Is it possible to make a strategy-focused game that is mechanically more like a TTRPG than a wargame? What I mean by that is that, in most strategy games, you usually have direct abstract control over your units/armies, like some kind of god. However, in a TTRPG, you usually only have control over your character, or at most a stable/troupe of characters. To control other people, you generally have to persuade, command, or intimidate NPCs whose actions are controlled by the GM. However, every TTRPG I've encountered that includes strategy elements, rather than modelling the strategy parts as normal, essentially switches to a wargame-esque minigame that is completely divorced from the standard gameplay.
Many wargames have rules for command friction, yes.
>>94837757You are still functionally playing as a hivemind.
>>94837842Well it's possible to play with other people being sub-commanders, but shockingly enough that requires a lot more people.
>>94837676>>94837842How is that functionally different than controlling a stable/troupe of characters?Also, are you asking about strategy or tactics?
>>94837842That's just a matter of degree.Saying "I'm going to move this unit to here", then rolling some dice, finding out their morale broke, and they're going to flee. Versus "I'm going to instruct Major Fuckball to send his forces around in a flank. He has the Mercurial trait, so I'm going to lean on my "owed a favor" Hook and roll Authority modified by Relationship. Snake eyes. Okay, let's roll again on his Agenda table, and check his situation against his decisionmaking chart for a failed Authority roll. Looks like he's going to charge straight for the frontline in search of glory. Fuck's sake. In the meantime my general is already Exhausted, so I'm going to rest for the remainder of my turn and hopefully Major Fuckball hasn't killed us all by the time I finish my nap."Which is to say, of course it's possible, but I'm not sure who'd want to play it.
>>94837676You have just described old-school wargames. They even had GMs. Do you know from where the whole the GM being a dickhead and deliberately misinterpreting what you want to do? It's centuries-old, old-school wargame tradition designed to teach offers to write clear and unambiguous orders, because a lot of military fuckups are due miscommunication.
>>94837842Most forces in an armed conflict have a chain of command. Its not always perfect but the idea is to operate like one yes.
>>94837676War games are tabletop roleplaying games.
>>94837676KREE JAFFA!
>>94845649Jaffa! Mol kek!
>>94845667I miss Stargate. It was the best.RIP Aurora class :(
>>94845703Be thankful of what we got, and there are plenty of roleplaying games set in the stargate setting. I am running one at the moment, the most recent one based on 5e, but enough of it is different from the source and it's pretty fun