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Just been to my local club's bring and buy

Paid £1 total for this lot, including the 3rd edition ruins. This guy had a bits box and it was £1 a go to fill a sandwich tub.

Need Assault Marines and Devastators for my firstborn Company so everything else is a bonus.

Except Felix, he was £2 on his own. Lovely old sculpt.

I'm sure the prices on new stuff was reasonable but a lot of it doesn't appeal to me for some reason.
That's great, anon. Glad you found a good deal. Those 3rd ed ruins bring back memories. What chapter are your firstborn?
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Who's this dude?
Mantic Ghoul
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Neat thanks anons.
Good finds, anon. There's a thrill to finding the most random stuff, makes one feel like a kid with his assorted treasures.
Who's the metal elf dude with a sword?
Ahhh it was Felix. Very neat!
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Felix from Gotrek and Felix, very characterful sculpt
Blessed thread

Might try and find some of my hauls on the archive

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