What's the best idea for an animal sidekick?
>>94744043Boo is portable, doesn't speak allowing for the player to do all his roleplaying, won't sway the tide of battle, can be used to occasionally pull the characters out of a tight spot through taking small objects that are plot relevant. He also comes complete with plot hooks from his species that you can quietly ignore if you want, because Cameron Tofer was drinking hand sanitiser when he wrote the character up.Giant miniature space hamsters are the perfect sidekick.
>>94744116spbpkeep it shrimple
>>94744178They're extremely grumpy tho
>>94744124Miniature giant space hamsters were canon before Minsc anyway.
>>94744650I mean, he didn't even get the name right. Giant miniature space hamsters are a completely different species.
>>94744043It depends on the game and how the sidekick is designed for the game, how effective is compared to the other options.
>>94744116This but with fat tits for maximum wife potential
>>94744043Didn't that bird live to be 40 or something?Those two made quite a few babies.>>94745866/thread
>>94748631>Didn't that bird live to be 40 or something?YepMuch longer than expected
>>94750650From the bird's perspective, she lived a long, happy life with her human husbando, had a dozen kids, and lived in a well fed in a nice habitat. And all she had to do was murder two of her kind standing between her and her love. Yandere good end for sure.
>>94744043There is no best idea. Just purposes.>Small, cute, sneaky and/or smartMiceSnakeCatAxotlSpiderWeasel>Recon, messenger and/or adviserHawkRavenOwlFox>Support Fighter, companion and/or WolfReptileCheetahEagleRaptor>Heavy combatBearDragonRhinoLionTigerT-Rex
>>94752979Why can’t you enjoy a silly thread ?
>>94753761i don't get it either, tg has always discussed generic topics related to tabletop, but a few years back zoomers suddenly decided that discussing things is only allowed if you're talking about a specific gameit's like there was a legion of shitposters on v and vg that constantly whined if you started talking about fps games versus tps games, discussed mouse and keyboard versus controller, wanted to talk about voice actors that have been in games, or whatever the fuck else that's obviously related to games even if it isn't about a specific game
>>94753761>>947543242018 showed us we aren't allowed to enjoy fun, silly things, newfag.
>>94754404i've been here since 2007 and i am still enjoying fun to this day
>>94754324/tg/ used to be able to have threads about made-up games and everyone would be in on the joke, but now OP needs to spell out how it's not a real game or else spergs will hammer the report button.
>>94754896the mods need to ban for report abuse more then
>>94745866Australian Magpie.Also smart and can fly, but it's far more deadly in combat
>>94744116Fippy bibby
Kot, so he can look at me like this when I invariably fuck up
>>94754896/tg/ also used to have threads where people played games, but we don't see that any more either.It kinda sucks that tabletop games are off-topic for the tabletop games board now, doesn't it? But that's fine for everyone else who wants to discuss settings, worldbuilding, history, literature, anime, and film.It should be called /tg/ - Everything But Games
>>94744178I love these things, they look like cavemen version of housecats.
>>94754324>it's like there was a legion of shitposters on v and vg that constantly whined if you started talking about fps games versus tps games, discussed mouse and keyboard versus controllerThose are all related to gaming thobeit. It'd be more like /v/ getting mad about "gamer snacks" threads, which GET A LOAD OF THIS but those threads are bannable for being offtopic blogfaggotry that has nothing to do with videogames, just like I LIEK RHINOS AND AXOLOTLS, TEHEE~~ has nothing the fuck to do with traditional games
>>94757622this feels like random bias, a generic discussion about things commonly found in tabletop games is tg related for the same reason a generic discussion about things commonly found in video games is v or vg relatedfor example, the things a group of people playing dnd eats while playing is not the same as a discussion about animal companions that are commonly featured across many different tg games, including but not at all limited to dnd, yet the shitposters crawl from under their rocks for them anyway
>>94757622>>94758324furthermore, if anything tg should be way more permissive about shit like this, not less, because it's way more common for tg to homebrew than for v to actually make a game or mod
>>94744217Not grumpier than any other wild animal, they seem extra grumpy to us because they look almost like housecats, but the latter spent several thousand years living next to humans, which caused them to develop human-like mannerisms that we like. Sweet looking kitty gets a bowl of milk, grumpy cat gets the boot.European wildcats also appear grumpy because of this.
>>94758324>this feels like random biasFat fucking irony right there.>the same reason a generic discussion about things commonly found in video games is v or vg relatedYou're comparing discussion of game mechanics - even generic ones - to discussion of vague faffery. Of this was a thread about whether 3d6 or d20 or whether roll over or roll under are better dice resolution mechanics, or if card based TRPGs are more fun than dice-based TRPGs, or hell even something like "wjere do you draw the line between TRPG, wargame, and board game" then maybe you'd have a point. But that's not what this thread is, it's just an incredibly unsubtle /an/ thread with zero grounding in traditional games.>the things a group of people playing dnd eats while playing is not the same as a discussion about animal companions that are commonly featured across many different tg gamesWhere did ANY mechanical TRPG discussion AT ALL in this thread? There was mone, because the OP is too vague to have any actual discussion on. The answer to OP is unironically "depends on the setting/system/set-up of the party" because of all the fucking variables.You'd know this if you played games instead of vagueposted about "le worldbuilding" and shit.>>94758332>if anything tg should be way more permissive about shit like thisWhy should /tg/ be permissive of nogames blogcucks?>it's way more common for tg to homebrewTranslated>you should tolerate my faggy offtopic ideasguy threads because someone MIGHT do all the legwork of spitshining this turd of a threadOr how about you just discuss traditional games instead? It's not fucking hard.
>>94758399>Of this was a thread about whether 3d6 or d20 or whether roll over or roll under are better dice resolution mechanicstg gets people screaming what system and no games in threads exactly like that>But that's not what this thread is, it's just an incredibly unsubtle /an/ thread with zero grounding in traditional games.bruh, animal companions are incredibly common in tabletop and if you're honestly making this argument you have to be either in an altered mental state or knowingly lying>Where did ANY mechanical why the fuck would it need to have any specific mechanics? traditional games aren't 100% mechanics, the entire rpg genre would be completely worthless in that case and all you'd be left with are old school card games and chess>Or how about you just discuss traditional games instead? It's not fucking hard.you're right, it's not, that's why this thread is doing it so easily
>>94758420>tg gets people screaming what system and no games in threads exactly like thatProve it.>animal companions are incredibly common in tabletopAnd the form, function, mechanics, rarity etc vary so wildly that "best" DEPENDS ON THE FUCKING SYSTEM/SETTING to the point it's impossible to have a real conversation about it. You know, as I'd already said. Read, you illiterate mongrel bastard son of a dockside whore and a disreputable donkey thief.>why the fuck would it need to have any specific mechanics?Why the fuck would a discussion about the best animal companion in ANY setting/system NOT include mechanics or party composition, you fucking retard? An old but sturdy mule is a far better animal companion than a war hound in a game of Ryuutama, whereas the opposite is true if we're playing Mordheim. And neither animal even exists if we're playing Edge of the Empire. This shit matters and your unwillingness to actually name (or play) a traditional game is why this thread fucking sucks and is offtopic.>that's why this thread is doing it so easilyProve it.
>>94758436>And the form, function, mechanics, rarity etc varyso what?>DEPENDS ON THE FUCKING SYSTEM/SETTING to the point it's impossible to have a real conversation about itit's impossible to have a system-specific conversation about it, but this isn't a system-specific thread, so what's the problem? you're upset that you can't derail the thread?>Why the fuck would a discussion about the best animal companion in ANY setting/system bruh, read the fucking op again, this time with your eyes open, where is it asking about system-specific information?
>>94744043other players
>>94758441>so what?Thanks for admitting you never wanted to actually discuss traditional games because you have no experience to draw from >it's impossible to have a system-specific conversation about itThanks for admitting to being retarded as well.>but this isn't a system-specific threadIt's specifically not a traditional games thread at all.>what's the problem? The problem is you seem to think you're on /an/ or /lit/ instead of /tg/>you're upset that you can't derail the thread?Ironic.>where is it asking about system-specific information?That was my entire point, retard. Maybe you should take your own advice and read the entire fucking clause first. Maybe it'll boost your reading comprehension up to "only a little inbred"
>>94758457bonus question: how old are you?>Thanks for admitting you never wanted to actually discuss traditional games because you have no experience to draw fromwhen it comes to rpgs i have plenty, i've played three separate editions of dnd and also pathfinder, two editions of exalted, a bunch of different titles spread across different editions of owod and nwod, a ton of homebrew, and a bunch of smaller/joke shit like paranoiamaybe your problem is that you're only thinking of a single system due to your own inexperience, and want everything to be about it?>It's specifically not a traditional games thread at all.why not? as has been pointed out to you multiple times, the fluff is an integral part of an rpg, so a fluff thread about things that are commonly and easily featured in rpgs is automatically tgwhat's your argument to the contrary?>The problem is you seem to think you're on /an/ or /lit/ instead of /tg/those boards aren't appropriate for traditonal games discussions>That was my entire point, retard.so you're glad that you're wrong?
>>94758470>how old are you?Very odd thing to ask after losing an argument, especially when you're the one typing like a discord addicted zoomer.>you're only thinking of a single system due to your own inexperienceCute that you try to pull a playground tier "I know you are but what am I?!" right after asking my age, but I've already named three systems where animal companions take on completely different form and function. Further proof you're reading comprehension is shit. Hell, you're even repeating my own points back to me (systems/settings are so broadly different that OP's question is functionally worthless) as if it's something you came up with and as if it somehow isn't a point in my favor.Are you genuinely learning disabled or something? Do I need to put more of my posts in allcaps for you to understand? >why not?Because the discussion isn't about traditional games, it's about how much you like turtles. It's no different than "what's the best vintage of wine to drink during party downtime?">those boards aren't appropriate for traditonal games discussionsAnd you've already stated you don't want to discuss traditional games.>so you're glad that you're wrong?Given you're inability to follow proper grammar or use words correctly, I'm starting to think you're ESL. Or maybe just cripplingly retarded.
>>94758515i like how you ignored the only actual question i gave you, but i'll ask you again to respond to it:>why not? as has been pointed out to you multiple times, the fluff is an integral part of an rpg, so a fluff thread about things that are commonly and easily featured in rpgs is automatically tg>what's your argument to the contrary?what's your answer to this?>Very odd thing to ask after losing an argument, especially when you're the one typing like a discord addicted zoomer.i'm 36, how about you? or at least, how long have you been on tg? i'm not going to make an argument based on age here, i'm just wondering what demographic you belong to, since you smell like such a tourist>I've already named three systems where animal companions take on completely different form and function. i didn't ask you to name systems where animal companions exist, i asked you what systems you playedor rather, i mirrored your own fallacious question back at you, to which you responded by being deeply offended, lmao>Because the discussion isn't about traditional games, it's about how much you like turtles.that's fluff that relates to common themes in rpgs and therefore how much you like turtles over other animals is tg related>It's no different than "what's the best vintage of wine to drink during party downtime?"wine isn't a common major feature of rpgs or any other traditional game as far as i know, so you're entirely wrong on this
>>94758544I covered it in the rest of my post but since you're too ESL/brainrotted to figure it out, I'll spell it out for you again:>as has been pointed out to you multiple times, the fluff is an integral part of an rpgI was the one who pointed this out to you, dipshit. God your reading comprehension is just trash. >so a fluff thread about things that are commonly and easily featured in rpgs I also pointed out that le heckin pupperinos or memelotls aren't commonly or easily featured in all RPGs and some other animals are exclusive to other settings. >is automatically tgRetard statement. "Elves are commonly featured in some but not all traditional games, therefor elf porn is automatically tg">or at least, how long have you been on tg?Since 2010. >since you smell like such a touristIronic. >i mirrored your own fallacious question back at youWith all the clarity of a cracked and dusty funhouse mirror. You really do have trouble with basic English, don't you?>to which you responded by being deeply offendedI'm just pointing out how many times you've failed to address a single point or even just comprehend English correctly. If you're reading offense from that then perhaps the issue is a little bit of projected random bias on your end.>that's fluff that relates to common themes in rpgsJust like wine during downtime relates to common themes in rpgs like rests, consuming rations, or dinking liquids imbued with unique properties. It's just as relevant as you blithering on about a news article about a horny crane that has nothing to do with TRPGs.Funny how you failed to prove any of your previous assertions too. Don't think I didn't catch you trying to squirm out of that shit.
>>94758593>I also pointed out that le heckin pupperinos or memelotls aren't commonly or easily featured in all RPGsreally? all of the ones i mentioned earlier feature them, can you name 5 distinct rpgs that don't?>"Elves are commonly featured in some but not all traditional games, therefor elf porn is automatically tg"remove the word porn and it's true, but that's just because porn is often extremely superficial, a lot of actual porn that features elves and also other tg elements would also be automatically tg related, just not postable on tg due to being nsfw>Since 2010.eh, at this point i probably need to stop thinking of you as a newfag, even if i still have the instinct to do so, it would help if you acted less like onedo you even remember old tg, considering how diametrically opposed you seem to be to it?>Ironic. 2007 on my end, anon>With all the clarity of a cracked and dusty funhouse mirror.does it need clarity? you made a shallow ad hominem "no gaems" argument at me, i made it back at you, do you really expect me to put more effort than half a sentence into it?>Just like wine during downtime relates to common themes in rpgs like restsno, that's at least one extra step, and even then it's not mentioned very oftenmeanwhile what animal is the best idea for an animal companion directly relates to the topic without any extra steps, and furthermore the topic of animals also deeply relates to other common rpg features, like hostile animals you fight as an adventurer, animal-themed races the furries insist on dumping into every setting, and more>Funny how you failed to prove any of your previous assertions too.my only assertion was that fluff is directly related to rpgs, which you have done two things about, first you sidestepped it by ignoring it, and after that you claimed that you made that point yourself in order to again ignore iti'm content in being proven right simply by how you refuse to engage with the point
>>94744043big fuckin' snek
>>94758620>can you name 5 distinct rpgs that don't?That don't feature axolotls? Practically all of them. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean dogs. In which case:Any Star Wars RPG (that's 5 right there but I'll keep going so you don't throw a tanty) Cosmere RPGFragged SpaceAny 40K RPG (closest you'll get is Cybermastiff rules in a WanG supplement)Ventangle (technically exist, but there's no rules for them unless you futz with either the Slave rules or the Mount weapon)Princess Wing (also exist but no rules for them, though I think a supplement offers robotic animal companions)Nechronica, unless it's specifically a zombie dogEmbryo Machine arguably, since it doesn't actually take place on earth iircI could keep going, but the point is saying "dogs are automatically /tg/ so any discussion of then automatically is /tg/ related" is fucking retarded>remove the word porn and it's trueWhich is why fantasy book/movie threads routinely get deleted, sure.>it would help if you acted less like oneIronic>you made a shallow ad hominem "no gaems" argument at me, i made it back at youAnd I pointed out how doing so means you're either unable or unwilling to read my posts, which in your infinite inability to comprehend english you mistook as offense. >that's at least one extra stepYou mean like having an animal companion at all?>my only assertion was that fluff is directly related to rpgsFluff is directly related to specific settings, sure. Unfortunately for you, I LIEK TURTLES isn't fluff.>first you sidestepped it by ignoring itThis is easily at least the third time you've done that to me, including ignoring my retort to your previous accusation of exactly this, you hypocritical slime.>that you claimed that you made that point yourselfYou still haven't actually read my posts, have you? Not sure why I'm bothering.>i'm content in being proven right simply by how you refuse to engage with the pointFat fucking irony.
>crocodile>giant frog>giant snail
SpigmbapsXpkolksSzgzysCroatiansAll from my homebrew, btw
>>94758726>giant ant>phase spider>displacer beast>rust monster
>>94758717>That don't feature axolotls? Practically all of them. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean dogs.no, i meant animal companions specifically and animals more generally>You mean like having an animal companion at all?no? that's zero steps since it's featured in more or less all rpgs as a mechanic, you're literally still in the rpg retard, you have taken no steps away from it>Fluff is directly related to specific settings, sure.and what's your argument for why it needs to be specific? animals are featured in almost all settings, and almost the same goes for animal companions, which clearly proves you wrong on this point
>>94758756dude, can you like, shut up?this conversation is inane and pointless
>>94758761don't be so entitled and myopic, it's clearly meaningful to the people having it
>>94745192who is this man and why does he have aids?did he get it from the monkey?
>>94758761It's more /tg/ related than the rest of the thread.After all, autistic rules lawyering occurs in traditional games, therefore all autistic rules lawyering discussions are automatically /tg/
>>94758790not quite, a discussion about rules lawyering in general is always tg related, a discussion about a specific case of rules lawyering can be tg related if it happened as part of a traditional game, and active rules lawyering as opposed to the discussion of rules lawyering is not tg related unless it's rules lawyering about rules that are for some other reason related to traditional games
>>94758784>skunk>slime or ooze>moose
>>94758756>i meant animal companions specifically and animals more generallyIn that case yeah, there's plenty of games without rules for animal companions. Especially if we take all traditional games into account and not just TRPGs as you're so fixated on.>since it's featured in more or less all rpgs as a mechanicIt's really, really not. Hell, I can even name a few like Tokyo Nova that allow you to buy animals but have zero mechanical function of doing so, making it a pointless moneysink purely for fluff.Furthermore, unlike animal companions all trpgs DO feature consumable goods, therefore discussing wine vintages is more /tg/ related than this thread by your very own metric.Good job sidestepping and ignoring half my post again despite JUST accusing me of doing the same though. Very cool.
>>94758807>ox>ram>donkey>billy goat
>>94758782That's co-emperor Caracalla as envisioned by director Ridley Scott.Aids (and syphilis) would be anachronistic, but he probably has every STD that did exist at the time
>>94758819>It's really, really not. Hell, I can even name a few like Tokyo Nova that allow you to buy animals but have zero mechanical function of doing so, making it a pointless moneysink purely for fluff.bro this thread is about the fluff, not the mechanics, so what you just did was give a perfect example of why this thread is on-topicyou fucking retard
>>94758824Lol, syphilis isn't a modern invention, its been around for thousands of years.
>>94758784>>94758807>>94758822>spamming>flooding >shitposting
>>94758839yeah, in American native population, it wasn't imported to Europe until 15th century
>>94758829>bro this thread is about the fluffHoly fuck can you not read? Did you not see the post I was replying to or do you just have zero object permanence? Here, lemme spoonfeed your genetically deficient ass:>since it's featured in more or less all rpgs as a mechanic>in more or less all rpgs as a mechanic>all rpgs as a mechanic>as a mechanic>a mechanic God I really hope you're some new retard jumping in and not the same retard I've been arguing with. It'd be awfully embarrassing to admit you're such a worthless faggot that you can't even maintain a coherent and consistent stance on anything.
>>94758876wow, you can read up? then read a couple posts further upwards, retard
>>94758801Nope. Some ganes might have some rules debated about, therefore all autistic hair-splitting is always automatically /tg/ related. Just like all elf porn is automatically /tg/ related.
>>94758885i'm not concerned with gangrenes, thanks for trying though
>>94758881Can you? I've always maintained that fluff AND crunch of traditional games vary too wildly to make a singular sweeping statement about which animal companion is "best", and how even the mere totle of "best" and how it pertains to traditional games can be whittled down to its philosophical nub. You really do suck at concept permanence, don't you?
>>94758897you clearly can't, since i remember and already addressed what you just posted
>>94758895Then you're on the wrong board. /tg/ is for traditional gangrenes.
>>94758903Nope, you scuttled past and ignored it like the slimy little hypocritical subcreature you are.
>>94758912i think that's closer to pol's core audience>>94758916you clearly saw that this thread is on-topic just earlier when you posted a perfect example game for it, so why are you still even discussing this?
>>94758921>you clearly saw that this thread is on-topic just earlier when you posted a perfect example game for itI've pointed out multiple times that the answer is "it depends heavily on the system/setting, making all setting-agnostic discussion off-topic shitposting since it will never once actually mwntion traditional games of any atripe or variety" and now you're apparently agreeing with that fact. As well you should, since of this whole thread the only time ANY traditional games have been mentioned it's either been by me or in response to me. Another fact you conveniently sidestepped and ignored, btw.
>>94758839syphilis is thought to have originated in the new world
>>94758947and i kept telling you that it doesn't depend on specifics because the thread isn't asking for specifics, but you just kind of ignore that, don't you
>>94758952And I keep telling you how you're completely wrong, with irrefutable citations to boot.
>>94758973no you don't, all you do is whine that "it depends on the setting", even though this thread isn't asking for setting-specific information, and even if it was it still wouldn't be off-topic because of that, it would just be a thread that's shit at its own purpose
>>94758824These two truly creeped me the fuck out.
>>94758985>all you do is whine that "it depends on the setting"Further proof you haven't even read my posts and instead just sidestep and ignore everything you can't make a vague, generalized retort on. Hell, I've even proven half your vague, generalized retorts wrong and you conveniently ignore THAT too.I swear, it's like arguing with a child. I really hope for your sake you were lying about your age, anon.
>>94759000you haven't proven a single thing other than that you randomly consider fluff threads off-topic even when they're about extremely common rpg elements, to the point where you continue coming back to mechanics over and over even when mechanics are entirely irrelevant to this thread or to whether a topic is tg-related or notand if you feel like you're talking to a child it's probably because i'm talking to you like you are a child, once we go through about two or three cycles of repeating the same conversation while still getting to the same conclusion it's better to reduce effort
>>94759022>you haven't proven a single thingFurther proof you can't read for shit.>extremely common rpg elementsThe fact that you have to abstract it out this broadly only proves me right. It's as "fluff relevant" as a debate on the best wine. Yes I'm bringing wine up again because you always fail to refute it and instead try to change the subject.>if you feel like you're talking to a child it's probably because i'm talking to you like you are a childThis is like the fifth time you've resorted to "I know you are but what am I?!", which doesn't exactly paint your claims to maturity in a great light.
>>94759043>The fact that you have to abstract it out this broadly only proves me right.no it doesn't, you can't randomly ignore a fact because you think it's abstract, there's nothing against abstractness on either the global or tg-specific rules
>>94758818>died aloneHeh, typical incel.
>>94759054>you can't randomly ignore a factIronic.>because you think it's abstractI'm not ignoring shit, I'm pointing out this is an offtopic /an/ thread because the point is to discuss animals amd NOT to discuss animals in regards to how they pertain to traditional games eother generally or specifically. To which your response has been some variation of "discussing real world news about animals is /tg/ related because traditional games sometimes feature animals and occasionally even have mechanics related to them", which is a beyond-inane justification on par with the original GAYMER SNAX comparison. Which just tells me you don't actually WANT to discuss traditional games, you just want to blogpost about animals you think are neat.
>>94759064well clearly you have autism, because the point of the thread is to discuss animal companions in regards to how they pertain to traditional games, maybe the "animal companions" part of the common phrase should have clued you in, retardthis is like you whined that a sword thread is unrelated to tg because nobody pointed out it's a sword meant for adventuring, all the while it actually was spelled out that it's for adventuring in the opthis is like at least three different layers of retardation right here in the first half of the first sentence you just posted, for fuck's sake anon
>>94758399>to discussion of vague faffery.That used to be the core of /tg/, and it was better for it.
>>94759085it still is
>>94759114i can agree with thathell we even celebrated it, the most retarded threads would always get good content in them if you scrolled down
>>94759085It sounds like you don't actually enjoy discussing traditional games. So why are you on the traditional games board?
>>94759081>well clearly you have autismYou're really just throwing whatever you can against the wall to see what sticks, aren't you?>this is like you whined that a sword thread is unrelated to tg because nobody pointed out it's a sword meant for adventuring, all the while it actually was spelled out that it's for adventuring in the opIf you asked "what sword is best" woth zero context, I'd certainly have to say "depends on a whole host of factors that are determined by the system/setting", yes. Hell, just determining whether you mean for trpgs, wargames, or board games is already a level of traditional games discussion you and this thread's OP are adamantly refusing to do because apparently it offends you or is "too autistic".>this is like at least three different layers of retardation right hereIronic.
>>94759125I genuinely believe that when Bill Murray failed to beat the dread Lichnomancer at b-ball was the day /tg/ started going downhill. He was battling for the soul of /tg/, and lost, and we've all been in the skeletal grip of the Lichnomancer ever since.
>>94744043>After killing the two males she was paired with LMAOLiteral human chaser
>>94754411>>94754896>>94754404The threads always had retards you just ignored them and didn't take the bait.
>>94759578I am very worried that the posts in /tg/ are human and not AI.
If you forbid talking about a subject, that topic is going to creep its way into other conversations.
>>94759056Grape-kun had a mate and a chick, but when the zoo took the chick away, their relationship deteriorated and Grape-kun was ultimately rejected by his group. He was very old at this point, and was a lonely outcast that likely formed a bond with the cutout because the other penguins avoided him.
>>94759600Is that why you are breaking down over people trying to actually discuss traditional games?
>>94758818>>94759655Animal version of pic.
Why is this thread triggering people
>>94744043Final fantasy figured this out a while ago. Giant bird companion that doubles as a mount and a companion that can kick the shit out of any goblin that threatens you. There’s also the option to add equitable metal talons
>>94752979Only good post in this entire thread.
>>94759578I didn't used to get three-day bans for making threads about joke games.
>>94760982>Why is this thread triggering peopleA lot of anons consider themselves to be "/tg/ users" rather than "people who play tabletop games", and feel that they need to curate the board to keep it in line with their sensibilities as /tg/ users.
>>94760982Autism is a serious affliction.
>>94764916>t. bumpfag
>>94765443I love this artist. He's completely degenerate and insane, but he does cool shit.
>>94750916>Yandere goodNow I know what I'll name the image.
Why are birds such kino animals
>>94766651birds are basically Dinosaurs 2.0
>>94766651Certainly more kino than bumpfags
>>94766939Don't reply to me, goon.
>>94744043Boa Constrictor>able to be smuggled under clothing>threaten bad guys who don't know about reptiles by brandishing your 'deadly venomous viper'>chill boa constrictor is friendly with new people>you look cool wearing boa constrictor as scarf>if bad guys catch you>and put you in a cage>your boa constrictor can slither>between the bars>and bring the keys back to you>you just gotta>wait for it to shit>in your cage>and dig through snake shitWasn't there a TV show back in the 80's about a detective and his pet boa constrictor?
>>94758717Cyber-Mastiffs were in the DH1e Arbites splatbook.