the choice of what stats he wants to increase as he advances?

Little Troggy Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Got in a 1k game today with my cities, the folks at the local shop are really starting to warm up to AoS, which is really hype. I'm gonna start up a spearhead league next month!
What did you run at 1k? The starter box, or something you cooked up from old models, or abit of both?
Starter box and the spearhead box, it comes out to basically exactly 1k. It was very okay.
How'd you build your foot marshal, got pics?

Do you like gonzo? How would you even define it? How do you diferentiate good from bad ones?

I like games or settings called gonzo, like Umerica or ASE1, but I'm not sure most things using that term share that much. I know it's a meme word so it has become meaningless, if it ever had one, but I still feel like I want to like it.
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Maybe I'm just more discerning with my hate. There's all sorts of stuff to dislike or avoid or whatever, but hate requires a proactive component. Dismissing it or disliking a thing seems more passive or casual. Like how you see trash on a street.
>look at it, move on
you went too far ir once you suscribed to newsletters. I probably have a nicer outlook because it's something I check now and then and mostly pirate their stuff.
You're right although it was interesting to watch the artpunk side of things go off the rails over the last 6+ years.
I've ended up slowly unsubscribing from basically everything as the newsletters have become less and less useful for new things that are less and less appealing.
tbf maybe that anon was insulting him to get a more indebt answer.
I don't care if someone likes or hates whatever, but it could be interesting to see what made them like or hate that thing. Even if I don't agree with them at all, by bouncing off I can better define my own impression and hopefully they can do the same. But just saying X is bad/good is meaningless.
Doesn't seem like a thread that's going to get a lot of in depth engagement, the subject is fairly broad and the question is largely personal taste related. Especially with a 'genre' that isn't widely played and is perhaps past its sharkjump.
I'm similarly seeing what other people think because its interesting, but more towards a general eagerness to be offended. Its weird to me. Someone calls a thing I like trash on /tg/ and moves on, I generally shrug and move on.

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

1st Sword of Light edition

Last Thread: >>94828040

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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New thread: >>94848216
Yep that works. Awesome.
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spoken like a true dishonorable CoD cuck, you people really know how to suck the fun out of every game you infest.
Post Fusiliers
>Being fair I'm in my thirties so things were a lot better when I left the nest.
Yeah, luckily Mom had my sister buy a collage house back when she was still going to school, which is where we're living now.
We hesitated back before I had to move back home because she and I rightfully feared that Mom would likely move in with us, and that was back when Dad was just starting to spiral after retirement.
I always figured I'd move into the collage house when my sister moved onto a bigger family home, but when Dad died there wasn't much reason for Mom to not move with me.

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>DM has the party meet an all-powerful Elf sorceress queen
>she rewards the party with glowing water, magic rope, rations, and some of her hair
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Consider also that, according to folkloric magic rules, said ludicrously powerful elf princess has voluntarily gifted something that could directly fuel dark curses targetting her. It's been long enough since my Tolkien obsessive days that I can't recall if that concept applies in Middle Earth, but if so that speaks additional volumes to the sheer honour and trust she bestowed upon Gimli.
Those are all powerful elf-gifts which repeatedly save the party, except for the hair which is MERELY an immeasurably valuable treasure which will symbolically resolve millennia of ill will between two ancient people.
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>Yeah guys let's have an """""adventure"""" because of a ring
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>Rewards hero with Wand of Polymorph Other
Check and mate Galadriel
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>>The guy was looking for a way out anyway, because he wanted to join a Napoleonic wargame instead

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Anybody play this? It's fucking awesome.
>units have unique promotions instead of always going queen
>use the pieces you've taken from the enemy
>backing drops
>non stop aggro once the midgame begins

Common strats you use? I have no idea of my kyu.
I am very bad, mainly vs AI, but I guess i tend to play static rook, 3 move castle, bishop drops. Very basic. Need to get used to climbing silver.
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I'm still trying to learn Vietnamese Commander Chess.
The rules on radar range for having flak AA guns blast my fighter jets are a bitch to remember.
Nice mention, will check it out. Love any kind of chess variants like this
>Love any kind of chess variants like this
Threadly reminder
(do not open that link it's illegal porn)
>units have unique promotions instead of always going queen
You can underpromote in chess too, also I'd hardly count
>almost everything promotes to gold
as unique but sure I guess

>middle row of your starting area is very weak from the start
The starting position is actually quite well defended, openings only occur when you start moving pieces to one side and even then the size of the gap is dependent on which castle you use.
>Attacking sides instead of the center is much stronger in shogi
Again, depends on the strategy used
You haven't received a kamaitachi or a gokigen nakabisha before I assume

Anyway, not sure if the OG shogi anon is still around but this was the lishogi team he made back in the day: https://lishogi.org/team/cambodian-salt-miners
Might be nice to get it going again!
I've been thinking about it. How do you get started? Any good resources to learn?

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