Do you like gonzo? How would you even define it? How do you diferentiate good from bad ones?I like games or settings called gonzo, like Umerica or ASE1, but I'm not sure most things using that term share that much. I know it's a meme word so it has become meaningless, if it ever had one, but I still feel like I want to like it.
>>94823478Traditional games?
>>94825135What about them?
>>94825135It's a question about ttrpgs, I mentioned 2 and had another one in the pic, what more do you want?
>>94825135kill yourself
>>94823478I do but the term is meaningless nowadays. It means anything from rick and morty to DCC. I'm more of a Rifts gonzo type, don't really care about the modern crop of gonzo, that resembles Andy Warhol pop art.
>>94823478"Did you suck the dicks of Z@k's old OSR buddies? If so, you're gonzo. Otherwise, you're just a normal setting/game/module"
>>94823478>Do you like gonzo?Sure. I feel like we might finally be far enough from Fallout's massive popularity for it to be fun again. Gamma World retclones have a problem of falling too close to it for me to enjoy.
>>94823478No, I do not like it.It's when people add shit to the world without considering a) whether it's thematically consistent, and b) how it impacts the world.All gonzo is bad.
>>94823478>uncover odd artifacts in a weird worldI can do this with any system. What mechanics make this system interesting compared to other systems? The blurb is poorly written, as it seems to imply that Cybermetal 2012 is a demake of Gamma World.Is Plasmodics just Gamma World Lite?
>>94829634These types of games are just coffee table books, no point asking for rules. No one plays them, they are just conversation starters to show how sophisticated you are.
>>94829735What makes you say that? We have a game of Mutant Future (a Gamma World retclone) running. We've played it like 3 times when we didn't feel like our main campaign. If it's just a retclone (or whatever the fuck "demake" is supposed to mean) of Gamma World, why wouldn't people be playing it?
>>94829750I'm not talking about retroclones I'm talking about the new crop of 3 attribute games with no rules and full of artwork.
>>94829775Is that what these are? I'm genuinely asking. I've never seen the game OP posted and read the blurb that just sounded like "being a douche about a retclone."
>>94829780The blurb talks about Into the Odd so I assume it is. NuOSR with rules light tag are pathetically bad for anything other than a 2 hour one shot. That cover alone automatically makes me think of fashion or literary magazine for pseuds.
>>94829811Huh. Maybe I'll have to look at Into the Odd to understand. I guess I have seen a few games that are more about game theory-crafting than about playing games. Seems pointless when we can just write for our actual games.
>>94829082Am I right understanding like a baseline of reality and weird stuff happening to it?I only have a vague idea of how Rifts goes.>>94829277I do like the weird wasteland aspect, that's why I brought up Umerica. What is the thing that clicks for you?>>94829634I think it's a good fridge chicken sales pitch.It sounds cool, but after you payed and you're defrosting dinner you start noticing that it made no sense.>>94829811The example pages had some ways to build your ooze and other especific rules and more text than pictures. I think they are doing something and I'll try to read it for free to see if it's for me; but it didn't feel like the "gonzo" I like so I'm not batting for it either.>>94829838Three stats, actions and reactions unified, instead of losing HP you lose stats so you spiral as you chose to keep going.It was meant as the most basic rules you could have to quickly run old school stuff, skelleton rules that could fit in under a page but still reflect some balance. Some people really liked it as a way to quickly check how a module would run, other people latched into it as a design philosophy for better and worse. Cairn and Liminal Horror add a couple more rules and people like them a lot.
>>94831530>I do like the weird wasteland aspect, that's why I brought up Umerica. What is the thing that clicks for you?It's home and I miss it, mostly.
>>94831677Don't you want to see a wizard driving a jeep with a paladin shooting a bazooka to a t-rex there?
>>94831810Of course, which is why I love these settings. Fallout gets in the way because that's where Fallout is set, so it's hard to avoid comparisons.
It's pretty simple, if it feels like Thundarr the Barbarian I'm in