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It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

More threads:
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Hoping someone might have Spione by Ron Edwards
Agent Provocateur from Twin Engine with any associated missions.

you can upload requests and CLEANED files at /newVolaDrop

they will appear in /newVola after a few hours

these are rebrand links

if you upload many files at once, please put them in a zip

If you find a dirty file, please upload a txt file with the relevant info and I will remove it as soon as possible

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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) 4E - Ikaris (Setting)
Thank you in advance
Requesting Brass, Blood and Steam for FATE.
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Requesting trader voyages for Savage Worlds
Requesting SAKE rpg, the full version please.
Requesting any of the final versions of
Across the Eight Directions,
Adversaries of the Righteous,
Crucible of Legend,
Exigents: Out of the Ashes,
Sidereals: Charting Fate's Course,
Tomb of Memory,
and/or the novellas
A Murder in Whitewall,
Methodology of Secrets,
Surface Truths,
and/or What Lies Forgotten
for Exalted 3e, please
Anyone by any chance has the Shadow of the Wolf pdf and GM resources for Lancer?
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Requesting the PDF of the paid version of Grimwild
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522 KB PNG
Serching for shadowrun tailchaser.
Tnx in advance
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Seconding this request.
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1.48 MB PNG
Requesting Aether Nexus.
Requesting Cthulhu Awakens Game Master's Kit.
Requesting: Not The End – Corebook and Not The End – Stories
Requesting Monster Manual
Seconding this request.

Also looking for the most recent version of the Subversion RPG.
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Requesting Tidal Blades RPG
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-D100 Dungeon: The Forgotten Tome Of Curious Rules (Book 8)

Requesting Deadball 2e

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Does anyone have The Religion Construction Kit by Mark Rosenfelder please?
Does anyone have the 2022-2023 printings of the Battletech books? Specifically looking for:

- BattleMech Manual: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/217189/battletech-battlemech-manual?src=hottest_filtered
- Tech Manual: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/24750/battletech-techmanual?src=hottest_filtered
- Total Warfare: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/24642/battletech-total-warfare?src=hottest_filtered
- Tactical Operations; Advanced Rules: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/316503/battletech-tactical-operations-advanced-rules?src=hottest_filtered
- Tactical Operations: Advanced Units and Equipment: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/316505/battletech-tactical-operations-advanced-units-equipment?src=also_purchased
- Interstellar Operations; Alternate Eras: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/390967/battletech-interstellar-operations-alternate-eras?src=hottest_filtered
Requesting the new DnD monster manual. I know it's difficult to find someone who shared it yet, but insisting is better than leaving it be.



Hello, requesting the following. Didn't see any of them listed in the docs.

-Outlanders and Outlanders: Record of Isekai Wars -both by Relentless fiction

-Old West: The Schorched Badlands, a western world by Shatto Gaming

-Once Upon - A Story Book RPG by The Yellow Hand

-Amazing Universe by LPJ Designs -whatever anyone has to share

-The Crowned (core book) by Formerly Feral Games

-Black Rainbow by Ponygames <-- is for FATE and powered by the apocalypse

Any help is appreciated.


The MgT2 List

In late April 2024 Mongoose released an "Update Wave" that affected dozens of books (https://forum.mongoosepublishing.com/threads/the-great-apple-pdf-update.124644/).
Of these April Update versions, only the following have so far been liberated:
>Core Rulebook Update 2022, High Guard Update 2022, Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023, Companion Update 2024, Explorer's Edition
We're looking for any and all April Update versions not listed above.

In addition, updates to these specific books not affected by the "Update Wave" have been requested:

- Clans of the Aslan [updated 2025-01-10]

- Merchant's Edition [updated 2024-12-20]

- Bounty Hunter [updated 2024-11-21]

- Traders and Gunboats [updated 2024-11-13]

- Opening Moves [updated 2024-09-18]

- War Fleets of the Fifth Frontier War [updated 2024-09-13]

- The Fifth Frontier War [updated 2024-09-02]

- Vehicle Handbook [updated 2021-08-03 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

- Pirates of Drinax: Theev [updated 2016-10-25 - see above]

If you have donated files before, please check and see whether you can provide updated versions!
Thanks to everyone involved! If you notice any other issues with the currently shared files, please say so!
Hate to sound like a newbie but what does g0f stand for?


gofile (dot) io

Requesting Imperium Maledictum Inquisition GM'S Guide.

requesting the new MESBG LOTR Rulebook and army books
Seconding this one.
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Requesting Advanced Dungeon Goons, please

Requesting dragonbane path of glory and shadowdark zines
Looking for the Alpha document of The Crooked Moon for 5e.
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Requesting the Blades in the Dark expansion, Deep Cuts



Thank you!

Blessed anon

I don't understand anything about that game and its edition, versions, supplements, ..., but i saw a few related files here : maybe give a look there

It isn't released for another month.
Humbly Requesting:

Everyday Heroes
-EGO Plots 1 thru 3
-EGO Assignments 1 thru 9
-Evergreen Knights Part 3
-Supporting Cast Vol. 1
-Holiday Heroes
-Lumps of Coal

-6-08 Upon Wheels and Rime
-Quest 22 Friends in Need

-6-99 The End Awakens
-7-04 Inheritors of Gadrathar
-7-08 Envar’s Awesome Rescue
-7-09 Clutches of the Vault Lord


The Game Master’s Handbook of Proactive Roleplaying - Jonah Fishel
The Game Master's Book of Astonishing Random Tables - Jonah Fishel

Thanks, in advance

>The other books on the series are on NV but those are lacking from the collection
Thank you very much!

-Guide to Making and Painting Laser Cut MDF Model Kits - Sarissa Precision

Requesting four against darkness supplement

Twisted minions
Twisted hoards
Twisted final fights

Thankyou verymuch!
I am looking for:

and basically all heroic maps:

Aswell as does anyone have the password to the Repository?

Thanks in advance.
[ REQ ]The Revenant Society - The Endless Loop Beneath the City

Thank you!
D100 dungeon book 1 through 7
Thanks in advance
Already in the vola you just didn't look hard enough
Requesting the new Runequest Dragon Pass, Sun Country, and the Cthulhu Ireland books if possible. Thanks.
Anyone have this guy's dawn of war overlay rules?
Has Injuries & Vile Deeds
For Dungeons & Dragons from Lone Colossus Games shown up anywhere?
kindly asking for The Hidden Isle.
SS expired
The first requested book (proactive roleplaying) isn't actually in newvola... but that's a moot point since it's still in the relevant (worldbuilding) trove.
/stvtrove has been updated a bit. No, none of the big expensive books people keep asking for were found or donated.
what is that?
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Battlezoo Ancestries: Giants (5th Edition)
Derived from the Titans - Giant Creatures Collection
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The Living Index (5th Edition)
Requesting Deadball: Masters of the Game

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Requesting Classic Fantasy: Unearthed Companion. Would be very grateful.
Any chance someone has Sorcerer's Apprentice #07 in pdf or some other digital format you could share? TIA
chasing space aces infinite voyages in infinite space
Requesting treasure and improvised weapon card pdf for dragonbane
Requesting Monster of the week hunter's journal and slayers survival kit backers only preview
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Requesting Gaelenvale and Nevermore for Grimwaild
Thank you, Gofile anon!
Hi, requesting
-Death Game
-Wicked Ones
- The Lost Bay
-Tangled Blessing
- The Contract
Requesting Wraithlands

Requesting anything Brancalonia
Requesting a copy of the Perfect Draw! Booster Pack Expansion

>Battlezoo Ancestries: Giants (5th Edition)

You're constantly requesting it, and when it's uploaded (on that same page, 20-25 messages before), you don't even follow it ?
storytellers vault, 3rd party stuff for cod/wod/exalted, though this trove caters just to the former 2
It wasn't spoonfed. Why should he try doing for himself? That's not the ChanFag way.
What's the deal with this one? Inquisition Player's Guide was shared the next day after the street release. Inquisition GM'S Guide was reelased two months ago and still noone has shared it. Was it emargoed or what?
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anyone have dark matter by magehand press?
the links i found in the archive were deleted by owners or archived for inactivity
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725 KB PNG

Wishing Well by Linksmith Games
Looking for V5 discipline compendium
Does someone have the Era Lyres core rulebook?
Requesting Vecna: Eve of Ruin and Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye.

Thanks in advance!
Anyone heard of a game called Black Powder and Brimestone? According to the crowdfunding site the PDFs should have been out already. Someone has them?
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Anyone know where to get the D&D 5e adventure module Out of the Abyss?
Doesn't seem to be in the archive anywhere.
Requesting any of the Foul locales supplements for D&D 3e
Requesting Farsight Games' games, particularly Deep Space and Deep Magic. TIA
there's a lot of brancalonia stuff, be more specific
plus lots of it is available in multiple languages (or might be easier to find in some languages than others)
have the main setting book if it helps
Thanks! There was this one anon who asked for it a few weeks ago, but never got a reply. I do have the main book. The request was mostly to see if there was a collection somewhere.
I'll be more specific the next time
Your bad request just wasted an anon's time uploading and sharing something you already had.
I'm sorry
Humbly requesting "Children of the Wyrd", if anyone has it?
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looking for Quantum Dark..for Cepheus Engine
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Lighten up, Francis.
The complete collection

There’s a bunch of Brancalonia books still in NV right now, go snag em if you haven’t already
So what is the new PW for the dnd repository?
I have checked the Da's etc and haven't come up with it. Can someone lend a hand? Looking to get the old 2e Birthright material.

requesting midnight melodies
Requesting Dead Belt - Solo Co-Op or Rivalry by A Couple of Drakes
Oh, you're right, thanks
Thank you
Requesting please:
Colostle: The Roomlands, Kyodaina and Dungeons expansions.
Thank you in advance!
Requesting :
2d6 dungeon,
2d6 realm,
2d6 lairs omnibus,
2d6 creatures of the corn,
2d6 lairs vol 1, 2d6 lairs vol 2,
2d6 haunted house

Thanks in advance
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Requesting Monster Care Squad: Behind The Waterfall.
Is there a list of troves /xxx's ?
Went digging through them but I couldn't find the following

Werewolf the Apocalypse - Silent Striders Tribebook

Werewolf the Apocalypse - Rage Across Egypt

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Does anyone have the London Masters Guide? The kickstarter indicates people received copies a few years ago but I can't find the dead tree version or PDF anywhere (even for sale)
requesting Solo RPG Hexcrawls
For Other systems
Still looking for Tales of Argosa, please, or direction to a trove of LFG stuff
I'd like to check the core book if you have it at hand
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Requesting Castigant: Gothic Roleplaying in a Time of Inquisition

Does anyone have the JB2A animations module for Foundry VTT? Or just a location with Foundry Mods in general?
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That sounds like a Frequently Asked Question >>94837372
>2e Birthright material
You don't need Mage's Repo. Look in Da Curated under "O"
<− Again. Pay attention this time.
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2.9 MB PNG
I do, here it is.
It may be a version behind the current one, but there are literally two mistakes in the whole book, so it's not a big deal. Here is also the official website with the FAQ/errata and all the contents of the book online.
Anyone got the link to the 5e official trove? The link in the archive is dead.
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1.24 MB PNG
requesting High Magic Lowlives
Kindly request Old-school Collector Bundle from cartography asset
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Lancer Core Book: First Edition PDF (paid version).
Hey guys , am i tripping ballz or there is no D&D 3.5 third party trove , cant find it in "da curated archive" ? looking for "Fast Foward Entertaiment" material .

ty in advance.
Contains all official material for LANCER as of 15th January 2025.
gofile . io
Requesting County Road Z Core Rulebook (Modiphius version).

thank you
Where do I find Warhammer 40k novels now?
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Hi, I saw somebody had it a few months ago... I would kindly request if anyone has the Geologist's Primer?
sent to NV
in NV
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looking for
2d6 creatures of the corn,
requesting Blood Borg
Seconding request for ever elusive Imperium Maledictum Inquisition GM'S Guide. Thanks!
Yup and it's likely to stay that way since a bunch of blockheads drove off the guy that maintained it. It was his ball and he took it home.
holy shit, I didn't even ask for this,but thanks, man!

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