What would you call a Crusade in a setting without Christianity and crosses as a religious symbol?
A holy war?
I call it a crusade. DEUS VULT!
>>94913223Exalted March.
Is that really the etymology? I thought it was because they cross/cruise across a land. Call it a jihad.
I'd say yes, but it will feel dishonest, just like any other implementation of clearly christianity-inspired classes and concepts within pagan fantasy settings.The concept of a holy war is a very monotheistic one. Polytheistic culture did not seem to do that, not to the same extent as Christianity/Islam did. Someone might point at Zoroastrism, though that had monotheistic tendencies as well.
>>94913223Still crusade, just derived from word crux (an essential matter requiring resolution) instead of cross.
The Crusades were literally not called the Crusades during the Crusades so just ask a historian what they called it then and use that.
>>94913327I regret to inform you the word crux is derived from the latin for ankh which is itself derived from the latin for cross which is itself literally just crux.
>>94913302>The concept of a holy war is a very monotheistic oneI dunno, the Hindus are doing a pretty good impression of one at the moment.
>>94913353which doesn't necessitate it being seen as a religious term, if the etymology can be taken to "it means cross as in crossing point, where two things meet". The ankh etmology is far removed from modern understanding.you can do work to strip the kind of real-world cultural, historical, and religious derived terms that take people out of the game from your world, but there are limits to how much etymology you can strip before you have to start inventing new words for everything in that "Yes, this is my first fantasy novel, how could you tell?" way.
>>94913580>it means cross as in crossing pointOkay, but it didn't?>you can do work to strip the kind of real-world cultural, historical, and religious derived terms that take people out of the game from your world, but there are limits to how much etymology you can strip before you have to start inventing new words for everything in that "Yes, this is my first fantasy novel, how could you tell?" way.I'm not arguing for giving a shit about etymology. I generally don't give a shit outside of flagrant examples like a character shouting Jesus Christ! in a setting without Christianity or something. As long as a word doesn't have a meaning that is explicitly and solely tied to a particular context that isn't in a setting, you should be able to use whatever the fuck you want. I'm perfectly comfortable with assuming any work I'm reading has been translated into language appropriate for the audience.I am simply pointing out that if you are going to care about etymology, then inventing fake etymologies for words to get around inconvenient real ones is silly and doesn't work.
>>94913223It would depend on the language being used (not english, clearly)
>>94913353>the word crux is derived from the latin for ankh which is itself derived from the latin for cross which is itself literally just cruxThe word crux comes from the word crux? Who'd have thought it!
>>94913223A crusade?
>>94913302>The concept of a holy war is a very monotheistic one.Uh-huh tell that to the SriLankan king who slaughtered his enemies for the glory of Buddha or the Buddhists and Hindus slaughtering each other in the Sri Lankan civil war.
>>94913223A crusade or a jihad. I would also not eliminate names like Chris or Kristof, nor would I eliminate the swear 'go to hell'. Because language is about communicating not about creating code.
>>94913223I wouldn't, given that crusade's origin literally pertains to symbolism of the cross.
>What would you call paladins in a setting without Charlemagne? I just imagine there's some "lost in translation" process between in-universe, and our reality. A lot of the words you're gonna be using in casual play are gonna be alien to these characters anyway, crusade is far from a big deal.
>>94918113It's about a fantasy setting so yes, it belongs to tg
>>94913268>jihadThis. Same shit, different semitic sub-cult.
>>94913223Crusade because I'm not a pedantic faggot.
>>94913223Holy War.>>94913268A Jihad is also a Holy War.>>94919944The Romans aren't semites.
>>94913717Christus actually means "Annointed One," so it could theoretically apply to a different figure in a fantasy setting--possibly even a category of people. I recall there was something where saints were referred to as X-Christ instead of Saint X because the writer just really liked using Christ as an exclamation.
>>94913223I would translate it from the setting's language to "crusade".
>>94913223A crusade is just a holy war, or a religious war, whatever you may choose to call as details may vary, so call it with a setting appropriate name for said religion holy war, also avoid such a name until like the second, third or fouth ones for in setting context.irl crusades weren't called crusades at the begining, to be 'working by the cross' had lots of names tho but the most infamous ones, cruciāta, crossier, croisado and equivalents only comes into use like in the 1150's at the earliestthe funniest but only half related one we know of is a iberian 'crozadero', which is a personal verb flexion of cruza, the old form of cruz for that one specific dialect in the 800's, later on it kinda evolves into galician, to which Porto vulgar latin, the language that becomes portuguese, is related to. But its complicated and hard to talk about on a short chan reply.Either way it has nothing to do with the actual first crusade but has the same spirit of latin languages turning personal names or nouns into verb forms to denote 'a guy who does a unspecified thing related to said object/person', like crozadero as in 'the guy who works/does/thing a cross', or cavalero, 'the guy who does a thing with a horse' which on that case just meant a horse(cavelo in the period form) fighter. In castilian spanish that evolved as caballero using the later form caballo and turning it into a verb, like, its a common pattern across latin languages.>>94913268a jihad is also a holy war, the verb is just borrowed from other contexts of struggle, like struggle to not sin and so on>>94913337eh, anon, there were lots of verbs used that entailed the same meaning, refer above>>94913302>polytheistic culture did not seem to do thatbro chose to ignore the entirety of human history to try and make a false point
All the takes about war on this thread by people educated on rotten cath converts views of war is straight funny. Not that this board was any better when i was a kid but those are the things i'd see myself saying after watching youtube 12 years ago when i was a teenager
>>94913223A crusade. >a vigorous campaign for political, social, or religious change.That's the definition for a crusade. If it's a campaign for the holy land it's a crusade.
>>94913223Jihad Kalachakra TantraDharmayuddhaMandate of Heaven SarambhaIssatsu TashōHakkō ichiu
>>94913268Yes, that really is the etymology. Under the sign of the cross.>>94913580>doesn't necessitate it being seen as a religious termExcept that we're not discussing cross in general as a geometry as we might for a thing like a cross road. Crusade is a modern word, neither it nor its immediate origins being used by the medieval people who carried them out, and crusade is explicitly tied to the cross as a religious symbol for Christianity.>>94913223I'd call it a crusade because this >>94920428
>>94913327Self defense is an essential matter.