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What if he'd won?
>>94837057Would have been for the better if he had. Fuck the Dragoons and their countless treacheries.
Working on a Kurita assault company for the 3020s, these are the 'Mechs I have.How would you guys organise the lances?>Catapult CPLT-K2 >Dragon DRG-1N >Wolverine WVR-6K >Marauder MAD-3R >Archer ARC-2R >Atlas AS7-D >Quickdraw QKD-4G >Phoenix Hawk PHX-1K >BattleMaster BLR-1G >Warhammer WHM-6R >Trebuchet TBT-7K>Grand Dragon DRG-1GI have Panthers and Jenners in my skirmish company, before anyone asks where they are
>>94837057Dragon status[X] honoured[ ] not honoured
>>94837117Command - Grand Dragon, Dragon, Atlas, QuickdrawBattle - Battlemaster, Wolverine, Phoenix Hawk, MarauderFire - Warhammer, Catapult, Archer, Trebuchet
I'm considering a lance of dragons to paint up so I can have some bad guy mooks on hand.
>>94837252Remember to give them a Rockabilly Pompadour.Also always perform the Jet Stream Attack.
>>94837322I will either paint them ryuken-go, or might try 1st ghosts
I know virtually nothing about BT universe, how do any of you keep tabs on all the books, stories, autistically detailed lore spanning thousands of years? Seems like tabletop equivalent of watching all of LOGH.
>>94837450>thousands of yearsIt's only about a thousand, anon.
>>94837460And the actual canon story is only about 50 years.
>>94837450Watching all of LotGHs is pretty easy. You start at episode one and stop after episode 110.As for BT, there are only like ten novels that matter.Wolves on the BorderThe Grey Death trilogyThe Warrior TrilogyLegend of the Jade Phoenix trilogyThere will be thirteen once we get a trilogy written from the POV of the Wobbies.
>>94837545And Heir To The Dragon
>>94837560I guess we should do honor unto the dragon.
Hour of the Wolf Audiobook has been added to the LogFiles.
>>94837631Thank you kindly.
>>94837562Beheld and well abutted.
Am I part of the problem if I like less popular clans like Hell's Horse, Goliath Scorpions along with FWL and Periphery in general?
>>94838182how is that a problem? it's not like homeworld clans after they get told to fuck off.
>>94838182The problem is woof fans. Almost exclusively in this era, the only factions doing anything meaningful are knotted.
Your mechs are fitted with extra strength paperclip myomer, right anon?
>>94838182What is the problem? It's not like this is 40K where you can't use any units unless they've been codex approved.
>>94838285How does that work? Genuinly curious
>>94838478I'm just pinning the mech to the base for extra durability since it only has one leg on the ground. Drilled a hole to the leg and the base, glued the paperclip to the mech, and then clipped it to length.Unless you mean how the paperclip myomer works mechanically, it gives you an extra movement point and ignores the first crit after armor breach.
>>94838285Yep. Always pin.
>>94838795Is the Inner Sphere still big enough to harbor (adventures in) unknown/forgotten/haven't-discoveree-yet planets?
>>94839440In the inner sphere proper the median "unknown" planet is one that was incorrectly marked depopulated. All the planets in the goldilocks zone have been marked down somewhere, but those charts by categorized as national secrets or be otherwise unavailable.
>>94839440Yes.>>94839533Could you be more unclear?
>>94839440The nice thing about how violent IS history is is that every planet that's even been inhabited has had SOMETHING happen to it or on it.
>>94839440Pretty much every planet in BT functionally is an exotic location inhabited by locals with incomprehensible customs and laws.
>>94839559>Could you be more unclear?Nta, but how is that unclear? Theres mechanisms built into the setting where an inhabited planet's location could become "lost" over time
>>94837042I honored the Dragon today anons. Jade Falcons decided to get into a brawl with my 9th Ghost Regiment in a City and I beat them to death with a rusty spork. It was great.
I thought I heard somewhere that a lot of Liao Chancellors, including Candice herself, were described having red hair, and I havent found that in any of the books I read. Am I dumb and missed it? What books was it in? Is it a telephone meme?Honestly, a chinese woman with red hair would look hot.
>>94839777Proper batrep? Force comps? Pics?
>>94839694>can this?>yes, but no, but technically yes?That's you
>>94839822I've got a couple pics, but I don't have the patience to write out a full batrep, but I can do a narrative through with the pictures I've got. It was an Alpha Strike game we played with our 350 point armies we've drafted up for the Battle for the Bay in June (Maryland Tournament at Games and Stuff near Baltimore). Scenario was a breakthrough mission where we scored points for crossing the center-line of the table. I was running my 9th Ghost Regiment Forces, and my friend was running Jade Falcon Vau galaxy (though he's not painted most of them yet, He's got til June so no shame)Board was a large urban spread with a few hills.
>>94840071My 9th Ghost Regiment largely advanced up the board and pushed in towards the center of the field with the densest city area. My Forces were a Hunchback C, Hunchback 4-SP, Hunhcback II-C, Victor 9-A1, Panther 10-K2, Panther 12-A, Urbanmech UM-R60, Charger 1A1, 2 Laser Carriers, 2 SRM Hetzers, and 2 Von Luckner K-75Ns. All skill 4 except the skill 6 Charger.My friend's forces had a Dire Wolf D, Gladiator B, Grendel H, Black Hawk H, Thor H, and Nova H.
>>94840125On the first turn we both advanced, the Nova on his side nearly killed one of my Hetzers and I only got one point of damage in back. On the second turn, his gladiator lit up my Urbie, doing 5 points of damage and leaving it with one structure, only to cockpit shot it with his crit roll, the only cockpit shot of the game on my poor little 11 PV Urbanmech.
>>94840144The tide began to turn however when his Daishi stepped out to get shots on my general, and I responded by Charging straight into it with my charger, maneuvering roughly half my units to open fire on the Daishi. With basically my entire army shooting it, the Daishi was killed by the end of turn 2, turning the tide, though my charger died from the Daishi and Nova shooting it. The two assault mechs fell beside each other before my Charger ever connected in melee.
>>94840155Things swung decisively in my favor on the third turn, as my friend overcommitted in an attempt to destroy my (very scary) Von Luckner tanks, His gladiator, Ryoken, and Nova got mixed in in the city at short range and my to hit numbers ranged from 6s to 8s against everything except the Thor. He certainly murdered one of my von luckners and a hunchback, but lost 3 of his mechs in turn as my whole inner sphere beat-down list got to do what it did best.
>>94840173After that, turn 4 was pretty decisively in my favor. I still had about 250 PV left on the field and he only had about 100, so he tried to make a desperate play to get behind my dudes, but lost initiative. Ultimately as a result, his remaining forces were gunned down by the 9th ghost regiment forces. At the end he killed 6 of my units for 6 of his, in a classic case of Clans trading equally with IS being a losing case for Clans.
>>94840207Dragon Status: Moderately honoredNot fully honored because you're playing Alpha Strike
>>94840401And yet he has shown that the Samurai of the Combine conquers any and all fields of battle, and in that he has truly honored the Dragon.
Wonder if this kind of house rule for 3025 campaign gonna be to much>if a mech suffers an ammo explosion from TAC, remove the mech from the play, but make it recoverable/repairable with corresponding location destroyed after the battle
>>94840173>>94840155>>94840155>>94840144>>94840125Good job, death to all ClannersAbout to face Clanners with Blakists, 10,000 BV, just getting my sheets readyDire Wolf, Thor, and Koshi vsGrand Crusader, Deva, Gurkha, and Malak.
>>94840071>>94840125>>94840144>>94840155>>94840173>>94840207Delicious. Ghost yet again proves the indelible wisdom of Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore that every Combine citizen, regardless of birth or station, are the teeth and claws of the Dragon.
>>94840587Kenshin would abhor the Combine.
>>94841052Of course he would; unlike him the Combine finishes its work the first time.
>>94840821Personally I think it's necessary.
I might be late to this, but I realized that Abdoun Ricol is descended from the same bloodline as the guy who killed Grayson Carlyle's dad in Decision at Thunder Rift, and he's operating in the same area of space. Could this be The Battle of Trellwan Part 2 Electric Boogaloo being setup? I'm not really up on where the New GDL is at.
>>94841052If Kenshin was adapted to BattleTech, he'd have been a legendary MechWarrior of the Combine who retired after a major war like 3039 or the Clan Invasion.Remember Kenshin was an infamous Boogeyman of the Meiji Restoration in his own series. It'd be like if a Feddie heard about the infamous Manslayer of the Combine, and ended up finding a retired orphanage director who works at the local soup kitchen on his weekends.
>>94841190Closer to taking Yori's side in Draconis Combine Civil War, feares as the killer of Nova Cats IMO
>>94841108Tough to say if the past bad blood makes any difference. The last reported sighting of the GDL was them stopping off on Gram in the DC after they didn't renew their contract with the Tamar Pact in 3152. They could literally be working for Ricol for all we know.
>>94841203I'd like to imagine him as a Teddy K Supporter who won him some major battles, but I could see Kenshin as part of the Yori Faction since it's a closer parallel to the Meiji Restoration.Would that make pic related former Nova Cats?
>>94841245Uchi Tikidomo is who I'd picture him being.
>>94841245Black Dragon Society
>>94841245Thought the bandage guy was Kenshin's replacement after he retired, but got betrayed later so wanna have revenge; So the Kokuryukai/Abdoun Ricol gone extreme?
>>94841245Would the Puppet be considered Battle Armor or a Protomech?
>>94837057Against the Dragoons? Then they'd be wiped out, right? The DCMS gets a boost in salvage, and maybe some Intel guys figure out what the Dragoons were up to, but maybe not. Without the aid of the Dragoons, the Clan invasion probably goes differently, though whether it's blunted by a highly prepared Draconis Combine or does a lot more damage depends on whether the Dracs figure out what the Dragoons are or not.
>>94841330"Retired" is too kind a word, Kenshin abandoned his post. Really a reprehensible character to use as a role model for duty.
>Replace PPC with LPL>Replace ML with SSRM2How did they consider this an upgrade of the manticore?
>>94841379I don't know who this "Kenshin" is or what he retired from. I do know of the legendary Samurai, Battousai, and his glorious sacrifice for the honor of the Dragon. That's what the Coordinator said happened so it must be so, and any lookalikes walking around with a reversed blade are just that, a lookalike....You would never question the Coordinator's words, would you anon?
Explain to me why I shouldn't the zeus
>>94841443The words of the Coordinator, may he be revered over all, are the air the lungs of the Combine breathe in for life.
>>94841466Discount Thug
>>94841485That would imply it is anything like the thug.
>>94841440New tech!!!
>>94841466because you can't decal correctly. you should've cut the 7 and the steiner logo where they go across the gaps. maybe use some microsol to make it look more like paint rather than lookin like shit
>>94837252What forcepacks have the Dragon?
So I'm a noob still learning the fluff; I'm especially not familiar with the Dark Age~current ilClan era, and listening to the review videos on IKEO mase me curious. Why everyone seems to hate this Alaric guy?
>>94841527Inner Sphere Support Lance (Dragon DRG-1N)House Kurita Command Lance (Grand Dragon DRG-10K)
>>94841530>Why everyone seems to hate this Alaric guy?So have you noticed the setting has a bias for certain factions?Have you noticed a lot of them have either "Wolf" in their name or are lead by a Davion?Now guess who is all of the above.
>>94841563Come to think of it, what happened to Tenno in BT?
>>94841530A lot of people hate Alaric because he's one of those "gifted savant" type characters who doesn't have a lot of practical weaknesses. I'm not talking about personal flaws, but rather that whenever he faces a challenge, he pretty much always wins, and often does so without suffering some kind of significant setbacks.Example:Alaric took the bulk of Clan Wolf forces from their territories in the Inner Sphere for the attack on Terra, leaving thosw territories lightly guarded. No one took advantage of this to scoop up huge swathes of old Wolf territory. After taking over Terra, the Ghost Bears held a vote on whether or not to recognize him as ilKhan (basically, ruler of all the Clans). By a narrow margin, they voted to join up with him, and Alaric *rejected* their offer to join, saying they needed to have a larger majority swear loyalty to him. The Ghost Bears then had a CIVIL WAR for the right to bow down to Alaric, at the end of which they decided to attack the Draconis Combine, conveniently one of the forces that could potentially threaten Alaric. So just to be clear, a whole faction responded to Alaric rejecting them by tearing themselves apart and then attacking one of his enemies, rather than telling him to fuck off.I haven't read the newest lore books, so I'm not 100% clear on what's going on there, but it seems to be another situation where Alaric should be on the back foot, but miraculously survives and triumphs again.The problem isn't Alaric being a military genius with a potent force, the problem is that he keeps getting out of situations without having to pay any kind of significant cost for it.
>>94841785Man I didn't know about the Ghost Bears thing, that's actually fucking retarded.Like what the fuck is this sue bullshit "no you can't join me, you need a supermajority -- okay we'll have a civil war" is just "sure -- but there are dissidents to we have a civil war" but genuinely incompatible with rational human thought.
>>94841840Dominions Divided _tries_ to explain that Alaric rejecting them was basically the flashpoint for decades of internal tensions that suddenly spilled over into internal conflict, but to doesn't work great.
>>94837117StrikePhoenix HawkDragonWolverineQuickdrawSupportArcherCatapultTrebuchetMarauderHammerAtlasBattlemasterWarhammerGrand Dragon
>>94841840Some people speculated that Alaric was making some kind of big brain move, using the GB's Clanner tendencies against themselves so that they'd weaken themselves and not threaten his weak toumens down the line. Expect we now know that wasn't the case. He was just legitimately offended by the narrow margin of the vote and saw them in the same light as the RWR, not worth accepting potential traitors into his Star League, proving yet again he's a retard being propped up by the writing team.
>>94840401>picBut where are the broad, flat nails?
>>94837560How did that chad produce such a little pussy as Hohiro?
>>94841901>CO of 1st Genyosha>pussyBitch, you clearly don't understand how baller Hohiro was.
>>94841912Are you really implying that he got that position through merit?
>>94841926He was handpicked by the previous CO, who was not a bitch, so yes.
>>94841750Japan still exists and they think the combine is extremely cringe. Also there's a Tenno Kurita and his son is Nihongi Kurita and that's very funny.
>>94841750The Son of Heaven is in his rightful place on Terra.
>>94841945This, in fact pretty much the entirety of Terra agrees the Successor States are cringe inducing.
>>94841981Although given how the Windsors have been downgraded to Duke of England rather than king, the son of heaven is probably just the Duke of Japan under Hegemony rules.
>>94841986For essentially being powerless since ComStar's fall, Terra still likes to wear the elitism.
>Somehow ended up buying 3 Cyclopes and made 3 lances for 3 different faction which includes 1 Cyclops eachWhat am I doing
Does the chameleon being able to mimic any mech's signal have any tangible benefit in-game? Or it is purely fluff?
>>94842017Making command lances, apparently.>>94842024Purely fluff. It's a training mode thing, doesn't work without cooperation from the other side.
Can/does merc bands operating like the HBSTech/MW5M protagonists exists? Like, only fielding one Leopard and a single lance for every mission for whatever reason>also, how the hell do the receive/hear of contracts
>>94841840>but genuinely incompatible with rational human thought.That's the cost of plot armor.Every other faction had to adapt and adjust to the ever shifting landscape of the setting or perish (or fucking vanish like Star Adders). But certain factions can just roll with whatever bullshit they believe and the whole universe will bend to their will.
>>94842075Yes, it does happen. 90% of them either go bankrupt, die, or get bought ought within their first year because it's not a very money making business model.>how do they receive/hear of contractsMost of them base out of a hiring hub, usually either Galatea or Outreach, and pick up contracts from the many many hiring officers who show up specifically to hire mercs
>>94842083Star Adders are busy eating the other Clans, it'll take time to digest them all.
>>9484209190% of them either go bankrupt, die, or get bought ought within their first year because it's not a very money making business model.And part of the thing in HBS is that your company is in debt that Kamea buys out with wads of Canopian cash
I like the tarantula
>>94842109>wads of Canopian cash*ComStar cashThat's not the real Kamea.
>>94842091Or link up with a bigger outfit, like how GDL rebuilt themselves by absorbing smaller units looking for bigger cntracts under a famous name.
>>94842135Yeah, the Fox Patrol did this in their latest story, signing on with the Lone Wolves
>>94842116With recent updates I wouldn't be surprised if she was kept in stasis by WoBies/digitalised by SLDF AI (or there will be Kamea the Second if CGL decides to copy Star Wars Legacy)
>>94842114I do too, I'm always a fan of more radical looking mechs.
>>94841868Is Motstånd still operating around IlClan? Because if so that'll do it!
>>94842091>90% of them either go bankrupt, die, or get bought ought within their first year because it's not a very money making business model.Playing a Hinterlands campaign right now and can confirm. It is not a career path for the unlucky.
DAILY REMINDER, the griffin is sexy AF. Best medium.
>>94841466You should. Zoose be a sexy bitch.
>>94841466If you're playing Lyran Guard you should two of them. At least.
>>94842185I don't think they'd go for either of those. Kamea herself isn't significant enough to come back since she's a generic fire emblem princess. A Kamea the second or fourth or whatever could be running Coromodir in the present.My personal pet theory though is that the real Kamea died when her DropShip was blown up in the prologue, and the Kamea you meet later is a ComStar operative surgically altered to look like her.>First shows up in an incredibly expensive HPG live conversation>Immediately reveals the location of a lost dropship that's perfect for long range exploration.>Put it in the hands of tame mercs who you control through personal ties and debt>Also tag them with a lostech expert in the form of Dr. Murad, who is perfectly positioned to handle them>Send them to Castle Nautilus, an intact Star League castle facility which she promptly destroys, keeping lostech from proliferating past her and her mercenaries.>In the heavy metal campaign. Dr. Murad is the one who sets you on the path of the Dobrev, the source of the mysterious surge of Lostech in the rimward periphery, which ALSO ends up destroyed, stifling the spread of tech even further. Dr. Murad is also the employer icon for the Heavy Metal Campaign missions because she's your handler on ComStar's behalf>After the story, the Argo canonically disappears from known space. This was either because it's perfect for ComStar's explorer corps and they wanted it, or because they wrecked it to keep it out of anyone else's hands. The player mercs and their royal Highlander probably disappear at the same time.Everything in HBS Battletech happens exactly as ComStar would want it to. And I don't think it's a coincidence.
>>94842306>The player mercs and their royal Highlander probably disappear at the same time.Lance.Royal Highlander lance.Four (4) Royal Highlanders.Eight (8) Royal Highlanders with Bigger Drops installed.
>>94842017Spending a lot of tonnage on 360-rated engines, I guess.
>>94842107Like a snake!
>>94842363I don't really take the mechs you can pull randomly as even HBSTech canon, that's just gameplay. Only the guaranteed pulls really matter in my book, and Kamea handing over the Atlas II at the finale is dubious too.
>>94842114That's because it's awesome. It's a simple but excellent scout, with enough firepower to kill most things that can catch it. Plus it looks rad.Was the Tarantula the one where constant motions to adjust while jumping makes it look like it's crawling through the air? Or was that the Clan spider Mech?
>>94842220I dunno about the best medium, but a damned good one, that's for sure.
>>94842306I love this theory, but also enjoy how people variously mark Yang or Murad as the ROM plant.So my theory is that the scheme was implemented by at least two different factions of ComStar/ROM.Toss in a Main Character from the "Deep Periphery" and have some fun.One day I'll write a mod for the Heavy Metal campaign where you tell Natasha "Meeting you is so wonderful, it's like I've been transported to a Land of Dreams, a real Eden or Arcadia" and she's like, "Okay, I get it, shut up." Then you let her have the Bullshark in exchange for a Marauder II or a Star League tech Imp or something.
>>94842378I wish you could choose. I don't like running assaults, I'd rather get the Royal Black Knight or Griffin.Royal Griffin is the second-best scout Mech in the game after the Royal Penis Hawk, unless you installed a mod with Clantech. Even then, there's not many fast Clan Mechs with ECM.
>>94842421The idea that it's at least two factions can also explain why Victoria has a lostech equipped King Crab for the finale.
Omnimechs were a mistake.Just improving the tech to clantech levels makes is stuff so fucking great.I am running in MW5, a griffin with erppc(is) lrm20(is) and clan endo, ff and clan xlfe. Dhs (is) and it goes so fucking hard.The clans were retarded to ever 'invent' omnimechs instead of sticking to their mechs and just upping the tech.
>>94841551Davion hasn't had plot armor since before 9/11. The name you are looking for is Liao.
>>94842441>I am running in MW5bad and wrong. stop that immediately.
>>94842441Omnimechs are one of the few things that actually makes sense as a new innovation. It's such a reasonable and useful idea that you'd never expect it came from a bunch of ding dongs in animal hats.
>>94842459It's also good because it doesn't affect the balance of individual games, just campaigns.
>>94842459It was invented by a first-gen Clanner who joined late, so he hadn't yet had time to absorb the full retardation.
>>94841993They legitimately live better and do everything better than the rest of the IS. They think they're better because they are.
>>94842441Omnimechs make a lot of sense lore and TT campaign wise, the problem is you just don't really see those benefits in quick games or vidya, since you aren't forced to deal with the issues that come with heavily modifying Battlemechs.
>>94842492At the mercy of the Houses/Clans now. Terra needs to stop pretending it really matters, it's not even rich.
>>94842517Thats the thing. They shouldnt BE heavily modified. They should make them at the factory to clan spec everything.The omnimech shot is just dumb.A clantech groffin jas so much saved weight it gets bigger engine, max armour AND Stupidly improved cooling and weapons.
>>94842519>it's not even richIt's fantastically wealthy. Compared to the IS, the typical Terran was independently wealthy while working ~20 hours a week.
>>94842441True ba shit all over all mechs and its not even a contest
>>94842528Cut it off from its multi-system supports and Terra would destroy itself. Nations like the FWL dwarf Terra in wealth, security, and every other metric.
>>94842539You don't think this is actually how it goes for BA in the game do you?
>>94841874>proving yet again he's a retard being propped up by the writing teamWow, he's the clans personified.
>>94842559Nothing in mwll is remotely like tabletop its all a concession for gameplay, also ba shits all over mechs and you can 1v1 me if you disagree
>>94842586>Wow, he's the clans personified.Even JFC had to adjust to the reality of the IS.
>>94842559..Depends on the battle armor, honestly.
>>94842306I think the HBS BT secret comstar conspiracy subplot has more thought put into it by random people than the writers put into the game.
>>94842599did jade falcon successfully implement the clan caste system on IS planets?
>>94842527>an IS Mech gets much better when it becomes a Clan Mech>especially a fast Mech whose armament is a PPC and LRMs
>>94842621Sort of. They imposed their caste system on specific sections of the population but left most to be Clanless and administered by the Free Guilds, hence the Free Guilds being such a big deal in the Hinterlands, they had the structure and power to move in when the Warriors disappeared. Since the Free Guilds weren't Clan, they weren't even Laborer caste.
>>94842621Yes, and shockingly fast. It's mentioned that when the FC (temporarily) reclaimed Blackjack in the Civil War (I don't remember the year, but it was between 3062 and 67), most of the people there maintained the Clan caste system and refused to use surnames.
>>94842638I thought that the Free Guilds were folks on pre-Clan Strana Mechty (and other Kluster and Pentagon Worlds) that were never really integrated into the Clan system in the first place. Why would the Falcons bring them to the IS?Or are you just saying that the Falcons formalized the position of most Spheroids as being effectively outside the Clan system?
>>94842621Partially. Technically caste system was officially installed, but they had to abbandon enclaves structure and good chunk of the native locals were either under Free Guilds or under supervision of caste representatives (for example when Society rebelled local research centres, which weren't completely integrated into Scientist caste structure were spared from the secret purge and were source for rebuilding Scientist caste)
>>94842646>Why would the Falcons bring them to the IS?Logistics
>>94842642Did the writers really write something so retarded as FC citizens embracing clan society en masse? I'd struggle to imagine something like that in anything but the most furry of BT fanfiction.Can I bother you for a source?
>>94842638>>94842642Yet another reason what happened to Clan Steel Viper was a writer's room snuff campaign.
>>94842656>Did the writers really write something so retardedIt's been a problem since about 1990.
>>94842681Actually since 1983
>>94842656Masters and Minions for the caste system, I don't remember where the last name thing was from.Can you imagine being one of the dudes cheering the return of the Clans, and your neighbor is like, "Dude, John, I know that you always hated your last name, but are you seriously celebrating a return to a brutal police state with a command economy?"
>>94842680What part?All I remember about Clan Steel Viper was the Falcons randomly kicking them out of hte Inner Sphere and then them later magicking the most powerful battleship in the setting out of thin air so that the writers could find a reason to kick the Ravens out of the IS.
>>94842697>"I know that you always hated your dad, but are you seriously celebrating a return to a brutal police state with a command economy?"Some things just never change.
>>94842638The Free Guilds *are* Clan but they don't hold allegiance to a specific Clan. You could say they were a caste below Laborer but above the Dark Caste since they still adhere, and are loyal to, Clan society. They're sort of like the Untouchables in Indian
>>94842697>"Dude, John, I know that you always hated your last name, but are you seriously celebrating a return to a brutal police state with a command economy?"I mean. Hanseatic League (which was created by refugees from LCW) was known for harsh social restriction and most of the population were serfs, not full citiezens. May be not all Lyran population was wealthy to afford Atlas from salary savings.
>>94842697was this after blackjack became a falcon training world?
>>94842702CSV tried to integrate the worlds they claimed off the Falcons into Clan caste system and got nothing but pushback, then lost the Hegira War against the Falcons who didn't have the forces to actually have won that war. That these IS worlds just sit back and let the Falcons integrate them without riots and insurgencies is the Falcons getting handed yet another gib from the writers at the expense of CSV, who pioneered the idea first.
>>94842716>May be not all Lyran population was wealthy to afford Atlas from salary savings.Steiner nobility hand out Commandos to poor children for Christmas.
>>94842697>living conditions plummet to levels that would probably not have been seen since the lowest lows of the succession wars>an economic and social system more unimaginably oppressive and inhuman to the common man than any of the great houses or perhaps any regime in the history of mankind is imposed>it was just another flag to saluteHow much did this particular writer actually know about battletech?
>>94842761In fairness, worlds that changed hands throughout the Succession Wars repeatedly also took that kind of mindset, so it's not the first time this has been a thing.
>>94842764The worlds that changed hands during the succession wars didn't go from normal human life to clanism whenever another great house took over.
>>94842759To add some salt on this wound. Alaric is basically applying Sanra Mercer;s vision with his Liberty Proclamation.
>>94842761Maybe the Falcons didn't actually implement most of that shit. Maybe they just struck last names off of the official records and assigned everyone a formal caste without doing much to their day-to-day.I have a vision for the Clans, say the Bears, or the Ravens before we just learned that they really don't try to assimilate the Outworlders at all, trying to soft-implement the Eugenics system for Civilians. They don't force marriages, but in societies with matchmakers, they start leaning heavily on the matchmakers. In those without, they take control of all of the dating services. They hold singles mixers with carefully-selected guests. They offer to pay for your first date with a designated partner. People who have children with their designated partner receive free childcare and better education for their kids, maybe payments or access to better stuff too.It would take a while, but I bet you'd get 80%+ of the population into the system within 50 years. Before long marrying one of the folks out of the small pool that the Scientists recommend becomes normal, and those who marry for love and considered kinda weird (like how modern Americans regard Indians who have arranged marriages - you're not going to ostracize them, and out loud you'll say "Different strokes for different folks", but inside you think it's super weird).
>>94842769That's kinda odd to me as well. I can see worlds on the Lyran and FWL border not giving a shit, but any change involving the Capellans or the Combine should be resisted both ways. The Cappie and Drac citizens should be brainwashed as fuck an unhappy to be taken, and no one who wasn't raised as a Cappie or a Drac should be willing to be ruled by them.
>>94842769True, but the oft-traded border worlds between Houses had the same culture shifts every time, so do it enough and you get used to seeing new flags and different tax codes every changeover. Nothing nearly as drastic as accepting Clanism, but places like Verthandi probably have both German and Japanese littering the local lingo.
>>94842769No, but getting into the Capellan system isn't that different.Imagine being from fucking Caph, one of the oldest, richest, and most advanced Hegemony worlds. You get assraped by the Rimworlders, then assraped by the SLDF, then you're conquered by the FedSuns and for a brief shining moment you think you might get to keep some civil rights in the horrible post-Hegemony world...only to get captured by the Cappies a couple years later and turned into a servitor.
>>94842782I don't believe the people who think spheroids know what a batchall is and will honor it upon first contact have the intelligence or restraint for such a scheme.
>>94842759>who pioneered the idea first.Dude, Clan Steel Viper were not the first Clan to try and integrate their new subjects. All of the Clans did. Even the Jaguars, probably. Definitely the Falcons, Wolves, and Bears.
>>94842796If we go by the average life expectancies, the capellan system probably provides at least 20 years over the clan caste system.
>>94842799I dunno, the Ravens are supposed to be super sly and Machiavellian and plotting. But as I said, we learn in IEO that their policy with the Outworlders is "pay us taxes and let us have de facto control of your military and we'll leave you alone".
>>94842777Fairweather Friend Wolf stealing the ideals and glory from its so-called allies is as likely an event as a Hell's Horses road convoy ignoring local speed limits.
>>94842806NTA but while the Capellan system isn't as bad as the Clan system, it's still pretty bad, and we still see very little care when the Capellans conquer a world off the FedSuns or FWL (or the Hegemony, for that matter)
>>94842802They were the first to try and do it without holding a gun to people's heads, by being more reasonable than the Falcons had been.
>>94842816I wonder if maybe they don't just immediately fuck things up. Like they just let the border world do what it does and change things slowly over generations to avoid pissing people off.
>>94842816Yes, but it's most likely "still pretty bad" compared to the clan system in the same way the soviet was "still pretty bad" compared to north korea.
>>94842441>>94842459We did talk about this issue repeatedly. Omnimechs are a dead end tech for anybody but the Clans. That is because it's unrealistic to train your soldiers to use any weapon system in any loadout at the drop of a hat, and proper elite soldiers who enjoy customization will consistently run the same, personalized loadout anyway.Even the option of hauling BA on the ouside seems less relevant to the IS, which seems to prefer to deploy theirs under the cover of AFVs into some kind of terrain cover rather than from a mech to another mech.The other use case is clan-invasion/Bulldog related - with omnis, you can rapidly upgrade your ride and force by slotting in captured clantech weapon pods whenever they become available.
>>94842809>"pay us taxes and let us have de facto control of your military and we'll leave you alone".Yeah surely not an occupation
>>94842812Really makes you wonder why none asked FASA/CGL about the fact that some factions allowed to exists fully on other factions expense?
>>94842854It's absolutely an occupation and no one ever tries to pretend otherwise.But since the alternative is abolishing private property and having to marry someone a nerd on the other side of the world tells you to, it seems okay by contrast.Plus the Outworlders are the Inner Sphere's least politically conscious nation.
>>94842612The flashpoint side missions are better written than the main plot too. They really feel like tales from the inner sphere, some with no 'good' option to pick.
>>94842911I do wish they'd been less obvious about wanting the FedCom factions to be evil whenever possible though. >lyran general invades a planet in order to kidnap back his abused wife>fedrat noble doesn't care if civilians die as long as she gets a good publicity shot>justin allard wants you to kill someone because he owes him money
>>94842915They had twenty years of real life time being automatically the good guys, was that not enough?
>>94842915You also had a drac commander trying to screw you over for his mistake in ambushing the wrong convoy.And Capellans asking you to remove terrorist in a densly populated city.Just IS things.
>>94842916Writing them to suddenly be comically, nonsensically villainous is not good writing.
>>94842916Not after another 20 years of being incompetent and bad guys to compensate, no.All I ask is a little nuance, like we got with the capellans>the officer you're liaising with is an asshole, but his boss is nice>you have to liberate a world from an angry abusive husband, and you work with two dudes, one is a criminal amd one will betray you but its kinda justified>you have to eliminate some dissidents who turn out to be religious refugees, but your contact isn't too passed if you betray herThey get both good and bad.Or the Dracs, who also have good and bad and some things with no good answer, like the one where the mom hires you to kill her daughter's girlfriend
>Grayson, Morgan, Justin, Nasty K, Bounty HunterWhat other nameds were in the game?
>>94842929Davions always were villains
>>94842825I kinda figured that was the case, the Cappies are shockingly good at engineering loyalty into their people, to the point that I'm half sure they mostly just leave the adults be and focus on using their education system to engineer loyalty into the next generation instead.Meanwhile the Fedsuns and FWL mostly just plant the flag, set up a basic set of rights and laws the new planet has to follow, tell them when they expect to start receiving taxes and mostly move in to the next skirmish.
>>94842915All of those are based, thougheverbeit
>>94842915I don't think any of these would even raise an eyebrow among the degenerate inbred cesspit of IS aristocracy.
>>94842929I don't know, it always seemed like outside of Victor the Fedsuns talked a big game but tended to be pretty hypocritical when it counts. Even with Hanse, it's easy to see him as the good guy when his foils are Max and Romano Liao who are fucking crazy, and Takashi Kurita who had literal brain damage from a stroke or whatever.
>>94842761Tbqh. Such behavor was pretty common durring most of the history before nationalism was invented.And since BT openly works with themes of space feudalism/renaissance it's not as alien as it might look like
>>94842994>the degenerate inbred cesspit of IS aristocracy.Oh look who is talking
>>94842812> a clan forever cucked by GM out of cool insignia
>>94843001LC and FS are only evil in the way that most government is just generically "evil", generally about as malicious or indifferent towards their citizens as the US or many european states.The dracs and cappies are evil on a level akin to communist china, not really any worse than that.Much of the "evilness" of BT's great houses is due to the fact that they can actually afford to directly wage war on each other, whereas modern states cannot. But you know they'd be just as bad if they could.
>>94843002There has been no state or practiced system in history as nightmarishly inhuman and evil towards its primary populace as clanism. Perhaps north korea or communist china came close at their worst.The great houses appear to be able to objectively provide levels of effective welfare and quality of life better that of the most generous nations on earth. People would not just accept their regular lives and living standards being swapped out for that of clan laborers, let alone embrace it.
>>94843001No one's saying they have to be good guys, we're saying don't make them just bad guys.Don't make the Capellans just bad guys either.Only the Jags.
>>94843056Well that's kinda the point though, every Successor State having assholes as individuals of influence in seems perfectly in line with what BT is about. HBS had a lot of problems with it, but these >>94842915 aren't. The Successor States are huge interstellar states with hundreds, if not thousands of people running things in various degrees of influence. I could totally believe there are asshole nobles in the Fedsuns who only care about their publicity, Good guy Davions running things overall or not. The Fedsuns aren't going to be squeaky clean everywhere after all.
>>94843054>The great houses appear to be able to objectively provide levels of effective welfare and quality of life better that of the most generous nations on earth.Yeah especially some border worlds which carries most of the damage caused by raids and succession wars. Or worlds with legalised slavery
>>94843104The stats are the stats.
>>94843109>average instead of median
>>94843111Average life expectancy is one statistic used to calculate a country's human development index, perhaps the most important one.
>>94843118Country. Not interstellar superstates. And let's be honest plenty of developed countries allowed to maintain high standards mostly at the expense of other countries (and ferret brains). Besides, numbers always were a problem for most of sci-fi universes.
>>94843109The statistic probably got mangled when FASA worngly converted the 3/8ths humans to metrics.
>>94843111The median would favor IS even more because it would reduce the impact of infant mortality on super shithole planets.
>>94842853Can't be that difficult to adjust to different weapon loadouts. It's not like the pilots of an F-15 have to relearn the whole thing just because someone stuck a rocket pod on it instead of a JDAM
>>94843141>Country. Not interstellar superstatesIrrelevant.>plenty of developed countries allowed to maintain high standards mostly at the expense of other countriesIrrelevant.>Besides, numbers always were a problem for most of sci-fi universes.Irrelevant.
>>94843190>Irrelevant.>Irrelevant.>Irrelevant.That's not even a discussion anymore, Just denial
>>94843200There is nothing to discuss, those points are genuinely irrelevant to the topic. Practically non sequiturs.
>>94843109>average sphereoid peasant outlives the longest-lived subset of clanners by a decade Jesus wept, does the cum-soaked hellscape of a magical realm that clanners live in result in every single one of them getting turbo-AIDS sooner or later?
>>94843204>irrelevant to the topic.How so? Scale and nuance matters. We can even see it IRL, while USA have some of the best metrics of living standarts there are plenty of territories of nearly permanent medical/social disaster (mostly territorial core of original 13 states+ overpopulated areas). The simmiliar applies to a smaller state but differently. Norway can afford it's quality of life only because NATO nullifies possibility of Russian agression and US/EU general supervision prevents Europe from another war.
>>94843216More like Nicky K grand design who was really butthurt when anyone tried to work together.
>>94843216I infer it to be the following.Laborers basically live and work in conditions similar to that of 19th century factory workers, and they don't have families to support them when something horrible happens.Warriors die young because clan warriors, duh.Dark caste lives the dark caste life.Everyone else isn't given any form of healthcare if they receive an actually life threatening injury or health complication, their lifespan is directly proportional to the dangerousness of their job.A lot of the successor states are very generous(and shockingly effective) welfare states that can provide resources and services for most of their citizens.
>>94843225Why does this matter? Does it debunk the stats given or disprove the point?You seem to just be saying some people suffer. Yes, so what?The most prosperous countries on earth can only achieve their prosperity because stronger states guarantee peace? That makes the quality of life of the constantly warring great houses even more impressive.
>>94843234Or when people had sex with the purpose of procreation.
>>94843299Yet he was the result of such an act, as was his father, Aleksandr Kerensky.Curious.
>>94843292>That makes the quality of life of the constantly warring great houses even more impressive.Nope it doesn't. Because stats are compromised by plenty of worlds like Tharkad, New Avalon, Atreus and all worlds far from war/raids or necessity to pprovide resources at their own expense will inflate the stats.>>94843299Nah, not the case since furfags didn't died out after his death
>>94843097The complaint wasn't bad guy Davions. It was that the flashpoints only portray the FedSuns and LyrCom as bad, instead of some good and some bad.
>>94843326>Because stats are compromised by plenty of worlds like Tharkad, New Avalon, Atreus and all worlds far from war/raids or necessity to pprovide resources at their own expense will inflate the statsThat doesn't compromise the stats.You seem to be under the impression that an average is only valid if literally every single person in the entire country is provided an equal amount of resources and care. That's retarded.
>>94842384That's the Stalking Spider, which was inspired by the Tarantula. You know an IS mech is good when it not only inspires a Clan design, but makes the typically hide-bound Clanners produce their first quad mech in nearly 50 years. Although I imagine the Cloud Cobras are more open than some to new ideas.
>>94843336Thing is, that's pretty much how they treat the Periphery. At best they're mostly apathetic, but I can't say I've ever seen any positive interactions between the Fedsuns and any of the Periphery states. They barely acknowledge their Outback. For most of the Periphery, not even counting the Concordat because I'll admit that's cheating, there doesn't seem to be any positive interactions with Fedsuns in canon.
>>94843344>That doesn't compromise the stats.Except it does. If you conclude average temperature out of Sahara daylight and Finland durring polar night your final results would be pretty useless.
>>94843365Do any of the Successor States have positive interactions with the periphery? FWL maybe? I know Liao and Kurita don't, and I don't think the Lyrans do either.
>>94843371Do you think insane non sequitur analogies are going to convince anyone to stop using valid statistics?
>>94843365Davion did send symbolical force to Outworld Alliance in secret prior to Reunification wars
>>94843392>valid statistics>in a sci-fi settingLet me guess, 1kk Space Marines keeping Imperium in control over the whole Milky Way (at least nominally) or 800 mechwarriors reconquering Pentagon Worlds is also valid statistics?
>>94843408Yes.How feasible you personally find the canon does not matter, it is irrelevant to this discussion, it is an entirely different discussion unrelated to this one.
>>94843386Ironically I think the Liao have had the only real positive interactions with the Periphery. Say what you will about the Trinity Alliance, but the MoC and the TC did get some positives out of the deal, even if narratively it made them practically a subfaction of the Cappies.
>>94843422Is that a dark age thing? I honestly don't remember that, but I also haven't really kept up with lore past the Fedcom Civil war and have only just recently started looking into Jihad and Ilclan.
>>94843396I'm going to go on a limb and say any good will that might have gotten the Fedsuns was done away with by the Reunification War proper.Feels like a safe assumption.
>>94843429It was signed in 3058 and ended in 3067 when the Taurians left it to work with the Blakists, but the CapCon still has an alliance with the MoC.
>>94843436Huh. I guess my memory is just shit.
>>94843365The Flashpoints aren't in the Periphery.
>>94842447>Davion hasn't had plot armor since before 9/11. The name you are looking for is Liao.Kid said they were new, and I don't think XIN SHENG had much to do with a Steiner-Davion Steiner-Davion Tube Baby, did it?>>94842459>>94842464Yeah, Omnitech is far less offensive than Clan Double Heat Sinks, Clan XL Engines, or Clan ER Medium Lasers.>>94842586>Wow, he's the clans personified.EXACTLY!He's all the factional and character sueism distilled into a single person.The biggest thing Anons here like about him is that he's being haunted by the ghosts of his Psycho Mom and Stone's Atlas II.>>94843259>Everyone else isn't given any form of healthcare if they receive an actually life threatening injury or health complication, their lifespan is directly proportional to the dangerousness of their job.See, this is why I'd have my Clan be Terraforming Homesteaders; It's a dangerous life in the setting of BattleTech, but nobody is going to give you grief for being some weird alternate society while you do it.
>>94843483The Steiner Davion Steiner Davion tube baby also isn't a member of said house as a political entity, and his actions do not reflect on House Davion/The Federated Suns. Alaric is a woof and has woof plot armor. Bringing up Davion isn't accurate, and claiming that Alaric is an example of Davion plot armor is disingenuous.
>>94842459>It's such a reasonable and useful idea that you'd never expect it came from a bunch of ding dongs in animal hats.
>>94843483fuck off manic you don't even play battletech
>>94843502The writing treats him as a Steiner-Davion-Ward Kwisatz Haderach which is both hilarious and disgusting at the same time. He has Fedcom-Wolf plot armor; the strongest yet seen! What manner of horrors will yet befall the Inner Sphere at the fell hands of this monster?! Tune in later to find out!
Are people who make a blanket statement of "nobody today would want to live in Clan society, guaranteed" the exact same people who make a blanket statement of "nobody today would want to live in the Imperium of Man, guaranteed"?
>>94843569Which nations on earth right now do you think are worse to live in than traditional clan society?
>>94843577Sudan, DRC, possibly burma
>>94843569The main problem is that Imperial society is completely dysfunctional in a Russian Tsarist sense: you can be a degraded serf dying of radiation pollution or you can get a decent life in some forgotten agri-world.Clan society is scientifically built to spread misery on the lower classes, the only borderline successful Clanners are those who close themselves in their Bantustans and interact as little as possible. Indeed the only way to fix Clan society is utter genocide, as Blake would have wanted.
>>94843543>The writing treats him as a Steiner-Davion-Ward Kwisatz Haderach which is both hilarious and disgusting at the same time. He has Fedcom-Wolf plot armor; the strongest yet seen!Exactly, it may be disingenuous to link him directly to Davion plot armor, but they're already hinting that him and Julian will be best buds.>>94843534>play battletechPlayed yesterday, will probably play tomorrow!
>>94843587And do you think literally the worst places on earth are representative of most people's living conditions?And do you think even a majority of the people from those hellholes would want to live in a system where their lives are equally brutal and short, but with the additional horrors laborers must deal with? Are you aware that an average life expectancy at birth of 57.8 would give any clan nation the sixth lowest lifespan relative to modern earth nations(right between somalia and south sudan)? The people in the nations you listed are all expected to live longer than clan laborers.
>>94843637>but they're already hinting that him and Julian will be best buds.So the Davions have evolved from being dwarf Shattners to dwarf Habsburgs?
>>94843685>So the Davions have evolved from being dwarf Shattners to dwarf Habsburgs?I mean compare Alaric: >>94843020To a painting of Charles the Second: >>94841551
>>94842972This post has been factchecked by real Taurian patriots: TRUE.
>>94843417>Yes.>find the canonOkay lol. Then you should stop crying about Clanners bias since 800 of them could conquer several star systems in 2 years
>>94843818The discussion is not about clan military strength.Try again.
>>94843828>The discussion is not about clan military strength.Isn't it? The whole discussion started with "oooga booga clanner bias for managing taking control over planets of the IS despite poor standarts of living in Clan society"
>>94843840It's not, read it again.
>>94843848>It's not,>>94842586
>>94843860NTA but this doesn't really prove your case.
>>94843863Valid canon statistics says that 800 clan mechwarriors can conquer and subjugate five star systems with all inhabitants (and only few thousands managing to escape). Ergo there are no clan bias because they are literally ubermenches, just like 40k Space Marines
>>94843483Spacebattles ban you for being too autistic again, Manic?
>>94843885Per his reddit account it seems he's mostly into Fortnite these days. Which tracks, he's got the mental age of the average userbase.Have a game photo so this is still /tg/
>>94843895And a shot of the table as a whole, because it's cool
>>94843879You are in dire need of reading comprehension, probably critical thinking as well. You also need to learn when to stop talking.
>>94843903>critical thinking as well.>>94843417>Yes.>How feasible you personally find the canon does not matter,Look who is talking
>>94843885Never did.>>94843895>Per his reddit account it seems he's mostly into Fortnite these days.Don't be dragging Reddit shit into this MAP, and it's mostly the original Save the World game mode.
>>94843911The person who has failed to understand what the topic of discussion is even about for literal hours(you) has done a little too much talking. You also seem to have failed to completely grasp the post you're referring to.I can only assume you don't really understand what critical thinking is either.
>>94843937>I can only assume you don't really understand what critical thinking is either.Sure thing, keep taking fictional setting numbers for actual valid data. You've showed me, pal.
>>94843936>don't drag reddit shit into this, the reddit shit said, dragging himself into this
>>94843937I mean, critical thinking suggest that Clan Laborer Life is statistically worse than that of Somalia and South Sudan, since one can assume Clan Laborers don't have Infant Mortality bringing down their average life span.
>>94843959Congrats, you found my reddit account. You really want to embarass me? Dig up the fanfiction I wrote in high school.
>>94843948Critical thinking also suggests that since Battletech is fictional setting most of the statistic is also fictional. So with this thesis there is two ways to follow: 1) Cry about Clan bias when fictional statistic doesn't match rational explanations why some IS worlds prefered to stay with CJF 2) Assume that BT isn't hard sci-fi and product of several writters and just like in 90% of sci-fi numbers couldn't be used as hard data.
>>94843942Yes? I will discuss the setting using canon information. Do you not?I'm not sure why you've even involved yourself in a lore discussion if the lore is irrelevant to you? Not sure why you're in /btg/ in the first place actually.
>>94837057It's crazy to think that even hamstrung by his own side and with Jamie "cheating" in their trial, he almost won. It's impressive how good Drac mechwarriors actually are. DCMS regiments led by Davion commanders would probably conquer the Inner Sphere.
>>94843987I don't think anyone was talking about 800 clan warriors except for you
>>94837212>>94841872These are both good combinations.It's hard to settle on one. Might have to try the different lance compositions in next month's games and see what pops off.
>>94843990>Do you not?Depends on the type of information and it's relevance. Usually numbers falls into irrelevant ones because most of the sci-fies are actually bad with numbers.>Not sure why you're in /btg/ in the first place actually.Like stompy robots. like space aristocracy and space barbarians, like spheric space ships.
>>94843001i thought all the fox pilots were with Clan Sea Fox hehe
>>94844011Yeah we were talking about in-universe statistic, among which number of mechwarriors who were participating in operation KLONDIKE and average lifespan of the IS
>>94843983>You really want to embarass me? Dig up the fanfiction I wrote in high school.Man I may be able to sleuth some serious shit out, but that's a step to far even for me.>>94843987>>94843990And yeah, if the in-universe given statistics do NOT hold up under any scrutiny, that shatters the suspension of disbelief, ergo making the fiction unbelievable.
>>94844017>dependsThen be quiet, your headcanon is not relevant to this discussion.Those numbers are objective truth in-setting unless contradicted by newer information, they are of high relevance to the current discussion.It is one part of an argument pointing out the writers are bad at writing, they write things inconsistent with setting's own logic and precedent.>>94844027>among which number of mechwarriors who were participating in operation KLONDIKEThis was just some non sequitur you pulled out to prove some retarded point because you didn't know what we were even talking about in the first place.
>>94843959>>94843936Kek, still perma banned from spacebattles I see, and technically still from here but you keep evading the ban.Difference between you and map is that map contributes and is a cool guy, your a petulant manchild whom hates the setting and doesn't even play the game.>>94843983Share it lad. Trust me, your not going to out cringe most here.
>>94843959literally who?
>>94844056Kraken the biggest reason I usually ignore you is that most of us here know you probably couldn't operate a door labeled "Pull to Open."
>>94844017>because most of the sci-fies are actually bad with numbers.
>>94844055>Then be quiet,>your headcanon is not relevant to this discussion.As opposed to your crying?>you didn't know what we were even talking about in the first place.The whole discussion was about how Clanners (Green bird in particular) managed to conquer not only planets but local population's loyalty.
>>94843999This assumes that there is something wrong with the idea of disrupting your opponent's plans through targeted harassment with more light, fast units than they have guns to kill and then delivering the knock-out punch with fast heavies.
Anyway, to be more on topic, it is with deep regret, lads, that I must inform you that the pewter/plastic ratio of my collection is now firmly cemented in favour of the plastic. Got my kickstarter last week.>>94844076Because despite being a pathetic debater and nowhere near the smartest here I still crush you in every single argument or discussion that we get tangled in, usually with repeat references to the lore and your lack of knowledge regarding it, that you refuse to rectify via reading it? That usually results in you storming off in a huff or throwing a tantrum and appealing to the masses only for them to shoot you down? Ah, but I see, this was all just a cunning 6d move on your side to cement me as the fool!
>>94844146The discussion was never about conquest.Discussing lore with a person that ignores the lore and can't read is pointless, but I will still ask you to read(and hopefully understand what you read) before you post next time.Perhaps you'll ensure this wasn't a total waste of everyone's time by learning something, anything.
>>94844076well, we know for a fact you can't kill an old lady by throwing massive furniture down stairs at them, even when you try
>>94844158Kraken, just because you parrot idiots like this >>94844168Doesn't mean you aren't both brain dead morons who don't realize the facts as given don't add up.>>94844184To be fair, said old lady is way sturdier built than I am, since I've been to the hospital three times since then.
when do clan heavy lasers become popular with the inner sphere clans or do they ever get brought in from the homeworlds?
>>94844289None of the facts add up to whatever retarded headcanon you wish was true.
>>94844359And likewise, Clanners must treat Laborers worse than in third world countries.
>>94844291Clans operating within the inner sphere acquire and employ heavy lasers by the year after the weapons are invented(3060).
If you could take the place of any Battletech character post Jihad who would you replace?
>>94842539guess only pussies use BA if this is how you all play
>>94844168>The discussion was never about conquest.Our discussion began from these posts: >>94842761 ,>>94842586
>>94842559Would be grand if they actually modeled the mechanics of hitching a rid and then taking a leap from one mech to another.
>ranged combat is the most honorable!>invent a man-made horror meant to latch onto your windshield and scoop you out of your cockpit with a robotic drill tentacle like some slasher movie monsterWhat did clanners mean by this?
>>94844782That if you weren't good enough to 360 no scope an elemental out of the air while it was jumping at you then you disserved a ignoble and horrific death.
>>94844782We do a little trolling
>>94844782That, compared to IS infantry anti-mech tactics, the use of BA demonstrated a sense of fairness and proportionality?
>>94844289>Kraken, just because you parrot idiots like this >>94844168 #"Multiple people are quoting lore at me, they must all be parroting this one person. They cannot possibly have all read the lore and each understood it within the context of the setting">Doesn't mean you aren't both brain dead morons who don't realize the facts as given don't add up.1: in 1939 an SS officer, his aide, and iirc 6 men, captured Belgrade, overcoming and capturing it's several hundred defenders and all their reinforcements through a mix of shock and awe, and cunning guile (this is a major simplification but will suffice for here)2: during the war in Afghanistan one Gurka fought off an assault by over 100 Taliban insurgents, killing all of them3: during the Boxer Rebellion the 12 nation army fought its way through China against many times its number of Boxers and Chinese Soldiers, pacifying the country and attaining complete control within 60 daysAnd to break back into the setting4: the Clans had vastly superior tech and LF Batteries, enabling double jumps5:most IS planets only have one major settlement that needs taking6: IS forces got clowned on over a relatively narrow invasion corridor that allowed the Clans to concentrate forces7: most worlds had maybe a company at most defending them8: omnimechs can rearm, repair, and refit in under an hour, a normal mech requires hours, days, or even weeks to rearm and performbasic repairs, depending on available resources>To be fair, said old lady is way sturdier built than I am, Not denying it anymore then? Atleast that's an improvement.>since I've been to the hospital three times since then.I'm going to give you some serious advice:Go outside. Walk. Run. Go find somewhere green, take off your shoes and walk barefoot. Find a gym and start lifting. You will feel better and you will be better. Barefoot hiking unironically helps me immensely, both physically and mentally. Start exercising.
>>94844902>IS infantry anti-mech tacticsYou mean "die messily until fire support shows up?"
>>94844956More like: "die messily in a hilarious combination of WW2 german anti-tank tactics and ancient children's cartoon reenactment."
>>94844916None of that changes the fact that Clan Laborers have the same average life expectancy as Somalia...>Not denying it anymore then?I wasn't trying to kill her dumbass, she told me to let go of the damn cabinet in the first place.It crashing down the steps on her was exactly what I feared would happen, but she was insistent that we could move six of them with just two of us.The JOKE you take out of context is that most internet "experts" tell people like me to kill their overbearing parents as some twisted form of gaining independence, and my mother was a fair bit controlling at the time.It's taken YEARS of work and the death of her remaining siblings to get her on my side when it comes to the issue of me even being allowed to DRIVE!>Go outside.It's 1 degree Fahrenheit outside.I have been trying to be more active, but the local bus kind of sucks, there are a bunch of annoying hills, and it isn't until recently that I have been allowed to drive my car anywhere.Thankfully one of those places is my FLGS, with a BattleTech group that tries to meet at least weekly.
Anti mech tactics is a schrodinger's equation. The target either has anti-infantry weapons or it doesn't. One would think that in the post Helm Core era all infantrymen should have been extremely wary of a random small pulse laser being commonly fitted to most mechs, but I guess they lucked out with the big companies not seeing a universal need for it.
>>94845209Personally I wouldn't want Mechs wasting time with Infantry, since they're likely the least valuable asset on the field and Time is never on the Mechs side.
>>94845151>None of that changes the fact that Clan Laborers have the same average life expectancy as Somalia...Also doesn't changes the fact that Lyrans prefered it to the FedCom government
>>94845209Stopping and making time to deal with infantry is all kinds of retarded in the first place. They generally can't threaten you or keep up with you if you just stick to the plan.Also pulse lasers getting a bonus vs infantry is equally retarded. Those were specifically designed to pump their energy into a single target rapidly after all. If you wanna paint a line of infantry, use a standard laser that has an actual latency and more than enough power to grill in any case.
>>94841466Durrr, it's a great 'Mech guy.
>>94842114I'd like it more if I could find a good STL
>>94845151Assuming you are a grown ass adult how the actual fuck is your mother running your life to the point where she could forbid you to drive?
>>94845151No, the "joke" you made was "hurr durr almost killed my mother lmao" in an attempt to form some kind of solidarity with us and we were understandably horrified about it.
>>94845747Why is she so perfect?
>>94841466it's an obese shadowhawk
>>94844148not the idea, but often the execution
>>94845151>None of that changes the fact that Clan Laborers have the same average life expectancy as Somalia...Command economy, retard. They work until they cant then they die, its also known as "trve commvnism". You talked about how "the invasion is stupid X number couldnt do Y", I gave you IRL examples of far more extreme ratios doing what you said was impossible.>I wasn't trying to kill her dumbass, she told me to let go of the damn cabinet in the first place."My mom is annoyingly resilient, I dropped a heavy cabinet on her and she was fine"As >>94845747 said, you joked about trying to murder your mom and then cried when everyone here called you out on being a disgusting shit.>The JOKE you take out of context is that most internet "experts" tell people like me to kill their overbearing parents as some twisted form of gaining independence, and my mother was a fair bit controlling at the time."Ahahaha guys, it was just a JOKE, im not some mom killer, I didnt try and kill her because she told me to stop playing with childrens toys and get a job, it was a JOKE, stop bringing it up">It's taken YEARS of work and the death of her remaining siblings to get her on my side when it comes to the issue of me even being allowed to DRIVE!Echoing >>94845560 your older than me, IIRC by about 6 years, how are you not at least semi independent?>It's 1 degree Fahrenheit outside.Put some warm layers on, and move. Picrel was taken on Angelzarke moor at dusk when it was -3C, and it dropped a lot more before I was off.>I have been trying to be more active, but the local bus kind of sucks, there are a bunch of annoying hills, and it isn't until recently that I have been allowed to drive my car anywhere.Excuses, excuses. Dont TRY. DO. Your a man (sort of). Act like it.>Thankfully one of those places is my FLGS, with a BattleTech group that tries to meet at least weekly.Given how you present online, I doubt there is an actual IRL group that would tolerate your presence.
>>94845991>They work until they cant then they die, its also known as "trve commvnismFuck off
>>94845991ummm sweaty, true communism is when we have gay nigger sex on state-subsidized PrEP, do better
Clans are just a discount CapCon
>>94842853The entire point is mission oriented weapon load outs. Inner Sphere mechwarriors aren't equivalent to modern soldiers or pilots. The extra training for alternate weapon systems is already something they do. A mechwarrior pilots battlemechs. Not a specific battlemech, but battlemechs period. At academies and gyms throughout the inner sphere they are trained on mechs and in simulators to pilot any mech and use whatever weapons any mech they are assigned might be equipped with. Having a specialty or a tendency toward type does not mean they would be out to sea mounting LRMs for one fight and AC/20s for the next.
>>94846083More like the Clans accidentally embody the Clans, Sects and Cults of Lakes and Rivers.Also scifi Xianxia is pretty much the only good type of mecha fiction available these days.
>>94846083Not surprising, Nicholas was inspired by the Confederation and a plurality of the first Khans and saKhans were Capellan.>>94846126>Clans accidentally embody the Clanslol
>>94843648I actually agree with you, hence the examples I gave
>>94845875At some point, everybody in the military forgot that there used to be a plan and the whole thing just became political, apparently.
>>94846029>Fuck offTouch a nerve did I?
>>94845269>Also doesn't changes the fact that Lyrans prefered it to the FedCom governmentFor no plausible reason except authorial fiat...>>94845560>Assuming you are a grown ass adult how the actual fuck is your mother running your life to the point where she could forbid you to drive?Well unfortunately we've only got a single lane driveway, hence her vehicle had mine boxed in.Thus my driving required her cooperation, and since it would normally require moving her car anyways she'd usually just say she'd drive me anyways.>>94845991>I didnt try and kill her because she told me to stop playing with childrens toys and get a jobKraken, realize that my frustration was that she was doing the EXACT fucking opposite; Actively shutting down my attempts as any sort of self betterment.>how are you not at least semi independent?Lack of what are called "Executive Functioning Skills".You know all those responsibilities that come with Adulthood?Due to a combination of Autism and a memory deficit, I can basically forget to do the basic stuff like eating regularly.How independently I can live is honestly a bit questionable; I'm probably more capable than the rest of my family would like to admit, but then again I also ended up in the hospital a couple of weeks ago due to a lack of dietary diligence.>Given how you present online, I doubt there is an actual IRL group that would tolerate your presence.See that's the difference between online and the real world when it comes to me; I'm actually WAY more fucking obnoxious here because you get the full brunt of my personality, unfiltered and uninhabited.In person I'm slightly more self-conscious and are generally conditioned to make as little of a nuisance of myself as possible.
>>94846083Which doesn't make sense since labourers are the ones that keep everything running, they outnumber the warrior caste 10000:1, have access to weapons since they man the vee/infantry arm of the clan military, and the warrior caste is terrible at policing anything going by the fact that the Society existed under their noses for centuries.All it would take for the retarded system to come tumbling down was for one angry retard to drive a fuel truck of peace and equality into a clan council gathering.
>>94844624nigga whathow is this pussy
>>94844724You can do it on most mechs you just have to manually jump jet on topIn a new update there might be a magnetic way to jockey
>>94846374>have access to weapons since they man the vee/infantry arm of the clan militaryThose are manned by warriors as well, just the ones who either failed their training or are considered too old for frontline duties. One of the reasons Blood Spirits got exterminated was because they started arming their civilian castes when they were running out of warriors to fight the Star Adders. Giving guns to non-warriors is a huge no-no in Clan society.
>>94846374>have access to weapons since they man the vee/infantry arm of the clan militaryThose are ex-laborers who have tested into the warrior caste and now get to be the ones on the funner side of arbitrary violence against civilians.
>>94843701Lol, I really hope that that was intentional.
>>94844782>>94844902What about headhunters?IIRC they weren't even invented by the Wolves.
>>94844158>Got my kickstarter last week.Nice haul. What all's in it, and what are your plans for it all?
I have a confession to make and I need to make it anonymously:I don’t want to like this mech. Its model design annoys me on such a deep and admittedly nitpicking level.First and minor complaint: it looks like a sloppy model build, riddled with pieces that were either not fitted well, oriented wrong, or came off a completely different kit and just jammed into place. But this is a minor complaint because plenty of other mechs have a slapdash or goofy look that adds to its charm.But worst is the arms. The fucking arms! Like, LOOK AT THEM! They very clearly look like they are each mounting a different weapon on them. But no, each is just a medium laser. Like I can believe the right arm is a medium laser; but if that’s true, then what the hell is going on with the left arm!? Why does it have that massive housing? Is it a battle fist? Because I don’t remember the Orion having that quirk. I also looked at other variants but none really justify this, they all largely just fiddle with the torso weapons leaving the arms as just medium lasers, or if they do anything with the arms it’s to move the missiles to the arms from the shoulders, which really isn’t addressing the left arm’s massive weapon housing.Like, am I insane? Am I the only one bothered by this? Or does anyone know why the arms are so mismatched if they are supposed to have the same armaments?
>>94847011It's just shit like 95% of the original models that were not counterfeit gundams from Japan.
>>94847011As I recall, back in the day they fucked up on the ON-1K and had the SRM 4 with a ton and a half of ammo and CASE in the left arm once, despite that being an illegal build, and the artwork just kept the swollen arm even after they moved the SRM 4 to the left torso.
>>94847161I don't think it had CASE, but yes in the art it had the SRM4 in the arm (plus 2 cooling vent holes) and while making it's stats they accidentally moved it to the torso where it has stayed sonce
>>94847011It would look kinda fucked up with tiny ass Ostscout arms.
>>94847254I count 6 missile tubes around that laser.
>>94847340>SRM4 in the arm (plus 2 cooling vent holes)
>>94846761>Lol, I really hope that that was intentional.I mean the more you look at Alaric's art, the more he looks like a Habsburg!Sure, most of the character art makes them look like they're strung out on crack, but his face is concave!>>94847340COOLING VENT HOLES!
>>94847264I mean we already got that from the TRO: Prototypes>assuming by how small it looks I think they were testing if you could give a mech body image issues and an eating disorder to match
>>94847254Cooling vent, or coolant plug?
>>94846506Even the warriors need to eat, shit, amd sleep, right? Plenty of opportunity to kill the bastards off even without firearms (good ol' shiv, mushroom, fuel and a match etc...)
>>94841466I'm not sure where to split the white and the blue with the Lyran Guards scheme. I mean, painting only the right arm and leg white would make it so much easier, but doesn't feel quite right
>>94847377>>94847378>passive air cooling Retarded take.
>>94846320Are you unironically the thirty plus year old dude living with his parents? I thought those were a myth.
>>94847537The scheme is literally just described as a vertical split white/blue.It was some random guys personal choice to make the split uneven and then everyone else followed like lemmings.Half and half is fine if you want.
>>94847549I was looking for that image of him!Didn't find it in the previous /btg/s, so it must have been a different one.
>>94847558There's nothing wrong with anon living with his parents, it's the most sensible option for more than financial reasons in today's world.But letting mommy ground him from his own vehicle is some pussy shit for sure.
>>94847340>>94847501IIRC they could also be used to suck up water to cool the system down in the field
>>94847558>I thought those were a myth.It's increasingly common in this housing market.>>94847584>But letting mommy ground him from his own vehicle is some pussy shit for sure.Like I said, my car was boxed in.Plus she's become a lot more open to me driving, unlike my sister who thinks I shouldn't be driving at all!She was pissed when we got a car for me to drive, but now because I actually researched that shit, my car is the one still running while the Crossover she got Mom is dead in her driveway.
>>94846907Mostly vehicles as I was looking for a cheap way to expand my pool of armour back when the KS kicked off, and two platoons of IS BA, again because cheap and easy. Pretty much all the IS Mech packs, and the Clan star with the Kraken in because I wanted one and had not found my precious Unseen mini back then. And a Union. And 3/5 of an Aero Star of Visigoths for my Falcons. I do partially regret not ordering more packs, the Strikers pack, or more droppers or Bloodasps (only got 2 of those), but at the same time my disgust with CGL has grown since then.For now a good chunk is going in the "Opfor when" box for the campaign I want to run but seemingly never will, and some units will go to flesh out existing units, getting them up to or closer to Battalion strength. My Donegal Guards and Genyosha are almost there but the Holdfast Guard need a bit of attention, as do the Oriente Fusiliers. Not sure about the 2nd NAIS though, im half tempted to switch to a different unit. And the Visigoths are going to the Falcons.>>94846320>Kraken, realize that my frustration was that she was doing the EXACT fucking opposite; Actively shutting down my attempts as any sort of self betterment.Your story flipflops faster than a politician at election time.>*Excuses*Try.>How independently I can live is honestly a bit questionable; I'm probably more capable than the rest of my family would like to admit, but then again I also ended up in the hospital a couple of weeks ago due to a lack of dietary diligence.More excuses. Ive seen that photo of you, your in shit physical state. Stop making excuses and try. Or just die. Either way fuck off.>Blah blah blah, more words not my fault its 'tism thats makes my personality like this im not like it IRL I swear>Banned from Spacebattles, Brikwars, here, and every other internet community youve interacted with>Not an annoying, ignorant, petulant manchild IRL, I swearDoubt [x]
>>94847558I will be fair, I am 30 and live with my mom.BUT, im also her full time carer.Speaking of, if you have a relative that needs care, carehomes are not a dirty word. Dont become trapped.
>>94847676Sudden onset euthanasia seems cheaper.
>>94847599That's the Vindicator
>>94847692Im not Manic. I dont kill my family for being inconveniences.
>>94847655>Ive seen that photo of you, your in shit physical stateWhere the fuck did you find that?And which picture is it, the one selfie where I'm flipping the bird?If it is, that explains your shit opinion of me, since you are probably from the Brikwars forums...If that's the case then, Falk, you've got no room to shit talk.>>94847676>Speaking of, if you have a relative that needs care, carehomes are not a dirty word. Dont become trapped.You'd feel a lot differently if YOU are the one being put in the home.>>94847692>Sudden onset euthanasia seems cheaper....Really...
>>94847711And that's a PPC.
Why can't the cataphract be great. It's okay, good even sometimes. But it's always built like a second fiddle mook mech. The dragon is a mook but the 5K is damn near perfect as a machine. And I feel like the cataphract never got the same treatment
>>94847770Things not meant for greatness never will be. Cataphract knows its place.
>>94847720>Where the fuck did you find that?>And which picture is it, the one selfie where I'm flipping the bird?Cant remember. It was on the Brikwars forum>If it is, that explains your shit opinion of me, since you are probably from the Brikwars forums...>If that's the case then, Falk, you've got no room to shit talk.Im not from there though. A couple of years back I caught the Wuhan Weeze over the New Year, and whilst confined to my room with what is basically the bad flu I followed some rumours and found your entire past, Whiteeagle/NiceDeamonette. It was around the time you had just started enshittening these threads, and other anons posted some stuff about your apparent history. For whats its worth, I was bored after finishing my run of Stalker Call of Pripyat, and traced you all the way back to, IIRC, 2006. It was a very interesting study into how someone can waste a life. How you can never put any effort into anything and still have a sense of self worth I do not know.>You'd feel a lot differently if YOU are the one being put in the home.Lol.>>94847599The two coolant holes on the Orions are specifically for coolant truck hoses. Your thinking of the Vindicator.
>>94847813>found your entire pastDoubtful, from the sounds of it you only traced the obvious line drawn by my using the same user name on every forum, and even that's iffy considering its generic as hell.
>>94846433>lawl the only way i can play any game i join is to do the most griefer things.hippity hoppity griefers should fuck off back to call of duty.nigga you is dishonorable, face the wall.
Would Ilkhans eyes only be the best way to check the tech levels of various unimportant planets in the ilclan era, or is the map info not that detailed?
>>94847650>>94847584Huh. I've been out on my own since I was 18 and so have all my friends. Housing market is shit here but I guess it must be even worse elsewhere then. That still just feels crazy to me. Being fair I'm in my thirties so things were a lot better when I left the nest.
>>94848086dunno, it's like this, and I can't make sense of it so it's your call
>>94847909Its not griefing you fucking retard, why dont you play the game and we will see whos the pussy. Faggot
>>94848114Times have changed dramatically. I moved out at 17, but there's no way I could have done so today if I were in the tax bracket I was in at the time I moved out. As it is, I still rent, because the property tax where I am would bleed me dry if I were a homeowner.
mechs you think CGL can do well (or at least trust them not to fuck up) and you want made in plasticMine is the wight, it looks distinct, it's based on the panther, and they did a good job on that, it's also a fairly ubiquitous mech showing up in most of the houses and the mercenary general. as long as they don't stained glass the nice smooth cockpit window or give it stocky limbs it should be a slam dunk.
>>94847378> COOLING VENT HOLES!Jeez, some people here are so quick to “um acktually” that they don’t even bother to fully read the post.>>94847254>>94847161Oh; oh okay, yeah I see it now. That actually helps, knowing that I think I’m going to be able to make some peace with the Orion’s wonky asymmetrical arm design.>>94847544Hey! Hey! The USSR used air cooling to regulate the temperature in their nuclear reactors and that turned out--okay that’s a bad example.
New thread: >>94848216>>94848216>>94848216
>>94848123Yep that works. Awesome.
>>94848126spoken like a true dishonorable CoD cuck, you people really know how to suck the fun out of every game you infest.
>>94847655Post Fusiliers
>>94848114>Being fair I'm in my thirties so things were a lot better when I left the nest.Yeah, luckily Mom had my sister buy a collage house back when she was still going to school, which is where we're living now.We hesitated back before I had to move back home because she and I rightfully feared that Mom would likely move in with us, and that was back when Dad was just starting to spiral after retirement.I always figured I'd move into the collage house when my sister moved onto a bigger family home, but when Dad died there wasn't much reason for Mom to not move with me.