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Anonymous Talk about your last game sess(...) 01/14/25(Tue)09:33:48 No. 94804514 Any system, any game that you, yes you, anon, played in the last fortnight. What happened? Was it fun? The latest thing I played was Cursed City with my monthly boardgame group. We're still in the early game, about to take on the first boss. So far it's a fun enough skirmish game with alright character synergy, but it's been piss easy. Hopefully the difficulty will ramp up a bit once we take down the boss and advance the game. >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:40:38 No. 94804550 Solo, Savage Worlds + Gold & Glory. Party of three guys got into the dungeon, fooled around, struggled again a surprisingly slippery bat. Got a bunch of treasures including chainmail and magical light that allowed them to not need to waste torches for the rest of the stay. Idiot elf drank random weird water, but it actually had a positive effect (extra vigor), the half orc and the human still thought he was a crazy weirdo. Rooms were mostly very long. Last session with a group was a CoC one shot that couldn't be finished because we accidentally triggered a fire alarm at a public building, causing a significant mess. >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:44:57 No. 94804570 It was basically a bunch of talking. Returning to the city where the campaign started, the hometown of my character and some others. Getting information on what happened in the meantime, checking our connections and the first attempts of formulating a plan. Apparently, my characters uncle may be under the influence of a vampire. We will get some priests in the next session to potentially do something about it (even if it means against his will).I don't particularly mind in this case, but I don't like how the GM uses my characters relatives and make them die or suffer all the time, or be assholes I see relatives as an extension of the player character, and should therefore only be used by the GM after consulting with the player, but maybe that's just my autism >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:58:10 No. 94804612 >>94804514 It's been a while due to Christmas and the new year and stuff.>looks at notes Ah, yes. >The party is stalked by some unseen threath, seemingly trying to kidnap our technomage (Salazar), during the first two nights of traveling back from Marked Valley (a mining village we stopped by after saving some kidnapped orcs). >Triel (my character) FINALLY uses his Glyph Seal to erect a barrier around the camp during the second night. >The party meets a suspicious caravan in the third day, led by a strange humanoid. Joe (our Bard) is immediatly suspicious since we hand't seen any around these parts, much less one seemingly so unprotected. >And it was an ambush, who could have guessed. >We battle the Half-Flesh Golem, two Blade Thralls, and an Arcanovore. My character's magic is suppressed (all his buffs and magic items are disabled). >Suddenly, the things that were stalking us join the battle, and are revealed to be Astral Stalkers after a couple of Knowledge(Arcana) checks. >Salazar, after getting grabbed and entangled in a net, manages to Disintegrate one, only for two more to show up. >After my character and the Warblade Half-Dargon deal with attackers from the fake caravan, the Bard casts fly on my character, who flies towards Salazar up on the cliff and tries to reason with the Astral Stalkers, learning they where hired to capture Salazar (duh). >Banta (our Rogue) attacks one of the remaining Astral Stalkers and they flee. >Battle over. Banta tries to dissect one of the corpses and fails miserably. We joke he failed so badly he performed a self-lobotomy in the process. >my character tries to use Speak with Dead on one of the dead Astral Stalkers, but fails due to the creature's high will save. >We continue on our way and finally arrive back at the metropolis, and Omaca, our guide for the last two months, finally manages to retire alive and well much to his own surprise. tl;dr: We are stalked and ambushed. A new mystery is afoot.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)09:58:26 No. 94804615 >>94804570 >maybe that's just my autism nah it's not making PC's relatives die is such a cliched shitdm thing to do, are the shopkeepers all retired level 20 adventurers too?>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:01:59 No. 94804631 >>94804615 I've played in groups where half the people would be genuinely mystified if a dm DIDN'T use backstories as plot hooks. Why even go back to your hometown if you're not going to have a kidnapped relative sidequest or something?>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:02:20 No. 94804635 >>94804570 >maybe that's just my autism 100% is,dont put them in the story if you dont want them used. Ill give you a pass though, if your GM is only "make them die or suffer all the time, or be assholes" then fuck him. Gotta give good and bad.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:04:09 No. 94804643 It's been so long I don't remember what the last session was... >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:04:46 No. 94804646 >>94804612 Oh yeah. My character getting all of his magical effects suppressed wasn't as big of a deal thanks to him having a bunch of high BAB prestige classes with decent HD and having just taken a level of Crusader too, so he was pretty fighty even without all the buffs. We did do some RP via text since that session too, basically downtime stuff like talking to some NPCs, preparing to craft stuff, etc. Our Bard made a public performance so absurd (it was essentially an epic skill roll since he rolled so fucking high) that he attracted the attention of, well, something, probably the Cthulhu equivalent.>>94804550 >Solo Man, I wish I could play Solo. I've tried but I can never get a good groove going.>>94804570 >Apparently, my characters uncle may be under the influence of a vampire Holy shit.>but maybe that's just my autism I'd say, kind of. The GM should have the leeway to make the world move in a logical fashion, and if that involves fucking around with a PC's family, so be it. But, by what you wrote, that seems to be a recurring theme, and that sounds pretty inorganic and shit. Gratuitous even.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:13:00 No. 94804679 >>94804514 We're playing a Bleach system I designed, someone else is GMing, we're having our training arcs right now. There's like 5 of us so it's taking a while, next session in a couple of weeks I'm (allegedly) getting my Shikai since everyone else basically has. But it as fun watching everyone else sort of bumble around or have cool moments with their sword spirits. Mine currently hates me because my character (who is a glup shitto in an AU version of the gotei 13, the setting is AU without any of the established characters, all the shinigami are, and then we have the one guy playing a quincy something something gm explained it don't want to repeat it because post limit) had a mental breakdown when a ton of high level hollows showed up and we were all on death's door and he threw his sword on the ground which no bueno for the spirit. He got shot in the face for his troubles and ejected out of his inner world when he first tried to communicate, but he's determined to be better so he went back in and made his case and was basically told "I'll believe you're trying to not be a lazy bitch when I see it happen" so that's basically the focus going forward on my end.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)10:50:14 No. 94804860 >>94804679 >We're playing a Bleach system I designed You wouldn't happen to have a PDF handy, would you?>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)11:49:08 No. 94805175 >>94804514 ran a funnel for DCC last week since I had spent about a year not running it, and I hadn't been able to run a game since October the game was mostly fun, I mentioned how my "setting" (excuse to frame the modules and pick certain classes and exclude others) is roughly colonial American esque rather than medieval, and the players who had a slave and an indentured servant started bickering over who had more rights. and the table got a laugh when i said "so you all have at least 3 and 3/5ths characters right?" unfortunately, due to being super sick the next couple of days, I genuinely can't remember how the session ended, I remember up to a point, then I woke up coughing and wheezing like broken muffler with a migraine. and it was both kinda sad and kinda funny finding a level 0 character's torn up character sheet in my pocket three days later when getting a shower that I had no memory of killing.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)12:26:48 No. 94805398 >>94804514 We've played Cthulhu by Gaslight one-shot last Friday. It was fun in big part because it was a one-shot: nobody cared about long-term survival or "proper" resource management, so there were no real restrains. Throwing away 24 luck to get a hard success on library use? Willingly taking 22 SAN? Why the fuck not?>>94804550 >Solo So you just wrote a short story with an extra step of checking tables? Never understood the appeal, and I've spend fucking decades at this point playing Vallheru. But there is always at least one more player to it.>>
sage 01/14/25(Tue)12:40:36 No. 94805480 >>94804514 I have two games running. VtM and D&D. The VtM Game was earlier. It's set in (non-cannon) 1915 San Francisco, during the Panama Pacific International Exposition. It's a time period and event that I'm mildly obsessed with. The players are neonates on a mission from the prince. There was a murder of an NAACP member at the exposition two weeks before it opens. The Prince doesn't want any negative press hanging over the expo, so charged the neonates with making sure the story gets burried. The players are finding out that there might be more involved. Looks like the murdered woman was a werewolf. And that a certain company called Premium Oil (I don't think they know it's the predecssor of Pentex) might somehow be involved. The players are bungling the cover-up, and getting in over their heads but they haven't quite noticed, yet. D&D was on Sunday and it's 5e because that's what everyone knows. It's a hex crawl and was our first session. They had a simple job: investigate what happened to the family that was supposed to be bringing cheese and wool to the market. They found the carts and discovered that the boy had been nabbed by goblins. Some of the legit worst rolls I've ever seen almost resulted in the party wiping to a buncha goblins. But they made it through. Setting is a homebrew hexcrawl and I always use 2e cosmology because I like it better and am old. The players went to look for the granda and grandpa and just figured out that they can get into some kind of mirror-world, that looks like a nightmare, using fairy circles of specific types of mushrooms. What they don't know yet is that it's a Plane of Dread connected to an event in the world's history. They'll find this all out in drips as they explore the hexcrawl more. Everyone had lots of fun in both sessions, and I'm looking forward to this week's sessions, Weds and Sunday.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)14:13:54 No. 94806071 It's been a while, so I've the details are blurry>DnD, Planescape. We were members of different factions hired by some wizard hired to investigate unauthorized opening of portals and demonic incursion (or something like that, like I said it's blurry). We did some investigating, some shoping (previous session were a dungeon). Then we robbed a mindflayer. Two of my friends distracted it, while my Arcane Trickster under invisibilty snitched his purse and documents. There were some details (I don't remember) but rolls were very good and GM allowed it. We then forged the docs so my friend were the owner of Illithid's gith slave. With money we bribed Illithid's aide, which it send for the guards. Then one of us casted an illuion to look like one of Harmonium's Hardheads. We then went to mindflayer with the "guard" and demanded to hand over "our" possession - Gith. After furious but vulnerable mindflayer left we went and sold Gith to Genasi (or Genie, I don't remember). I bought myseld a grappling hook. Our bard bought herself a very angry demon (magically shrinked and put into magic bottle). There were some other shenanigans I don't remember. >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)14:34:24 No. 94806191 >Thursday, Fabula Ultima The previous session, the party made it to the city of Cryograd, the capital of Hoarveil. After some shenanigans, they made their way down to the underwater research facility. They got info-dumped by some NPCs, including one that's a murder/death of personality one and went even deeper, to deal with an outbreak of an Ice Monarch (an Others rip-off from ASOIAF) and some undead, caused by a fishman invasion. They fought off a bunch of the latter and are now currently mid-fight with the Ice Monarch (we ran out of time).>Friday, ACKS The party is doing an optional quest to shut down several Dark Dwarf observation posts. They found a salamander lair in their search, and the Naga player wanted to source some eggs so that she can be constantly warm. The Wood Elf Thorn snuck in with invisibility and got them out with no consequences, so now the party is sitting on 5 salamander eggs (literally in the case of the Naga). They then found another dark dwarf outpost, that was infested with vampires. They all made it out alive, but the aforementioned Wood Elf Thorn was drained of 4 levels, so they're going to go into the local elven village which is the only place with a healer who can deal with that.>Saturday, ACKS The penultimate dungeon had the players mostly do combat. They defeated a bunch of inverse snakes (pic related) and went deeper into the dungeon that's actually the physical manifestation of the mind and soul of an NPC that is working for the Far Ones. They went one layer deeper and are dealing with the "program" that has been imprinted in her mind by Afina's (the NPC) contact with the Far Ones. It manifested itself via a group of high-level monks, which have succeeded in taking down one of the party NPCs.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)14:38:31 No. 94806218 >>94806191 >Fabula Ultima That system looks cool as hell. How would you describe your experience with it so far?>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)14:59:31 No. 94806349 >>94806218 I'm the GM and not the player. My players like it because it's very much a power fantasy. The abilities that they can do are powerful and varied. From a GMs perspective, the clock mechanics are SUPER useful and I really like them. The hardest part I would say is designing monsters, though having access to the fabula ultima helper really helps (get it get it do you get it) because it lets me use baddies that other players have created. Also this was designed as a shorter campaign, no more than 10 sessions (our usual ones go for like 40-50 if not longer) so my approach to it was a lot more haphazard. I think a long campaign IS possible, but it would by nature have to be a combat heavy one as there aren't that many non-combat skills/options. I think that if I were to run a long one, I would work out a better system for NPC interactions and skill use.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:04:34 No. 94806381 >>94804514 >Any system, any game that you, yes you, anon, played in the last fortnight. Parody fantasy homebrew.> What happened? The party completed a quest in Bearded Mountains. It was about two dwarven smiths, Carmack and Romero. They were partners in the past, but then drifted apart, leading to a decrease in supplies to the kingdom of Meow. The party battled the golem-like creature Quake. Scaven-necromancer animated the golem's back door to a control panel, The Valkyrie-paladin girl commanded the door to open, and the two other players entered pass keys simultaneously to deactivate it. The party found more info on a cursed Daikatana sword that will make you its bitch. This sword belongs now to a half-dead Grognard the Barbarian they met before.> Was it fun? 100%. However, I became convinced that my players just wanted to play escapist cartoons and are extremely hostile to any attempts to play anything even remotely serious with them.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:27:10 No. 94806512 >>94805398 >So you just wrote a short story with an extra step of checking tables? I didn't write any story. But it's weird to act as if it were any inferior to improv acting with other people. Gold & Glory is mainly a straight up dungeon crawl anyway, so there was considerable fighting, resource tracking and "should the characters go deeper or just go back now", where both choices had big pros and big cons. I guess it was more like an RPG gamebook a la fighting fantasy than like writing a story>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:35:02 No. 94806562 >>94806512 >Point >(You) But at least thanks for sharing that you have inferiority complex so deeply ingrained, you instantly start crying, rather than answering a basic question. If you didn't write a story with tables, than let me ask you the most obvious: why not playing a video game? And before you start crying again and playing some self-granted victim card: Why bother with all the tedium of handling those elements manually on a slip of paper, all on your own, when a god-damn excel sheet would do it for you, to say nothing about just playing any of the million roguelike dunegeon crawlers What's the point? And yes, it IS inferior experience, because you are effectively solving math equations to pretend you have a tabletop session, while doing all of the following:>engaging in tedium for the sake of tedium >ignoring pre-existing solutions >playing victim, despite doing this to yourself >actually trying to carry self-induced plight as a badge of merit Are you Slav or something?>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:35:17 No. 94806564 >>94804514 I get that feeling. I'm in a railroady campaign right now that's also very easy. It's a 5e game where we're going to different dimensions to protect someone important in there and kill a big bad. It started off pretty great. We were dropped in a town as foreigners from different dimensions and had to figure out why we were brought here. We had complete freedom to go about things as we like. Then it became railroady when I got back after missing a large chunk, but I was at least having fun with my character so I just went along with it. It got worse bit by bit and the DM was making encounters easier. Last session was the worst. At the end of the session before we had been ambushed when we were at low hp. Some of the players said as much, so we got ready for a though fight. I got excited to go all out or die trying. Then the session came. The ambush was dealt with an npc we know, who gave us a short rest before leading us to the actual fight. A fight that was piss easy, as the minions got oneshot and didn't do a whole lot while their "scary" boss was just watching. Having a fly speed, I just went to the boss when things took too long and set myself a few feet away from her to shoot. I even landed in order to make things more risky. Once it was the boss's turn, they crit me and should've outright killed me. Should've, because the DM ex machinad a powerful npc into the fight who also cast revivify on me. I've completely stopped caring about the game. The only thing left to do is to kill off my character for real.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:52:47 No. 94806668 >>94806562 >So you just wrote a short story with an extra step of checking tables? >I didn't write any story. that's your answer. The "no" is very clear there.>why not playing a video game? I have played video games, what about it?>And before you start crying again and playing some self-granted victim card you seem unhinged Drawing the maps, handling the character sheets, drawing cards, rolling physical dice, etc is just fun. Savage world's character creation rules allow for stuff that isn't common in videogames. Plus I've never DMd Savage Worlds, so solo is a way to get familiar with the system. Also, I have a physical book and sheets, so it's a way to spend some hours away from screens. Yeah, I've played videogames and yeah I've played RPGs with groups, it's very different experiences and they all have pros and cons. Your post reads as "why would anyone draw now that AI can generate drawings".>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)15:59:36 No. 94806719 >>94806668 >Continues to miss the pont I guess stay mad, but remember to be easy on your liver>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)16:17:32 No. 94806805 DCC, weekly Gongfarmers group at a pub. I've been doing an arc of adventures that take place in "Noctburg" (Urban Blight: the Setting), where everything is a monster that tries to eat you, and only half of them are human. This one was built around the idea of "Scabby the Rat" as a boss monster. A labor dispute at a cannery has the alchemists-turned-industrialists seeking independent contractors to break the strike, which the PCs did by bringing in scabs via the undercity. I had three routes planned out (fight through crowd, riverboats, undercity) and the PCs picked the one I'd done the least prep for. Still went well, they stumbled upon an eldritch cult, robes, wavy daggers and all, in the undercity (I pulled it from As Above, So Below). The joke was that they worshipped the Weeping God, an eldritch entity of guilt and altruism, and things were friendly until the cultists realized who the PCs were working for. When the fight broke out, the cultists spent half their time helping their downed or injured bretheren to safety. When the PCs get through the undercity and into the factory, the angry strikers outside see work beginning and start shouting "SCABS!" and begin a ritual to summon the wrath of organized labor: Scabby the Rat, a giant rat that summons medium-sized rats, inside the cannery. Scabby got paralyzed and had to rely on his summons. Players were historically literate and immediately figured out they were being asked to be Pinkertons. Some of them are some manner of anti-capitalist socialist something-or-others, but no one got sniffy or offended, because they're fucking adults. I'm happy I was able to use political themes without it being propagandistic. They also got a kick out of the good-aligned cultists that are still cultists. >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)16:19:58 No. 94806821 >>94806719 >liver sure is projecting around here>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)16:21:59 No. 94806830 >>94806349 Alright, that sounds fun as fuck.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)16:26:30 No. 94806858 >>94806668 >Drawing the maps, handling the character sheets, drawing cards, rolling physical dice, etc is just fun. Based>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)16:43:28 No. 94806974 Played last night for the first time in like 2, 2 and half months. And it was probably a 2 month gap before that too. Hopefully more frequent gaming is in the future. It was fun. We ran the first session in Base Raiders but I swapped everything over to Fate Core for this session. They're recently powered up normies who just found out they're all the bastard children of a super thief in a world where all of the major heroes and villains have disappeared. They were tracking down a metahuman for a sort of underground railroad for metas/aliens/mutants/etc. One character is Kamen Rider pastiche who kept accidentally violently killing people because he doesn't understand how strong he is. They fought cops and Russian gangsters I ripped off from Matt Fractions Hawkeye book. We're still getting used to Fate but I enjoy the flexibility of the system.It'll probably be a handful of sessions. The characters are:>A salary man who was close to going postal, took a pill that gave him psychic powers but turned him into a baby Modal >Cape fanboy and Mcdojo enthusiast, took a super solider serum that turned him in a chameleon man with mastery over security systems >Disgraced ex-professor who is all about crazy conspiracies about super heroes, read a mathemagical equation that unstuck him from the 4th dimension (superspeed powers). >A dentist and superhero fanboy who got the Kamen Rider helmet. >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:06:46 No. 94807113 >>94806858 >Never-game congratulating solo-game not playing games You people are hilarious EVERYONE is drawing maps in any game where orientation is a key, you uncultured swine. Except for OSR faggots and solo "gamers", nobody needs to brag about it, since it's so fucking normal and natural.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:11:36 No. 94807146 You're boring and repetitive. If you're going to be an edgy shithead, at least be funny. >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:15:29 No. 94807168 >>94806512 >Gold & Glory is mainly a straight up dungeon crawl anyway Is that like a prebaked adventure? That's the one thing I'd like to learn to play solo for, to try out all the pre-made adventures that are out there and we can't find time to play as a group.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:30:01 No. 94807256 >>94807168 I have no idea how good this is, but it's on bundle of holding right now alongside other solo stuff. >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)17:52:09 No. 94807347 We found a baby beholder and are now questioning whether it'd be opportune to murder it or find some other use for it. >>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)19:22:51 No. 94807839 >>94804514 Half the group couldn’t make it, so I ran a shot where I gave the characters the Magic Item compendium and 400,000 gp each to use to equip a pregenned level 10 character, with the game concept that they each got into a high roller magic item auction that was actually a scam used by a CR17 Blue Dragon to lure wealthy people into a remote location so he can rob them. It took longer than I expected for them to “bid” on their shit, so we barely got to the reveal before we had to quit, and now I’m bummed because this seems way more fun than our ongoing campaign.>>
Anonymous 01/14/25(Tue)21:18:39 No. 94808418 Last game I ran ended with a PC death. Playing thru the adventure path version of Wrath of the Righteous PF1e I'm prolly a shit DM. The encounters in the book are all way way way too easy so I beefed up the encounters in Drezen. Told the party to prep very well. Gave them pointers on what types of spells and such might be very effective. One player decides to solo fight a villain that they couldn't even take down with their super-special-end-of-book-1-super-saiyan buff. He can't hit the enemy's AC even tho I told them to prep for high AC enemies. I blame myself mostly. I don't think I was ever very good at running longer campaigns. >>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)01:53:47 No. 94809536 D&D 3.5, eberron to be more specific. One player dropped because me and the DM were ribbing him. everyone ribs everyone and it seemed more like an excuse to play Apex Legends with his friend. New player's second session. Still trying to understand the various modifiers like BaB, Ability Score, and those granted by feats but otherwise is starting to understand which dice to use in which situation. He is making a genuine effort to roleplay and understand the mechanics. We have been fighting aberrations, specifically Tsochar or Facehuggers as we call them. We encountered a group of gnomish artificers who tell us their village was infested with Tsochar and theyre some of the few that managed to escape. So to prevent them from spreading we decide to tackle them head on. On our way we encounter a couple of the infested villagers and combat breaks out. Our warforged paladin gets wrecked by a crit out the gate but is hitting them just as hard in return. Me and the new player are barely holding our own but are getting fucked with failed Con saves against their dex poison. Eventually manage to defeat the face fucking bastards but expended most of our spell slots except the new player's because I told him to save them. We get to the village but most of the buildings were torn down to build a hasty fortification in the center of town. Everyone in the village is in that fort. Theyre all infected. I tell the new player "we have no choice but to purge the city" and direct him to use his fireballs. The entire fort catches on fire, everyone is burning alive. We also started a forest fire but managed to put it out by creating water and a clever use of Sleet Storm. We spend the next hour telling new player he is a hero for purging the city and stopping the forest fire while also reminding him he also killed a dozen children. Everyone had fun and the new player is settling in nicely to the group. I think in time he will be a great player. >>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)06:00:32 No. 94810238 >>94804860 I don't use PDFs, and the system is currently in the middle of a big overhaul (I've been busy with IRL stuff and a fucked sleep schedule so I haven't had time to work on the big part, kido's revamp, but I"ll get it done sooner rather than later. I'm just wrapping up one game and starting another in the span of the next 2 saturdays so I'm doing prep work for both and it's hectic) Main system drive folder (includes google sheets!): Beta/replacement doc: Changelog: Things that I"m changing/adding: - Reworking all the Kido spells to be more balanced, assuming a maximum Reiryoku pool of ~32 points. This will include a Kido Stat REquirement for each Kido so you have to actually be good at Kido to use more powerful Kido as well as adjusted damgae and costs. Big thing I did was codify areas universally. - Reworking the Ceros and cero-adjacent powers (they're way too strong right now, expect Bala to be a Cone, Cero base to be a Line, and Gran rey cero to be a wider line with a damage bonus, and cero oscuras to be something else entirely.) - Removing the hard limits on the 1 cost and 2 cost Abilities for offensive abilities (I.e.,The abilities/powers that give a bonus to attack pools won't be mutually exclusive, nor will their first upgrades, but the capstones will be.) - Adding Hybrid Capstones (I.e. Kido + Hakuda = Shunko, IDK what the fuck I'm going to do with Zanjutsu + Hakuda, I think Zanjutsu + Kido will be some sort of thing like momo's sword?) which fill in stuff that isn't in the game. - Adding that thing quincies can do with the puppetry, which currently I"m thinking will remove all movement penalties you have at the cost of 1 Reiryoku per turn (end of turn) or something >>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)06:37:53 No. 94810388 >Pick up Cyberpunk where we left off last year >After convincing some gang members to stop fighting and to resolve our differences with words, a scheme is hatched to make them think that the diner is empty >The scheme immediately fails and the party's lawyer drops a grenade at his feet as the gangers are walking inside >It's a slaughter >Retrieve the VIP >One gets captured and we tally up the evidence against him vs the gang to see if he can pin the blame on them >The combination of a private lawyer on retainer, being a minor celebrity, and the gang members being mostly too dead to defend themselves in court - means that all charges are dropped >They get paid peanuts for bombing a diner and killing 5 guys Just another afternoon in Night City. It was a pretty good session, quite a bit of fun. One player didn't get to\chose not to participate as much as the others, but despite that it was all good. We were energised to get together to play more soon, which is a good sign.>>94804615 A character having relatives where nothing ever happens to them is equally cliched, it is just a subversion of expectation that rose because of the predictability of relatives being dangled over pits of acid for cheap drama. But if you aren't dangling them over acid why are they even mentioned? Write letters home as a character trait? Sure. Go to your parents regularly to eat dinner when you're killing for coin? Sounds pretty lame. Embrace tropes, kill sweet grandmothers for cheap shock value, kidnap young siblings, have parents die of disease, dangle the family dog over a pit of blades, foreclose on the ancestral home - RPGs are supposed to be exciting and these are excuses for it to be exciting. Otherwise why even mention the relatives? So we can roleplay out that your mother talks to you for 2 hours about mundane household activities? Fuck that. I openly ask my players if they have any relatives they want me to endanger for fun.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)11:29:00 No. 94812019 >>94810388 >A character having relatives where nothing ever happens to them is equally cliched no>it is just a subversion of expectation it is just fucking common sense that some people exist and don't have adventuring lives. Maybe the PC wants to return to them but can't due to plot, maybe the PC wants to redeem themselves or prove themselves worthy, maybe the PC in an arrogant ass who views the relatives as part of a boring or embarrassing past they don't want to return to, etc etc>RPGs are supposed to be exciting and these are excuses for it to be exciting no, these are just "gee, I sure didn't see that coming..." retarded ass shitdm moments. They're also a way to encourage your players to just run as (possibly murderour) hobos with no past, if only to skip your rehashing of lame cliches.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)12:13:26 No. 94812298 >>94806562 Oh shut the fuck up, you turbo autist. I don't get the appeal of solo rp either, but it's hurting exactly no one. Acting like it's some great trespass or whatever is putting your power level up there in blinking neon lights for everyone to see. Grow up.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)12:39:29 No. 94812508 >>94804514 Played a round of flamecraft for the first time with some family, mechanics were simple enough that all but one of us knew what we were doing by the end. Definitely a game that relies more on its cutesy aesthetics than any real depth. 6/10 would play again if only for the fact it feels very attractively designed and looks good laid out on a table.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)13:04:24 No. 94812713 >>94804514 To tell you the truth I a bit stumped, In this game they are fighitng against several conspiracies trying to control the world, in an accidental magical mishap they travelled back in time in the bodies of people semi-related to them, in which they find out that they are in the house of this man called Jack Parsons. They lied completly about their predicament and then even though they are magicians they attempted to murder Jack Parsons before he finished this ritual he was making, unlucky they weren't able to kill him. The game ended in a cliffhanger, where Parsons, L Ron Hubbard and other residents of the Parsonage hold them basically hostage and I am unsure if they should just kill them execution style of find some bullshit reason to let them live. I think I should just kill them and start a new campaign on the fly.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:07:24 No. 94813141 >>94804514 Honor and Intruige game with a fantasy twist. We had originally planned to kick off a bigger adventure about rescuing an alchemist from the church, but that ties in heavily with the backstory of a player who couldn't make that session so I came up with a filler adventure instead involving some light monster hunting in the sewers. The players were called in to make sure the problem was dealt with before anyone else got harmed, since the local militia doesn't know what they are dealing with and is ill-equipped for such a creature. The players tracked the creature down by following the bodies of the people who had already been sent in after it. Each body had its head smashed open by brute force, and its brains mostly missing. What they found was what looked like a skinny old man dressed in rags, his head covered in surgical scars and grotesquely swollen. His eyes pushed so far out of his skull that they almost were falling out. Stooped over a dead body and grabbing handfuls of grey matter from the cracked skull and forcing the brains into its mouth without even chewing, just shoving it in there with its fingers. The 'man' proved to be extremely unconcerned with bullet wounds, basically mindless in its attacks, easily baited and not nearly so resistant to being stabbed and hacked at with swords. One of the players eventually downed it by shoving a bayonet through its throat and swinging the creature into a wall until it collapsed. Now we move to phase 2. The surgical scars are torn open as a glowing blue mass within the skull of the man swells, the eyes falling out of their sockets as psudopods of slime press out through its eye and mouth holes. Some kind of brain-consuming amoeba that overtook the host and was piloting it around like a meat suit looking for more food. The first phase was much like the second, aside from the fact that the head was now a weak spot and it could telekinetically grapple people to make them easy prey for its strangle attack.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:11:32 No. 94813162 >>94812713 What you should do, anon, is have them get killed in the past and then their souls return to the present, but anyone who couldn't have been born because their past-relative died instead has their soul shoved into a random person they now have to occupy instead. The future they return to is changed because of the ritual they failed to stop. Either they have to deal with the new future or their goal becomes to go back and stop the ritual... with a secondary objective of stopping their previous past-bodies from getting killed to restore their original timeline and unfuck their temporal existence so they are not stuck as time ghosts anymore.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:17:08 No. 94813195 >>94804514 Pathfinder Way of the Wicked, with the homies at the FLGS.>Clearing out a dungeon that will effectively become our own - with us as boss encounters for do-gooders who will want to stop the ritual we're about to start. >Discover evil reliquary, sketchy pocket-dimension. >Party is smart enough to not just jump into it dick first, consult a pair of guardian demons who are bound to a floor but are conscious over the whole dungeon. >"Yeah, we're pretty sure that the reliquary is full of wraiths - you should be careful venturing there." Sure enough, place is fucking FULL of wraiths. Total ghost central.>Have the party tie a length of rope around my waist and push me through, since my character is a good combo of face and stealth - advise them to yank me out at a given signal. >Encounter a particularly coherent wraith, who parlays since it's not a gang of murderhobos but rather one guy. >Strike a deal - getting our ritual done is the unfinished business that will set him and his friends (now wraiths) free - he and his homies will not cause us harm and will attack interlopers in exchange for promising to make sure that we get the job done Some other stuff happened - including passing out in a madness-inducing room and learning it's a teleport chamber - but I was most chuffed at us managing to win over about half the ghosts in the dungeon to our cause. Much easier to clear out a dungeon when you're not taking ability damage every 15 minutes.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)14:51:22 No. 94813362 >>94807256 Cool. Will see if the pdf is on the usual places and give it a read. Thanks.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)15:00:48 No. 94813409 New Pathfinder 1e game started after our previous 83 session game finished>party starts out on boat to island >mysterious fog, captain not worried because island has lighthouse that is always lit >ship suddenly runs aground, characters have to swim to shore >roll for NPCs to swim, a couple of them have to be rescued >wanted to use actual swim rules for once but ended up being too much work to track them moving different distances >couldn't tell if you went underwater if that meant you couldn't get back to surface with another swim check >they ended up on beach, went to lighthouse and killed a half dozen goblins >pretty easily btfo them so I'm wondering if I need to up the difficulty of the encounters (6 PCs so the average EL should be 1.5 right?) >>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)16:11:59 No. 94813849 >>94812298 >I don't get the appeal of solo rp either Autism. I'm doing a solo game about a camp of bandits. I've survived the first couple of missions but my gang is starting to get big enough that there's always some casualties and I want to figure out how to recruit a wizard. It's slow, inglorious and very two steps forward, one step back grindy. I wouldn't subject anyone else to it, but it tickles the tism more to have the little battles play out than to sit back and jerk off writing down the legends of asshole robin hood.>>
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)16:19:02 No. 94813889 >>94813849 or maybe you're playing in an autistic way? Some people draw, write fiction, or play solo videogames. Solo rping is just more creative than videogames, but not as free reign as drawing or writing fiction. First solo rpg I played was the very journaling oriented Lichdom, and while coming up with a story for my sorcerer was fun daydreaming, the shit that the cards and dice subjected him to were what ended up making the story truly memorable.>>
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)06:05:29 No. 94817630 >>94812298 Different anon, too, but here is the thing about it: in 9 out of 10 cases it's someone's misguided attempt at flexing, while not really playing anything, not even solo. It's annoying not because someone is "playing wrong" but because it comes with a brag. In other words - people don't mind furries existing, they mind furries not knowing when to shut up. And after about three years of this trend, it's almost a reflex reaction to gag when anyone mentions solo. Doubly so when average solo is literally playing early Ultima games without a PC, but wanked like some sort of "TRVE GAYME" that instantly is followed by being super-defensive when anyone "dares" to point it out tl;dr conditioning is a mean bitch>>
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)09:22:36 No. 94818433 >>94817630 What you're describing sounds more like osr fags>>
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)17:38:55 No. 94821417 The lack of posts and abundance of shitflinging implies that /tg/ doesn't play games that much. >>
Anonymous 01/16/25(Thu)19:05:34 No. 94822037 >>94804514 >Sword World 2.5 The party turns dungeon loot into profit and do some levelling up and shopping. They go back to the megadungeon to meet with their mentor npc so they can finally see the dungeon town. On their way down, they scrap with bandits and meet another party that was on their way up. The other group recognizes that the pc party was involved with the magitech ship adventure and ask what happened to the thing. The party face is wary but the group generally admits that they gave out the ship control to the pirate kobolds (japanese smol dog anthro kind). The two groups exchange pleasantries and go their perspective ways. The team finally meets the mentor and reach the dungeontown. After meeting some locals, It's time for a side, mini dungeon. Puzzles are solved and mimics avoided. Game ends due to very late hour. It was fun>>
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)04:15:40 No. 94825847 >>94821417 And sometimes, nothing really interesting happened.>>
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)16:53:42 No. 94830735 >>94804514 First time DMing, for a first time player. Went fun, nothing too special, just some guy (1 player + DM game) joining a roman legion and fighting some gauls. I accidentally gave one enemy a rapier just because I used some random statblock for him lol, which was a funny moment but I rectified it into a short sword. Savage Worlds.>>
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)19:37:57 No. 94831959 >>94830735 Nice, glad it went well.>>
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)20:03:55 No. 94832158 >>94830735 that's cute, when's the second date?>>
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)20:10:54 No. 94832217 >>94832158 Probably next friday.>>
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)20:20:34 No. 94832304 >>94821417 or maybe people who actually play games don't want to fucking blog about them for the amusement of anonymous strangers over the internet? don't see your session posted anywhere, champ. go fuck yourself. last session was 5e d&d, my fellow player swore fealty to a god (the DM's PC that ascended to godhood in a previous campaign) by cutting out an eye and made my character bear witness (by basically springing it on him) and then told him that he was now also a worshipper. my character doesn't believe that the events of the day really inducted him into the worship of said god, so he's going to continue on as though nothing changed. should be interesting to see what happens and how long DMPC-as-patron-deity is gonna work out before it goes completely tits up because i fail to worship or acknowledge him. i don't even remember what my character was doing. probably getting piss drunk. we discussed turning the other PC's recently purchased warehouse into a workshop/factory, but the warehouse is currently full of the goods belonging to the people the previous owners had contracts with. overall, a whole lot of talking and roleplay, not much got accomplished.>>
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)20:22:09 No. 94832314 >>94832217 i'm just jealous, sounds like you're actually having fun , can't remember the last time i had it>>
Anonymous 01/17/25(Fri)20:22:10 No. 94832316 >>94832304 >don't see your session posted anywhere, champ I had already posted my session lol
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