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In empires ran by dragons, would humans be above or below kobolds in the heirarchy?
You'd probably have a parallel hierarchy because the Kobolds and humans would assume different spheres of responsibility, with the Kobolds handling things in the direct and immediate interests of the Dragons, but humans handling basically everything else. Kobold authority would be highly dependent on whether they're currently acting as a deputy or lieutenant for a dragon, otherwise they would have very little authority over humans.
what's your logic there? Is it due to the divine-status thing?
Humans are more adaptive, larger, tougher, stronger, and smarter than kobolds. Kobolds reproduce much faster and are instinctively, fanatically loyal to dragons and so would be more trustworthy to a dragon as personal agents. So humans are more useful, but can't always be counted on. What results is parallel responsibilities, as anon said.

No human would give two shits about a kobold unless they had direct backing, though. They're too easy to squash.
I'd make humans higher, but that's just me. You can pick whatever you want for yourself.
Neither. If tyrant's underlings constantly compete for his favor they won't unite to rebel against him. Dragon should be smart enough to know that.
But if tyrant's underlings spend more resources fighting each other, they won't be effective servants. It's a balancing act.
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That logic works for human dictators because all it takes is a single bullet to kill you, but dragons can take on entire armies single-handedly
ah, no. These dragons are chihuahua-sized, pardon the confusion.
Probably higher since they'd have a higher intellectual value.
Or, here could be a whole caste system, with the less useful humans being at the same level of kobolds.
Or humans are prized by dragon society because they fuck good.
The possibilities are endless, really.
I don't understand, why would anyone put their servants above their spouse?
Kobolds could act like messengers and servants for the dragons and those would be better off than your average human, but the rest of them would probably still live shitty lives as they multiply faster and are less capable on average than a human
Where is that black and white photo meme of the dudes looking dsapointed with the bottem text that says something to the effect of "depends on so many factors as to make it a useless question"
Because that is entirely how I feel reading this OP. How are dragons mentally? Do they hibernate for centuries? How many centuries to they live, how many eggs do they produce and when? how much do they need to eat? how much *would* they eat if given free reign to gorge? Can they fuck hybrid babies into maidens? What would be their vice drugs if anything? what about hoarding? do they even do hoards? are they mcduck wealth hoarders? autistic obsessive niche hoarders, just really horny for shiny objects? Are they so innately proud/solitary/aggressive/narcissist/seven sin embodying or animal-ish in behaviors as to be utterly dysfunctional at doing anything related to existing in a society as we know it whether at the top or some lesser position. How much firepower and toughness and flight speed and magic? What're their ecological ranges? Can any dragon live in deserts and tundras and mountains and caves unlike settled humans? Are their body parts useful as resource like would dragonbone armors and tooth tipped spears outperform full-plate steel? Are there water dragons and ice dragons and acid and fire and earth variants and so on? Are there things that humans have about them in this universe that they don't do irl like wizards and and what can they do with that magic? Cultural develpoment could be etremly different with dragon religion and social customs existing principly to duck tape their mental quirks form tearing everything apart. Absolutly tiny alterations to humans completly spiral out how our societies have woked irl and so i suspect that dragon society would have to be completely revised from irl societies just off the fact that they live so fucking long and hatch babies in egg clutches and that the babies are not helpless as human babies.
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Do you have your autism under control this time, Dragonfag?
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this here.
That’s the spice.
Yeah, but can they take on an entire army PLUS another dragon that managed their resources better to make said army?

Logic like yours is how empires lose to tiny rebellions.
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But that's my point. Dragons don't need to be tyrannical dickheads who set their generals up against one another out of fear of an ambitious general poisoning them. Rather, dragons can afford to be efficient and meritocratic dictators precisely BECAUSE they only thing that actually poses a threat to a dragon is a more efficiently-ran outside threat.
>humans are more useful.
Cows are bigger, tougher, and stronger than dogs yet dogs live in the house while cows are fattened up and eaten
I can see why everyone loves them
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>The Animal who's best suited to being cattle is being used as cattle. Therefore humans, which are nohing like cows, will become cattle too.

You so fucking disingenuous. Stop sucking cock, retard. All that deepthroating is atrophying that Hamster sized shit you call a brain.

Hippos are even stronger and bigger than cows. Why the fuck are you not fattening them up and eating them?

Bugmen ate plenty of dogs in the past, and some parts still do it to this fucking day, imbecile. Do me a favour. Next time you going down on a schlong, fucking break your jaw.
Kobolds are stupid, small, weak, and often cowardly. The only advantage they offer over humans is they're almost always loyal to dragons.
Humans are bound to be at the top of the dragon slave hierarchy because they're useful, morally flexible, and live short enough lives that they're not as likely to amass a huge power base.
Elves are probably seen as too good, or evil depending on the type, and live long enough that they could become a serious threat to a dragon if they turn traitor.
Traditional games?
The hierarchy of everything non-dragon would depend on how tasty the dragon considered them to be.
It's never going to work, just forget it.
An important question would be what kind of dragon? Chromatic? Metallic? Gem?
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My homebrew world uses this premise. The dragons value Humans and Kobolds equally. Reason being than humans are the most innovative species and the best magic users, but Kobolds are far more fanatically devoted to the dragons, can take advantage of their small size, and have natural draconic traits like darkvision, armored scales, wings, etc.
Why would dragons give a shit about kobolds? Kobolds are small and weak retards who would suck a dragon's dick just to make it like them because, in their delusions, they believe they are related. Kobolds are more loyal, but they are fanatics, and this would make them bad advisors because they will lack critical thinking and will say "yes, absolutely master, everything you think is ok because you can do anything and no one can stop you".
Kobolds are low servants (tending the eggs, cleaning, helping in the kitchen but not cooking because their food is trash) and amusement.
Because dragons are by and large egotistical beasts and love a good ego stroking. You don't even need to threaten a kobold to do it, it'll just do it on instinct.
>Dragon dominated world was a stealth HuCow setting the whole time
My point is that once dragons achieve a certain level of industry, humans become redundant. Have you interacted with cows in real life? They're wonderful creatures, very intelligent, very social and loving. In the preindustrial era, cattle did a lot of important work, so much so that they were even considered sacred in some cultures. Nowadays, they are only valued for milk, meat, and leather.
That's like post-scarcity levels of industry though, nothing on the level of a fantasy society
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Plot twist, that's not hypothetical.
I see that dragonfag has not, in fact, has his autism under control bumpfagging this thread.
Why would a dragon that ruled an empire want to put up with kobolds anyways? He could just replace them with humans.

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