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>GM thought it would be fun to have a "hardcore" 2 player Dungeons & Dragons 3E session, where we roll straight 3d6, which of course resulted in very shitty stats for our characters
>no magic/potion shops, no clerics, who sell their services, wizards are extremely rare
>game takes place in a huge city in decline, where everything outside the inner wall is abandoned to competing criminal gangs
>is surprised that my team mate is extremely generous with his money to solve problems, gives hundreds of golds to random people as bribes
>we are just too weak, non-charismatic and have pissed off too many gangs to do anything more interesting with our money like establishing our own criminal gang, which the GM refuses to let us do anyway
I don't know what he expected of us. You can hardly be a hero, if you have the stats of a shitty peasant and gold becomes a crutch to compensate for our abysmal stats. I mean he even freaks out, if we try to hire any warriors to compensate for our small party size.
>I don't know what he expected of us
Did you ask him?
Get everyone in the party to take Leadership in you're up around 6th, then the GM won't have a choice as to whether or not you have a gang.
Tell your GM that you want to play SEVEN VOYAGES OF ZYLARTHEN instead and slap a bunch of appendix n books on his desk as required reading.
Players adapt. Or fuck everything up.
One or the other.
I know some guys who'd be right at home playing that kind of game.
I mean, it sounds like they're trying to adapt but the DM isn't letting them? If the setting is really dark and full of corruption and rampant gang crime, then doesn't it only make sense to be fine with bribery, gathering strength in numbers, or even competing with the other gangs by starting your own?
>retard thought it would be fun to shoot his own foot
>is surprised when it hurts, starts bleeding profusely, and fucks up his ability to walk
>cries about it hurting and bleeding, and about his hindered ability to walk
>I mean, it sounds like they're trying to adapt
They are adapting and the GM didn't like it, seems like.
Players adapt, the GM will have to work it out on his end.
He probably expected you to do something stupid so he could smack you down. If you didn't do something stupid, he figured you'd just keep your heads down and built up a loot stash, which he surely would have stolen from you. He didn't expect you to spread the cheddar and make friends, he didn't picture you guys ever belonging to this place, he pictured you struggling and drowning.
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You talked to you DM at sessions 0, didn't you? This conversation wasn't made up, right?
>DM is running DnD
>OP is somehow surprised tgat DM is a retard

I don't know what I expected fromthis thread. Actually, no, this is EXACTLY what I expected.
He expected that rolling 3d6 would suddenly give him an OSR experience regardless of edition.
D&D "players" in a nutshell.
Yeah, in OSR this stuff would be easier since you get showered in gp and just have to roll well on your 2d6 to get henchmen.

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