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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by GWendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like
- Read the last 3 threads before posting



>Guides (Install 4ChanX script for better experience)
FDM Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/H1en2ghM
Resin Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/SbYWdMnC
Resin Safety: https://radtech.org/safe-handling-of-3d-printing-resins/
Printer Buying: https://pastebin.com/raw/1Kfib5YK


>Last Thread: >>94661912
I dreamed that my resin printer could print pieces in color
Anyone order a thermalvatband recently? How long did it take to ship?
Thinking about spring charge with bank if it doesn't ship.
What's a good alternative heater for a saturn 4 ultra if I go that route?
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Newfag to 3d printing, test mini with the mono 4 went well, this is my second batch and I can’t figure out what happened here. Another mini on the same plate didn’t share this issue
If it helps I ran it with anycubic water washable resin
Has any stl vendor done alternative heads for 28mm horses, preferably monstrous ones.
Is Meshmixer still the best choice for cutting models into different pieces?
What's it supposed to be? And explain what is wrong with it.
Like is that fin supposed to be there or not?
Where on earth can you get arms for 2nd ed spess mehreens?

Asking for a friend with some old Death Company manlets.
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Thought the og pic was better lol. Face and back leg are fucked
>What's it supposed to be?
3D representation of autism
>Open any stl with any arm
>Right click
Click Print
Would’ve been 50 in the room when I printed it
Those flat spots are there because at some point, the printer tried to lift and the newly printed part stayed on the FEP, and on a later layer the contact was strong enough to lift it off the film again.

Most often the reason for that is not enough or too weak supports. Even if on other parts of the printer it printed OK, that could just mean that the light is a bit brighter there and cured the model for a tiny bit longer.
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first of many big ones
Oh ok, thanks for the help
...and you somehow thought that would work? Heat it up to at least normal room temperature and try again.
About to set up my own first res printer and read about some with self heating and shit. We are talking about the temp of the room not just the print bed or whatever right?
Yeah the temp of the room.
The important part is the temp of the resin in the vat, but everything, including the cold air the fans blow onto it have an effect. With simple tools you can keep the resin warm in cold rooms, but without it the resin temp is what your room is.

A thing to note, newer elegoo printers show a temp, that is the temp of the light source, which gets hot and has a fan blowing onto it, so is never a good indicator on what temp your resin has.
If all I have is a garage do you think a space heater close by could work? OR maybe setting up a tent in the garage with a safe space heater?
Could work. I've done similar before. Just don't be dumb with a space heater. If it works in your specific situation it works. Only way to know is try it out.
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I got a little bit over enthusiastic and I didn't think it through, and I sent this to my printer. will post the monstrosity if it sucesfully prints
I print like this all the time.
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Found a 3D printing service in my local area via Etsy.
Is there such a thing as an order being "too small" for a service to even consider?
For example: if three historical tanks are too small of an order should I bump the thing up with a load of terrain parts to make the 3D printing service give a damn?
I'm only assuming but I would think they would price a print based on kg of material used so asking for more would cost more I would think. However If I was printing stuff I would just be adding other peoples order to the build plate along yours to save time so it probably doesn't matter if it's "small". Might as well ask for a price regardless.
brand new to 3d printing and got a resin printer (saturn4u). i like Uncle Jessy so far, any other creators you enlightened fellas recommend for a noob? just trying to avoid as many beginner mistakes as I can, although I expect to fail plenty once i start testing my own setup
How about asking them?
Kinda hard to recommend you anything if we dont know what type of miniatures or games you like
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First time I had this kind of error.
Like, I've had warping, or pieces pulling themselves off of the supports before.
But what happened here? Even the supports that -weren't- connected to the bottom of the thing got cut off, and over almost the entire length of the plate.
And then it seems to have happened again a second time. And the second time there's nothing there, only supports.
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Not bad for my first print ever
A good learning experience eh?
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Idiot here. I just bought a few printed minis and they are sticky and glossy. I assume that they were not cleaned properly and I should dip them in IPA?
The Idiot is the one who printed them and did not properly clean them. Yes, dip in IPA, maybe brush them also down with an old toothbrush.
Afterwards maybe cure it a bit further in the sun to be sure.

Thing is, if the seller is so bad with cleaning, there is a good chance ther could be liquid resin inside the model. If its anything bigger than a 28mm Human model I would try to drill a small hole into the thickest part, with gloves because if they fucked up that hard there will be liquid resin under pressure inside.
Saturn 4 16k is coming so finally they made a mars screen at a saturn size
While most of you are cunts, here is some nice stuff you might enjoy:
I have never used Telegram before and it wants me to install the app on my phone, how and why.
How about not being a filthy phone-poster? Install the app on your pc like a true patrician.
You need to have created a Telegram account on your phone before you're even allowed to log in via PC.
Thanks anon
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I'm confused by these colors in lychee
the model is presupported and I threw it on the plate, shouldn't green be good?! why did it fall off of the plate (green) but with a raft under it it worked (yellow/orange)?
am I misreading something?
its a messenger app similar to whatsapp and others. I allows you to create groups. private and public. people can upload files up to 2gb in those groups. this is an invite link to such a group. If you think about the thread we are posting in, you can guess what it contains. If you install the app, make sure to hit the privacy settings first, and also disable autodownload, otherwise the app will download everything smaller than a few megabyte, which is usually necessary for stickers and gifs, if you are using it to chat, but it can be annoying if you use it to share and leech files
Thanks, I was just hoping there would be a way to join it without having to use a phone number since I'm paranoid about privacy/being tracked. But I bit the bullet and am in the group and browsing now.
Protipp: Create yourself your own (private ofc) group and forward all the files you like there. You can download them later onto your pc or phone.
If you run out of storage on your hard drive, you can also upload stuff to your own group and save it for later that way, or forward it from there to other groups or people if you want to.
Honestly Lychee's presupport feature is pretty good. Obviously it works until it doesn't but the way people talk about it is as if it's completely worthless useless garbage that will explode your printer kek. Tried autos for my last two prints and they came out pretty gud. I'd say the only bad part is the auto orientation, doesn't always orient the model in a smart way
Will it even make much of a difference? That 16k s4 will also come with a vat heater which is nice if you need it. I'm lucky and my print space stays exactly 20c naturally thankfully but it's about time they got the heater built in
Whether a model has a cavity or not totally depends on the skill of the modeler (unless you're suggesting his seller is deliberately hollowing models without drain holes for malicious reasons).
Seeing all this resin that could have been GW purchases makes me seethe.
> t. Shareholder
GW had their best financial year ever. Shareholders are busy financing new yachts right now they don't care about us resinsigmas
I think I will wrote my congressman and demand that 3d printing resin should require more precautions to ship, and hopefully get it out of the hands of the individual and make it so only companies using it for industrial use can easily get a hold of it.
Essentially just make it so Amazon decides 'it's not worth' to ship the smol bottles to consoomers
Slicers have a hollow function, and idiots try to save a tiny bit of resin with it.
So the screen on my sonic 4k mini broke for no discernable reason ... Half the screen is just dead. Didn't happen during a print, was just like that today.

What's a good affordable replacement printer? I'm pretty bummed, honestly.
There might still be screens for sale on Amazon or other sites, then you can just replace the screen itself.
a replacement screen costs half of an Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra, and what's the chance a replacement will have a longer life than my first one?
anybody know where I can find a decent scan of red butchers now that the old t*l* groups are purged?
Very well might have everything I was after, thank you very much.
That depends. Do you like using your printer? Were you used to how it worked, and happy with its results?
Or are you looking forwards to change, to getting something newer and better?
Where do I find a decent admech group?I haven't found a single one yet.
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does anybody know if there are any good files for printable greeblies to slap on the less adorned primaris bolters? Things like aquilas that would fit on the inceptor bolters?
which chapter do you play?
what superglue do you guys use for your minis? i love plastic glue but obviously doesn't work on resin.
i don't mind gorilla glue but i'm wondering if there are any brands or even any specific bottles of gorilla glue that have good applicators for things this small?
I use a specific one from a company called "miniatureaid". Its odourless and has no (or way less) toxic fumes than regular superglue so i dont have to sneeze for two days after using it.
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Anon who got some printing problems on the previous thread here.
Thanks for your help, I added some heater in the room, looked for some "how to support" video to strenghten some stuff, and decided to clean my fep plate before trying again; and except for a small missing tail (pic rel, didn't see it because of the weird angle) it's working fine again.

I had some relatively big chunks of resin stuck on the fep plate and it was really hard and scary to remove them with a mix of scrapper, alcohol and slightly bending the film. Is there an easier way or should I just git gud and try to never have a failure resulting in resin sticking on it?
>that have good applicators for things this small?
I haven't used every style of bottle out there, but I've used a few and the best... is for most miniature making and scale model building scenarios not gluing directly from the bottle at all. Instead put a drop of glue down on something else and then use a toothpick, needle, cocktail skewer or whatever to take some glue from the drop and onto the mini.
says the invite has expired, got another?
IV got a qidi shadow 5.5s and I'm new to 3d printing, do I need an enclosure with extraction fan for it?
donut steel successors
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ive had zero issues whatsoever with the s4u autoleveling straight out of the box. just thought i'd share that because everyone seems to say it doesn't work
>never posted again
I got a badly used one full of resin and after a cleanup it works fine and reliable. Even printed Sunlu abs like under 15° without heating, maybe the tilt mechanism helped compensate for the thick resin.
I got one a few weeks back and it's been working well for the most part. I had a few teething problems with delamination, but that was when I was trying to print big architectural models which took up the whole build plate and had large flat areas sitting parallel to it. Tweaking angles, upping exposure times, and heating the room a bit first seems to have resolved it.
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How would you guys deal with the neck not fitting properly to the torso?

I can't figure out what is stopping it from fitting all the way. I checked in Blender and the two pieces do not clip into each other.
Is there a good way to hide it?
Resins tend to expand or warp a bit after curing, so perfect accuracy is difficult without compensating for it.

I would make the contact area a cone, so if it does not fit you just sand the cone down a bit. And make it smaller beforehand, you need to design in some tolerances.
Thanks. I am using a pre-cut model.

The other pieces I've printed are fitting together just fine.
I'm considering printing the two as one big piece. Not an actual solution, I know, but it would let me finish this.
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I worry I'm getting tunnel vision on imperfections that might not matter at all. So I'd like /3dpg/'s opinion.
Here's the whole print put together, without glue of course.

Is the neck line as bad as I'm making it out to be in my head, or can I leave it as is?
Put some milliput in there and it'll be fine? Or reprint the head and torso?
That one's gonna need some filler.
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As someone else who prints around foot tall figs. Those connection points seem like they are either a model or settings issue. Or maybe both combined. While some gaps are expected like the other anon said those are pretty big.
Try sanding down surfaces that touch and maybe clipping down any points that fit into each other as connection pieces. (pic rel)

But yeah I would use milliput to fill any gaps. It's what I use. You could try resin welding or filling the gaps slowly with resin layer by layer.
One thing that might work on some areas is curing a small patch of resin partly and then drape it over wherever needed.
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Its always the minis that raise our blood pressure the most when removing the supports that are the most satisfying
Could try "painting" on resin in the gap and curing it with a UV gun, like how you would use sprue goo to fill in gaps on a miniature. Might take a while with a gap that large
I might try that, thank you.
The gap actually isn't that big, the picture makes it look worse.
>lychee printed my banners backwards
what the fuck
mirror x axis is off
>perfect accuracy is difficult
That's so disappointing as someone who loves printing spaceships.
It means you're limited to printing them single-piece, as cutting them pretty much guarantees the edges won't line up.

Resin printing it seems is much better suited for printing organic shapes than it is for machines, which are all straight lines and right angles.
Some resins seem to do it better than others. https://www.youtube.com/@NoizieWorks looks into a bit of warping and such for his tests.
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The print failed, very badly
Really? I don't think it looks that catastrophic.
>making the print load a giant suction cap
What kind of printer would I need to get the same kind of detail/sharpness as Legions Imperialis?
Looks like over half of them did come out okay. That's something.
new to resin printing, it's cold out here and I was thinking how to get the resin to an optimal temperature before use without buying any more tools and then it hit me
I have a sous vide stick in the kitchen
just put the resin bottle in a pot of water with it and it should work, right
It will work but if it's that cold it might only last for a short while.
Any current entry model. Get a mars 4 ultra for example.
I just place the resin bottle on top of a radiator for a few hours
Perfect for drop site massacre terrain.

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