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Last Second Edition

Now with scans of the new books
PSA: Free online PDF rules for the Kill Teams have extremely high-rez images of the models

Previous thread: >>94744664

>Rules Scans

>All team rules for KT24 are out:
>Official GW KT app:
KT24 is now fully playable.

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
https://wahapedia.ru/kill-team2/the-rules/introduction/ (KT21 only for now)
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:
>Game assistant-database thing
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getting 2 boxes of breachers on Tuesday. Hopefully will have a box put together by Saturday. Mostly going to be using it for co-op and narrative campaign I have going. Going to go for a royal marine color scheme.
I think it's time we remove the wahapedia link in the OP until (and if) it is updated to KT24. It's doing more to confuse newcomers than it is helping, and we're well past the first month of the edition where keeping the link might've been relevant.
Once again lost with void dancers. They're supposed to be strong, but they can't outstat legionnaries, and lose on the trade against kommandos.
true, should had done it this time considering the lifespan of this thread
just put the link under homebrew or something.
8 wounds and 4+ seems pretty flimsy for a supposed custodes counterpart
Damn, KT kicks ass when you're not playing with Astartes.
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>> 94846176

Everyone that was interested this is the Shrine World Joint Ops from White Dwarf 508, though if someone has WH+ and can send screenshots from there there I am sure they'll look better.
sweet good work anon
Dope idea anon update is with your painted minis
>Hopefully will have a box put together by Saturday

>stares in 10 painted minis and several hundred dollars of partially assembled and unopened boxes
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I started setting aside a time each week to do 2 or so hours of hobby work on my calendar and since then it has been much easier.

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