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Spaniard tabletop.
It doesn't take itself serious.
If Mad Max and Fallout 1-2 had a son in 80s Spain.
Best faction, V Reich
>created by a dude that didn't know if there was a IV Reich
>ruled by a jewish dwarf
>anarcho-punk mixed with fascism
>one of its best warriors is a black german called Ilse 'La Loba' (the She-Wolf)
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That all sounds retarded. Fuck you, OP.
Oh shit I have the first issue of this comic, didn't know it was also a wargame.
>Buying ads
>In Spain
>In this economy
Mucho problemo, no dinero
It's also got an RPG in the SotDL engine, it's pretty good
First time I heard about it.
woah so cool

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Is it bad if I call my manor lords baronets and just say that it's the rank below barons?
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You fool.
We must leave Field 2 fallow this year so that God's Light might fill it again with the ability to grow for us.
Pay more attention to the sermons and the wisdom of your elders.
Your drinking buddy's elderly mother is going to kick your ass with a laundry rod if you cop an attitude. She remembers when you were a knee-high mudeater who kept getting caught masturbating in the sheep fields. She's not afraid of you and her arms are as jacked as yours with all the hard labor everyone trades around. You don't know what you're talking about.
In smaller villages like this you will get beaten to shit if you open a tannery in the middle of the town.
You clown, baronet is a post-feudal rank. Post-feudal noble ranks make no sense and are a circlejerk
>In smaller villages like this, no matter where you put your tannery everyone will smell it.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92516287
1114 replies and 144 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nah, I won
I want to be a young man with a hag wife

Why is that so hard?!
This chart isn't targeting your demographic but yes, you are also left with few options. You do have a few though, all reliant on you being Upper Family to my knowledge however.
Now do the rest
>all reliant on you being Upper Family
the suffering is real fellow pleb-bros

Day of the Beard edition


>Pre-Order your Orkz Codex and Custodes that got the nerfhammer

>Ork Rules for a Game Mode No One Actually Plays

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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813 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
I wish I can stop giving GW my money, but I already stop years ago when I started 3dprinting :^). Most of my plastic minis are done too, the pile of shame is currently like 90% prints. And I still have money left over for other neat shit. It's nice. Congrats, anon!

I'm going to tell you a little secret here as someone who runs and manages an LGS. If you feel your store deserves your patronage, you can still support them by trying out other games, switching to new paint line, or maybe convince them to offer a 3dprinting service and by prints.
wokehammer 41%%
Is it worth sticking a big mek with a squad of lootas? It's a shame their rules overlap
I like the look of those Deathskulls. I'm jelly.

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

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Requesting Arcana Familia, please.
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Buh bye Awesome Thred!
Take care Anon Brigade!

The great majority of you rock!
Especially all the happy newfriends who are helping out by sharing, troving, facilitating, scanning, collating, and all the other fine things you do!
Without you, this place doesn't exist.
Yay you!
Looking for Pathfinder Society 2 adventure special 4-99 Blessings of the Forest (all levels). Thanks anons.

Notorious by Jason Price
Rune by GilaRPG
Thousand Empty Light
Thanks for the help.

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Diet Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Big grotesquely muscular guy
Big stinky crab
Big brain monster
Big fat hungry daemon
forge workers, imagine ogre-sized minotaurs with half their body as mechanical as the juggernauts are, the head is also encased in a dog-like iron mask, are in chains and collars and wield either large axes, picks, hammers or a demonic handgonne

lanky skeletal grim reapers with centaur bodies, roughly dragon ogre-sized, but the lower half is more like the one of long legged insects like maybe locusts, wield sickles, scythes and forks

taking on the greek myth of when men and women were one creature, humanoid monstrous infantry taller than syllesske, where from one pair of legs stand 2 torsos each with each head and set of arms facing opposite ways, one male and one female, give them kali-like masks with multiple faces and a statuesque flair as if they were made of marble rather than flesh, and give them blades to wield with each hand so they can be imagine as swirling around as they fight

guardians of the labyrinth, tall knights-warriors made of crystal, if their heads, shields and weapons and shit don't look like they're ripping off nge ramiel or biblically accurate seraphims then you're imagining them wrong

yes, as you can see they're all in the big monstrous infantry category, no need to reinvent the line or make the current stuff redundant
new thread?
>Minotaur-esq Juggernaut

>Leech swarm form together to making up a warrior

>Brainsucker like in bloodborne

> Conjoined Demonette with the beautiful Siren in one side & Cenobite-esq mutilated one stitch together on the other

Previously: >>92496043

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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yeah, abdel is a combo machine, there are a lot of cards that goes wild with him
stop sockpuppeting
Don't force me to make the next thread.
Wakey wakey, we've hit bump limit

Multi-use components are the future of the hobby.

Previous Thread: >>92433799

>Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

what is your favorite piece of all time? Bonus points for posting pic of it in use.
319 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
I want to bring Ahoy, The Wolves, Aquatica from USA what stores you guys buy or just go to amazon?
Amazon or my local store
Not that guy but Amazon's my last resort. I'd rather buy from someplace that's going to send my order with a little bit of protective packing material.
Ahoy is fun, I wish it was just a tiny bit better though
expansion for it is looking pretty sweet

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Hey I’m new GM and I’am planning on making a campaign for my friends using the traveller 2e and I was wondering how others run their games.
>Would creating your own sub-sector be worth it?
I looked at rules and I certainly liked it but I was wondering if it would be too much effort for something they would only be using a little
>How much combat should there be?
I understand that combat was supposed to be punishing so I wonder how many fights I should put in
>Whats a reasonable term limit for charter creation?
I also want to make it less confusing for my friends so I wonder what would be a good limit

Any other tips would be appreciated
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So, I’m planning a intro for a self made sector with this as the spark notes for the session planned

Job giver offers them the pieces to unmothball the ship from a scrap yard owned by CeDeCo (Celestial Development Corporation).
- The party meets the job giver in the hanger which they will return to with the ship.
- The hanger is on Turalo a water world
- CeDeCo holds an iron grip on 7 systems. They use debt slavery and restrictions on technology to prevent any uprising and unrest and secrecy to prevent retaliation.
- The crew will have to sneak into the ship lot and find the ship model, then reinstall the parts without getting caught by the guards
- They will fly out and due to it being both unregistered and not fully calibrated it would be mistaken for space debris by sensor, thus the only obstacle is to avoid actual line of sight with any ships in orbit
- After getting to Verjun, a agri world, for the cargo pickup they will find both their employer and his entourage dead, with successful investigation they will see that some bodies have been removed and a faint radiation signature.
- The pair of pocket nukes (6DD,Cr 250,000 each) are in the hands of the Lavender Militia, a collective of farmers who are tired of the Corporate tyranny and plan to destroy both the base of the space elevator and the space port station above with each nuke or to trade for better equipment
- If the party does join the farmers they’d have to choose which plan to go with
- The party can either ignore this and fly away with their ghost ship, find and help the farmers to stick it to the man, or report it to the authorities for leniency and free ship registration+contacts.

This is both a starter to ease the players and ease me into GMing the system. Is this good or should I go with an adventure module instead and do this at a later time
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What’s the approach to war in the traveller system? Some ground skirmishes or full on ship to ship combat
Being careful, because death is just right there?
You run your setting like you want to, but there are some weird implications and missing parts here.
Why does the ship need to be stolen? Where's its fuel come from? Why can't it be tracked from the unauthorized take-off onwards, that is, what is flight control doing? How come radars in orbit aren't going to recognize it as something that moves with its own power? Is anti-collision based entirely on active friend-or-foe identification? How do they get clearance to land it? What about the paperwork at their destination?
There's also some breaking points, even supposing your players are co-operative. Sneaking and investigating aren't very reliable, and this adventure requires a lot of skills (Engineer and Pilot to get the ship off the ground, at the very least).
The idea of down-on-their-luck fools trying to navigate their stolen and refurbished junk ship out of a totalitarian sub-system is romantic, but the set-up needs some work, I think. You could start when they land it and have their portside contact (bribed by their employer but they don't know if the full payment's been made) check their papers and say 'ok'. Then they find out their employer was killed. How they got the ship off-world to begin with can be left shrouded in mystery. If no one has Pilot you can say they got it to orbit on autopilot and took a shuttle down.
Dang, I’ll try and hammer out a more comprehensive first job then
In the meantime I’ll run the fall of tanith since that seems like the perfect adventure for wetting your beak into the mechanics before getting into the lore and world building

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Failure edition

>Previous Age: >>92488074

『Horus Heresy』
>Official Website
>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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Who is he texting?
He's sexting
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Looking through the militia tactics on the 1d6chan page and I saw these new provenances. What fucking book are they from? I’ve never seen them before
+1 for this. As much as I love book 7 for giving us TS rules and the second best campaign (victory is vengeance being the best) in the series, the rules were beyond insane. TS and SW were ramped up to ten, and then the custodes stomped all over them. As a ~500 point fluffy allied detachment they were fine, but they never should have been usable as a standalone army.

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Sorry to kill a 40k thread for this bot tier thread. But I've always wanted to know, what DOES /tg/ like playing?
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my favorite is split between CoC and Rogue Trader, but most of my time has been spent on D&D 5e and PF1e
Everyone says this game is unplayable, (although the setting is cool). How do you manage?
do you have a rec for a good source for these 3rd party classes
Body mods and restructuring is easy, combat math is something I can keep up with and the action economy is neat with it's use of action points instead of initiative.

It's easy to change the setting out.

Non social and social classes and positions are capable on both combat and social situations.

The sanity system is about trying to carve out an existence on the slippery slope of madness instead of just a brief inevitable slide down the slope and into the abyss. But madness is still deadly.
I enjoy a mashup of D&D3.5 and PF1e so heavily houseruled and third-party supplemented that nobody in the group can remember offhand where the individual improved rules came from and the system has melted down into undifferentiated slag like a Skyrim modpack.

itt: recommendations
pic related is incredible, fully recommend
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I second that.
Gail Simone. I'd pay to see her beaten with a sack of doorknobs.
The imaginary negress isn't going to fuck you my brother in Christ.
No but he's right.
>Book about worldbuilding
>Human cartographer on the cover
>Let's all shit out pants because it isn't a white guy
Trashy take, simple as.
You're getting really mad about someone not doing what everyone in power wants him to. Does licking boot make you feel safe?

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Where's the line in what is a monster vs what's just an animal in the context of fantasy?
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I think really you just know
I do Linnean taxonomy for my stuff. I enjoy it. Never once brought it up in a game, just do it for fun.
There's nothing fun about taxidermy. The tracking, killing, and eating of the animal is fun. Displaying the trophy is fun. The taxidermy itself is not. The only people I've met who have an interest in specifically taxidermy are edgy art hoe types.
I just saw the horns off and call it a day myself. Don't care about trophies, just meat.
>Never once brought it up in a game, just do it for fun.
Ok, this I can get behind.
There is no line, it's totally subjective. That's why some stories make liberal use of the word 'monster' and apply it to creatures that aren't actually monstrous. Meeting a dragon for a tea-party is as valid a fantasy as slaying dragons. They are both creatively fulfilling, just in different ways.
a monster is conscious of the suffering it creates, an animal is ruled by its instincts.

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>party buys a map of the world
>dm sends us picrel
iits gonna be one of those eternal struggle campaigns, isnt it?
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If my DM did this I'd quit the table
>>The major religion revolves around The Twins, He Who Feels and He Who Comforts, who form a divine arc around the planet conjoining in a great hug atop the North Pole
17 hours

>"Ha ha, I'm subtly inserting my personal fetish into my campaign, and none of my players are any the wiser, because I'm so clever!"

>His group
>"Our opinion of this person has been dramatically diminished, but we will avoid calling him out on inserting his fetish into this game to avoid any further embarrassment on his part as he either denies it or tries to defend himself. We will, however, mock him behind his back, because we all feel insulted and disrespected by his conduct. Taking these sort of liberties, for no real reason beyond personal gratification of the worse kind, has tainted his entire game, and we will now second-guess everything he does on account that we are now aware of how low his actual opinion of us is. Ultimately, some or all of us will quietly leave the game, citing any number of potential scheduling conflicts, and none of us will bother to explain to him why, because ultimately we've lost any indication that he might be capable of learning from his mistake. Our opinion of him has dropped so low, we have abandoned him in every context of that word."
119 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
Women in uniforms?
You sound like a lot of fun to game with, LMAO NOT!
cope, you disgust normal people and they will steer clear of you.
who are you? jerk off with your mentally-ill tranny group if you want, normal people wont.
Yes, preach to us about the "normal people" and what they think, you troon-obsessed nogames mong.

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