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Work in Progress, Knight Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Airbrush Priming and Thinning

>"Not yet, old man!"

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads:
Hey guys, my father retired a couple years ago and is now considering getting back into painting his model tanks and stuff from maybe 30 years ago.
He doesn't know much about the current paints available, is recommending him the Vallejo model line a good choice? He's also interested in effect paints and such. I generally use Vallejo game, but I have a lot of the old formulas still and I don't know how the new ones are.
>is recommending him the Vallejo model line a good choice?

Yes, in general Vallejo will have most of the things he needs. He can also look into AK products if he wants enamel based weathering stuff for his models.
Vallejo hasn't fallen off the wagon enough to stop using them. And the model color range is made for boomers and their 1:433 scale tanks and planes.
If he wants effects paints then AK has some cool rusting and grime enamel painted stuff for him. Vallejo grit and shit for bases is also economical.
What happened with Vallejo?
I'm out of the loop, was something wrong with the formulas or was it some factory related thing?
sold out to some company or corporation, immediately started cutting corners, and mistreating their factory staff, who decided to strike. they were forced to respond to a wave of customer backlash as a result and have promised to do better but who knows if they will
They changed their formulas, which is enough for some autists to seethe. They are still totally fine to use, especially if its like described in >>94835397
(i.e. a boomer with no painting experience to even notice a difference between old and new formula).
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Latest third party model to an old pushfit Cadian I used in "prototyping" the paint scheme.
Besides painting more what are ways to improve your painting skills?
I still have the problem where when I work with lighter coloured paints like fairer skin tone paints or ivory paints, I either get them too chunky or thin them too much and they become more of a wash.
People are complaining because the formulla is actually worse, noone would care if it was better or the same

People dont care. Its some internet "celebrities" mostly who paint 8 hours per day that notice some slight differences in paint behaviour.
>but who knows if they will
I mean...
I know.
>Besides painting more what are ways to improve your painting skills?
Pick specific techniques you want to get better at, lean heavily on them while painting.

>I either get them too chunky or thin them too much and they become more of a wash.
That's absolutely a "train more" problem. So no, there's no shortcuts for you here. Nor a pony. Not yours.
Highlights. Otherwise they just look too drab.

Actually, the shortcut is called Contrast Paint. It works extremely well for faces.
>Pick specific techniques you want to get better at, lean heavily on them while painting.
Fair enough. When in doubt is dark brown a good chipping color for sponge weathering on vehicles?
>That's absolutely a "train more" problem. So no, there's no shortcuts for you here. Nor a pony. Not yours.
I should have figured that would be the case. I just know I'm not advancing fast enough, but thank you for being honest.
I know that there is a trick to testing paint on your hand and if the skin's texture is visible but the colour isn't then the paint is just right. Is this applicable for all types of paints?
I'm using AP skin tone paints and plan to use Proacryl's bright ivory to lighten them up for highlighting. I've read good things about the paints here so I'm sure it is just me and not the paints for why I am bad at painting skin and bones.
I'll break out an EM4 mini and try drybrush techniques for highlighting and see how that goes.
I don't want to rely on contrast paints or speedpaints, but that's mostly because I am still disappointed in myself that when I was starting out mini painting I managed to mess up contrast paints. You can see it on the pushfit Cadian's face.

Anyways thanks guys!
>Besides painting more what are ways to improve your painting skills?
Digital painting, analyzing art, learning theory.
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>picrel, bubbles are a real thing no matter how much you try to pretend otherwise
>chips easier than every other brand I've used
>clogs my airbrush more often than any other brand I've used
>seperate on a wet palette way faster than any other brand I've used
I have like 10 of their paints and I absolutely agree that colors themselves and their matte finish are nice. Please don't pretend like they don't have issues though.
Whats wrong with the cadians face? Its pretty much the only part of him that looks decent.

Paint highlights on, dont just drybrush. It looks horrible on the cadians fatigues.
Pick some spots on your sci-fi Americans uniform, like his collar and paint that in a slightly lighter khaki. Paint his buttons and the straps.
Give the rim of his helmet a lighter green line and pick out some parts of the gun to paint in a dark grey instead of black.
If you pretend vallejo had no bubbles before you are just lying to yourself. You know you can remove them with a brush while painting?

non-issue because varnish exists

Oh really, maybe use more thinner?

>seperate on a wet palette way faster than any other brand I've used

Who cares?
>normally have my model in a holder
>hold it by hand to paint the underside
>accidentally let go and it falls on my wet palette
>Into the fucking paint
kill me
I put it under water but god damn
>Whats wrong with the cadians face? Its pretty much the only part of him that looks decent.
Well it is an older model. As for what's wrong with the face I think it is because I used too much of the contrast paint over it.
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Holy shit I'm often paranoid this is going to happen to me but I managed to avoid it so far. I'm sorry, anon
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Working on sand bags
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>have two dozen of minis to paint
>need to prime them
>want to try making objective markers and flags
>have a vehicle to prime and paint
>a piece of terrain to paint
>want to try making some more terrain
>want to kitbash and try some paint schemes too
what to do fiiiiiirts aah
Assign each option to a number, roll a dice. If the result makes you feel disappointed, rule that option out and roll again.
Just paint what you want or need to play first. If you have a game you're going to play with friends, they are waiting on you, so get those done. If you have no time constraints, just go off impulse and grab whichever one you want at the time.
I don't really have anyone to play with for the next few months. Maybe I could rope my old man in, but he is very old never been a gamer of any sorts other than women.

I'll do the priming and then roll.
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lets make baby

you could do what I do and never finish anything
I'd tell you to go with whatever project is closest to completion, but we all know the only options your attention deficit will allow are "start something new" and "nothing, just whine about it online all weekend".
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Biggest model i've ever rimmed (still not done)

Oh baby
>Biggest model i've ever rimmed
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>trying not to be horny
>see trench diorama
>thinking about getting rug burns
Bit of a shame you didn't go over the seam with some sandable filler before painting it all, but it does look good.
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second 'nid of the day
first one was >>94835127

didn't feel the skin color of the first desu
maybe next I'll do a mix of the greenish skin and the split chitin
i have been painting miniatures for over 20 years and i was just wondering if anyone else has this same mindset
went trough all the basic hoops and bells and whistles until i was pretty happy with my work, then tried bunch of new things and improved again

at some point i noticed i dont have the inspiration or any aspiration to get better anymore, still enjoy painting but everything i paint i try to make as efficient and easy as possible
or is this a feature of experience instead of a bug as they say
>>clogs my airbrush more often than any other brand I've used
anon talking out their ass confirmed
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Finished painting a cryptek, all that's left is to varnish the dude himself and he will be ready to be glued to the cape
forgot the pic like a tard
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After some unforeseen circumstances we are back, today is the snipa boy.
>thought the gap on the gun was filled better
Bah is what it is.
Will I be fine buying whatever 30-something vortex mixer off of Amazon or do I need to actually fork over some dough for good results
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Figured why not a fresh palette for the second half of the kill team. I barely used the silver oil paint last round so I didn't add any this time, replaced my indian red for terra rosa since I wanted something warmer.
what the actual fuck are you doing? are you using oils?
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nice blade
mr surfacer 1500 is the best primer I have ever used
I don't understand... If the paints are able to be set out on a palette like that, they can't be drying fast. But if you're painting them onto a mini, I assume they're drying fast?
You're supposed to drain oil paints on a piece of cardboard for a few hours, so the excess oil doesn't sit on your impermiable plastic miniature, uncured, forever.
You aren't seriously putting them on greaseproof paper and expecting them to dry out, are you? Funny joke anon. The only way it could be funnier is if your wet palette were full of white spirit and you were actively burning off braincells.
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well, who's to say that it isn't, actually, in fact, a white spirit wet palette?
Its a piece of cardboard with a sheet of parchment paper tacked onto it with some drops of elmers glue. The carboard is sitting in an old army painter wet palette case since it has a nice lid and elastic band to hold it together when I'm not using it. It absorbs excess oil and white spirit slowly. When I'm done with the palette I peel the paper up and throw it away, the cardboard is good for 4 or 5 palettes before it gets too funky.

Now to really blow your fucking mind, I put the whole palette in the freezer between painting sessions. Piece of aluminum foil over the palette then the lid goes on top to seal it together. Take it out and let the paint warm up for 15 or 20 minutes and I'm good to paint again, I can use the same oil paint for about a month before some of the opaques start to get too dry.

Layers end up thin so it only takes a few days to dry, not like gobs of paint on a canvas built up to make texture.

Nope, they dry pretty slowly on the palette. Once thinned out they dry much quicker, typically between 2 - 5 days on the mini. I can set the mini aside and come back the next day and the oil will still be workable to let me do more blends. Its slower paced painting that lets you take breaks, relaxing stuff. Also nice when my back starts to spasm I can lay on the ground for 20 or 30 minutes and come back to it without issue.
A secret technique, passed down by the finest romanian oil painters

This is absolute titties.

I've seen some of your pics in progress in previous threads. You should really gather them together as a start to finish ensemble.
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Fuck damn I hate taking photos of minis, they never seem to be "right"
Maybe I'll make a DIY photobooth or something
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Trying to decide on a scheme for this girl(nta from previous thread). Her artwork is really dark and I want to do some nice, full weeb colors. I can't into photoshop so I hope you guys get the idea. Which of those would work best, you think? Leaning towards bottom left myself
Has anyone used the Kimera paints? I am wondering if the full base set is worth it. They were all the rage couple of years ago, but I have read lots of conflicting opinions about the set. Some pretty prominent painters love them, some think they are overrated/bad. I changed lots of my paints to AK Interactive last month and alongside that I have been eyeing artist/single pigment paints for a while now. I'd call myself an average mixer, been to art university, though didn't major in painting or anything, but have done bunch of different practical and theoretical art classes of all sorts. So some idea what I am doing, but would also like to learn to mix colors better. I do both army style painting and then "slower" single miniature stuff as well, so for latter I'd like to start learning more complex mixing.

I saw Mindwork Games also had a Kickstarter for Heavy Body acrylics but unfortunately I missed that. IDK if they'll start selling those after the Kickstarter. Of course there are also bunch of heavy body colors from different art suppliers, but my slight issue with those is that many of them don't have a matte finish.

What do you take them with? Also it could be a skill issue
This picture looks fine to me. There are some guides to mini photography in the OP. Good lighting is important, so is fiddling with your camera settings. Putting a piece of paper behind your mini helps too
bottom left or top middle are cutest
Seems like there's a decent bit of noise there, so you need more overall light. At the same time you seem to have a bit much harsh, directional light, you need to soften that and get light form more directions. Dunno if there are more issues, try it outside on a slightly overcast day and we'll see.
bottome left and top right would be my picks (i love pink)
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Ended up doing the remaining pieces with the airbrush, never doing tau again (without an airbrush)
Bottom left for colors you have there. I think top left's hair with a darker lingerie color would look nice, maybe a cranberry?
>preglaze wiped off
>base colors dropped in unblended
>base colors blended, first highlights dropped in unblended
i'm a fucking retard - i meant top left and bottom right of course
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Appreciate the input anons
Yeah it's supposed to be a deeper and darker red with hair and ribbon being much darker browns. I just can't get photoshop to overlay these colors properly. Same with black, which is what lingerie on the pink one is supposed to be. This is where I'm drawing the colors from, maybe that would help visualize them better. Please don't ban me, there's no nudity
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how bad of an idea is to use an hot wire proxxon table to cut away the bases from these miniatures?

is it feasable or is it just needlesly dangerous and overall stupid ?
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Had to google what's a proxxon table and holy shit it feels excessive. Just get a hobby saw or something
Get a saw you can put on your xacto or if it's more urgent clip away small bits and pieces of the base.
it may work, but it will messy as fuck and the plastic will get everwhere, indcluding the little hole on the table of the proxxon

snip the bulk of it in a couple steps with some side cutter, then gey nice and close to the feet and when he look like he has tall heels sand them down or cut them with a razor blade
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nta, thats a milling table not a HOT WIRE table, he means the one to cut foam like pic related
yeah that's the one. part of me knows it's just stupid. but another part of me thinks that if the wire is hot enough it'll slice though the plastic.
Got the opportunity to buy scale75 colors, which are usually not available in my zone.
Anything worth checking out?
the metallics supposedely
If you already have it I guess you can always try it on a bit of sprue or so to see if it can handle solid plastic, but it wouldn't surprise me if it struggles there and I sure as hell wouldn't get one for the purpose.
Indian shadow is a great color for darker skin tones, leather, and wood.
Just use your clippers?
how I painted ghost
do I just highlight everything over and over??
and there's the last one. the picture is blurry but I'm incredibly lazy and full of icecream
I have one that i never use. so I figured maybe it'll speed up the process
yeah I'm going to buy a cheap pair specifically for them instead of ruining my expensive ones.

but it's also a matter of time. it takes a long time per miniature (especially if I don't want to risk them losing one or both feet).
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Knucklebones miniatures look like a joy to paint. Great sculptor.

I still need to scrape off a lot of flash and mould lines from the lads, but I think painting them up will be a nice change of pace after bulky gw models.
Were are these from? Warlord?
Paper clips and tooth picks, which ones are better for making trophy racks?
Thanks; with airbrush or without?
Anything else?

Pike&shotte cavalry regiment from warlord, yes.


I think you did a good job, sorry that I can't go into technical details, I typically come here for advice and feedback, not giving it.
Dremel worked out pretty good. Allowed me to carve out behind this wrist gaurd nicely for a hand swap. I’m very happy with the reaultsnsj8v
Works well with both, though scale 75 is very matte and flow improver really helps it go through the airbrush.
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I'll post a collection of progress pics at some point, idk where though wip isnt the best forum for that....maybe .....reddit....

Anyway working on water effects now
>pin wash applied and waiting to dry
>pin wash dried, highlights/shadows adjusted on the face and gun, details like teeth/fingernails/bullets/lips highlighted

Letting it sit overnight to start drying and the sheen to matte out. I'll come back and adjust the shadows tomorrow. The glass on the scope came out a lot better in person than the camera gets, hoping that once its dry it will photograph better. Probably should have used a different color for the shirt but it is what it is, done is better than planned.
Do you have issues with the oil reactivating?
Not at all if I do it right lol. The first layer or so of paint is used straight from the tube with only a little thinner to get it to lay smooth, the following layers are thinned to almost an acrylic mini paint consistency to get it to stick (with oil paints thin paint will go over thick paint and thick paint will go over thin paint, thin on thin or thick on thick will just smear). There's really only so many layers that you can put on top of one another before they get too thick and start to muddy when blending, 3 or 4 is about it for transparent paints with a final opaque layer for extreme highlights. All that being said the paint isn't too thick so it will dry in about 3 - 5 days time. Once I've got all of them painted and dry I'll do a quick coat of matte varnish through the airbrush to seal them in then attach them to their bases, then another coat of matte varnish for a final seal.
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wip bugfren.
I remember your first oil painted marines

I have several scale75 metallics, they're okay, nothing amazing but interesting colours.

The issue is their bottles are terrible, lids blowing off for no reason, and possibly just bad qc.

I usually put a black paper sheet as a close background to the model (that's my diy photoboot. A single sheet of black paper), find a decent angle for my desk light, and most importantly, play with the ISO and shutter speed settings of my phone camera app.
Oh I like him, he looks fun to paint. The weathering on the metals and robe are great, the shading on the buge looks like its well on its way as well. This lad part of a game?
I feel like we don't have many people that paint with oils here, very interesting. The Ork looks good so far, too.
Cool bug and I like the rider. You could maybe refine the edge highlights near his waist. They're wider than others and kinda stick out
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Blue is on. Maybe some white highlights here and there next I think.
Thanks, anon, I appreciate you saying so. You are certainly correct, it was a lot of fun to paint. The combination of organic and artificial shapes is really enjoyable.
I don't play; I just collect and paint, and I think humans riding alien creatures is very cool. If you are asking where the model is from, it's from Necromunda.

That's the plan. Clean up the highlights, finalize bug shading, and base the lil guy.
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>I remember your first oil painted marines

We've made some progress since then I hope lol, and still plenty of room for improvement.
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12 days left :)
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Whoops compression went fucked reposting
Why the fug is it so pixellated today. Oh well whatever.
My tau are also blue and white. I like all the random little bits thrown in like the votann and lizards.
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Working on a base for my EC deredeo. Hoping to get him finished and that will inspire me to paint the 30 tactical i have sitting in my pile of shame
Finally finishin up my first bust, but I can't find a cheap plinth - my searches just keep coming up with stuff from gsw through various vendors. Really don't want to spend £19 for a 5x5cm chunk of wood. Anyone know something decent?
>Finally finishin up my first bust
Could you perhaps say that you're about to bust?
I know hobby lobby has random sized blocks and cylinders of wood for cheap, not sure what you got near you. Best bet would be a generic arts and crafts store to avoid the hobby tax.
welp I completely repainted their cloaks and redid their arms. I kinda think this one looks the best but idk
kinda wanna do brighter highlights on this one's cloak but idk
I'm a literal nobody who painted with all vallejo for 6 years and absolutely hated the brush feel of the new formula and swapped to AK. If you give a rats ass about how your paint feels you would be annoyed too with such a change.
How are armypainter’s skin tone paints? Most fair skin tone paints I’ve bought have let me down coverage wise. Or maybe it is just me.
There are no good skintone paints, that's not how painting skin works.
That guy is just coping, there's literally 0 reason to use Vallejo over other brands where you won't have to worry about the issues new Vallejo formulation has

One of the most consistent and praised aspects of the new Fanatic line is that the coverage is very good, but at the expense of the range overall being a bit desaturated compared to some of the competetitors. Isn't probably a big issue with skin tones. How fair are you talking about? "Normal" human skin, pale skin? Or vampire/zombie/undead type fair?
Reminds me of a winter or urban camo.
Agreed I think both of these guys could benefit from some lighter highlights on their cloaks, and the purple on their backs as well.

I agree about the new Vallejo. I immediately noticed the bubbles and also something about the texture/feel of the paint felt different. I actually hoarded some of my favorite paints from the old range because of that.

The Xpress colors are pretty good though.
proacryl skin tones are pretty good except for olive skin which is hot shit
I feel like I fucked it up
Whats wrong with olive flesh? I use it as a final add in highlight for the glint on skintones.
Hold it arms length away and it should look fine. You can thin down your green and glaze a little bit over some areas that are too bright to reintroduce some of your mid tones again if you want to. Its just paint and plastic friend, nothing to fuck up.
>I can set the mini aside and come back the next day
Do you do anything to protect it from dust and such, like put under a drinking glass?
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Thanks fellow taucollector!
With the dodgy drybrush complete, I press on to the final stages, deranged, unhinged....
That mud is pretty realistic, what did you use?
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A mix of joint compound, modge podge, sand, gravel, and paint

I matte varnished the whole board and am in the process of stippling on gloss varnish to make it look wet

This guy here, its tall enough that most minis will fit inside standing up while attached to the painting handles I use. There's room enough inside for a good amount of minis at a time, enough room for a few squads. I have a cubby hole on my desk that it fits inside, I stick the mini in when it isn't in my hands. For the first day I'll "burp" the lid every couple hours to exchange some air then leave the lid slightly ajar for a little airflow after that.
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looks so cool.
I see--thank you. Nice work.
Shit alright I’ll keep practicing though.
Fair skin tones like barbarian flesh. Haven’t tried undead vampire pale skin yet.
I’ll keep that in mind,
clean AF. very nice.
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You got comfortable is all. Maybe try a model from an army or game that you don't play, or a third party mini that is wildly different than what you usually paint. Try a color scheme that you've never tried before, just set a small goal to try something new.
Never underestimate the plateau of comfortable competence. It won't get you to greatness, but it does make for nice and relaxing hobby time.
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Working on a mini for my Carnevale gang. Lots to do

post rest of dudes
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Reiver sergeant
The only sword arm I had left wasn't at ease enough for what I wanted and I realized I should have used a different arm on a model I already glued but live and learn I should have given this guy first dibs
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Painted Zippy up, so now the crew is table ready.
I had to do a repair job on the trail because I painted the very end black and flicked a whole splatter unto the blend I already had. Very unfortunate because I was working top-down to avoid that very problem.
I might come back to the iron skeeters and blend them up a little bit since they look a little dark.
congratulations on not having a mental breakdown building the skeeters
Do you know what he used before? Vallejo model is fine and they use military themed colors.
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>congratulations on not having a mental breakdown building the skeeters
Hahaha, they're fucked and honestly? They really do make the kit for me, even though:
- There's no notch for the flying bases(especially painful with the left most one
- Two of the grappling hooks have to have the third hook glued on, the third has to have it's spindly little head glued on.
- I'm pretty sure I fucked up on getting two of them on sitting properly in those saddles
- For the right most one you have to put the handle between two bits that make the skeeter body, trapping you if you fuck up and glue them together first
- The rope on skeeter number two.
- Some of the bits, especially the face ones, need to be REALLY pushed together to be flush.
- There's another unit called 'skeeters'. These are Iron Skeeters
I feel like it's all for packing optimization, and looking at it, it's impressive they were able to get six unique figures on two different sprues. Bit and a half to build though, would've been easier if I thought to use poster puddy to help me out holding bits or pieces together, but now I know.
>5 different browns
I bet it's a quiver. It's always a fucking quiver.
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Wait, never mind, read the filename.
Yeah, I could see need five browns for this.
Stfu moron, the difference between it on a pallette and on cardboard will be a few hours
Plus he is obv using the paint for a while and doesnt want it to dry out
Yeah, I took one look at the kit and decided I did not want anything to do with gremlins.
I do enjoy malifaux but sometimes when I look at how the sprues are cut it just makes me upset.
whenever I build wyrd models I check this guy's site first
really helps seeing them built from muliple angles and sometimes the tips really help. Saved me from doing an assembly order issue similar the saddle once.
That off read wine-maroon color is super sexy. especially with the brass and white highlighting it.
Nah not five it's two, van dyke brown and burnt umber. There more van dyke brown since it's my preglaze color for the kill team. The other colors on that right side are magenta, madder purple, and dioxizine purple.
>Forgot to put the rest of my painting notes.
Crap, here we go:
- Flesh tones are a really good base for reds/oranges. I was able to actually blend the red to orange over that trail without feeling like I had to apply five coats.
- Should probably have done the same with the tunic, or at least painted the tunic a lighter brown first before putting on Yellow Ochre. Also, I don't know if It's just that I 's screwing up with paint thinning, but it always seems craggily after the fact. not sure if I'm just fucking up everywhere and it only shows up with the yellow though.
- A lot of these models have their arms in front of them, creating the 'thou shall not get a brush tip down here unless you play operations' space. Might've constituted some sub-assemblies if I was thinking ahead, although it's more noticeable on some then others.
- I like chromatic grey, but I have no idea what the hell to blend on top of it.

Before I move onto Charlotte du bois I'm going to practice some cloth layering/washing on some gitz test models. Really don't want to screw up pretty ladies.
I kind of want to get the Mah Tucket box, but pic related is one of the sprues. Poster Puddy is practically a must here to not drop these fiddly bits.
Simultaneously want every kit, but dread the thought of building the models, such is Malifaux.
Yeah, found out about it later, also found this funny, from the Mah Tucket page:
>Wyrd Games didn't like my publishing pictures of both sides of the stat cards so you'll have to make do with this...
Thank God all the rules and stats are publicly available now unlike back in 2015.
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I'm not sure what to do to make the image sharper anons, any advice appreciated
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Hopefully I don't regret all these extra bits when I'm painting
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I'd say these guys are all about 80-90% done now. Time to push them to the finish line.
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I mellowed the green out a bit. I dunno. Feel like I'm going on circles with these.

still don't know what to do with these jars and cord/rope things.

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aaand started this d00d.
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finished these this week
i enjoy that brief somber feeling when you are finally looking at fully painted models
She has alternate colors not seen in the art card and has a canonical hair color. BUT I'm sure you're having more fun coming up with your own scheme so I won't post it. Bottom left is good if you want to retain some of that Halloweeness.
What colors are you using? Looks really good. You're the one who posted the boar boyz as well I think
thank you and yes i am
in general i use citadel but for yellow i have something called warpaints fanatic daemonic yellow now and for white armypainter matt white
Is it bad if I just dilute a color with water and wash with it? I ain’t buying purple, blue, or green washes for like 2 models
It's fine. Give it a little tap of dish soap too for better surface tension properties.
making youre own washes used to be a thing but honestly it has been so long all i can advice you with is add some dish soap into the mix
That's pretty normal but that'd probably be more akin to glazing since washes are more transparent, not a bad idea though
think the recipe videos I saw used inks
it was a real shitshow and it would get just as autistic, caustic or alkaline as one could imagine, not like these days when nobody has any arguments over paints or how to use them right
some people swore by battery water while others claimed you had to boil the mixture etc

im sure you will find plenty of advice with a little google-fu and most of them have something to do with inks
good luck anon
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Yeah fuck it this is probably the best i can do with a phone
Have you tried letting the phone stand on something sturdy instead of just holding onto it?
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Yeah I placed my phone flat on the table but it didn't help much
This looks so much better than your last few photos. I thought you'd just done a shitty job painting, but just stabilising the camera and moving it back a little has shown that it actually looks great.
He has humans there too, I recognize those models.
Nice auxiliary troops
Thank you for the kind words anon. Probably will try to get a better setup to take photos after I get better with painting and learning light sources on my minis.
You might also want space between the model and phone, like arm's length. Phone cameras kind of suck like that.
That's a ton of distance but I'll try playing around with it
Redpill me on Vallejo surface primer. When I got it, people me it's good as a brush on but recently I've been reading about how it sucks as a primer and I should have gotten stylnlrez. I don't know who to believe anymore.
Too much contrast on the robes.
anyone know of a primer (for an airbrush) that is similar to mechanicus standard grey? the vallejo german panzer grey is a bit too dark while their normal grey is too light
That scuba diver is sick
Am I crazy or is the picture slightly out of focus? They still look great though, I think I like the Nurgle guy the most
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working on this. I feel like i may have went overboard with the sepia. I started off with a cold white but since he's going to be on a marsian base i pulled out some yellows
oh hell nah, not the old public toilet marine
Poop brown on pure white doesn't work.
>That handle
I think you missed your model.
whats the purpose of that meme handle anyway when you presumably have 2 working hands to work with
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Chipped weathered white stained in brown just looks like a toilet in some old ass barely maintained public building
Not the first association i'd make but guess i'm stripping it
What's the best way to shade white then? work up from cold blue? that was my initial plan but i thought it would look odd on a reddish brown tinted base
> cold white
Should have used a blue wash
its fine i like the contrast
people have been shading/staining white even with coffee for ages
How do you properly paint with acrylic paint colours that are harder to work with?
I thin out my whites and fair skin tone paints and they always come out lumpy or like washes.
build it up with thin even coats and patience
I have a stupid question:
Painting handles: CItadel's, Garfy's, whatever. If they are designed with citadel bases in mind, have tilted grip bits, does that cause issues with more flat bases like the ones from Warlord, WGA or simple MDF ones? Or is that non-issue?
It's not an issue
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Been on a bit of a painting streak last couple of weeks, and I've finally finished my two AoS armies from the 2e starter sets, at least to a standard that I'd call complete.

I don't paint often or consistently enough to be properly good at it, but for my standards I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out.
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i hear collage anon calling
I know, I know. You wouldn't believe how many passes of that face I had to do, to even get it like that, before I went "fuck it. good enough."

I vote for a series of progress pics with some notes as a pdf, add it to one of the Megas. I'd say /hwg/ and /awg/ would like to see it as well. Absolute bang up job, anon.
Decent skill, nice schemes, some effort into the bases. Not bad at all.
It can't be that simple, right?
Even if whenever I thin the acrylics they become like glazes?
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>everything I don't agree with is r*ddit
>Prime detail that is mostly light colors with some metal white
>Use perma-marker on metal parts to make them behave as if primed black
Is this genious or retarded?
With the air paints (citadel, vallejo, etc), do they need to have much thinner added to them before going through an airbrush? They seem thinner but not as thin as a 1:1 ratio of paint / thinner
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Slept on it and narrowed it down to these two. Changed the white/blue scheme around a bit, too. Thoughts? Violet and brown will be a lot darker and I think I'm liking the white/blue one more now. Then again, orange/brown/ochre goes better with the halloween theme of the mini I feel.
buy a pot of black contrast paint and slap that shit on, does the work and your paints wont react all wonky with it
Avoids cramping if you paint for a long time and increases stability. Any handle is fine, just as long as you have something to go in your whole hand. Holding just the rim of the base or model is too small of a contact point.
Go back
How can i hightlight the face of small mini such as this? Dotting her eyes is a torture
What app is this?
Its just photoshop. I put an empty layer over the picture, colored it, set blending options to overlay and reduced the opacity
A magnifying glass, a pointy brush, and good aim.
There is no point of face highlighting for 40mm and below minis, you can't see shit anyway especially with all that hair around her face
fair point, you cant see shit 50cm away on a tabletop either and still some people choose to do it
Her face look fine though, maybe tone down the shade on her abs a bit
Nice model and paint job. Did you airbrush that skin? I’m struggling with fair toned skin paints.
No, i don't have airbrush
turn the timer on, so your fat finger doesn't move the camera when taking the photo
also more light = faster shutter speed = less movement
and get further away so the phoen can focus better, and touch on the model on screen to tell the phone to focus there
Remember the photoshop anon
His photo shooting advice was basically to pile on so many layers and effects with adjusted brightness&contrast that the actual model had basically nothing to do with the finished photo
orange looks good
The experimentation side of things is fun, sometimes frustrating but mostly fun.
Figuring out the staining power of all the paints, and starting with a light enough base (or just white) really helps.
One question though, why do you have so much paint on your palette here >>94836839
I find it spreads so much you'd surely be fine with a quarter of that.
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Holy shit the camera finally focused on the head properly (and I can see all the messy parts clearly too)
Thanks anon, guess I got a working setup to take photos now.
I think his brain need to look a bit gory
I don't remember anyone like that, what are you talking about
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I'm using the official art as the color guide but yeah, I kinda agree even though I'm not really sure if its armor or actual brains.
>green iris with black dot
Quite nice eyes actually
Is the Ultrasonic cleaner actually stripping paint faster than the normal way with toothbrush? My back is killing me lately
> why do you have so much paint on your palette
apparently at some point when youtubers started pushing the idea of wet palette people got the idea that you can basically store your paint in them endlessly
if remember right some anons even complained about their paints getting moldy after a week because they had poured half a pot in there right away and placed a lid over it for some reason
Are you the retard that was claiming having a good lighting setup and not using default camera settings is cheating?
Is there any camera that is better than phone camera, but not as expensive as camera?
t. person who doesn't understand photography and image processing
But youtubers haven't done that for oil paints. With acrylics that much paint makes sense. Oil is different and also stays "usable" for longer anyways.
Is it impossible to use speedpaints and get a pointy brush with a size 1 or smaller? No matter how moist or pointy I try to get it the bristles just separate when I use speedpaints and it's annoying. Is it because the speedpaint dry in the bristles? Do I need to add some water?
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I recently started building miniatures and have no clue whats good
I got into the assembly of pic related
What kind of drones should I build? I can make 6 and have 3x gun drone and 1 shield drone so far? Im thinking about adding another shield drone and 1 marker drone
im sure they do i was talking more about the palette thing itself and not the now deleted post
Wrong thread, try /40kg/. We just assemble and paint shit here.
>tfw this thread

Damn I need to get better at painting
Stick around, if you're willing to listen you can get solid advice here
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These have been sitting, half finished, on my shelf since last summer. Feels good to actually finish some stuff.

I was very disappointed in the Garfy handle, IDK if it was my copy but the tolerances were just all over the place. It is a novel idea that you can basically use any size of base for the handle with the shims, but at least for me it did not work in practice at all. Some base sizes were very hard to get into the holder with the shims, some were too lose. Maybe I got a defective one but mine felt it was overengineered.

If you want a dedicated handle, in my opinion The Redgrass and Citadel handles are better. I would rather use a pill bottle with blue tac than the Garfy handle. I only use the Garfy handle these days with the cork inser when I do sub assemblies and paint smaller parts.
what the actual fuck, how do the arms float?

Miniature photography is not demanding, you could get a 10 year old DSLR or mirrorless for very cheap that takes superior pictures compared to your phone. You of course need to know how to use the camera.
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it's possessed armor, dummy
>no airbrush
Damn that's impressive. Like a few other anons here I am struggling with skin tones on the fairer side.
Any tricks to getting it right alongside thinning the paints down? I've tried the paint on real skin trick where if you can see your skin colour it is too thin but if you can't and yet still can see the texture of your skin then it is alright. That's about the only trick I know in this hobby having done an uncomfortably large amount of video tutorial research.

I'm here from the Secret Level space marine animation, and the other anons asking about skin tones might be as well. I'm currently working on some DnD preprimed minis to see if this hobby is for me.
is this traitor guard
you have very nice bases there but they look kind of unfinished because of all those unnaturally even areas around
could also be the unpainted rim but imho they stick to the eye
Because my painting is garbage in comparison to just about all the anons in this thread

That's the plan
That looks real fuckin nice, anon. How'd you do the gradients on the yellow?
I don't know any trick, but for skin tones on the fairer side a pink basecoat is nice, also remember to dusting your mini often, i totally forgot to clean that one and all the dusts and cat hairs make her skin look grainy as shit.

What is your problem with fair skin paint anyway?
I want to start my aero journey, bros.
Budget is between 150~250€.
I don't like buying cheap tools when I start something, so give me the best aero I can get in that price range, thanks.
>What is your problem with fair skin paint anyway?
I think it the problem is that I am new to the hobby.
>remember to dusting your mini often
Alright this might be my problem. I'll try this next time.
>a pink basecoat is nice
I'll try that as well.
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Oh I put enough paint down to finish the project (7 minis). The larger piles are a little bigger than a kidney bean, but you're right that it spreads quite a bit. Some of the paints like the india yellow (orange) are fully transparent and stain like a motherfucker but it picks up other colors very quickly, so a good amount of fresh paint to reinforce the original color helps. Also colors that are thinned out tend to dry and not reactivate well so that is why I have more of my main shadow/preglaze color and my base green for my skin tones out.

Between paint sessions I put a piece of foil over the palette then put the middle section on to pinch it closed, then the top and rubber band to seal. The whole palette goes into the freezer, greatly slowing down the drying time of the oil. The paint will last about a month to a month and a half before it completely becomes unusable so I can mix some colors together and keep that mix for a few weeks. Sometimes the more opaque colors like titanium white will start to harden before the others but its not a big deal, just gently peel it off the parchment paper and put down a little more to finish the job. Took it out this morning for some more painting, the paint takes about 15 - 20 minutes to warm up and I'm good to go.
Keep painting then, i started this hobby a few weeks ago, struggled with thinning paint and shit at the beginning too, then i just don't care about it as long as the paint look thin enough
>Because my painting is garbage in comparison to just about all the anons in this thread

Comparison is the thief of joy. Fuck what others think all that matters is that you think your little plastic army guys are rad as fuck.
Although true I'm in a bit of a bind atm, I want to get an army battle ready at least but I'd like to improve my painting skills. Right now I'm just trying (and failing, getting distracted) to pump out enough painted minis to field an army with, giving me very little time to improve

do you think they kiss eachother with those masks
you can tell which ghosts are women because they ... wear corsets?

You need a better gold. Picrel works pretty good.

I just use isopropyl? I only need to scrub a little bit.
There's nothing wrong with seeing seeing a better mini and having it be a wake-up call, I wouldn't want to sit in a bubble thinking my painting was good if it's not.
However, it's important to keep the context of how much experience a painter has, how long they spent on that particular mini, and how good their materials are. If a trained artist spent weeks on a mini using the best paints and a brush that cost more than your paints, and you're new and trying to keep up with a starter set, that's just making yourself miserable.
Then you've got to set expectations. I would come up with a process for the army, and stick with it, if you're trying to iteratively improve while painting the army it's going to take too long because you're basically reinventing the wheel for each unit.
Later when you improve you can double back and do the detailing and finer highlighting, but the army will be done. Varnish hits "save" on your paint job, it doesn't mean you can't add to it later.
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What should i do with this one?
>I just use isopropyl? I only need to scrub a little bit.
I know but my back hurt
>I just use isopropyl?
That wrecks resin minis? Upspeak is weird? Are you asking a question?
Maybe make the eyes a glossy black as a last resort if you can't think of any better ways to paint the eyes?
As long as you clean it quick enough, Resin start to melt in IPA after 4 or 5 minutes.
Are you trying to paint a whole army at once? That way lies madness. Break it down into smaller more manageable tasks to avoid being overwhelmed, like work on say 3 or 5 guys at a time before moving on or just doing one color on 10 guys. This will help you work on brush control which will help everything else that you do, and the smaller batches will let you try out the scheme and work flow to see if it works for you. Hobby is all about finding a flow and system that works for you.
Guys I gunked up the ferrule on my kolinski. Is it the point of no return? I tried simple green and W&N brush cleaner, no dice.
It's not fully splayed but it doesn't point like it used to, I think acrylic ink was the culprit.
It's my basecoat, then i don't know what to do next, what should be the color scheme, gory or not gory etc... For the eyes, these water decals could be good
>I tried simple green
I hate this thing.

:c <3

I haven't had any issues with it. I've been using a water washable resin for minis and it seems to resist iso once cured. I've forgotten minis in it overnight. I have mainly painted the CGL Battletech minis and it didn't effect that plastic either.

...I dropped my bat. Anons? How do you stop yourself from being clumsy?
If you've fully cleaned it so no paint is coming out in your cleaner then you may be able to condition the bristles back somewhat. Masterson brush soap or some hair conditioner will do the trick, thick lather of the brush soap or about a pea size dollop of conditioner and work that into the clean bristles. Work it all through then gently roll the bristles back into shape using the creases on your palm to help guide it. Once you've got your shape back leave the brush and rinse out the conditioner well before you use it again. May not work but its worth a shot for a nice brush.
How about a sickly corpse like gray for the baby? I know you gave it a "living skin tone" basecoat.
Perhaps some gore around the arms protruding from the mouth as if they just popped out from under the mouth leaving open scars.
>AaaaAAmm IiiiIIII KaaaaAAAAAaaaawwwwaaaiiiii UUUUGGGGUUUUUUUU?!
go back
It dissolves acrylic. I strip minis with it and clean dip pen nibs with it.
>If you've fully cleaned it so no paint is coming out in your cleaner
That's the problem, I'm sure the bristles would behave if the ferrule was clean.
it wont strip your models on its own but lets say that 3 minute whatever timer is around 100 times better than just soaking them overnight in ipa
there is some mess involved because you do still need the toothbrush
also remember to use a ziplock bag and some hot water instead of pouring ipa straight into the container
>It dissolves acrylic. I strip minis with it and clean dip pen nibs with it.
But you are cleaning an expensive kolinsky brush, anon. Why not try some liquid make up brush cleaner instead of chemical like simple green?
I tried that first, didn't work.
It's a cheaper kolinsky, don't worry, it's not like a $30 brush or something.
Need something in a cooler tone on the orange. Sharing the skin tone between the two options is just naturally making the blue palette more appealing because you have a warm tone mixed in. You could go with a colder color for the leather on her leggings and sleeves, if you don't want to make her skin paler. Or, black hair with a blue or purple tint.
>is this traitor guard

Some spots of the bases lack texture paste, because i need to glue 2 more crewmen to each of it.
>it wont strip your models on its own but lets say that 3 minute whatever timer is around 100 times better than just soaking them overnight in ipa
How so?
basically its worth it
But what does it do? It make the paints strip faster or something?
Todays victim.
lets say you run 10 3 minute cycles on it and you can basically brush your models clean right away without all that messy scrubbing and dipping in between and waiting
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That is very valuable advice, thank you very much anon. The original idea was to stick to the reference but it's not like I have to do that. I'd still like to try though, you think I could get away with making book and her weapon colder/darker? Something like this
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Attempted a 3D print Felicia to get better with flesh tones, faces and white, and no ulterior reasons. The face became a mess, I think that bang is connected to the right eye socket on the model. most of those pockmarks on the butt and elsewhere came that way with the print.
I see the hair in the photo and will go remove it. Ink hair and fix paint scrapes next.
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Preglaze wiped and ready for painting.
This >>94844331
Miniature photography is about the least use case for a camera. Even phone cameras are perfectly capable of taking good photos but people need to start shooting in raw format and edit the files themselves instead of accepting the jpegs the default photo app puts out.
>you can tell which ghosts are women because they ... wear corsets?
How else are you supposed to know to be horny?
>most of those pockmarks on the butt and elsewhere came that way with the print.
Yeah, scraping, sanding, filing, filler, etc doesn't stop being a thing you need to do just because you 3D print stuff.
Guess I've bitten off more than I can chew. I've got a method right now, it does look OK but for more "elite" units is where I'll be trying out better techniques. I use quite a bit of contrast on shit like boyz and I'm happy with the end result, it's more those better units I wanna do justice to. I do limit myself to painting 5 models at once, any more than that and I struggle to deal with it
NTA, too much value contrast in random places that shouldn't be pulling attention.
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an dude
Base tones and first highlights dropped in, they'll sit for a few minutes then blending.
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>too much value contrast
If I understand what value contrast is correctly a lot of it is because I can't edit stuff properly and dark colors aren't dark enough while brighter ones are too bright. I just want to get a general feel of the scheme down, I'll do my best to paint her in a way that looks coherent. Anyway I played around a bit more, I think I'll go for roughly something like this and make adjustements as I go
First highlights blended in, blending is definitely the most rewarding step. Next are highlights then pinwashes and adjusting shadows. After that details like the mask, bracelets, backpack explosives, etc.
>it is because I can't edit stuff properly
Fair enough. You gotta edit the brightness of the model if you want more accuracy. Magic wand a color, switch to the model layer -> right click -> layer via copy. Now adjust the brightness of the copy.

Or don't.
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First heretic complete
extremely cool
fucking sweet
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Was gonna go to the store today to buy paint, but hell, I ain't driving 30 minutes through this weather with the traffic we get up here. Someone's gonna kill me.
Probably a blessing in disguise, realized I really didn't have a plan for painting show girls, working on that now.
Reading some of 'how to paint citadel miniatures' it seems like the simplest way to get some depth on models is to have two tones, plus or minus a wash. So once I figure out colors I'll make a list of what I have and don't want to mix and buy the delta.
Will probably give them all the same flesh tones with a weaker/darker finish for the last layer to add some variation.
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I'm not normally very bothered by tactical rocks, but the horse managing to find a pair of tactical plinths to balance on? Time to un-level the ground a bit.
Ignore the other anon.
Drones don't matter anymore they aren't real things in the game like they used to be. So just make whatever ones you think look cool. The kit is stupid anyway, you aren't able to kit out a 'perfect' unit because it doesn't give you enough of what you would want weapon-choice wise. You could magnetize things but frankly especially as a beginner that's tedious and boring.
I recommend just building them how you think they look cool. If you play the game, just say they have whatever weapons you want them to have in your list.
>Ignore the other anon
He wasn't wrong though, a lot of people here don't play even if they paint GW minis
>Drones don't matter anymore they aren't real things in the game like they used to be.
>buy a model
>read lore about the model
>can't wait to put it to use
>haha get rekt faggot, it's not a thing anymore lmao
Oftentimes I ponder how glad I am to just paint and collect.
But rules autism isn't for WIP
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Continued to work on them, and applied a first layer of snow (its from AK, and i am not really satisfied with it).
I will let it dry for the night and add some Ak "snow sprinkes" on top, maybe it will help. If not, i still have half a jar of GWs snow-stuff to save the day.
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And also a cultist proxy, one the smaller base the snow is not as bad i think.
Those look good, are the guard just headswaps?
And what's that cultist? Been pining for an alternative to barbarians with guns
The gun crews are just the cadian ones, with chest aquilla carved off and different heads (from the Blooded box). Here and there i used a different arm and also some 3d-printed shoulderpads on some of them. (gunner on the left launcher for example)

The Firebrand cultist is 3d-printed. Taleskeeper is the creator.
We are getting greener.
You gonna fix the flesh lips on all of them or just the one guy in the back?
Also is that a fat enter key I see in the background?
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Second highlights blended and pinwash applied. Letting it sit then the shadows will get blended out and final highlights, details, and touchups.
Working on Boneripper for my skaven. Just finished with the airbrushing. now it's time to apply some metallics
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Yea flesh lips for all of them, the guy in the background is the goal for all of them skinwise.
Haven´t quite figured what do with the weapons, loincloths and pretty much all other details, but ill cross that bridge when i get there.
Also whats a fat enter key?
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>Also whats a fat enter key?
A big, proper, L-shaped enter key instead of just a bar
That looks good so far. At first I was going to give you more credit because I thought you kitbashed 2 stormfiends together and didn't realize it was a normal model.
as a veteran of building 3 keyboards I wish these were more common without sacrificing the long shift key
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another d00d
As a german i have never seen a keyboard with another type of enter key.
Thanks, now I can't look at my apothecary without thinking he's a toilet marine. Although he's not pure white I guess

This is better, also I really like that blue cloth

Cool face
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fucking usa i swear
random google image results from googling 'teclado mecanico'
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WIP on my 3D print mini

goddamn cool model mang

it's looking good, I'd do some definition work on the muscles, and the rest of the model since the paintjob right now is just 'smooth'

i dig it, it looks quite old school and that's neat
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christ idk what happened to my pic
sorry for neck problems anons
very nice, very painterly
>Am I crazy or is the picture slightly out of focus?
Yeah, that middle camera on my phone is not the best but I couldn't get everything in frame with the narrow angle one.
Like the other anon said, I think it still needs some work in general to iron it out, but I do like the orange color scheme the best. Maybe look at Hibiki from symphogear for ideas. The hair is probably going to be more brown than yellow if you're going to try for a blonde look so that is also offsetting the rest of the warm colors as much by doing a desaturated brown color.
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considering personal take on dreadhost custodes
i thought it'd be fun to add some red accenting with the idea that as the extra violent exterminator guys they make a pilgrimage to whatever forgeworld makes purity seal wax and baptize some of their armor in it as spiritual reinforcement through whatever carnage they might see
do they resemble the original description enough(picrel/'white pteruges, black/sable shoulder armor')? does the one with the wax wiped on its face look too ridiculous?
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>Hibiki from symphogear
Oh nice, this is helpful, thanks. What I have in mind is more ochre hair and the orange will not be as vibrant either. It's supposed to be inspired by Maple, specifically this figure. Those images were only meant to give some very rough idea of palettes I was considering. I'm neither profficient enough to do it properly nor I want to spend too much time on that instead of actually painting. I appreciate all the replies very much though, they already helped a lot.
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Could I use paperclips to replicate this kind of lightning/energy effect?
The wire or whatever he uses seems too fragile and thin for my retarded hands.
Man I wish I could figure out OSL like this.
It could use matte varnish though, ATM the painted dot highlights are competing with reflections in the gloss.
You're never sculpting a paper clip like that with your hands. Gotta use tiny pliers.
I dont mean no offense, but I dont think thats a particularly good example of osl
I used some copper wire for jewelry making. It was like 2 reels for 10 bucks or something, was insane.
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I want to have my Spearhead ready by the end of January.
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what a pleasant green color.
Green is best, good choice and execution.
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Think we're good for now, let that dry over the next couple days then I'll come back and make any corrections. Think I'll have a little touchup on the helmet and maybe the backpack.
I was meaning I'm to clumsy to handle it after shaping it.
No fucking way I can shape that shit without pliers
Thanks anon. I didn't even finish other test models, I immediatly liked the green + brown yellow scheme
Mostly Striking Scorpion Green, but I also mix it up so some clanrats got AP Orc Skin, Hexwraith Flame, etc. Same with browns, wood and skintones.
Well, it's going to be a lot thicker, and at such lengths may bend rather easier than you may be hoping. If you want something really stubborn (and have good pliers) then so-called piano wire, aka cold drawn steel wire, might be an idea. Accidentally breaking that should be somewhat challenging, even if you go for something a bit thinner than most paper-clip wire. Scale model & RC hobby stores tend to sell it.
Anyone have ideas for how I could paint up the vehicles for these guys?
I'll post how my vehicles are currently painted in a sec.
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I'd like to adapt this scheme if I can find a way.
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very cool (teehee)

love hims gun hand and mono eye. super cool. Kitbash?? where head come from.


That was the first time I've painted anything like that lol. Also I wasn't done. I worked on it a bit more.

cool d00d
they greening
You should trying doing just 1 clean paint scheme and post it.
I'm surprised by KDM's lack of significant mold lines. especially for what is probably a relatively small run injection mold. I guess that's what happens when you outsource all your manufacturing to china and then pretend like your made in the UK molds are actually better just because English people made them and not the people with all the experience making molds.
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Painted these up super quick tonight
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That's not clean. All your stuff has the same style. heavy jeaby washes, heavy contrast, visible brush strokes, stark transitions. It's not a bad thing, but you post a lot of the same. I want to see you try something different. So some glazing and get your transitions smooth and clean.
NTA but that cape is fucking trash.
I like your trench cursade guys a lot. I do think you can do better. More subtlety will help you
You made him sad
I didn't say that at all. You just post a lot and it's all very similar. I just wanted to see your attempt at a different style. I definitely don't like how you try and act like an anime girl though.
Good, I hope he uses that sadness to become a better painter.
Its all love, honestly anon
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found somebody in my state selling the original lemartes metal mini for 15 bucks painted
you're good to just toss those old pewter GW models in undiluted acetone to strip them right?
Yep, metal doesn't give a fuck.
>I definitely don't like how you try and act like an anime girl though.
speak for yourself. I'd beat that bussy up like you wouldn't believe.
>you're good to just toss those old pewter GW models in undiluted acetone to strip them right?
only if you're 100% sure the whole thing is metal. A lot of old minis are mostly metal with a few plastic bits and you might be surprised when your "metal" mini is suddenly missing a backpack post acetone bath.
An anon over at the 80lbs drew a Johnny.
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>you might be surprised when your "metal" mini is suddenly missing a backpack post acetone bath.
This is an important point, and specifically because there are two OOP metal versions (and a FineCast one as well!) of Lemartes: one meant to bear a plastic backpack and a later version with a unique metal jump pack.
New thread:


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