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The admech love soup, right?
I imagine once you can get them to admit they don't eat only onions veridians, they have some great recipes.
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considering that 40k is written by brits the canned soup will more likely look like this
>inb4: what's this
>the magos' secret stash of boullion cubes
smell and taste are the same sense
>this idiot has never had a delicious bowl of Florentine
What a sad loser
I'd like more soup thread, so have a bump.

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Your character comes upon a dying goddess of death and magic. She cannot be saved, but she can pass a portion of her power on to you, thereby making you a demigod (as powerful as Rory Mercury) and a candidate for eventual godhood.
Do you accept?...and what do you do?
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I don't think you're powerful enough for that. Best you could do is put on a wig and take miles of dick, which I'd guess is just a regular evening for you.
Can we do a Heart-Under-Blade and suck most of her power, so she almost dies but not quite, and we stay as mostly human but not quite, then take her as our travel companion?
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Maybe there is still a sliver of hope left for /tg/ after all
>If becoming a god is so good, why is this bitch dying alone and passing her powers to a nobody? Something is not right here,
I can't disagree we need to delve dee
>I roll to rape.
God damn it Eli!
Depends on setting. If this is a D&D setting then FUCK NO. D&D gods are metaphysical parasytes stuck herding retards their entire existence or they'll die. You also get boned by a mess of restriction mortals don't have to deal with, like being trapped in a single plane unless your worshippers can travel to a plane you want to see in enough numbers to establish your religion there.

Is it just me or does this look like it was AI generated and then edited by a human?
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well she is a foxy rogue lady pretending to be a bard. best girl in the realms desu.
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The biceps seem too long, but I don't understand what you're talking about with the forearms and the hips.
>get away
>What exactly are they "getting away" with?
Claiming that they won't use AI images and will instead pay human artists, because they respect human artists, in order to win social points, but then using AI because it's cheaper than paying human artists
Are you genuinely deranged? No it doesn't.
Most of the AI stuff is similarly soulless. But I will admit I like it much better than the Tumblr & Noodle Arm Beanface Cartoon aesthetics.

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BRP is simple, fast, and elegant, using a skill-based percentile system. Combat is fast and deadly, and with a strong focus on non-combat skills that some game systems are challenged to support. Players roll percentile dice against the Gamemaster-led opponents, or even themselves.

At the core, most Chaosium RolePlaying games use a variation of the Basic RolePlaying System, which started with RuneQuest. Call of Cthulhu, StormBringer, SuperWorld, and others followed. Once the Basic RolePlaying System was released as a stand-alone product, more worlds like Mythic Iceland and Magic World were introduced.

>Did you run a game with BRP using a setting other than Lovecraftian 1920s? Please tell details.
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Nice work
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There's also Monster Island (something between the Lost World, Skull Island and Treasure Island), adaptable to any setting. Meanwhile, pic related expands maritime life in Glorantha
>something between the Lost World, Skull Island and Treasure Island
Interesting, thanks anon.

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93223440
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Why tf would you want that?!
I wanted to play it but forgot its name and author.
Why is there chink cyoas on my American boards?

Have you ever done anything special for a Fourth of July campaign? And if any of the nations in your settings have similar holidays, what are they like, and how do they differ from the real thing?
>what have you done with this thing that I have none of my own thoughts for?

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Any solo RPGs about outmaneuvering a scheming royal court as a monarch? There has to be something along those lines
age of decadence but it's a CRPG

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>actually hitting the point where I have too much stuff
>too many rulebooks, too many miniatures

Any tips on organisation and such? I've bought a load of Really Useful Boxes of various shapes and sizes.

Was considering putting all my miniatures in a spreadsheet too.
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based game player over art project painter.
This is why you buy only elite and monster mash armies. Hordes aren't worth it, both from points per $ ratio and points per space.
You could stop buying children's toys.
I might start selling painted models on ebay so I can buy new shit. I'm pretty mediocre but I don't think it matters.
Unpainted miniatures get shoved in a box under the bed, only finished models remain on shelves

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Posting my Fire Emblem system here.

I was surprised that the other Fire Emblem and FE-type games on itch weren't quite as similar to the base games. Hope you enjoy. I have just released v0.2 today.


Let me know if you have questions.
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Newfag, it's supposed to be touhou futa.
Yes, and?
Pity bump lol
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No, this is dolphin porn

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What is the most disgusting character you ever played?

Mine was a creature called a Splut. It was a homebrew race made by my DM. They were based on Smurfs, but absolutely wicked and perverse like Gremlins. Mine died 10 minutes into the game. He literally got dicksploded by an ogre that raped him. Apparently the ogre forgot to wrap him in duct tape.
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why didn't you just brush your teeth?
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He didn't get enough content for his ai voice youtube channel/tik tok so he has to spam the topic. This is a content farming thread, dont give this leech anything.
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Dicks&Dikes shit detected.

Either way tell us more OP.
>Smurfs, but absolutely wicked and perverse like Gremlins.
What where the kinks of your Splut?
> Mine died 10 minutes into the game
This tells us nothing why your character was disgusting.

>What is the most disgusting character you ever played?
Ever played world of shattered darkness?

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Also you can end up as the 1% bottom corrupted freak when you real epic levels of corruption. Where you decide that you want to be tortured and have your soul devoured by some mage.

Because SPOILER warning eating corrupted souls corrupts the one eating them MORE. So simple plan.
>Find yourself any mage who is willing or wants to devour your soul.
>Get him to devour it
>If it takes years since he is so corrupted that he wants to torture you for a long time before killing you... that simply sexy sexy foreplay.
>He devours your soul
>He gets unbelievably corrupted
>His new goal in life it to build rape torture factories who exist to harm infants to be tortured and grinded into dog food.
>3.5ish game.
>Homebrew Character class based off of Tahm Kench.
>Sleezy Fence/"Salesman" character.
>Human w/ Grippli (frog person) ancestry somehow.
>Class included elongating tongue as a means of grappling stuff.
>Grippli racial feature to elongate tongue further for practical, non-combat purposes.
>Generally covered in a gili-suit looking bunch of natural garbage. Halfway to Groucho of Sesame Street.

>Party got into a fight with a troll.
>No fire damage to put its regeneration.
>But we'd hit a natural water spring recently.
>In keeping with the Kench inspiration, have internalized Bag of Holding that scales up with level.
>We beat the troll down to 0hp, "Helpless" but will be back up on its turn.
>Rush up, force its mouth open, vomit 200 cubic feet of fresh water into its mouth.

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Has anyone played this? What's the learning curve like? I have only played simpler games like Ticket to Ride and Wingspan
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Good insight, thank you. It sounds like the problem the game faces could be resolved by a time or turn limit
A time limit or turn limit might work, I think more time than turn since it's easier to track. There's not any sort of turn tracking native to the game.
I think I saw a port of this come out on steam recently and it got shit reviews because the interface sucks.

>one search later

Yeah, it's over 20 bucks and he interface is shit, plus half the fun of the game is the verbal shitposting. It's a game you want to cultivate an atmosphere for, not a game where you just want to autistically enginewank. It unironically looks like the best way to play it digitally will just be to import it into tabletop simulator.
Also, they've "updated" all the art for the modern day, which of course means it'll be largely toothless compared to how it was in 1994.
Yeah I used to play it all the time in the early 90s with my brother and friends at the local comic shop.

That's not the same game as OP posted. The game you're posting came out later. It reused a lot, but was a completely different game.

After illuminati came out, but before the CCG remake of illuminati came out, they published pic-related, which is way better than either of illuminati games. It follows a similar structure to the original illuminati but was a lot more fun.
Oh sorry: to answer your OP question: the learning curve is easy. Twenty minutes to learn the rules and be playing, max. It's not a terribly complex game.
Nah in the original game (the one OP posted), victory conditions are different per faction and have global conditions as well. They're pretty easy to hit and games don't last that long. Especially for the Gnomes of Zurich.

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Hugs Edition


▶Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house



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Yeah, I think they pretty much only let Black have it with knights and other callbacks like that. Last Black creature with first strike (that wasn't just an Odric-style "gets first strike if such-and-such has first strike") was... From AFR, actually. And even that was situational. Seems they lean more into menace and flying for black, and first strike was probably just 'too much'.
Bloodghast/Ichorid likes wouldn't hurt.
additionally seems like first strike has been surpassed by double which is almost exclusively white and red.


Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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Someone said Superhero ccg?
Is this an abstract footpost?
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Damn, that's a blast from the past.

There's an officially approved fan server for City of Heroes/Villains these days, for anyone looking for a nostalgia bomb. They've made a few QoL additions, but it's still an old timey MMO at its core, for good or ill.
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I never played the MMO but find it amusing how many promotions they were able to do with other game companies.
Heroclix had both a CoH set and a CoV set.
AEG made a cool tcg out of it too.
And I think there was an tabletop rpg done too.

Anyway the tcg is a cool fight game. You can put your hero in stances (toe to toe or a "keep your distance" one) that have effects on how they attack. And it doesn't follow a turn structure like most fight games, both players share the turn and keep taking actions until one of them loses.

If they had made it fantasy themed I guess It would had a better following
New - migrate whenever, or don't idgaf

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Religion Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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gonna call it the vape gun from now on.
Lore trannies should consider suicide but I hope they take all the mindless 10th ed shills with them.
Don’t worry half the stuff you paint will be legends by the time you actually get to 2000 pts. Just 300 more models :)
Play an older edition the army will play the way you probably expect it to rather than some fag fest of rerolls and no soul.
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How different does a system have to be for you to effectively be a different system?

We've heard people screaming the difference between D&D 2e vs (3,5,pf1) vs 4e - being either COMPETELY different. Or obviously so similiar it hurts.
D&D 3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder 1e. Effectively "The same" yet I've heard if you mix the system for long enough the cracks become apparent.
PF2e vs... all sorts of thing.
Blades in the Dark not being like PbtA at all.
Just saw a thread on DC20 being like 5e (Not that I know anything about DC20)
Fate is the same as Burning wheel (Which I personally don't see how anyone can make that connection)
I've heard it compared that the 40k RPG was "basically the same as D&D"
And the most generic one I've every heard: "If it used levels and HPs it's basically D&D"

Those are some things I've heard said outload out in the wild. Just word of mouth mind you, Take them or leave them, I'm certainly not going to attempt defending or arguing any of those.

What's YOUR divide on what makes a completely different system? Or make them effectively the same.
If it has a different resolution system, it's a different game.
Unironically, when I feel like it.

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