Rockgut Edition>Previously, in the Mortal Realms>>94840391>Official AoS website:>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:>>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:>Booru:>Thread QuestionWhat's your favorite army you don't think you'll ever collect or play?
>>94848685I did him with a shield and pistol, and then have the squire carrying his hammer instead of the random corpse's head. >TQKO. I love the lore, but couldn't ever bring myself to paint the army.
>>94849010>TQMaybe Seraphon, which ironic because they were my #1 choice if I were to get into AoS before Deepkin came along. Barring that, I'd say GSG.
>>94849010Probably IDK or Slaanesh, they're just so thin and ornate I get exhausted just looking at them, forget actually painting the damn things.
>>94849010>TQsort of related but i have a 3k pt kharadron army i've never played in 4 years of owning it
My first gobbo on a wolf is complete! Not super thrilled with the coat pattern but I'm gonna have some variety in the pack so it's fine.I also really need a second color of tuft
>>94849614Can you paint one like a German Shepard (alsatian)
>>94849010Fyreslayers have seriously good lore and art, shame about the rest.
>>94849473What's up with the floorboards? Is your usual battlefield a tavern?
>>94849637Yeah that seems pretty doable. Especially since it looks like there's a lot of variation on how much of the coat is black, if it goes up over the neck etc.It's on the list!
>>94849010There's a lot of armies I think are cool but I can't have too many armies.Speaking of rockguts, I played a game of spearhead and they were killer. Ranked and killed half my opponents army.
CoS wins LVO They beat Nurgle in the finals. I'm always happy when Chaos doesn't win shit.
>>94849010I do genuinely like Lumineth as an evolution of classic Tolkien/High Elves.But yeah I ain't painting all that and I'm certainly not dealing with those insanely long spears
>>94849660it was supposed to be ship decks, i did all the infantry before i got any of the ships built and realized they all had metal decks, so now i just say its the docks
A pair of folks at my local were playing a game today, and one of them got the double and blew the other out of the water. The second player was bitching and moaning the entire time about how the double was stupid and op and imbalanced, and that the game shouldn't have it. The entire time I was sitting there thinking "man, it would have been a good idea for you to not, on top of turn 1, run your entire army directly into the center line of the table." If I pushed my guard army off the starting line and onto every objective, fully in LoS of the enemy army, and got shot off the board, would I be justified to say that the game shouldn't have a shooting phase? FFS people.
>>94849788I thought so, too. And now here I am working on my Wardens. The spears are surprisingly sturdy, too.
>>94849788Genuinely dont understand what people mean when they say that Lumineth are very hard to paint, outside of them being a "clean" faction thats usually harder
>>94849891yeah, doubles punish overextension. there are times when a double simply cant be defended, things like the spell sniper or shooting armies of 2nd and 3rd come to mind, or armies that can run and charge with units that fly 14+" a turn or get 3" deepstrikes. thinking back to things like lumineth with 40 sentinels that had like 36" range and didnt require line of sight and 24" move flying foxes. i know a lot of that has been hemmed in, and im not saying it contributed to this game you mention in particular, but there have been times where complaint about the double have felt legitimate because some armies are particularly well suited to abuse it without any personal risk to themselves.
>>94849783what was the lists?im curious to see what cities won with because my impression of that index was that it was the definition of mediocre. 4+: the army. want to see if it was some cheeky jank or just a well played force
>>94849919yeah exactly. If you can't hide your mistakes with a wash, it's hard to paint.
Anyone has the new Path to glory book?
>>94849614looks nice anon
>>94850152I'm also keen for this. do they do a epub or is it physical only?
>>94850152Not out yet>>94850453Physical onlyI will buy it and will post photos but not pulling it apart to scan.
Is this ass for a noob? Basing isn’t done.
>>94849919They see those trims in official paint scheme or art and give up. What if i told you you dont have to paint them. Mind blown
>>94851027looks okay for a beginner. maybe try drybrushing some white mixed with your blue on the magic effects coming from the axe
>>94851027>>94851033I WOULD say it's not bad for a beginner, but you somehow didn't notice that you were painting the model sideways, so it's crap.
>TQ:Definitely KO. I like Dorfs and I like the bronze automaton look they have, but they look simultaneously miserable and boring to paint. Nevermind their roster is small and struggling.
>>94851027I like it
>>94851467They aren’t that bad to paint, especially not with an airbrush.
>>94849010>TQNurgle is neat, but i won't fall to Chaos
>>94851027>Layering instead of Contrast/Slapchop>Attempts at painting shadows in recesses>Tries FreehandsWell, you Mini is not at Golden Deamon Level but you already started doing a lot of things right that most lazy asses don't even bother to dip in to, so I think there is potential.
>>94849010Slaanesh.They are peak kino not gonna lie but my heart already belong to other Chaos God.
Cant find any pictures of annihilator conversions, but dislike both the shoulderpad-gorgets and helmets on the web. Anyone care to give an advice on how to change them even a little bit? Thinking of knightly helmets, nasal on open face head with chainmail half-coif and something like sallet in case head i am replacing is in helmet, with tabards and furs on the shoulders so that the chestplate with bear would not seem out of place. Also some kind of clothing to cover the legs, even if partially?Thats the only idea I currently have aside from "hurr we are frozen vikings" and just adding "we are very north be wary". They are only 3 and are going to be used for warcry, but they are my guys and I want them to look well. Generic annihilators armour does not make it for me. Sad since I like praetors and archers alot.
>>94851033Add some details and polish a bit and you are golden. You know where and how, it is apparent, just keep trying, its apparent you are caring alot about making it look well.
>>94849653>Fyreslayers have seriously good lore and art, shame about the rest.Lemme guess, you were raised in broken home without strong paternal figure and Fyreslayers are too manly for you?
>>94849010>TQI'd like to build Beastclaw Raiders but right now I have far too much FUD to get invested.
>>94849010>What's your favorite army you don't think you'll ever collect or play?I wish I had that problem but I'm the type to buy it anyway and not paint.
>>94851653They come with an unhelmeted option like most stormcast do these days, and you could probably clip off the shoulderpads without much effort. World's your oyster beyond that, fur coats would look cool
If daughters of Khaine are essentially nuns obsessed with murder over everything else, why are they trying so hard to be beautiful?
>>94849010That army is Kharadron Overlords. I love the look, but thinking about painting them gives me a stroke.
>>94851860Because is easier to hunt a prey you can lure. Also is good if you are trying to expand through free cities full of Order races.
>>94851860They are elves, they don't need to try, let alone hard. They're beautiful by default.
Thinking about making a Nagash proxy
>>94851895for what army?
>>94851916The wight one
Anyone have the chorfs tease? I heard about it but missed some threads
>>94852096just puked in my mouth a little