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Titus Edition

>Balance Dataslate

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

>Pre 10th Torrent:
Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>How to make wargames terrain

>Secret Level animation

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Do you like the culture and people of your local game store?
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EC fans, were you happy with the refresh?
I have only been to the LGS a few times and after finding out that proxies are okay as long as they look close enough then that means that the culture is okay in my book as I'm not into tournaments.

As for the people I haven't gamed that much but judging from the LGS' official Discord community I find that they seem to be alright. Not many messages being made at midnight or past midnight so there is a "professional air" around how people conduct themselves on the Discord. Which means I have to try and contain my autism and questionable social skills.
But yeah it seems to be a good place and the people seem to be nice enough.
I have no strong feelings one way or another
>DE are not less popular than orks
Our "elite" unit is a little lame, but better than eightbound. Absolutely love noise marines, but I'm more surprised that look havoc-like.

My LGS is a massive store that caters to way more shit than just toy plastic soldiers, I'd say that segment is a small percentage of their revenue in comparison to all of the train sets, remote cars etc, and they have no tables to play on. The other LGS in the same suburb is quite good, they don't have much in stock but fucking hell, they have so much room for games. It's mostly populated by mtgfags but their gaming area is 3 times the size of the shop itself. I'm keen to go back and have another game
>better than eightbound
not at all, eightbound look like dogshit but at least they don't look like doofy pinheads with one leftover hedonites of slaanesh helmet on the sprue
Worst take from the previous thread
Based off the trailer video, it looks like you won't need to have a single pinhead.
You don't have to use the coneheads
dark eldar more like fart smelldar lmao
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Almost done with this guy, need to give him some shoulderpads and a backpack now, what do you think? Also, watcha working on /40kg/?
They're going to nerf SAG big mek and tankbustas to shit aren't they
How'd you do the vial? I've gotta painboy to paint soon and I need to figure out how to do it. Not working on anything atm, just having a few beers and watching the cricket
Why what's wrong with it? Giving us tankbustas that can actually bust tanks is good
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This really isn't an argument against Deldar being in 11th starter set, in fact it's in their favor. One of the purposes of a starter set is to boost popularity of a nonMarine army that is paired with them. That way marinefags are either forced to start second army, simply cope and pay a Xeno tax or it's their job now to sell that other part of the box. In the end there would be more Deldar players and tons of cheap minis to start Deldar, just like it happened with Tyranids and Necrons recently.
the only decent head is the bugman aping the iconic slaaneshi marine art, the rest are awful
>thinking there will ever be a non marineXenemy starter box again
the delusions of the fart smelldar player
When was the last time they were in the starter set, was it 3rd or 4th? I remember when it came out but can't remember the year
It's either orks or deldar. Chaos is a meme in 40k.
IG vs Orks would make for a great starter set desu
Yeah ok they are due for it.
lmao no
But it's kino anon
It's going to be thousand sons so they can finally get the full range they've been needing since 7th edition
>It's going to be this specific traitor legion of chaos that not many people care about

Yeah ok lmao
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>not many people care about
How can you be so good yet so shit at the same time?
>not many people care about
Not only are they the longtime secondmost popular god legion behind the world eaters, they just got a massive interest boost being the main antagonist of the biggest 40k game to date
Your meme Egyptian kang army isn't going to be in a starter box you dunces, fuck off already
Lmao fart smelldar subhumans getting mad
This would surprise me
That's what you pathetic knife ear players said about death guard in the months leading up to 8th
I'm not the dark eldar poster btw
Yes so you're the even more delusional orkposter
Hey hey hey the IG and orks starter box would be great. I never said it would happen though, therefore not delusional
I mean we kind of got that with the Kill Team Death Korps of Krieg vs Ork Kommandos.
I think that Kill Team Edition was a success.
And again with brutal and cunning. Ok I guess there's no chance of it happening
Maybe I should start screencapping those posts, just like I do with antiTW:40k ones
>And again with brutal and cunning
I forgot about that.
I think the Kill Team starter boxes are better than 40k starter boxes because they mix up the starting boxes.
Even if it is just Imperium vs xenos or chaos. I'd like to see something like a starter box set of Eldar vs Necrons.
Where can I find a cheap kill rig. Don't feel like paying the absurd 180 dollarydoos for one
You're mom has a brutal cunny
build your own from parts
It would hilarious to me now that Fulgrim is back if he fought and killed Guilliman again
That sounds really gay desu. I'd like to get a 3rd party squig or something as the one that comes with it looks pretty shit
I want to see Clonegrim escape Trayzn's collection and become the warboss of traitor legion geneseed marine chapters. Let the edgy donut steel OC chapter floodgates be officially opened by GW.
The most popular legion I think would be Iron Warriors.
Quads confirm
yeah youre going to get more tzaangors lol
Do what you want, no one cares
rubrics will get demons hope you're happy. Thats honestly all they need, besides from new tzangor variants. Nothing about this post is a shitpost.
Worst looking unit in your army?
For me its beast snagga units that are not the boyz or boss
My LGS is weird before getting into Warhammer I heard a lot of praise towards LGSs: discounts, tables, different paints and etc.
My local store is nothing like that it only has Citadel all of the prices are the same as GW's and it's the size of a shed. The only reason it's survived this long is because it's the only store in my city that sells GW shit and Magic the Gathering
The LGS has a Discord and the people seem very chill. They are also cool with proxies as long as the unit they are standing in for is obvious. So I think I like the culture, but it may just go on a person by person case.

>Secret Level Titus screenshot OP
You got my noggin joggin. Would it be better if Henry Cavil dropped the live action aspect of his 40k show and just made the whole thing animated? Not every fantasy production can be live action and have us suspend our sense of belief. Animation makes it easier to do so though.
Is it even worth learning 10th when I could be playing kill team or necromunda?
>That sounds really gay desu
dont play orks
They are non binary, anon, not gay
I bought my snaggas second hand so I still use them but the previous owner gave them the worst fucking paint job. I can't get too upset as he sold me a shit tonne of orks for close to nothing
nigga paint over htem
I guess marine piggies would just say their entire army as its all primaris
When I get around to it, I've got a large pile of greytide that needs to be done first
why would someone have a whole army that they think looks like shot are you retarded
I am happy, but that is in light of planning to convert. I can see why somebody might be unsatisfied with certain aspects of what we're getting if they didn't feel confident enough to substantively modify it, but it all seems like a very good starting point to me.
10th is just fine for casual play.
But Kill Team and Necromunda are both great in their own ways and perfectly great to learn as well.
Because they gaslit themselves into thinking it looks good
>lgs makes a 1k army event for new players
>the regulars start making their ultra sweaty lists for it

What's wrong with people in this game, do they have to win everything? Bunch of clowns
Or alternatively they like something you don't like. Which is fine
Looks like it's time to post your marines army, anon
It’s a tie between grey knights and thousand sons because they both have firstborn
>All marines were bad before primaris.
the only marines playing in this general keeping it real is the vintage blood angels dude, he actually has an army of firstborn (unlike yourself)
Several firstborn armies actually. He has 3 i think
Who are you talking to?
>Would it be better if Henry Cavil dropped the live action aspect of his 40k show and just made the whole thing animated?
Yes, obviously, 40k won't work without tons of CGI to the point that its fully animated anyway. But animated movies don't generate as huge interest as live action
Objectively wrong opinion lmao. Why were they the most popular faction if they were bad? How did anyone get into 40k before primaris?
Chaos space marines look way cooler than primaris slop.
lack of options at the time.
yes but only black legion,
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What are my best options for getting rockets or missiles of any kind? I am needing to convert more killa kans to have rokkit launchers
New tzaangor priests and a tzaangor scout
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Just started a shield captain

Firstborn are literally what made 40k popular.
I've always disliked the Vyper, but I think the title has to go to war walkers
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And they still look like mis-shapen dwarves.
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>2nd edition
Space Marines (Blood Angels) vs Orks
>3rd edition
Space Marines (Black Templars) vs Dark Eldar
>4th edition
Space Marines (Ultramarines) vs Tyranids
>5th edition
Space Marines (Ultramarines) vs Orks
>6th edition
Space Marines (Dark Angels) vs Chaos Space Marines (Crimson Slaughter)
>7th edition
no new starter set, previous one kept around
>8th edition
Space Marines (Ultramarines) vs Chaos Space Marines (Death Guard)
>9th edition
Space Marines (Ultramarines) vs Necrons
10th edition
Space Marines (Ultramarines) vs Tyranids

I'd say Dark Eldar deserve it the most, but we haven't seen Orks in a while and they're always fun and popular. GSC are probably too niche to work. Daemons are in a weird spot right now as they might not exist as a separate army anymore. Then there's also a chance (albeit slim) for a CSM Legion, like Thousand Sons (to follow up Space Marine 2 success) or World Eaters. And no, Chaos Knights are no happening. However what I'd really like is to break the Ultramarines streak. 3 in a row is a lot. Maybe go with Space Wolves or Blood Angels this time?
Okay I see, you're "that" faggot.
new edition starter boxes SM need to be generic, the 6/7th DA ones were an outlier, and you can see how 9th Indomitus were designed originally as DA or BT.
So that excludes SW, and DA/BT/BA already had their range refresh.

The real questions are:
1.Which new generic SM units are already left to do/update?
2.Which chaos/xeno faction really needs a refresh with new units and could be a good baddie?
As far as I have seen that guy never let the trolls get to him or go off on anybody. Maybe he's the best of us all.
>Space Marines (Dark Angels) vs Chaos Space Marines (Crimson Slaughter)
Were the Crimson Slaughter ever supposed to be the posterboys of chaos space marines or just a one off warband?
>Lack of options at the time.
What's that even mean? If Space Marines were bad and just looked like shit then they wouldn't have ever been popular but they were. They were the face of 40k long before primaris came around. Why would they outsell everything if they sucked? Why would 40k be popular in general if they sucked?

Okay so you're saying they looked like shit and the only good space marine models are primaris yet somehow these terrible designs made Warhammer 40k popular.
An one off warband, and everyone complained about them being nobodies.

Do not believe anons who sperg about muh dudes and GW focusing in big factions and characters. GW does that all the time unsuccessfully but people vote with their wallets for the big names every time.
It's cool. I'll get the collection box because I've always really liked the EC. Some of the designs aren't my favorite but they're cool enough and with some head swaps they'll be good. They're a bit subdued for a legion of pleasure and excess and a bit ugly for a legion that's supposed to be about perfection and beauty but I guess that's what Chaos does to a guy. No cultist unit and no terminators is disappointing though. Overall like 7/10.
More or less, little disappointed that it's all infantry but what is there is a soild base.
Hopefully extra specialized units like Terminators, cultists or dreadnoughts will come later.
>the face of 40k long before primaris came around
yes, but Primaris were released in 2017, that's 8 years and several editions ago.
As much as I love manlets, they no longer are the face of the faction.
>one off warband
Thanks for clearing that up, anon.
>and everyone complained about them being nobodies.
I'm very disappointed.
>Do not believe anons who sperg about muh dudes and GW focusing in big factions and characters. GW does that all the time unsuccessfully but people vote with their wallets for the big names every time.
I don't know whether I should feel proud of being different from the common hypocritical chaff or disappointed that I am associated with them.
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Wait... they didn't get any new cultists?
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Mornin' /40kg/.

Is it a good idea to add backpacks to all of my guardsmen? 3D printed or recast ForgeWorld Cadian backpacks for my heroic scale Cadians and Kromlech backpacks for everything else?
Probably got juiced into space drugs.
It didn't help that they were budget World Eaters. Genuinely bizarre move on GW's part to make a warband for their boxset that looks identical to another, much more well known legion for the same army at the time.
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did a little control panel. still figuring out how I want to integrate some sort of draping wiring
the current ones work fine for Slaanesh or Tzeench, IMO.
Not so much for Khorne or Nurgle. The old ones from Dark Vengeance were better as mudcore degenerate scum
you ya dirty phoneposter
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From a gameplay standpoint they have daemons for that.
Damn son. That's some impressive greenstuff work.
What tools are you using for the job?
Yellow compliments the marine look so well
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more like a weird mix of Khornate and Tzeench Word Bearers, but I get what you mean.

BTW, they're supposedly still around in Vigilus allied to the Black Legion
Slices of squared off greenstuff, and a bit of sanding here and there. the super dark green surfaces are green plastic bits from burnas when they had the kill team boxes for generic armies
Judging by the pic I have to ask.
Are the Storm Wardens your favorite space marine chapter?
nice work, love the muzzle burn effect you put on the contemptor and redemptor dread.
People say just greenstuff your problems away but greenstuffing aint as easy as it sounds because you're working with 28mm scale miniatures.
Keep up the good work, anon!
>BTW, they're supposedly still around in Vigilus allied to the Black Legion
Yeah, a lot of minor warbands surprisingly showed up for it, but I guess it makes sense given that they used the expansion book in 8th set there to give them all rules so of course they'd be there.
I mean yeah, they aren't the face anymore. But the point is that they wouldn't have ever been so popular in the first place if they weren't good.
>no timestamp
>phoneposter becomes non phoneposter
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Just finished my Lukas, happy with how he turned out
Easy, wulfen
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I guess...

Yeah they kinda look like Slaanesh Cultists but I was expecting that EC would get their War Dogs or whatever they were called. Basically Cultists juiced up by Fabius.Or was it New Humans? Something cringe.

Daemonette models suck.
>NTA, but
Now that I think about it, I am kind of torn between whether "now" in 40k if is a good idea to join the Black Legion or break away from it.
On one hand it would make sense for the Black Legion to suffer some fragmentation as warbands are mostly autonomous and half the Imperium is in darkness. It means that they can break off and do their own thing at last.
On the other hand the Black Legion actually managed to get stuff done, and so maybe it would be a good time to flock to the Black Legion and join up with them to get some glory.
I'm honestly not sure, but if the Black Legion fragmenting wins then maybe it should be the Word Bearers that take their place given their long standing rivalry with the Ultramarines, retaining their legion structure the most and overall red is a better contrasting colour to blue.
jeez those heads suck, no wonder why i keep seeing the coneheads movie poster posted here
Those cultists can work just fine for Khorne or Nurgle too. Paint the Nurgle ones all nasty and the Khorne ones with some blood and shit on them and you're good. They're a pretty generic Chaos look. Not a bad kit but if I remember right they're monopose shit with no other options so that sucks. Still Chaoschads eating good recently.
Those gym rats flashing their abs aren't a good fit for Nurgle cultists. The old kit was better despite the lack of options
Questions about Custodes :

Are they capable of mating or like the astartes do they have those body parts removed?

If they can mate and did so with a normal human woman would the children have the Custodes's genetics/abilities since Custodes do not get their powers from implants?

Do they need to eat huge amounts of food to fuel their advanced bodies or are their biological processes efficciant to the point they don't require much food? And what about sleep? Do they need to at all?
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Do we need to do this every time
thanks anon I like doing little weathering tricks
I think mixing in milliput for easy sanding carries me pretty far lmao
not yet, he needs moar greebles
he turned out great orangewolfanon
no, also SM do not have anything removed
They need food and water and sleep, but can endure for a lot of time without it. Their bodies are highly efficient.

But they don't dream, ever. Unless the Emperor is trying to tell them something.
>I like doing little weathering tricks
Off the top of my head right now I can only remember sponge chipping and watering down light orange or brown orange to a milk like consistency to act as rust.
That's about it.
I've ordered some vehicles and they should be coming in soon and I'm pretty excited for trying out weathering techniques.
Anyone have that picture of the kitbashed Tau auxiliaries? I remember one of them being a Skink.
No one will trust you unless you post hole
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damn those aren't nearly as cool as I expected.
>The Coil is a vast tangle of plot threads that extends across space and time, connecting characters, places, and events, often in bizarre ways, with people slipping from one story into another, occasionally via fissures in the skin of reality. The Dark Coil can also be considered an expression of Chaos – a manifestation that has infiltrated our universe via its constituent tendrils.

Can anyone explain what the Dark Coil is? And why 40K fans really like it?
why are you up so late / early?
Thanks, but that's not it.
It's just one author's character/theme roster he puts into his stories
It's a solid enough starting point. I wish there was some more bishie heads but whatever
>Are they capable of mating
What's your skin recipe?
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
I beg your pardon, but wat?
AGP- Autogynephillic
HSTS- Homosexual transsexual
basially agp is straight pretending to be lesbian or gay while hsts is gay pretending to be straight
I think the entirety of the anime industry and western 3d animation (up until a bunch of years ago) beg to differ
You are just as annoying as the faggots who used to spam awoo with me sister, guarding this thread and other stupid ritual posts
Agp is sexual arousals at the fantasy of being a woman.
Sisters of Battle Hospitallers
Adeptus Mechanicus
AGP - Ambulatory glucose profile
HSTS - HTTP Strict Transport Security
I just googled these and I'm relatively sure they are correct
Warhammer 40k?
something something broken clock something something it's right sometimes
Ehh, at least he posts different art every time. I don't think he's ever repeated a pic
please stop
He still a faggot and could just post the art without the cringy ritual post.
They had a hardcover codex suplement back in the 6th, but were kinda forgotten. I mean, they're mentioned now and then, some stuff in Traitor's Hate (7th edition) and Vigilus Ablaze (8th edition) but nothing really came out from that.

Oh, they got a Joytoy line some time ago.
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Catachan refresh is coming. I can feel it.
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Space Wolves refresh is coming. I can feel it.
since all these other ritualposters get away with it, can i post my big blue vorgh alien as a ritualpost?
Love that the one on the right is a Red Corsair and not Crimson Slaughter lol. Never bought any Joytoy figures because 90% of them are faggot marine slop of Ultras or IF or some boring Heresy stuff but if they ever make any EC, NL, WB beyond that one Terminator or Dark Eldar Incubi and Kabalites I'll definitely grab them.
thats unfair but ok
this is a 10/10 in the Ultima Segmentum.
its better than the lamenters faggotposting at least
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>prime white
>basecoat AP air nomad flesh
>midtone AP air barbarian flesh
>zenithal AP air wildling flesh
>wash everything with marine juice
>wash eyes and ears with carroburg crimson thinned 1:1 with contrast medium
>drybrush with flayed one flesh
>matte varnish
The meme wash makes a huge difference, it behaves so much better than regular unthinned brown wash
Because most people who play 40k are literally children, either phisically or mentally
Depends on whether we have demons in the codex.
The only"ritualposting" I'm fine with is when modelposters post their newest thing a few threads in a row.
im not okay with that i hate model posters
>WB beyond that one Terminator

There are more word bearers.
when you see it a few threads in a row when it hasnt been painted thats when it gets tiring
A Tempetus Scion betrayed the Imperium because he fell in love with a T'au female, both romantically and lustfully.
Give it up. Blueberries are canon now.
nobody cares about your opinion, secondary
Pretty sure there are not. I just googled Joytoy Word Bearers and the only one is a terminator. McFarlane made a Word Bearer marine. Joytoy has a lot of BL and WE, some Crimson Slaughter, a Red Corsair and I think that's it for now not counting HH stuff.
how long have we got until 11e?
Someone post some sovl or something this thread sucks
i dont know man i got nothing
six hours
get ready
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I think this one qualifies
why is /generals/ spam allowed?
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It's soul alright.
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Alright faggots post your models. Painted models. You do have models, right? Lose your right to post unless you show us something.
Cute but unfinished.
It's all done by a singular faggot who has the jannies and mods in his pocket.
He goes crying to the 4chan IRC channel about it whenever people make threads before him or make fun of him or his models.

Just watch I'll probably get a vacation for saying this.
we all know marines are stronger than sisters of battle, but what about the silence ones?
i have nothing new to post unfortunately
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wip of the day
Not sure I like the split scheme like that for nids but he looks nice. Post him again when you're done.
how do you achieve the blue
post something yourself then? youre just another dumb faggot shitposting tourist
SoS are regular humans too, only special thing about them is that standing around one for too long makes you want to kill yourself.
A feat which you can achieve with any sufficiently insufferable person.
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man are there even worthwhile recent black library novels now?

i was literally counting days for each end and the death volume.

it really shows what glaring hole the horus heresy end brought.
Anybody else feel great shame in their choice of armies?
I got into 40k properly as an adult when the Death Guard range first came out and it's my only army. Since then I've flirted with both Tau and 3rd ed Witch Hunters (love Arco-Flagellants and body horror in general) but ended up selling my initial kits for them, luckily making a profit.
Now EC are coming out and there's an instant, palpable connection. I love everything about the new sculpts apart from the coneheads.
It's like I always gravitate back to Chaos. I've debated starting Kill Team projects for Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion, and almost bought the new CSM army box, but I always pussied our because I feel it's a waste to just collect Chaos.
It's like I'm almost as bad as Marinefags. If I had all the time and money in the world, I'd have 10 Chaos armies, and maybe 1 Imperium and 1 Xenos.
Read it and enjoy some great Tyranid, catachan and GSC action
based the model in Napoli Yellow, then stripes of Cerulean Blue and Heliotrope. And then a very thin 50/50 mix of Prussian Blue + Raw Sienna
never, why the fuck would i feel shame for being an ork player?
I have spent so much fucking time and money on this hobby over the past 20 years that I have at least a few units from almost every army. I do not know this feeling.
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Have an ancient pic of my sloppy orcs
Well, in this case it's because there were a ton of new models revealed yesterday night and everyone is spamming pictures and causing image limits to be reached very quickly. That excuse will die down again in a day or so though.
>standing around one for too long makes you want to kill yourself.
So they're just normal women.
Why don't mods auto archive old threads?
They are clearly over bump limit and have been replaced by a newer thread
what kit is that runtherder from? looks like a weirdboy
It is a weirdboy I made from extra bits. Mostly nob stuff i think
man everyone has edgehighlights a zenith sprays and all the works. it feels overwhelming that thats the standard theres just so much to do
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I hate that they just retconned all power armour to be a John Halo rubber undersuits with metal plates slapped on top.
I just went and played a few games and everyone pretty much just had contrast paint and that's it.
it's entirely possible to get above average looking minis using just basecoats, washes and drybrushes, friend
Basecoat->shade->highlight is enough. You'll get there.
Not shame, just bitterness. I started in 5th both with Grey Knights and Dark Eldar. I picked up AdMech later on too. It really feels like GW hates my factions specifically, sometimes.
i got back into the hobby after 2 decades and it shocked me seeing the painting standards now. back then (granted i was a child) it felt like the box art was about as good as it was gonna get, now its almost standard. but as >>94835189 pointed out if you go to an lgs or games night most people either go hard on the contrast or they just airbrush everything the same colour. its depressing to look at desu, but at least they are painted
Well you picked the cringe faction with ultra super mega gay mary sues and the faction 5 people in total care about. Bad luck I guess.
Deldar's time will come
I'll be real I hardly bother with highlights, especially of the edge variety, unless its a model I really like
for the rank and file and bulk of it just basic layers, a wash and maybe a drybrush depending on the model
Not in the least. I love my armies of little figurines and whenever I've sold stuff off I've always regretted it.
Lol. Lmao
Afternoon, /40kg/. I heard that there was another BL submission window, but that they added some rules to it that weren't there before.
Armageddon and Comorragh I'm familiar with, but what's the importance of "Vigilus"? I haven't read much new fluff, is it the big battleground now that Cadia is gone? Which factions are there?
it never ends
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Which team wins?
Probably the TS sorcerers.
>Anybody else feel great shame in their choice of armies?
Not so much in the choice, as I like the armies I've gotten, but I have definitely bought more than I need at times and would cut some purchases if I were to do it again
Especially the 2 fantasy/aos armies
The vast majority of minis at a flgs are either unpainted, lazily slapped with contrast paints, or a single base coat and one secondary color. Putting effort into your models at all puts you head and shoulders above the average player.
Vigilus is the only stable corridor to cross the Cicatrix Maledictum that split the Imperium in two, so you can imagine that's a very important place in the galaxy in the current era
Vigilus is a campaign location that first showed up in 8th edition (iirc). It's a system that sits at one end of the most stable passage through the cicatrix maledictum, so it's the best way for communication and movement between the two halves of the imperium. This means that chaos forces (especially Abaddon) wants to wreck the place, and the majority of the fighting around Vigilus has been between imperial and chaos forces.
To add to that I mean from a lore standpoint. Idk about the tabletop I never play because everyone at the LGS is a freak.
I like how the EC guys look like troonscale conversions.
Lore-wise? 100% the TS
>troonscale conversions
i was about to ask how the guardsmen deal with scurvy, but then i realized its probably something boring like vitamin paste
Definitely the sorcerers then. They're on a completely different level from the rest of the guys in that image. You played SM2? The main antagonist from that game is ONE of those guys. The other three are random mooks.
imagine ordering any of these assholes straight from the gw website

>tfw 3 eightbound are 105 dollarydoos for me
>one hundred and fifteen iron ore bucks

fucking christ alive
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They're just based in the same scale as HH beakies
the main antagonist is not one of those guys. since the main antagonist is a named character he is far above what a normal sorceror can achieve. though i still think that the sorcerors would win
Yeah with all the Warp fuckery a TS sorcerer can do the others stand no chance unless they have some stupid asspull daemonic help or whatever. Shit the sorcerers could just float above everyone else and fry them. Nothing the EC or WE guys can do about that since it looks like they don't have range. I know the Deathshroud have wrist weapons but I think they shoot some flamer like weapon yeah? I can't remember.
He's pretty much exactly an exalted sorcerer, which those are.
i really hate that helmet style
TS wins easily.
but then again if you posted each of the marine variants of the four chaos chapters then the rubric marines would lose by a large amount
>LGS has 500 point events with custom rules
>no one signs up because people can't play anything that's not 2000 point matched play tournament style
who can beat the TS? I heard they job a lot
Speaking from just an asethetic/cool factor with these as reps for their legions it's definitely
The cone heads on the EC are dumb but a simple head swap can change that and I like the elite sword infantry thing. I love the DG guys with the big scythes and hoods. TS are cool. Eightbound look retarded and would have benefited immensely from looking more daemonic and fucked up like actual possessed. Their roided meathead look is shit. Maybe they're supposed to be gladiators or whatever but they look retarded.
Thousand Sons have a really shit matchup into Imperial assassins of all things
Why do you think 40k is well thought out or has actual answers to things like this.
>I heard they job a lot
there is no one else who loves seeing his own followers fail more than tzeentch
what you have to understand is that he is a named character. he is not on the level of an exalted sorcerer exactly because he is a name character.
How do Imperial ships deal with anything logistical? It's fantasy. Don't ask questions that are too in depth. You know how much fucking food, clothing, water and common amenities like toilet paper and hygienic products a ship full of guardsmen or even navy voidsmen would need? Hell you'd need ships full of just water to keep those ships full of people going. I guess they say a lot of larger ships have their own societies and economic systems so they make it work.
>You know how much fucking food, clothing, water
thats different all of that can just be countered by saying that they have a shit ton of planets providing all of that.
Yes the Imperium does have agri worlds for just producing food. But if you've been out in space with your fleet for 6 months time and you need to feed 80 million people or some ridiculous shit and you haven't been able to restock you're going to be needing a lot of food or you're going to be facing a lot of mutinies or outright civil wars on your ships before long.
Wtf why would GW make a tyranid with a distractingly bratty pose, what's wrong with them
/tg/ is a 40k board that allows off topic content as well
they very likely just do deliveries from planet to planet. "hey we need food and we are about to land on [planet] make sure theres 5000 containers of provision when get there".
the loss of such a system was what the age of strife was somewhat about
do space marines poop and pee in their suit? does their suit have a kind of colostomy bag or something? why do we never hear mentions of it or see it in the videogames?
fuck off destinyfag
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Every cult legion should have atleast 2 signature units of their 30k equavilent
>Grave warden terminators -> Blightlord Terminators
>Deathshroud -> Deathshroud
>Sehkmet Terminatos -> Occult Terminators
>Khenetai Occult Blades -> ???
>Rampager squad -> Eightbounds
>Red Butchers Terminators -> ???
>Palatine Blades -> Flawless Blades
>Phoenix Guards -> ???
Considering "Spacemarine" science fiction novels from the 60s and 70s already solved that problem with the suit also being an extremely efficient nutrient recycler then probably
lol spacemarinefags literally eat their own shit
>new guard characters
>3/5 are women
Who the fuck buys this? Guard is an army that supports few characters which usually are a hotly contested pick. I can’t imagine many people will line up to buy okay female characters like that. I mean, I guess Minka Lesk can be okay if painted well but the others are just ugly.
yes, that's long-standing lore
they eat shit recycled from the armour
they eat shit during their initiation feast
they eat shit during their religious rites
and they eat shit during their model releases
>Who the fuck buys this?
people hungry for new sculpts who know they can headswap the otherwise gender neutral models
except the people who push these characters will think the sales are due to the characters themselves
gw are just responding to mad success of the ursula creed model
You will buy the novel, right? You will support this cast of personalities, right?
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Gotta repost to keep my posting privileges.
I wish the painters at least tried to make her look cute on the model.
But who would you use bodies on? Regular battleline troops? They look too distinct and have a female-ish hips-waist-shoulder proportions.
That was a success?
how often does the book mention them having periods
>Minority woman
>Minority woman
Ah yes the core audience for Warhammer 40,000. I remember the last time I went to the LGS there was a table of African ladies playing an exciting game of Kill Team.
>That was a success?
I think GW probably buffed her to WAACfagbucks to buy her and saw it as a success.

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