Noise Boys Edition>Balance Dataslate>Community Links:>3rd Party Models Pastebin:>Pre 10th Torrent:Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5>10th Edition Rules:https://gofile<dot>io/d/9LvQTLhttps://mega<dot>nz/folder/Em0Rmb7I#4GR-B7y4cu5nCB5QziXM4A>How to make wargames terrain>Secret Level animation>Previous Thread:>>94827414 >Thread Question:Which 40k book or series would make the best movie or TV adaptation?
Is it really that hard to wait for page 8
>>94830762Dracoor of you're a coward, Eisenhorn
>>94830762>TQNone of them.Shit TQ, here's a better one.YOU, YES YOU. What do you want see from the upcoming codexes, especially if its a faction you play.
im going to the the Hearld of Beelzebub as a putrid biologist proxy and you cant stop me.funny enough hes on the same base size, has a very similar silhouette and is doing a similar pose
>>94830762Practically speaking for live action, Eisenhorn or maybe Cain. Anything marine focused would only work in animation.
>>94830792i just don't want james to squat my army
>>94830794I do wonder how well the trench crusade models convert to 40k and vice versa.I think lot of the demon models would work very well in 40k.
>>94830792I want a centerpiece model for my scions. But honestly what I've got I'm happy with.
>>94830762I'm just going to paint them purple.I don't have a purple army. I don't have a pink one either, but I think I'll go purple.
>>94830792Thousand Sons Daemon Engines.
If given the option I would have a musou game where you play as chaos space marines and you kill guardsmen and sisters and loyalists and stuff and maybe also xenos but honestly I don'tcare much about xenos. It would be cool and really flashy and you'd get to play as marines from the legions and also some of the warbands. It would also be fun
>>94830792>YOU, YES YOU. What do you want see from the upcoming codexes, especially if its a faction you play.That is a much better TQ>CWEThat the wraith construct themed detachment is >fun.>TSI'm hoping the TS automata rumour is true. I'd been thinknig about converting a couple of their 30k ones to helbrutes, but making it a proper unit would make it much easier to lean into that theme.>WEBerserker Surgeon. I expect and hope for nothing more. No wave 2 exists. The juggerlords will at least be able to lead bloodcrusher cavalry.
>>94830762I like the sonic pistols, or is that the new Doom Siren?
Think it'd be alright to mix in the Slaaneshi marines with regular CSM? Seems like it'd make for neat variety.
>>94830762Henry Cainvill>violence >sex>comedy >episodic format friendly >Black Adder was a solid show so it's easy to get the premise (even though Cain isn't as big a heel as Black Adder and nothing like Flashman)
>>94830762So eldar for the next two weeks followed by slaanesh?
>>94830762>TQI just hope the tv show is at least as good as Battlestar Galactica was.
>>94830792>What do you wantTu’shan in Gravis armour. A unit of dudes with olasma funs that have a flamer mode instead of supercharging because fuck you and your infantry.
>>94830827I’m sticking with black and neon pink with teal accents.
>>94830891so say we all
>>94830879Anon we're not even in IG season yet.Most likely;>Filler week >IG full release>AoS week>Eldar will get a single release for all their shit at once>Filler>Emperor's Children
>>94830762Only bad models of the EC line are the heads on the Flawless Blades, which is the easiest fix. Slaanesh will be the golden demon winner this year.
Should I play 18 mortars in my IG army?
>>94830907I mean the box with the limited ed codex, not the full line. Sorry.
>>94830907>AoSIt's funny how /aosg/ didn't even do anything when their Dataslate dropped. It really is a hobby-only setting at best.
>>94830923>He thinks Eldar are getting an army box>And a collector's codex at thatLmao
>>94830892>olasma funs
>>94830762Am I crazy or are some of the EC models wearing chaos MkX armourNote the flanged knees, gorgets, and big circle on the backpacks
>>94830960You're crazy, chaos has had those design cues for decades
>>94830792new librarian dreadnought would be neat but I think I'm a ways off from getting a codex any time soon lmao
>>94830960>>94830972The thing I don't remember Chaos dudes having is the gorgets. They've always had lots of trim, flanges, etc.
Guard player hereHow many transports do I need to make the mechanized detachment "worth it"I "only" have 4 transports but i feel like if you arent spending at least half your armies points on transports/troops then its not really worth it.
>>94830994New legionaries have gorgets all over
>>94830960I love this model. At least 11 speakers. Curious to see how he buffs noise marines.
>>94830972No? Find me another chaos kit with a backpack featuring a big circle like that (besides the Havoc Champion, which I have also called Chaos Mark X and been called crazy for).
>>94830928No shit, no one plays AoS, if you've spent any amount of time at your lgs you'd realize that
>>94830822Frankly I don't particularly like how cartoony some of the deamons look in 40k so if I ever consider collecting deamons trench crusade will probably be my main source
>>94830822there's a billion better minis than trench crusade already around
>>94831016People play Spearhead commonly at my LGS, but yet to see an regular games including me offering.
>>948309284th edition really fucking sucksThings were going rather well and GW shat the bed for no reason
>>94830952One of those was intentional
>>94830792Votann>Thunderkyn but with melee weapons like drills or claws instead of big guns>Brokhyr character that controls a mob of turrets instead of just being a repairman>Dread equivalent of courseOrks>Deff dread warboss>The return of the looted wagon>A proppa Ork tankAnyway to the anon that said my reds were flat earlier: Is this better?
>>94831015Fabius Bile has had one for 30+years.
>>94830928TOW is barely supported and /wfbg/ is more lively than /aosg/. That fucking shit setting was a mistake.
>>94831022Damn so many skirmish games to play and you pick fucking spearhead
>>94831002I don't know but hyperspecializing is retarded unless you are a tourneyfag.
>>94831047TOW is getting an entirety new faction (Cathay)
>>94830892these fucking suck
>>94831050Go ahead and list what you think a better skirmish game is so we can laugh at your dogshit tastes
>>94830960I wouldn’t be surprised if the EC took the Primaris upgrades personally, and sought to upgrade themselves, both mimicking and mocking the Primaris changes.
I have an idea
>>94831047>TOW is barely supported>is getting armies released at a faster rate than any other game
>>94831064>(Cathay)That's not support, that's aids.
>>94831097BattletechWar CryKill Team
>>94831016I see a lot of AoS at my local, but a concerning amount of greytide
>>94831143>BattletechLol>WarcryLMAO>Killteam Lol
>>94831150>i see a lot of aos at my localProbably because you live in San Francisco
>Salamander’s teaserI wonder if Salamander’s are gonna get some new characters/new kit for Vulkan/Adrax that show up in the Codex. Would be terribly disappointing if it was just more rule books with the updated rules.
>>94831016My local has a huge AoS community, but almost exclusively spearhead.
Any chances for a new 40k Warhammer Quest?
>>94831131>is getting armies released at a faster rate than any other gameI mean yeah, but that's not hard given it's 95% pre-existing kits that James already had on hand with a few extras sprinkled in for flavour. Which they have also been working on since 2018.
>>94831180Nah, UK
>>94831170these fucking SUCK
>>94831193Oh so just as faggy
>>94830792Votann feels like it needs a smaller tank and smaller transport from the current offering.As for infantry options.... It feels like they're filling it out in a backdoor way with the Killteam kits.As for Armies I play?Marines we all know are going to get an Assault Terminator kit at somepoint point so thats nothing. As for my Guard? I'd enjoy the option for a Shotgun/melee weapon close combat troop...which is probably just the new Death Korp engineers.
>>94831209But the kill teams are just Yaegers and Warriors.
>>94831182My bet is a Killteam kit and a character.>>94831215Wasn't there a jump troop or was that just the one guy?
>>94831203Feedback is always appreciated.
>>94831064It’s dogs of war
Calling it now, Sallyman has battered housewife syndrome.
>>94831220No one cares about dogs of war
>>94830960>>94830994The Noise Marines are like Havocs, and Havocs have all those things.
>>94831231Just like how no one cares about rank and flanks
>>94831218Except you consistently ignore all feedback.
>>94831064It's gonna be VC. People are just confusing the backdrop for Cathay despite it having tomb kings in the foreground.
>>94831121Lucious head looks more like a cracked egg thana guy with a lot of sword cuts.
>>94831238They care about them more than aos at least kek
>>94830928What do we do here when a data slate drops? Besides bitching and moaning.
>>94831106Once Primaris have run their course, the firstborn line will come back with the lost Mk9 power armor. Marines will h̶a̶v̶e̶ get to re-buy their armies again and they'll happily oblige.
>>94831230>emperor's children reveal suckedConfirmation of Daemons soft squatting is probably a good thing.As it stands though, EC look to be "CSM but fast" whilst paradoxically not having raptors or warp talons.
>>94831239How so? I’ve adopted highlighting, improved the my brush control, even learned some colour theory now.
>>94831266Based GW
>>94830779Eisenhorn would make a terrible adaptation because of the whole "Eisenhorn cannot express emotions with his face" thing.Fine for a book, terrible for video.>>94830762>Which 40k book or series would make the best movie or TV adaptation?Lukas the Trickster.
>>94831278>I've adopted highlightingLmfao where
I was reading Sons of the Hydra (nice book btw, it's been a long time since I enjoyed reading something from BL) and I realized for the first time that AL usually are not very mutated like the other chaos legions. Is there a reason for that? Even unaligned legions like Night Lords sometimes become massive blobs, the guys from First Claw in the NL trilogy got some pretty bad cases. Or is just me? I had a hard time finding mutated AL art/minis, most of their models looks like from HH era.
>>94831294You have to at least be semi-accurate with your shitpost critiques if you want people to give you the attention you crave
>>94830991The dread itself is chipped and busted but the sargophagus is more or less pristine. Cool detail.
>>94831277I'm talking about the actual models they all look inoffensive and forgettable at best and hilariously bad like the cone heads and speakerman at worst
Can I apply pic related to normal primaris marines or do people reject that sort of thing when playing?
>>94831117wasn't there recently a book where Fabius Bile faced off against Cawl and more or less did exactly that?
do i buy a hand gun or start a world eaters army or invest that money?
>>94831297>AL usually are not very mutated like the other chaos legions. Is there a reason for that?They don't spend much time in warp space. >most of their models looks like from HH eraTheir models are just the same as every other Chaos Space Marine.
>>94831323People encourage you to customize your guys, that's the whole hobby
>>94831323No one will care, you are the master of your own destiny.
>>94831311Yeah I was having fun feeding the troll but that last one wasn’t even worth responding to.
>>94831332I just heard people like to easily ID units and adding these things to normal marines makes it more difficult but I'm sure that I'm overreacting.
>>94831355A few capes won't make it harder to identifyThe thing that people will have problems with is if you give a guy something like a sword and pistol but say he has a normal 2h bolter
>>94831370got it
>>94831326Buy a hand gun and use that at your lgs to start your World Eaters army
>>94831326Save and buy a S&W model 10
>>94831385forgot to say invest the left over cash
>>94831393Fuck this dipshit buy a glock
Need some quick opinions on this armor. On the left you can see all the highlights so far, how's it looking? I quite like it. Im mainly wondering if I should add the final white highlight, seen middle (i tried it out on the back leg where it wouldnt really be visible) and you can see on the OG marine how it'd look. Im a little worried the white might make the night lord seem a bit too "bright" but at the same time I think the marine armor looks awesome with the white. Thoughts?
>>94831401A model 10 is funnier, but yeah, glock 17, ear protection and a few box of ammo
>>94831409This fucking sucks
>>94831326Depends. Do you already own a gun for what I presume is self defense and if yes then invest in a World Eaters Army. You'll probably be happier with your Warhammer 40k hobby side investment if you're into the miniature painting hobby than investing in something only to see the investment fail.>>94831385>recommending anon shoots up an LGS even as a joke.There have 4channer dudes arrested for threatening a sheriff's life in Minecraft, man. I wouldn't risk even joking about this kind of shit.
>>94831428I respect your opinion anon. I know I got a lot more to learn. That being said, help me out, white or no white?
>>94831409This fucking sex
>>94831409Highlights on the left look good where they are now, could add the white specular at just the sharpest points of light near the top of the model if you want to include em still
>>94831409I think the white looks good. Makes it seem like it’s really shining.
>>94830921It's the only way to play.
>>94831231There is one guy in the /wfbg/ threads who cares about DoW.
got one of those players at the LGS who hypes up 40k as a whole way too much, he got into it last yearthe type to go "thats cool" and collect an army of it or at least attempt to(benefit of the doubt: he does at least TRY to paint his models, more than most at the LGS)but you can tell he's the type of person to get all his lore from reddit or youtube videos, and he cant even pronounce "astra militarum" right (calls it "astra militarus")he told me yesterday that he wanted to start collecting carchaodons, and he was insinuating that he was going to buy an ENTIRE khorne berzerkers box just for the chainaxeshe's also frankenstiened a baneblade (even though he's only been into it a few months, he already owns one) because he built it as a shadowsword but wanted to use the baneblade turret too, he never asked anyone to help do it correctly, so he slapped a bunch of armour plates on the bottom so it (somewhat) sits in place on top of the hole where the shadowsword turret is taken off (the hull piece with the hull mounted heavy bolters is glued onto the tracks)
>>94831455>>94831458Alright, white it is. Thanks for the help.
>>94831470Is he at least happy?
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
>>94831470I fail to see the problem.
>>94831478fairly certain he doesnt have a job, so could be happier if he just asked people for help about things or where to get stuff
>>94831033Thunderkyn and jaegers are how the whole army should have looked.
>>94831490>doesn't have a jobOh shit. He's gonna feel miserable like me eventually. Tell him about Ebay Rescues to save money at the very least. And at least warn him about hobby burn out to have take it easy.
>>94831470Just let the dude have fun?
>>94831470Do him a favor and tell him the cataphractii weapon upgrade comes with plastic chain axes that he won't have to de-chaosify at the very least
>>94831488>>94831506i'm concerned because that's the type of person GW takes advantage of, I was guillable like that once so I can see the signshe does almost exclusively buy from GW, and needlessly spend money for bitz (e.g he wanted "truescale" deathwatch so bought an intercessors kit just for the legs)
>>94831297Sneaky guys who infiltrate local governments pretending to be loyalists while getting their agents into the local guard so they can undermine the planet from within would not benefit from le hecking mutations. It's perhaps a flaw of 40k that the daemons never try to hide themselves instead of just sharting freaks everywhere.
>>94831409I like the white, I'd say keep it. Your take is pretty interesting, it actually looks unique. The splotchy contrast layer isn't even noticeable anymore. You plan on learning to blend eventually?
>>94831445>There have 4channer dudes arrested for threatening a sheriff's life in Minecraft, man. I wouldn't risk even joking about this kind of shit.You can't prove he said that
>>948313551. Most people playing casually or even competitively don't know and don't give a shit about the ins-and-outs of your army. They can't tell your models apart. Who's the unit champion? Is that a heavy flamer, or a flamer? It doesn't really matter. Just tell them who's who and it's fine, as long as you're not substituting a Land Raider with a shoe box.2. It's in the spirit of the hobby to customize your dudes. They're your dudes after all.
>>94831409But why is one chaos and the other primaris?
>>94831553Absolutely they can when they subpoena 4chan and they supply information about the poster including what device they used. Did you think 4chan isn't also collecting data on you?
>>94831318gotta take care of your homies
Damn I went to take a piss and things escalated. Gonna go play some Vidya.
Do you play on a clock competitively? I'm trying to learn my 150 carapace guardsman army lost, and I'm clocking out turn 3 in the two games so far.
>>94831574paint some models instead
>>94831580No I'm doing that tomorrow at the LGS
>>94831565Authorities can tongue my anusWarhammer 40k
>>94831553't matter nowadays. I unironically like this little Warhammer 40k community and I don't want members going to jail. Except the shitposting assholes. Now the above link guy was genuinely threatening the sheriff's life, and the anon here is just joking, but words get weaponized to harm anybody these days.
>>94831551Thanks anon. Im adding the white right now, and it looks great. Definitely the right call.>Learning to blendI did try one time on this model's skin. I dont dislike it, I just found over time I enjoy this more rough/painterly style more than smooth blends. >>94831561The primaris was a free lgs model that I experimented on to figure out the blue and the lightning effects.
>>94831594>The primaris was a free lgs model that I experimented on to figure out the blue and the lightning effects.Oh shit can I ask my warhammer store for a free guy? I need another deathwatch guy
>>94831409If you're painting Night Lords why not use the white for the lightning patterning?
>>94831593None of that is real, but the FBI blackbagging people like Madthad is real.
>>94830762are we actually happy with these sculpts? they hardly look different than bog standard black legion marines
>>94831529Thanks to his gullibility you get to enjoy 40k, assuming you enjoy 40k that is.I friend I introduced 40k into told two of her friends, who immediately went to their local Warhammer store and bought the Ultimate Starter Set, shittons of paints and brushes, a water cup and so on with 0 market research. They have money but it's just wild to me that they buy stuff in an instant. I'm probably just too poor to make such purchases and just complaining.
>>94831470so a guy is having fun and you're upset about it? this says more about you then it does about him
>>94831612I havent done the lightning yet, that'll be after, and itll be purple/pink. See left shoulder pad, that's the one I ended up liking most.
>>94831218Highlight the raised volumes more. They look fine at 6 inches away but you want more extreme contrast to make it pop at tabletop distance
You ever look back through all your crap and be able to clearly see the improvement?
>>94831470Carnac, none of this happened.
>>94831603You can try, Im sure they have some old stuff laying around. I just asked the manager if they have any free models to paint some experiments on and they gave me that free marine and a free stormcast guy with a spear.
>>94831631Did that today.
>>94831617You try too hard.
>>94830762>TQThe Horus Heresy.
>>94831529>the type of person GW takes advantage ofYou mean... the type of person who looks at GW products and then decides to buy them, and then he gets exactly what the box contents said he would get?You make it sound really dramatic. It's simply called a purchase, anon.
>>94831665Do you understand how expensive just space marines would be? The should would need a film budget for every episode.
>>94831671I don't know.
>>94831660fuck off james
>>94831648compare World Eaters, Thousand Sons, and Death Guard to a standard Black Legion marine and tell me I'm wrong
>>94831688World Eaters look pretty similar too honestly.
Gonna order a 44x60 mat soon but not sure if I should grab a PVC or a mousepad one. PVC seems sturdy and easy to clean, while mousepad is soft and comfy but might be a bitch to clean. PVC is also cheaper.
>>94831688I don’t remember the black legion having cloven hooves for toes or tabards or sonic weapons as large as their torsos.
>>94831628Thank you. I only did warpstone on them so far, I’ve only recently come around to 3 colour highlights to brighten things up more since I did my tau and crusader squad. I think my best actual mini so far is the newest “Vulkan” I’ve done, the sword brother kitbash.>>94831644Oh wow. Brighter really is better. The problem I’ve been having is now it takes like 3 times longer to finish things. Though I’ve been going back and touching up older stuff when I can. Going hog wild with freehand hasn’t helped that.
>>94831695Why would you need to clean it?
>>94831707Overall dirt and mostly spillage. My LGS has PVC mats and I think it's good enough.
>>94831694They are pretty much 1:1 if we ignore the shoulder pads and helmets
>>94831644Metallics are the most noticeable improvement, nice.
>>94831717Don't stuff your fat face with food over the mat and you don't have to worry about it
>>94831631Yeah, you can't though.
>>94831703none of those lend themselves to a distinct silhouette in the way that the iconic helmet design and bloated armor of World Eaters/Thousand Sons and Death Guard respectively do
>>94831617No, they're lackluster sculpts for a boring army that didn't need to be implementedbe excited for them to have even less players than Tsons and WE because their roster is even more barren but they don't even get the benefit of having cool looking dudes in it
>>94831729>>94831735>>94831737>>94831751>Nothing negativity and seething.And you wonder why you’re angry and unhappy.
>>94831470He sounds fun and you sound like a faggot
>>94831770I'm very pleasantly disposedI had no attachment to EC and seeing them get an awful launch was mirthful for me
Here's the finished armor + the text on the gun. The white looks sick but fuck me is it so annoying when the paint dries before I even lift it off the wet pallete and it just wont come off the bristles. That's how I messed up the "e" on the gun there, stupid black paint just wouldnt cooperate. Tomorrow I got some plasticard coming in from amazon, but ill be out so Ill see if I can get the white marble base done sunday. Hopefully it wont be too annoying without an airbrush. Its just lightning, basing, and other effects like blood splatters and stuff left. God if It takes me this long to paint one guy ill be working on this kt all of 2025. Hopefully the next ones go a little faster.
>>94831323It depends on the store, if it's an offical warhammer shop then it will depend on the manager. I've visited a very strict store where the guy said if the model isn't 80-90% GW then you might be going home without a game, or at the least you'll have to store them away out of sight.If it's your FLGS or club then you'll usually be fine.
>>94831770I'm very happy, especially when I thank god that I'm not Sallyfag
>>94831781rent free
Anybody have that excerpt from the new Tau book about the dude who's in love with a Tau lady
>new codex’s for World Eaters/Thousand Sons/Plague Marines teasedWith how things have gone historically, that should also mean new Combat Patrols for them too. Will GW do better or worse than 30 Pox Walkers or 20 Tzangors?
>>94831762>Did you know GW is actually very evil because they literally manufacture things and then sell them? They really are taking advantage of the people who decide to buy them!
>>94831776Very nice anon. You could do a bit of a glaze on those speculars to smooth them out, but it's really good as is.
>>94831776This little spots of white look SO.FUCKING.GOOD
>>94831706Your welcome. You are improving. Best advice I have ever heard on this is highlight it so you think it's bright enough, then do another brighter highlight.
>>94831788I can't even remember other World Eater units than Berzerkers
>>94831064Surely dark elves?
>>94831809Glad you think so anon, Im glad I asked for opinions and didnt stop one layer earlier.>>94831804>GlazingMy one weakness. I really should get a kill team or a unit of cultists or something and really try to learn how to glaze properly. Everytime I tried it was... not great.
>>94831840Why the fuck would it be dark elves
>>94831831Eightbound/exalted eightbound (same kit with options, it's impossible to tell them apart so WE players usually base them differently). They look like absolute shit.
>>94831840No, Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarfs are being relegated to AoS.
>>94831788pox boys
>>9483178830 tzaangors and a sorceror, no marines
>>9483148111th ed starter boxDark eldar>Tanalus or something like it>new kabilites>new wyches>court of the arcon>grotesksSpace Marines>Assault terminators>Vanguard Vets>new land speeder>Las cannon infantry?I dunno honesly they are running out of stuff to squat and replace
>>94831781literally rent free
>>94831878I think all remaining manlets are gonna be legends'd come 11th
>>94831878I'd legit be disappointed if we are regulated to another xeno edition. We need more chaos.
>>94831874>Dark Elves and Chorfs will get new detailed models instead of getting repackaged 20 year old minis that are price gouged to hell and backDamn
>>94831481>>94831878>thinking the forgotten le edgy torture meme faction will get anything more than scraps>thinking it DESERVES more than scrapslmoa
>>94831878>Tanalus or something like it>lord of War sized vehicle in a starter boxthat will never ever happen
>>94831858Most people assume that TOW is just "WHFB, but with updated models", which naturally includes Dark Elves as they were a faction in WHFB. Personally, I look forward to whatever they do in AoS, because it's going to be more interesting than WHFB's Dark Elves.
>>94831878It's looking increasingly dire for Dark Eldar, bro.
>>94831896Well hey, they sell better than Blood Angels, and those got an update, so why not?
>>94831906>they sell better than Blood Angelsgood bait
>>94831906You're only saying that because you're jealous!
>>94831859It's wild to me that they managed to make the EC 6bound look even worse than eightbound somehow
>>94831912I wouldnt say they are worse, just boring.
>>94831762what book are they reading here?
>>94831776The stencling on the pistol is aces, good work.
>>94831923They're absolutely worse
>>94831926Thanks anon. Ill see if I can clean up the F and E a bit more next time i paint.
>>94831930Chaos worship truly is the worst thing imaginable for your skincare huh.
I honestly feel like the black/pink color scheme is doing a big disservice to the EC lineup. I feel like if they were painted in classic purple/gold or some other bright combination of colors theyd look and feel a lot more "slaaneshy"
>>94831937Chaos worship tends to mean you have extra skin left over.
>>94831912>>94831930Hi, hello, yes, fellow bots, I understand we are in outrage engagement farming, but I'd like to point, as a more levelheaded DARPA social experiment, that we are at the point in the Games Workshop model product life cycle that the current line of product is designed in such a way to encourage the further development of Games Workshop presents: The HobbyTM by crafting and sculpting and challenging yourself to engage with the design language of the product in a way that creates a bespoke The HobbyTM experience with your use of the Games Workshop intellectual property and model products.
>>948319256th ed rulebook
>>94831941Back to //HHG/ with you! But more seriously, black+pink is fine, the problem is the pink they used was just too flat and dull, it needs to pop more.
>>94831941you can always paint your EC in whatever colour you'd like, you don't have to paint them the colours they show on the box if you don't want to
>>94831930for followers of god that's about excess these look really boring
>>94831947What sort of bizarre cope is thisNobody ever liked the emperor's children, they've always been the least popular even before the Tsons changed into the first stand alone cult legion, nobody wanted this and they objectively look bland at best and offensive at worst
Chaosfags are the worst. They get new models, and then they complain.
>>94831948I was wondering why that shit was so big, that makes a lot of sense, thanks anon
>>94831964Yeah nobody else ever does that
>>94831964unironically that happens every time James shows off New Thing regardless of the faction it belongs to
>>94831964All this general does is complain no matter who's getting new models
>>94831947>we're now pretending the Fulgrim reveal wasn't just /40kg/ clowning on his derpy AF face and axe wound for two daysSlaanesh will never be popular so long as GW insists on making them all ugly, simple as.
>>94831964Wow they announced a faction nobody wanted (thus wasting resources) and then the reveal showed everything was either awful or forgettable why are people complaining I don't get it
>>94831859>it's impossible to tell them apartExalted have buzzsaw hands or a chainglaive.
>>94831964Just because of you I’m gonna find something to be mad about with my army’s next release.
why are there so many units based off of what were single models in older editionsdid we really need a full codex for EVERY chaos god's pet space marines
>>94831961I'm engaging with your post. Turbo cocaine wound fuck Slaaneshi posting is a topic dear and near to the heart of this general and website at large. Lest ye forget the hallowed tales of Doomrider visiting these threads.As self evident by the referential design queues of the current Slanny tranny muhreens back to their RT origins James and the team has really outdone themselves in providing an exceptional Modeling Product Produced In The United Kingdoms for global content creators to flex their painting prowess and engage with controversial topics in a wholesome and uplifting way.
I play only dark eldar, eldar and soon ECWhat does this mean?
>>94831974Nah the Eldar refresh was well received, people just tend to get mad when NewThing isn't just OldThing but done better.
>>94831998it means you're a faggot
>>94831991>having options badif you want to play games where the opposing army looks exactly the same as yours I would suggest chess over 40k
*sigh* As usual it's the zoomers complaining
What base size are the krieg engineers?
>>94831955Obviously if I get them im painting them in leopard print and wild rainbow colors, I was just saying.
>>94831991Four cult legion books would be fine if they squatted chaos knights and demons
>>94832007Talking completely out of my ass, 28mms.
>>94832014Good news. Demons are squatted.
>>94831409how did you do this highlight style?? I've been wanting to try something like this for a long time. this brush-hatching into verybright colors/white.every time i try it like on pic rel's butt or the shield skull it comes out looking like garbo. do you have any tips or a tutorial you can link? ANYBODY PLS
>>94831999>he doesn't remember the great Dark Reaper shitfit
>>94831776this is fucking outstanding anon but it's genuinely not sustainable. you will burn yourself out painting like this. my suggestion is to keep it this insanely good to one model a squad or else you will never finish and just have 1 or 2 awesome models and then a bunch of primed dudes stowed away
>>94831978My friend and fellow poster, as evident by the mounds of wankbait cumstain resin huffing third party perpetual fuck models is evident, there will be no shortage, praise be to James in his infinite generosity of spirit for delivering onto the Third Party Market this opportunity, of """""sexy""""" alternatives for you to consume, let alone have visited upon the stock Nottingham plastic.
>>94832001I literally am
>>94832018needs thinner lines m8
>>94832019Dark reapers are the one refreshed aspect that got shit on and honestly all they need is a headswap, all the others look good.
>>94832023nta but have you considered the concept that maybe he isn't racing to complete his army and just wants to have fun painting cool dudes?
Is there an up to date guide on what the best way to get into each faction would be, which models/product to buy first for your army and options to expand from there, and such? Combat patrols seem to mostly be bait products repackaging leftovers that didn't sell with a few cool things to attract buyers, so they don't look like a great starting point.
>>94832039it seems from his post that he doesn't want to spend all of 2025 on one squad.
>>94831999Eldar sell great, Dark Eldar sell great, Chaos of all flavors sells great, everything with "Warhammer" on it sells fantastically, and this has been the trend for almost a decade now, so I'm betting that these EC minis are going to sell fantastically as well. This board is the worst assessment of what is and is not popular because it's composed mostly of people who are only interested in Warhammer as a political statement, not because they actually make, paint, and play with minis.
>>94832043There's not a guide for each army, but if you're looking for a specific army you can ask for help here.Keep in mind, for 2 factions, it's impossible to start.
>>94832057Which ones would those be?
>>94832043What faction are you interested in anon
>>94832023I don't doubt it anon, but thats why I only paint like 2-3 hours per day and I dont paint every day. What keeps me going is not being in any rush to finish by some arbitrary deadline. Sure this means I spend 2 weeks painting just 1 guy, but thats kind of what I enjoy most about 40k in general. Besides I can always take a break and paint some hormagaunts or something if I wanna make "progress">>94832018Sure. One sec.
>>94832043first models you should pick up are one box of your favorite looking dudes, and then one box of troops required to make that army function. paint the troops first and then you'll have some painting u Der your belt so you can feel more confident when you tackle your favorites
>>94832058guard and admech
>>94832062>but thats kind of what I enjoy most about 40k in general.well more power to you anon your painting is insanely good
>>948320439th ed combat patrols are/were great ways to start an army, look for one
>>94832024I'm don't "sexy" third parties, I want a proper balance of mounstrous and alluring they did a good job with fiends and Syl'Eske. The whole they're attractive because of a daemon aura cop-out is doesn't make the models look any better.
>>94832067well fuck I liked guard
>>94832067Hilariously poor choices for your first army
>>94832078Buy 6 dorn or something
>>94832067I don't think you had to spoiler that anon, they're pretty well known for being tough to start and always have been asode from the giant battleforces they used to do
>>94832077Slaaneshi shit isn't "alluring", it's hideous. That's the point. It appeals to people who are already depraved and preys upon that depravity. Chaos isn't "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" it's "four evil gods are blasting your brain with badvibes to make sin so that they can feast on your misery".
>>94832087That would be like 2 grand today.
Anons, it's time. James Workshop needs their new round of Combat Patrols. Give me your dream combat patrol for /yourguys/.Remember, 500 points-ish, £100 at GW's price, no more than a 40% discount.
>>94832077>94832077Hi, hello, i'm sorry, you've failed to engage with the broader noospheric concept of Warhammer 40,000 "The Game" itself being a fractal representation of the topics it engages with and the presumption of "warp aura" enhancing the allure of product being a self referential reality of the mechanism by which the Warhammer 40,000 product is designed in such a way to be "telling" of the intention and desire of the consumer by their own discretion.
>>94832043have you considered 2000 points of dreadnoughts
>>94832094>Slaaneshi shit isn't "alluring", it's hideous.And the slaaneshi marines aren't hideousthey're just boring or badly designedthere's no real gripping body horror like you'd thinkthere's no gross interpretation of excessive sexuality or drugs other than le corset and singular tit armor and vials of green juice on some backpacksit just looks terribly boring
>>94832077Slaanesh sex is best described as a doujin that's so degenerate that despite it theoretically having the tags you find sexy, it's so turned up to 11 and unappealing that all but the worst degens find it hideous.
>>94832067>>94832081Which ones are considered beginner friendly then? I know Custodians are cheap and Necrons are easy to paint but I'm not especially interested in either in terms of their aesthetics, samey blobs of gold and silver respectively.
>>94832114This is the only safe way to engage, desu,2000pts of Dreadnoughts would break the entire narrative theyre trying to craft tho.
Uh oh the no models secondary is equating Slaanesh worship with sex again
>>94832114DreadKING rises
>>94832114I like you.
>>94832125Huh, given how close Chogoris seems to be to Badab I am surprised the White Scars didn't do anything during the war against Huron.
>>94831930not a big fan of the all the exposed flesh even though I understand that is part of EC's aesthetic. I would have liked if they took some design cues from MKIV armor, and you could see some remnants of pre-heresy filigrees
>>94832140Trying and failing to member berries the only decent art of an EC marine
>>94832121Loyalist Marines are cheap enough second-hand.Nids have a decently cheap core thanks to the Leviathan setCustodes and NecronsGrey KnightsStrangely enough, the Drukhari Combat Patrol is so cheap and cost effective that if you can access it, the army isn't the worst aside from a few things being out of print.
>>94832114based and dreadpilled
>>94832094>Slaaneshi shit isn't "alluring", it's hideous. That's the point.The point is it's supposed to be both, not either/or. It's supposed to gross you out with body horror that is also strangely alluring, insead we just get ugly that does neither.
>>94832139Probably busy elsewhere. Marines can spend decades or centuries away from their homeworld.
>>94832055>Everything is great>I will talk about but not tolerate talk of politicsThe most radical centrist.
>>94832115That's how they always were you dumbass fake grog. You're just another clown who's in love with his own head cannon idea of what Chaos should be and not what it has been reflecting in game since 1980. You need to let go and just accept they'll never be what you want them to be in your vision.
>>94832155You're trying a little too hard bud
Chaos isn’t boring, marines are. We need a dedicated edition for the non marine side of chaos. Cultists, guards, xenos, demons, and named demon princes that aren’t just fucking marines.
>>94832144The rest are based on the original 1990s concept art too.
>>94832155I don't want EC, they should've never been a factionDoesn't mean I can't complain about how absolutely uninspired and boring the designs are15 people will buy this flop of an army that could've been resources spent on fleshing out the other two actually popular cult legions
Are the EC Primaris size?
>>94832182No, they're going to be CSM sized just like DG and WE and Tsons
>>94832018So here's the general gist of it. The first thing you need to do is pick an angle from which light will hit your model. This can be any angle, but i recommend doing one for the front of the model, and one from the back of the model, so that way light hits it all over. Once you have your light angle figured out, next you gotta figure out where the light hits the shapes of your model. Imagine this cylinder as the leg of the model right, The black bar is where the light hits the cylinder most. With that line determined, you pick your colors. Start from darkest you have and go up from there. What you do is try to draw as thin lines as you can and do a sort of triangular shape, angled towards the top where the light is hitting most. Try to keep the lines in that triangular shape, but dont worry if they look sketchy since that's the point. Then repeat that a few times, each time making the initial "triangle" smaller and smaller within the previous layer. Then when you feel like you're done, you can do two very very thin lines of white, one going along the edge where the light hits, and one going very slightly down (across where the line of light initially hit)Thats how it works for a cylinder, but the same should apply for all sorts of shapes. Keep in mind that the "triangle" doesnt always face Up, it faces towards the most prominent edge that you're trying to highlight. (you can see for example on my model with the hand, the two triangles on the forearm and bicep are angled towards the hand, to the left) For things like your cloth, I imagine that your light wont hit in a straight line necesarily, so your triangle might look more "wavy". I cant say for sure, since I havent tried this method on non-armor materials. Goodluck, hope it helps.
>>94832182we don't know, they don't show off size comparisons when things are teased for the first time
>>94832188They look taller
>>94832182No. Though the notsessed will probably be.
>>94832018>>94832191Forgot pic like a dumbass.
>>94832195because they're skinny
>>94832195They just have thinner armour.
>>94832146You mean generic compliant marines or the snowflake chapters? The former don't seem to have much reason to play them over the more specialist chapters unless you just like the ultramarine charactersTyranids depend on how pronounced the whole swarm thing is with them nowadays because painting the same identical little shitters dozens and dozens of times with no variation sounds like it'd get old.
>>9483210530 tzaangorsThousand sons sorceror
>>94832180Iron warriors will never have a dedicated range
>>94832121Just play Guard, the only reason they get memed on is because you have to paint a lot. Why are you even bothering to get into this game if you aren't going to play what you actually want.The only actual unironically bad faction to start as is Admech. Insanely expensive as fuck, annoying to paint, fragile hard to transport models and your reward for that? Garbage boring rules and complete abandonment by GW
>>94832191This guy's got it right. You can reduce a model to all sorts of basic shapes to determine how light ought to hit them, that way you can use that to really bring out parts of the model, it's also more interesting than having to highlight everything.
>>94832194>>94832198>>94832202>>94832206Why can’t they just make everything Primaris size
>>94832213Okay? Nobody but secondaries want them to
>>94832170You will take your marines and you will like themt. james
>>94832213They'll maybe get a kill team squad like Night Lords did. However, IW fans will complain that it's too Chaosy for their Chaos Space Marines because it's still based on the Legionnaire kit.
>>94832201>>94832018And I accidentally a layer. This is the proper pic.
>>94832225You’re a secondary
>>94832221>>94832191wat do when your opponents have a scheme that contradicts your models baked in light source? how much time does it take to properly align a unit on table to make sure theyre all positioned lighting accurateWHAT AM I GOING TO DO IF THE MODLED FABRICS ARE BLOWING IN CONFLICTING DIRECTIONS AAAAAAHHHHHH
>>9483210510 gors 1 shaman 1 enlightened gor 1 vortex beast
>>94832222They can do it, but why would they?
>>94832208Generic marines get access to a few buffs the snowflakes don't and are better right now
>>94832036They don't even need a headswap, just paint their helmets as Jes Goodwin intended in their original art and they look great.
>>94832238I would do it in a way that suits the model's pose, I think it'll work with all of them together.
>>94832105Oops, all Tzaangors.Again.
>>94831889Truethfully I was predicting hoping that it would be Dark eldar vs Emperors Children, but I knew GW doesnt have the balls to not put mommys big boy space marines in the box.>>94831897Maybe, maybe not. I could easily see them making a new flashy vehicle for Vect and the court of the arcon to ride in on.
>>94832215I will say guard does benefit from having a "standy" models that will never be bad on the table.Like you'll never not have a use for guardsmen and battle tanks While with something like space marines any unit could change from "useful" to "garbage" in one update.Actual question for loyalist space marine playersIs there any single non-character unit that's been at least decent across multiple editions
>>94832241It would make me happy and I think that matters a lot
I wanna try copying one of our other marinefags custom schemes on a model just for fun. Which one should I pick?
>>94832250>A box with the least popular xenos army vs the least popular chaos armyLolLmao
>>94832182Best guess is they will be slightly in between, like death guard. Regular csm are too small.
>>94832256Sallyfag but good.
>>94832257deldar are more popular than eldar
Can't wait for daemons to get squatted and suddenly this entire thread will mysteriously be life long daemon players who never posted until now.
>>94832238>wat do when your opponents have a scheme that contradicts your models baked in light source?Thats merely warp light affecting the battlefield. Its natural for your models to have different lighting compared to your opponent's >how much time does it take to properly align a unit on table to make sure theyre all positioned lighting accurateWell if you paint them all the same lighting angle, shouldnt be an issue. (but you shouldnt do that, try to find your model's "Golden angle" for perfect lighting)>WHAT AM I GOING TO DO IF THE MODLED FABRICS ARE BLOWING IN CONFLICTING DIRECTIONS AAAAAAHHHHHHThat doesnt seem like a problem? Light hits from the same direction, so the cloths will be shaded and lit the same way
>>94832259Regular csm are too small? But they just got updated! By 15th edition, are marines going to be on kastelan sized bases or something?
>>94832262No they're not
>>94832235Is this how to paint thongs on minis?
>>94832260Alright I'll give it a shot.
>>94832269I hope so
>>94832256sallyfag or orange and tealfag>>94832267I'll be sad for the khorne daemonfag because he literally just finished his army
Aren’t thousand sons one of the cheaper armies even with the combat patrol being the way it is? They really don’t need to include the firstborn looking models there if they don’t need to.
>>94832257I will admit it was medical grade cope.
>>94832278That's too much space for one marine anon
>>94832269>15th edition>Marines now use 80mm bases>New tanks are on 230mm pie plates>Guardsmen still on 25mm
>>94832105>Gravis BulwarkApothecary Biologis, 5 Heavy Intercessors, 3 Eradicators, Repulsor.>Phobos Decapitation StrikeLibrarian in Phobos Armour, 3 Eliminators, 10 Infiltrators/Incursors, Invictor Warsuit, >Tacticus Elite SquadronChaplain with Jump Pack (New), 5 Hellblasters, 5 Sternguard, 5 Vanguard vets, Impulsor
>>94832260how do you even fix that scheme without completely changing it
>>94832274Well EC just got revealed so sure.
>>94832238snippem and reposition them it ain't that big of a deal
>>94832286>Guardsmen still on 25mm>Except for the new karskin who are now on 60mm bases
>>94832269Ok I posted this pic las thread, but ill do it again for you. CSM and HH marines share the same scale. On the left is a human. Does that beaky look seven and a half feet tall to you?
>>94832281The last time GW did a non marine vs box it was eldar vs dark eldar right? And it sold like shit because they put fucking 25 year old sculpts in it
>>94832288I'll just remove the gold boots and metallic backpack. I'll pick a model without any cloth so I dont have to worry about the blue.
>>94832250the biggest model they've ever put in a start box is a ballistus and the big tyranid monster from leviathan and that was a massive box
>>94832296I think they've always been a bit of an abstraction, it is heroic scale after all, I like that they ended up on slightly bigger bases and look overall bigger at least
Is it just me or is the EC range pretty mid overall.
>>94832317it's shit
>>94832256purpleanon or the orange and tealanon would be pretty reconizable. or sally anon if you do some flame freehand
>>94830892>I want more primarimutt aids ruining firstborn please, I've been a good little corpo supporter Geedubs
>>94832274if you want to paint sandals there's plenty of aos models wearing them
>>94832301Dark vengance is the only box I can think of that doesnt have ultramarines on one side. (Dark angels vs cms) which is ironically the box with the MOST space marines in it lol.
>>94832337Australia go away
>>94832334post your firstborn army
Blood pact when
>>94832242Oh, huh. I heard for a while that a common complaint was that the generic units were powered low because of the snowflake chapters abusing them on top of their unique options, but I guess they solved that. I assume "generic marines" still really means "ultramarines" because they have the most unique stuff?
>>94832317Yeah they leaned too hard into them looking like old washed-up, burned out, drug destroyed, dying rockers and not enough into the fun loving xenobite aesthetic. I'd have enjoyed seeing one or two guys trying to stay pure and perfect but failing too.
>>94830960yes. It's called CAD and the totally organic posters of these shill threads will never admit they just copy-pasted primaris files onto the 3D model of this one. Also a noise champion without the sword is shit. The best part was the face design and the sword.
>>94832349any of the codex compliant chapters are pretty bonkers right now
>>94832313Thats not what heroic scale means, it just mean they have big and easy to sculpt and paint heads and hands and are all built different. Not that they have nlips.32mm bases on mini-marines was a psyop to make them look even more rediculous next to primaris when they launched 3 years later. Btw, that beaky is mounted on a 28.5mm base, they look really bad on 32mm.
>>94832352Retard >>94831083
>>94832105>Jump Lord>Raptors>New bikes>Predator
>>94832352why are you talking about Canadian dollars
>>94832364at least make it funny you little shit
>>94832310You fucking coward.
>>94830960Isn't this just lemartes with a chaos skin on?
>>94832370HOW ELSE CAN HE DO IT?!
>>94832349If you don't have snowflake units your oath of moment gives +1 to wound.This makes the Knight matchup especially really funny since all of your chaff S4 AP1 guns are now reroll to hit, wound on a 5, save on a 4 for Knights.Which REALLY adds up considering every Marine tank gets like 30 for free.
>>94832381Knights get cover, but the extra wounds do add up.
>>94832370But the blue looks so off with the rest of the scheme. I like to think I'm a decent painter but I can't pull it off in a way I'd be happy with.
>>94832310>trying to steal their cool sneakersgormless
>>94832007Check the GW webstore. They tell you exactly what bases are in each box. The engineers are at 25mm.
>>94832346>>94832341>no true rebuttal>no defenseI rest my case
>>94832397So, no models?
>>94832397Nta but counterpoint:>it's not all bad
>>94832394>gold sneakers>on an army exclusively made up of ooga boogasIs sallyman secretly based?
>>94832411he's got some white dudes in his army too I think
>>94832411Naw a bunch of them are white, I think he even tried to make a couple look Asian.
>>94832301Wasn't it also being sold at basically full MRSP of the individual components with zero discount?
I did a 100% scientifically accurate comparison.EC surprisingly thick around the middle.
>>94832378they reuse poses all the time
>>94832439god the nuzerker kit is so fucking GOOD
>>94832439NTA, but realistically speaking, there's only so many poses you can use before it starts getting silly.>inb4 breakdancing slaanesh marines would be appropriateYes, but it didn't happen
>>94832422Not quite but it was randomly like £20 more than every equivalent box of the time so the discount was crap
>>94832439Soulless. I miss the days when you could see that a person had made the model with their hands, imperfections and all.
been working on some stuff>Leviathan terminator librarian with some GK bits
>>94832378>>94832439You mean there's a limited number of poses a guy can make? Whoa.
>>94832462>custom chimera for inquisition force>heavy incinerator requisitioned from Titan
it's wild how even the Thousand Sons has better marine sculpts than EC
>>94832468>little prop that will be inside the front of the chimera>was very fun thing to paint funny enough
>>9483246099% of models that were sculpted in the old days were just tposing due to the limits of casting tech at the time.
>>94832475Thousand Sons were the last of the true marines.
>>94832463Come on guy. For example do you think it was necessary to make the techmarine and warpsmith have the same pose? It's lazy and it's everywhere once you look at the power armor models from the last few years.
>>94832462>>94832468>>94832478very cool, they look like they'll be fun to paint
>>94832215It's not like guard is the only army I liked, but I'll keep it in mind, thanks. In terms of which factions I like... Like: Guard, Sisters, Thousand Sons, Deldar, Nids, Orks Mixed: Nekrons, Custodes, most MarinesDislike: Admech, Space Wolves, rest of CSM, Eldar, GSC, Votann, TauI assume there wouldn't be too many issues with any of the armies I feel at least somewhat positive about aside from Guard's high cost per points?
>>94832460Every model used to be squatting like they were doing a shit in the 90s, bait
>>94832439Why can't they stop posing marines like they're about to tip over
New EC looks fantastic. No idea why people here are complaining.
>>94832463>>94832454I just gave an example I didn't say it wasn't unavoidable or a bad thing. just that we have so many minis now that we can see repeated poses that have been built on the same CAD armature
>>94832517People here are misanthropes and cynics who complain about every new model
>>94832515Hushhhh I'm farming (you)s dont expose me
>>94832518Oh you fucking NOTICED ? ? ? enjoy your psychic damage you IP damaging fucking chud HOW DARE YOU
>>94832517I think they're cool. but they're weird enough that I can see why others might not like them
>>94832490>For example do you think it was necessary to make the techmarine and warpsmith have the same pose?They don't actually have the same pose. They have very similar poses, but that's actually intended since they're supposed to be reminiscent.
>>94832253not a space marines player but I don't think a generic lieutenant or captain has ever been "bad". maybe not optimal but never bad.
>Captain in Terminator Armor>5 Terminators>5 Hellblasters>3 BladeguardIs this an alright 500 point list? Looking to choose from models I already have, but also not just the Combat Patrol. Also it’d just be for a beginner’s game.
>>94832517I have never given a shit about chaos but I like these. Might build up a 1k point side army
>>94832475Thousand sons suck all the way. I wouldn’t mind a oops all tzangor combat patrol because no fucking way am I getting some stunty
>>94832517They look absolutely forgettable and uninspiredWaste of an update, should've gone to Tsons or world eaters
>>94832517>those land raiderswew lad we hello kitty now
>>94832538just build what you think is cool for your list, 500pt games are so unbalanced that there's no point in stressing over it
>>94832517They're not unique enoughCould have just been some upgrade sprues for regular CSM
>>94832439>>94832445>>94832445Genuinely lame. They could have had them aura farming instead of this forced posing.
>Aeldari Codex release listed as coming before the Astra Militarum codexBased but how the fuck does this work? The Astra Militarum already got their codex leaked.
>>94832567what the fuck is this zoomer babble even supposed to mean
>>94832518>just that we have so many minis now that we can see repeated posesUsually the poses aren't actually repeated though. There's different proportions and other differences. Looking at the comparison of the assault intercessors and berserkers for instance I can see that the angles of the legs and toros are all different. You're missing a lot of minor variation in the poses because they have the same leg raised is seems.
>>94832463>>94832454Overheads, thrusting, or punching motions would be better than this
>>94832570GW doesn't consider the army set with early codex to be the actual release date. So we're getting elves before main IG releases maybe?
>>94832517It's just the usual tourist invasion whenever a new model comes out.
>>94832580Post your models
>>94832572If you don’t get it then you never will famalam.
>>94832517>>94832525>>94832540>>94832554Why do AoS hedonites of slaanesh MOG the hell out of EC?also>EC already has more unique models than WEprofound sadness...
>>94831243It's specifically those floating hills from some Cathay art.
>>94832517They look good in their own right (jes goodwin's 80s rock and roll theme) but Alen Bligh's 30k aesthetic is just way more my thing. Just never cared for the whole chaos corruption thing.
>>94832570The army boxes don't count as the official release for the purposes of these roadmaps, even though it comes with the codex. Same thing happened with Tau after their kroot box. The actual listed slot denotes when the codex and new kits are released independently.
>>94832517They're neat and I look forward to facing opponents with them. No interest in buying though.
>>94832589>EC already has more unique models than WENo they don't>fulgrim = angron>lucius = kharn>sound lord or whatever = lord invocatus>coneheads = eightbound>noise marines = berzerkers>legionaries = jakhals
>>94832589The thing I appreciate about hedonists is that there is actual body horror going on within every miniature. Even the mounts.
>Call it the Void Dragon>Just makes him a random giant guy that looks nothing like a dragonI will never forgive james for this.
>>94832605>look forward to facing opponents with themYou'll be waiting a long time to see anybody who wasted their money on these AND actually plays
>>94832606you're missing an entire unit and character anon
>>94832610>call him Ferrus Manus>make him the leader of the Iron Hands>make his ship called the Hand of Iron>his hands are actually made of necrodermis and not ironI hate James more than you can possibly imagine
>>94832597>>94832578That makes NO sense!
>>94832589hedonites look terrible too but they're at least something different unlike the forgettable flop that is this EC release
>>94832615Nope, that "other unit" is an alternate loadout for the legionaries and fabulous isn't in the EC codex
>>94832608>>94832624You can green stuff a tit or mouth or tentacle onto any surface of the new EC at the density of any DG unit and be A O K, bucko.Get sculpting!
>>94832634I'm not wasting my money on an army that shouldn't exist just to fix what they did wrong lmao
>>94832631this guy is a different character than the noise marine leader bro
>>94832634I can greenstuff your gob with a brahmins religion too. But I’d have to go out of my way to do that, and I’d rather not for something as clean as EC.
>>94832642Oh I didn't notice him because he looked so bland I just assumed it was the sergeant equivalent for the legionaries
>>94832623The army box sold out in minutes The new codex cannot be directly purchased from GW. GW does not want to treat that product as the universal standard until they are regularly selling it.It is dumb in the big picture, but there is some sense in it.
>that >bland too obvious, try harder with the bait next time
>>94832638I'm staring to think you have little intention of actually purchasing the product you claim to have a vested interest in....
>>94832659>y-you're baiting(you) have zero investment in this release, you're just here to be a contrarian and pretend people are actually happy with it>>94832664Never said I was interested in slaanesh trash, I'm still able to point out how awful this reveal was lmao
How do Grey Knights play against shooting-heavy armies? Specifically armies like Necrons, Imperial Guard, and Tau?
>>94825851>imperiumfags getting smug now that they're actually getting cute lady representationAeldariChads&Stacy's have always had this.
>>94832589You can. Literally just stick a Powerplant backpack on like 2/3s of the range and call them marines, and the rest you can call cultists.If tzeentch can use fucking tzaangor skyfires and shamans and burning chariots, you guys can Shanghai the aos slaanesh models
>>94832666The nice britanians from Nottingham worked hard on this product, please reconsider. You're being mean.
>>94832671Whose supposed to be cute
>>94832666satanic trips confirm
>>94832654Wow bro you're such a cool badass for that.
>>94832676Minka Lesk
>>94832683More like Minku Lesk
will my wheaties get some love in the months to come? will i remain a broken, under-functioning army?
Aeldari will have a competitively codex that is the most fun codex of 10th edition with tons of cool lore than redeem the Ynnari faction.I can FEEL it!
>>94832675>The nice britanians from Nottingham worked hard on this productActually it was the Frenchman at it again.
>>94832688Now this, this is attractive. I wouldn’t mind give this my children.
>>94832688still haven't watched this but I should cus I'm a furry
>>94832694Ynnari Detachment is going to be the only viable way to play Dark Eldar this edition. I can feel it.
>>94832699Don't do this to me, I can't handle that kind of betrayal.
>>94832589>hedonites have unique aesthetic>EC are just space marine recolours>hedonites have dozen thematic aspects of Slaanesh represented>EC have like 2>Hedonites have like several times bigger and more varied range than EC
>>94832703it's decent tropey and short and full of cute girls
>>94832694is the eldar codex going to have the most detachments out of any codex?
>>94832730>index>wraith host>ynnari>aspect warrior spamno
>>94830928People play it quite a lot where I live. Only once I saw somebody playing Old World. I think that /tg/ just doesn't aos that much
>>94832736>>94832730It's got 8 confirmed Detachments, bros
>>94832694Well yeah, that's the devil's bargain innit? Eldar always have good rules but pay premium+ for models and are cursed with Gav BL books.
>>94832736they said eldar will have 8 detachments.
>>94832766assuming this does not include the boring grotmas detachment then its 9 in total.
>>94832768>but pay premium+ for modelsAll of the newer aspects are coming in boxes of ten now instead of 5s though, right? Or was that just a Striking Scorpions thing for Kill-Team?
>>94832777Right. Same as Chaos Space Marines who have 9 now that they got their Grotmas Detachment
>>94832768>pay premium+ for modelsthe new eldar boxset seems nice.
>>94832777They specifically said the grotmas detachments are in addition to any others they have or will receive in a codex.
>>94832779No idea, but I would bet on 5, with scrops being the exception. Also my conspiracy theory is that James didn't forget Kahandras, they're just keeping him for 11e's pity hero.
so what will the aeldar army set box have?And what do YOU wish it had if you could choose?
>>94832789There is no new Eldar box set. They're the only army not getting one so far this edition. Unless you mean the rumored combat patrol
>>94832786why do elves and chaos get the most detachments?
>>94832798autarch with the warp spider jump thingwarp spiderssome guardians
>want to Nurgling Max my Deathguard List>to include every kit with a Nurgling in it, it’s around 400 USD of just characters with unplayable Terminators and special Marines you can build in the normal boxesI think I will just buy several Nurgling boxes and hope people can appreciate my sense of humor when I bring them to a gameeventually.
>>94832610>Fire Dragons>Dragons breathe heat>White Dwarf 127>"They are armed with devastating heat-blasting Meltaguns whose smoking nozzles and searing beams of heat make them look even more like Dragons">2nd ed codex>"They wear red, orange or other fiery colours and carry a meltagun which delivers a blast of intense heat.">Loads of artwork of smoking fusion guns>Dragons breathe heat>...>8 ed codex>Fire Dragons>"Asuryani fusion weapons cause the molecules of the target to hyper-vibrate, generating so much heat that they burst into flames before turning to molten liquid and then simply evaporating.Canonically both types of meltas exist (as per Imperial Munitorum Manual), but second type fits Fire Dragons so lesser. Why do such a thing?
>>94832795They already had Prince Yriel for that
>>94832798>so what will the aeldar army set box have?gay elves>what do YOU wish it had if you could choose?not gay elves
>>94832806Most subfactions, now that Craftworlds, Corsairs, Harlequins, and Ynnari all got merged together into a single book.
deity legions are going to be so bad
My Eldar husband (female) is so strong and cute!
>Bug man with exposed six pack finally has a modelHuh, cool, it only took what, 20 years?
>>94832830What's hir name?
>>94832809convert all your characters out of nothing but nurglings
>>94832812He will be squatted and James will give DE Sliscus as a pity model, one which just happens to look suspiciously like Yriel but with a goatee.
>>94832253land raider redeemer has been used for the same thing since it dropped and it still does exactly that
>>94832830That one piece of art really was the foundation for the current model line. Hopefully it pays off, will probably check out the book at least.
>>94832847Same. I normally do not care about any flavor of space marine (yes including Chudstodes) but I am curious about Emperor's Children.
>>94832683mink stink suck my bink
I like the EC generic infantry but the noise marines etc shouldve been units of 5its putting me off the faction, I hate this nu-40k design where elite space marine units have to be in different unit sizes than 5
>>94832860Don't let the coneheads fool you, they are not noble aeldariyiyiyi!
>>948328903 man units are based. marine armies should be the current size of custodes, which should be the current size of a chaos knights war dog spam list
>>94832893>marine armies should be the current size of custodesthey can be if you're based enough
>>94832890I'm used to heavies being 3 man units cause of dawn of war.
>>94832899ironic that the all dread list would be more expensive than anything but oops all infantry 2k marine lists
So for 2025's model quality so far, we've got;Krieg > Emperor's Children > AeldariRight?
>>94832904wtf units in dawn of war are three man? even terminator squads came in bricks of like 7 with a leader
>>94831909It's true.
94832934It's not as effective as bait when you just say it again but even lazier
>>94831022>People play Spearhead commonlyAnon, I...
>>94831150>AoS players are hobbylet retard bandwagoners who don't even paintNo, this simply can't be
>>94831878>wyches and kabalitesThese quite literally do not need new. Like how eldar had sculpts from 1994, sculpts from 2011 aren't that old comparatively.>court of the archonThis is getting squatted and replaced by Hand of the Archon.The box will be a carnival of pain with urien rakarth leading wracks, grotesques and a talos to fuck up some space marines probably ultramarines with the new Plasmus marines who are only armed with plasma pistols.
>>94831278>even learned some colour theoryLmao
>>94832919Aeldari>EC>Krieg because I like colour and craig are cringe.
>>94832925I think it was the minimum size. Its been a long time since I've played.
>>94832955Iis green red and blue are a split complementary triad, yes
>>94832850But pronounced as "yennifehr"
>>94832766>>94832821Fucked up harlequins only get one. But they also get one with dark eldar so it's okay I guess (?).>Corsairs not mentionedPrince Yriel is coming you can't tell me otherwise.
>>94830822Was thinking of starting death korp, around 500 points specifically to proxy as prussians in trench crusade.
>>94832956Aedari more like Smelldari
>>94832919You coping son. It's Aeldari<>Krieg>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EC
>>94832919>pretending the EC models are better than anythingI don't like eldar at all but at least be realistic with your bait
>>94832973Corsairs/Outcasts are the eighth detachment. Six are listed in the article, Wraiths were mentioned in the reveal, and the Vehicle detachment came with Grotmas.
>>94832842yeah but there were defiantly periods where land raiders were bad
>>94832618>chapters with special supplements are knights (but gay), jump packs (but vampire) and knights (but nazi) and then some furries>the guys with biker gang swarm, melta gun spam, cyborg legion all sound more interestingThere is also jump packs (but dante) whose aesthetic I like better than blood angels. But gw in general makes the mainline chapters so uninteresting and the non-main ones have so much more character. Like Iron Warriors with their armies of technovirus guys and forgebeasts, Night Lords launching terror attacks and Word Bearers with hosts of daemons and possessed. And then the main chaos legions are>stinky guys>noisy guys>blue guys>shirtless roider guysLike they just phoned it in.
>>94833001>all these words to just say you're a hipsterokay?
Dark eldar detachments would be>Kabals>Cults>Covens>all of them together>Corsairs>Harlequins>Gangs maybe
>>94833003Do you ever have anything constructive to say or do you just camp these threads 15 hours a day giving one word cunty responses while never capitalizing any of your posts so it's obvious it's you?
>>94833014What a depressingly schizophrenic response
>>94833014Ignore the dcslopper, he's just mad everyone isn't jumping up and down celebrating the new ec
>>94833014Uh oh, melty
I get why GW gave EC coneheads (same reason why the Yncarne looks like it does), but aren't CSM also human supremacists like regular SM? If so how do the EC cope with Slaanesh trying to turn them into pseudo-eldar, wouldn't that make them seethe endlessly knowing they'll always be runner up? They're literally the fat chick that got dates at the prom cause the hot ones said no.
>>94832840>eldar having facial hairPlease no
>>94833058>not getting the reference
>>94832952Its a guess, because for DE to hit the battle box they will need some form of line trooper, of which none of their units remain in finecast (or gone lol). So unless its something new, I predict they will resculpt one of those. I could also see a trueborn or bloodbride kit. They redid eldar guardians when no one expected it. The launch boxes are almost always 100% brand new kits, so I dont expect wracks to make it in.
>>94832811Reminder that Fire Dragons get so angry that they literally catch on fire.They then use that fire to enhance their fusion guns.It's psychic bullshit, we ain't gotta explain it.
>>94833033"well we just have to be more perfect to prove ourselves" is what I imagine their cope line would be
>>94833065>launch boxes are almost always 100% brand new kitshe says, a week after GW drops Krieg with two FW resin to GW plastic kits
if you placed a tech priest and an exodite in the same room how quickly would they be trying to kill each other
>>94833205>resinno one actually buys shitworld shitsin
>>94833214but I just did
>>94833205Ok first off a launch box means the new edition box, not those little mini battle forces. There is no second.
>>94832811>>94833176Yeah, I think we can officially declare eldar the gayest faction in perpetuity.
>>94833210They would probably just stand there awkwardly and avoid each other.
>>94833223oh my b didn't understand what you guys were talking about. sorry anon.
>>94832956Those new kreigers are so sad. I feel bad for any krieg who didnt manage to finish their collection before hand.
>>94833210>your "technology" is an abomination to Omnisiah!>I don't use technology>oh...uh never mind then, I suppose
>>94832956>AeldariTrash opinion detected
Model when
>>94833273Stealer Cult, sorry elffag-kun
>>94833275never it's sexist
>>94833273Irrelevant catchphrases are a violation of the posting quality rule :)
>>94833275when you kitbash it
>>94833280>cuckhold fetishistNo, I am sorry, jeanstealer-chan
>>94833275Now there's just no need for them to be doing all of that
Are Kommandos worth it? Going to my first tourney this Sunday. I have 20 boyz and 10 spare points left over, and a deff dred, both painted, so I could swap the 'mandos for either of those.
Just found this absolute steal on SOVL OOP models
>>94833309No but they're fun
>>94833322Lmao, no.
>>94833322Buy an ad faggot, no one wants manletguard
>>94833322>This post is advertising or begging.
>>94833322>buy my shitpile for $600Lmaoooo
>Mossa singlehandedly brought cultist-chan backI fucking kneel
After playing tons of 10th edition I've come to the realization most of the dumbest complaints about the game are because retards are playing on God awful terrain setups as if they were playing The Old World and don't really understand or comprehend cover saves.
>>94833373His WFB stuff is also top notch
>>94831323Nobody is going to give a fuck. The 2 local GWs I've been to have had the rule of "we don't care as long as the main part of the model is from us". Never had an issue with 3d-printed heads, shoulders, weapons etc and you should be fine with cloaks.
>>94833461Playing in a GW store is fucking grim. Do you not have a FLGS?
Daemons SHOULD be split up but not into heckin god legions.>followers of X GodSlaaneshis with Chaos Eldar, Slaanesh daemons, random obese human nobles and BDSM pleasure cults.Khornates like the Blood Pact alongside daemons and other traitor legions.Nurglites like the Vraksian militia lead by Cardinal Xaphan and obviously the daemons themselves.Tzeentch daemons and lots of tzaangors. Like. A lot of them, even more than thousand suns.
Shouldn’t we be getting any foreshadowing of whose primarch is coming out next? Like why did fulgrim come out of nowhere? Is he just here to fuck with the tau or something?
>>94833275>chaos in artCool fucked up freaks>chaos on the tabletopHe's a big angry shirtless guy and his friend is a fat smelly guy!
>>94833632>primarch is coming out nextThe Lion
>>94833322If he's a propainter why does his paint look so thicc?>2500 dollars
>>94833638He’s already announced his coming out of the closet by being written by Mike brooks
>>94833632Im kinda expecting Fulgrim to be the reason Guilliman and the Lion finally meet up
>sit down to paint>little over 2 hours pass>only did a base paint layer on 10 models>will have to go back over it again to get the full colorThis really is the patient man’s hobby lmao. I can see why people buy airbrushes now though.
>>94833632Lion didn't get any foreshadowing when Angron releases. >Is he just here to fuck with the tau or something?God I wish. But most likely he's here for Eldar.
You know I'm glad they seem to be back putting stuff in the art that doesnt have direct 1:1 representation in model form
>>94833632I realized, it would have been cooler if the new Lucius model had an old Lucius on the base, dead/defeated.Wit, how does the regen mechanics work anyway? Does the old body return to the original form? Does it just disappear into warpstuff?
>>94833632Leman Russ is the favorite next due to a renewed spotlight on their range in advertisements and especially after that silhouette teaser (though to be fair there was a lot of teasers).
>>94832860Fabius Bile trilogy is pretty good, I haven't read Lords of Excess but that one is supposed to be good as well.
>>94833677ye airbrushes make painting really quick and relaxing
>DG17 (18 with lord of poxes)>TS11 (8 excluding tzaangor, 6 excluding ones that are just "guy on disc of tzeentch")>WE8>EC7ABSOLUTELYMOGGEDNURGLE DOMINATION
Tzangor androids let’s gooooo
>>94832439Just look at how many characters have their foot on a tactical rock while pointing with their out stretched weapon either forwards or up at the sky.
>>94833738Nurgle is King.
>>94833750Even dragons have rocks now.
>>94833738It's honestly disgraceful that Tsons came first and got 6 unique kits while DG's support on launch was more than double, the astroturfed nurgle popularity between the 8e starter and vermintide/darktide is bafflingAnd world eaters released with 6 kitsNobody gives a fuck about EC so that's whatever
>>94833738It really unironically would not have killed them to have>psychic dreadnaught "helbrute">some kind of khorne artillery>sonic dreadnaught "helbrute"Just to get some vehicles in there.
>>94833767Space Wolves have a bloated roster because of furfags, what's the attraction autistic people have to death guard? Stinkiness?
>>94833761>nowThat model is old as dirt.
>>94833779furfags weren't even a known thing outside of two obscure forums in 3rd edition
>>94833767The thing that really has shit me off personally is that you got these unique terminators for TSons and DG but WE+EC get worse looking possessed when both of them have heresy era terminators they could've pulled from to make something new.
>>94833779They have a bloated roster because GW has to justify various chapters having their own codex, rather than just some extra rules. The same way BA and DA got all of their own special units despite being codex chapters.
>>94833794BA and DA aren't codex chapters though
>building a Battle Sisters squad>neither the inferno pistol nor the hand flamer for the Sister Superior in the box>also no multi-melta for the heavy weapon userokay butwhyI don't think there's even an upgrade sprue or anythingyou justcan't build them
Okay but realistically what do you give thousand sons to not make them boring and redundant? Another generic lord?
>>94833805Psychic Helbrute to make up for GW killing the Psychic dread.
>>94833805>mobile units>armor>transports
>>94830892Sallynon, I just think your highlighting isn't finished. Once you do that whole highlight layer you have there, you're supposed to clean up the thickness of it by using a blending color between your base and highlight.
>>94833805well we know they are getting their Heresy-era automata. could also give them thrall wizards, super oldhammer thing of them enslaving mortal psykers to work for them, would be cooler than tzaangors
>>94833818>mobile units Tzangor>armorTerminators (be grateful here you cunts)>transports Does the entire army not fucking teleport everywhere
>>9483187811th is orks.
>>94833801>BA>The Blood Angels were thus amongst the first Space Marines to adopt Roboute Guilliman’s Codex Astartes.>The Blood Angels and their successor Chapters adhere as closely to the Codex Astartes as the Flaw allows – they recognise the Codex’s strictures as a form of discipline that can be used to restrain the Red Thirst. If you compare their chapter organization to the UM one, it's nigh identical.>DA>The organisation, tactics and roles of these new ‘Chapters’ were defined in a hugely influential work known as the Codex Astartes, written by Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines. / Some initially fought against the splitting of the Legions, such as Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, but the Dark Angels acquiesced, as doing otherwise would raise suspicion at a time when they could ill afford further scrutiny>As per the Codex Astartes, Unforgiven Chapters are made up of ten companies.>While the Codex Astartes’ mandates concerning organisation and size are followed in companies three through ten, the first two companies – in the case of the Dark Angels, the Deathwing and Ravenwing – are unique, and rumours persist that they do not conform to the standard company complement of a hundred Space Marines. >The remainder of the Chapter is organised along standard Codex lines>With the exception of their two specialist companies, the Dark Angels fight as a Codex Astartes Chapter.So their 1st company is all terminators (which in a codex chapter is already where all the terminators are) and 2nd is all mounted. That's about the extend of their divergence on the face of it.
>>94833831>mobile unitsTzangor"no">armorTerminators (be grateful here you cunts)armor means vehicles, retard>transportsDoes the entire army not fucking teleport everywhereirrelevant
>>94833794>The same way BA and DA got all of their own special units despite being codex chapters.Yeah, bro, I have:>Sanguinary guard (with no wings, thanks GW!)>A predator with different guns (so I guess it's only half a unique model?)>Some single-model characters (GW loves selling these, the more the better)>An upgrade sprue and paintjob (thanks for killing bespoke sculpts for DC, GW!)So bloated. 2.5 unique non-character kits.As of right now Space Wolves have way more going on.
>>94833896I'm talking about when BA and DA got a ton of kits to fill an entire codex of their own. Now they're cutting back on the kits and turning various units into just different coloured units, like they used to be. I wouldn't mind if they made SW back into a codex adherent chapter like they used to be.
>>94833872Glad to know your copium is as strong as mine anon.
>>94833913>Now they're cutting back on the kitsnot for DA or BT, only for BA you have dogshit opinions and should be ignored at every opportunity
>>94833802someone please sympathize with me or call me a faggotI'm upset here and don't wanna scream into the void
>>94833930chop them off and kitbash them something that does have them I dunno
>>94833805An interesting daemon engine.Preferably one that hovers.It’s equally funny and sad that DG have such a thing and TS doesn’t.
>>94833920>BA kits are being cut back>"yEaH bUt NoT DA oR BT oNeS, sO iT dOeS'nT cOuNt"
>>94833948>one of three gets scaled back because they phoned the refresh in out of laziness>this clearly indicates they're scaling back all the codex non-compliant chapters and space yiffs should follow suitkill yourself
WIP this guy accidentally turned into NMM practice
>>94833963If jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, you'd take the gold.
>>94833972>I didn't say that you're just assuming things>Now they're cutting back on the kits and turning various units into just different coloured units, like they used to be. I wouldn't mind if they made SW back into a codex adherent chapter like they used to be.
>>94833970fuckin lovely
>>94833963>LazinessThat’s the worst part about it. While we no longer needed the multi-build Furioso kit now that the Brutalis exists, a little librarian dreadnought upgrade kit for the Brutalis could have been made and wouldn’t have been that much effort. GW didn’t bother.
Now to figure out some shoulderpads for this guy.
>>94833975>Now they're cutting back on the kits and turning various units into just different coloured units, like they used to be.Which they did: >>94833896>I wouldn't mind if they made SW back into a codex adherent chapter like they used to be.See how I said, "I wouldn't mind". As in, "I'd be ok with it, if they did it." Nowhere did I say, "they should do this." Nor have I said the cutting back is universal across all codexes, just an observation of what's happening and contrasting it to what has been. You are getting mad over nothing.
>>94833970Keep pushing the color brighter.
Canonically Sisters of Silence very likely smell bad. Being a pariah tends to manifest in unflattering ways, either just in personality or, frequently, in appearing like body odor. The most famous example being Gunner Jurgen who everyone describes as being smell and Rakel being so disgusted by him that she has epileptic fits in his presence.
>>94834006>anon posts his barely cloaked fetish for the 168,399,468th time
>>94833916It's not copium.DEldar are just not gonna appear in a starter box because they are too niche.Orks are more popular and sell better so it makes sense for GW to use them, especially considering that orks are still yet to get a proper version of the new boyz kit that isn't monoposed to shit
>>94834006Imagine the smell
i want to collect all armies
why do you people type out deldar as DELdar. stop it.
>>94834070I write it like DEldar so it gets across what their inclusion in 40k will always be. DEI
>>94834035DE are not less popular than orks. And orks got huge refresh in 2021. It aint happening.
>>94834081>DE are not less popular than orksthey are, both flavors of eldar are the least popular xenos other than votann
>>94833322I actually prefer the 3rd ED Cadians to the nuCadians because I think the chunky heroic scale is cute. But I'm not about to pay that much money. I'd rather find a high quality scan of the models for printing instead. I can't find them. It is always the marines that get the best scans.
>>94834081>DE are not less popular than orkst.
>>94834092Heroic scale is ugly dogshit.
>>94834081>DE are not less popular than orks.cmon man
>>94834081Look, orks are way more popular than DE. But I agree, us ork bros aren't getting a refresh in 11th. We don't fuckin need one, they just replaced the 2nd last resin kit we had (tankbustas), and the only model (not even a squad) that needs a refresh is the weirdboy as it's still resin. The big mek with sag has been around forever but it's fine as it is, same with the classic boyz, they are old as fuck but there isn't anything wrong with them
>>94834146>they are old as fuck but there isn't anything wrong with themExcept their posing is shit especially because they have lumbar lordosis so bad that they make an instagram whore model look normal.
>>94834167You can't get rid of that though. That's what makes orks orks. If they are going to get rid of the old boyz they might as well make the newer kit so we can take all sluggas or shootas and make them posable, none of this monopose shit
>>94834193the butt hunch is a midhammer phenomenon onlythe OG orks didn't have it and all the other new orks already got rid of that and look much better for it
Could thousand sons use warp ghosts
>>94834208Ghosts aren't real anon
>>94834167They already made new boys already anon.
>>94834210we're still waiting on their chaos warriors 2.5 update with actual multipart assembly so those don't count
>>94834210Aos just managed to reconfigure the sprues for the skeletons to make them into an easy to build kit. I wouldn’t be surprised if the 40k team does something to the new orks so they aren’t shit. The 40k team would need to care though.
>>94834210I would've tolerated it if shootas were actually usable, they might be OK in the new detachment but I doubt it