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File: shogi-deluxe-set.jpg (97 KB, 800x800)
97 KB
Anybody play this? It's fucking awesome.
>units have unique promotions instead of always going queen
>use the pieces you've taken from the enemy
>backing drops
>non stop aggro once the midgame begins

Common strats you use? I have no idea of my kyu.
I am very bad, mainly vs AI, but I guess i tend to play static rook, 3 move castle, bishop drops. Very basic. Need to get used to climbing silver.
Sorry for double post, but not
>backing drops
Meant to say
>back-line drops
I don't know how I feel about that one. Is it bullshit?
Since the middle row of your starting area is very weak from the start, this is simply a reality of shogi from what ive seen.
It's bullshit if you aren't prepared for it, middle row is simply very vulnerable to drops.
(Remember drops can only be done with pieces you've previously captured from the enemy. But these trades can happen indefinitely until a player essentially has every unit on the board, or vice versa, constantly trading equivalent pieces to keep material even)
Attacking sides instead of the center is much stronger in shogi, so castling is basically a concession that you are using that non-castled side for attrition.
If you have bad backline placement, the game is just over, and you should castle/defend better before being so aggressive.
Sorry, as I said, I'm shit at both chess & shogi so I don't have the best words to describe it.
Personally though, I feel like back-line drops are just as beneficial to beginners as it is experienced players. Expert players will just create the openings for a back-line drop faster..? I guess?
But once you reach the condition to pull off a safe one, I feel like it's not *too* contingent on your skill level for a back-line drop to be useful.
I'm still trying to learn Vietnamese Commander Chess.
The rules on radar range for having flak AA guns blast my fighter jets are a bitch to remember.
Nice mention, will check it out. Love any kind of chess variants like this
>Love any kind of chess variants like this
Threadly reminder
(do not open that link it's illegal porn)
>units have unique promotions instead of always going queen
You can underpromote in chess too, also I'd hardly count
>almost everything promotes to gold
as unique but sure I guess

>middle row of your starting area is very weak from the start
The starting position is actually quite well defended, openings only occur when you start moving pieces to one side and even then the size of the gap is dependent on which castle you use.
>Attacking sides instead of the center is much stronger in shogi
Again, depends on the strategy used
You haven't received a kamaitachi or a gokigen nakabisha before I assume

Anyway, not sure if the OG shogi anon is still around but this was the lishogi team he made back in the day: https://lishogi.org/team/cambodian-salt-miners
Might be nice to get it going again!
I've been thinking about it. How do you get started? Any good resources to learn?
Lishogi's "learn" tab goes through the basics, after which you pick a castle/strat off wikipedia and practice that a few hundred times

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