>48 plastic minis for 42 bucks>multiparts with logical part divisions instead of retarded GW CAD cross sections to prevent conversions>enough for an entire SAGA army in one boxWhy haven't you taken the history pill yet?
>>94800704I have.It's very fun to paint 120 infantry models to have small sized game of TSATF.Join me.
im only into ancient greeks
>>94800704Cant find anyone to play it with, plus i wouldnt know what game to start.
>>94800704Victrix minis are the same cad slop tho. I rather buy fireforge, WGA or Northstar minis. Their arm joints are nicer to work with.
historicuck """"""wargaming""""" is the most boring shit imaginable. literally no setting or lore that captivates people like 40k does. 40k will always be superior to any other wargame on the planet, and thats not taking in to account the objective FACT that 40k is the only wargame that people actually play. historicuck models are for painting and then throwing in a drawer to collect dust and never be played with again. faggot.
>>94803573To each his own, buddy.
>>9480357340k while taking the 3d printerpill is an immense improvement. Lots of objectively better sculpts and you don't have to deal with GW's godawful mould lines.
>>94803573>like 40k doesDid, nulore is not attacking anyone
>>94803599printcucks really are the vegans of /tg/. shut the fuck up already and go back to your containment general.
>>94803599Literally this.
>>94803621>Calling someone a cuck for not paying absurd prices for worse modelsThe new Ork Boyz radicalized me. You have no power here.
My problem is this, what exactly am I supposed to do with these miniatures?Where do I find people to play with?I'm a russophile with a strong interest in Kievan Rus and I'm also a Norsophile who's been studying Old Norse for nearly a year and so this seems perfect for me but it just doesn't seem viableObviously I'm slightly autistic
Because I'm not interested in historical miniatures? I get my history fix from books. I get my fantasy and sci fi fix from wargames. It's really not that complicated.
>>94803661>what exactly am I supposed to do with these miniatures?nothing. historicucks don't play games. they just sit on /hwg/ pretending they're better than 40k players while playing absolutely 0 games. no one plays historicals. at best you should buy this box for conversion bits but thats it.
>>94803664this. good games require good lore and aesthetics. leave history where it belongs, in academia.
>>94803661You can play any game you want with them. They can be your chaos barbarians, your wizards retinue in frostgrave or your warband in saga
>>94803652>ork boyzZoomers don't even know these are the shitty boyz and worse than their predecessor in metal
>>94800766Luckily, there are many systems and model lines for them. I like Triumph.
Nobody wants to play Pike and Shot or Napoleonic era stuff
>>94803661It would probably be best to start with something a bit lighter and gamier, like Saga. It's easy to learn and quick to play, a lot of fun too. I'm not particularly interested in either of your eras so I can't really tell you which game to move to if Saga gets old, but there are certainly systems that let you play Rus and Vikings.
>>94804572It is well known that human history started with the pike and shot era and then advanced to the Napoleonic period.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BOOOOOOOORING
>>94803543I really like the Pagan Rus guys but I agree they have some awful kits. WGA Conquistadors were the best kit for Mordheim warbands until GW brought back their militia kit (for a ludicrous price lmao).
>>94803661The box in the OP is basically designed for SAGA, which is a 30-60 minis large skirmish game for historicals. It has a few different eras you can play. The armies are basically identical in stats (like levy in one army and levy in another will be the same in terms of stats) but are differentiated by equipment and by army special abilities. Kievan Rus get some weird weather-related abilities that feel a bit too 'magic' for me, but the OP box could easily be used for Vikings, Jomsvikings or Norse-Gaels instead who all have their own rules.This is an article about someone breaking down the kit to make a SAGA warband: goonhammer.com/goonhammer-historicals-victrix-rus-miniatures-review-and-pagan-rus-saga-warband/
>>94805550Stop shilling your shit minis and shit game.
>>94800704>Why haven't you taken the history pill yet?History is boring and stupid and there aren't enough aliens with space guns.
>>9480070428mm is just a bad scale for historicals and I understand that now.
>>94808401>nooooo how dare you discuss traditional games relevant to the topic of the thread on the traditional games board?? nooooooooo!!!
>>94808505The only traditional game that matters is 40k. Warhammer IS the traditional games hobby and always will be. Either discuss that or leave.
>>94808442This. I slept through history class, why would I want anything more to do with it? Give me gigachad space crusaders, epic starship battles, massive planetary assaults, and a horde of blasphemers and xenos to mow down. THAT sounds fun. A bunch of boring humans lining up and then marching into each other is boring as fuck.
>>94800704>>48 plastic minis for 42 bucksToo expensive, I can print 50 empire knights for half that price and half a day, and I can modify the file with AI with to be sure none of them has the same pose.
>>94808722see >>94803621
>>94808722Any game that charges more than $.10 per model needs to go out of business.
>>94808780Even that's too much, you can find plenty of large lots of green army men on ebay and Amazon for less, sometimes they even include terrain and other assorted miniatures.
>>94803573Decent bait. 40k is entry level normie shit like DnD
>>94803664Then may I suggest checking out companies like North Star and Wargames Atlantic, who make logical multi-part plastic kits for sci-fi and fantasy.
>>94808957Nah, they aren't GW. Only Games Workshop has any good sci-fi minis. They are the only company worthwhile in any way, and it's not like I can use 3rd party minis in 40k anyway.
>>94800704Because historicals don't interest me.
>>94800704I have something like 3 complete Flames of War armies. I've never played a game of it.
>>94803599Can you point me in the direction to get wraithblades without dealing with GWs shit kits and pricing
I really hate how historicals are pitched on /tg/ because it's always done by the most belligerent spergs with an axe to grind. I did actually play Saga at my local shop because the historical players are actually friendly and well put together people that run demo days and lend out armies. It's an incredibly fun game and juggling fatigue, two different battle boards, and army positioning felt great and opens up a lot of interesting decisions with each activation. When I fucked up it felt like it was my fault instead of just shit dice luck or overpowered/underpowered armies. However, it's people like OP that turns off people from games.
>>94809255Shill harder, shill. GW owns the market and always will.
>>94808892Yeah. It's good, that's why it actually has millions of fans/ players and isnthenface of wargaming, unlike the black hole of emptiness that is /hwg/ and /awg/
>>94809053This right here is further proof of what I've been saying about /hwg/ and /awg/ slop years. Literally no point buying minis for a game you'll never actually play.
>>94809612Based. You /hwg/fags should know that something being popular means it's good. It can't become the market leader without being better than every other competing product. That's how capitalism and the free market work. Play Warhammer or be shackled to loser companies forever.
>>94808957I have skeletons from WGA and Northstar. I also have minis from Dark Art Studios, Highland Miniatures, GW and more. Doesn't change the fact I use them all to play Warhammer Fantasy. People need to realise it's not just the quality of sculpts that matter - I'm very happy to buy non-GW products if they're good - but lore and setting is important for a lot of people. History is a boring setting for wargames. It's fun to read and think about but if you want escapism, to use your imagination and a /yourdudes/ vibe then fantasy/sci fi wins out, no contest. And within the realm of fantasy and sci-fi, Warhammer as a setting blows every other one out the water. Have you ever read the lore for Kings of War or Infinity? It's gay as shit. Who the fuck actually cares what you do with your money and what your preferred flavour of toy soldier is? I can't imagine what a faggot one must be to feel smug and gloat online because they buy plastic from company X and not Y. Historical shills are retards who should be bullied mercilessly. May they long scream into the void.
Rank and flank/melee heavy wargames aren't worth playing without magic, honestly. Magic is the trick that makes it anything more than bunching up and shuffling into the center of the board and grinding away at each other.Saga cleverly recreates this as best as you realistically can with their system, so there's that.
I bought, assembled, and painted oathmark skeletons, GW grave guard, and WGA skeletons. By far the worst in terms of quality and quantity, customization, and ease of assembly/painting was GW grave guard.They also cost significantly more per model. They had greater detail but nothing so great that I'd go through the effort of messing with their fiddlely assembly or paying such a premium again. Victrix models are extremely good. I use them for fantasy games and they fit right in. They are great for their price and have really decent quality and customization.
>>94809951>History is a boring setting for wargames.I will never respect people who unironically believe this. It's not that historicals are "better" it's just that they are more widespread than the GW sevitor can countenance, and that most 40k lore - like Battletech - is wholly cribbed from history with a few magical elements thrown in to push the story along. Most non historical wargames these days aren't built on first principles of what is fun let alone trying to add flavour to units and the setting. They can't tell you how far an inch might be in their game, or what a model represents in terms of actual strength. They have whacky terrain and line of sight rules. They don't afford much if any importance to flanking or manouvres. It's never about the scenario or conditions, just autistic combo buffs. Don't get me started on the quality of the tables. In short, anything you do will only ever be a pale derivative of what we do. I don't see you as a peasant because I am learned and scholarly, but I note that all the people who baulk at even cursory research play the same games. It's not like I'm a PHD, looking at some colour plates and watching a couple of documentaries. But you despise learning that much... People who actively hate reading and learning - wargaming is not actually for you, and attempts to make it so have made wargaming much worse.Then there is the culture war stuff which we just bypass entirely because we aren't freaks, contrarians, hippies, tankies or other fascist lunatics. People play Germans because of the varied painting options and tech, 40k people observe this and apply assumptions that are really just projections. Projections because all corporate GW stooges are little totalitarians in the end. The illusion of their hobby only works if you never, ever mention yours. Their shit is fucked up, and it's funny. At the end of the day they worship the worst kind of corporate archons because they imagine them in the gaudy drag of 1993.
>>94809255/tg/ historical players are not a good bellwether for the usual player, they get hung up on very autistic details and deride things that aren't complex when most old grognards I know are happily finishing their armies with speed paint and using Osprey Blue books to play club games.
>>94809626There are more /hwg/ people than GW people by a long shot
>>94805550I love historicals but I loathe SAGA lol. Alexander the Great and 16 pikemen does not an army make. They should just go all the way and make a board game with it, and that's not a sledge
>>94803599>wanting to actually play the MtG slop that is nu40kNo anon you are the retard
>>94810037>all this cope because someone has a different opinionI have a Masters degree in Renaissance history anon, I love history, and despite that I only play Warhammer. I'm just not interested in playing historical wargames, simple as. I want to paint zombies and wizards. The fact that historicalfags cant compute this will never cease to amaze me.
>>94810071Wow you must have suffered
>>94810079I'm not sure why. I loved it.
>>94810071>historicalfags cant compute thisYou missed what I said>your shit is derivative and based on the same stuff>you just replace cannons with mages>your games aren't really wargames but Chinese mobile game inspired boss battles>I see your tables and I am vomitStick that up your dojo
>>94810081Every time you got to a battle like Pavia or Fornovo did you yell out "boring! Where are the demonettes?!" Because that shit would have got old fast
>>94800704>We want the Call of Duty audience!Why are you doing this to yourself?
>>94810084>your shit is derivative and based on the same stuffYes, it is based off it. It is the real life history I love except with fantastical elements. Thats the appeal. >you just replace cannons with magesAnd? >your games aren't really wargames but Chinese mobile game inspired boss battlesWarhammer Fantasy was designed by history obsessed nerds, who went onto create the very historical games you mindlessly shill now lmao. >I see your tables and I am vomitA fully painted Warhammer Fantasy army is far more fun to paint and look at than 2 identical blobs of historical man at arms.
>>94810105>who went onto create the very historical games you mindlessly shill now lmao.Ok so we know you're NOT an historian lolYou probably think the rules are good too ahahahaha
>>94810085>retard doesnt understand how someone can separate their interest in history and their interest in fantasy
>>94810114>Bolt Action>Black Powder>Hail Caesar >morecope
>>94810116>if I don't have dragons I will be BORED! >ignores that his game has more jn common with Pokemon than KriegspielEnjoy the meta. There wer always female hoplites lol
>>94810119Nothing from Warlord is a legitimate historical game. Try again.
>>94810119Those are all way more stable and playable as club games than anything currently produced by GW. And they are improvememts on Warmaster, still kind of a drop in the ocean when you consider Wargames Research Group and its derivatives.
>>94810126Oh give it a restThe clue is in the nameHistorical GAME
>>94810116Boss battles where your terrain and position and supporting units don't matter but stacking traits do are not really wargames. That's Magic the Gathering with extra steps
>>94810130Maybe the rulesets are great, I dont know. I heard Warmaster is top tier, but I have fun playing WHF 6th ed. The fact is though I only have so much spare time in my life and what little time I have put aside for miniature wargaming I will use to scratch my fantasy itch, my only source of doing so. How this simple fact makes anons scream and shit themselves will always bemuse me.
>>94810135I didn't say they weren't games. I said they weren't historical games. They have no relationship to history except for their skin.
>>94810126>>94810239>not real because I dont like them!lmao genuinely embarrassing and pathetic strawman
>>9480872250 heroic scale horsed knights for 20 bucks? Yeah pal, I kinda doubt that, even if you hollow your prints.> I can modify the file with AI with to be sure none of them has the same poseOh, he's retarded. Sorry, my man, have a good day.
The GW vs HWG va AWG slapfighting is manufactured drama by the friendless dorks who pester strangers at the LGS. My group is happy to play Saga, Kill Team, Space Weirdos, or whatever system someone wants to introduce. The Boomers over at Lead Adventure Forum are the same.For any Anons new to tabletop wargaming reading this thread; this whole discussion is full of mentally ill speergs who want to recruit you to their 'side' by poisoning your mind against every game besides the one they like. It's bullshit. Just pick a game you are interested in, prep 2+ armies, get your friends together and have a good time.
>>94810399The only people that cry about it are /hwg/ and /awg/ players though, people who play Warhammer don't care what you play and are content to live in their own Warhammer bubbles, until provoked.
>>94810432 >until provokedYes, but they are 'provoked' simply by hearing someone say they enjoy any game other than the one they like.
>>94810432That must be why you went out of your way to open this thread
>>94810432People who play Warhammer are often so dumb that they don't even know other miniature companies exist, or only know about what the algorithm feeds them like Trench Crusade and InfinityA lot of them are human cattle. I'm sorry but it's true.
>>94810271What history or IRL performance reports are the weapon ranges in bolt action based upon? Cite your source.
>>94810583>what history is Bolt Action based onI believe its called "World War 2"
Are there any companies that make minis actually compatible in size with DnD miniatures? I want to buy some horse archer miniatures for my Pathfinder campaign but size creep over 20 years has made "28mm" DnD minis more like 32mm in actuality. Going off the latest Nolzurs minis as an example.
>>94810659Ah, yes, WW2 where rifles could only shoot 4 times as far as a pistol. Because that's what BA calls "historical". Pistols shoot 6", SMGs shoot 12", rifles and LMGa shoot 24". Definitely historically inspired.
>>94810753Just play Chain of Comma d or better yet use 15mm where ranges actually make sense on a 4 by 4 table
>>94810821>my corpo daddy made more money! Suck it chuds!K?
>>94810871Yes. GWs success is my success.
>>94810753>hurr durr the arbitrary rules for plastic toy soldiers used to simulate ww2 battles for fun arent real soldiers with real guns and real explosionsOk retard. Do you know the show Band of Brothers? You know they werent real soldiers right? They were wearing costumes using special effects with fake guns. They werent fighting real battles. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
>>94810753This just sounds like you're mad it isn't a simulationist game.>>94810892Consumerist golem mindset.
>>94809951>I have skeletons from WGA and Northstar. I also have minis from Dark Art Studios, Highland Miniatures, GW and more. Doesn't change the fact I use them all to play Warhammer Fantasy.Hey man, whatever floats your boat. I, personally, find GW games to largely be shit, but if you wanna use good, non fiddly, models for WHFB then you do you senpai.I like historical games, but I get why they don't appeal to everyone. I just want people to be aware that there are other plastic models out there available that, in my opinion, are better than GW's offerings.
>>94811032>This just sounds like you're mad it isn't a simulationist game.In fairness to anon, one would reasonably presume the point of a historical game is to simulate some aspect of history. I haven't played the other Warlord games, but from everything I can tell, Bolt Action specifically pulls its game mechanics almost entirely from 3e Warhammer 40k without regard to any historical research, and slaps a new initiative and suppression system into it.All this makes a totally functional *game*, but it certainly doesn't simulate any sort of actual history. Which, again, was presumably the point: to use historically sourced forces, tactics, and equipment to simulate engagements between forces and see if you can do "better" than history. Add on Warlords push to "become the historical hobby" and create a closed product ecosystem in much the same way Warhammer tried to "become" the tabletop gaming hobby (buy only these Citadel brand sprue clippers, use only Citadel branded terrain), and I can understand why people get upset when Warlord is mentioned. Historical games are product- and especially miniature-agnostic to a unique degree, since historical gaming resists copyright protections. Having 15mm figures from 6 different companies on the same table is totally normal practice, and Warlord tries to stop that freedom by their own admission. That's why they use weird scale with their Napoleonic game and with their boat game (Cruel Seas, IIRC). Push back from the historicals community is inevitable when they're doing this stuff.
>>94809617I buy them because building and painting a bunch of tiny WW2 tanks and infantry squads gives me big neuron activation. Seems like as good a reason as any.
>>94803661>Where do I find people to play with?you ask around at the local club(s) and social media if people play or are interested in paying
>>94800766Me too. Do you run Seleucids or Ptolemies?
>>94810753Are you really that dense? Games always use abstract rules.
>>94812090>I just want people to be aware that there are other plastic models out there available that, in my opinion, are better than GW's offerings.People know that. I mean, the internet exists for quite some time. >I like historical games, but I get why they don't appeal to everyone.That statement is weird. Historical games is such a wide field. You can see it in this thread already, people are arguing if Saga or Bolt Action are even historical in the first place. Someone who enjoys BA because its mostly a game, might not enjoy a very realistic ruleset, or might not enjoy anything that isn't ww2. Personally, i dont think there are such strict drawers of people. I play and enjoy Muskets & Tomahawks. Because to me (from the EU), it has an interesting and somewhat "fantastical" setting, being set in the US. But i also like to play Frostgrave. My most played games (blame the people in my club i guess) are Kill Team and Necromunda tho. And all those games have good rules in my opinion, otherwise i would not play them. And all those games can be played and enjoyed at the same evening. There is no exclusivity to either of them.
>>94800704i use these things for DND to be honest. most of my models come from various historical sets because its usually cheaper.
>>94811032>Consumerist golem mindset.or they have stock in GW?
>>94803573>Troll trying -just- a little bit too hard
>>94810064By that logic you couldn't play any tabletop game. An orc boss and 50 orcs plus two vehicles also aren't an army.
>>94810753Anon, at this point you are just embarrassing yourself.
>>94821031You're correct. It isn't
>>94821076Not an argument. Ranges are based on table size, by Priestly's own admission. Want a good cinematic 28mm WW2 game? Play 5core. It at least pays lip service to history instead of treating it like a coat of paint the way BA does.
>>94803661>I'm a russophile with a strong interest in Kievan Rus and I'm also a Norsophile who's been studying Old Norseawful taste
>>94800704>marketing your little game by saying negative things about 40kWhy do they keep doing this?
>>94823194Maybe 40k could try being less terrible in so many ways, so the competition has fewer things to say.
>>9482327940k is interesting, other games are not. So the only way to get attention is to talk about 40k.
>>94804438Brian Nelson slop
>>94810126This is such a subnormalfag opinion to have, and in many ways worse.There are so many games out there that are fast and loose with history itself that Warlord reply guys such as yourself don't bat an eyelid at discussion of because you simply aren't aware, or are contrarian enough that they aren't a big enough target.It's like listening to a recently legal craft beer evangelist talking about IPAs, imperial stouts, belgian beers and "the german purity laws", just boring pseudoinformed garbage we've seen a million times before. Nnobody is impressed, least of all the people a better intentioned anon might wish to present a decent face to.it's a masturbation excercise from a boring gameless fag that thinks this is the time you'll finally get your dick sucked if you start shit about scales or warlord for the millionth time
>>94800704but no one is playing those games
>>94825078No one plays any game that isn't 40k and never has.
If anything it's good 40k works as such a huge filter for midwits and casuals.It generally means you get a better type of person in other wargames.
>>94826602>be me back in 2009>decide to try out Flames of War>build and paint an infantry company>pretty pleased with it, I have several rifle platoons, and support units like machine guns, mortars, recon, anti-tank guns and even a tank platoon for support>really feels like a realistic historical force>go down to the gaming club>everyone else plays "heavy german tank" lists>they deploy five Panther tanks or sometimes three King Tigers against me>turns out there is nothing in my entire army that can even theoretically do any damage to the german tanks>watch how the german tanks chip away at my army for five turns>the other players are very excited, fistbump eachother and keep talking about how awesome this game is and how cool and fun the german tanks are to play with
>>94822935stop embarrassing yourself retard, its just getting sad now
>>94826999Not an argument. He said it. Cope and KYS.
>>94800704People get too antsy about when I start fielding shield maidens and the token arabic scribe.
>>94817517Incredibly based.
>>94827035>boardgame based on ww2 isnt actually historical because its not a carbon copy of real life ballistics... this means I win!just stop, pause and think about how much of a retard you come across, samefag
>>94810126This, Warlord makes games inspired by WW2 movies, not the history behind them. They're a happy medium between GW sois and true History grogs
>>94826637Flames of War was the big WW2 normie tard game before Bolt Action sucked em all up. Just an awful fucking game, play Battlegroup for an actual good game in that same scale
>>94818084>Historical games is such a wide field. You can see it in this thread already, people are arguing if Saga or Bolt Action are even historical in the first place.That's fair. It is a broad category, and people can get real tribal about counts and what doesn't.For me, a historical wargame is a wargame set in history that we know and can study, with nothing fantastical (so counting out stuff like Trench Crusade and Carnevale for example).I tend to look at games that expose me to something new from History. By discovering By fire & Sword, I've now had my eyes opened to the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. I never learned about that in school, and it has quickly become one of my favorite subjects. I'm also enamored with the Napoleonic era. The wild juxtaposition of the brightly colore duniforms against the brutal harshness of early 19th century warfare is fascinating to me.But the other thing is that I want my games to be fun and not lose sight of the fact they're a game. I feel like some historical games tend to get bogged down in tiny details and they lose me when they try to feel too simulationist. Stuff like Muskets & Tomahawks, BFaS and SAGA get my attention by still being fun games I can have some laughs with my buddies while playing.
>>94827485>Stuff like Muskets & Tomahawks, BFaS and SAGA get my attention by still being fun games I can have some laughs with my buddies while playing.Exactly. And that is what should matter for any wargame.
>>94826637shocked and horrified to learn a playerbase full of 40k refugees behaved like this
>>94800704Because I don’t want to play another wargame that’s just about dirty mudcore europeans with swords. We already have 100 of those.
>>94808540>Give me gigachad space crusadersthats just a knight>epic starship battlesthats just a naval battle>massive planetary assaultsthats just a normandy>and a horde of blasphemers and xenos to mow downthats every warliterally everything you said is common throughout warfare in its essentials, but is painted pink instead of some other color like blue. Just a pallet swap. The same kinds of feelings and actions take place, you have just conditioned yourself to appreciate them in a limited form instead of expanding your horizons to new slaughters.
>>94808540You have a low iq
>>94810399>The GW vs HWG va AWG slapfighting is manufactured drama by the friendless dorks who pester strangers at the LGS.effectively, never actually encounter these people except online
Bolt Action fags will be killed by Chain of Command chads. The lardies will win
>>94810047>/tg/ historical players are not a good bellwether for the usual player, they get hung up on very autistic details and deride things that aren't complex when most old grognards I know are happily finishing their armies with speed paint and using Osprey Blue books to play club games.>>94811032>This just sounds like you're mad it isn't a simulationist game.>>94827485>I feel like some historical games tend to get bogged down in tiny details and they lose me when they try to feel too simulationist.Nobody ever names these simulationist miniatures wargames games, because nobody ever actually talks about them. If they do exist, nobody I know plays them, nobody I know of writes or publishes them. Certainly nobody on /hwg/. Prove me wrong
>>94827175>just stop, pause and think about how much of a retard you come across, samefag>pause and think>thinkanon, if he could do that, he wouldn't make those pitiful shitposts.
>>94809255>I really hate how historicals are pitched on /tg/ because it's always done by the most belligerent spergs with an axe to grind.>However, it's people like OP that turns off people from games.Let's have a look at what OP did to deserve such a severe rebuke:>>94800704>>48 plastic minis for 42 bucks>>multiparts with logical part divisions instead of retarded GW CAD cross sections to prevent conversions>>enough for an entire SAGA army in one box>Why haven't you taken the history pill yet?Pointed out how cheap other/these models are, how the parts are cut relative to some GW releases (lets be real GW have plenty of models with no thought given to parts division and assembly), and how it's a one-and-done purchase for a new game. That's it. Absolutely nothing.Nice that you've been able to play SAGA with a preexisting group at your local but what happens to a delicate daisy such as yourself when somebody expresses a negative opinion about GW in your vicinity? What happens when your group wants to play something different and you have to be involved in a conversation where people express different opinions in order to find common ground come to an agreement? You'd melt like a chocolate frog left on the dashboard. I'm honestly a little bit disgusted by how dysfunctionally thin-skinned you are.
>>94828955Chain of Command is just a ludicrously better game, but Bolt Action has plenty of old 40k grogs who will keep it alive.
>>94829061>Nobody ever names these simulationist miniatures wargames games, because nobody ever actually talks about them. If they do exist, nobody I know plays them, nobody I know of writes or publishes them. Certainly nobody on /hwg/. Prove me wrongThe moment a rulebook loses me I move on to other things, so I'm not committing names of systems I'm never going to play to memory.
>>94810280I think he means "my models have armatures in blender so they don't all have the same pose"
>>94833493NTA but would be easier to make a comparison.Like DBR vs Pikeman's Lament vs Under the Lily Banners>DBR is fairly true to history and tactical without complexity, but it is rigid>Pikeman's Lament is essy to learn and teach but maybe lacks a little historical flavour (nobody is patrolling anything with a pike in skirmish formation) while still having some rpg elements that add narrative feel around leaders>UTLB sacrifices speed and plays longer but has a lot of period depth and details that make the tradeoff funI think people should start using the simpler rules sets for big battles because they scale up surprisingly well. I think a lot of games add period flavour but it's all on setting up the battle and the army and not in the combat sadly.
>>94829127NTA but more realistic ranges in some games would be nice, but then I think let's look up a rocket propelled grenade range... ok so it's like a mile for you Americans, let's say half a mile...so with modern weapons it gets a bit wild.I am actually ok with the measuring stick, short medium and long ranges with arty being incapable at short snd rangeless otherwise.
>>94800704GW figures are basically priced for fucking morons and a stupid store system that GW should just spin off to be it's "own thing" rather than have exclusivity.
>>94803599You don't know moldlines until you've assembled an army of Perrys
>>94833645For what they cost they should give your dog a babycino when you shop there
>>94833650perry's are honestly not that bad.I prefer having to clean up moldlines if It means I get like 34-40ish figures in a $35.00 box with a painting guide.the bad part about Perry figures are the puddle bases
>>94833698Yeah, I'm using some of them for WFB/TOW so I'm going to have to snip like 30 of those off. Fuck. Still worth it though, beautiful models with nice pose-ability
>>94829458>chocolate frogThat's a nice touch, really hoping you aren't the new breed of chatbot
>>94829061Surely I give the impression that it's at least possible I might know what I'm talking about even without you trying on this "I have a girlfriend she just goes to another school" tier bullshit.It's honestly kinda insulting just how retarded and gullible you think I am to try this on>I-I,-I would name them of course, but they instantly evaporate from my memory! Poof! As if they were never there at all...go eat a bag of ducks you dishonest little sack of shit
What are some fun systems to play?
>>94834291Genuinely enjoying Midgard for my fantasy stuff but my historicals - namely biblicals and imperial roman era don't have a rules set I am 100% happy with